Saturday, July 27, 2019

Caption Saturday.


    1. Anonymous11:40 PM

      Trump realizes that at his age and advanced degree of flabbiness, he is finally going to have to break down and start wearing The Bro.

    2. Anonymous12:12 AM

      I'd like to suck all the tits in these bras because my wife hasn't given me any IN THE LAST 10 YEARS OR MORE!!!!!!

    3. Yeah, it's time for me to move up to a triple G.

    4. The picture in the margin of the dictionary next to the entry "creepy"...

      -Doug in Oakland

    5. GrannyStandingforTruth5:06 AM

      Looking for kidney pads.

    6. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Hmmm, I like red, but I'd better stick with white. Colors show through my white shirts.

    7. Ronald McDonald Trump8:37 AM

      "The National Weather Service says to expect a colder than normal winter. I better get some ear muffs.

    8. The label "murder monkeys" is only too apt.

      PIKE COUNTY, Ala. (WSFA) - The suspect in a Wednesday morning robbery and homicide in the city of Brundidge appears to have waited around outside for the Gulf Gas Station on Highway 10 to open before making his move.

      Law enforcement in Pike County held a news conference Thursday morning to release some new details, including three pieces of surveillance video of the moments before, during and just after the crime.

      A description of the suspect is limited to a male dressed in all black, with white gloves, and armed with a gun.

      Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas said the suspect “was in the general area of the store for a time prior to the store appears that he waited for the store to open."

      The victim, 30-year-old store clerk Neil Kumar, opened the business at 6 a.m. and "within four minutes, he [the suspect] enters the store,” the sheriff said, recapping surveillance video of the crime.
      Surveillance video: Brundidge gas station robbery, homicide

      Security video was recording from multiple angles. Investigators released parking lot video that shows the suspect coming out from behind a wooden fence, casually walking onto the property. A time stamp indicates it was approximately 5:55 a.m., five minutes before opening time.

      Then, there’s a video segment from approximately 6:07 a.m. that shows the camera trained at the front door, the clerk’s counter visible. The suspect bolts through the door and immediately aims his weapon at Kumar, who is not shown in any of the released video evidence.

      The suspect went behind the counter and was given the money from the register, the sheriff stated, confirming there was no struggle. Kumar, a part-time employee who was attending Troy University as a graduate student, was killed almost immediately.

    9. Anyone who looks like this is almost certainly worthless if not dangerous:

      CMPD: Repeat offender charged in attempted robbery of Epicenter Insomnia Cookies

      CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Charlotte-Mecklenburg police have arrested and charged a man accused of attempting to rob an Insomnia Cookies inside the Epicenter in uptown Friday.

      Officials said 27-year-old Tebian Perez Ruff got into an argument with the store's manager when he pulled out a gun and said he was robbing the business.

      The manager did not give Ruff anything from the business and he left. Officers found Ruff in Rocket Fizz, another business inside the Epicenter. When they took Ruff into custody, they said they found a firearm on him and determined it was stolen.

    10. Toughest decision Drumpf will ever make. Do I go with the 28a smallest size to fit my tiny hands or go with the 521 largest to match my filthy, disgusting, diseased, deplorable, distorted, delerious mind?

    11. I wonder which one Vlad would like to see me wear for next time.

    12. I stood here staring until the Victoria's Secret security kicked me out yesterday. Maybe they won't notice today.

    13. Anonymous3:49 PM

      1) I think these would fit the Supreme Court fellas' on 'my destructive mission'; they're my 'bitche$ now.

      2) If I can't "grab em' by their pu$$ie$, perhaps @ the next photo op/rally, I can give them as gifts.

    14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:38 PM

      Joy Reid reminds Trump that Maralago is infested and the recipient of 78 health department violations in the last three years. Seems the joint is much more infested than Baltimore. LOL Someone should tell the Prez that it isn't smart to throw stones when you live in a glass house.

