Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Is this who we are?

I don't need a caption for this pic. I know what it says about us. 

As someone said earlier: "This is a cruel stain on trump's America."  

We should do better. 

Pic by Julia Le Duc/AP)


  1. Yes.

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Of course, if you cross the border LEGALLY, on the ROAD, this won't happen to you!

  3. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Is this who we are?"


    We are a country who incentivizes people throwing themselves and their children in the river by offering free shit for life for anyone who makes it to the other side.

    We do this for mega corporations who want to keep wages down and leftist politicians who want voters.

    And you are the kind of person who will use this photo to get your way.

  4. Decision 202011:53 PM

    Julian Castro said during the debate tonight that biological men should have the right to get free abortions. This is actual literal insanity.

  5. Decision 202011:55 PM

    Tulsi: “I’d give my life for someone in the LGBTQ community”

    Booker: “That’s not enough”

  6. "This is a cruel stain on trump's America."

    The cruelty is the point. Fergus thinks this stuff will get him elected, and if it does, then yes, it's who we are.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous12:59 AM

    And you are the kind of person who will use this photo to get your way.
    And you're the kind of person who doesn't give a shit about babies drowning.

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "And you are the kind of person who will use this photo to get your way.
    And you're the kind of person who doesn't give a shit about babies drowning.

    12:59 AM"
    Righties only care about fetuses; they don't care about babies.

  9. Anonymous7:54 AM

    What did you do feelz?

  10. Field, your website is always a go-to, for general human events, not just reports on our long-running national stain.

    You said volumes with your brief comments today. And, of course, the photo.

    Wish I could get a couple million more people to tune in here.

  11. One moar time for you stoopid fucking mow rawn wingnuts.....asylum seekers can cross the border anywhere legally, not just points of entry. Get it. US and International law agree on this. These asylum seekers are here legally. The law breaKng is done by this administration by denying these legal asylum seekers entry.

    Next we will hear from the liar in chief Obama started this policy of drowning immigrants and Drumpf stopped it.

  12. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...

  13. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "liar in chief Obama"

    Turd from Iowa gets it right for once.

  14. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "One moar time for you stoopid fucking mow rawn wingnuts.....asylum seekers can cross the border anywhere legally, not just points of entry"

    So why attempt a dangerous river crossing?

  15. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The Democrats have succeeded at changing the demographics of our country and now they are campaigning for votes in a language that demographic understands.

    You can stop acting smug now black America. You just got replaced too.

  16. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "Righties only care about fetuses; they don't care about babies."

    People who care about babies don't designate them a "Get into America Free" ticket for anyone who steps foot across the border.

  17. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The clown from iowa lies.  Including to himself, no doubt.  Entry without inspection is a CRIME and, per the law, forfeits any claim to lawful presence (let alone asylum).

    Improper Entry vs. Unlawful Presence

    Under federal law, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally commits the crime of improper entry. Improper entry can be punished by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $250.

    What is Entry Without Inspection (EWI)?

    Entry without inspection means that you entered the United States without being inspected by an immigration or border patrol officer. The classic example is someone who enters the United States through the deserts or mountains, in unregulated terrain in an effort to reach the United States. Other examples include hiding in someone's trunk. In short, entry without inspection means exactly what it states: you entered the United States and no one inspected you upon entry.

    How does an Entry Without Inspection Effect my Eligibility for Adjustment of Status?

    In order to adjust status in the United States and obtain a green card in the United States without leaving, you are required to enter with inspection.

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It’s a tragedy. It's also highly disrespectful using this photo to manipulate people.

    The child is in that picture because of Judge Dolly Gee. It was her Flores rulings that made bringing kids across the border the ticket to entry into US.

  19. "You can stop acting smug now black America. You just got replaced too."

    And here I thought America had open arms for all the downtrodden and welcomes newcomers. Silly me.

  20. Anonymous12:00 PM

    "And here I thought America had open arms for all the downtrodden and welcomes newcomers. Silly me."

    Just like you have open arms for all the downtrodden people who show up at your front door or break in through a back window of your house, welcoming all newcomers no questions asked, no natter how many more are lined up behind them. Silly you.

  21. Reagan allowed illegal immigrants to destroy unions. Now people are fleeing insane violence. If you have no empathy for people fleeing violent situations I don't know what to say.

