Monday, July 15, 2019

And a racist shall lead us.

Image result for the squad democratic women images

I know that I write a lot about racism and racists on this site, and I always enjoy pointing out racists when they rear their ugly and vile heads. The truth is, though, that racists don't bother me that much in my every day life. For the most part I ignore them, and I try not to let them affect my life in any meaningful way.

This all changes when the racist in question is the most powerful man in the world. There was a time when most people in this country would not say that their president is a racist. The thought that we elected a man to lead us who holds racist views was just so abhorrent to most people that they could not bring themselves to believe that Donald trump is actually a racist.

That has changed, as most people are finally starting to realize that Mr. trump is actually a racist. Of course it took trump himself telling them as much, and going all David Duke with some of his recent tweets for folks to acknowledge it. 

Of course most black folks have known all along that Mr. trump is a racist. We knew when he started questioning the legitimacy of the first African American president. We knew when he called for the death penalty for five very young (and innocent)  men in New York city after an attack in Central Park.  We knew when he declared that Mexicans were rapists, and that a Mexican Judge could not be fair. And we knew when he called countries being led by brown people, shithole places. 

Black folks are still surprised that our white brothers and sisters won't acknowledge the obvious when it comes to Mr. trump's racism, but we understand that talking about racism and pointing out racism tends to make white folks uncomfortable.

The sad thing about trump is that not only is he a racist, but he is an ignorant racist. He is the type of racist that's not smart enough to defend his racism or to understand the roots of it. Clearly he is not very smart, because he pretty much told three Congresswomen who were born in this country to go back to their own countries. 

But we have come to expect this from Mr. trump. What's sad is that his republican pals, for the most part, have been silent about his racist and ignorant screed. And the ones who had the courage to speak out have been few and far between.

Sadly, this too shall pass, and the racist- in- chief might even get a second term because there are a lot of people (particularly in his own party) who agree with him.  They applauded him today at the White House when he doubled and tripled down on his racism, and leaders in the GOP like Lindsey Graham actually came to his defense.

Over the next few days cable news outlets will play the outrage card, a few people will make statements and write opeds condemning trump, and we will all clutch our pearls and act shocked that the man we elected to be our leader is an ignorant xenophobic bigot. But we have seen this rodeo before ("good people on both sides"), and I am pretty sure that we will see it again. 

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Based on current trends, it feels like Trump is about five minutes away from giving a speech that is nothing but racial slurs. Like he's about to have a Michael Richards-style meltdown and start uncontrollably shouting the n-word on stage.

    Every time his party reacts with a collective "meh" to his racist antics and threatens no negative repercussions for them, he concludes that he has permission to take things farther, so expect him to get even more explicitly hateful next time around.

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Donald Trump obviously has a bad case of Jungle Fever and would love to get a taste of some dark meat!

  3. His Republican "friends" don't call him out because they are terrified of the bigots and imbeciles in his base that he co-opted from them and now threatens them with if they start to get wiggly on him.

    But don't fall for it and fail to notice how his latest Twitter malfunction has knocked the Jeffry Epstein stuff off of the front page.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Weirdly, the big ICE raids that Trump was hyping don't seem to have happened so far.

    Perhaps that is another reason for his super-racist rhetoric over the last couple days: His exciting mass deportation stunt scheduled for this weekend kind of fizzled out, so he is looking for an alternative way of satisfying his biggest, most knuckle-dragging fans.

    Ripping into the "the Squad" (ergh, it pains me every time I see this awkwardly trendy millenial-speak in print) seemed popular on Fox and Friends, so he went with that -- with his usual trademark maximum bigotry thrown in for good measure.

  5. From Dave Dubya's Freedom Rants blog:

    "These facts need to be stated every day.

    Trump fuels hate. Trump is a pathological liar. Trump is a racist. Trump is willfully ignorant and indifferent to human suffering. Trump is fond of dictators and extra-judicial killings.

    Hate is evil. Pathological lying is evil. Racism is evil. Willful ignorance and indifference to human suffering is evil. Dictators and extra-judicial killings are evil.

    Bottom line: Trump is evil. He is rotten and corrupt to the core. And this applies to his party and his supporters.

    Those who support Trump wittingly, or unwittingly, support evil.

