Friday, June 28, 2019

Ordinary Joe.

Image result for joe biden images\

Democrats, you might have a problem. I watched your hope and prayer for beating Donald trump, Uncle Joe Biden last night, and sadly, he was not ready for prime time. Memo to every old white politician in America: If you have to defend your position on busing in 2019, things are not going good for you, and you just might have a problem. 

Uncle Joe has some baggage, and we would expect that from anyone who has been in politics (and Washington no less) for 50 years. But Uncle Joe is not doing a very good job of cutting his baggage loose. Saying over and over again that Obama is your black friend is just not going to cut it. The O train can only take you so far, and at some point you have to get off and find your own way.

This is why there is such a split in the democratic party right now. Old heads are willing to ride with Joe because they see him as the best chance that they have of beating trump, while the young ones are not having it. They are sick of the status quo, and of being told that it's only the old white men that can get elected president.

Kamala Harris (the clear winner last night) came for Uncle Joe, and it was sad to watch. Poor Joe must have been thinking that Kamala was sent from hell to torment him. *Hey, I am Barack's friend, remember? I was his side-kick for 8 years.*   

That's all well and good Uncle Joe, but it's not enough. You are going to have to work on your debating skills and your policies to outlast the orange monster. That's if you make it though the primary. A couple more performances like this and it will be Kamala, Elizabeth, or Bernie squaring of with Putin's best bud come 2020.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    There are so many videos of Uncle Joe creeping on under-age females that he's dead meat if he gets the nod.

    Kameltoe held quite a few positions under Willy Brown (wink wink, nudge nudge).  That's going to make her dead meat too, that and the fact that all the Latinos would stay home rather than vote for for a part-black, part Indian.

  2. Howard Dean said that if we put two old white men on the ticket, we will lose.
    I don't know whether that is true or not, but I agree with AOC when she says that motivating all the different communities in the party is a much better strategy than alienating a bunch of them in pursuit of the narrow slice of the electorate who voted for Fergus after having voted for Obama.
    We need to get all of us to show up, because we win when we do.
    We need to win the election in 2020, not 2016, and things have changed quite a bit in the last four years.
    I'm voting for Warren in the primary, and hoping that she picks Harris for her veep.
    I still like Biden, but if he wanted to be president, he should have run last time. He's not bad for a 76 year old white guy, but we have much better options this time, and I'm not supporting him in the primary.
    If he wins the nomination, I will do everything in my power to get him elected, but that is true of almost any Democrat at this point.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Kamalah showed she can go toe to toe with trump but we knew that when she gave the AG the once over. I'd like to see a Harris/Booker ticket.

  4. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Yes, let's have another couple of performances like this from biden AND sanders. No more old, white, milquetoast men! We need a (pick any two: Castro, Harris, Warren) ticket!

  5. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Cory Booker said he owes black Americans an apology.

  6. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Biden is a segregationist.

  7. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Yeah.  Make the donkeys "the black party".  It's about time you scum purity-spiralled yourselves into oblivion.

  8. From Taegan Goddard:

    Last Night’s Debate In 14 Words

    June 28, 2019 at 7:25 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 271 Comments

    Mark Lukasiewicz: “Eric Swalwell asked Joe Biden to pass the torch. Kamala Harris just took it.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  10. Anonymous12:29 AM

    “There was a little girl in California who was bussed to school. That little girl was me.”

    There was a 29 year old girl in California who dated her 60 year old married boss. That girl was me.

    There was a 32 year girl in California whose 63 year old boyfriend-boss found her a job that paid $72,000 a year for 12 days a year of work on the California Medical Assistance Board. That girl was me.

  11. Ask Terence Hallinan whether she knows how to win an election.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. The most important question of our time: Who will give me free stuff?

  13. trump is in Japan embarrassing us and shitting on his own country. This is some embarrassing ass shit.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Paul said...

    "The most important question of our time: Who will give me free stuff?"

    1:14 AM
    The people asking for "free stuff"are Trump, his crime family and all the people he has appointed to wallow in his swamp.

    The most important question of our time is how badly will Trump wound our country before we throw him out??