    1. Also, go after the people who employ illegal immigrants. Enforce all laws.

  22. "Just like you have open arms for all the downtrodden people who show up at your front door or break in through a back window of your house"

    Bad analogy.
    The situation is getting worse because president orange foolius cut funds to Central American nations with violence problems. Brilliant plan.

  23. Anonymous12:23 PM

    "cut funds to Central American nations with violence problems"

    The American taxpayer is not responsible for solving all the problems of other countries.

  24. Anonymous12:27 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Reagan allowed illegal immigrants to destroy unions. Now people are fleeing insane violence"

    This makes no sense.

    If illegal immigrants destroy unions, and you are pro-union, why do you support illegal immigration?

    And how is the state of unions in the US the cause of insane violence in other countries?

  25. Anonymous12:30 PM

    "If you have no empathy for people fleeing violent situations I don't know what to say."

    If you have no empathy for homeless people fleeing violent situations and setting up camp in your living room, I don't know what to say.

  26. Evidence shows that the increasing wait times at ports of entry are not a function of a sudden surge of migrants, but of deliberate policy decisions by the Trump Administration to detain as many asylum seekers as possible for as long as possible.

    Immigration emergency is a manufactured cluster fuck to hold asylum seekers as long as possible, instead of sending them through verification process required by law.

    Anymoose is lying through his teeth. These people don't get inspections because of law breaking Drumpf. Asylum seekers can enter any part of the border and do it legally. The unlawful stuff comes from the gubmint.

  27. The American taxpayer is not responsible for solving all the problems of other countr

    Those upheavals in Central America are directly connected to right wing foreign policy trying to prevent communism from getting a foothold in this hemisphere.


  29. "This makes no sense.

    If illegal immigrants destroy unions, and you are pro-union, why do you support illegal immigration?"

    How does it make no sense? Reagan offered amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants to destroy unions period. Doesn't matter what my thoughts are about labor or immigration. Facts are facts.

  30. 5-4 activist, bought and paid for, wingnut Spotus just allowed wingnuts gerrymandering to stand.

    Another right wing assault aimed at suppressing votes.


  32. What is with the zero sum attitude from conservatives? Always scared someone is trying to take something from them. First it was blah people and now Latinos who are being demonized. It works to great effect for the perpetually scared GOP. See Jesse Helms' hands commercial for more evidence.


  33. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Now people are fleeing insane violence.

    And bringing it right here with them.  Ever heard of MS-13?

    Oh, wait, you live in a "good neighborhood" that has had more shootings THIS YEAR than my county has had THIS DECADE.  That's true of a bunch of counties around here, not just mine.  "Insane violence" is NORMAL to you.

    If you have no empathy for people fleeing violent situations I don't know what to say.

    They can fix their violence problems the same way Europeans did.  This requires executing the most violent and criminal 1-2% of every generation, until the violent genes are culled out.  This process takes a few hundred years, so they should have started, oh, around 1600.  BUT:  there's no time like the present!

    The situation is getting worse because president orange foolius cut funds to Central American nations with violence problems.

    "Need mo' money fo' dem programs!"

    Yet, strangely, Europeans don't need to be given somebody else's money to stop being violent.  It's almost like... Europeans and savages are different and incompatible species.

    Those upheavals in Central America are directly connected to right wing foreign policy trying to prevent communism from getting a foothold in this hemisphere.

    All the starving people in Venezuela, once fed by farms put out of business by Chavez and Maduro, now wish they had prevented communism from getting a foothold in this hemisphere too.

  34. Anonymous1:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "What is with the zero sum attitude from conservatives? Always scared someone is trying to take something from them?"

    Says the guy who whines about white privilege.

  35. Anonymous1:23 PM

    "What is with the zero sum attitude from PilotX? Always scared someone is trying to take something from him?"

    Says Juan as he grabs a six pack from the fridge before he takes PilotX's car.

  36. "Says the guy who whines about white privilege."

    Show me a post of such. Thanks.

  37. "Says Juan as he grabs a six pack from the fridge before he takes PilotX's car."

    More like says a conservative making a stupid racist joke. Paranoia much?

  38. OT, not sure how true it is if at all but just saw a poster of Richard Spencer and his girlfriend that gives his address on S. Michigan in Chicago. Nice location in the South Loop but maybe not so great for a white "nationalist". Lots of diversity in this area. Maybe he's a fan of the Blues cause that's right across the street from the Chicago Blues Museum.

