Monday, June 03, 2019

A "nasty" lie.

It's nice to be back home.

A quick question for all my friends and family members who live in Florida: What is up with the heat in your state? We just started the month of June and it must have been 110 degrees in that place. Do you people even go inside in the summertime? Memo to self: Only visit Florida in the winter months. 

Anywhoo, this latest lie by Mr. trump about calling Meghan Markle "nasty" is probably his most brazen and 1984ish of all.

" I never called Meghan Markle “nasty.” Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold! Will , and others apologize? Doubt it!


  1. Kushner claims he was vetted w/o incident except for all those times he had to reconfigure his income for neglecting to mention millions he hadn't reported.

    Kushner reminds me of McCain and his inability to remember how many homes he owned. Poor babies.

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    People in Florida go inside and outside of their houses during the summer. The same goes for all other seasons. Let me know if you have any other questions that confuse you.

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Mike from Iowa reminds me of nurse Ratched. He also reminds me of a Cookoo, not sure he flies over his nest. Probably so...

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    “A quick question for all my friends and family members who live in Florida: What is up with the heat in your state?”

    As they say, it’s not the heat; it’s the humidity. And much of Florida is swampland, so it’s very humid. It reminds me of Houston, which is an extremely sweaty, unpleasant place once August rolls around.

  5. Why is the unqualified failed real estate developer leading foreign relations? And this kind of crap is acceptable to so many Americans. Insane.


    1. Stock market 35% worse under trump.

  7. Can't make this shit up. trump calls for boycott of American corporation because he doesn't like their tv coverage.

  8. CNN is garbage9:05 PM

    I've watched CNN in the UK, it is complete propaganda. It's no wonder Brits have the opinions of American politics that they do.

  9. Wonder what deserted isle the Derumpfuck dumbass brothers were exiled to? Both are flying below radar so as not to embarrass their embarrassing old man.

  10. Anonymous9:14 PM

    “Why is the unqualified failed real estate developer leading foreign relations?”

    Because ~63 million Americans back in 2016 evidently thought it would be a brilliant idea to send Trump to hang with the British monarch, so that she could enjoy his farts and be forced to listen to his insults of her family and nation.

    Who could be a better foreign emissary than a person who represents a walking negative stereotype of American stereotype — all our worst characteristics of boorishness, ignorance, bigotry, and greed rolled into one guy?

  11. All the posters here keep denying that even the New York Times has to admit that THREE QUARTERS of all mass shootings in the USA are committed by blacks:

    "Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black."

    You also cry crocodile tears over the USA having a murder rate 3rd in the world... wanting us to forget that if you take 5 "chocolate" cities out of the statistics, the USA drops down to #189 out of 193.

    It is a black plague:  BLACKS ARE A PLAGUE!

  12. Supposed to be a big meeting of business people tomorrow so Drumpf will have plenty chances to show off his razor sharp stoopidity and lack of decorum for all the world to see. Then he will get on Twitter and lie about what happened.

    As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.

  13. I like the thought of Trump’s state visit simply because you just know a Hillary administration would be full of nerdy liberal Aaron-Sorkin-character types who would totally get off on the pomp and circumstance of Atlanticist diplomacy.

    Now they have to sit and watch Boorish Orange Man. LOL!

    Just think, Pajama Boy could be sitting in some beautifully appointed reception hall in Westminster right now, wearing his new bow-tie, while Secretary of State Kamala Harris reads the toast he wrote praising the vital work of Central European human rights NGOs.

    Instead, as we speak, Trump is probably wandering off-script, stammering about “great trade deals, the best trade deals, tremendous trade deals like you wouldn’t believe...”


  14. "It is a black plague: BLACKS ARE A PLAGUE!"

    And yet you can't go a day without hanging out with us. 😂 Jealousy will get you no where.

  15. Meanwhile, back in the old country:

  16. Meanwhile, down in Louisiana:

  17. Anonymous2:20 AM

    “I like the thought of Trump’s state visit simply because you just know a Hillary administration would be full of nerdy liberal Aaron-Sorkin-character types who would totally get off on the pomp and circumstance of Atlanticist diplomacy. Now they have to sit and watch Boorish Orange Man. LOL!”

    Hey, who cares if everyone on the planet hates us because of the actions of the troll we made president, and ultimately our national security and economy get trashed as a result? At least we “owned the libs.” That’s clearly the most important thing! So funny!

    Wingnuts have some incredibly messed-up priorities. Like angry toddlers, they’ll show up at elections and cast “spite votes” against people they don’t like, even if it means putting reprehensible crooks and drooling morons into office, and hurting themselves in the long run.

  18. So one of Fergus' collusion go-betweens was just arrested for the third or fourth time for child porn.
    After doing time for child molestation previously, he still played a major role in the campaign and transition.
    That's the kind of "best people" Fergus likes, apparently.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. This is the new moral parachute we should all memorize:

    "I don't know. I wasn't involved in that."

    Answer to question "Was Birtherism racist?" Also "Gassing 6 million Jews, was that wrong?" "Snatching children from their parents at the border, is that wrong?"

    Also "given huge diplomatic responsibilities just because you're the president's son-in-law?"

    Oh wait, requires a different answer...

  20. The actual Sun headline is also gaslighting: "MADE HER MARK Donald Trump shocked Meghan Markle was ‘nasty’ about him but says it’s great to have an American princess."