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:56 AM

    Anonymous said...

    “There was a little girl in California who was bussed to school. That little girl was me.”

    There was a 29 year old girl in California who dated her 60 year old married boss. That girl was me.

    There was a 32 year girl in California whose 63 year old boyfriend-boss found her a job that paid $72,000 a year for 12 days a year of work on the California Medical Assistance Board. That girl was me.

    And you point is? Women aren't supposed to marry their bosses?
    People of different ages shouldn't marry each other? 72K a year is a lot of money?

    If this is an attempt to smear Ms. Harris, it's a poor one. Maybe you should take a look at the illegal immigrant in the White House who married her much older boss. Her title is FLOTUS.

    1. Funny how they are looking for stuff to smear the Dems while ignoring the crime syndicate in the WH.

  16. Lance Cockstrong12:00 PM

    If the Democratic Party was smart they would have the exceptional Kamala Harris as their nominee. No way any of those micro dick white boys should be the front runner. Harris can easily take down that micro dick retard Butt Trumpet.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    I agree, Lance. Kamala's got my vote in the primary.I saw the way she handled Barr. She is fearless!

  18. Lance Cockstrong12:28 PM

    Ha haha. Looks like that micro dick Nazi faggot who was in Charlottesville got life in prison. Now he has the rest of his life to get anally raped by Bubba. Ha ha.

  19. Yisheng = nigger1:12 PM

    Even the worst of the Democratic candidates is still infinitely better than Trump. Trump is lower than pond scum.

  20. I thought you people would automatically want Corey Booker, seeing as how he is black and all, and you people will always blindly support any black Democrat. Blacks are pretty insular after all.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:57 PM

    Girdle of Venus said...

    "I thought you people would automatically want Corey Booker, seeing as how he is black and all, and you people will always blindly support any black Democrat. Blacks are pretty insular after all."

    1:39 PM
    Hey Venus, just because you think something, that doesn't make it true. The Black community is not monolithic. It's quite astounding that you ever thought they were.

  22. The Ministry of Truth2:23 PM

    So tell me, Gambler2, what is it about black dick that you love so much?

  23. I like Warren well enough but a black friends tell me the black community won't go for her--and that community is sine qua non this time around. Kamala's record as California AG may be a big prob for millennials, at least if the smear machine is accurate about it. We need to read a comprehensive article about her past actions.

  24. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Granny Mudshark ignores the fact that Willy Brown was already married to someone else when Kameltoe Harris took all those positions (missionary, doggie, reverse cowgirl perhaps?) under him.

    She also ignores that Kameltoe getting $6000 a day for 12 days of "work" was basically her payoff as a whore.  But that's okay, because she's a minority and thus a holy object.  Only white people need to follow ethics rules.

    The apologists here are dumber than a box of rocks.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:05 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...

    So tell me, Gambler2, what is it about black dick that you love so much?"

    2:23 PM
    So what's all this weird interest in my love life? If you want the story of why I married my late husband, I refer you to Field's article dated June 24. In the comments, you will find my reply to another weird person who asked me about it. You will find the post at 12:22 AM.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Granny Mudshark ignores the fact that Willy Brown was already married to someone else when Kameltoe Harris took all those positions (missionary, doggie, reverse cowgirl perhaps?) under him.

    She also ignores that Kameltoe getting $6000 a day for 12 days of "work" was basically her payoff as a whore. But that's okay, because she's a minority and thus a holy object. Only white people need to follow ethics rules.

    The apologists here are dumber than a box of rocks."
    And you point is? Even if all these lies you have told about her were true, she would be a damn site better than the orange rapist, murderer we have in the White House now.

  27. Only white people need to follow ethics rules

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You mean like trump and all his associates that are in jail now? Sure kid.

  28. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Worn out mudshark says...

    "Kamala's got my vote in the primary.I saw the way she handled Barr."

    Goodness, what did she do to "Barr"? Did she do it on her knees or was she on her haunches?

  29. "Worn out mudshark says..."

    Now that's not a very nice thing to say to a lady. Methinks you are no gentleman.

