Saturday, June 01, 2019

Night off.

I'm out of pocket field hands. I will be back on Monday.

Please stay safe in these divided states of America.


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Fact of the Day9:26 PM

    White people and their food are bland af.

  3. More white women need to be getting abortions.

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    The Field Negro blog trolls’ mamas should have had abortions.

  5. Lance Cockstrong10:07 PM

    Butt Trumpet’s whore mother should’ve had an abortion. I’m surprised his micro dick daddy could even get it up.

  6. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Trump decided to use his visit to the UK as an opportunity to tell the British people who their next prime minister should be — naturally, Trump prefers the buffoonish and occasionally racist Boris Johnson, who once claimed Obama’s Kenyan heritage had made him hate Britain because of the Kenya’s experience under British colonialism, and who described Africans as “pickaninnies” with “watermelon smiles.”

    Trump also decide to rip into Meghan, the biracial wife of Prince Harry, calling her “nasty.” That visit with the royal family is going to be frosty. The man has a real knack for making himself unwelcome wherever he goes.

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 PM

    TO Anonymous at 10:39,

    You nailed it. Trump is crude, cruel, crooked, and classless.

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:54 PM

    Just another day in the life of a black man in America.

  9. Staying with some friends an hour North of the East Bay for a minute... I had forgotten how white everything gets away from the city.

    -Doug in Not Oakland for a minute

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Don't worry Doug, you are an honorary Negro to this blog. Nomesayin'

  11. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Hey Doug, how's your Tijuana horse blanket and worn out flip-flops? What's your latest street shitting story?

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    "The man has a real knack for making himself unwelcome wherever he goes."

    That's what I think every time I see tens of thousands of people at his rallies. Not to mentions the other thousands outside who could not get in. He's terribly unpopular.

    Will you leave my country when he's re-elected by a landslide? Leftist always say they will leave my country if they don't get their way, yet they never do.

    Cowards. Anyway, have fun pooping on the sidewalk.

  13. The man has a real knack for making himself unwelcome wherever he goes.

    Yeah and so do skunks, except skunks can be de- odorized while the Drumpf stench can't be.

  14. Wingnuts doing the only thing they do well.....destroy people's lives via altered videos.

    Pelosi doesn't drink, but watchers on Facebook believe she is drunk all the time.


    the truth is out and wingnut cockroaches are headed for the darkest places to hide.

  16. Drumpf clearly favors moar immigration. Every thing he has done in his easily won trade wars reinforce this fact.

    Ed Brayton summed it up succinctly at Dispatches from the Culture Wars:

    Most of the goods crossing the border are parts of a larger supply chain, particularly for the auto industry that is already reeling from Trump’s huge tariffs on steel and aluminum. That means this is going to do enormous damage to our economy. Both economies, actually, and what happens when Mexico’s economy is in bad shape? More illegal immigration, obviously. The man is desperately ignorant, on virtually every subject but especially on this one.

    Desperately ignorant deplorable and he is all yours stoopid fucking wingnuts.


    That's gotta hurt. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha!

  18. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Hmmmmm, no comment from the commie fake news crowd that a black man committed a mass shooting. Doesn't quite fit the agenda does it.....

  19. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Fact of the Day said...
    White people and their food are bland af.

    Then why do you people eat at McDonalds???

  20. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 188
    Shot & Wounded: 774
    Total Shot: 962
    Total Homicides: 205


  22. Anonymous11:44 AM


    More proof that even black people are willing to pay to live where there aren't many black people.  After all, Oprah and Whoopee Goldberg can't be wrong.

  23. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Smug-faced black man DeWayne Craddock murdered 12 in Virinia Beach:

    But keep telling everyone that all mass shooters are white.  Especially all you white lieburals keep doing that.  We need to know who the traitors are so we can take care of them when the flag goes up, and the best way to be sure is to hear treason straight from you.

  24. Anonymous12:32 PM

    “That's what I think every time I see tens of thousands of people at his rallies. Not to mentions the other thousands outside who could not get in. He's terribly unpopular.”

    I was speaking of foreign countries, in this instance, which our president thinks it’s a good idea to antagonize.

    But on the topic of domestic audiences, are we talking about the people who actually show up for his events, or the people Trump claims show up? Because, remember, Trump lies a lot.

  25. Sandy Hooks1:25 PM

    But keep telling everyone that all mass shooters are white.
    Just the ones who shoot babies in schools and pregnant women in churches.

  26. Anonymous1:30 PM

    You Dimocraps didn't hire a bunch of thugs to attack Trump fans in Chicago because nobody wanted to attend his rallies.

    You Dimocraps haven't tried to get Trump voters fired from their jobs because there aren't any.