  21. The good folks at The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon comment on the phat bogus potus fashion sense at state dinner.

    Someone suggested Melanoma was wearing a maxi-pad on her head. Bwahahahahaha!

  22. Anonymous9:45 AM

    And yet you can't go a day without hanging out with us. ��

    Have you gone #Blaxit yet?

    No?  You are living in a country MY people founded, in a city MY people built and then re-built after it burned, and YOUR PEOPLE are responsible for at least 90% of the violent crime therein.  You complain about "racism", but you insist on living with the "racists".

    You can't build a society that you'd want to live in, so you insist on being a parasite upon mine.  YOU can't go a day without hanging out with ME and MINE.

    1. Man please, my people have probably been here longer than yours so I claim as much ownership of this country as you ever can. You are here chatting with me on a site created by a brotha so it appears you're stalking us bro. I live in Bronzeville, the Blackest part of the Blackest city so I can go days without seeing a white person. Now if you want to you can peddle your nonsense over to stormfront and somebody there might even be dumb enough to believe your bullshit.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:43 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Women over the age of 30 are useless and create autistic children. Basically, you shuold never date a woman over the age of 25. Old women are stupid."

    And men who hate women are the scourge of the earth. Everyone should avoid them because they carry plague.

  24. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Answer to question "Was Birtherism racist?" Also "Gassing 6 million Jews, was that wrong?" "Snatching children from their parents at the border, is that wrong?"

    1. no

    2. never happened

    3. no, all criminals who go to jail are separated from their children

  25. Great Field, you now have Holocaust deniers here. Just keeps on getting better.🙄


    This fat goofball goes to jail while the classy FLOTUS keeps on writing books and inspiring the next generation. Funny how things work out.


  28. Anonymous11:22 AM

    When NASA employed the best and brightest, we went to the moon.

    Now that NASA is just another government affirmative action program, we have to pay the Russians to take us to our space station.

  29. "Have you gone #Blaxit yet?"

    Don't you mean blexit? I dig their movement. Oh yeah, I support it. Right up there with BLM in my book.

  30. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Obama bombed seven countries. In 2016 he dropped 72 bombs a day. He tear-gassed and deported tens of thousands of migrants. And yet British lefties never called him a fascist. Their hatred for Trump is hypocritical virtue-signalling.

    Trump-bashing isn’t a political stance — it’s a snooty mocking of white-trash America. To Brits who fancy themselves as cultured and sophisticated, Trump has become the ultimate white-trash symbol: an ill-speaking, junk-food-eating, language-coarsening dimwit of a man who has no right to meet out wonderful, pristine monarch or to walk a red carpet. Obama’s wars and authoritarianism were forgivable because he was so handsome and charming. Trump’s wars and authoritarianism, in contrast, are held up as threats to morality and decency because the kind of people who are most keen on Trump — rough and ugly Americans — are themselves seen as a threat to morality and decency.

    What we will see in London today is a massive display of one of the Western world’s ugliest prejudices — middle-class British disdain for the working class.

    1. Sounds more like the protesters dislike his hateful and racist rhetoric. At least that's what they are saying.

  31. Wow, Fox and conservative trolls are all in on British protests. Guess everybody got the memo. Where's my popcorn?

  32. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Obama was groomed as the face of the Anglo empire. Trump is a national leader.

    1. trump is a broke failed reality tv star.

    2. And a childish moron to boot. He can't stand the sight of a naval vessel and starts twitter beefs like a teenage girl. Oh, we certainly picked a winner🙄

  33. 3. no, all criminals who go to jail are separated from their children

    Asylum seekers, by treaty, are not criminals and their children are also sent to jail/cages which is, in fact illegal.

    Drumpf finally got a case in front of one of his hand picked ideologues who decided the case in Drumpfuck's favor. Never could have seen this coming.

    Case about congress, the government branch that allegedly controls the purse strings, not being

  34. Deplorable Dan12:53 PM

    Be aware of projection, and be aware of the fact that it cuts both ways: unhealthy people tend to project their wickedness onto others, while healthy people tend to project their goodness. Don’t let your goodness trick you into thinking there aren’t monsters who will deceive and manipulate you, and don’t let sociopaths project their own sinister motives onto you by telling you how rotten you are. This mixes a lot of good people up, especially in their personal lives.

  35. Drumpf border body count trending up. Not only have border agents allowed 6 kids to die in custody, recently a trans-woman also died in border patrol care.

  36. Case about congress, the government branch that allegedly controls the purse strings, not being allowed to stop Drumpf stealing funds not approprited for wall from defense funds not appropriated to build a wall.



    Black wingnut "jokes" about killing Gays and refuses to apologize. Drumpfuck is toxic.

  38. I have talked to lefty journos and progressive activists who wonder how I became so "radicalized." lol The short answer is, "because you made this way."

    The longer answer is that many years ago I was a pro-choice-pro-gay-rights-pro-immigration-moderate-cuck-establishment-clueless-Republican.

    2015/2016 didn't really change me - it wasn't Trump - I had already began quietly thinking what he was now saying, years before.

    Liberals went nuts when Obama was office. They started slowly (at first) pushing and shifting issues like abortion, gay rights, and immigration so far to the left, that they literally became unrecognizable from where we started off.

    I think the "trans bathroom" shitshow was one of the last straws for me. I wondered, how did we go from gays just wanting to get "married" for so-called "healthcare" and "tax" purposes, to me and my daughter now forced to share a woman's bathroom with a man, at Target?

