Thursday, May 16, 2019

Give me your most educated and wealthiest of the masses yearning to be free.

  • Image result for statue of liberty
I don't have much to say tonight, although I would like your feedback on this new trump immigration proposal.

Your president has laid out his "merit based immigration plan", and yes, it's as bad as it sounds.

"Under the new plan, 57% of green cards would be awarded on merit as opposed to the current 12%. Immigrants would be expected to be financially self-sufficient, learn English and pass a civics exam. The diversity visa lottery, which offers green cards to citizens of countries with historically low rates of immigration to the US, would be terminated.

“If adopted, our plan will transform America’s immigration system into the pride of our nation and the envy of the modern world,” 

This is rich coming from a man who hires undocumented workers, and who could not meet the standard he set for others himself.

Let's see now, he can't speak English, we know that he would flunk the civics exam, and he damn sure isn't  "financially self-sufficient". --How could he be when he lost over a billion dollars?--  And he was still trying to borrow millions of dollars since being elected president. Heck two of his three wives couldn't meet the standard he set for other immigrants who want to come to this country. I am quite sure that Mr. trump's current in- laws would not have been granted green card status under this plan. I guess they got in just in time.     

On its face this doesn't even look like a serious proposal around policy. Sadly, it looks just like another one of his cheap political stunts to fire up his base.



  1. Sure, it's cruel and impractical and hypocritical; and sure, he'd fail those tests; so sure, it's false from top to bottom; but that _guarantees_ that he will run with it. It's Trumpian _because_ it is false.

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    This obviously comes straight from the desk of Trump’s unofficial secretary of racism, Stephen Miller.

    It’s total bullshit — a huge part of our legal immigration now is based around immigrants meeting criteria for providing skilled labor, and demanding we make it 100% by eliminating things like family reunification would cause lots of hardship while providing no meaningful benefit.

    Such a bill would also be dead on arrival in the House, so this is yet more stupid Trumpian grandstanding for his bigoted fan club, who have deranged beliefs that America is “importing” huge hordes of brown-skinned bums and losers.

    This will become law right around the time the glorious Wall gets built: on the 5th of Never.

  3. Clown Country9:32 PM

    Heaven forbid we should structure our immigration system to bring in people who will actually contribute to our society rather than hordes of people whose progeny will be a burden in perpetuity.

    It's not who we are.

  4. Lucius Sulla9:39 PM

    "Such a bill would also be dead on arrival in the House"

    To the network of well connect and endlessly wealthy and powerful plutocrats, there are no borders. There are no nations. The world is their plaything. They hope to form a global governance which they hope to control, EU-style in perpetuity. So, no, no change will occur.

  5. We have the 2018 election to thank for the fact that this will never be anything but a campaign ad to rile up the bigots and imbeciles who have never met an immigrant but are as certain as they can be that they are all bad.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. You seem surprised.

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    All the people constantly bitching about "muh Nazis" should learn history. Communists murdered 100 million people last century and they operate today with impunity in plain sight.

  8. Heaven forbid we should structure our immigration system to bring in people who will actually contribute to our society rather than hordes of people whose progeny will be a burden in perpetuity.

    Now, shit fer brains, explain exactly what or how you stoopid fucking white domestic terrorists contribute to our society besides hate and fear.

    Drumpf couldn't have golf courses if he wasn't able to petition cheap foreign workers so he doesn't have to pay Americans a decent wage.

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    "mike from iowa" would rather bring immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do.  (Well, white Americans.)

    The latest job to be farmed out to a Kenyan is... serial killer.  Billy Chemirmir stands indicted in 12 murders, with more possible.

    America had to bring in a Jamaican (Colin Ferguson) to shoot up the Long Island Railroad, and now a Kenyan to murder old women in Texas.  What's the next job that Americans won't do?  Will we soon get a visa category for carjackers?  How about bank robbers?


    Here is a wingnut that begs to be deported to any Aryan nation that would take him.

  11. Anonymous said...
    "mike from iowa" would rather bring immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. (Well, white Americans.)

