Sunday, August 11, 2019

"A bizarre cosmic joke."

Image result for Deplorable Trump Images

This is not normal. The president of the United States just endorsed the thought of a former president being a rapist and a pedophile.  But this is where we are in America. trump and his deplorables have normalized what was previously unthinkable in this country.

David Frum (I can't believe I am posting an essay by this guy on this site.) wrote the following article for The Atlantic about the shame and ignorance of this presidency.

"August 10, 1969: San Clemente, California—President Richard Nixon accused his predecessor Lyndon Baines Johnson of complicity in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Speaking with reporters on the first day of a 10-day stay at his Pacific Ocean vacation home …

Of course, that never happened. Obviously. How could it; how dare it? But had it happened, such an accusation—by a president, against a former president—would have convulsed the United States and the world. Today, President Donald Trump accused his predecessor Bill Clinton—or possibly his 2016 campaign opponent, the former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—of complicity in the death of the accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Many seem to have responded with a startled shrug. What do you expect? It’s just Trump letting off steam on Twitter.

Reactions to actions by Trump are always filtered through the prism of the ever more widely accepted view—within his administration, within Congress, within the United States, and around the world—that the 45th president is a reckless buffoon; a conspiratorial, racist moron, whose weird comments should be disregarded by sensible people.

By now, Trump’s party in Congress, the members of his Cabinet, and even his White House entourage all tacitly agree that Trump’s occupancy of the office held by Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and Eisenhower must be a bizarre cosmic joke, not to be taken seriously. CNN’s Jake Tapper on August 2 quoted a “senior national security official” as saying: “Everyone at this point ignores what the president says and just does their job. The American people should take some measure of confidence in that.”

So even though Trump just retweeted the comedian Terrence K. Williams accusing the Clinton family of murder, the people who work for Trump may ignore that, too. They know that the president punching the retweet button like an addled retiree playing the slots through a fog of painkillers means nothing. The days of “taking Trump seriously, not literally” have long since passed. By this point, Trump is taken neither seriously nor literally. His words are as worthless as Trump Organization IOUs.

But cosmic joke or no cosmic joke, Donald Trump is the president of the United States. You may not like it. I don’t like it. Mike Pompeo doesn’t like it. Mitch McConnell doesn’t like it. Kevin McCarthy doesn’t like it. But it’s still a fact, and each succeeding outrage makes it no less a fact. Grinning and flashing a thumbs-up over an orphaned baby? Yes, still president. Tweeting that a third-tier dictator has threatened him with more missile tests unless he halts military exercises with a U.S. ally——and that he has surrendered to that blackmail? Shamefully, still president. Accusing a former U.S. president of murder? It’s incredible, it’s appalling, it’s humiliating … but, yes, he is the president all the same.

Trump’s circle probably expects the world to sputter for a while and then be distracted by some new despicable statement or act. That is how it has gone for nearly three years, and that is how it is likely still to go. Trump is steering the U.S. and the world into a trade war, and perhaps a financial crisis and recession along with it. He is wrecking the structure of U.S. alliances in Asia, and his rhetoric is inciting shooting rampages against minorities. Compared with that, mere slurs and insults perhaps weigh lighter in the crushing Dumpster-load of Trump’s output of unfitness for the office he holds.
But it shouldn’t be forgotten, either, in the onrush of events. The certainty that Trump will descend ever deeper into subbasements of “new lows” after this new low should not numb us to its newness and lowness.

Neither the practical impediments to impeachment and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment process, nor the foibles and failings of the candidates running to replace him, efface the fact that this presidency shames and disgraces the office every minute of every hour of every day. And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still." [Source]

*Pic from


  1. Fergus is not a joke. He's real as fuck. And writing him off as a joke is the pinnacle of privilege. Those babies in those cages? Don't see him as a joke. Those dead motherfuckers and everyone who loves them? Don't see him as a joke. Those farmers being buggered into bankruptcy by his trade war? Don't see him as a joke. Those villages downstream of his deregulated coal mines? Don't see him as a joke.

    So if you find yourself in the position to see him as a joke, you are astonishingly lucky, part of the wealthy asshole class his presidency actually serves, or most likely, like Frum, both.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Lt. Commander Johnson11:21 PM

    Yuk, yuk. Tell many times did Bill Clinton visit "Epstein Island" He was doing interns in the Oval Office, for Christ's sake. Lewinsky is going to do a movie/series about it.

    No intelligible answer, I know.

  3. Anonymous11:21 PM

    By now, Trump’s party in Congress, the members of his Cabinet, and even his White House entourage all tacitly agree that Trump’s occupancy of the office held by Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and Eisenhower must be a bizarre cosmic joke, not to be taken seriously.