    15. About Fergus' latest Twitter malfunction (h/t: Show Me Progress):

      "…Using data from the “Biggest US Cities” website, Nate Sliver…point[ed] out that Cummings’ district has “above-average college education rates and home prices, along with a pretty good mix of urban and suburban area (even some rural), and well-off, working-class and middle-class areas”

      Silver also pointed out the district is the second-wealthiest majority-black district in the country, with a $58,000 median household income, trailing Maryland’s 4th Congressional District, which includes Prince George’s and Anne Arundel counties. Cummings’ district is also the second-most-well-educated majority-black district because 37% of the residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher, trailing Georgia’s 4th District, Silver added…"

      -Doug in Oakland

    16. Trump's Tax returns6:06 PM

      Melanie told me to meet her at the "brasserie" for lunch.

    17. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Photoshop 101

    18. The kremlin annex has been added to the "Superfund Cleanup" site as a vermin infested shithole where no human can live and it is all because of ratfucker Drumpf and millions of deplorable ratfucker shit fer brains that voted for him.

    19. So it turns out not to be Baltimore that's infested, but instead Kushner's properties in Baltimore that are infested with "mold, mice, and maggots."
      Certainly whenever Jared is there, but apparently also when he's not.

      -Doug in Oakland

    20. About 30 neighbors in Nashville came out and formed a human chain from the van where an immigrant and his child were hiding from ICE agents to his house so they could enter the house without being arrested.
      Local police at the scene said they had no reason to want to detain the immigrant or his child and did not interfere.
      ICE warrants are not signed by a judge and cannot compel anyone to let ICE agents into their home or vehicle.

      -Doug in Oakland

    21. Anonymous12:20 AM

      So Dimocraps put the interests of actual Americans behind those of people who have NO right to even be on this ground.


    22. In the Mueller hearing, not a single stoopid fucking shithole wingnut cared the least about Russia interfering in the elections to get Drumpf in. Who is putting their own needs above the people and the democracy of America?

      As for immigrants seeking asylum, if you bothered to pay attention you would know they hav3e a legal right to enter America, where ever they can get through, to ask for asylum. The lawbreaking is being done by this illegitimate administration.

      Drumpf just declared Guatemala a safe haven and declared asylum seekers must ask for asylum in one of the most gdangerous countries in Central America. Guatemala can't protect their own citizens let alone any refugees.

    23. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Russia didn't influence the election. Hillary just sucked.

      1. Anonymous3:26 AM

        You mean the person who won the election by 3,000,000 votes? Sure.

    24. Anonymous11:56 AM

      "Silver also pointed out the district is the second-wealthiest majority-black district in the country"

      So there's even less of an excuse for being such a shit hole.

    25. Russia didn't influence the election. Hillary just sucked.

      You're a mow rawn. An inbred, drug addled shit fer brains Drumpf ass kisser.

    26. Fucking liar in chief intimates he might have helped first responders at 9-11 without a shred of evidence to back his lies, like usual.

    27. Anonymous1:44 PM

      "Guatemala can't protect their own citizens let alone any refugees."

      Why is this my problem?

    28. Why is this my problem? Why? Because you are allegedly an American citizen and allowing asylum seekers into America has been the American thing to do.

      Since wingnuts never bothered to learn history, the United States foreign hijinks in Central America caused these upheavals. To prevent alleged commies from taking over we installed and backed to the hilt, right wing thug dictators and supported death squads that killed civilians, nuns, aid workers and journalists.

      We trained right wing dictator wannabes at School of the Americas in Georgia, including Noriega of Panama who was set to embarrass the shit out of Hitler Weasel Bush just before we illegally invaded Panama and overthrew Noriega.

    29. Anonymous2:24 PM

      "Why is this my problem? Why? Because you are allegedly an American citizen and allowing asylum seekers into America has been the American thing to do."

      It ought to be everyone's problem that the president lies constantly (although we know this isn't important to you, because you are a bad person).

