Friday, May 03, 2019

Reagan (not Putin) on a horse.

Image result for reagan
The daughter of  the republican party's  biggest hero is speaking out against the enablers and sycophants around Mr. trump. She also brought the fire for all the other republicans who are coddling him in order to get closer to power.

"Dear Republican Party,

I have never been part of you, but you have been part of my family for decades. I was 10 years old when my father decided to stop being a Democrat and instead become a Republican. From that point on, you were a frequent guest at our dinner table — and an unwelcome one to me. I wanted to talk about my science project on the human heart, or the mean girls at school who teased me for being too tall and for wearing glasses. Instead, much of the conversation was about how the government was taking too much out of people’s paychecks for taxes and how it was up to the Republicans to keep government from getting too big.

You went from an annoying presence at the dinner table to a powerful tornado, lifting up my family and depositing us in the world of politics, which no one ever escapes. I know it’s not completely your fault. My father’s passion for America, his commitment to try to make a difference in the country and the world, and his gentle yet powerful command over crowds that gathered to hear him speak made his ascent to the presidency all but inevitable. He would have gotten there one way or another; it just happened to be as a Republican.

You have claimed his legacy, exalted him as an icon of conservatism and used the quotes of his that serve your purpose at any given moment. Yet at this moment in America’s history when the democracy to which my father pledged himself and the Constitution that he swore to uphold, and did faithfully uphold, are being degraded and chipped away at by a sneering, irreverent man who traffics in bullying and dishonesty, you stay silent.

You stay silent when President Trump speaks of immigrants as if they are trash, rips children from the arms of their parents and puts them in cages. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that my father said America was home “for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness.”
You stayed silent when this president fawned over Kim Jong Un and took Vladimir Putin’s word over America’s security experts. You stood mutely by when one of his spokesmen, Rudolph W. Giuliani, said there is nothing wrong with getting information from Russians. And now you do not act when Trump openly defies legitimate requests from Congress, showing his utter contempt for one of the branches of our government.

Most egregiously, you remained silent when Trump said there were “very fine people” among the neo-Nazis who marched through an American city with tiki torches, chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

Those of us who are not Republicans still have a right to expect you to act in a principled, moral and, yes, even noble way. Our democracy is in trouble, and everyone who has been elected to office has an obligation to save it. Maybe you’re frightened of Trump — that idea has been floated. I don’t quite understand what’s frightening about an overgrown child who resorts to name-calling, but if that is the case, then my response is: You are grown men and women. Get over it.

My father called America “the shining city on a hill.” Trump sees America as another of his possessions that he can slap his name on. A president is not supposed to own America. He or she is supposed to serve the American people.

In their book “How Democracies Die,” Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt warned: “How do elected authoritarians shatter the democratic institutions that are supposed to constrain them? Some do it in one fell swoop. But more often the assault on democracy begins slowly.”

Trump has been wounding our democracy for the past two years. If he is reelected for another term, it’s almost a given that America will not survive — at least not as the country the Founding Fathers envisioned, and not as the idealistic experiment they built using a Constitution designed to protect democracy and withstand tyranny.

My father knew we were fragile. He said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same.”

So, to the Republican Party that holds tightly to my father’s legacy — if you are going to stand silent as America is dismantled and dismembered, as democracy is thrown onto the ash heap of yesterday, shame on you. But don’t use my father’s name on the way down." [Source]

If only they could read this. But  that would mean they would have to take a leave from inside of trump's butt.    


  1. trump did us a favor, he allowed the cockroaches to come out from under the fridge so we know who they are.


  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    "You stay silent when President Trump speaks of immigrants as if they are trash"

    They aren't "immigrants".  Immigrants are people who are APPROVED to come and stay in America.  These are ILLEGAL ALIENS, and yes, "illegal" IS a legitimate adjective.

    "rips children from the arms of their parents and puts them in cages."

    The published pictures of that were taken under YOUR Obamessiah.

    "Perhaps you’ve forgotten that my father said America was home “for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness.”"

    He was wrong.  America was full then, and it is over-full now.  Those pilgrims must go back and make their own solutions there; America can offer them advice and examples, but it has no home for them.