  30. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Even if all these lies you have told about her were true"

    Whatever you might think of it, Kamala's relationship with Willie Brown is a matter of record.

  31. Anonymous10:51 PM

    If recent performance is anything to go on, the Dem presidential candidates are screwing themselves.

    They are falling over each other to cater to black primary voters in the primary, on identity politics issues like slavery reparations or, now, Kamala Harris going after Biden over the forced bussing programs that happened back in the ‘70s.

    But Trump will destroy them with these positions when the general elections roll around, because white voters hate them. And I’m not just talking about the racist pro-Trump diehards. Reparations is a complete non-starter with almost all white folks, right across the board (and not really popular with whites or Asians, either). And whites don’t remember the era of bussing fondly, like Kamala Harris does. To them, bussing was a failed social engineering experiment that meant their kid couldn’t attend the perfectly good school right down the street from their house, but instead was ordered to take a long ride to the shitty school way across town. They remember it as: “... and that's when we moved to the suburbs.”

    It used to be that candidates could pander to the unattainable aspirations of their base in the primaries, and then abandon them all and tack back to the center for the general election (cynical though that was), but in the modern age of viral videos, I don’t think that works anymore. General election voters will hold them to what they said in the primaries. Anyway, if this is the direction of travel for the Dems, it doesn’t bode well for them in 2020. Hello, four more hideous years of President Trump.

  32. "because white voters hate them."

    Not all. Then again if the Dems get the senate and keep the house it won't matter if trump wins or not.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:01 AM

    Anonymous said....

    "Whatever you might think of it, Kamala's relationship with Willie Brown is a matter of record."

    9:53 PM

    Whose record? Source please.

    So what if it's true or not? Trump got caught paying off a porn star for sex to protect his campaign, yet you love him.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 AM

    Anonymous, Who Doesn't have the balls to pick a screen and argue like a man said...

    "Granny Mudshark ignores the fact that Willy Brown was already married to someone else when Kameltoe Harris took all those positions (missionary, doggie, reverse cowgirl perhaps?) under him."
    So what's your point here? Trump did that during two marriages, and pays porn stars for sex during his third marriage. Yet you love him and excuse every crooked evil thing he does. So why make a big deal about what Kamala may or may not have done?
    When you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:17 AM

    Anonymous, who doesn't have the balls to pick a screen name said...

    Goodness, what did she do to "Barr"? Did she do it on her knees or was she on her haunches?
    Watch the tape of her questioning Barr during the hearing and you will know the answer to you question. I'm not going to educate you until you post with a screen name. And I'm pretty sure that will be never.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:25 AM

    PilotX said...

    "trump is in Japan embarrassing us and shitting on his own country. This is some embarrassing ass shit.

    3:10 AM
    Trump does that all of the time no matter where he is. The majority of Americans are constantly embarrassed by Trump's behavior.


  38. "Trump does that all of the time no matter where he is."

    Used to be politics stopped at the water's edge but I guess somehow it's Obama's fault.


  39. Watching Biden try to defend himself on busing by invoking states' rights was painful. Anyone with any knowledge of history knows what "local control" really means. His most accurate statement of the night was "My time is up." There's a rocking chair with his name on it waiting in Delaware -- Joe needs to go find it now.

  40. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Kamala sucked dick to get to the U.S. Senate, and she is in fact legally not allowed to run for President due to her Alien parents status. There is no such thing as Alien birthright citizenship contrary to what ALL you shithouse Lawyers say and believe. She is just one of millions of POC and idiot white commies who are determined to destroy America. I am constantly embarrassed By Negro crime and dysfunction and the stupidity of coal burning Mud sharks. How many murders have Negroes committed this week Mr. Field Negro?

  41. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Chicago June 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 42
    Shot & Wounded: 272
    Total Shot: 314
    Total Homicides: 46

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 AM

    Anonymous said at 9:13.....
    Blah, blah, blah

    Hey troll, how much are you being paid to post this garbage?

  43. Anonymous10:49 AM

    As Pride month draws to a close, remember that here is nothing more beautiful than a male vagina.