  39. Anonymous2:55 PM

    If they are putting posters out with his address they are running him out of the neighborhood. In the name of tolerance and open debate, of course.

    1. I guess. Maybe nazis are a nuisance?


    3. nazis bring the property values down. And flies, they bring flies.

  40. I mean who knows, maybe they put up the poster so fanboys can meet their hero. Anywhoo if you're really interested I saw the website

  41. Anonymous3:17 PM

    “OT, not sure how true it is if at all but just saw a poster of Richard Spencer and his girlfriend that gives his address on S. Michigan in Chicago. Nice location in the South Loop but maybe not so great for a white ‘nationalist.’”

    Amazingly poor judgment on Spencer’s part, if true. Eric Trump got spit on during his visit to Chicago. As a resident of the city, Spencer will get spit on every time he walks down the street. I guess he better get used to wearing a raincoat all the time.

    1. That's a sign of endearment.😂

  42. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  43. Anonymous4:03 PM

    PilotX said...
    "nazis bring the property values down. And flies, they bring flies"

    You should be able to run everyone out of your neighborhood who brings property values down, right X?

  44. MS 13 was born in California prisons 20 years before Obama became our last legaLLY elected Potus.

    MS 13 is driving the violence in Central America and is funded by drugs sold to Americans.


  45. You should be able to run everyone out of your neighborhood who brings property values down, right X?

    What a totally stoopid fucking Drumpfuck the dumbfuck comment to make.

  46. Spotus puts a hold on census question designed to enhance wingnut electoral victories. Of course panty waist wasicus are up in arms over the split decision.

  47. "The American taxpayer is not responsible for solving all the problems of other countries."

    Then maybe they shouldn't have caused them in the first place.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Must-watch video:

    See that crazy black man?  You're only a little bit less crazy than he is.

  49. "You should be able to run everyone out of your neighborhood who brings property values down, right X?"

    Once again, who said anything about running anyone anywhere? Boy, you anons really love your straw men arguments.

  50. Yisheng = nigger6:50 PM

    Anybody who STILL supports Trump deserves Hell.

  51. Here is a head scratcher in the time of Drumpfuck the dumbfucks reign of lying stoopidity.... A five month pregnant Black woman gets into an argument with another woman. As the fight continues, the second woman pulls a gun and shoots the preggo woman in the stomach, killing the fetus. The mother to be is charged with manslaughter and the shooter goes free. Okay.....


    Wow, we actually had a president that wasn't under investigation.

  53. Anonymous7:12 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Once again, who said anything about running anyone anywhere?"

    You did. At 3:03.

    1. "You did. At 3:03."

      Nope. YOU said it.I said I guess which means I'm not sure. Nice try though.

  54. Anonymous7:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Now people are fleeing insane violence. If you have no empathy for people fleeing violent situations I don't know what to say."

    "She said her son never had any problems with gangs, and he left with his family for economic reasons."

    1. Economic reasons, good as any. Now go play in the street.


  56. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...
    "Now people are fleeing insane violence. If you have no empathy for people fleeing violent situations I don't know what to say."

    "She said her son never had any problems with gangs, and he left with his family for economic reasons."
    PilotX said...

    Economic reasons, good as any. Now go play in the street.
    7:35 PM

    Since PilotX is such a generous, giving soul, let's use his Bronzeville condo to house a few of these migrants for "economic reasons".  (He could probably house a dozen or two in the conditions they're used to.)  He won't mind.  And oh, they'll need jobs.  I'm sure PilotX, giving soul that he is, wouldn't mind a job-sharing arrangement with a few of them?  After all, he should be the one setting an example here.  Right?  Right?

  57. Anonymous9:01 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    .... A five month pregnant Black woman gets into an argument with another woman. As the fight continues, the second woman pulls a gun and shoots the preggo woman in the stomach, killing the fetus. The mother to be is charged with manslaughter and the shooter goes free. Okay.....

    Here is a head scratcher in the time of Drumpfuck the dumbfucks reign of lying stoopidity

    A black woman in Alabama starts a fight that ends with the death of her own fetus.  She is charged with that death under Alabama state law.  Moron from Iowa blames Trump.

    Moron from Iowa blames Trump.

    You can't make this shit up.  The blacks and their apologists here are dumb as a box of rocks.