    I said nothing of the kind, shit fer brains. I said Drumpf will not hire Americans when he can petition his own government to bring him cheap foreign labor and not have to pay American First higher wages.

  12. Remember this, sfb?

    Drumpf lied and said he couldn't find any Americans willing to work for him, when in reality he rejected them for cheaper immigrant laborers.

    Your messiah is a fucking lying scumbag, scum of the earth and you own him.

  13. Anonymous11:04 AM


    Here is a wingnut that begs to be deported to any Aryan nation that would take him.”

    Too bad there are no nations that would take him. Steve King would be rejected under any immigration system based on “merit.”

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Steve King would be rejected under any immigration system based on “merit.”

    AOC... Hank Johnson... Maxine Waters LOL!


    Divided 4th circuit agrees with 9th circuit that Drumpf is a lawbreaker.

  16. How highly skilled does one need to be to shag golf balls for Drumpfuck the dumbfuck? Even Drumpfuck the dumbfuck admits his plan is more political statement than immigration policy.

    And now he can't stop bellering spied upon since flunky AG Barr put that word in his head. Like all other wingnut investigations, this newest one is designed to hurt Dems chances in the next election and not at all about lawbreaking that did not occur.
    And, of course, stoopid fucking wingnuts will fall for every lie Drumpf ejaculates in front of them. Why? Because stoopid fucking wingnuts are stoopid fucking mow rawns that can't figure anything out on their own. They need to be spoon fed propaganda over and over so they remember what to spout out of their pieholes.

  17. Anonymous2:32 PM

    AOC... Hank Johnson... Maxine Waters LOL!
    Louis Gohmert would be shipped to Antarctica.

  18. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Beyond stupid. Is there a plan in writing, and who was on this 'brainstorming board'? trump could come up with a plan for these 50 states, that are falling apart. No 'tweets about the flooding, of I forgot, no global warming. America isn't looking so great off, or on the trump golf course.

  19. "Louis Gohmert would be shipped to Antarctica."

    I think there is a treaty specifying non-pollution that would prevent shipping him there.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:49 PM

    Two black Arkansas students make school history graduating as valedictorian, salutatorian


    Whitey killed threem people even though he was reported to be walking around with an AR, 9-11 dispatcher lectured then caller that Colorado is an open carry state and cops waited 7 minutes after arriving before they shot the shooter.

    Remind me how long it took police to pull up and murder Tamir Rice in an open carry Ohio?

  22. Obama told Fergus not to hire Flynn and he did it anyway. Remember that as the Flynn case blows up in Fergus' face.
    As always, we told you not to do the crazy shit you love so much and you didn't listen.
    Now you own it and will live with the consequences.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Published on May 17, 2019
    During an interview on Fox News, Attorney General William Barr discusses the origins of the Mueller investigation and says that we should be worried about whether government officials abused their power. #CNN #News

    The whole Drumpfyuck/Putin casbasl of criminals abused their powers so get to investigating them and protect the constitution as yer job oath and description told you, pinko commie, Barr

  24. Wingnut self help gomer likes to grab them by the pussy and talk dirty to them.


    HRC had emails. And she did not collude with the colluders in Drumpfuck's colluding campaign.

  26. Howz this for compassionate conservatism?

  27. Anonymous6:16 PM

    “Whitey killed threem people even though he was reported to be walking around with an AR, 9-11 dispatcher lectured then caller that Colorado is an open carry state and cops waited 7 minutes after arriving before they shot the shooter.”

    Exactly why open carry is such an incredibly stupid idea. It makes dangerous maniacs hard to distinguish from law-abiding citizens.

    “Murderer on a rampage” ends up looking exactly like “libertarian douche trying to impress his equally douchey friends with his shiny new assault rifle.”

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:56 AM

    Mike from Iowa said...

    The whole Drumpfyuck/Putin casbasl of criminals abused their powers so get to investigating them and protect the constitution as yer job oath and description told you, pinko commie, Barr
    Barr sold himself and his soul to the orange monster, so there's no use to urge him to do the right thing. We all know that he's much too far gone to do anything for the country.

  29. Wingnut idea of perfect sense, in Ohio you can't harvest people's organs without their consent, but you can force an 11 year old rape victim to give birth to her rapist's baby.