    And then Christian business owners were targeted and attacked for not baking cakes for gay weddings? Whoa wait, what? If this religious harassment and bathroom perversion was part of the "gay rights" I was once on board with, I needed to rethink things. And I did.

    The racial division Obama stirred up did a number on me too. Black Lives Matter chanting about "dead cops," and then that fool invites those fools to the White House? WTF? Trayvon was his son and the MSM "hands up don't shoot" lie that burned cities all over the country to the ground.

    I used to be the type of Republican that thought Paul Ryan and John McCain were "on my side." lmao I believed them when they said that we needed to import foreigners to do the jobs "Americans didn't want to do," and that those poor DREAMers were just innocent victims, bla bla

    But then these "sweet DREAMers" started demanding shit, and waving Mexican flags, and telling all of us how shit was going to go down. *Nice way to ingratiate yourself to everyone* So, they lost me. I didn't care anymore if these ungrateful, entitled assholes got deported.

    It became a free-for-all. Obama's writing Executive Orders to basically GRANT citizenship...WTF? Americans couldn't get work in Obama's shitty economy, but we're still importing legal and illegals to do their jobs? I decided to look into it and discover why this was happening. And I did.

  39. So, when Trump splashed on the scene, I was already angry. I was already fed up. I was already questioning everything I had believed in or reluctantly bought into to, thanks to the radical progressives who don't know when to say "when."

    It's really not that hard to figure out - if you keep pushing someone - if you keep poking the bear or changing the rules as you go - can you seriously be shocked when people finally throw up their hands and say 'ENOUGH' and start to push back?

    So, what ends up happening under these circumstances, is that people like me start pushing back and radical progressives push back harder, and then I push back more by taking even stronger, bolder counter stance on issues and they do the same...and round and round we go.

    See, before the left pushed shit too far, moderates like me weren't really paying attention. We were like, "hey, let the gays get married..what's the harm?" LOL

    Well, now look where we are. If you even DARE not to CELEBRATE their sex life, you're beaten down and called a bigot.

    If you "wrong think" about gays, immigration or abortion and word spreads to PayPal or Chase bank, you can be cut off. "NO MORE INCOME FOR YOU BAD RACIST THINKER."

    That's the absolute state of absurdity that we're at.

    NO individual thought allowed. Group think or bust.

    I'm over here saying, "You can't force me to celebrate your sex life" and liberals are over there saying "I'll ruin your life if you don't bake a cake for my gay wedding," or "You made a gay joke, so I will get a MOB together and deplatform you until your livelihood is crushed.

    We're at a place now, where a group of unhinged kooks believe they're the "good guys," (they're not) & are deciding what's "racist" & who is a "NAZI."

    I look at these people and I honestly think that they're living on another planet - and MOST Americans agree with me.

    Let's face it, the left got greedy.

    They got a taste of some social victories and wanted MORE - they overplayed their hand & took shit way too far and now they're getting (much needed) push back.

    So, liberals, if you wanna know why I'm "radicalized," go look in the mirror.

  40. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Amy is spot on!!!

  41. Anonymous1:26 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Asylum seekers, by treaty, are not criminals and their children are also sent to jail/cages which is, in fact illegal."

    Something is odd about asylum seekers who trek through 3 countries to get to the one they want. Seems rather picky for people in dire straits.

  42. "Let's face it, the left got greedy."

    So did the right. The right has always been about reforming the country and forcing their way of life down everyone's throat. Abortion is a legal procedure and is a private matter between a woman and her doctor but righties don't like it so they're trying to ban it. The right cannot accept the fact that they can't control everyone's lives and everyone has an equal say in their own lives. If anyone is radically trying to push an agenda it's the right.

  43. Oh dear god, Hannity is actually influencing policy.

  44. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "Trump-bashing isn’t a political stance — it’s a snooty mocking of white-trash America. To Brits who fancy themselves as cultured and sophisticated, Trump has become the ultimate white-trash symbol: an ill-speaking, junk-food-eating, language-coarsening dimwit of a man who has no right to meet out wonderful, pristine monarch or to walk a red carpet."

    I love how we're now pretending that an extremely wealthy, Ivy League educated real estate developer is a fucking sharecropper who grew up in a one-room shack with dirt floors and no running water. The truth is the opposite: Trump grew up in extreme privilege with every possible avenue for knowledge provided to him and he CHOSE to be an absolute ignoramus and obnoxious bully because he is a horrible, dysfunctional person.

    People are not unfairly projecting accusations of bad character onto him because of some prejudice around any demographic group he belongs to. They are correctly judging that HE HAS BAD CHARACTER, BASED ON HIS OWN ACTIONS.

    For that matter, contempt for the segment of "the white working class" that voted for him isn't about class, either.

    Sure, urbanites will make fun of rural predilections. There will be mockery of mullets and Ding Dongs and monster truck shows. But it has always been so, since ancient times, and it will always be so. The hinterlands have always been uncool because the nature of cities dictates that they will be where most cultural trends are created before they filter out to the rest of the country.

    This frankly mild mockery of country culture doesn't amount to contempt, however. The contempt originates with the grotesque political views that many -- though not all -- denizens of largely white small-town America hold. The endless bigotry, blind nationalism and willful ignorance about the rest of the planet, devotion to destructive gun laws that no other country embraces, obsession with crackpot conspiracy theories and false revision histories of this country. These are all completely justified reasons why half the country has growing hatred for Trumpland.