    I’ve had it with the lot of them. Anyone who cannot loudly condemn Trump for his racism is abetting racism. And abetting racism IS racism.

    The term 'Racist Republicans' has become redundant."

    Like I've said before: Republicans are the racist party.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:05 PM

    Ed said.....

    Bottom line: Trump is evil. He is rotten and corrupt to the core. And this applies to his party and his supporters.
    You got it right, Ed. Everything you said about Trump and his supporters (above) is right on the money. It's as if we were living in a nightmare.

    Trump has never been anything but a crooked loser his entire life.


  8. Drumpf will undoubtedly pardon the nice white supremacist because the liberal media is so unfair to Drumpf.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:29 PM

    I think Trump cannot pardon Fields for committing a state crime. Trump's pardon power only applies to federal crimes.

  10. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Trump In 2020 ! You know it's gonna happen and it eats at your soul 24/7 LOL

  11. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Trump appears to believe that he is an emperor and he can unilaterally withdraw asylum rights from nearly all foreigners entering the U.S.

    He is going to find out, in a court of law, that he is wrong.

    Trump moves to eliminate nearly all asylum claims at U.S. southern border

  12. "Trump In 2020 ! You know it's gonna happen and it eats at your soul 24/7 LOL"

    Probably, that's why getting the senate and keeping the house is so important. Now that would be hilarious to see him have to handle a Democratic congress. Oh I can just imagine the teenaged girl tweets now.😂

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson4:42 AM

    Notice how the Dems, subpoena Mueller, and then put limits on the time he can be questioned? Delay the hearing for a week, just two days before "Congress" goes on a six week "vacation"? The Repubs don't want to ask him about his "report". They want to ask him how and why it was ever an issue to begin with.

    You people are so pathetic.

  14. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Trump is racist......If only it were so.

  15. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Both George W. Bush and Donald Trump have one thing in common: they are honest.

    Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama were both ‘suave’ presidents. They were loved in Europe, as they knew how to speak politely, how to dine elegantly, and how to commit mass murder in a ‘rational, righteous way’; ‘old-fashioned, European-style’.

  16. Commandeered Queenie, don't you have some innocent black guy to railroad for murder he did not commit?

    Drumpfuck is the worst racist ever. He is a fucking mow rawn with shit for brains.

    Many people agree with me Drumopf is the worst POS ever to stink up the kremlin annex.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts are stoopid fucking delusional deplorables who'd sell their sisters for a chance to suck Drumpf's micro wienie.

    The Squad" will prevail over the squalid puke Drumpfuck the racist dumbfuck.

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson9:59 AM

    Well, Queenie mike, the corn"boy". I only commented once on this post, and never said a thing about race, the squad, or even be crass. You never even addressed the point I was trying to make in the comment. Instead, you curse at me, and insult me.

    Like my mother said, "profanity is a refuge for lower intelligence".

    BTW...Tellis will get his, in Angola.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson10:04 AM

    Here's your heron corn Queenie:

  19. Lt.Commander Johnson10:22 AM

  20. Anonymous10:37 AM

    How much Negroid crime and Murder has occurred this week so far Mr. Field ? Why are Negroes worst enemy other Negroes? Why deflect onto Honkies and Trump when it is da Kangz and Kweenz and Democrats who fuck up your lives? Now....cue up the Negro excuse machine in 3,2,1...

  21. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Little man 'trump', he almost let the 'real' self out. He's a loser, and always will be.
    'Ballin' on the taxpayers dime, with his 'just grab em' by the pu$$y friends'. The GOP is his 'whores'. His 'followers', well they should just 'bend over'; no petroleum jelly.

  22. Anonymous10:48 AM


  23. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Hey asshole at 10:37, how many whites have committed crimes this week? How many whites committed a murder? Now go play in the street like a good racist asshat.

  24. Anonymous10:51 AM

    You people are so pathetic.

    You know what's more pathetic? A pussy that pretends to be a military officer but is too much of a bitch to actually serve. Now that's truly pathetic.

  25. Updated from 2 hours ago, 42.5% of Americans "approve" of Donald Trump. This just gobsmacks me. Are there that many idiots among us? Can that figure be explained by the so-called Right Wing Echo machine, that excuses this turd's every crime, every incitement and every failure, and that dominates the opinion market in most of the country? Pundits say it took a lot of government malfeasance to get us here, wherein Trump is only the most egregious symptom. Reagan to Dubya in a death spiral.
    Nothing will surprise me in the next election.