    It wasn't Trump who took the pics of Hillary orating to empty auditoriums.

    You are people of the lie.  The truth is poison to you.  You will be forced to consume the truth, and you will either die from it or you won't be a Dimocrap lefturd any more.

  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    > But keep telling everyone that all mass shooters are white.
    > --------
    > Just the ones who shoot babies in schools

    There are schools where the authorities had to install metal detectors to keep the "honor students" from shooting gang enemies, or just people they had a "beef" with.  None of those schools are all-white.

  28. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Now Trump is denying his “nasty” comment about Meghan Markle. I guess he’s going with his usual tactic of claiming it was the “fake news” media trying to make him look bad again. Even though it was a right-wing outlet that was interviewing him.

    C’mon, man. We all know you said what you said. No take backs.

  29. Sandy Hooks2:17 PM

    There are schools where the authorities had to install metal detectors to keep the "honor students" from shooting gang enemies, or just people they had a "beef" with. None of those schools are all-white.
    Exactly, gang enemies and people they have beefs with not fucking kindergarteners and pregnant women. That's white boy shit.

  30. Adam Lanza2:18 PM

    Yeah, what is it with white boys using assault rifles to shoot kids? Just fucking weird.

  31. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The Sun posted audio of their interview with Trump, including the “nasty” remark.

    But hey, don’t believe your lying ears. Fake News™!

  32. "The man is desperately ignorant, on virtually every subject but especially on this one."

    He's betting that his supporters are even stupider than he is, and for the most part he's right about that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Trump ‘deadly serious’ about Mexico tariffs, Mulvaney says

    Fucking right Drumpf is busy working to kill America's auto industry and American jobs and farmers and just about everyone but the wealthy.


    Izit any wonder wingnuts are referred to as stoopid and fucking?


    Chinese are way and bigly smarter than stoopid fucking Drumpfuckers.

  36. How to flummox a dumbfuckian Drumpfucker? Ask it a serious question and duck the deflection.

  37. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Fraud Negro's Commie automatons never fail to deliver. Dumbest Monkeez and MudSharx on the planet. 80 IQ is the best you can do.

  38. Anonymous Imbecile said...

    "The truth is poison to you. You will be forced to consume the truth, and you will either die from it or you won't be a Dimocrap lefturd any more."

    1:30 PM
    Evidently you do not know that liberals are armed too.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:57 PM

    Izit any wonder wingnuts are referred to as stoopid and fucking?

    3:33 PM
    Perhaps Diane hasn't heard of the Declaration of Independence? Or maybe she's just stupid?

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Fraud Negro's Commie automatons never fail to deliver. Dumbest Monkeez and MudSharx on the planet. 80 IQ is the best you can do."

    4:41 PM
    It is sad that you are so brainwashed and so lacking in knowledge of current affairs that you have to argue with insults. Why not learn the truth about the Orange child-monster in the White House?

    There is a public record of his dishonest business practices. It's no secret that Trump has been sued hundreds of times for failing to honor contracts with small businesses and even banks. He pays undocumented immigrants about fifty percent of what he promised them, and then tells them to sue him if they don't like it.

    His "Trump University" was a scam, and the courts required him to reimburse the students with a 25 Million dollar settlement.

    Furthermore, he Moved money from his non profit foundation to his businesses. SEE (The Donald J. Trump Foundation and Eric Trump Foundation have shifted hundreds of thousands of dollars intended for charity to the Trump Organization, the president’s family business conglomerate, Forbes reports.)

    How can you continue to believe and support this man when he has told at least 10,000 lies in the last two years? What makes you think Trump gives a damn about you or our country?

    I am not a communist; I am a capitalist, and I won't support a lying con man as president of the United States.

  41. Anonymous5:36 PM

    This will disappear from the MSN fairly quickly. The shooter, DeWayne Craddock, doesn't fit the agenda of the anti-gun crowd. The shooter was a 40 year old black man who purchased his guns legally, was registered as a democrat and had no criminal or mental health issues in his background checks.

  42. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Evidently you do not know that liberals are armed too.
    4:51 PM

    With what??? Libtards don't like guns and do not believe in them. One of your main objectives in destroying America is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. You lot are the biggest hypocrites on the planet, just the Nazis.

  43. Anonymous6:13 PM

    “Perhaps Diane hasn't heard of the Declaration of Independence? Or maybe she's just stupid?”

    It doesn’t sound like she’s making an argument justifying bigotry or arguing against equality of civil liberties.

    She's just telling the usual robber baron capitalist strawman arguments/lies:

    *Democrats are really communists who want absolute wealth equality (neurosurgeons should earn the same as the guy working the fryolator at Wendy’s).

    *Poor people are choosing to be poor and welfare will make them lazier and more dysfunctional.