    Nobody hates you because you are unstylish or uncool. We hate you because you are awful people who keep trying to excuse your awfulness as "tradition" -- or, worse, as virtue.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Everything trump touches ends up in prison.

  47. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Manafort is not in prison for anything he did in association with Trump.

  48. Anonymous2:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The right cannot accept the fact that they can't control everyone's lives and everyone has an equal say in their own lives. If anyone is radically trying to push an agenda it's the right."

    See comment by "Deplorable Dan" at 12:53 PM.

  49. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "People are not unfairly projecting accusations of bad character onto him because of some prejudice around any demographic group he belongs to."

    As usual, you miss the point.

    People hate Trump not so much for what he is, but for who he represents.

    Liberals can't stand the thought that unwashed white working class voters can have a say in things too.

  50. "Liberals can't stand the thought that unwashed white working class voters can have a say in things too."

    Nah, just can't stand the outsized say they have in matters. Wyoming has the same senate representation as California, New York and Illinois. Everyone should have a say and no one group should dictate for everone.

  51. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "The contempt originates with the grotesque political views that many -- though not all -- denizens of largely white small-town America hold."


    Drag queen story hours for toddlers at public libraries.

    Men in dresses sharing bathrooms with little girls.

    "Pride" parades with men dressed as nuns with strap-on dildos.

    Sacralizing abortion right up to the minute of birth.

    Prioritizing the material desires of illegal aliens over the Americans who suffer higher crime and lower wages.

    Legitimizing violence against political opposition.

    Undermining democracy by attempting to overturn the results of an election.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      “Hyperbole” is being charitable.

      “Distortions and outright lies” would be more accurate.


  53. Anonymous2:58 PM

    PilotX said...

    PilotX 55 minutes earlier...
    "Everything trump touches ends up in prison."


  54. PilotX 55 minutes earlier...
    "Everything trump touches ends up in prison."

    Um, exactly.😂

    1. Then again, checking the numbers that's an accurate statement😆

  55. Anonymous said....

    "Now that NASA is just another government affirmative action program, we have to pay the Russians to take us to our space station.

    11:22 AM

    We've been paying them to take us to our space station for quite a while. Try to keep up.

  56. "Now that NASA is just another government affirmative action program, we have to pay the Russians to take us to our space station"

    Well, maybe a genius like yourself can become head of NASA and restore the agency to its former glory. I won't hold my breath.

  57. "Manafort is not in prison for anything he did in association with Trump."

    Of course not, trump only hires the best people who commit crimes on their own time.😂

  58. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Manafort's crimes were committed when he was an associate of Tony Podesta.

  59. "Manafort's crimes were committed when he was an associate of Tony Podesta."

    Was that before or after he was one of the best people hired by trump?

  60. In the immortal musings of beloved tv dumb blonde, Kelly Bundy, to be forewarned is to have four arms, comes a tale of caution about wingnuts, death taxes and bigly whoppers.

    South Dakota (aka Northern Mississippi) guv and former full of shit congressvarmint of the female persuasion claimed she had to take out a 10 year loan to pay estate taxes on family farm when her dad died. Lies, lies and more lies.

    Plus she had no problem voting moar subsidies for her family's farm as a congressvarmint of the female persuasion. Plus she didn't/doesn't bother to mention this small life insurance policy of over a million bucks which went to her mother at the time.

    I have not seen evidence any family farm has ever had to be sold to pay the taxes and the limits are 11 million for single owner/22 million for husband and wife vbefore any estate tax kicks in.

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:17 PM

    Amy said...

    I have talked to lefty journos and progressive activists who wonder how I became so "radicalized." lol The short answer is, "because you made this way."

    Ah, poor Amy! She is the victim of us terrible liberals. She claims she used to be "pro-choice-pro-gay-rights-pro-immigration-moderate-cuck-establishment-clueless-Republican."

    She thinks "Liberals went nuts when Obama was office." She complains about abortion, not realizing that
    Support for abortion rights grows as some U.S. states curb access ...
    May 26, 2019 - Americans have become more supportive of abortion rights over the past ... percent of respondents told Reuters/Ipsos they support abortion in ...

    Amy continues her diatribe by complaining about immigrants," in her own words"sweet DREAMers" started demanding shit" She doesn't know about President Ronald Reagan's immigration policies: See the following website or Google the topic.

    Ronald Reagan was right on amnesty for immigrants. Here's why
    Oct 25, 2018 - The 1986 immigration law backed by Ronald Reagan was ... Instead, such laws and our failure to have another amnesty, have made it nearly ...

    And then, Amy goes completely off the rails. "She says,"I think the "trans bathroom" shitshow was one of the last straws for me."

    Amy, let me bring you up to date in the real word: Many buildings frequented by the general public provide public rest rooms that serve either sex, and/or are gender neutral. And if your Target has ladies only rest rooms, is it too much trouble to accompany your daughter to the rest room in case there might a scary transgender person in there?
    I must confess, I don't believe you name is Amy. I think you are troll.

  62. Anonymous4:18 PM

    “Now that NASA is just another government affirmative action program, we have to pay the Russians to take us to our space station"

    This take is just dumb as hell.

    NASA can’t do the things it once used to do because the American taxpayer isn’t willing to pay for it, not because incompetent engineers of color can’t design spacecraft.

