Saturday, May 04, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for trump leaning forward

I need a caption for this pic.


  1. "I have enough money for clothes that fit but I won't let a tailor measure me because they might leak my real measurements."

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Gee, never seen two dicks talk at once.

  3. Kentucky derby was a mirror finish of the 2016 electoral debacle where the orange colored second place holder was awarded the top prize.

  4. Trump's Tax returns9:50 AM

    Precedent Plump's handlers stand ready to keep him from tipping over

  5. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Don't ask me about the deficit; I'm busy spending the tax payers money and making this another '$hit hole country'. Plan of the day: Going golfing after a stop at KFC.

  6. I'll distract em while you start the helicopter, we gotta get out of here! The SDNY is closing in!

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Donald Trump impersonates a penguin for his adoring fans in the press.

  8. Only His Counterweight Engineers Know For Sure™

  9. "Trump's tax returns" and Richard with the early lead.😊

  10. Anonymous4:18 PM

    "20 bucks I win in 2020"

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:41 PM

    Caption: I'm not pregnant, I just look like I am.

  12. The kids are alt-right5:00 PM

    For anyone who missed this cheery news yesterday:

    Trump Unleashes Tweetstorm Defending White Nationalists Booted From Facebook

  13. Anonymous5:31 PM

    LOL, speaking of crazy Trump tweets, the ass clown in the Oval Office also weighed in on the outcome of the Kentucky Derby.

    Now, lots of people weren't too happy about the disqualification by instant replay of the race's winner over some obscure horse-racing rule. But most people did not find a way to blame this on ... political correctness. But of course this makes perfect sense to Trump because, for him, literally everything bad in the world is somehow the fault of political correctness.

    The Big Wet President Blames Kentucky Derby Result On PC Police

  14. So we passed a law that requires public disclosure of some previously sealed police records, and it turns out that a different BART cop was responsible for the events that led to Oscar Grant's murder, and was fired for lying about it.
    Without cellphone video, they would have gotten clean away with the murder, and without the new law, we would have thought it was all Mehserle's fault, when in fact, he didn't start or escalate the situation, he just murdered the unarmed Oscar Grant, who was face down on the platform of Fruitvale station.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Remember that time a rodeo clown wore an Obama was horrible. The country never recovered from the scandal.

  16. "Remember that time a rodeo clown wore an Obama was horrible. The country never recovered from the scandal."


  17. Anonymous8:45 PM

  18. Anonymous9:54 PM


    This presidential administration may finally have at least one lasting accomplishment to its name: the creation of a new Cinco de Mayo tradition of whacking Trump piñatas.

    However, I’m kind of afraid of what will fall out when a Trump piñata bursts, because the real-life Trump is full of shit, not candy.

  19. Anonymous1:40 AM

    White people pay for everything:

  20. The Trump administration has another lasting accomplishment: he gave us all permission to use the word 'pussy'. He said that word to a live mike before he was elected; his getting elected gave us permission to use it; that was very best accomplishment of the Trump administration, and it's been downhill ever since. Meow!

  21. Obama could take a joke. Drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts Are the joke.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:44 AM

    Anonymous said...

    White people pay for everything:

    1:40 AM
    I would like some clarification regarding the reliability and validity of the site you posted above. After researching the site, it sees to be a place where people can post whatever they want without any verification. Please correct me if I am wrong. And also please post a reliable source for your claim.

  23. Anonymous10:47 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Obama could take a joke."

    He never had to. Every lat night show, SNL, and comedian treated him with kid gloves.

  24. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The FBI’s Trump-Russia Investigation Was Formally Opened on False Pretenses

  25. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Mueller Report based on cherry picked information:

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:54 AM

    Anonymous said...

    White people pay for everything:

    1:40 AM
    Never mind, Anonymous, don't bother. After more research, I have found that Alternative Hypothesis is just another racist, propaganda enterprise. Please go away and post your garbage where is belongs.

  27. Just a few of the jokes Obama has withstood without once ever whining or claiming to be a victim of vicious fake media.

    Obama has class, something Drumpfuck seriously lacks. Obama was a statesman Potus and suave and debonaire compared to any wingnut Potus ever.

  28. A shining example of right wing stoopidity-

    If you want fake news verified, by all means let a fake news site fact check you site.

  29. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I've become convinced that there are a large number of people that want whites as slaves.

    If they just hated white people, they'd simply leave to be among their own kind in the countries their people built. But no.

    They want all the fruits that white ingenuity and hard work bring without white people having any say at all in that matter. They want a degraded faceless, voiceless underclass that provides their material comforts.

    Look at how they simultaneously complain about "White Flight" and "Gentrification". When productive whites flee the cities for the relative safety of the suburbs, blacks are upset about the loss of tax revenue. When affluent whites return to the cities they complain about how they displace black people. The only logical conclusion I can draw from that is they want white people's resources without whites themselves.

  30. America, which wasn't America when whitey stole the land from Redmen, wasn't white then and there is no reason why whitey can't pack his baggage and take it with him back to Europe.

    America was heavily forested and full of wildlife until whitey raped the land and took the natural resources and polluted the waters.

    Go back whence you came, unhappy monkey whiteys.

  31. Anonymous3:07 PM

    “A shining example of right wing stoopidity-

    If you want fake news verified, by all means let a fake news site fact check you site.”

    This is a shining example of corporate cowardice.