    *Poverty “builds character” anyway so we’re really doing them a favor by making granny eat cat food

    Et cetera and so on. Just the usual endless bullshit. People like her can’t defend their rotten, elitist policies with facts, so they have to resort to revolting lies.

  44. "With what???"

    Let's see, rifles: Winchester model 70's in .243 and .270 caliber, a model 94 in .32 special, and a Remington semi-auto .22 LR.

    Shotguns: Browning semi-auto 12 gauges one with a 36" barrel (for geese) chambered 3" mag, and my favorite pheasant gun chambered 2 3/4" that's older than I am, a Remington 870 12 gauge, and a Winchester 16 gauge pump that was my dad's duck and quail gun when he was a kid.

    Handguns: A pair of .22 revolvers and a Browning hi-power 9mm.

    They are all in good working order and have recently purchased appropriate ammunition.
    I may have forgotten something, but you get the general idea.

    Here's this from Taegan Goddard:

    "Jonathan Parker — a lobbyist and former Idaho Republican Party chairman — was arrested and booked on a felony first-degree stalking charge, the Idaho Statesman reports.

    According to the criminal complaint, Parker “did knowingly and maliciously engage” in conduct that “seriously alarmed, annoyed or harassed (his wife) Kelly Parker.”

    The complaint states that Parker’s conduct included “repeatedly hiding in bushes, masturbating, disguising himself with a wig” at or near her apartment complex."

    So watch out for high-ranking Republicans masturbating in the bushes, because you never know what you might catch.

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "So watch out for high-ranking Republicans masturbating in the bushes, because you never know what you might catch."

    This guy must have wanted to wreck his life and trash his party. This is really going above and beyond.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Evidently you do not know that liberals are armed too.
    4:51 PM

    With what??? Libtards don't like guns and do not believe in them. One of your main objectives in destroying America is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. You lot are the biggest hypocrites on the planet, just the Nazis.
    I guess I have to spell it out for you. Apparently you are laboring under the delusion that since liberals favor sensible gun control, we don't own guns. Allow me to set you straight. Every liberal I know owns at least one gun. Most have more than one; I have several myself. I advise you wingnuts to be careful what you wish for and what you threaten.

  47. dinthebeast said.....

    "Let's see, rifles: Winchester model 70's in .243 and .270 caliber, a model 94 in .32 special, and a Remington semi-auto .22 LR.

    Shotguns: Browning semi-auto 12 gauges one with a 36" barrel (for geese) chambered 3" mag, and my favorite pheasant gun chambered 2 3/4" that's older than I am, a Remington 870 12 gauge, and a Winchester 16 gauge pump that was my dad's duck and quail gun when he was a kid.

    Handguns: A pair of .22 revolvers and a Browning hi-power 9mm.

    They are all in good working order and have recently purchased appropriate ammunition.
    I may have forgotten something, but you get the general idea."

    Way to go, Doug! Great minds think alike, I have some of the same stuff that you do. I grew up in a very rural area and joined gun cub when I was 13 years old.

  48. Anonymous7:29 PM

    31 negroes Shot In Less Than 12 Hours, Police Say:

  49. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I advise you wingnuts to be careful what you wish for and what you threaten.
    7:13 PM

    Threaten??? explaine

  50. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "Every liberal I know owns at least one gun"

    I do not know any, they hate guns and rather be a victim, quite the delusional lot. They are all bleeing hearts animal rights types,so they do not hunt, hunting is immoral to them.

    The only libs that have guns are the Elite types that have a thirst for power, but disarm the public at large. They will have the carve outs that the working man and women will not.

  51. Anonymous7:48 PM

    One would have thought that the White House would want to swiftly move past the episode of the USS John McCain having McCain's name covered up during his Japan visit, and change the subject to something less horribly embarrassing. It should be unbelievably shaming to them to have Trump's infantile pettiness revealed so clearly.

    But no. Mick Mulvaney has doubled down on this, claiming that it was "not unreasonable" for everyone to tiptoe around Trump's drama queen temper tantrums. As if this is a perfectly normal trait in a political leader -- everyone behaves like this.

    These fucking guys really live in a bizarro, upside-down universe of their own. I'm speechless.

  52. "These fucking guys really live in a bizarro, upside-down universe of their own."

    Welcome to the conservative bubble.

  53. "This will disappear from the MSN fairly quickly. The shooter, DeWayne Craddock, doesn't fit the agenda of the anti-gun crowd."

    And how would this be any different than any other mass shooting?


  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Threaten??? explaine"

    You Dimocraps haven't tried to get Trump voters fired from their jobs because there aren't any.

    It wasn't Trump who took the pics of Hillary orating to empty auditoriums.