    Dead people have moar rights than womenin wingnut la la land.

  30. Ladies, stay the fuck out of Alabama.

  31. Stoopid fucking wingnuts need to be educated. They have all fallen for all the lies and bullshit Drumpf hand feeds them. They think he is brilliant, honest, moral, ethical and a friend who is going to fix everything for them.

    In reality he uses them for the suckers they have become. They howl and whine on cue. What a bunch of mow rawns.

  32. Here is Putin's petty, ignorant, vindictive, 2 year old orange brat, illegally appointed bogus potus being petty and vindictive-

    Florida officials are freaking out about an administration plan to literally dump about a hundred immigrants a week in two heavily Democratic Florida counties. State Republicans are pissed at what Trump has called his "sick idea." At a presser, the Palm Beach County Sheriff said ICE officials used the term "family units" to describe all the people they intended to shove onto a street corner without food or shelter.

    Rule of law means nothing to stoopid fucking crooked wingnuts, unless they can use it against Dems.

  33. Dear stoopid fucking wingnuts, I should not give you so much grief for being stoopid fucking clewless wingnuts, but, are you aware the bogus potus attempts to buy farmer's votes with another 15 billion dollars worth of taxpayer's monies is as SOCIALIST a program as you can get.

    That is why you deserve all the derision I can heap on you ass clowns.

    Drumpf accuses Toyota of undermining US security. Toyota thinks maybe Drumpf hasn't thought about the 700k US jobs, the tens of billions of bucks in investments in at least 10 auto making plants in the country that he is frittering away with his stoopid fucking comments.

  34. None too smart Drumpf wants his meeting with Irish officials to take place at his Irish golf course so he can profit from it, in violation of the constitution's emolument clause, again.

  35. Moar wingnutfuckery and aid and comfort for Putin-

  36. Drumpf the Unethical.

    As Potus, Obama was so aware of conflicts of interest, he did not refinance his own mortgage at a lower rate because wingnuts would have roasted his children over an open fire.

    Drumpf, otoh, borrowed millions from a small Florida bank, whose President somehow or another managed to be appointed to Atlanta Fed Reserve seat, to buy an overpriced mansion from Drumpf's disgraced federal judge sister (she resigned so ethics investigations into her part of cheating money out of her Dad would be dropped) for Drumpf's sons. Thye stench of this crime syndicate is bearable only to stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  37. Know why politicians make ideal dog owners?
    Because they're so well-honed at knowing how to "throw us a bone"

  38. I don't want THAT bone...

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Anonymous3:30 PM

    For anyone that knows the true history of these "Un-united States," the folks that came over her on those boats from England were not their "finest." They were criminals, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, sexual deviants, syphillitic, gonnorheaic, bubonic plagued, reman measles and more.

    To all the know the book
    "White Trash The 400 Year Untold History of Race and Class In America" by Nancy Isenberg

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    For anyone that knows the true history of these "Un-united States," the folks that came over her on those boats from England were not their "finest." They were criminals, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, sexual deviants, syphillitic, gonnorheaic, bubonic plagued, reman measles and more.

    To all the know the book
    "White Trash The 400 Year Untold History of Race and Class In America" by Nancy Isenberg

    3:30 PM
    You got that right, my friend. Anyone with a little bit of History knowledge knows that England sent her worst people to the colonies. It was common practice to offer criminals the choice of hanging or deportation to the "New World." I think we can imagine which one they chose.

  41. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Were any of the PoTUs wives rich or wealthy when he dusted them off and bought them to America?

    Also, now the white men (who we all know have such an inferiority complex that they can't live without enslaving something) have voted against abortion in 2 states.
    Just another way to keep control over white women.
    I guess the "ME TO" movement was more than white men could handle.

    Hey white girls...this is what happens when your white men scare and bully you into voting against your own best interest.

    P.S. Isn't it funny how all of these guys who are voting against abortion (even in cases of incest or rape) are the first ones to pay their Mistress Whores lots of money to abort the babies they make from their EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS.

    "Don't blame white men for overturning ROE VS WADE... Blame white women."