      If the president said, "I don't want to grant asylum to anyone, ever, because I don't care about the welfare of foreigners," at least we could be having an honest argument about the merits of asylum. But he knows his argument probably won't win, because not enough people agree with him, so his undemocratic solution is to lie and pretend that any Central Americans who face persecution can always seek asylum in impoverished Guatemala, when that's not realistic.

      Anyway, doesn't matter; it's illegal. The president doesn't have the power to unilaterally change asylum law.


      This gives great background to American imperialism (in the name of banana companies, hence the name banana republics) since WW1 to the present.

      Pay attention where he mentions US government exporting MS 13 to El Salvador. MS 13 was started in California prisons.

    31. Anonymous2:39 PM

      "It ought to be everyone's problem that the president lies constantly (although we know this isn't important to you, because you are a bad person)."

      This was aimed at the original commenter and not you, Mike, btw.

    32. Anonymous2:42 PM

      "Cummings’ district is also the second-most-well-educated majority-black district"

      That's like being the second-worst-crime-rate majority-Asian district.


      1. Anonymous3:29 AM

        Awww, poor snowflake got triggered! You need a safespace, bigot?

    33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:49 PM

      Anonymous said...

      "Silver also pointed out the district is the second-wealthiest majority-black district in the country"

      "So there's even less of an excuse for being such a shit hole."

      11:56 AM
      The district is not a shit hole, idiot! If you keep believing everything Trump says, you will look even more like the world's biggest idiot. Aren't 10,000 lies enough for you? There's only one sure thing in this world: If Trump's mouth is moving, he's lying.

    34. Anonymous2:59 PM

      "Since wingnuts never bothered to learn history, the United States foreign hijinks in Central America caused these upheavals."

      The fact that these places are low-IQ, violent, corrupt shit holes has nothing to do with US foreign policy and everything to do with the people who live there.

      Import the Third World, become the Third World.

    35. Anonymous3:01 PM

      "The district is not a shit hole, idiot!"

      Says someone who would never, ever live there.

    36. Anonymous3:13 PM


    37. Anonymous3:15 PM

      "I better buy Melania a present for my 2020 win"

    38. Anonymous3:16 PM

    39. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Stupid barking moonbats don't understand that "asylum" is for refuge from GOVERNMENT oppression.

      When your "oppressors" are your own children that you didn't raise to know right from wrong (running in gangs and living by theft and extortion), you are not "seeking asylum".  You are trying to escape your own crimes instead of setting them right.

      Of course, stupid barking moonbats WANT those kind of people here, to turn the USA into the exact thing they are trying to get away from.  Moonbats are miserable because they are terrible people and know it, and misery loves company.

    40. Anonymous4:12 PM

      "When your 'oppressors' are your own children that you didn't raise to know right from wrong (running in gangs and living by theft and extortion), you are not 'seeking asylum'. You are trying to escape your own crimes instead of setting them right."

      The U.S., as a general rule, does not grant asylum to people requesting it on the sole basis that their home countries have high crime rates. These people have traveled to the U.S. under a misunderstanding of how our laws work, and will inevitably be sent back.

      This does not justify Trump trying to shut down the entire asylum process because many of the applicants will ultimately not be approved to stay.

    41. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Rand Paul has now decided to compete with Lindsey Graham for real estate to affix his lips to on Trump's left buttock.

      Rand Paul Offers To Help Buy ‘Ungrateful’ Ilhan Omar A Ticket Back To Somalia

      So-called "libertarians" like to pretend they are vastly different than the rest of the Republican rank and file. "We're intellectuls! We're all about 'Austrian economics' and we'll let you smoke pot!"

      But it's all sophistry and flapdoodle covering up the same old wingnut greed and racism. Remember, Rand Paul is the same guy who said the Civil Rights Act of '64 was unfair to private businesses because it wouldn't let them racially discriminate.

