Monday, July 29, 2019

Someone remind Mr. trump that he is the president of Baltimore as well.

Image result for baltimore images*

I really don't know why Mr. trump won't just come out and call us black folks the N- word. It wouldn't cause him to lose any of his supporters, and it darn sure wouldn't be any worse than what he is doing now. 

We are all aware by now of his latest attacks on the city of *Baltimore (which happens to be a nice city) because he views it as a primarily black city. Some pundits are saying that this is no accident and that it is by design. They are calling it some kind of Jedi mind trick political strategy that he is using to divide the electorate and fire up his base. I disagree. Folks are giving Mr. trump way too much credit. 

Frankly, he is not that smart, and to suggest otherwise would be foolhardy. Mr. trump says all these things about Mr. Cummings and his primarily African American district for the same reason he attacked four women of color who represent their American districts, and told them to go back to whatever "shithole" country they came from. They are all people of color. And he does not like people of color, because he is a racist. It's really that simple. It's why he carried on a racist and vicious lie about Barack Obama's place of birth for many years,  it's why he gets visibly upset when a reporter of color asks him a question, and it's why he believes that by embracing a rapper who is in prison in Europe he will appeal to black people/ 

Mr. trump's language to describe Baltimore and other places that he believes are "infested" with Negroes (infested is the new racist term for places where blacks live) is certainly going to appeal to some members of his base, and he is hoping that it will energize them, and cause them to turnout and vote for him in 2020. It will be interesting to see what a lot of these white folks who are now clutching their pearls and acting shocked that their president is a racist will do when they get in the voting booth as well. 

I find it amusing that all these people in the majority population are now just discovering  that Mr. trump. I mean where have you been for the past thirty years? 

So now that trump's racism has been exposed for all the world to see, what will happen to the republican party? Will elected republican officials show some courage and call out the president for his ignorance and bigotry? I think that we all know the answer to that. Cowardice will win out over courage, and the republican senators and congress men and women will remain silent and complicit. 

“Cumming [sic] District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.”

The only dangerous and filthy place that Mr. trump should be worried about is the one right between his ears.


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "We are all aware by now of his latest attacks on the city of *Baltimore (which happens to be a nice city) because he views it as a primarily black city. Some pundits are saying that this is no accident and that it is by design. They are calling it some kind of Jedi mind trick political strategy that he is using to divide the electorate and fire up his base. I disagree. Folks are giving Mr. trump way too much credit."

    I mean, I think it is an intentional strategy, in addition to being what Trump personally believes.

    But this is hardly 20-dimensional chess. "Racists voted for me the last time, so I'll be really loudly racist and they'll vote for me again" isn't exactly an impressive stroke of genius. It's extremely obvious. You don't have to be smart to run this playbook, just despicable.

  2. Well said, Field!

    No,he is not especially smart. One thing he has going for him that your omitted is his overwhelming desire to please (his Daddy, his "public," his base, whatever is the target at the time). The rallies are his effort to see what works, how he's doing, what's resonating. For this you don't need a brain, just a desperate NEED to score with your selected target. I think it's visceral. He uses what he has--racism and xenophobia--and having gotten responses, is milking it for all it's worth.

    I wish Cummings' response had been more biting--but then Cummings, like Obama, is a gentleman and an adult. And doesn't want to shut the door on a chance to get some legislation signed some day. He could have forwarded pix of some filthy garbage in NYC or even specifically Queens. (Rats love to have their pictures taken here) He could have included a snapshot of some of the stately Baltimore homes, or mentioned the panoply of Baltimore writers and art collections. To smash the stereotype that Trump was throwing at his base and do some counter-propaganda. But second-guessing can go on forever.

  3. Drumpf once again trying to take credit for the dramatic drop in Black unemployment, even though it has dropped less than 1.5 % since Drumpf was appointed vice czar of the kremlin annex.

  4. Drumpf on tape begging Mexico to pay for the wall or it will make Drumpf look bad


    What a whiny sappy bitch he really is.

  5. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Where's the lie?

    Baltimore is a shit hole.

    Trump has more compassion for the people who have to live there than people like Cummings who pretend it's not a rat-infested shit hole.

    But nothing will change because it's a black-run shit hole, and the solution of putting white people back in charge is politically impossible.

  6. Anonymous10:00 PM

    The word “racist” has become as meaningless as the latest Kamala Harris policy position.

  7. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Someone remind Mr. trump that he is the president of Baltimore as well.

    This is rich, coming from the people who made signs saying "Not My President".

    If actual Americans had decided to #RESIST when Obutthole was frauded into the WH, you would have been screaming the loudest of all.  Shoe's on the other foot now, motherfucker.