  58. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Field Negro, you play your black (white liberal paid) role well. You stay in the lane they allow you to speak and write from. The same thing happend to africans under the Obama admin but I doubt you paid attention to that like many black liberals who do their best to prove to blacks to keep on voting dem, and hate Trump. What has that done? Trump is not a professional hitman like our other presidents have been. The Obama admin is the reason why many Africans are drowning trying to reach the other countries that played a part in destroying their land. Field Nigger in the liberal house.

  59. "Since PilotX is such a generous, giving soul, let's use his Bronzeville condo to house a few of these migrants for "economic reasons".

    Stupid argument. Are you pro life? Are you going to open your house to all children born that otherwise would have been aborted? We'll go at the same time ok?

  60. "Field Negro, you play your black (white liberal paid) role well. You stay in the lane they allow you to speak and write from."

    I don't see it that way. He posts what he thinks without undue influence. Read his sise panel which is why he doesn't accept ads. Who is this "they" you say keeps him in his lane? What lane are you in? Does someone influence what you write? If not why do you think others have such limitations? I guess it's your way of trying to influence Field away from his own beliefs and towards yours. No different than the white posters who accuse blah people of being on a plantation and not being able to think for themselves, which is kind of ironic because why join a party that thinks so lowly of you?

  61. Anonymous11:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Economic reasons, good as any. Now go play in the street."

    The guy stealing your car just wants a better life for himself and his family. Now go take the bus.


  63. "The guy stealing your car just wants a better life for himself and his family. Now go take the bus."


  64. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Weird that MSNBC blares the latest Russia/Mueller news all day everyday but they didn’t ask a single question about it tonight.

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:32 AM

    Kamala Shows She's Here to Capture the Crown

  66. "Weird that MSNBC blares the latest Russia/Mueller news all day everyday but they didn’t ask a single question about it tonight."

    Maybe the question should have been about impeachment.

  67. Kamala did take a chunk out of Biden's ass tonight. I hope she makes it onto the ticket so we can see her do that to Fergus a few hundred times. Fergus doesn't respond to shame, but it'll be fun to watch just the same.

    -Doug in Oakland


  69. Lance Cockstrong6:17 AM

    Kamala Harris was exceptional, especially amongst all those lame, boring micro dicks. That orange retard Butt Trumpet should be getting worried.

  70. Kamala Harris was hands down the winner in last night debate. What is apparent following the two debates is that women and minorities and young people of all colors including LBGT citizens are tired of being slow walked to real Democracy in America by old white backwards leaning male politicians who are fearful of what the founding fathers hoped and called for which was a more perfect union.

    Joe Biden is not the candidate to move America into the future, he's just a band-aid for fearful white males and 'overstayed their welcome Democrats and Republicans in the Congress.

  71. Is this who we are?

    Under Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and stoopid dumbfucking wasicu wasteys it sure as hell is.

  72. "She said her son never had any problems with gangs, and he left with his family for economic reasons."

    Prove he came seeking asylum and not just a better furniture future for his family. Lets see the proof.

    Remember it is the illegal Drumpfuck gang that is preventing immigrants from seeing inspectors.

  73. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Kamala might be confused by the term “busing,” thinking it refers to being dropped off by her limo driver. She was brought up in an upper class extremely liberal Berkeley neighborhood. Her parents were high ranking academics and she makes it out she like she was oppressed and had to fight the power. She also spent ages 12-18 in Canada. Before then she lived in mostly white Berkeley. But unless she lived in the black area, she would not be bussed as she was already “desegregating” the school by simply attending the nearest elementary school.

    If she is lying, the major media outlets will be all over it. I mean, “democracy dies in darkness.”

    Just kidding.

    Kamala Harris is also a phony because she identifies as black, while her absent pale skinned mulatto Jamaican father (a distinguished economist) had little to do with most of her upbringing. Her Tamil Brahmin mother brought her up for six years in Montreal, and her Tamil grandmother, the wife of a senior Indian diplomat, provided a lot of support by spending part of the year with the girls.

    A lot like Obama, who was mostly raised by white Kansan grandparents and went to a very white prep school but went into Chicago local politics, Kamala Harris made a deliberate choice to identify as black by choosing to go to an HBCU and then Hastings Law. Her sister, Maya Harris, went to Berkeley and Stanford.