    42. Anonymous4:38 PM

      CHICAGO (SUN TIMES MEDIA WIRE) - At least 48 people were shot — eight fatally — in incidents of gun violence within city limits over the weekend.
      Shootings escalated as the weekend went on: Nine people were wounded Friday after 5 p.m., 15 were shot Saturday and Sunday saw 24 people shot.7-26/7-28 2019.

    43. "Too bad I have to put up with the rest of them."

    44. Anonymous5:24 PM

      "the Civil Rights Act of '64 was unfair to private businesses because it wouldn't let them racially discriminate"

      If you are not free to associate with who you wish to, you are not free.

    45. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Grandma mudd, There are tons of video evidence and even a PBS lefty documentary about the rats and deplorable conditions of Baltimore. Due some homework instead of swallowing the lefty/commie Kool Aid all the time. The 24/7 Negro excuse factory is closed, nobody believes that Democrat bullshit anymore. What happened to the 5 billion that Halfrican Chicago Jesus gave to the city a few years ago? Low info folks such as the Field hands are a real problem. How about those Baltimore test scores for the chilluns? Lower than the rats under the city. Fix the Black Family before you cry raciss, quit popping out fatherless future inmates before you cry raciss, quit calling education and civility as acting white to your chilluns before you cry raciss. Honky in America is wise to and tired of your bullshit, shape up or ship out.

    46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:42 PM

      Anonymous said...

      "If you are not free to associate with who you wish to, you are not free."

      5:24 PM
      You are free to associate with whom ever you wish; you just can't discriminate against someone on the basis of race or gender when you are selling a product or providing a service.

      Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

    47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:06 PM

      From Raw Story today
      Gilroy shooter who killed 3 posted about white supremacist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic book popular with neo-Nazis

      Florida pastor arrested on 500 counts of child pornography

      He is white!

      Elijah Cummings once comforted a dying stranger — while Trump boasted about ignoring a bleeding guest at Mar-A-Lago

      Yup, all white people sure are superior, right? nah - just kidding!

    48. Kushner has thousands of rat infested rentals in Baltimore and here is a glimpse at the blackmail Drumpfuck dropped on Guatemala that is unenforceable.

    49. Anonymous6:29 PM

      "You are free to associate with whom ever you wish; you just can't discriminate against someone on the basis of race or gender when you are selling a product or providing a service.

      Why is this so difficult for you to understand?"

      Because these wingnut dopes think that the business world is just an extension of one's personal life (but only for the rich business owner, never the employee). "I own it; therefore, the business is my playground and I can do whatever I want there."

      But this is wrong. Owning a business AT ALL is not a right; it is a privilege that comes with numerous strings attached. If you are not willing to abide by the obligations attached, you do not get to have a business license and do not get to have a business. Pretty simple.

      It is not hard for them to figure out that there are limitations to civil liberties within the workplace that do not exist outside. They clearly understand this when they champion the rights of NFL business owners to fire Colin Kaepernick's ass for expressing ideas on the job which offend some of their customers. They are not championing his First Amendment rights, because they know that he has none, because they end at the door of the workplace.

      But that's for the little people. Of course, owners shouldn't have any of their rights restricted as a condition of owning a business. Perish the thought!

      It's elitist class politics, with racism piled on top.

    50. Anonymous6:33 PM

      "You are free to associate with whom ever you wish; you just can't discriminate against someone on the basis of race or gender when you are selling a product or providing a service."

      Why shouldn't I be able to discriminate on the basis of race or gender?

      Personally, I don't think it is a good way to live your life, or even good business. Blanket discrimination based on general categories is irrational. Limiting your employee or customer base will cause your to not hire the best people and keep buyers away. But if this is a free country, that should be my choice.

    51. This will make the Middle East sadfer.....

      Wingnuts will accuse HRC and Obama if Saudi gets a nuke weapon. From the Saudi desert it is only a short drop to Israel.

    52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:00 PM

      Anonymous said.....

      Why shouldn't I be able to discriminate on the basis of race or gender?

      Personally, I don't think it is a good way to live your life, or even good business. Blanket discrimination based on general categories is irrational. Limiting your employee or customer base will cause your to not hire the best people and keep buyers away. But if this is a free country, that should be my choice.