  8. Looking back, I see that it takes about a century for the parties to switch geographical bases, and race relations. I guess that it'll take another century to cycle back. Put not thy faith in parties.

  9. It's a little funny, in a morbid sort of way, to watch the genuinely evil and capable Republican party try to deal with what Fergus says in real time, and try to turn it into something they can steal an election with.

    They know it's the end for them, and most of them are so old and white that they don't really care what will happen in, say, 2030, when the majority-minority population that is now below the age of 18 has been voting for ten years.

    Most of them will be long dead by then so why should they give a fuck?

    They suck, but at least most of them will be dead soon.

    And as for the rodent infestations, Fred Trump was served with an arrest warrant over the conditions at his Baltimore area properties, that included, you guessed it, rodent infestations.

    The kitchens at Mar-a-lago and a restaurant in Trump Tower have been repeatedly cited by health inspectors for "rodent infestations and conditions susceptible to vermin" and Jared Kushner's Baltimore area properties are infested with "mold, mice, and maggots."

    And then there's Andy Borowitz:

    ..wherein he snarks that a certain US gov'tal property at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
    "... has fallen into a dangerous state and has become thoroughly infested with criminals and rats, a leading congressman warned on Saturday.

    The building has become “the territory of vicious gangsters who roam freely and consider themselves above the law,” Representative Elijah Cummings, a Democrat of Maryland, said.

    The congressman added that notorious gang members took over the housing facility in early 2017 and have “spread terror and despair” there ever since.

    “People are scared to be there,” Cummings said. “Hundreds have fled.”

    He said that the horrific conditions within the housing complex are one of the nation’s worst-kept secrets. “Many of the people who have fled over the past two years have written books about it,” he said. “But the criminals continue to run wild.”

    The congressman said that he was speaking out for the benefit of the residents in his Baltimore, Maryland, district. “I am alarmed that the nation’s worst breeding ground for crime is less than fifty miles from Baltimore,” he said."

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous11:40 PM

    So, Dougie... who is leaving the loose garbage that's feeding all those rats, instead of putting it out in the approved containers?

    Could it be... the black residents?  Or is there some freaky force of "racism", as yet unknown to physics, that moves white people's trash to the ghetto and feeds rats there?

  11. Anonymous11:57 PM

    "So, Dougie... who is leaving the loose garbage that's feeding all those rats, instead of putting it out in the approved containers?"

    I'm thinking it was probably more a matter of who didn't bother to fulfill his obligation to haul the trash away: Fred Trump, racist slumlord.

  12. The black residents of the kitchen at Mar-a-lago?

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Anonymous12:16 AM

    FN: "And he does not like people of color, because he is a racist. It's really that simple"


  14. Anonymous1:26 AM

    I'm thinking it was probably more a matter of who didn't bother to fulfill his obligation to haul the trash away

    That's because you're stupid.  Trash that's obviously been thrown out of windows or into the street is well beyond the responsibility of the landlord to haul away.  So-called "people" who piss in elevators and stairwells are not the responsibility of the landlord to clean up after.  They should be put down as destructive vermin.  That will fix the problem.


    -Doug in Oakland

  16. No Field. You are not wrong. And you are not off-base. If anything, you are giving way to much credit to Trump. What he is doing is deliberate and no longer in the form of dog whistles and racist high-fives to the cognoscenti.

    It's fucking blatant. He is not in the least trying to hide it. He has his loyal followers to do that for him. He is not a racist. Haven't you seen the FOX News foto collages of Trump with black leaders and celebs? All he said was that Baltimore is infested with smelly rats. What's racist about that? What he is doing is insidious and his base of odious, sick motherfuckers eats it up like marmalade on an English Muffin with whole milk. I have been doing some opposition research. Let's drop in on a traditional pro-Trump comment thread. Shhh! Don't let them know we are here...

    I recall in the USN the big joke at the time was a cartoon showing a bunch of sailors in their berthing space (i.e., where we slept) saying that the Supreme Court only permitted two prisoners per cell. This was in contrast to the USN, that was allowed to pack as many of us in a berthing space as they wanted. Jokes aside, we didn't live in a prison though. Prisons are made by the same people slums are, which is from those who carry this lifestyle around with them. Prisons and slums exist wherever these people go.

    In this case, we're talking about blacks. I recall surveying in black areas with large houses in Houston. The houses were as large and fancy as anything in any white neighborhood. The difference between these areas and white areas is that in the black areas, there was exactly zero in the way of landscaping; their yards all looked like prison yards--with noxious weeds growing but otherwise bare. There was also litter all over the place whereas in the upper class white areas, you could've eaten off the sidewalks.