  26. Gee, Queenie, you posted it twice. I am duty bound to0 believe it, now. Not!

    Drumpfuck IS a racist. Drumpfuck is not a leader except when it comes to being a victim.


    Gotta hurt.

  28. Drumpf's DOJ won't prosecute Eric Garner's murderers....

  29. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "Both George W. Bush and Donald Trump have one thing in common: they are honest."

    Haha. Trump is possibly the biggest liar on Earth. About the ONLY thing Trump is ever honest about is that he is racist.

    The messed-up part is that you consider that a positive.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Both George W. Bush and Donald Trump have one thing in common: they are honest.

    Oh sure, Georgie was so honest when he lied about WMDs in Iraq, and Trump has told over 10,000 lies since he became president. But in your eyes they are so honest! How can you be so willfully ignorant?

  31. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Because Eric Garner wasn't murdered. His fat, non working, non compliant, resisting arrest, bloated ass died of an MI. But facts don't mean shit to lefty idiots. One would think that after getting arrested 26 prior times for the same shit the Pyramid Builder would have caught on? Just one more example of the 40 million useless outdated farm equipment in America.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:28 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    Notice how the Dems, subpoena Mueller, and then put limits on the time he can be questioned? Delay the hearing for a week, just two days before "Congress" goes on a six week "vacation"? The Repubs don't want to ask him about his "report". They want to ask him how and why it was ever an issue to begin with.

    You people are so pathetic.

    4:42 AM
    I think the time frame was negotiated between Mueler and the committee who will question him. And the Republicans aren't going to ask him about the report because that would only shed more light on Trump's crimes.

    We "people" may be pathetic, but we are not stupid. We know an evil con-man when we see one. Evil, thy name is Trump.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson12:59 PM

    Oooh, wow. So Dems "negotiate" subpoenas, now? Hey! let's prove him evil! Why limit the questions?

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson1:03 PM

    You have no answers. Call me names

  35. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "You have no answers. Call me names"

    That's why it's pointless to use a screen name here.  It gives the obsolete farm equipment something to throw shit at without addressing anything.

    The irony of watching the obsolete farm equipment re-validate the monkey stereotype does have some amusement value, but not enough to be worth it.


    Medical examiner says Garner's murderer choked him so0 long and so hard he had internal bleeding.

    Garner was murdered.

  37. Anonymous2:05 PM

    This twitter beef between Trump and Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, et al. is just another political food fight between the Demorats and Republicons.

    It would be a whole lot more entertaining if they all settled their disputes in a more respectable fashion.

    Nude jello wrestling!

  38. Anonymous2:52 PM

    “Because Eric Garner wasn't murdered. His fat, non working, non compliant, resisting arrest, bloated ass died of an MI.”

    If a criminal breaks into your granny’s house and strangles her until she has a heart attack, would you say the criminal wasn’t at fault because granny had a heart condition?

    GTFO. You fools make silly, unserious arguments even you don’t believe.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson, your mom was a cunt.

  40. Are black people’s egos so big to compensate for their small brains?

  41. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Are white male conservatives' egos so big to compensate for their small brains?

  42. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Oooh, wow. So Dems "negotiate" subpoenas, now? Hey! let's prove him evil! Why limit the questions?
    Well you have to wait to see the testimony just like the rest of us. Shut up and wait can you do that?

  43. They shouldn't have to negotiate subpoenas Commander, they should arrest any of Fergus' felons who ignore them like the common white trash criminals they are.

    But they can't because the goddamn justice department is the one telling them to break the law and thus can't be expected to prosecute them for their crimes.

    Two of the five times I have been in jail were over warrants I had for failure to appear, and McGahn and Conway and the rest of Fergus' felons should be taken for bench warrants and asked in court if they would rather testify and go home or be remanded into custody until such time as they do.

    Remember, they don't have to actually say anything when they testify, they can invoke their fifth amendment rights against self incrimination or pull an Alberto Gonzales and just lie and say they don't recall 150 times, but by law they have to fucking show up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Mitc h McCTurtlefuckface blamed everyone except Drumpf for heated rhetoric and took shots at individual Dems. What a phony fucker this bitch is.