    "In their book “How Democracies Die,”"

    Having un-elected judges reverse democratic elections time and time again is the death of democracy.  Same-sex marriage, anyone?  MASSIVE popular opposition to immigration, anyone?  Yet both were FORCED upon America.

    Patti Davis, you were never American.  Go from us now.  Let your chains lie lightly upon you, and let providence forget that you were ever counted as one of our countrymen.

  4. Anonymous10:12 PM

    St. Louis Alderman compares St. Louis to Afghanistan... unfavorably.

    WHO has made St. Louis worse than Afghanistan?  Blacks, that's who.

  5. Anonymous10:41 PM

    A Great man and Great President.

  6. Ronald Reagan was the beginning of the end of the American middle class, and the beginning of the destruction of the fragile ladders the working class had access to for the purpose of entering the middle class.

    His presidency was literally the turning point of the American experiment toward oligarchy.

    And yet she's entirely correct that even a hideous legacy such as Reagan's is irredeemably sullied by any association with the monsters from the Republican party who are running the country right now.

    We didn't think it could get worse than Reagan.
    We were wrong.
    We didn't think that it could get worse than the war criminal and torturer George W. Bush.
    We were wrong.

    We failed to hold Nixon, Reagan, or either Bush accountable for their crimes, and now we need to not continue that mode of behavior or the slide into authoritarianism will continue, possibly past the point of no return.

    Which would be just fine with the monsters from the Republican party who are running the country right now and their deliberately terrified voters.

    Leaving us the question of whether we will allow them to finish the job they began back in the eighties with the ascent of the dementia-addled Reagan and his government destroying voodoo, or step up and save the country, of which they are a part, again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. I predict that the next Republican president, if any, will be even worse.

  8. Somehow they always are.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. "I predict that the next Republican president, if any, will be even worse."

    My bet is Phil from Duck Dynasty.

  10. "WHO has made St. Louis worse than Afghanistan?"

    No one, the Lou is a pretty good place. Hanging out til 4am in the Soulard district listening to jazz and blues. Catch a baseball game and the hit some museums. Go there and see for yourself and if you really want a good time hit my frat chapter's annual step show in August. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

  11. Ms Davis was a mighty tasty looking morsel in a leading men's magazine a couple decades ago. She wrote a song the Eagles recorded and later in life turned away from the liberal side of things. Looks wingnuts drove her back into the real world.

  12. anyfuckingmoosepussy- ABRAMS: “We know bipartisanship could craft a 21st century immigration plan but this administration chooses to cage children and tear families apart.”

    THE FACTS: The cages that Abrams mentions are actually chain-link fences and the Obama administration used them, too.


    and...wait for it.....she be Black. Fuck you, wasicus.

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Sadly, wingnuts are unlikely to be moved by anything Patti Davis has to say, since she is a hated “libtard.” And, in any event, Ronald Reagan is no longer even a real person to wingnuts. He is a symbolic totem that they project all their fantasies of a perfect leader onto, and a propaganda tool that is used to sell their ideological project.

    In their minds, his presidency was way more successful than the real-life one ever was. They attribute to Reagan sole credit for everything positive that happened to occur during his presidency — including, first and foremost, the ending of both the economic “stagflation” of the ‘70s (never mind that it was Carter-appointed Fed Chairman Paul Volcker who was most responsible for that) and the Cold War (even though the Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse before Reagan was elected).

    And this imaginary Reagan magically becomes more and more right-wing with each passing year, to match the ever-increasing derangement of the Republican Party on its way to being an officially fascist organization.

  15. Anonymous11:31 AM

    CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high

  16. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Some of the most creative Reagan mythologizing comes into play when you ask members of the Trump-ized Republican Party about his 1986 “amnesty” of the 3 million illegal aliens to whom he granted permanent residency.

    Oh the amazing bullshit contortions and rationalizations they will be forced to go into in order to explain how the “libtards” must have forced him to and how it really wasn’t his fault and how he really didn’t betray them by not being insufficienctly racist.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high

    11:31 AM
    Check out the latest CNN poll.

