Wednesday, June 05, 2019

An American embarrassment.

Mr. trump is on a very important trip abroad to solidify alliances with key allies and to help chart a course for America's future in Europe. But instead of doing what Americans would expect any normal president to do in such a situation, our freak show of a president chooses to engage in a "nasty" and pointless feud with a "washed" up actress.

"Bette Midler is keeping things light in response to President Donald Trump's latest comments about her. 

The president on Tuesday dubbed Midler, 73, a "washed up psycho" and a "sick scammer" after she apologized for sharing a fake quote attributed to Trump in the late 1990s. 

Midler, a frequent and outspoken critic of President Trump, thanked those who defended her during her "personal Battle of the Bulge (with) he who must not be named" in a tweet Wednesday morning.

Amid his three-day state visit to the U.K. this week, Trump responded: "Washed up psycho @BetteMidler was forced to apologize for a statement she attributed to me that turned out to be totally fabricated by her in order to make 'your great president' look really bad. She got caught, just like the Fake News Media gets caught. A sick scammer!"'

I remember a time in this country when presidents did not punch down, and when they treated the office that they hold with a certain amount of dignity and respect that is befitting of the honor that the American people bestowed on them. (I guess seeing all the protesters in London pissed him off. )

So far Mr. trump has had nastier things to say about people like Midler and Rosie O 'Donnell than he has to Vladimir Putin, Kim, and Duterte.  Heck he is nastier to American war heroes and former Vice Presidents than he is to those despots and murderers. 

But this is where we are now with this guy.

And speaking of war heroes. Or, in Mr. trump's case, war cowards.

This is what he told his British yes man, Piers Morgan:

“I was never a fan of that war. I thought it was a terrible war, it was very far away…Nobody had heard of Vietnam…this wasn’t like fighting against Nazi Germany or Hitler…I wasn’t out on the streets marching or saying I would move to Canada…I would have been honored [to serve in the military generally] but I think I’m making up for it rapidly because we’re rebuilding our military at a level you’ve never seen before.”[Source]

No Mr. trump, you can never make up for being a coward, and being afraid to serve your country when other kids were giving their lives to protect our freedom.  No wonder you hate John McCain so much, he is everything that you are not.




  1. Why he has so much support among the military and the "little" guy is beyond me. He disrespects vets and bankrupted several small businesses by not paying what he owed. Just sad.

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Absolutely the most embarrassing ignorant human being ever.


  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Rachel Madcow's and CNN's takes aside, Trump's visit has been very successful. The lame and poorly attended protests have actually raised his standing in Europe, as the videos of freaks with their Trump balloons assaulting 70 year old Trump supporters are viscerally repulsive.

  4. Ugly American redux redux.

  5. "trump's visit has been very successful."

    I guess if your definition of success is very low.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Rachel Madcow's and CNN's takes aside, Trump's visit has been very successful. The lame and poorly attended protests have actually raised his standing in Europe, as the videos of freaks with their Trump balloons assaulting 70 year old Trump supporters are viscerally repulsive."

    9:47 PM
    Rachel Madcow? Really? This is second grade stuff. And you are either living in an alternate universe or you are a very poor excuse for a Russian operative.

  7. You're being played10:37 PM

    Do you people ever wonder, as you watch MSNBC and CNN, why almost every minute of every day is spent disparaging President Trump? Don't you think there are any other things going on in the world that might merit some attention?

  8. The poor fuckers who did fight in Vietnam were most likely better served by not having Fergus and his reverse Midas touch there to get even more of them killed than already died there.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:13 AM

    You're being played said...

    Do you people ever wonder, as you watch MSNBC and CNN, why almost every minute of every day is spent disparaging President Trump? Don't you think there are any other things going on in the world that might merit some attention?

    10:37 PM

    No, I get plenty of other news from the ten plus news websites I read every day.

  10. So the damn fool met the Irish PM in the VIP lounge at the airport after said PM declined to make the meeting an infomercial for Fergus' shitty golf course, and proceeded to tell the PM that Ireland should build a border wall with Northern Ireland after it leaves the EU with the UK.

    This strains the plausibility of the "well, Fergus is just retarded" explanation for his foreign policy behavior.

    But you know that Putin liked it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Lt. Commander Johnson2:36 AM

    Well, at least, you're trying to clean up your grammar, Queenie.