    You are people of the lie. The truth is poison to you. You will be forced to consume the truth, and you will either die from it or you won't be a Dimocrap lefturd any more."


    I don't know about you, but to me, that's sounds an awful lot like a threat.

  56. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "And how would this be any different than any other mass shooting?"

    Shooter is black. MSM will focus on guns.

  57. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Every liberal I know owns at least one gun. Most have more than one; I have several myself. I advise you wingnuts to be careful what you wish for and what you threaten.

    The truth is that YOUR OWN PARTY wants you disarmed, defenseless and at the mercy of criminals.  So keep voting for your own death at the hands of your melanin-poisoned pets.

    I don't know about you, but to me, that's sounds an awful lot like a threat.

    Only because you are stupid.

    If some ghetto thugs get the idea that you have valuables or want your vehicle, they won't care that you were married to a black man for decades.  They wouldn't care if he was still your husband.  If you failed to use your guns to defend yourself because "Black Lives Matter" they would think nothing of killing you, maybe with a little rape first.  That is the truth, and failing to swallow it can literally get you killed.

    That's not a threat.  That's just the facts of ghetto thugs, much like the facts of grizzly bears.  We didn't create them, we don't direct them, we want them behind bars instead of running around where they can harm people.  YOU are the one who has such sympathy for them, and your sympathies are responsible for them being loose on the street.  I am prepared to end the existence of such thugs if they threaten me.  I doubt you are.  If your lack of readiness means you become another statistic of black-on-white crime, I'll say right here that it could not happen to anyone who deserves it more.

  58. "Shooter is black. MSM will focus on guns."

    Nah, we'll just shrug it off like we do all other mass shootings. As Jay Z said, on to the next one.

  59. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  60. "If your lack of readiness means you become another statistic of black-on-white crime, I'll say right here that it could not happen to anyone who deserves it more."

    You do realize that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against whites is by fellow whites right? As someone who is supposed to be vigilant against crime shouldn't you be ready regardless of the color of the perps skin? Seems a bit silly to focus on one race, I mean unless you're a racist.😂

    1. Yeah, I guess one may be racist to keep pushing the Black on white crime narrative.‘black-white-crime

  61. Anonymous11:32 PM

    "The truth is that YOUR OWN PARTY wants you disarmed, defenseless and at the mercy of criminals. So keep voting for your own death at the hands of your melanin-poisoned pets."

    No, it wants YOU disarmed, not everybody disarmed. And by "you," I mean you personally, Mister Scumbag Racist.

    That is the truth about the gun control agenda that the NRA and similar groups doesn't want understood. Most American gun control advocates aren't really in favor of removing all guns from all people. They are in favor of removing certain guns from the market (mainly AR-15s and other military grade weapons that have no business being sold to civilians) and they are in favor removing ALL guns from the hands of bad guys.

    Of course, I think the crowd who regularly attend gun shows understand this perfectly, which is why they vociferously advocate for extreme interpretations of the 2nd Amendment. About half of them are raving wackadoodles who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun. A system that made gun ownership anything short of an inalienable right, that took personal character as a prerequisite for approval of access, would instantly land them on the bad guy list.

  62. Anonymous11:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Yeah, I guess one may be racist to keep pushing the Black on white crime narrative."

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The truth is that YOUR OWN PARTY wants you disarmed, defenseless and at the mercy of criminals. So keep voting for your own death at the hands of your melanin-poisoned pets."

    You wouldn't recognize truth if it bit you in your ass. You have fallen for the Republicans taking points, yet, you call me stupid. Take a look in the mirror if you want to see stupid.
    I have been involved with the Democratic Party for over 50 years, so I don't need some brain-washed right winger to lecture about what my party wants or about anything else.
    You views are so far out of the mainstream it's pathetic. You imagine you are in the majority, but I assure you are not. Your racial bull shit is particularly annoying and involves wasted energy on your part. Take your racial garbage to storm front or some other right-wing web site where it will be appreciated.

    And by the way, if someone breaks into my house when I'm home, I will shoot them. So don't worry about my future. I'm 82 years old and I have learned more and forgotten more than you will ever know.



    Does this site answer the question about being ready to defend oneself against any perp or just blah ones? That ideology seems kind of silly to me.

  65. "Take a look in the mirror if you want to see stupid."

    Yeah Gambler, chances are we're not dealing with a genius.😂

  66. "One would have thought that the White House would want to swiftly move past the episode of the USS John McCain having McCain's name covered up during his Japan visit, and change the subject to something less horribly embarrassing. It should be unbelievably shaming to them to have Trump's infantile pettiness revealed so clearly."