  42. Anonymous4:07 PM

    White boys can't compete with the Asians for the technology and science jobs so they pretty much just shut up and put up with them...after all, THE WHITE BOYS probably think that since whitey still owns the corporations that all the Asians work in, that "WHITEY" IS STILL "IN CHARGE".

    But the hispanics are scaring the living hell out of the good ole boys. Which doesn't make sense because Spanish folks are doing the jobs that white boys never wanted to do.
    They enslaved Africans and forced them to do it for them for FREE!!!!

    And 95% of the white guys complaining about illegal hispanics have them working in their dry cleaners, construction jobs, gardening, landscaping, babysitting, housekeeping, car washes...and the list goes on.


  43. Anonymous5:04 PM

    ...3:30 PM. You left some things out.

    The Europeans also bought polio, rubella, German measles, and herpes from sleeping with animals and kissing dogs and cats in their filthy mouthes.

    I never understood how ANY HUMAN that watches a dog or a cat lick everything on the ground and in the dirt, walk through their own shit and piss in a litter box getting feces and urine under their nails would allow a dog or a cat that picks up all kinds of microscopic bacteria, fungus, and microscopic worms and parasites in their saliva and their tongues would allow any animal to lick them all in their faces and on their mouthes and tongues... YUK

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:27 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "Don't blame white men for overturning ROE VS WADE... Blame white women."
    Hold on a minute, Kid. When you say "white women" you imply all white women. I have a problem with that. If you know anything about the women's movement, you know that at least a million white women have been active in the pro choice movement along with our black and brown sisters.

    As a Democrat and as a volunteer, I have always worked for and voted for candidates that supported women's rights including the right to a safe, legal abortion. The last time I voted for any Republican was in 1964 when I voted for my senator who was instrumental in passing the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    And I don't think you are being fair, letting white men off the hook. After all, the legislators voting to take away women's rights are mostly white men.

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:57 PM

    GOP Lawmaker Unloads on Trump and Barr from www.political

    On the first page, folks, also on Talking Points Memo as lead story.


    Impeach his orange candy ass.

  47. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Apparently, for his next atrocity, Trump is planning on pardoning a bunch of American war criminals. Hey, they only murdered brown Muslim people, so I guess we’re not supposed to give a shit about that?

    One of the pardons has already gone through, for murderer Michael Behenna, who took an Iraqi prisoner out in the desert and extrajudicially shot him.

    In related news, Trump also recently pardoned convicted fraudster Conrad Black, because Black once wrote a book saying nice things about Trump the “brilliant” businessman.

    Perfectly normal way to operate as president. Not corrupt or fascistic or a sign of the spiraling moral decline of America. Nothing to see here.

    New York Times: Trump requests paperwork to pardon accused US war criminals

  48. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Black and brown will fuck up your town. No immigration, deportation of the Negro.

  49. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Here's a modest proposal for immigration reform:

    Deport all these morbidly obese, meth-addicted, support-the-troops-chanting Cracker Americans back to whatever European or Anglo shithole country their ancestors crawled out of.

    Get back on the Mayflower, and start paddling your White land-stealing asses back to Mother(fucking) England.

    Crackerville, America--RIP.


    Congress knew in 2016 Drumpf's finances needed to be investigated and of course wingnuts weren't interested in looking.

    Drumpf claims to0 be pro-life except for cases of rape, incest, civilian drone strikes and people who are invesitgating him and closing in on his crooked ass.


    Fuckface opposes abortion rights for rape victims solely because he can. Another upstanding wingnut cunt of virtue.

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:47 PM

    Mike, don't ya know, Tom and all his ilk are standing up for forced pregnancies, 'cause whites are falling behind in population growth and women aren't real humans anyway?

  53. Gambler, I floated an idea on another website wingnuts could offer US citizenship to immigrant women if they agree to each have one whit3e child per year for 20 years running.

    Wingnuts would, of course, use underage immigrant girls as brood sows, too, to increase their white population. The babbies would immediately be handed over to the tender mercies of phony kristians to indoctrinate them while the mothers get a month or two of rest before the next period of gestation.