  44. Anonymous11:20 AM

    "Trump did that during two marriages"

    You think Trump was boosted into politics because he was somebody's sex toy?

    Are you totally fucking insane?

    "pays porn stars for sex during his third marriage."

    And JFK boffed Marilyn Monroe.  That's got exactly nothing to do with his performance in office.

    "Yet you love him and excuse every crooked evil thing he does."

    No I don't.  His refusal to close the border and start mass deportations of illegals and fraudulent refugees is both a breach of his campaign promises and a dereliction of his lawful duties.  But at least he's not actively treasonous like the halfrican.

    "So why make a big deal about what Kamala may or may not have done?"

    Because whores don't just make lousy wives, they make lousy everything else too.

  45. Dave Zirin = faggot kike12:16 PM

    Trump supporters are the dregs of society. True story.

  46. Love scratching my asshole2:06 PM

    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  47. Just like gays, blacks and their degenerate lifestyles will be one of the downfalls of this country.

  48. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  49. You fuckers really sound scared of Kamala, which is stupid because she will improve your miserable lives if she wins.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. "You fuckers really sound scared of Kamala"

    Barack drove em crazy because how can a blah man rise to such heights so you know a blah woman will truly drive these racist misogynistic fools over the edge.

  51. Halfrican4:30 PM

    Barack was half black; Kamala is less black than him.

    Neither have any African-American ancestry.

    But they look sort of black, and that's all you need.

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:38 PM

    Anonymous said AT 11:20 AM......

    Are you totally fucking insane?
    No, but I may be if Trump gets reelected in 2020.

    "pays porn stars for sex during his third marriage."

    And JFK boffed Marilyn Monroe. That's got exactly nothing to do with his performance in office.
    Yet you think Kamala's former sex life will affect her performance in office?

    But at least he's not actively treasonous like the halfrican.
    So giving state secrets to the Russian doesn't border on treason. So what did Obama do that you consider treasonous?

    "So why make a big deal about what Kamala may or may not have done?" Because whores don't just make lousy wives, they make lousy everything else too."
    Well, Trump is a whore, so maybe that's why he's such a lousy president?

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:43 PM

    Wolf of Fantasy said...

    "Just like gays, blacks and their degenerate lifestyles will be one of the downfalls of this country."

    2:11 PM
    The evangelicals with their version of Sharia law and Donald Trump will be the downfall of this country.

  54. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Bubble Grannny said..."So giving state secrets to the Russian doesn't border on treason. So what did Obama do that you consider treasonous?"

    How about when he got caught on a hot mic promising to give Putin his way regarding missile defense systems in Europe after he fooled people into electing him again.

    It's on fucking video:

    President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

    President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

    President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

    President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

  55. As a 6’2 Chinese-American, I have to say that it doesn’t even matter with you people. You people will automatically vote for the person with the D after their name, regardless of whether it’s Biden or Harris or whoever else. It just goes to show that critical thinking is not one your strong suits.

    See more at:

  56. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Not gonna lie. I'd rather have two black history months than even one sodomy month.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:18 PM

    Shadowsweep said...

    " As a 6’2 Chinese-American, I have to say that it doesn’t even matter with you people. You people will automatically vote for the person with the D after their name, regardless of whether it’s Biden or Harris or whoever else. It just goes to show that critical thinking is not one your strong suits."
    And you think voting for Trump or any other Republican does?????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    You should give up your day job and become a comedian.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:28 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "How about when he got caught on a hot mic promising to give Putin his way regarding missile defense systems in Europe after he fooled people into electing him again."
    I can't believe you sent me to a video to support your claim. Who made it, James O'Keefe? Can't be Lee Atwater - he's dead.

    Have a nice night.

  59. "Kamala is less black than him."

    Well she did go to HU and pledged AKA. That's pretty damned Black. That's some serious our kind of people stuff.

  60. "And you think voting for Trump or any other Republican does?????? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

    Exactly. Somehow I want to support a party that contains racists like that guy huh? If the Dems have a plantation full of blah people theGOP is a country club full of whites and token blahs. I'd rather hang on the plantation with my sistas and brothas.