    Nah, they don't care about embarrassment, that story is a serviceable distraction from Mueller saying on TV that Fergus obstructed justice.
    They'd put Barr and Mulvaney on camera blowing chipmunks in a continuous loop if they thought it would delay the dawning realization that Fergus is guilty of multiple felonies from the families of Pig People who might still be in possession of a civic gag reflex past the 2020 election.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:13 AM

    PilotX said.....

    "Yeah Gambler, chances are we're not dealing with a genius.😂"

    Thanks, PilotX. I love your dry wit!


  69. Anonymous4:36 AM


    Uh-oh, Justin Amash spilling the beans on a well-kept secret in wingnut world: Fox Lies!


  70. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Welp, the Wall GoFundMe guys are under investigation now in Florida. This is not surprising, since their activities sure do seem a bit fraud-y.


    Who knew?

  72. Anonymous10:20 AM


    Who knew?”

    It’s going to be an absolute shitshow.

    Brits have recently been dousing fascists in milkshakes. I hope Trump gets a gallon of shake dumped on him. He might have a rage-induced stroke and die on the spot, doing us all a big favor.

    But however disastrously he embarrasses our country, his followers will undoubtedly not care. Either they will not know about his failings, because they only ever consume wingnut media that will falsely spin the visit as a yuuuuge success for Trump, or they will rationalize any bad interactions as the fault of Brits because “snobby foreigners hate us anyway.”

  73. Anonymous10:36 AM

    You do realize that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against whites is by fellow whites right?

    You do realize that this is because whites generally avoid mixing with blacks, right?  Then there are the crazy ones like Gambler2 and Amy Biehl.  Gambler2 is a lot more likely to wind up like Amy Biehl or Mimi Perry than someone who stays as far from blacks as they can.

    As someone who is supposed to be vigilant against crime shouldn't you be ready regardless of the color of the perps skin?

    As someone who is vigilant against crime, I pay attention to risk factors.  White child = next to zero risk.  Loud, aggressive black male = very high risk.

    Seems a bit silly to focus on one race

    A given black person is 27 times as likely to criminally victimize a white as the reverse.  I don't focus on race, I use it to practice avoidance of easily avoidable risks.  I don't need to interact with blacks IRL, so I don't.

    I mean unless you're a racist.

    Moving away from blacks = White Flight = racist.
    Moving to a "historically black neighborhood" = gentrification = racist.
    "Not seeing color" = denying race = racist.
    Seeing color = racist.
    Treating blacks like everyone else = denying historical oppression = racist.

    BWW (Breathing While White) = racist.

    We're onto your game.  OBTW, the CPD are onto you too.  Know what they call you behind your backs?  "Shitbirds."

  74. Anonymous10:48 AM

    You views are so far out of the mainstream it's pathetic.

    The "mainstream" is propaganda, the fallacy of popularity is a fallacy, and every time BLM acts up the public shifts more in my direction.

    People have actually become "less racist" since Trump's election.  This can only be due to BLM being effectively shut down since its creators found that it was counterproductive unless there was a Dem in the WH who'd cave to their demands instead of pushing back.

    if someone breaks into my house when I'm home, I will shoot them.

    And if they sneak up behind you when you're getting into your car at the shopping center, what then?

    I honestly hope that you are the next victim of such a carjacking or home invasion, because I'd hate for it to happen to someone who did everything they could to avoid or prevent such things only to be hectored, abused and vilified as "racist" by the likes of you for only wanting peace with their own kind.  If it happened to you, though, it would be just deserts.  It would also be a great opportunity for a life profile showing how no matter how "non-racist" you are, it doesn't buy whites any protection from black predators.

  75. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Ain't no way to pacify the Nappy Headed suffering.

  76. Anonymous11:20 AM

    CHICAGO (Sun-Times Media Wire) - June 3, 2019
    As of 12:00 A.M. Monday, at least 43 people were shot, 3 stabbed, 1 poisoned and one tossed out of a window, with 8 dead, in a rash of violence since Friday evening.

  77. Anonymous11:26 AM

    And by the way, if someone breaks into my house when I'm home, I will shoot them. So don't worry about my future. I'm 82 years old and I have learned more and forgotten more than you will ever know.

    11:52 PM

    So you are pro-self defense then??? Then why are you libtards so opposed to open or concealed carry for self defense outside of the home?? You are a hypocritical lot.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 AM

    PilotX said......
    "You do realize that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against whites is by fellow whites right?"

    In response to PilotX, Anonymous said..

    "You do realize that this is because whites generally avoid mixing with blacks, right? Then there are the crazy ones like Gambler2 and Amy Biehl. Gambler2 is a lot more likely to wind up like Amy Biehl or Mimi Perry than someone who stays as far from blacks as they can"
    In my world Blacks and Whites mix a lot and no one has been robbed or murdered. I can't appreciate your concern for my welfare because I know it's just a ploy to give insult against tolerance and love.