    The only reason NASA ever had the kind of money needed to put a man on the moon was because the civilian space program was a front for American missile development during the Cold War, as well as a serving a propaganda function (“look how much better our capitalist scientific community is than your communist one!”).

    In other words, once the military motivation ended in the ‘90s, the funding also went away. I dearly wish the American public altruistically wanted to spend money on a space program for the sake of pure science, and didn’t have to be scared into it by a fear of Soviet nukes. But they don’t.

  63. Anonymous4:21 PM

    “I have not seen evidence any family farm has ever had to be sold to pay the taxes and the limits are 11 million for single owner/22 million for husband and wife vbefore any estate tax kicks in.”

    Exactly. This is a straight-up wingnut lie. Just pure bullshit.

    The number of farmers who even pay estate tax is tiny, and none of them are losing their family farms.

  64. Anonymous4:51 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  65. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "I have talked to lefty journos and progressive activists who wonder how I became so 'radicalized.' lol The short answer is, 'because you made this way.'"

    Yawn. The "I used to be a liberal/ a moderate Republican" talking point. Why do you alt-righties think this makes you somehow sound more credible? You're not. You're a Nazi and you've probably always been one.

    Either that, or you're one of those gross opportunists who don't have any actual political views at all,and just say whatever will win you cash and prizes as some kind of airhead pinup girl for the Nazi boys, like Lauren Southern or Faith Goldy. Ka-ching!

  66. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I need to go into the Trump baby blimp business. I think I could make a mint selling them in the U.S.

  67. "... but says it’s great to have an American princess."

    '''Mostly because he's disappointed that he doesn't get to fuck his own daughter. But only the tall one with the fake tits.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Bitter in Oakland6:22 PM

    Doug doesn't fuck anything.


  69. Manafort was never an associate o9f Podesta. Manafort hired Podesta's business to lobby for him.

  70. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Diversity is the state religion of Blue America.

    I’m not joking. The pious earnestness, the dualistic notions of good and evil, the general suite of psychological tendencies being all strikes a very religious tone.

    Look at it this way—the human brain is what it has always been. If your ancestors were, say, Calvinists or rabbinical scholars, that wiring is still there. But now it’s expressed in different ways.

    What’s more, whereas a traditional religious fundamentalist may wish to impose his beliefs on society, it is possible for some to simply downplay temporal concerns in favor of spiritual ones, however the religious impulses of secularists are all necessarily expressed in terms of worldly policies and attitudes.

    And any dissent is treated as heresy.

  71. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck told Hope Hicks not to answer Congress subpoena. She has aGreed to give them campaign documents. Wait for Drumpf's micro unstable grey matter to come unglued.

  72. Ace Freely7:09 PM

    Straight-Shooting Hero Robert Mueller Edited Trump Lawyer's Voice Mail Message to Make It Sound Nefarious

    John Dowd, Trump's lawyer, left a voice message with Michael Flynn's attorney.

    Mueller -- or the serpentine Weissman, or both in combination -- selectively edited the message to cut out the perfectly-legitimate reason for the contact: namely, that if Flynn were planning to speak of confidential information he'd spoken to Trump about about, then Trump had every legal right to interpose executive privilege to keep his confidence.

    Mueller/Weissman chopped that part out to make it sound as if Dowd were delivering a Capo's order to a soldier.

    The special counsel's report portrays the transcript as reading:

    If . .. there's information that implicates the President, then we've got a national security issue, . . . so, you know, . . . we need some kind of heads up. Um, just for the sake of protecting all our interests if we can...

    That portion of the transcript released Friday reads:

    If, on the other hand, we have, there's information that. .. implicates the President, then we've got a national security issue, or maybe a national security issue, I don't know ... some issue, we got to-we got to deal with, not only for the President, but for the country. So... uh know, then-then, you know, we need some kind of heads up. Um, just for the sake of ... protecting all our interests, if we can, without you having to give up any...confidential information.

    Dowd also claims that Mueller’s report falsely suggests that the contact with Kelner was improper. Dowd said Monday that he "had an obligation as counsel to the president to find out what was going on."

    Time and again, the Weissman report (does anyone think Herman Munster was really an active captain of this ship?) takes perfectly legal actions by Trump, such as firing an insubordinate, leaking and lying FBI director, and tries to frame Trump as having committed a non-crime.

    This is just one more sordid example.

    And even with their deceits, they continue to serve up the weakest of weak tea.

  73. Anonymous7:09 PM

    "I’m not joking. The pious earnestness, the dualistic notions of good and evil, the general suite of psychological tendencies being all strikes a very religious tone."

    Hmmm. Religions incorporate moral beliefs, ergo moral beliefs must equal religion?

    Nope, don't think it works that way, buddy. Someone needs a remedial course on how logic works.

  74. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Secular progressivism is a religion. It denies evolution. It even has its own apocalypse myth in Global Warming.

  75. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Secular progressivism is a religion. It denies evolution. It even has its own apocalypse myth in Global Warming.
    Nonsense, it's just adults who don't need invisible sky wizards to understand natural events.

  76. Selectively edited, you fucking mow rawns? Cry me a fucking river with the banks lined with dead Breitbarts and James OMFG O' Keefe fucker, the champions of selectively editing videos to destroy people's lives.

  77. If not for religion and gods wingnuts would have no unfounded fears of POC.

  78. Anonymous7:42 PM

    If we're celebrating Pride this month, which deadly sin are we celebrating next month?