    Kamala Harris is on strained terms with her father. Recently, he published an annoyed statement scolding her for painting all Jamaicans as weed-smoking Rastafarians.

    My mother, unlike hers, actually did have to clean toilets to make ends meet and so did I. And we lived in felony flats, not Westchester county.

  74. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "Stupid argument. Are you pro life?"


    "Are you going to open your house to all children born that otherwise would have been aborted?"

    What Africa, central and south America, the Indian subcontinent, etc. need is a few billion abortions.  The 'hoods and barrios need a few tens of millions too.  End the problem there, and they won't be bringing it here.


    Alabama mom may not be prosecuted since, in the real world, she was the one shot in the fetus. A slim ray of light for shithole male run Alafuckingbama.


    Drumpfuck the world's most inhumane sub human mongrel. Makes old time dicktaters look swell in comparison.

  77. Anonymous1:04 PM

    “Alabama mom may not be prosecuted since, in the real world, she was the one shot in the fetus. A slim ray of light for shithole male run Alafuckingbama.”

    The logic makes perfect sense, though, once you have granted legal personhood to a fetus, from conception through birth (which is, admittedly, the batshit crazy part).

    If you commit an assault, provoking the victim of your assault to shoot at you in self-defense, and the bullet hits and kills a third person, you’re on the hook for manslaughter. Sooooo, if fetuses are legal persons, then, Ipsos facto, you getting yourself shot in your pregnant belly also equals manslaughter of your own fetus. It really can’t work any other way.

    Next up: Fall down the stairs and cause a miscarriage, go to prison.

    These are the natural consequences of the Christian Shariah law Bubba and Cletus are enacting down there in the former Confederacy.

  78. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "Police in Pleasant Grove, Alabama, near Birmingham, say Marshae Jones initiated a fight in December 2018 with Ebony Jemison, 23, according to The fight was over the baby's father."

    See, THIS is why the 'hood needs a few tens of millions of abortions.  That, or exposing the testicles of all male 'hood rats to 10 Grays or so of X-rays at age 12 or upon the first felony, repeating as required.  No babies, no baby-mammas, nobody shooting nobody over it!

  79. See, THIS is why the 'hood needs a few tens of millions of abortions.

    So much for fauxknee concern abiout a FETUS, A black fetus, by a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey gawd fearing fake kristian.

  80. Why haven't any of you racist Drumpfuckers repeated the story that says Drumpf's latest accuser of sexual assault got the idea from an old episode of Law and Order SVU?

  81. Anonymous3:17 PM

    dumbfuck from somewhere said..
    "A slim ray of light for shithole male run Alafuckingbama."

    Governor is a woman.

  82. Alabama's guv was a male prostitute and traded blow jobs for drugs, so the rumours go.

  83. I read this somewhere. I did not come up with this. "If you could reason with Drumpf supporters, there wouldn't be an Drumpf supporters".

  84. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I read this somewhere. I did not come up with this. "If you could reason with Drumpf supporters, there wouldn't be an Drumpf supporters"

    You're projecting.  Again.

    "Having exact knowledge of a subject does not guarantee a convincing argument, since an argument based on knowledge must rely on instruction, and some people cannot be instructed." — Aristotle

  85. You're projecting. Again.
    Projecting, hell. It is a perfectly logical fact of life that won't ever be tested because you cannot reason with stoopid fucking wasicu Drumbfuck the dumbfuck supporters. It just cannot be done.

  86. Anonymous6:52 PM

    you cannot reason with stoopid fucking wasicu Drumbfuck the dumbfuck supporters. It just cannot be done.

    Virtue signalling, moral posturing and brow-beating are not reasoning.

    Linking criminal statistics and examples of horrific behavior showing exactly why so-called "racists" are morally correct in saying what they say and doing what they do is reasoning.  It's attempting to go from evidence to a conclusion.  And it doesn't work with you, because you are not capable of reason or taking instruction.  You project your own faults.

    The same applies to Trump voters.  Just because you call them "racists" and "deplorables" doesn't mean they have any obligation to pay attention to you.  They want their country back instead of turning it into Guatemala or the Congo, and they are right to do so.

    It is a perfectly logical fact of life

    It's a perfectly obvious fact that you are a white-hating religious fanatic.  You claim to love Africans but you live in a county that is maybe 1% black.  You're not just a bigot, you're also a hypocrite.