    Blacks are their own worst enemies, carrying their filth and other slovenly ways around with them, which is why in saner times whites refused to live around them.

    This is what passes as non-racist by people who pretend to love and respect decent black people. Who am I kidding? There is no more pretense. This is a dead serious attampt to start a race war. But the dumbshits that support Trump don't understand that they are in a tiny minority.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. "Baltimore is a shit hole."

    Nah, I have a great time wherever I'm there. I go to the Inner Harbor and grab some great sea food, browse at the book store and wander for a couple hours. One of my favorite overnights.

    1. And that's after landing at the airport named after my frat brother😄

  19. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Everything be raciss yo...

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Residents of Baltimore have responded to Trump's horrible tweets by setting 11 fires in one night. Some are structural fires, some are dumpster fires and there's one automobile fire for good measure. That should show Mr. Trump that Baltimore is not a third world shithole.

  21. PilotX, maybe Drumpf meant Baltimore is "Frat" infested. In case you were ever wondering, the runway at Spencer, iowa airport is still there. I just drove by on the south side last Wednesday.


    Drumpf claimed he could end Chicago violence inside a week if he sent in the Fed. Well I guess he was lying some more, now wasn't he?

  23. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Democratic strong holds with large negro and illegal alien populations are shitholes or on the path to becoming one, doesn't take long. Progressive Center Left delusion is toxic.

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Trump is now routinely responding to all criticism with the inane wingnut standby: “I’m not racist — you’re racist!” Which doesn’t even make any sense.

    This is so infantile. I am embarrassed for Republicans at this point. How can any of them be proud to have voted for this clueless, dollar-store Archie Bunker knockoff?

  25. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "This is what passes as non-racist by people who pretend to love and respect decent black people. Who am I kidding? "

    Yourself, the guy who mocks people in trailer parks.

  26. Anonymous10:37 AM

    "I go to the Inner Harbor and grab some great sea food, browse at the book store and wander for a couple hours. One of my favorite overnights."

    Your favorite overnight includes being accosted by dozens of beggars?


  28. "Your favorite overnight includes being accosted by dozens of beggars?"

    There are beggars in every city in the world. Whadda ya gonna do not travel?

  29. "the runway at Spencer, iowa airport is still there"

    Man, haven't been there in years. Maybe I should take a trip to see how old Spencer is faring.😄

  30. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Mayor Catherine Pugh says whoa you can smell the rats!

  31. Anonymous11:17 AM

    This is so infantile. I am embarrassed for Republicans at this point. How can any of them be proud to have voted for this clueless, dollar-store Archie Bunker knockoff?
    10:13 AM

    and this comes from Team Shit the Bed......

  32. Farting Junior can't think his way out of a wet paper bag11:26 AM

    There was also litter all over the place whereas in the upper class white areas, you could've eaten off the sidewalks.

    Blacks are their own worst enemies, carrying their filth and other slovenly ways around with them, which is why in saner times whites refused to live around them.

    This is what passes as non-racist by people who pretend to love and respect decent black people.

    You forgot something.  You forgot that for an accusation to be despicable, it has to be false.  There is no lie there; it's all 100% true.

    Who am I kidding? There is no more pretense. This is a dead serious attampt to start a race war.

    Wrong again.  It's a shot FIGHTING BACK in the war of Africans against civilization.  It will end with the failed experiment of "civil rights" terminated, among other things.

  33. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "There are beggars in every city in the world. Whadda ya gonna do not travel?"

    I have traveled extensively, and Baltimore's Inner Harbor is right up there at the top of the aggressive, hostile beggar scale.

  34. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Virginia Democrats, the party of Governor Coonman, is boycotting the President’s speech over racism.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 AM

    "Wrong again. It's a shot FIGHTING BACK in the war of Africans against civilization. It will end with the failed experiment of "civil rights" terminated, among other things."

    11:26 AM
    You are spitting in the wind here, my friend. The majority of Americans do not support your ideology.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Virginia Democrats, the party of Governor Coonman, is boycotting the President’s speech over racism.

    11:40 AM
    Good for him. We should all boycott Trump's speeches because they are nothing but lies and therefore not worth listening to.

  37. Granny NPC1:01 PM

    Orange man bad!

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:53 PM

    On Tuesday, Newsom — a Democratic governor in a blue state that became ever bluer in the 2018 midterms — signed into law California Senate Bill 27, a.k.a. the Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act. Under the new law, presidential candidates must release their tax returns from at least the last five years.
    Maybe now Trump will go after Governor Newsom and stop demonizing Congressman Cummings. LOL!