    The rest of your tirade is just racist propaganda and very old talking points.

    And one last point, you say you pay attention to risk factors. Then don't ever drive a car or ride in one. You are much more likely to die in a car accident than you are to be killed by a black person.

    Have a nice day and try to get rid of some of that useless hate in your heart.

  79. You're a joke11:37 AM

    "Brits have recently been dousing fascists in milkshakes. I hope Trump gets a gallon of shake dumped on him."

    The absolute state of the corporate-sponsored Globohomo Left.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 PM

    Gambler2 said.. "You views are so far out of the mainstream it's pathetic."

    Anonymous in response to Gambler2 said...

    The "mainstream" is propaganda, the fallacy of popularity is a fallacy, and every time BLM acts up the public shifts more in my direction.

    I am wondering where you live because the mainstream here is diversity. Next door to me lives a Chinese family, down on the corner is another Chinese family, and across the street from them is a black family and another black family further down the street. A Mexican-American family lives in the house directly behind me, and several more Mexican-American families live on my block. There is no racial strife here, We get along fine.

    People have actually become "less racist" since Trump's election."
    This is the biggest lie you've told so far.

    I said... if someone breaks into my house when I'm home, I will shoot them.

    You responded with... "And if they sneak up behind you when you're getting into your car at the shopping center, what then?"

    I'd give them my car and my money. My car and the little money I carry are not worth dying for. But this is stupid; we haven't had a carjacking or a robbery in the 49 years I have lived here.

    You said.. "I honestly hope that you are the next victim of such a carjacking or home invasion, because I'd hate for it to happen to someone who did everything they could to avoid or prevent such things only to be hectored, abused and vilified as "racist" by the likes of you for only wanting peace with their own kind. If it happened to you, though, it would be just deserts. It would also be a great opportunity for a life profile showing how no matter how "non-racist" you are, it doesn't buy whites any protection from black predators."
    10:48 AM
    This paragraph is totally crazy. Given the area where I live, I don't think your hope for me to be "the next victim of such a carjacking or home invasion" is very likely to manifest itself. But if it does, I will deal with it. I am a hardheaded, practical individual. I feel sorry for you. Hating as much as you do saps your strength and happiness. I will pray for you.

  81. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "You are people of the lie. The truth is poison to you. You will be forced to consume the truth, and you will either die from it or you won't be a Dimocrap lefturd any more."

    They'll cling to their Fake News stories about Trump to the bitter end. It's all they have.

  82. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "I am wondering where you live because the mainstream here is diversity. Next door to me lives a Chinese family, down on the corner is another Chinese family, and across the street from them is a black family and another black family further down the street. A Mexican-American family lives in the house directly behind me, and several more Mexican-American families live on my block. There is no racial strife here"

    I'll bet also that there are no block parties, or neighborhood barbecues, or any social groups that involve a cross section of your neighborhood. Everyone probably goes to different houses of worship, their kids go to different schools, and their social circles are mostly limited to within their own groups. No one leaves their doors unlocked or their property unsecured.

    Everyone can be "good" people, but Diversity means low-trust neighborhoods with no sense of common community.

  83. Florida retarded wingnut Gaetz had a milk shake thrown on him by Dem he defeated in election and she was charged with battery.

    Gaetz should be charged with gross stoopidity and being a menace to civilized society which does not include a single stoopid fucking wingnut because they are not civilized.

  84. Everyone can be "good" people, lie of the century. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are inherently nasty sumbitches and none too bright.

    When Drumpf orders them to jump, they collectively sit down and groom their balls with their tongues because, like I said, they ain't none too bright.

  85. In case you have been wondering about the absence of fucktard Nugent, he has been circulating a video of a deceased Muslim woman and passing it off as the Muslim woman elected to the House from Michigan, He ain't none too bright, neither.

  86. "a milk shake thrown on him by Dem he defeated in election"

    This is what your side as been reduced to.

    Who throws a milk shake? Honestly!!

  87. Anonymous1:59 PM

    “I'll bet also that there are no block parties, or neighborhood barbecues, or any social groups that involve a cross section of your neighborhood.”

    In your hate-filled fantasies maybe.

    Back in reality, it is actually possible for people of different races and religions to socialize with each other.

    Where this does not happen, it’s usually because racism has created social and economic divisions. Or because you are talking about recent, first-generation immigrants who need the support of their ethnic community to get started in a new country.

    It is not the case that people inherently can’t get along unless they are homogeneous in every way.

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "I'll bet also that there are no block parties, or neighborhood barbecues, or any social groups that involve a cross section of your neighborhood. Everyone probably goes to different houses of worship, their kids go to different schools, and their social circles are mostly limited to within their own groups. No one leaves their doors unlocked or their property unsecured.