  12. Anonymous3:03 AM

    "This strains the plausibility of the 'well, Fergus is just retarded' explanation for his foreign policy behavior."

    It sounded to me like Trump was just spewing random "border-related" words arranged in a nonsensical order and hoping some of the people who heard the press conference would somehow construe this as a joke. (No such luck. Joke not achieved.)

    Honestly, half the time, what comes out of Trump's mouth is just meaningless stream of consciousness drivel that is barely recognizable as English. Remember a few years back, when the folks over at Slate entertained themselves by testing their sentence-diagramming skills on Sarah Palin's oratorical gobbledygook? Trump is truly no better than Sarah.

    So yeah, I'd have to say, Trump is, in fact, kinda retarded.

  13. Anonymous3:12 AM

    I'm not 100% sure Trump even understands that his objectives regarding the Mexican border are the polar opposite of the Trump-like Brexiteers' objectives regarding the Irish border.

    Trump is trying to install the hardest of borders between the U.S. and Mexico.

    Meanwhile, the UK is trying desperately to maintain an open border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, and the fact that the EU won't let them do it has thrown a massive monkey wrench into Brexit.

  14. Anonymous6:17 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Lifetime of mudsharkery said...

    "No, I get plenty of other news from the ten plus news websites I read every day."

    If they all write the same thing as CNN/MSNBC what use is it? Confirmation bias? Besides the burner of coal, you are an non participating character.

  16. Anonymous7:11 AM

    On this day in history, allied Nazis stormed the beaches of Normandy. After suffering terrible losses to the other Nazis they managed to establish a beach head. This led to the allied Nazis retaking France from the other Nazis. Eventually the allied Nazis forced the other Nazis to surrender.
    -Current history of the D-Day invasion.

    I often wonder if my father and uncles would be willing to do it again if they could see what has become of their country.

    I've served my country honorably, but there is no country in the world I would want to go to war with. The USA's greatest enemy and biggest threat comes from people that have US citizenship but consider themselves "citizens of the world". I'm talking about the assorted weirdos and freak shows that are the regular commentariat here.

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    There could never be another D-Day because it would require tens of thousands of White men associating with each other.

  18. Commandeered Queenie, what you been up to you stoopid fucking wasicu wastey?

    Feel better now, honky?

  19. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I laugh as David Dennison exposes and destroys the now failed white Conservative ideology which has dominated so many American lives since the idiot Ronald Reagan administration. This Republican shit show will be coming to a surprising end one that few American voters saw coming but a few suspected the minute Russia was mentioned in the same sentence with Trump, the GOP and the NRA. Believe what your eyes are seeing, the RNC is in bad with someone and its not America.

  20. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck has jumped into the middle of the 4th of July Independence celebration and making it all about himself.

    He put off D-Day celebration so he could get interviewed by slut Laura In-Miss Lindsey -Graham.

    Wingnut party chair claims D-Day celebration should be all about America's bogus potus.

  21. Dems are starting to sniff around at bogus Spotus justice Kavernmouth's perjury statements in confirmation hearings.

    Then they need to charge for AG Keebler Elf Sessions with perjury as well as everyone ever appointed to cabinet positions by Drumpfuck the pathological liar.

  22. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "There could never be another D-Day because it would require tens of thousands of White men associating with each other."

    We only needed a D-Day in the first place because we let the wrong kind of white men associate with each other in Germany, resulting in WWII.

    Let's not make that mistake again.

  23. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "I've served my country honorably, but there is no country in the world I would want to go to war with. The USA's greatest enemy and biggest threat comes from people that have US citizenship but consider themselves "citizens of the world". I'm talking about the assorted weirdos and freak shows that are the regular commentariat here."

    Yes, we got a clue about how much you hate your fellow citizens from the way you and your fellow Trumpkins cheered when Russia attacked our political system.

  24. Anonymous10:56 AM

    If the Americans who stormed the beaches in 1944 could have seen how things turned out today, they would have realized it was a huge mistake. Instead of letting the fascists and communists smash each other, we tipped the balance in favor of the Bolsheviks. Now the people of every country that fought the Nazis are called Nazis as their countries are overrun with third world colonizers and their cultures implode into a morass of moral and sexual degeneracy.