  39. Happy 290th birthday to Baltimore!

  40. "The majority of Americans do not support your ideology."

    We do know the Republican Party does.

  41. Anonymous4:07 PM

    “Maybe now Trump will go after Governor Newsom and stop demonizing Congressman Cummings. LOL!”

    Probably not. I imagine he’ll just sue to have the law invalidated. (And might have a pretty good chance of winning in court.) But if he does decide to go after Newsom, he’ll find a way to drag black/Latino people into it somehow.

    For example, he’ll go with: “Why don’t you do something about that shithole, Oakland?”

    Or: “What about MS-13 and HIV-infected rapists sneaking through from Tiajuana? No more sanctuary cities!”

    Et cetera and so forth.

  42. Anonymous4:08 PM


  43. "in the war of Africans against civilization."

    Which is ironic because we know all civilization began in the Motherland.😂 We need to be fighting the war against the kind of stupid that votes for trump.

  44. Anonymous5:06 PM

    The majority of Americans do not support your ideology.

    The majority of voters voted for Obama twice, hoping that it would tell blacks that they aren't an oppressed minority any more and they can achieve... if they only behave themselves and work.

    The majority of voters got BLM, riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, and assassinated cops all over.  They did not like this one bit.  They learned that appeasing blacks doesn't work.

    US voters include lots of non-Americans.  "Hispanics" almost universally hate blacks and ethnically cleans them, but will vote D for the gibs.  White voters have learned that even a black president will not get blacks to behave themselves.  This is how you got Trump.

    The world has changed, Granny Mudshark.  You and your failed ideology are on your way out.



  46. "The majority of voters voted for Obama twice, hoping that it would tell blacks that they aren't an oppressed minority any more and they can achieve... if they only behave themselves and work."

    Gee, and here I thought they voted for him because they thought he was the better candidate. 😂
    Imma call bullshit.

  47. Anonymous5:08 PM

    we know all civilization began in the Motherland.

    Civilization began in the Mediterranian and Asia Minor.  When civilization came to Africa it was north of the Sahara.  Egypt's civilization was not Bantu.  When Arabs first sailed down the east coast they found blacks living in grass huts.  They weren't even sure blacks were human.

    You always want what isn't yours, don't you?  Even credit for civilization.

  48. Here's what really happened, Barack Obama excited and motivated a whole new group of voters and put together a winning coalition who were sick of the same old. After being duly elected twice by a diverse electorate white racists lost their minds and had to come up with the most ridiculous reasons to explain how a young intelligent Black man became the leader of the free world. Heads exploded. That is the more reasonable explanation but we are all free to believe whatever fantasy we choose.

  49. "There are beggars in every city in the world. Whadda ya gonna do not travel?"

    The idea is to associate "black people" with "inner cities" like the propaganda tells them to. Perhaps in 1989 they would have had an argument, but that was thirty years ago, and things in urban America have changed quite a bit.

    Mostly, any sort of cities are bad, according to the propaganda, because they skew liberal, even in the reddest of states. Huntsville, Alabama, for example.

    For the fear mongering propaganda to be effective, the targets need to exist in environments free of living contrary examples to it, and American cities are packed to the rafters with every kind of vilified minority just living their lives like everyone else, making it hard to convince those who know them that they are intrinsically bad.

    That's why Republican strongholds tend to be rural areas where there aren't any inconvenient refutations of their racism walking around contributing to the community.

    It's also why the population has been gravitating to the cities, which have better economic and cultural opportunities, for a long time.

    That is the demographic shift that really scares them. They falsely believe themselves prepared for the coming majority-minority status, but people *choosing* to live among minorities baffles and terrifies them, because nothing in their propaganda can make sense of it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. "You always want what isn't yours, don't you? Even credit for civilization."

    Nope. Just telling the truth. All civilization sprouted from the Motherland. No one believes your fake news here.😆

  51. George Zimmerman5:31 PM

    PilotX said...

    19 year-old Santino William Legan was of Iranian heritage and apparently hated garlic.

    Shocking that the Left has labelled him a white supremacist.

  52. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "That is the demographic shift that really scares them. They falsely believe themselves prepared for the coming majority-minority status, but people *choosing* to live among minorities baffles and terrifies them, because nothing in their propaganda can make sense of it"

    Doug would never choose to live in Baltimore.

  53. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "19 year-old Santino William Legan was of Iranian heritage and apparently hated garlic."

    It's unclear as yet why this dude decided to commit a mass shooting. But I feel pretty confident the motive wasn't actually a hatred of garlic.