    1. And also the majority of people with advanced degrees, scientists and other people of color vote D. Sounds like that's more up my alley than the party with a majority of southern whites and those without college degrees.

  61. Anonymous8:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Kamala is less black than him."

    Well she did go to HU and pledged AKA. That's pretty damned Black.

    Rachel Dolezal went to Howard and was president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chapter in Spokane, Washington. That's pretty damned Black.

  62. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Kamala Harris is as Indian as she is black – just as Barack Obama is as white as he is black.

    The fact that both identify as black tells you where the real privilege and power is these days.

  63. "The fact that both identify as black tells you where the real privilege and power is these days."

    Not really. American society has always identified mixed race people (blah and other) as blah so it would matter what they identified with they would be associated with Blackness. Do a quick search of the one drop rule to see a primer of how American society deals with blahness. And just for a thought experiment imagine if Barack had identified as white would he have been accepted in white society? Unless you can pass you just better get in where you fit in. Lastly it's not about power but acceptance, would Kamalah been accepted in Indian society? We know where they were and are accepted so what's the problem? Seems you think being accpeted and identifying as blah is a bad thing?

  64. Anonymous9:30 PM

    “The fact that both identify as black tells you where the real privilege and power is these days.”

    No, it tells you where power lies within the Democratic Party, not society at large.

    Black people make up a significant chunk of the Dem primary electorate, and some of them perceive identification as mixed-race as a way of “evading blackness” and distrust people who do it. Thus, identifying as black is just a safer choice if you’re trying to get nominated as a Democratic Party candidate.

    Because all other voter demographics (in primaries or general elections) either don’t care much which way a candidate self-identifies — or else they do care, but they’re racists who would never vote for an Obama or a Kamala Harris under any circumstances, so their opinions don’t matter.

  65. These trolls coming onto a black blog and "explaining" who is black and who is not remind me of all of those never-Trumpers in the media who spent their entire careers slandering liberals in the media for money and now want to tell us who we should pick as our candidate.
    Why should we listen to you? What, exactly will we get for doing so?
    And remember all of those years ago when we told you what a bad idea it was to invite all of the bigots and imbeciles who were fleeing our party because we passed civil rights legislation into your party?
    You didn't listen to us then, and unlike you right now, we knew what we were talking about because they were our bigots and imbeciles at the time.
    If you want us to listen to your suggestions about the election you have to give us a reason to believe you aren't just trolling us to help you win, and that starts with saying the magic words: "The left has been right about the right all along." and then atoning for foisting president racist/rapist on us by seriously helping us beat the bastard.
    Until such time as those conditions are met, I find your positions fucking adorable as I dismiss them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Are you totally fucking insane?
    No, but I may be if Trump gets reelected in 2020.

    You've already got a full-blown case of TDS.  That's insane all right.

    Yet you think Kamala's former sex life will affect her performance in office?

    I'll use small words so you can understand:  Kamala's sex life is HOW SHE GOT INTO OFFICE.  Worse, she was totally corrupt from the beginning.

    But you think white = bad and non-white = good, so you can't see any of this.

    It would be very funny if one of the tens of thousands of sealed indictments has Kamala Harris' name on it, for something like corruption and influence peddling.  Let her get the nomination, then march her off in cuffs.  I don't know if there's enough popcorn in the world for a comedy show like that.

  67. "Thus, identifying as black is just a safer choice if you’re trying to get nominated as a Democratic Party candidate."

    Not even that, this is something people are forced to do early in life. Kamala and Barack chose to embrace their blackness long before they or anyone had an inkiling they would be running for president. Not everyone thinks being blah is a bad thing, I mean racist Republicans do but those of us on the inside know better.

  68. Anonymous10:26 PM

    This echo chamber is boring af. Fuck you nigs.

  69. "It would be very funny if one of the tens of thousands of sealed indictments has Kamala Harris' name on it"

    I was wondering about those tens of thousands of indictments we've been promised by Q Anon. Are they coming anytime this decade?😂😂😂😂😂

  70. "This echo chamber is boring af. Fuck you nigs."

