Saturday, July 13, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for president trump lady liberty image*

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: "I moved on her like a bitch."  

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous12:13 AM

    “I need you guys to move HER loser statue over there, to make room for a new, bigger, shinier, gold-plated statue ... of ME.

    Oh, and get rid of that crap written on the pedestal about ‘give me your huddled masses.’ We’re not doing that anymore.”

  2. One of these is not like the other.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Ctrl+Halt+Del5:20 AM

    "Lock her up!"

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    "even Lady Liberty says Trump 2020"

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I have just about as much compassion for illegal aliens as they have for US taxpayers.

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    When the demographic transformation of America is complete, they'll tear down the Statue of Liberty because she is a white woman.

  7. Green trumps orange.

  8. How many anonymoids does it take to defend Trump from Liberty?

    None. Anonymoids are nobodies.

  9. This bitch was born in France. She has to go!

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "look the wall is built and crime has dropped!!"

  11. Make Sugar Frosted Flakes Grreaaat. Again1:29 PM

    "She's not my type!"

  12. She's not my type1:55 PM

    Trump makes real to melt statue to make salt and pepper shakers.

  13. "...because she is a white woman."

    She's not. Look it up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I have just about as much compassion for illegal aliens as they have for US taxpayers.

    11:34 AM
    You seem to have lots of compassion for Trump and his swamp-gang of grifters who are stealing US taxpayes blind.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:40 PM

    Using Titter, our idiot president attacked four women in congress telling them to go back to their countries of origin. Three of them were born in the United States. Is Trump just ignorant, or is he just evil?

    Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, before coming to the U.S. as a refugee with her family. Pressley was born in Cincinnati, while Tlaib was born in Detroit. Ocasio-Cortez was born in New York. They are all U.S. citizens.

  16. Anonymous6:33 PM

    A man was stabbed to death on a CTA Red Line train Saturday, police said.

    Chicago police said officers were called to the platform in the 100 block of West Cermak Road at 2:53 p.m. when a 54-year-old man riding the southbound Red Line got into a verbal fight with someone else on the train who took out a knife and stabbed him.

    The man suffered deep cuts to his upper body and was pronounced dead on the platform, police said.
    This one is going to be hard to explain at "Accountability Monday...or Tuesday...or What's Accountability?"

    At least the "No Guns" signs are working - he wasn't shot.

  17. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Granny Mudbone needs to jump in the Commie car with the Fab 4 wenches and lead the caravan of Leftist Demons out of the country. The YIDZ may have wet dreams of the low IQ shitholers and Ghetto Trash taking over the country, but there are millions who will crush this DIE versity bullshit.

  18. How do you shame a gross lame-o anonymoid into good sense?

    You can't; they have neither shame nor sense.

    Then how do you expose them?

    You don't have to; they expose themselves.

  19. You can't. They can't be reasoned with because of their propaganda addiction, so because they deserve to be represented in the government like sane people, all we can do is beat them politically so their representation is equal to their actual numbers, which are between 27% and 32% of the electorate and thus manageable to the republic if they can be stopped from cheating.
    Otherwise they are a dead loss to society and nothing can be gained from engaging with them on any but the most superficial of topics.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Doug is the most superficial topic ever.

  21. In an ironic twist trump sells the Statue of Liberty to raise money after bankrupting the country.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny Mudbone needs to jump in the Commie car with the Fab 4 wenches and lead the caravan of Leftist Demons out of the country. The YIDZ may have wet dreams of the low IQ shitholers and Ghetto Trash taking over the country, but there are millions who will crush this DIE versity bullshit.

    10:27 PM
    Gee, Honey, you must be in a bad mood today. But I, must remind you that there are millions more who support my position than support yours, and we are armed. So let's not talk about "DIE"ing. You think you are clever with your veiled threats, 'cause you can deny that any threat was intended. But we all know that racists are violent - History tells us so.
    Have a nice day.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "even Lady Liberty says Trump 2020"

    9:14 AM
    Lady Liberty would never stoop so low as to even mention Trump's name.

  24. Anonymous10:32 AM

    3 negroes dead, at least 16 negroes hurt in city shootings, including 5 attacked in South Side drive-by

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    PilotX said...
    In an ironic twist trump sells the Statue of Liberty to raise money after bankrupting the country.
    10:14 AM

    Incorrect, thats the Democrats taxing the shit out of the working class to give to niggers and illegal aliens.

  26. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "See the looney left wants to take away your religious freedoms"

  27. "That lady there---she's always getting in my way everywhere I go, and any time I try to do anything.
    Someone needs to run her from my midst. 'Trespass' her, get her for 'harassment'---or something!"

  28. Lt. Commander Johnson1:37 PM

    Send it to Jamaica, or Haiti. Whatever.

  29. Anonymous1:55 PM

    “Incorrect, thats the Democrats taxing the shit out of the working class to give to niggers and illegal aliens.”

    Nobody is “taxing the shit” out of working class (whites). Progressive income taxes exist. The rich pay a disproportionate share of our taxes — and should pay still more, given the overall unfairness of our economy.

    And working class whites also draw all sorts of benefits from the government themselves. The idea that they giving more than they are taking out, and thereby are financially supporting people of color, is another gigantic pile of hooey.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:12 PM

    Man killed in Tacoma after throwing ‘incendiary devices’ at detention center by Casey Michel

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Lindsey Graham has turned into nothing but a pathetic growth on Trump’s left buttock.

    Here he is trying to defend Trump and distract from his racism by calling AOC and her 3 chums in the House anti-semites and communists. Graham has gone full batshit wingnut troll. If he ever had any redeeming qualities before the advent of the current shitshow administration, they are long gone now.

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I hear there are plans to compose a new presidential anthem to be played when Trump appears at public events. It will be called Heil to the Chief.

  33. Anonymous4:45 PM

    *Sociology 101*
    A young black kid asks his mother, "Mama, what is Socialism and what is Racism?"
    "Well, Child Socialism is when the white folks work every day so we can get all our governmental entitlement stuff for free. You know like our free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school breakfast, lunch, and in some places supper, free healthcare, utility subsidy, and on and on you know, that's Socialism."
    "But, Mama, don't the white people get pi--ed off about that?"
    "Sure they do, Honey. That's called Racism."

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:14 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "But, Mama, don't the white people get pi--ed off about that?"
    "Sure they do, Honey. That's called Racism."
    I hate to burst you bubble of ignorance, but racism toward Blacks existed long before there were any government programs that helped poor Blacks and whites.

    Even today, there are more white people receiving government assistance than Blacks. If you had done just a little research, you would know that most people on government assistance are single mothers and their minor children. It's sad that you have been brainwashed by conservative politicians into believing the fairy tales you posted above.

  35. "In an ironic twist trump sells the Statue of Liberty to raise money after bankrupting the country."

    ...Then fails to deliver the goods he has taken payment for.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Trump (pointing at Lady Liberty): "She said that I run concentration camps, but _she's_ the real tyrant!"

  37. Garner was also executed with an illegal chokehold. All for allegedly selling untaxed cigs. The real reason he was assaulted was because he was Black.

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