  87. They want their country back instead of turning it into Guatemala or the Congo, and they are right to do so.

    What a load of unadulterated bullshit. They have to raid Africa and other countries to get the necessary slaves to work the fields in the world stoopid fucking wingnuts want to return to.

    Fuck all religion, fuck wasicus and fuck you, too. Without religion there would be no wars or reasons to fight them. Religions divide peoples and nations.

  88. Charlottesville murderer Fields gets life in prison. Too bad but it seems many right win g wasicus get life instead of death penalty. Must be white privilege working in their favor.


    Race and the death penalty and it don't look good for Blacks, whether they are

    the victims or the perps.

  90. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 225
    Shot & Wounded: 974
    Total Shot: 1199
    Total Homicides: 247

  91. Anonymous8:22 PM

    They have to raid Africa and other countries to get the necessary slaves to work the fields in the world stoopid fucking wingnuts want to return to.

    You think the 300+ Congolese who showed up at the Mexico border over the last week were "raided"?  The Haitians?  Can you possibly be THAT stupid?!

    You think ANYONE has a use for Africans as workers?  The tractor made the plow horse obsolete, the combine made most rural farming towns obsolete and the cotton spindle made the African obsolete.  Obsolete farm equipment is all they are now.  Oh, and biological weapons against everyone who is not-them.

    Without religion there would be no wars or reasons to fight them. Religions divide peoples and nations.

    Why do you worship Africans, then?  Why are they sacred objects to you?  Why do you demand everyone bow down to them, and castigate them if they so much as want to live without any of them around?

    Fuck all religion, fuck wasicus and fuck you, too.

    You wish.  You're a nasty ugly stupid old man, and even when you were only stupid you weren't my type.

  92. Anonymous8:23 PM

    A black man accused of killing an off-duty police officer was released from prison just four days before the fatal shooting.

  93. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Shit, we don't need a wall, we need a MOAT!!

  94. Anyfuckingmoose personifies stoopid. It oozes out of your hide the way you stoopid fuckingnuts ooze out the swamp muck.

    Small farming towns are still around, regardless of the size and numbers of combines.

    You bow to Africans because you know, deep in the shallow recesses of what passes for a brain, you recognize superior human beings. I see them as equals, at a minimum. I do not live in fear that some Black person will kill me for the hell of it. Get your head out of Drumpfuck's ass and get acquainted with reality.

  95. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Small farming towns are still around, regardless of the size and numbers of combines.

    Weren't you insisting that they needed masses of enemygrants to keep them from dying?  If it wasn't you, it was someone else here.  Why would they need people for jobs that no longer exist?

    You bow to Africans because you know, deep in the shallow recesses of what passes for a brain, you recognize superior human beings.

    I don't bow to them.  I view them as dangerous animals.  When I see them, I have my hand on my gun.

    I see them as equals, at a minimum.

    Way more than a minimum.  You worship sub-humans who have never been able to construct a dwelling more sophisticated than a circular mud-and-daub hut on their own.  You're fucking pathetic.

    I do not live in fear that some Black person will kill me for the hell of it.

    Because you're a hypocrite who lives in an area almost totally devoid of them.  Go live in Detroit, you hypocrite.  Buy one of those $5000 houses.  See how long it takes before you share the fate of Paul Monchnik.  You can feel how virtuous you are as the African teenaper is pouring gasoline down your throat and setting you on fire just as he was.

    Pre-pay your funeral plan so you actually get buried somewhere.  I promise I'll come and piss on your grave.  I owe you no less at this point.

    Anyfuckingmoose personifies stoopid.

    kike from iowa personifies stoopid AND projection.  He's a two-fer!

  96. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Kamala the streetshitter? Bwahahahahahah Faux ass Negro? She is just another loud mouthed political whore (literally) who virtue signals to stupid Blacks and idiotic commie whites.Obama with Tits should be her moniker, he did jack shit for the perpetually helpless Negro and if elected she will do even less. She said fuck Negro Kangz and married a Yid, ain't that Racee? The left is a disease that needs eradicated from the Universe permanently. Now go worship in front of your Joe Stalin posters.

  97. You can't fix stoopid. See anyfuckingmoose's delirious rantings.

    I rest my case.

  98. Pic above is Drumpfuck's campaign message. What you haven't seen is where it says,"I'm Donald Drumpfuck and I approve this message of dead illegal immigrants."