    Everyone can be "good" people, but Diversity means low-trust neighborhoods"
    I can't speak for every family in my neighborhood, but the neighbors in my cul-de-sac don't lock their doors during the day. I can't speak about what they do late night. It's my opinion that this is a high trust neighborhood.

    There are no block parties, but we do socialize some, especially at Super Bowl parties, which are held in my house because I have the biggest TV. The kids all go to the same schools. As for what churches neighbors attend, I have no idea. I have never discussed religion with them and I do not go to church.

    We may not socialize much, but we do help each other out when help is needed.

    I think you should just give up on trying to convince anyone that you ugly, hateful ideas will be welcome on this bog. There are plenty of right-wing web sites for you to choose from when you feel the need to post hate.

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:15 PM

    Grown ups said...

    "a milk shake thrown on him by Dem he defeated in election"

    "This is what your side as been reduced to.

    Who throws a milk shake? Honestly!!"

    Well, look at it this way, throwing a milk shake is much nicer that running over people with you car and/or beating people up like your side does.

  90. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "Back in reality, it is actually possible for people of different races and religions to socialize with each other."

    You love the straw man argument, don't you?

    Of course it is possible for people of different races and religions to socialize with each other. It just doesn't really happen, and it's not because of racism.

    Raj can't eat hamburgers and Mohammed can't eat the pork Chang brought or be somewhere where people are drinking beer. Everyone could have chicken but it has to Halal or Kosher. Having a neighborhood barbecue becomes complicated so everyone pretty much keeps to themselves.

    No one has to hate anyone else, just the lack of common interests is enough to fragment neighborhood into separate communities.

  91. No one has to hate anyone else, just the lack of common interests is enough to fragment neighborhood into separate communities.

    Raj can't eat hamburgers and Mohammed can't eat the pork Chang brought or be somewhere where people are drinking beer. Everyone could have chicken but it has to Halal or Kosher. Having a neighborhood barbecue becomes complicated so everyone pretty much keeps to themselves.

    Each family can bring specific dishes of their own cuisine and people can try or not try other foods as their customs dictate. Doesn't mean they cAn't celebrate events or community together.

    This isn't rocket science.

    OTOH, I can certainly envision wingnuts bringing dishes that are meant to directly insult Blacks and Muslims, because wingnuts just can't be civil to other peoples.

  92. "We're onto your game. OBTW, the CPD are onto you too. Know what they call you behind your backs? "Shitbirds."

    Who is "we"? But just living in a factual world if whites like you avoid blah people then why worry so much? Your only worry is the fact that most whites are victimized by other whites thus your defenses should be up when you see a fellow white.
    As far as no threat from young white males history shows us that's not quite true. Most school shootings are committed by white males. Ok, keep on with the paranoia. And for the record we all know you learned the term "shitbird" from The Wire. We all liked that show😂

    1. Also most cops I know on the CPD are blah. They don't use the term.

  93. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Each family can bring specific dishes of their own cuisine and people can try or not try other foods as their customs dictate. Doesn't mean they cAn't celebrate events or community together.

    Doesn't mean they can't, means they much less likely to.

    OTOH, I can certainly envision wingnuts bringing dishes that are meant to directly insult Blacks and Muslims, because wingnuts just can't be civil to other peoples.

    You're a special kind of douchebag, aren't you?

  94. "This isn't rocket science."

    Mike, you do realize you're dealing with people who idealize the man who screwed his cousin and insanely tried to take over the world right? 😂 Not the brightest bulbs in the pack.

  95. Anonymous3:22 PM

    “Raj can't eat hamburgers and Mohammed can't eat the pork Chang brought or be somewhere where people are drinking beer. Everyone could have chicken but it has to Halal or Kosher.”

    Lol, Halal and Kosher, the insurmountable social barrier ruining all social interactions!

    This is pretty silly stuff. At your hypothetical barbecue, the Muslim dude could just have a Coke instead of a beer, and probably isn’t going to be mad other people are drinking beer, unless he’s a dick. And both he and the Jewish dude are probably both okay eating burgers, unless they’re really hardcore about dietary restrictions (most aren’t).

    You seem to be making an awfully big deal about some pretty minor cultural differences.

    I mean, it’s not like a guest list made up entirely of Christian white people are all automatically gonna be okay with a given party menu. There’ll be vegans and people with various allergies and intolerances and folks who just plain don’t like that you put grapes in the chicken salad. Everybody doesn’t eat exactly the same things. Maybe it’s annoying to you, but that’s life.

  96. Anonymous3:23 PM

    you say you pay attention to risk factors. Then don't ever drive a car or ride in one. You are much more likely to die in a car accident than you are to be killed by a black person.