  54. "Shocking that the Left has labelled him a white supremacist."

    Nobody labled him anything, just pointing out his reading habits and social media postings. Crazy dude with a gun.


    1. The majority of all Americans think trump is a racist.

  56. Anonymous6:38 PM


    This line from the article is revealing:

    "A poll taken shortly before that contest found that 7 percent of Trump’s supporters believed he was racist — but that they’d vote for him anyway."

    I'm gonna have to say it's a lot more than 7%.

    It'd be more accurate to say that only 7% were honest about it.

  57. Anonymous7:04 PM

    "The majority of all Americans think trump is a racist."

    "Racist" is now defined as a white person not on their knees.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "US voters include lots of non-Americans."
    Gee, Mr. No Balls, please define just whom you consider to be "Americans" and pray tell us where you got the data to make such an outrageous claim.

    "This is how you got Trump."
    No dear, we got Trump because he cheated, gladly accepted help from Vlad, and lied his ass off.

    "The world has changed, Granny Mudshark. You and your failed ideology are on your way out."
    No kiddo, you are wrong. Your ideology is on the way out. And BTW, you may think that your calling me what you consider to be an insulting name upsets me. But it doesn't. It's such a pitiful, ignorant ploy that instead it makes me laugh. LOL!

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:54 PM

    George Zimmerman said...

    "19 year-old Santino William Legan was of Iranian heritage and apparently hated garlic."
    "Shocking that the Left has labelled him a white supremacist."

    5:31 PM
    The left didn't label him; he labelled himself.

    From Rawstory see below
    Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooter Posted About Far-Right Book Moments Before Shooting.
    Santino Legan allegedly told an eyewitness he was “really angry” and ranted in white supremacist fashion on Instagram from the event.

  60. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Democrats Lose Trump-Campaign Russia-Conspiracy Lawsuit!!!

  61. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    "Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooter Posted About Far-Right Book Moments Before Shooting."

    Book was written in 1890

  62. Anonymous8:17 PM

    “Democrats Lose Trump-Campaign Russia-Conspiracy Lawsuit!!!”

    They didn’t “lose” the suit. The judge ruled the DNC aren’t ALLOWED to sue in the first place, because the Russian government is immune to being sued in a U.S. court. It’s international treaty bullshit, not a finding that Russia didn’t hack our election.

    They clearly did hack our election.

  63. Anonymous8:27 PM

    "They clearly did hack our election."

    Zero proof of any "hacking" has ever been produced.

    And no American knowingly colluded with the Russians to interfere in our election campaigns--unless you mean Hillary Clinton, but that was outside Mueller's purview and he refused to talk about it.

  64. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Quinnipiac poll: Most Americans believe Trump's motives behind his immigration policies are sincere and not racist. (sincere/racist)

    Overall: 49/41
    GOP: 93/4
    DEM: 12/77
    IND: 48/42
    Men: 57/33
    Women: 42/48
    18-34 yr. olds: 47/38
    White: 53/38
    Black: 20/67
    Hispanic: 53/38

  65. Anonymous9:17 PM

    They clearly did hack our election.
    8:17 PM


  66. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck isn't fit to shine Obama's (a geunine Potus) shoes.


    Biden addresses my fraternity.

  68. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Bernie went from wanting to rebuild the American rust belt to wanting to rebuild Honduras and Guatemala and giving illegals free healthcare.

    Astonishing how much Bernie has sold out to the open borders agenda he once called a Koch brothers initiative.

  69. Zero proof of any "hacking" has ever been produced.

    You are a desperately,despicable,deplorable dipshit stoopid fucking mow rawn.

  70. "Racist" is now defined as a white person not on their knees."

    Haven't seen that in any dictionary I've ever seen. Where'd you find that definition?

  71. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Buttigieg: economic justice means black children will finally get the same size sporks as white children because slavery.

  72. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Warren: If we want to defeat the dark psychic force of collectivized hatred we must first collect the four unity crystals from the four corners of the Earth.

  73. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Beto O'Rourke just came out for extending Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public schooling, etc etc to all 7 billion people in the world.

  74. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Which is the biggest shithole, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Memphis, Camden, San Francisco, Jackson MS., New Orleans, Cleveland, Seattle, NYC, Houston, or....90% of the Motherland?

  75. "Doug would never choose to live in Baltimore."