  99. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Better dead illegal immigrants than dead Americans.  They had the option of staying home; we ARE home.

  100. we ARE home.

    Your racist ancestors had the option of staying home, yet they chose to com e here seeking a better life.

    What makes yer pastey waste of wasicu hide better than anyone else's?

    Not only micro-dicked but short sighted as well.

  101. Are dead illegals illegally dead?

  102. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Rural white America 2019 year to date:

    OD's: 75,000
    Babies sold for meth: 80,000
    Showers: 7
    Teeth: 13
    HS diplomas: 4


    Man attacked pigs with metal bar and instead of blasting his ass from every direction, they tased him. Would not have tased a black suspect, Guy wasn't even charged with attempted pre-meditated murder.

  104. Anonymous6:26 PM

    That picture could be two of thousands that niggers in democrat city have murdered an raped.

  105. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Horrible to even show this. They never show dead white people! Wonder why??

  106. Cheap justice of the Spotus only denied census citizenship question because lying Drumpf and his sycophants left a paper traIL of lies. Roberts essentially told wingnuts not to leave paper trails and they will get a pass.

    The world's worst greatest negotiator got taken to the cleaners by China again. Drumpf is hanging farmers out to dry while he keeps losing easily won trade wars. What a sick fuck he is.

  107. Meanwhile a number of farmers in NW iowa lost their crops to heavy hail this week. Farming was enough of a gamble without selling out for an orange fucking mow rawn, failed business man that doesn't know shit from sandwich spread.

  108. Another stoopid fucking wingnut homophobe pictured in a Mexico gay bar getting to know Senor Willie up close and personal.

  109. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Kamala the streetshitter? Bwahahahahahah Faux ass Negro? She is just another loud mouthed political whore (literally) who virtue signals to stupid Blacks and idiotic commie whites."

    8:06 AM
    You have a serious mental illness, babe, you should see a shrink.

  110. You have a serious mental illness, babe, you should see a shrink.

    Good one, Gambler. how do you suppose he ended up with a mini-micro dick if not for going to a shrink?

  111. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:21 AM

    Anonymous said.....

    The left is a disease that needs eradicated from the Universe permanently. Now go worship in front of your Joe Stalin posters.

    8:06 AM
    I think you are a little confused, babe. It ain't the American left that is conspiring with Russia to reelect the orange would be dictator in the white House. That would be you.

    You speak of eradicating the left, but if you had even a little knowledge, you would know that you can't kill an idea.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:47 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The Democrats have succeeded at changing the demographics of our country and now they are campaigning for votes in a language that demographic understands.
    I think you are a bit confused. Wasn't it Republican Ronald Reagan who pushed through the big amnesty bill for undocumented immigrants in the 1986? And didn't the Republicans control the presidency for fourteen of the next next twenty-two years?

    And are you blaming Democrats for the decline in the white birth rate? I blame the Republicans for that because their economic policies have made it difficult for average people to have and support more than one or two children.

  113. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "Wasn't it Republican Ronald Reagan who pushed through the big amnesty bill for undocumented immigrants in the 1986?"

    Democrats wrote it and passed it (remember the name Tip O'Neil?).  Reagan signed it after he was promised an enforcement bill to go with it.  The Democrats laughed and said "you trusted us", so we never got enforcement.

    Reagan said that signing the 1986 amnesty was one of his biggest regrets.

    "didn't the Republicans control the presidency for fourteen of the next next twenty-two years?"

    Doesn't help if the prez and 3/4 of the Congress are the bought-and-paid-for lackeys of the cheap-labor lobby.  Republicans can be owned too.

    "And are you blaming Democrats for the decline in the white birth rate? I blame the Republicans for that because their economic policies have made it difficult for average people to have and support more than one or two children."

    O woman of so little insight!  YOU have made it difficult for average people to have more than one or two children.  You promote the interests of blacks, who turn schools into war zones and force whites to leave paid-for houses and take out mortgages to move to new suburbs.  All the while, their taxes are paying for the blacks to have babies for free.

    Do you want to see the white birthrate jump?  Allow areas with a racial majority to designate themselves EXCLUSIVELY for that race.  You'll see an end to white flight.  Blacks will still complain about the shitholes they live in, that were nice before they invaded.  Blacks have just as little insight as you do.  That's probably why you get along so well.

  114. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Pogo said it best:
    "We have met the enemy, and he is us".