    As usual, you're flat wrong.

    Motor vehicle fatality rate in the USA:  12.4/100k/yr (2016)

    Total US black homicide rate in the USA, 2015:  18.68/100k/yr.

    Black homicide fatality rate in Chicago:  56.3/100k/yr (2018)

    (465 black homicide victims in 2018, 2018 Chicago population 2705994 and 30.5% black.  That's more than 1 in every 2000, EVERY YEAR.)

    Black male homicide rate in Detroit:  98/100k/yr!

    Go ahead, take the numbers for Filthydelphia and calculate the per-capita rate.  I dare you.

    I'm safer on the road than most.  I live where there are few drunk-driving minorities like Mexicans, and my car has a full suite of airbags.  But the thing that keeps me the safest is STAYING THE HELL AWAY FROM BLACKS!  My car is of great use to me, and justifies the risk.  Blacks are useless!  There is NOTHING blacks do for the USA which is not done better and cheaper by others.  Blacks are obsolete farm equipment.

    throwing a milk shake is much nicer that running over people with you car

    The last time I heard of anyone deliberately running over someone of another race with a car, it was Oghaleoghene Atuno (a black man) running over 2 white boys.  But we can't expect a dotard like Gambler2 to remember an anti-white hate crime that happened a whole month and a half ago, can we?

    Everyone could have chicken but it has to Halal or Kosher.

    And you have to be careful to let Antonio have the last piece of chicken or he might stab you to death.

  97. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "Everybody doesn’t eat exactly the same things. Maybe it’s annoying to you, but that’s life."

    It doesn't annoy me, and the barbecue scenario was just an example. When people eat different things, worship different gods, celebrate different holidays, and have different interests it is much harder to form a cohesive community.

    It's hard enough in homogeneous communities these days.

    "Diversity" is like a religion to you people. So much so you can't even acknowledge that there might be some down sides.

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "No one has to hate anyone else, just the lack of common interests is enough to fragment neighborhood into separate communities."

    2:23 PM
    Then I guess I've lived in lots of "fragmented, white communities". No diversity around. To fit your definition of a community, one must join a commune like the hippies did in the 1960s and 1970s.

  99. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Bunch of wingnuts shoot up a party:

    Oh, wait, did I say wingnuts?  I meant "vibrants".  Poor, oppressed vibrants.  Regardless, some white person is to blame for it.

  100. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "To fit your definition of a community, one must join a commune like the hippies did in the 1960s and 1970s."

    No, my neighborhood is mostly white and has block parties and Christmas parties. We have a few old hippies but they live in their own houses. The one black guy is cool.

  101. Ace Freely5:26 PM

    "Spygate is the first American scandal in which the government wants the facts published transparently but the media want to cover them up."

  102. Anonymous said....

    "Motor vehicle fatality rate in the USA: 12.4/100k/yr (2016)" 3:23 PM
    I seems the national murder rate for 2017 (with full data available) was 5.3 per 100K population.

    There are some interesting numbers for some of the individual states. For example the murder rate in
    Louisiana was 12.4; Nevada 9.1; Alaska 8.6; and 7.8 in Illinois. Several additional states show higher per capita murder rates than Illinois. But unless you live in Louisiana (12.4), chances of dying in your car are greater than dying from being murdered! Check it out at the following web site:

  103. Anonymous7:05 PM


  104. Drumpfuck 20 to life plus a million years- guaranteed.

  105. Anonymous7:40 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Drumpfuck 20 to life plus a million years- guaranteed.
    7:23 PM


  106. "But the thing that keeps me the safest is STAYING THE HELL AWAY FROM BLACKS!"

    Unless you're white because if you are you're at least 4X more likely to be a victim of a crime committed by another white.

  107. Anonymous8:45 PM

    unless you live in Louisiana (12.4), chances of dying in your car are greater than dying from being murdered!

    That depends enormously on where you live and who you are.  NOBODY's risk is exactly average.  And those black males in Detroit?  They have approximately the same odds of murdering somebody as being murdered BY somebody.  (They also drive badly and account for much more than their share of the motor-vehicle fatalities.)

    Without "minorities", the USA would have a murder rate under 2/100k.  Remove 5 "chocolate" cities and the US murder rate falls from 3rd to 189th out of 193 countries.  The problem is the blacks.

    Unless you're white because if you are you're at least 4X more likely to be a victim of a crime committed by another white.

    And Japanese are almost 100% likely to be victimized by another ethnic Japanese rather than an African.

    This is because there are almost no Africans in Japan.  This keeps the total rate of criminal victimization VERY low, and the Japanese are right to keep it that way.  Whites are absolutely justified in wanting the same for themselves.  Rights for Whites!