    This program would be so successful wingnuts would send out the military to kidnap and force even more brood sows to come to whitey world.

  54. Stoopid fucking wingnuts, for your reading pleasure, here is the definitive record of Drumpfuck's racism and bigotry straight from government records. Read and enjoy.

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:58 PM

    Mike from Iowa said...

    "Gambler, I floated an idea on another website wingnuts could offer US citizenship to immigrant women if they agree to each have one whit3e child per year for 20 years running."
    Well, I'm sure you know the Nazis ran a variant of your suggestion in Germany, and it didn't go so well.

  56. Tarzan, Lord Of the Apes7:43 AM

    Heh. You Dems see it coming. An ass waxing. Another six years of Trump, and maybe Pence after that. The SCOTUS should be well Right by then.

    You're toast. Bring on your Kamala, Biden, Beto. What a joke.

  57. Tarsands, go buy some drapes or something. Make sure they have a 25% tariff so America gets rich, at least according to that brain dead orange POS in the kremlin annex.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:10 AM

    Tarzan, Lord Of the Apes said...

    Heh. You Dems see it coming. An ass waxing. Another six years of Trump, and maybe Pence after that. The SCOTUS should be well Right by then.

    You're toast. Bring on your Kamala, Biden, Beto. What a joke.

    7:43 AM
    OK, but so far your Donald isn't doing so well. The latest polls show Biden, Sanders, and Warren winning over Trump and Kamala Harris, a relatively unknown,is tying with him. I know, you're going to say the polls are fake, but us normal people don't think so.

    In addition, it looks as if Trump will be impeached before the 2020 election. Whether or not the senate convicts him, Trump is toast.

  59. Drumpfuck weill sign a consent decree, of the kind he has made illegal, so he can resign and not have to admit any guilt. Wingnuts will bend over forwards to let Drumpf fuck them in the ass on his way out of Putin's House.

  60. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Biden will be the Democratic nominee, after Cameltoe Harris's sex tapes wind up all over LiveLeak, YouTube and BitChute.  Immediately after the nomination, memes of Biden creeping on underage girls will go all over social media and e-mail.  After the deadlines for candidacy have passed in all states, Biden will be arrested on warrants for pedophilia and the Democratic party will be without a candidate.  Bernie Sanders will try to run a write-in campaign but will get zero electoral votes.

    Trumpslide 2020!


    Beat him for Drumpf, cops. Can't wait for whitey wastey to scream he was reasisiting arreast.

  62. This sure'nuff should get Drumpf life in

    Drumpf will accuse Obama of putting tariffs on aluminum and steel and stoopid fucking wingnuts will go to their graves believing that.

  63. Moar drumpf lies- here he said Deutsch bank was very good to him, and later says he had so much cash he didn't need banks.

    “Now the new big story is that Trump made a lot of money and buys everything for cash, he doesn’t need banks,” Trump said. “But where did he get all of that cash? Could it be Russia? No, I built a great business and don’t need banks, but if I did they would be there…and DeutscheBank was very good and highly professional to deal with – and if for any reason I didn’t like them, I would have gone elsewhere….there was always plenty of money around and banks to choose from. They would be very happy to take my money. Fake News!”

    Need a new number to show all the lies of Drumpf. What comes after infinite trillions?


  65. Interesting article, PilotX. Thanks.

  66. Another immigrant kid dies in BC custody, making it 5 dead since December.


  68. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "Mike, don't ya know, Tom and all his ilk are standing up for forced pregnancies, 'cause whites are falling behind in population growth and women aren't real humans anyway?"

    It doesn't seem likely that the latest anti-abortion laws are a white supremacist strategy. These are counterproductive from their point of view. Forcing poorer women to have unwanted babies will increase births of non-whites more than whites, because the poor are disproportionately people of color. It would make more sense for white supremacists to want to increase access to contraception and abortion. In fact, if they had their way, everyone but whites would be forcibly sterilized.

    No, this isn't coming from the racist wing of the GOP. It's coming from the sexist, homophobic, Christian theocracy wing of the party. The Republican coalition is a grab bag of people who believe in extremely dumb, antiquated ideas, which in many ways are in conflict with each other. Racism is only one of those dumb ideas.