    "Despite the majority of those surveyed saying the president is doing a good job with the nation’s economy (56 per cent), each of the five highest polling Democrats on the campaign trail beat Mr Trump in CNN’s head-to-head polling conducted by SSRS."

  18. A woman stops a gassed car four times with her bare hand? Riiiiiiiight!

  19. Raygun inherited an America that was the largest creditor nation in the world and 8 years later left with America as the largest debtor nation in the world. He quadrupled debt, aided and abetted Saddam Hussein, committed treason in dealing arms with our avowed enemy Iran, destabilized Central America and to show off got American troops killed invading an island for some made up excuse of saving US nursing students or some such shit.

    He also made up stuff about himself and WW2 because he was senile. And the funniest thing he did was prove that stoopid fucking wingnuts had no clews back then how government functions when Raygun was allegedly shot and SOS Al Haig decided he was in charge of America while Raygun wass in the hospital. And wingnuts still have no clews how government works.

  20. I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent explanation for why Hunter Biden received $50,000 per month from a Ukrainian energy company and stepped down last month, which just happened to be the same month his father announced his presidential campaign.

  21. It's a good gauge of our current crisis that a union-busting corporate mouthpiece now represents the good old days. Patty Davis can be forgiven her bias, but Reagan did more to pave the way for oligarchy than anyone, and it was a short hop from that to post-Constitutional authoritarianism. But the climate may get us before the country goes full Stephen Miller, so not to worry. I read that Trump did better in a poll for 2020 than Elizabeth Warren. WASF.

  22. Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign ...

    Immigrants are not invited, dipshit.

    As for Hunter Biden, I am sure there is an innocent explanation why Drumpfuck Jr, his BIL and other campaign officials met with Russian agents to collect dirt on HRC, but I have yet to hear it and wouldn't believe it I had heard it because they went to that meeting to get dirt on HRC.

  23. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Wait till you hear about Biden's China deal.

  24. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Oh if only the Magic Mulatto Jesus from Chicago could be the Prez foever and ever. Then he could help us blame Whitey for everything all day and night just like Fraud Negro do.

  25. Here we go again, Israel launches airstrikes into Palestinian territory claiming retaliation for missile strikes. What Israel conveniently didn't bother to say is the day before they killed four Palestinians in Palestinian territory by drone.

    None of the violence in the ME is ever caused by those dear sweet innocent Israelis.

  26. Elena1:56 PM

    You'd better back off from the anti-Semitism if you know what's good for you.

  27. trump is a whiny little biatch2:02 PM

    Oh if only the Magic Mulatto Jesus from Chicago could be the Prez foever and ever.
    That would be cool so we wouldn't have corruption and incopetence in the WH like we do now. My guess is you love our president Vladimir huh?


    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ trump is freaking out about the firefighters' union endoresement! I haven't seen this level of freak out since the dude in Boyz II Men at the end of "End of the Road".

  29. "Oh if only the Magic Mulatto Jesus from Chicago could be the Prez foever and ever."

    That would be unconstitutional, and we have plenty of outstanding candidates for the presidency right now.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Interesting read about the 14 cases Mueller passed on to other federal prosecutors. THIS is what will sink trump not the Mueller report.

  31. "black people can't seem to avoid trying to kill little white kids with their cars"

    um, I don't have a problem with that nor do any of the blah people I know. I'm not messing up my new Tesla by hitting anything๐Ÿ˜‚

  32. Negrodamus3:58 PM

    The Globalist cultural prerogatives of imposing pornography, homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, consumerism, sterility, ugliness, fat acceptance, and hate speech laws will ultimately be subsumed by their demographic change project.

    Chinese historians will conclude that the shortsighted greed that compelled them to import millions of illiterate peasants from Latin America ultimately undermined their goal of indoctrinating the country into a secular religion of victim worship premised on statutory holocaust education.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:00 PM

    Not a smidgen of corruption said...

    "I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent explanation for why Hunter Biden received $50,000 per month from a Ukrainian....."

    I didn't know Hunter Biden was running for president. When did this happen?