  45. Anonymous6:42 PM

    “They shouldn't have to negotiate subpoenas Commander, they should arrest any of Fergus' felons who ignore them like the common white trash criminals they are.”

    Technically, no,they don’t. Congress has what is called an “inherent contempt” power, which entitles Congress to order its own security officers to snatch a recalcitrant witness who ignores a subpoena and bodily drag their ass into the congressional chamber. They do not have to use the federal police controlled by Trump.

    This would constitute a major escalation between the Democrats and Trump. Basically, this is taking things to DEFCON 1, with the nation on the verge of collapse into anarchy. This power hasn’t been used by Congress since 1935.

  46. Anonymous7:17 PM

    My Granny would not resist arrest and fight with the police. my Granny would not have to be arrested 26 previous times for the same dumb shit. my Granny would not be an 80 IQ mutant drain on society. There...fixed it for ya.

  47. Anonymous said...
    My Granny has four legs and likes to lick balls..and voted multiple times for Drumpf.

  48. Anonymous8:30 PM

    “My Granny would not resist arrest and fight with the police.”

    Eric Garner didn’t “fight” the police, either. He argued with them. Over the ultra-minor offense of helping people dodge cigarette taxes. Which is only slightly more serious than littering.

    The responding officer thought that behavior —hardly a major threat to society — merited arresting him by using an illegal, banned tactic that poses a known risk of killing the suspect (i.e., strangling him into submission).

    All of which adds up to a reckless, incompetent arresting officer. And if you kill someone through recklessness and gross incompetence, that’s called manslaughter.

    The cop should have been charged with that, but wasn’t, because the good citizens of Staten Island apparently value cops way more than black people.

  49. From Taegan Goddard:

    "Tariffs Don’t Cover Costs of Trump’s Trade War

    July 15, 2019 at 11:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 56 Comments

    “President Trump on Monday portrayed America as being on the winning end of his trade war, saying tariffs are punishing China’s economy while generating billions of dollars for the United States, an economic victory that will allow him to continue his fight without domestic harm,” the New York Times reports.

    “But government figures show that the revenue the United States has collected from tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods is not enough to cover the cost of the president’s bailout for farmers, let alone compensate the many other industries hurt by trade tensions. The longer Mr. Trump’s dispute with China drags on, the more difficult it could be for him to ignore that gap.”"

    And he is still in denial about the fact that we pay those tariffs, not China, so it's just buggery all the way down for us over it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson9:20 PM

    "BP said...

    Lt. Commander Johnson, your mom was a cunt.

    3:16 PM"

    Oh, wow. I surely never saw that one coming!

  51. Dave Zirin = faggot kike9:34 PM

    Trump supporters wish they could just pick up their guns and shoot all black and brown people.

  52. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Trump supporters wish they could just pick up their guns and shoot all black and brown people.

    Keep behaving badly enough and we will.

    The only thing stopping us from just killing your criminal class is white cops.  When we get mad enough to kill white cops for protecting your worthless hides from actual justice, the balloon goes up.

  53. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  54. "When we get mad enough to kill white cops for protecting your worthless hides from actual justice, the balloon goes up."

    😂😂😂😂 Fake tough guy plays with balloons.😂😂😂😂 What are you, 5?

    1. I'm guessing you'll be dressed like a clown too since you play with balloons.

  55. "Keep behaving badly enough and we will."

    Bring it, punk. Get Cletus and Billy Bob and all your inbred clan, bring all of your guns and ammo and cross the line into Oakland, I fucking dare you.
    When we're through with you y'all will be naked and penniless and without a vehicle among you and will crawl to the nearest black cop and beg for mercy, which will buy you a trip to Santa Rita until your court date comes up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. "When we're through with you y'all will be naked and penniless and without a vehicle among you"

    Good one Doug.😂

  57. Anonymous6:40 AM

    mike from iowa said...

    Gotta hurt.

    No Mike, that won't bother Trump in the least; to him, you can only 'really' become an American citizen if you are white.

  58. Wesley R7:36 AM

    Rep Omar has been an American citizen longer than Trump
    s wife. This is something you don't hear from the media.