  69. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "Biden will be the Democratic nominee, after Cameltoe Harris's sex tapes wind up all over LiveLeak, YouTube and BitChute. Immediately after the nomination, memes of Biden creeping on underage girls will go all over social media and e-mail. After the deadlines for candidacy have passed in all states, Biden will be arrested on warrants for pedophilia and the Democratic party will be without a candidate. Bernie Sanders will try to run a write-in campaign but will get zero electoral votes."

    Hahaha, hope you kept the receipt for your crystal ball -- it's broken.

    The attacks on Biden for "excessive hugging" are #MeToo gone mad. This will be completely forgotten in a few months.

    And how much of an idiot do you have to believe there is a Kamala Harris porno out there? (Honestly, if there were such a thing and the public watched it, her polling numbers might go up. She's pretty hot, and we live in a country in which the Kartrashians are collectively worth billions.) Most Democrats are only joking about the existence of a Trump pee-pee tape, but I'd still bet that's still more likely to surface than one of Kamala Harris doing the horizontal mambo.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "No, this isn't coming from the racist wing of the GOP. It's coming from the sexist, homophobic, Christian theocracy wing of the party. The Republican coalition is a grab bag of people who believe in extremely dumb, antiquated ideas, which in many ways are in conflict with each other. Racism is only one of those dumb ideas."

    4:27 PM
    Interesting post. Thanks.

    Here's another prospective:

  71. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "Here's another prospective:"

    Yeah, I don't really agree with that either. Hedges is just wrong here.

    Chris Hedges is a lefty who wants to narrow income inequality (as do I, for what it's worth) and he is unfortunately letting this bias color his opinions on many issues -- economically redistributive policies will cure all ills!

    But the evidence doesn't support his argument where birth rates are concerned. Poverty isn't causing a "birth strike." Intuitively, one might think that having more money would free people up to have more kids, but just the opposite seems to happen in reality. European countries that have more generous social welfare and parental leave policies than we do tend to have lower birth rates than we do.

    Spain recently passed laws guaranteeing men the right to paternity leave. This was intended to help more women get into the workforce, but also, it was believed that sharing the burden of childcare would make fertility numbers go up. Yet they did not. The childbirth rate, in fact, went down.

    Men who receive paid paternity leave want fewer children, study finds

    The truth of the matter is that affluence often seems to make people choose to have fewer kids, even if they can actually afford to raise more of them.

    Anyway, the "corporate wing" of the Republicans do not insist on maintaining an adequately sized labor force through childbirth. Instead, they are happy to encourage immigration to solve this problem. It's the racist, Trumpist wing of the party that hate this, because most immigrants today aren't gonna be white.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:28 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "Anyway, the "corporate wing" of the Republicans do not insist on maintaining an adequately sized labor force through childbirth. Instead, they are happy to encourage immigration to solve this problem. It's the racist, Trumpist wing of the party that hate this, because most immigrants today aren't gonna be white."

    5:43 PM
    I tend to agree with you here. If all the immigrants were coming from Norway, I think that Trump's followers would be happy and would support them. But the racists Trumpies are terrified by the changing demographics in the country and feel compelled to oppose all incoming people who are not white.

  73. @ Anonymous said...I never claimed wingnuts were smart or ever made sense.

  74. Drumpf gets blown again....

    Federal judge orders Drumpf's accounting firm to turn over to congress Drumpf's finances.

  75. Black woman in North Carolina was playing Malcolm X speeches too loud. Neighbor complained and 9 cops raided her house.

    They call that a bit of overkill. Luckily she is alive.

  76. I'm a ditzy fucking blonde billionaire. I use private email at work and don't keep them as the government ordered us to. But, HRC had emails.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:43 PM

    Mike from iowa said...

    "I'm a ditzy fucking blonde billionaire. I use private email at work and don't keep them as the government ordered us to. But, HRC had emails."
    Mike, don't cha know when Trumpies do it's OK? But if Hillary does it, it's "lock 'er up" Different rules for different folks. That's Trump's America. Not really that great, is it?