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:07 PM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    "Raygun inherited an America that was the largest creditor nation in the world and 8 years later left with America as the largest debtor nation in the world. He quadrupled debt, aided and abetted Saddam Hussein, committed treason in dealing arms with our avowed enemy Iran, destabilized Central America and to show off got American troops killed invading an island for some made up excuse of saving US nursing students or some such shit.

    He also made up stuff about himself and WW2 because he was senile. And the funniest thing he did was prove that stoopid fucking wingnuts had no clews back then how government functions when Raygun was allegedly shot and SOS Al Haig decided he was in charge of America while Raygun wass in the hospital. And wingnuts still have no clews how government works."
    Yes, Mike, I remember all that shit well. And my party, the Democrats were to cowardly to do any thing about it. But I'm still a Democrat. Where else can I go? Never to the Republicans and the Green Party is a joke.

  35. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "I didn't know Hunter Biden was running for president."

    His father is.

    And his father threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating the firm paying his son.

    The Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor, and Joe Biden released the money.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:14 PM

    Here's another idiot politician letting his bigotry show!

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Oh if only the Magic Mulatto Jesus from Chicago could be the Prez foever and ever."
    If you're speaking of Obama, then I agree with you. That would be great! We'd have an adult as president and never again have to see Trump's bloated, evil face.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:23 PM

    Anonymous said....
    "And his father threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating the firm paying his son............"

    And you know this because? Sources, please, or am to take the word of a person who posts as "Anonymous" like most other gutless wonders posting here?

  39. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "And you know this because?"

    Because I don't live in an information bubble where I only read things that confirm my worldview.

  40. It amazes me still how wound up stoopid fucking wingnuts got about the rumour Obama was a Muslim and gonna bring Sharia law to America, how Obama was not an American citizen, how both Obama's had sex changes and Barack was a male prostitute, etc, ad infinitum. Yet nothing the two year old spoiled orange shit fer brains in the kremlin annex does bothers them in the least.

    Every Drumpfuck voter needs to be hauled to an insane asylum and tested for rabies and mental deficiencies because they exhibit retardation daily.And they literally foam at the mouth when lying about HRC.

  41. Gambler, you can become an independent and then switch to R for the primary and back to D for the fall elections. If you leave D party the terrorists and I mean the wasicu American terrorists win.

    You know stoopid fucking wingnuts Aren't patriots because they have to wrap themselves in old glory and spout the pledge to reassure themselves they are better than average Joe liberal. If you have to brag about being special, you aren't.

  42. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "It amazes me still how wound up stoopid fucking wingnuts got about the rumour Obama was a Muslim and gonna bring Sharia law to America, how Obama was not an American citizen, how both Obama's had sex changes and Barack was a male prostitute, etc, ad infinitum"

    Strawmen, all of them. These were never the focus of government investigations dragging on for years of accusations that have been debunked.

  43. Gobbledegook of the year from hired Drumpf personal defender Barr -

    Barr twists his story around so much he meets his ass coming back at him.

    Obama rumours are still out there in wingnut la la land with the Alex Jones and dead Breitbarts and Ben Shapiros of the right wing fantasy world.

  44. Drumpfuck pushed the birther claim from as early as 2011 until 2017. Four years longer on a witch hunt than the professional investigations run by Mueller.

  45. The Goofy Professor7:14 PM

    The Globalist cultural prerogatives of imposing pornography, homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, consumerism, sterility, ugliness, fat acceptance, and hate speech laws will ultimately be subsumed by their demographic change project.
    Word salad. Throw a bunch of meaningless words against the wall and pretend you know what it means huh?

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:29 PM

    Mike in Iowa said.....

    "Gambler, you can become an independent and then switch to R for the primary and back to D for the fall elections..."

    I appreciate your suggestion, Mike, but if I ever registered as a Republican, God would strike me dead. I'll just stick with the Democrats as I have been doing for 55 years, even though they are far from perfect. The main objective here is to defeat Trump in 2020. I'm too old to do much campaign work, but I will contribute as much money as I can afford to.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:39 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "And you know this because?"