    Facebook execs damn well know that when it comes to fact-free political propaganda and hatemongering, the Right are the primary offenders in this country, and as such, any program to fight these social ills will inevitably be required to censor lots of conservative “thinkers.” And wingnuts will always respond by “working the refs” and claiming they are being treated unfairly whenever anyone tries to rein in their despicable lying.

    But if Facebook aren’t brave enough to stand up against this, then their efforts to prove they are a socially responsible company are clearly just a ruse. It is not some kind of reasonable compromise to allow the Daily Caller, one of the biggest purveyors of hateful bullshit, to act as a media watchdog. That is obscene.

  32. "White people pay for everything"

    If that's true, then do you suppose they can pay for all of the damage they have done to three continents and the air, water, and climate?

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Without Whites you have.....Haiti or any number of shitholes. Unless you belive Wakanda is real?

  34. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Lets start by asking American Negroes to pay for all the cities they have turned into Ghetto shit first.

  35. Drumpf asks, does this pavement make my orange ass look like a yoooooooge orange ass? Of course and it is the best yooooooooooge orange ass ever. And the yooooooooogest by a bigly amount. Bigger than Melanoma's grabbed girly bits. Since yoy will never get to grab them (or even want to) I shall have to tell you what you are missing. Not much. Melanoma tells me my comments have caused me to be cut off forever, except she doesn't know which yoooooooooge swine CAFO I visit to get some tender, young pork girly bits.

  36. Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president, hundreds of former federal prosecutors assert

    He would have been indicted, as well, were he not Russia/America bogus potus.

  37. Anonymous5:57 PM

    when it comes to fact-free political propaganda and hatemongering, the Right are the primary offenders in this country

    Yeah, right.  "White privilege."  "Institutional racism."  "Implicit bias."  "Invisible knapsack."  Every last one of those is hate-mongering against white people, and that's without touching the trend to label everyone to the right of Stalin a "Nazi".

    any program to fight these social ills will inevitably be required to censor lots of conservative “thinkers.”

    Any program to fight the social ills of America will inevitably be required to eliminate such anti-white propaganda and its authors and publishers.  White people ARE America; everyone else is a visitor if legal, an invader if not.

  38. ‘Frustrated’ dad ‘battered newborn son to death after losing video game’

    A father flew into a rage after losing a video game and punched his one month-old son to death, police say.

    Anthony Trice, 26, reportedly hurled the controller before battering the little boy, called De’Anthony Trice, at his home in Louisville, Kentucky, on Friday.

    That alleged slap seriously injured De’Anthony, with Trice then picking him up to take him into the kitchen to make him a bottle.

    He is said to have dropped the newborn onto the floor, before picking him up again.

    It is unclear whether Trice dropped his tiny son deliberately, or by accident.

    WLKY said that afterwards, Trice took the youngster into a bedroom and propped him up in a seated position.

    He went to the bathroom, returned to find the little boy was in distress, and dialed 911, it is alleged.

    The boy was rushed to Norton Children’s Hospital, where he died Sunday.

    A GoFundMe page set up by his grandma Tonija Michelle showed De’Anthony hooked up to a ventilator before he passed away.

  39. Censoring whitey is the right thing to do. They contribute nothing but hate for POC and moar taxcuts for the koch bros.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:34 PM

    Anonymous said......

    "The Big Wet President Blames Kentucky Derby Result On PC Police"

    Obviously, Trump has no knowledge of horse racing or anything else for that matter. There are rules in the game just as there are in all sports. The disqualified horse veered out of his lane and nearly caused a terrible accident. I saw it as I was watching the race and wondered at the time about a ruling from the stewards. The stewards serve as referees and had no real choice but to rule the way they did.

  41. Anonymous8:59 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!


  42. Ezra Levin
    ‏Verified account @ezralevin

    The eye-popping stat here that everybody needs to internalize and grapple with: in 2040, half the country will live in 8 states. Meaning half the country will have 16 senators, and half will have 84.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Shucks! This is so obvious everybody is going to totally get it. How could I be so blind? The person you would least suspect, right?

    I figured it out watching Tony Soprano on Season One. His Russian girlfriend was having an emotional breakdown on the phone with Tony because her friend who was also a prostitute was already married to a successful American.

    Of course. Melania didn't just want to be the other woman. She wanted a name. She wanted to raise her child as an American citizen. Why couldn't I see it?

    Well, because it would be like figuring out that Polly Purebred was hosing Snidely Whiplash.

    Her diabolical plan went much further than simply trapping a wealthy playboy into a marriage. It all began when she told her John...

    "I have some connection to Moscow and Vladimir Putin which might someday prove to be useful to you."

  44. Gee, a couple years ago a South Dickota wingnut man who was sucking heavily on Federal grant monies to prepare South Dakot's Indian students for college got caught. He had 4 school age kids, a wife who was also involved in the scam. a million dollar property with a new 900K gymnasium built on it all on a combined fami,ly income of around a hundred grand.

    Guy snuck into the kid's room, shotgunned them in their beds, shotgunned his wife and then set the place on fire and shotgunned himself. Why wasn't he caught? Because South Dickota hires or elects people to ignore friends of whatever governor is in office when they commit crime. There is virtually no oversight by any independent bodies and has not been sin the 40 plus years wingnuts have had control of the entire state.

    The last election the people had a choice between the stoopid fucking wingnut who had never tried a single case in court and a Dem with thirty or more years as a US attorney with hundreds of cases tried. Of course stoopid fucking wingnuts went with experienced ass kisser wingnut with no experience.