  59. Lance Cockstrong9:09 AM

    Butt Trumpet is obviously full of spite because these women prefer well endowed black and brown men instead of pathetic micro dick retards like himself and all his faggot supporters.

  60. The CoatesvilleExPat9:44 AM

    No. Your casual and venial use of the word "Racist" has changed it from something vile and scornful, to any random white person. And oh, your quest to out racism needs to start in your own mirror.

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:40 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    Oooh, wow. So Dems "negotiate" subpoenas, now? Hey! let's prove him evil! Why limit the questions?

    12:59 PM
    The time frame was negotiated, not the subpoena, Johnson. Do you not understand plain English sentences? Are you so brainwashed by your love of Trump that you only comprehend word salad like he speaks?

    As for limiting the questions, that's no big deal. The questions are often negotiated. Do you not recall that when Mueler requested Trump answer some questions, they negotiated which topics Trump would answer?

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 AM

    From today

    Trump’s racist outburst contained accidental honesty: This is the struggling country that needs help

    Trump supporters need to read this.

  63. "Your casual and venial use of the word "Racist" has changed it from something vile and scornful, to any random white person."

    Well, it is still vile and scornful and it permeates this country from top to bottom. It's so bad that now to be anti-racist means to be anti-American. 🤔

  64. Drug kingpin El Chappedass got a shorter sentence tha white suprascunmbag James Fields. Fields got life plus 400 plus years

    El Chapo got life plus thirty years.


    New poll shows wingnuts like Drumpf even moar after racist tweets.

    That would figure. Wasicu supremacysts and blatant honky racists swarm together like the magats they are.

  66. In another move to gut an entire agency trump moves Dept of Interior jobs to Grand Junction, CO. Are we still pretending he's not tearing our country apart bit by bit?


    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:13 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    New poll shows wingnuts like Drumpf even moar after racist tweets.

    That would figure. Wasicu supremacysts and blatant honky racists swarm together like the magats they are.

    12:41 PM
    It is true that any one poll may be off a few points in either direction. If you go to and average the three latest polls displaying
    Trump's approval and average them, the result is 43% approve and 54% disapprove. So it doesn't look like there was a surge in approval for Trump.

    As you know, the media always hipes the most dramatic numbers.

  70. Richard Spencer has distanced himself from racist shithole Drumpdfuck. Not to go all overboard on redeeming a useless racist, but Spencer is closer to salvation thaN tiny hands/micro dick Drumpfuck the dumbfuck could ever hope to get.

  71. Anonymous6:35 PM

    “Richard Spencer has distanced himself from racist shithole Drumpdfuck.”

    Distanced himself ... by implying Trump isn’t racist enough.

    Essentially, his criticism of Trump is that he wants less racist talk, more racist action. Stop merely telling brown people to “go back where they came from” and actually force them to leave.

    It’s about what you’d expect a Nazi to say. Spencer is a promoter of what he calls “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”

  72. “He gives us nothing, outside of racist tweets,” continued Spencer. “And by racist tweets, I mean tweets that are meaningless and cheap and express the kinds of sentiment you might hear from your drunk uncle while watching Hannity.”


  73. Trump tweeted that the Squad is from a country that is 'a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world, if they even have a functioning government at all', and also 'totally broken and crime infested'. But the Squad are all from this country, the U.S. of A. Therefore that was his description of America.

    Why does Trump hate America? If it's because he hates himself, then it's for good reason. Maybe he hates us for our freedom, like the freedom for me to say:

    Trump is a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept person in the world, if he even has a functioning mind at all. He's totally broken and crime infested.

  74. Trump said, "If you don't like it in America then you can leave."

    Then he can leave, because he's miserable. Take one look at his wretched face.

    The last time his wife looked happy was when she was schmoozing with the Obamas. Maybe she can leave him.

  75. Yisheng = nigger cunt8:06 PM

    Trump supporters are weak-minded, easily manipulated sheep.

  76. Anonymous8:13 PM

    “Trump said, ‘If you don't like it in America then you can leave.’”

    Conservatives criticizing America = “Making America great”

    Liberals criticizing America = “If you don’t like it, you can leave, communist!”

    Nope, no double standards here. None whatsoever.


  77. Drumpfuck did nothing but bash America while he wasn't running for potus. Drumpfuck did nothing but criticize Obama and HRC so why didn't he leave? Her hated America then and is making this the number one shithole in the world with his racism and other peccadildoes.