    Because I don't live in an information bubble where I only read things that confirm my worldview.

    4:28 PM
    I went to the above web site and read the article. I think it's too early to draw a conclusion regarding corruption. Maybe I'm jaded by so much corruption on the part of Trump and his gang. But I'll wait for more info without jumping to conclusions yet.

  48. Which accusations haVE been debunked?

    Gambler, I admire your stand, but Dems need to get in the slime with wingnuts aND use their tactics against them. The only decent halfway dirty trickster Dems had was James Carville. Wingnuts have always had unscrupulous thugs ready and willing to cheat and steAl, lie, obfuscate and pay people to make shit up about every Democrat ever born.

  49. When was the last time Drumpf took stock in any story NYT printed? Its all fake news, is it not, wingnuts?

  50. Anonymous8:42 PM

    > I don't have a problem with that nor do any of the blah people I know.

    I don't have a problem with shooting "blah people" nor do any of the white people I know (so far as I know, nobody I know has ever shot ANYONE), so obviously Black Lives Matter is getting all agitated over a non-issue, right?  Right?

  51. Anonymous9:04 PM

    "Word salad. Throw a bunch of meaningless words against the wall and pretend you know what it means huh?"

    He knows what it means. But it's an insane, conspiratorial viewpoint he holds, in which an evil elite is "imposing" anything he doesn't like on him, as opposed to those things simply existing in the world, for one reason or another.

    Nobody "imposed" pornography. People simply LIKE pornography.

    Nobody "imposed" homosexuality. People simply ARE homosexual.

    Nobody "imposed" feminism. People simply BELIEVE in feminism.

    And so on. The Illuminati or Jews or lizard people didn't force any of this on anyone. Wingnuts lost the ideological argument and so the world has changed and now he doesn't know how to cope.

    Similarly, nobody is "importing" immigrants. They are coming here voluntarily from places that currently have a worse economy than ours, the same way immigrants have always come to this country. He sees the non-white people who predominate immigration flows today as somehow fundamentally different in nature than the floods of poor white immigrants that came in the past, but they are not; he is just racist.

  52. "I don't have a problem with shooting "blah people" nor do any of the white people I know (so far as I know, nobody I know has ever shot ANYONE), so obviously Black Lives Matter is getting all agitated over a non-issue, right? Right?"

    Yeah, cause there are soooooo many more blah people running down kids with their cars. ๐Ÿ™„

  53. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Another innocent black man shot by police:

    When can we end white supremacy?

  54. Negrodamus11:01 PM

    "The Illuminati or Jews or lizard people didn't force any of this on anyone."

    One day, people just decided to embrace degeneracy and socially destructive cultural Marxist ideas that are tearing apart their communities and leaving their children rudderless to navigate the nihilist future that awaits them.

    Go figure.

  55. "One day, people just decided to embrace degeneracy and socially destructive cultural Marxist ideas that are tearing apart their communities and leaving their children rudderless to navigate the nihilist future that awaits them."

    And when were the capitalist and religious ideals in effect? What society?

  56. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Nobody "imposed" pornography.

    Pornography used to be banned.  The "right" to view it was imposed.

    Nobody "imposed" homosexuality. People simply ARE homosexual.

    Homosexuality used to be a crime.  The "right" of homosexuality was imposed, not accepted.  "Marriage equality" was imposed over a host of plebiscites refusing to accept it, including in California.

    Nobody "imposed" feminism. People simply BELIEVE in feminism.

    Those who do NOT believe in feminism are subject to civil and even criminal penalties for acting on their beliefs.  It was imposed by force.

    Wingnuts lost the ideological argument

    The left owned or blackmailed the unelected judges.

    nobody is "importing" immigrants.

    You have no idea what an H-1 or H-2 visa is, I see.

    They are coming here voluntarily from places that currently have a worse economy than ours

    Should it not be THEIR job to bring their own economies up to the level they want them, and not OUR job to provide them with employment so they can send money out of OUR economy and back to the dysfunctional pestholes they created... and creating more incentive for the rulers to send more people away where they cause trouble for others but create money for them?