      6:33 PM
      Just because this is a free country, that does not mean that we are all free to do whatever we wish. We are a nation of laws; at least we were before our lawless president came to power. There are laws that prohibit certain kinds of behavior, and there are laws that require certain kinds of behavior. Are you suggesting that being ""free" means we can pick and choose which laws we will obey and which we will ignore?

    53. Anonymous9:28 PM

      you just can't discriminate against someone on the basis of race ... when you are selling a product or providing a service.

      And why not?  What was wrong with the time when people who were bad customers or alienated other customers could be refused service?  What was wrong with the time when people who were bad tenants, failing to pay rent, making noise, damaging the units or committing crimes could just be excluded a priori?

      Plenty more videos where those came from.

      Gilroy shooter who killed 3 posted about white supremacist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic book popular with neo-Nazis

      We're on to the false-flag events with narrative-compliant BS pre-inserted.  Those people are mind-controlled Clown World assets.  Sort of like you, actually, only more extreme.

      The false-flags will stop when the swamp is drained and they have nothing left to save, or they get caught orchestrating a few and get indicted for conspiracy to commit terrorism.

    54. Anonymous9:44 PM

      "We are a nation of laws"

      50 million illegal aliens beg to differ.

      1. Anonymous3:32 AM

        "50 million illegal aliens beg to differ."

        As does the criminal in chief trump.

    55. Anonymous10:07 AM

      TRUMP 2020!!

    56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:12 AM

      Anonymous said...

      "We are a nation of laws"

      '50 million illegal aliens beg to differ.'

      9:44 PM
      Fifty million? Where did you get this number? Did you count them all, or did you pull this out of your ass?

      BTW. I'd rather live next door to an "illegal alien" than live next door to you. Your hate vibes poison the atmosphere around you.

    57. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I'd rather live next door to an "illegal alien" than live next door to you.

      We'd rather you lived next door to the illegal alien instead of us as well.  It's much better for America if traitors like you are the victims of their crime, not the people who love this country and want the invaders sent back.

    58. Anonymous8:05 PM

      "Fifty million? Where did you get this number? Did you count them all, or did you pull this out of your ass?"

      Where did you get yours???? There are something in the order of 40-60 million illegal aliens in the USA.

    59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:27 PM

      Anonymous said...

      "Fifty million? Where did you get this number? Did you count them all, or did you pull this out of your ass?"

      Where did you get yours???? There are something in the order of 40-60 million illegal aliens in the USA.

      8:05 PM
      Typical right-wing response when you have facts - Answer a question with another question that is irrelevant. I'm not the one who posted the number of illegal aliens. You did that. It's up to to support you claim if you want anyone to believe you.

    60. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I am greatful to Dr. Harry, the powerful herbal healer that cured me from HERPES. I was diagnosed of these virus in 2012 and because of this, I was very unhappy with my life and I went into research on how I can get cured and I saw a testimony of a woman Stancy on how she was cured from HERPES by Dr. Harry, I decided to give him a try and when I contact him, he assure me that he will help me and send me the cure and I believed in him because all I wanted was to be cured, so he prepared a herbal cure for me and send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and after 15 Days I should go to hospital for checkup and after the 15 days of using the herbal medicine, I went to the hospital for test and to my surprise the test stated that I am HERPES Negative and I am fully cured from the virus. This gladdens my heart and everybody in the hospital was surprised even the Medical Doctor, So viewers Dr. Harry is a God Gifted man and he can cure so many diseases. You can contact him through his email: I will continue to share this great testimony on the internet and all over the world for the good job Dr. Iyoha has done for me. Email:


      1 Cancer of all kind
      2 Hiv/aids
      3 Low sperm count
      4 Barrenness
      5 Hpv
      6 Herpes
      7 Genital Wart
      8 Rare disease
      9 Hepatitis
      10 Zika virus
      11 ALS