  79. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I must confess, I don't believe you name is Amy. I think you are troll. -------------------
    Maybe not, girls like Amy and Josh think some of us actually would take the time to read their "thoughts" which show a bare minimum level of intelligence and awareness. Their are weirdos like Amy out there.

  80. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Biden/Harris 2020!!!!!!!!!

  81. Anonymous7:45 PM

    If I ever have one slight point of political disagreement with someone, that’s enough for me to know they’re a Nazi.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:00 PM

    Anonymous said...

    If we're celebrating Pride this month, which deadly sin are we celebrating next month?

    7:42 PM

    How about celebrating Trumps Crimes?

  83. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "If we're celebrating Pride this month, which deadly sin are we celebrating next month?"

    Oh, you have a problem with this? It's weird that your buddies with the shaved heads and swastikas keep going on about "White Pride" then. (Unfortunately, they aren't really celebrating "white pride"; they mean "white superiority.")

  84. Anonymous8:08 PM

    If I ever have one slight point of political disagreement with someone, that’s enough for me to know they’re a Nazi."

    If the point of disagreement is that they think brown people are inferior and should be gotten rid of, and I don't, then yes, they're a Nazi.

  85. Anonymous8:11 PM

    More trump associates going to jail. This one on child pron charges. Yup, he only ires the best.

  86. Anonymous8:12 PM

    If the point of disagreement is that they think brown people are inferior and should be gotten rid of, and I don't, then yes, they're a Nazi.
    It also doesn't help to be a Holocaust denier.

  87. Anonymous8:52 PM

    "If the point of disagreement is that they think brown people are inferior and should be gotten rid of, and I don't, then yes, they're a Nazi."

    I'm a Nazi, and I don't think brown people are inferior and should be gotten rid of.

  88. Magic's Johnson9:45 PM

    Reminder ladies: If you have sex with a black man you're also having sex with all of the inmates he's had sex with.

  89. GrannyStandingforTruth10:18 PM

    Did any of you read the court document for George Nader who is another one of Trump's buddies? If you want to know how sick he is, read pages 6-9. "Birds of a feather flock together." Why are most of Trump's buddies' pedophiles who are into child porn & child sex trafficking? Aren't you curious?

    Here's the link to the court document:

    I wish judges could make an exception and order them to be burned at the stake for what they're doing to those children. Prison is not good enough for those dirty, low-life scumbags.

    Where are those immigrant girls that are never shown on TV? Where are those infants and toddlers? Where did they disappear to? I got questions marks on top of questions marks running through my head right now.

  90. Hey Granny!!!!!!!!!!😄

  91. DHS admits to not doing enough to prevent domestic white supremacist terrorism. And water is wet huh?🙄

  92. GrannyStandingforTruth12:13 AM

    Hey Pilot.

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:38 AM

    Anonymous said

    "Reminder ladies: If you have sex with a black man you're also having sex with all of the inmates he's had sex with."

    9:45 PM
    Oh, that old shit again. Give me a break. That saying was dumb when it it started in the 1970s and it hasn't gotten any smarter with age.

    And if it had any validity (which it doesn't), it would apply to men as well as women.


    Check this out Field!😄

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  96. Lt. Commander Johnson6:05 AM

    Nice to see that Queenie is still running this blog. Always give me a chuckle.

  97. Right up Drumpf's back alley, June 3rd marked the umpteenth anniversary when Billy Joe MacAllister threw hisself off Tallahatchie Bridge after future Dukes of Hazzard sheriff, Roscoe P Coltrane, buggered BIlly Joe's ass. Future sheriff was a pastor in the movie.


    Anybody guess what century this is?


    Are you a white supremacyst/terrorist? If so you are likely a stoopid fucking wingnut.

    Take the quiz, wasicu wasteys.


    Cuntette Bone Spurs is all for patriotism as long as it is someone else's kids that pay the price.

  101. Drumpf told Britain if they want a trade agreement their healthcare system is on the table. Apparently Drumpf thinks he can dictate health care policy to other nations.

  102. Another dreary day in America, another stoopid fucking Drumpf Twitter assault on humanity's intelligence.

  103. It's okay to be a Nazi10:29 AM

    Libertarianism appeals to people because it's a philosophy of "leave me alone" and is predicated on the notion that if you leave people alone, they'll leave you alone.

    Fascism comes when you realize that they aren't going to leave you alone unless you make them leave you alone.

  104. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Man please, my people have probably been here longer than yours so I claim as much ownership of this country as you ever can.

    Not likely.  There was a surge in the slave trade with the invention of the cotton gin in 1794.  My ancestors, save one that I know of, were already here by then... and there were next to none of YOU in the North.

    You are here chatting with me on a site created by a brotha so it appears you're stalking us bro.

    You are using Blogger.  Blogger was created at Pyra Labs in 1999, and purchased by Google in 2003.  Pyra Labs was founded by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan.  If you think blacks had anything to do with the creation of Blogger, you're more delusional than I believed possible.

    Feeled did not "create" this site.  His role was roughly equivalent to filling in formulas in a spreadsheet (I should know, I've done plenty of work in Blogger).  You're comparing him to the author of VisiCalc.

    I live in Bronzeville

    So, about Bronzeville....