    The American economy should be for Americans.  Everyone else needs to work on their own issues.

  57. Anonymous12:28 AM

    >> there are soooooo many more blah people running down kids with their cars.

    We know (because every media outlet would blast it nationwide within hours) that there are NO white people running down black kids with their cars.  Yet here we have two cases of attempted murder of white children by black drivers within a few days.  That is a ratio of 2/0 = infinity times as many.

    If you had to do math to fly an airplane, your passengers would be in grave danger every day.  Thank goodness that the flight director takes care of most of the things that rote learning won't.

  58. Last week a dude in Loseranna or Mississippi tried to run over his ex for walking with a Black man.

    The "right" to view it was imposed. Imposed by a piece of right wing ass wipe called the constitution.

    Them there H-! visas cost at least a half million bucks and that investment has to translate to jobs over a number of years dfor the visa owner gets American citizenship.

  59. From US News...............WHILE THE NUMBER OF Americans dying in car crashes has decreased steadily since 2003, the number of those cases in which pedestrians were killed by cars was at a five-year high in the latest data. In 2012, 14 percent of all people killed in traffic accidents were not in cars, but were walking, running, jogging, hiking, sitting or lying down.

    The traffic deaths aren't distributed equally though. Native Americans, Hispanics and blacks are much more likely to die as pedestrians in traffic accidents than whites or Asian-Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  60. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Native Americans, Hispanics and blacks are much more likely to die as pedestrians in traffic accidents than whites or Asian-Americans

    So, WHO is running down all those downtrodden "people of color"?

    Go ahead, try to pin it on white suburban soccer moms.  We all need a laugh.

  61. Stoopid fucking wingnuts have moar per capitas per capitas than any other group of whiny stoopid fucking people.

    Just a fact of life.

  62. "One day, people just decided to embrace degeneracy and socially destructive cultural Marxist ideas that are tearing apart their communities and leaving their children rudderless to navigate the nihilist future that awaits them.

    And then one day, for no reason at all, the people voted for...

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 AM

    "The Illuminati or Jews or lizard people didn't force any of this on anyone."

    .."One day, people just decided to embrace degeneracy and socially destructive cultural

    Go figure......"

    11:01 PM

    That would be the day you and other misguided people voted for Trump. He personifies all of the derogatory adjectives you have chosen to use.

  64. "Yet here we have two cases of attempted murder of white children by black drivers within a few days."

    whoa! Two whole cases of something. Well I guess we have to follow the Fox News strategy of scaring gullible not too intelligent people! Run for the hills! teh blahs are trying to kill us with cars!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  65. Loseranna Sinator Kennedy claims Dems are acting in bad faith about Drumpf's tax returns. Drumpf is the one who has claimed his returns are being audited. He says he will release them. He says nobody would understand them. He says he will release them. He says they are under audit again and finally, I think, he is not going to release them and will fight in court to keep anyone from knowing how big of a Putin dick swallower he really is.

    Drumpf also said he is going to raise tariffs on Chinese products because America is making so much money from them they are pushing the economy along. Might want to ask farmers, implement dealers, steel and aluminum makers just how good the economy is. Drumpf's borrowing trillions probably has a greater effect on the economy than tariffs.

  66. "Drumpf's borrowing trillions probably has a greater effect on the economy than tariffs."

    We only worry about our gandkids being burdened with debt when a Dem is in office.

  67. PilotX, truer words have never been spoken. You the MAN!


    Drumpfed up charges against Bidens are meritless, just like endless fact free Benghazi hearings to drive HRC's poll numbers down.

    Drumpf has weaponized the justice department to make shit up about Biden to drive his poll numbers down before the next election.

  69. Last week ground beef was recAlled.his week it is chicken strips and frozen entrees from different sellers. Thanks wingnuts for allowing profiteering to make our food supply shitty.

    And never forget, wingnuts recently gave hog packers more control over inspec- ting themselves and their products.

  70. Damn shame it took til 2019 to allow blah folks to wear our hair the way it grows out of our head.



    Drumpf associates trying to bring skinheads to European governments. Just like Hitler.