    I've lived in all of the poorest areas of Oakland for 35 years, and like it here, so I'm not likely to move to Baltimore.
    My friend Sara, though, lived there for about ten years, and seemed to like it enough that she still visits it from time to time.
    If I did live there, I'd get the chance I'm unlikely to get living here, that would be to see my favorite band, Crack The Sky, perform, as they only seem to play around the Baltimore area these days.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Which is the biggest shithole, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Memphis, Camden, San Francisco, Jackson MS., New Orleans, Cleveland, Seattle, NYC, Houston, or....90% of the Motherland?
    My money is on some trailer park full of white trash like you in Missouri, Mississippi,Kentucky or W. Virginia.

  77. Scummy Ronnie Raycistgun was a bonerfide racist and a shithole stoopid fucking wingnut.

  78. Biggest shithole ever is Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's mouth.

  79. Photographic evidence Drumpf was at ground zero.....


  80. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Video evidence Trump was at ground zero:

  81. Fake News Update9:33 AM

    Media claims that Trump said he was a first responder at at the 9/11 WTC site when addressing a crowd of emergency responders after signing their relief bill.

    Trumps actual words: "I was down there also," but I'm not considering myself a first responder."

    MSNBC claims "no evidence Trump was at ground zero"

    Three second Google search finds NBC video interviewing Trump at ground zero.

  82. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Team Shit the Bed did not look good again at the debates last night.....

  83. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Fredrick Demond Scott is a racist you should write about Mr. Field Negro. He is just one of thousands of Racists who kill and injure White folks everyday. Colin Flaherty can help you and your willfully ignorant Field (fraud) Hands to learn the truth about the "Pyramid Builders" in America.

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Which is the biggest shithole, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Memphis, Camden, San Francisco, Jackson MS., New Orleans, Cleveland, Seattle, NYC, Houston, or....90% of the Motherland?

    11:50 PM
    The two biggest shit holes in this country are the White House and Mir-a-logo. Everything Trump touches becomes a shit hole.

  85. Anonymous10:33 AM

    8 killed, 40 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings
    Two women were killed in a triple shooting in Gresham, and a 12-year-old girl was among three people who were shot on a porch in Englewood.

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 AM

    Raging white man gets knocked out — twice — after attacking black father at community pool (He was later arrested.)

    But, but Blacks are so violent. Yeah, right.

  87. Anonymous11:07 AM

    we got Trump because he cheated, gladly accepted help from Vlad, and lied his ass off.

    Mueller found zero evidence of Russian "collusion", and the meeting with the Russian woman was set up by the Obama administration.

    Dems have been cheating on elections since forever.  It was Dem cheating in Chicago with the "graveyard vote" which put Kennedy in in 1960.

    But thanks for showing the whole world just how far you have to distance yourself from reality in order to stick to your crazy beliefs.

    And thanks also to "mike from iowa" for showing that there is no support for the leftard position, so it can only be protected with insults and emotional abuse against dissidents.  That isn't going to work for much longer either.

  88. "But thanks for showing the whole world just how far you have to distance yourself from reality in order to stick to your crazy beliefs."

    If there's no collusion there would have been no arrests or convictions of trump associates right? Sooooo how many of his associates have been convicted? Okay then.

  89. Anonymous11:44 AM

    House Republicans are planning to hold their annual retreat later this year in ... wait for it ... Baltimore.

    I’m sure Baltimoreans will give them a very warm welcome that will not include preemptively giving them all undeserved parking tickets or serving up braised rat at their banquet or anything.

  90. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Sorry that should just read “Republicans,” not just the ones in the House of Representatives.


    Just in case we're counting. More convictions than any other administration in just 2 1/1 years. Now that's efficient government😆 MAGA

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Mueller found zero evidence of Russian "collusion", and the meeting with the Russian woman was set up by the Obama administration.

    And thanks also to "mike from iowa" for showing that there is no support for the leftard position, so it can only be protected with insults and emotional abuse against dissidents. That isn't going to work for much longer either.
    11:07 AM
    Of course Mueller didn't find any collusion. Collusion isn't a legal term. But he did find evidence of a conspiracy and l0 instances of obstruction of justice.

    As for Mike in Iowa, he is simply fighting fire with fire. If you don't like his style, you don't have to post here. There are lots of other web sites that will welcome you type of comments.

  93. Anonymous12:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "If there's no collusion there would have been no arrests or convictions of trump associates right?"

    Your that dumb that you think convictions for lobbying activities during the Obama administration, illegal sales of taxi cab licenses, and process crimes during FBI interviews where there was no underlying crimes have anything to do with "collusion"?



    Stoopid fucking honky cop goes apeshit over a tiny black woman who had the audacity to leave her vehicle and check her own license tags. Then the pig screamed Sooooooeeeeeeeeeee and in short order the rest of the pigs showed up to protect his wasicu ass.