    "Bronzeville" was created by white people.  The so-called Ida B. Wells-Barnett House was built in 1889-90, decades before Louis B. Anderson commissioned the "Bronzeville" house at 3800 S. Calumet... and he didn't do it himself, he hired two Scandinavian architects named Michaelsen & Rognstad to do the actual design and construction.  It's just one more chapter in the story of Africans claiming ownership of things they did not make and scarcely understand.

    the Blackest part of the Blackest city so I can go days without seeing a white person.

    You lie.  Chicago is 30.5% black.  St. Louis, 46.5% black.  So is Baltimore.  Washington DC, 47.1% black.  New Orleans is a whopping 59.8% black, almost twice as black as Chicago.  Detroit is 79.1% black (all figures  Why aren't you there?

    Oh, right... it takes white people to make a city work, and all of those places are too black even for you.  Chicago lets you larp as a member of civilization while whites keep the wheels turning for you.  Just like you fly airplanes that you could never have built.  The birthplace of your ancestors is a desert of architecture, innovation, science, medicine, literature... everything that marks a civilization is nigh-absent there.  That is your legacy.

  105. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The only reason NASA ever had the kind of money needed to put a man on the moon was because the civilian space program was a front for American missile development during the Cold War

    Bullshit.  By the time the first Gemini was launched in 1965, the solid-fuel Minuteman and Poseidon missiles were already the US deterrent's workhorses.  The Titans which launched the Geminis were decommissioned ICBMs, already obsolete for that role.  The Saturn used hydrogen fuel in the upper stages; NO ICBM ever used hydrogen.

    serving a propaganda function (“look how much better our capitalist scientific community is than your communist one!”).

    That was on top of automobiles, gas stoves, electric refrigerators, automatic clothes washers and dishwashers, and other envies of the rest of the world.  And it was all 100% real.

    If you think you're so damn great, go MAWA (Make Africa Wakanda Again).  Put up or shut up.

  106. God Bless the CIA12:46 PM

    The dominance of cable news and op-ed pages by ex-CIA officials, FBI agents, NSA lawyers and former prosecutors shaping "news" is so complete that it's now normalized. RussiaGate made reverence for these agencies so high that what's considered odd is to question or object to it. Question Brennan's motives or Comey's competence and the left will call you a traitor.

    It's this same newfound reverence for security state agencies that has allowed the NSA to deceive everyone again that the FISA court is not the rubber-stamping, empty gesture that it is but some sort of rigorous check on spying powers. Everyone post-Snowden understood what it was. These MSM psy-ops are are designed to draw the curtain back over the Deep State.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:08 PM

    TO Anonymous at 11:02 AM

    No one at this blog is interested in reading your racist ramblings. Please just go away and take 'God Bless the CIA' with you. (12:46 PM). Your racist opinions and your conspiracies theories are quite boring. I assure you we have all heard/read them before.

  108. Baby hunter1:15 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Where are those immigrant girls that are never shown on TV? Where are those infants and toddlers? Where did they disappear to? I got questions marks on top of questions marks running through my head right now."

    Granny is jonesing for a fix of Fake News. Somebody help her!

  109. Anonymous2:04 PM

    “Drumpf told Britain if they want a trade agreement their healthcare system is on the table. Apparently Drumpf thinks he can dictate health care policy to other nations.”

    And he’s probably right.

    If the UK goes through with Brexit, they will end up coming to the U.S., hat in hand, forced to beg for a trade deal to make up for all the trade they’ve lost by leaving the EU. The US will have the upper hand in negotiations and will extract painful concessions — like forcing the Brits to privatize big swaths of their health services so American companies can get a piece of the action.

    Brexit is a super stupid idea for the British public. Great if you’re a U.S. healthcare corporation, though.

  110. Anonymous2:10 PM

    “Libertarianism appeals to people because it's a philosophy of ‘leave me alone’ and is predicated on the notion that if you leave people alone, they'll leave you alone.”

    Libertarianism appeals to greedy rich people because it’s a philosophy of “the government will leave me alone while I fuck over poor people,” and is predicated on bad personal character.

    Libertarianism appeals to racist white people because it’s a philosophy of “the government will leave me alone while I fuck over brown people,” and is predicated on bad personal character.

    Fixed that for you.

  111. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Authoritarianism appeals to communist douchebags like you because it’s a philosophy of “the government will give me the status I can't earn on my own” and is predicated on bad personal character.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:09 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "Libertarianism appeals to racist white people because it’s a philosophy of “the government will leave me alone while I fuck over brown people,” and is predicated on bad personal character.

    Fixed that for you."

    2:10 PM
    I agree to some extent with what you say, although I don't think all Libertarians are racist. The biggest problem with libertarianism is that it doesn't work in our modern, heavily populated country. It only works in small communities in which the residents all know each other. This keeps most people honest. Large, populated countries require government regulations to do that job.

  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Authoritarianism appeals to communist douchebags like you because it’s a philosophy of “the government will give me the status I can't earn on my own” and is predicated on bad personal character.

    2:22 PM
    This post makes no sense. Communism is an economic system, while authoritarianism is a political system.

  114. Quit your Stalin4:07 PM

    Communism requires authoritarianism.

  115. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    The biggest problem with libertarianism is that it doesn't work in our modern, heavily populated country. It only works in small communities in which the residents all know each other. This keeps most people honest. Large, populated countries require government regulations to do that job.

    In other words, diverse, multi-cultural societies lack the high trust necessary for a system based on limited government and the guarantee of individual liberties.