    They didn't lay down their lives so that their grandsons could get their dicks chopped off, their granddaughters could kill their babies, and their towns could be handed over to Squatamalans. Twenty trillion in debt to finance their own dispossession in service of a parasitic globalist elite.

    At least we're not speaking German.

  25. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The 80 IQ Nappy headed suffering continues....


    Over the past decade, the baseline attitudes expressed by white liberals on racial and social justice questions have become radically more liberal. In one especially telling example of the broader trend, white liberals recently became the only demographic group in America to display a pro-outgroup bias—meaning that among all the different groups surveyed white liberals were the only one that expressed a preference for other racial and ethnic communities above their own.

    The problem is when these moral emotions become hyperactive and detached from objective reality; when they motivate the division of society into ‘allies’ and enemies; and when they generate a level of sanctimonious outrage and judgment that places all political dissent beyond the pale. The advent of digital and social media has fomented just such a carnival of excesses. It cultivates an image of the world soaked in the very oppression and injustices to which the user is most sensitive and attuned—and thus one that frequently triggers liberal moral alarms.

  27. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Quick test to tell if you are not a Nazi...

    Are you White? If no, you are not a Nazi.
    If yes, do you hate yourself? If yes, you are not a Nazi.

  28. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Someone says...

    "We only needed a D-Day in the first place because we let the wrong kind of white men associate with each other in Germany, resulting in WWII."

    Who is "we"? and to say "let" makes me laugh my ass off.

    Did you know there was an Arabian SS unit? Probably not, it does not fit the narrative. Plus you get your history from Howard Zinn.

  29. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "If the Americans who stormed the beaches in 1944 could have seen how things turned out today, they would have realized it was a huge mistake. Instead of letting the fascists and communists smash each other, we tipped the balance in favor of the Bolsheviks. Now the people of every country that fought the Nazis are called Nazis as their countries are overrun with third world colonizers and their cultures implode into a morass of moral and sexual degeneracy.

    They didn't lay down their lives so that their grandsons could get their dicks chopped off, their granddaughters could kill their babies, and their towns could be handed over to Squatamalans. Twenty trillion in debt to finance their own dispossession in service of a parasitic globalist elite.

    At least we're not speaking German."

    "The Bolsheviks won." "Dicks chopped off." "Parasitic globalist elite."

    Good one, Adolf. What other fairy tales do you believe in? Unicorns? Leprechauns?

  30. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Did you know there was an Arabian SS unit? Probably not, it does not fit the narrative. Plus you get your history from Howard Zinn."

    Excellent, now we're going to play the "the Nazis weren't actually racist" game. Also, the sky isn't blue and water isn't wet.

  31. Anonymous12:53 PM

    The less than 80 IQ mullet wearing suffering continues.......

  32. Draft dodging is such a minor offense, and the Vietnam War was such a ginned-up cause with administrative lies and depraved policies like "MacNamara's Morons" that the Cadet Bonespurs angle is a waste (though fun, I admit). Stay focused on the graft, on using the office to hurt perceived enemies, on blatant nepotism, on criminal inefficiency, on subversion of the Constitution and Congressional authority, on leveraging the pardon power, not to mention obstruction of justice. So much winning.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:33 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Did you know there was an Arabian SS unit?"

    Hey, Anonymous, did you know there were many white SS units?

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:35 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    'Well, at least, you're trying to clean up your grammar, Queenie.'

    2:36 AM
    Johnson, are you the grammar police? An English teacher?

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The less than 80 IQ mullet wearing suffering continues......."

    12:53 PM
    Yup those farmers and auto workers that voted for Trump are suffering the most.

  36. Drumpfuck, Putie's choice for american czar spent his time at Normandy cemetery whining about Drumpf.

    He is making sure the entire world knows stoopid fucking wingnut voters are stoopid fucking retarded wingnut voters for voting for Putie's orange clown.

    I heartily agree.

  37. Lt. Commander is a Punk2:42 PM

    Johnson, are you the grammar police? An English teacher?
    Nope, Johnson is a coward just like donnie. He likes to pretend he's in the military but too much of a punk to actually serve.