  95. Fake News Update1:01 PM

    Tune into CNN any given day and half the coverage is Russia/Mueller/impeachment, but they asked zero questions about that subject in two and a half hours last night. What does that tell you?

  96. There have been tons of empirical evidence of Drumpf campaign staff meeting with Russian agents in the run up and after the election. The most famous is Drum0pfuck Junior's lusting after dirt on HRC from Russian agents meeting in Drumpfuck's head shithole.

    Just because you are too stoopid to process the info isn't my fault. Get a professional Brazil wax job on what passes for yer brain cells and get involved with what really is going on. You have been brainwashed and fed a steady diet of lies by Fake Noize and shit fer brains Drumpf and crew. You are so full of shit everything appears brown through yer shit brown eyes.

    And, as icing on yer cake, I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Eventually you blind, deaf and dumb bastards will see the truth that you have been following frauds and phonies, maybe.

  97. Field, your catch a troll images are too small and dark for some of us older people to make out. Reading glasses don't help.

  98. Anonymous1:14 PM

    “Tune into CNN any given day and half the coverage is Russia/Mueller/impeachment, but they asked zero questions about that subject in two and a half hours last night. What does that tell you?”

    That impeachment will be a non-issue if a Democrat has gotten elected president?

  99. Obama's AG and her office met with a judge and agreed to allow Russian lawyer admittance into the US from October to January, five months before she met with Drumpf. No one knows how or why she overstayed her visa. It is a stone cold fact Obama didn't set up her attempt to pass dirt to Drumpf campaign.

  100. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Granny Gumball once again shows that she has spent too much time going through the Negro Intellectual drive thru window. will help your mudpie self.

  101. "Your that dumb"

    Here's a word to the wise. When insulting someone else's intelligence use correct grammar.😂😂😂 Ah, you just can't make this stuff up.

  102. " will help your mudpie self."

    Should have known by the shear brillance of the comments this was the sbpdl crowd. SBPDL, where brain cells go to die.😆

  103. Anonymous1:56 PM

    "The most famous is Drum0pfuck Junior's lusting after dirt on HRC from Russian agents meeting in Drumpfuck's head shithole."

    The whole meeting was a set-up by the Obama DOJ and Fusion GPS. Veselnitskaya had worked with Fusion GPS and met with Glen Simpson immediately prior to and after the meeting. No "dirt" was relayed during the meeting, and no payment was made by the Trump campaign, who told her to get lost.

    Hillary's campaign however DID pay millions of dollars to Russian agents through Fusion GPS for "dirt" on Trump, which even though it turned up to be false, was then used a pretext for the Obama DOJ to spy on the Trump campaign.

    Even with all that subterfuge, the Dems lost, and have spent the last 2.5 years trying to reverse the election results through a phony investigation that turned up nothing.

    This is who you are.

  104. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Transcripts are out tomorrow.

    Should be fun.

  105. "where there was no underlying crimes have anything to do with "collusion"?"

    There is no such crime as "collusion" and Mueller was commissioned to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election and he found lots of that. If you want to play the semantics game be my guest but there are still threats to our electoral process and Moscow Mitch is preventing anything from preventing it. The GOP is a bought and sold co-conspirator with Russia.


  107. Hey bud, why not choose a screen name and stick with it. Makes dialogue easier.

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:10 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Field, your catch a troll images are too small and dark for some of us older people to make out. Reading glasses don't help.

    1:14 PM
    Field, I have the same problem. My eyes are bad and I can't see all the details in the images provided. Can you do something to help us out?

  109. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:17 PM

    Fake News Update said...

    Tune into CNN any given day and half the coverage is Russia/Mueller/impeachment, but they asked zero questions about that subject in two and a half hours last night. What does that tell you?

    1:01 PM
    It tells me that CNN and the candidates were more interested in getting their proposals out to the American people than talking about impeachment. Duh! This was the purpose of the debate. There will be lots of time soon to talk about impeachment.

  110. Anonymous2:35 PM

    "The GOP is a bought and sold co-conspirator with Russia."

    What a ridiculous statement.


  112. "What a ridiculous statement."

    How else do you explain Moscow Mitch's reluctance to protect our elections?

  113. Anonymous3:24 PM

    There will be lots of time soon to talk about impeachment.
    2:17 PM




  116. Anonymous3:31 PM Where 80IQ savages are shown in their true preferred lifestyles. Remember....Truth is raciss, truth is hate speech, truth is picking on the ancestors of the Pyramid builders, truth about Negro crime and overall dysfunction is just an extension of 4 billion years of racism, Truth is kryptonite to the American Negro. 40 million infantilized idiots who will not and cannot take care of their own affairs.