  116. Love scratching my asshole4:59 PM

    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  117. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "In other words, diverse, multi-cultural societies lack the high trust necessary for a system based on limited government and the guarantee of individual liberties."

    No, libertarianism is an economic system that does not work anywhere, in any country, regardless of demographics. Which is why zero countries have ever implemented it. It is a pipe dream. (An evil one.)

  118. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  119. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "I agree to some extent with what you say, although I don't think all Libertarians are racist. The biggest problem with libertarianism is that it doesn't work in our modern, heavily populated country. It only works in small communities in which the residents all know each other. This keeps most people honest. Large, populated countries require government regulations to do that job."

    Lots of systems may "work" in the context of some tiny enclave of, like, 50 people. Communism "works" on the level of a town with its own self-contained economy that doesn't trade with the outside world.

    The problem is that almost nobody wants to live in any of these tiny utopian communities because there are way too many drawbacks to a community that size. Nation states exist for a reason. And these systems don't scale up to work on a nation-state level, so basically, they're worthless.

  120. Deranged Trumptrash Are A Global Problem6:29 PM

    They just can't stand to have their boorish, stupid, racist messiah mocked.

    Woman Stabs Baby Trump Balloon in London

  121. Anonymous Deranged Trumptrash Are A Global Problem6:31 PM

    Let's try this again:

    Woman Stabs Baby Trump Balloon in London

  122. Anonymous7:06 PM

    > Woman Stabs Baby Trump Balloon in London

    But beating and stabbing Trump supporters is just fine with you.

  123. Anonymous7:15 PM

    No one at this blog is interested in reading your racist ramblings.

    But you can't point out one single falsehood, especially about what cities are actually black.  It IS true; the truth is poison to you!

    Your racist opinions and your conspiracies theories are quite boring. I assure you we have all heard/read them before.

    You prefer your idealist fantasies to prosaic truth.  The whole USA has been run on fantasies since at least 1965, if not 1865.  It resembles the Dutch tulip mania in some ways.  But now the seams are starting to unravel, and people like you are getting scared.  You ought to be.  The bill for your lies is coming due.

  124. So Drumpf rewarded Saudi Arabia for murdering American journalist by selling them millions in weapons and then we find out China has its mitts in Saudi Arabia as well.

    Bipartisan group of Senators is trying to stop the weapons sales to our enemies in Saudi Arabia,

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:43 PM

    Quit your Stalin said...

    "Communism requires authoritarianism."

    4:07 PM
    No it doesn't. If you were to read Marx, you would know that. There is no inherent reason in communism that requires authoritarianism. Communism was introduced by force, by revolutionaries in Russia and other countries, but Marx imagined a political system in which the people would vote for it.

  126. "But you can't point out one single falsehood, especially about what cities are actually black. It IS true; the truth is poison to you!"

    Ok but what's your point? There's crime in blah communities so what? Every community has crime, good people and bad people. Are you working to better certain areas or are you here to try to belittle people?

  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:58 PM

    Anonymous said..

    "In other words, diverse, multi-cultural societies lack the high trust necessary for a system based on limited government and the guarantee of individual liberties."

    4:14 PM
    Not quite what I said. You see it's the size of the population, not the diversity that creates a situation in which high trust becomes impossible. The larger the population, the less self-restraint unscrupulous
    individuals practice. This is Sociology 101.

  128. Anonymous9:15 PM

    True, he larger the society, the more anonymity and less accountability people feel towards their community, but homogeneity of values does engender trust and diversity erodes it.

  129. Quit your Stalin9:20 PM

    "There is no inherent reason in communism that requires authoritarianism. Communism was introduced by force, by revolutionaries in Russia and other countries, but Marx imagined a political system in which the people would vote for it."

    Redistributing wealth requires force.

    Central control requires force.

    Marx could imagine anything he wanted, but the reality is that you can not have a communist society without high levels of coercion and rigid control of the populace.

  130. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "True, he larger the society, the more anonymity and less accountability people feel towards their community, but homogeneity of values does engender trust and diversity erodes it."

    Robert Putman is a well respected with plenty of academic credentials, but I would like to see the data tables and the methodology he used in the study. Thanks for the link.

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:08 AM

    Quit your Stalin said...(9:15 PM)

    "Redistributing wealth requires force."

    Not so - Have you ever heard of communes in which people share wealth? How about companies who engage in profit sharing with their employees? Have you not read of hunter/gatherer societies in which everything is shared?

    "Central control requires force."

    Depends on what you mean by central control. Can you be more specific?

    "Marx could imagine anything he wanted, but the reality is that you can not have a communist society without high levels of coercion and rigid control of the populace."

    This is only your opinion. What evidence can you provide to support it?

  132. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  133. Anonymous11:36 PM

    There's crime in blah communities so what?

    My county has roughly the population of Bronzeville.  Bronzeville has had at least two serious shootings so far this year.  Per the most recent state statistics my county has not had a single arrest for murder or attempted murder THIS DECADE.

    Every community has crime, good people and bad people.

    You think "how much", "how many" and "how bad" are irrelevant.  You're wrong.

    Are you working to better certain areas or are you here to try to belittle people?

    I'm working to keep my own area from getting worse, by preventing ONES LIKE YOU from MAKING it like the hellholes you accept as "normal".

    If I find myself able to make the whole United States better by booting all the ones like you back to Africa (where your anti-social behavior is unremarkable, because it's the norm) I'll do it.  MAGA.

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