  78. Anonymous8:32 PM

    “‘He gives us nothing, outside of racist tweets,’ continued Spencer.”

    You gotta read between the lines here.

    When Spencer says Trump is delivering nothing “outside of racist tweets,” he isn’t objecting to the racist tweets. He is objecting to what else Trump isn’t doing.

    And the “else” that he wants Trump to do isn’t anything normal, decent people want. He is demanding extremely racist policies that would make Trump’s recent border and asylum abuses look like no big deal. Spencer’s ultimate goal is to get rid of all non-whites in the US. Anything short of that is a disappointment to him.

    It’s a wild misinterpretation to assume Spencer thinks Trump has somehow gone too far with his latest rhetoric. That’s the exact opposite of his view.

  79. Kill white men, fuck white women10:23 PM

    Richard Spencer is the human equivalent of dog shit.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Nope, no double standards here. None whatsoever.


    8:13 PM
    You got it backwards, Anon. I don't recall Dems calling for communists to leave. That was Joe McCarthy, a Republican senator from Wisconsin.

    Here's an example of a double standard. When a Republican is president it's OK to spend, spend, spend, "Deficits don't matter." When a Democrat is president, it's "Oh the deficit. "You are loading our grandchildren with unbearable debt."

  81. "Trump said, 'If you don't like it in America then you can leave.'"

    Considering all of the shit Fergus has talked about this country, I'm tempted to want him to take his own advice, but where would he go?
    What country would we want to saddle with a creep like him?
    Nope, just like the terrorists we catch, our prison system is perfectly adequate to house Fergus until he shuffles off of this mortal coil, and unlike most of them, he has actually caused massive human suffering on a scale that would make his removal from free society an easy decision to make.

    -Doug in Oakland

  82. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bring it, punk. Get Cletus and Billy Bob and all your inbred clan, bring all of your guns and ammo and cross the line into Oakland, I fucking dare you.

    That's how you'd do it, wouldn't you.

    My clan would blow the pumps bringing you water from Hetch Hetchy and natural gas from Texas and Colorado.  We'd use Tannerite to bring down the towers carrying BPA power from Washington.  Then the timers on the firebombs we'd discretely left behind would go off, and without water you'd be unable to do anything.  If the winds were right, that's all it would take to finish Oakland and most of the people there.

    It would take maybe a dozen people to carry off.  You'd never see anyone's face.

    Amateurs talk tactics.  Professionals talk logistics.

  83. Anonymous3:24 PM

    “You got it backwards, Anon. I don't recall Dems calling for communists to leave. That was Joe McCarthy, a Republican senator from Wisconsin.”

    My comment was aimed at GOP leaders, not you, Gambler. Trump and Lindsey Graham are the ones saying that lefties who criticize America are “communists” and should leave.

    But of course, they are not applying the same logic to themselves, because as it turns out, they criticize America constantly. They have simply arbitrarily defined anything they don’t like as not part of “real America,” and therefore okay to criticize, while anything they do like is sacrosanct and blasphemous to criticize.

    All of which comes down to bigotry: They think they “own” America because they are white and Christian and anyone else is a “visitor” who should be grateful to be allowed to stand on US soil.

  84. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Yup all four are racist and evil. Clear and present danger to democracy.

  85. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
    4:02 PM

    WHY??? Where will all your free stuff come from?????

  86. Anonymous3:04 PM

    > WHY??? Where will all your free stuff come from?????

    If they think about this at all, they feel that losing all of that is worth not having their noses rubbed in their own incapability, ineptitude and stupidity all the time.  Going back to mud huts and bathing in cow urine is worth it if they can get rid of the humiliation that white people cause them just by existing.

    THAT is what they mean by "Whiteness" and wanting to smash it.

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:24 PM

    Anonymous said ....

    THAT is what they mean by "Whiteness" and wanting to smash it.

    3:04 PM
    What the hell are you talking about? Trump and his gang are the ones getting free stuff - millions of dollars of it per gangster.

  88. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Niggers don't work or contribute and affirmative action hires get tax payer money for their "salary" and do not really provide anything back to the community.

    So why say fuck white people when they "give" you EVERYTHING.