  117. "40 million infantilized idiots who will not and cannot take care of their own affairs."

    😂😂😂😂 Yeah ok champ. Truth is not your friend. Now let me go back to taking care of my affairs which are much more impressive than 100% of the knuckle dragging mouth breathers who read😆

  118. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Gambling askew white woman, it ain't just your eyes that are bad.....better check that cognitive detachment as well.

  119. Hmmmmmm, maybe this is why Moscow Mitch won't protect our electoral system.


  120. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Wow.....that really hurt Stewardess X. Man, i feel so bad now.

  121. Anonymous4:28 PM

    “Field, your catch a troll images are too small and dark for some of us older people to make out. Reading glasses don't help.”

    Do you mean the Captcha function that makes you identify cars and traffic lights to prove you’re “not a robot” before allowing your comment to post? That’s to block spambots, not Field’s racist trolls.

    A troll blocker would force them to spell out “Trump is a racist” or “Justice for Trayvon,” in order to participate in the discussion. :-D

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:49 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said... Where 80IQ savages are shown in their true preferred lifestyles. Remember....Truth is raciss, truth is hate speech, truth is picking on the ancestors of the Pyramid builders, truth about Negro crime and overall dysfunction is just an extension of 4 billion years of racism, Truth is kryptonite to the American Negro. 40 million infantilized idiots who will not and cannot take care of their own affairs.

    3:31 PM
    OH, Just go away. You bore us. We have heard all the shit you peddle a thousand times before. You really should consider getting some new talking points. Now run along; I hear you second-grade class calling you.

  123. Anonymous4:58 PM

    “You really should consider getting some new talking points. Now run along; I hear you second-grade class calling you.”

    They can’t get any “new” talking points. Their whole ideology went obsolete in the 19th century.

  124. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Gambling askew white woman, it ain't just your eyes that are bad.....better check that cognitive detachment as well.

    3:37 PM
    Your post does not make sense. The word, askew, means crooked. Are you implying that I am somehow a crooked gambler? Or did you mean to use the word, aside? Seems to me that if you are going to make a personal comment about me, you should at least try to use correct English. Or is that too difficult for a second-graders such as you?

  125. "Wow.....that really hurt Stewardess X. Man, i feel so bad now."

    Is that you Moscow Mitch?




  128. Moscow Mitch claims to be a patriot. Comrade is moar like it and he is definitely a partisan fucking hack.

    Raycystgun Ronnie was not a nice person.

  129. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Everyone I don't like is racist Russian colluder.

  130. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:00 PM

    PilotX said.......

    Many of us have known this for a long time. We knew because of the place he chose to announce his candidacy. There were dog whistles too.

    I never voted for Saint Ronnie, nor did any member of my family.

  131. Never voted for him for president, and nobody in my family voted for him for governor.
    Celebrated when he died.
    He was a bad man.

    -Doug in Oakland

  132. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Folks, THIS is how the black "Talented Tenth" thinks:

    > If there's no collusion there would have been no arrests or convictions of trump associates right?

    Not one had anything to do with Russia, and the entire investigation was prompted by false claims which taint every bit of evidence that came after; by the Fourth Amendment it is illegally obtained and the convictions and evidence have to be thrown out.

    But keep up "Muh Russia!"  It keeps you from looking smarter than you are.  As does this juxtaposition:

    > Should have known by the shear brillance of the comments

    > When insulting someone else's intelligence use correct grammar.������ Ah, you just can't make this stuff up.

    No, you can't.  Watching borderline morons who think they're geniuses is the best part of this blog.

  133. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:40 AM

    Anonymous said......

    > When insulting someone else's intelligence use correct grammar.������ Ah, you just can't make this stuff up.

    No, you can't. Watching borderline morons who think they're geniuses is the best part of this blog.
    So I guess you are the genius who believes Trump's lies and believes he is innocent. Can't imagine how you hang on to this fantasy.
    Do you recall that during the campaign, Trump kept repeating that he had no financial interests in Russia, when in fact he was negotiating with the Russians to build a hotel in Moscow? I guess you must enjoy being lied to.

  134. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Mindlessly repeating false media narratives that have been completely debunked about Trump-Russian collusion while ignoring the publicly-available fact that the Clinton campaign actually did pay for Russian disinformation is beyond pathetic at this point.

    But that's who you are.

  135. Mindlessly ignoring over a hundred documented meetings between Drumpf campaign members and Russian agents gets tiresome to us who actually live in the real world, not some orange flavored playground of gross stoopidity and dumbfuckery.

  136. Anonymous1:50 PM

    And that's who mike is.

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