  38. Thank God we saved the West from Hitler:

  39. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  40. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Thank God we saved the West from Hitler:"

    Yes, obviously, Miley Cyrus, non-white immigrants, and fat kids are much worse than death camps. Who could possibly argue otherwise? LOL

  41. Trump sucks, but he is still better looking than your average black man. Black men are gross.

  42. Anonymous5:02 PM


  43. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Chicago June 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 9
    Shot & Wounded: 53
    Total Shot: 62
    Total Homicides: 10

  44. Anonymous5:15 PM


    Hmmm. It seems the United Kindom does not agree.

    In fact, I doubt the citizens of many countries in the world are anything but disgusted by Trump, except for maybe in Israel, where Trump has effectively given its more right-wing Jewish citizens a green light to bulldoze the Palestinians out of the Territories.

  45. Anonymous5:23 PM

    "Hmmm. It seems the United Kindom does not agree."

    who gives a shit what those leftist pussy limeys think?? Why would it be a factor??

  46. Anonymous5:25 PM

  47. Anonymous5:27 PM

  48. Anonymous5:35 PM

    "who gives a shit what those leftist pussy limeys think?? Why would it be a factor??"

    Well, then I guess you might be more interested in the fact that the majority of Americans hate Trump.

    Americans hate Trump. Non-Americans hate Trump even more. Who's left?

  49. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Well, then I guess you might be more interested in the fact that the majority of Americans hate Trump.

    Americans hate Trump. Non-Americans hate Trump even more. Who's left?
    5:35 PM

    FAKE NEWS. if that was true, how did he get elected??? Why is trump going to win again in 2020, and you know it.

  50. Anonymous6:25 PM

    "FAKE NEWS. if that was true, how did he get elected??? Why is trump going to win again in 2020, and you know it."

    Via the undemocratic features of our political system. Oh, and through cheating.

    And while only a minority of voters supported Trump in 2016, even fewer support him now, after two-and-a-half years of his bigotry and fuck-ups.

  51. Drumpf gave Saudi Arabia nukulaR technology twice since Saudi Arabia murdered American journalist.

    Drumpf must really want a hotel named after him in terrorist land.

  52. Why are American taxpayers on the hook for Drumpf's kids to go on a state visit when they are not part of the administration.

    Limo rentals at Drumpf's golf course in Ireland are a million taxpayer bucks.


    Stable genius wants to totally destabilize the Middle East and oil supplies.

    Yes, Drumpfuck is certifiably insane and smells awful.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:41 PM

    Katelyn Davidson said...

    "Trump sucks, but he is still better looking than your average black man. Black men are gross."

    4:56 PM
    Please, quick somebody get this woman(?) a pair of glasses! LOL! She's a treat to the rest of us, so don't ever let her drive a car or anything else.

  55. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "Drumpf must really want a hotel named after him in terrorist land."

    Trump probably wants loans from Saudi banks, so he can build more of his shitty hotels and golf courses.

  56. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "Why are American taxpayers on the hook for Drumpf's kids to go on a state visit when they are not part of the administration."

    Trump's kids are renting out a floor of London's Corinthia Hotel for $30K a night (£24K in British money). That's not the overall bill, by the way, including security, transportation arrangements, etc. That's the hotel bill alone.

    Unclear if Trump, or the American taxpayer, is on the hook for that.

    And yet Fox News moaned about the cost whenever Michelle Obama and the kids took a vacation ...

  57. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "Yes, obviously, Miley Cyrus, non-white immigrants, and fat kids are much worse than death camps"

    Yes, they are worse because they are real.

  58. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Via the undemocratic features of our political system. Oh, and through cheating.

    And while only a minority of voters supported Trump in 2016, even fewer support him now, after two-and-a-half years of his bigotry and fuck-ups.
    6:25 PM

    You are delusional. A political process in place for over 240 years. Only because EVIL is lurking that retards like you want to destroy America.

  59. Obama arrested a journalist? look what wingnuts did in 2008 wingnut convention in Minn/St Paul

    Pigs got sued and lost in court.

  60. At least drumpf can't charge the Secret Service rent since thgey aren't at Drumpf property. Wait till they go to Ireland and watch Drumpf rake in illegal emoluments.

  61. Anonymous7:50 PM

    “Obama arrested a journalist? look what wingnuts did in 2008 wingnut convention in Minn/St Paul”

    No, Obama didn’t arrest any journalists.