    Oh wow look, another certified genius.😂😂😂😂


  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:59 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "It would be very funny if one of the tens of thousands of sealed indictments has Kamala Harris' name on it, for something like corruption and influence peddling. Let her get the nomination, then march her off in cuffs. I don't know if there's enough popcorn in the world for a comedy show like that."

    10:08 PM
    Oh, just like all those thousands of sealed documents that are some day going to put Hillary and Barack in prison? Give it up, Troll, you won't find any takers on this blog. You bore normal people, so take your ridiculous conspiracy lies somewhere else. And have a nice night.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "This echo chamber is boring af. Fuck you nigs."

    10:26 PM
    If you find this blog boring, then don't come here. No one wants to read your stupid shit any way.

  74. "You bore normal people, so take your ridiculous conspiracy lies somewhere else."

    Wait you don't believe that Marines will frog march all the Dems to jail? Oh ye of little faith😂

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:14 AM

    dinthebeast said...

    "These trolls coming onto a black blog and "explaining" who is black and who is not remind me of all of those never-Trumpers in the media who spent their entire careers slandering liberals in the media for money and now want to tell us who we should pick as our candidate.
    Why should we listen to you? What, exactly will we get for doing so?
    And remember all of those years ago when we told you what a bad idea it was to invite all of the bigots and imbeciles who were fleeing our party because we passed civil rights legislation into your party?
    You didn't listen to us then, and unlike you right now, we knew what we were talking about because they were our bigots and imbeciles at the time.
    If you want us to listen to your suggestions about the election you have to give us a reason to believe you aren't just trolling us to help you win, and that starts with saying the magic words: "The left has been right about the right all along." and then atoning for foisting president racist/rapist on us by seriously helping us beat the bastard.
    Until such time as those conditions are met, I find your positions fucking adorable as I dismiss them."

    -Doug in Oakland
    Excellent post, Doug. It's so good, I decided to copy it all and post it again. Have a great night.

  76. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Barack could have identified as what he was: A mixed race man who raised by the white half of his family. Only one of his parents was American, and she was white.

    Kamala's mother was Indian; her father was a Jamaican mulatto. Neither of her parents were Americans. She is at most 1/4 African, yet she has draped herself in the moral mantle of Black America to further her own ambitions.

    1. Kamala and Barack identified how they wanted and are very successful. Sorry they don't fit the profile you chose for them. Kugichagulia.

  77. "Neither of her parents were Americans"

    They became citizens so yes they were.

  78. Anonymous11:11 AM

    She is at most 1/4 African, yet she has draped herself in the moral mantle of Black America to further her own ambitions.
    Read up on the one drop rule. Stop trying to be an expert on topics about which you have no clue.

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "She is at most 1/4 African, yet she has draped herself in the moral mantle of Black America to further her own ambitions."
    If she has so what? That's not a bad thing.

    Anyway what business of yours is it? You aren't a Democrat. The demon in the White House pretends to be a human being but isn't, and you will likely vote for him.

  80. "Anyway what business of yours is it? You aren't a Democrat."

    Just like trumps dimwitted son the trolls have to amplify the latest talking point like the drones they are. Kamala intimidates them so they have to attack.

  81. No one is more black than a mulatto and the less black they are the more black they'll be.

  82. That's the facts jack2:51 PM

    No one is dumber than the asshat @2:47.

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:08 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Anyway what business of yours is it? You aren't a Democrat."

    Just like trumps dimwitted son the trolls have to amplify the latest talking point like the drones they are. Kamala intimidates them so they have to attack.

    1:39 PM
    Trump Campaign Worker Behind Fake Biden Site. June 29, 2019 at 2:33 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 203 Comments.

    Now the Trump camp is attacking Kamala because they fear her. They are trying hard to turn the Black community against her, but it's not going to work.


  85. Anonymous6:02 PM

    It was the Russians.

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:10 AM

    Anonymous said...

    It was the Russians.

    6:02 PM
    Yeah, it probably was. They are desperate to reelect Trump, and so are the white supremacists.