    The DOJ under Obama did name a Fox News reporter as an unindicted co-conspirator in a crime in a court filing, but there was never any intent to prosecute him for anything. It was a transparent ruse to get a judge to sign a warrant so they could discover the name of the reporter’s governmental source and prosecute him for leaking classified documents.

    People can take issue with the way prosecutors played fast and loose with legal procedure there, but no journalists themselves were really ever targeted by the government under Obama.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Yes, obviously, Miley Cyrus, non-white immigrants, and fat kids are much worse than death camps"

    Yes, they are worse because they are real.

    6:54 PM
    So were the death camps, honey. Try to keep up.

  63. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "You are delusional. A political process in place for over 240 years. Only because EVIL is lurking that retards like you want to destroy America."

    Trump got his cash from Daddy and his votes from Vladdy. (H/T Jemaine Clement.)

  64. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Trump won the vote among citizens. Hillary got 3 million illegal votes in California alone.

  65. Anonymous10:03 PM

    What is wrong with this picture? Why do none of Trump's clothes fit properly??? (Preposterously long jackets, ties, etc.) It's not like he couldn't afford to hire someone to dress him properly.

    Man, this guy is just so weird, down to the smallest details.

  66. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "So were the death camps, honey. Try to keep up."

    Name another historical fact that it is illegal to question.

  67. When I saw a veteran give trump a purple heart and the Orange farce said
    I always wanted one of these
    That right there says everything about trump and any one who supports him
    You do not want a purple heart you earn it and usually at great cost
    Such a callous statement
    Uttered by a true coward
    Who is now our president elected by some sorry deplorable people
    63 fucking million of them
    Impeachment sounds like a nice cocktail on a Sunday afternoon
    The Orange foolious is a traitor
    You do not impeach traitors
    The oath of office seems darn near whimsical it appears to have no value
    Protect a piece of paper the Republican party has shredded any and all norms
    I am waiting for the oath taken by military, Congress critters, Federal office holders to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic
    They are inside the wire wake the fuck up

  68. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Republican Voters are embracing the Economic Nationalism of Donald Trump instead of the failed policies of the Koch Brothers owned Establishment GOP.

    Meanwhile, Democrat Voters embrace corporate and institutional Deep State power that is attempting to crush legacy America and keep us all wage slaves.

    Makes you think.

  69. Anonymous12:48 AM

    The Obama administration orchestrated a multi-agency, unprecedented spy op against Donald Trump.


  70. "FAKE NEWS. if that was true, how did he get elected???"

    With +/- 80,000 votes in three states that crosscheck purged more voters than that from the rolls for having similar names to a voter in another state (and not always even the same middle name) and the polling data from which was given to the Russians multiple times...
    They cheated. That's how he got elected. And they are gearing up to cheat again, so we have to be ready to beat them by at least ten points.

    -Doug in Oakland

  71. Some really bright dude in El Sobrante, a few miles North of here, put a big swastika in his yard, and can't seem to understand why his neighbors don't like it.

    There's a lot of meth in El Sobrante, and I don't know for sure that is in any way related to this story, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

    -Doug in Oakland

  72. Judicial Watch is a total joke. It was founded to harass WJC out of office and is nearly as unreliable as regular Fake Noize.

  73. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Trump won the vote among citizens. Hillary got 3 million illegal votes in California alone.
    10:02 PM


  74. Anonymous12:15 PM

    With +/- 80,000 votes in three states that crosscheck purged more voters than that from the rolls for having similar names to a voter in another state (and not always even the same middle name) and the polling data from which was given to the Russians multiple times...
    They cheated. That's how he got elected. And they are gearing up to cheat again, so we have to be ready to beat them by at least ten points.

    -Doug in Oakland
    1:26 AM

    Pure bullshit and delusional. Its illogical. If Trump cheated Hillary and Obama would have thrown a bitch fit and called for a recount. Trump won the Electoral College (LEGAL). Hillary's 3 million came from illegal aliens who voted ILLEGALLY. The real polular vote must be really close or Trump edged it and the Dems know it.

    Why didn't Hillary come out and concede, why did she hide??? Why did Obama call her quickly and tell her to CONCEED. They both had the real data and they knew they LOST.

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