    In other words, the bulk of the GOP establishment, the cucks he's been forced to take on as cabinet officials in "his" administration, and every single Demonrat in office or holding public employment in FedGov, are guilty of AT LEAST conspiracy to commit treason against the lawfully elected POTUS.

    I'm okay with that.  We have a remedy in law.  Time to start building the gallows.


  4. The Constitution defines treason as levying war on the United States, and giving aid and comfort to its enemies. Calling a fool a fool, and ignoring his follies and idiocies, does not give aid and comfort to the Union's enemies. Supporting the fool in his crimes and betrayals does.

    The orange conman projects like an IMAX, and all of his accusations are confessions; so now I have even more reason to pin Epstein's "assisted" suicide on Trump.

  5. Anonymous 11:21 needs a tutorial on basic civics. Here goes.

    First up: the Administration is not Trump's; it is the American people's. We pay them, they work for us, we're their boss, not him.

    Second: Trump too is our servant, and he ought to know his place.

    Third: large numbers of people working together to thwart a corrupt and incompetent official is not called conspiracy to commit treason. It is called democracy.

  6. Lieutenant:

    Let's make a deal. You throw Bill under the bus, and I throw Donald under the same bus.

  7. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I have to wonder about guys like Frum.

    Does he ever regret that he enabled Bush to go to war in Iraq?

    And does he realize now that for decades, the party he supported was willing to dog whistle to racists in order to get into power, and that's now finally culminated in Trump? The "joke" currently inhabiting the White House didn't just mysteriously show up out of nowhere and hijack the GOP; that bigoted tendency was already there for him to exploit.

    Frum, once upon a time, used to be a Democrat.

    He "went over to the dark side" because, according to him, some tiny handful of far-lefty pacifist types didn't take the Soviets seriously enough for him. Literally his whole career as a Republican seems to have been based, not on a rational assessment of which policies the parties stand for, but on some pretentious Birkenstock-clad hippies having pissed him off back in the '70s.

  8. Anonymous 12:06: when does a frog in a saucepan figure out that the water's getting hot?

    As for dog whistles: The trouble with dog whistles is that if you can hear them, then the guy who's whistling thinks that you're a dog, and he will treat you like a dog.

  9. Wesley R7:46 AM

    Chump controls the media daily. It's all a distraction.

  10. I'm okay with that. We have a remedy in law. Time to start building the gallows.

    We have a remedy for dumbfucks like you, too. Drumpfuck is not a legally elected bogus potus so there can be no treason against him. Go clean the creme out of your knickers and go back to the Fake Noize drawing board.

  11. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Trunp 2020!

    Get over it dumb broke donkeys!

    Not my will bu; THY Will be done!

    Enslaved Isrealites get down on your knees and humble yourself before God (that is if want to be delivered from Pharaoh ard oppression). What a might GOD we service -He make NO mistakes.

  12. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Trunp 2020!

    Get over it dumb broke donkeys!

    Not my will but; THY Will be done!

    Enslaved Isrealites get down on your knees and humble yourself before God (that is if want to be delivered from Pharaoh ard oppression). What a mighty GOD we service -GOD makes NO mistakes.

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:21 AM

    Anonymous said......

    In other words, the bulk of the GOP establishment, the cucks he's been forced to take on as cabinet officials in "his" administration, and every single Demonrat in office or holding public employment in FedGov, are guilty of AT LEAST conspiracy to commit treason against the lawfully elected POTUS.

    I'm okay with that. We have a remedy in law. Time to start building the gallows.

    11:21 PM
    I refer you to Article III, Section 3. of the Constitution of the United States, (and I quote): "Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort...."

    So get down off you high horse and go pick up a copy of the Constitution, and read it before you write another post as stupid as this one.

    Or perhaps you are not stupid, your name is Ivan, and you are a Russian, communist troll.

  14. Evangelicunts are falling out of love with Drumpfuck the dumbfuck for his greatest sin......using their lord's name in vain. Imagine his womanizing, his lies, his hate mongering, sucking up to the money changers and all his other sins were acceptable to these fucking stoopid bastards, but saying goddamn has the little fake kristians in an uproar.

    Hypocrisy and stoopidity, they name be stoopid fucking fake kristian wingnuts.

  15. Clinton did one and only one intern in the Oral Office. Get yer fake shit straight. The bulk of the rest of Bill's alleged victims were paid to lie and make shit up about him. And no, he did not rape Juanita Broad Dick. She swore two affidavits claiming the rape never happened.

  16. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Google Orgy Island

  17. Nebby sinator Sasse, no bleeding heart liberal, said this about Epstein's death....As Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse said in a letter to Mr. Barr: “Every single person in the Justice Department—from your Main Justice headquarters staff all the way to the night-shift jailer—knew that this man was a suicide risk, and that his dark secrets couldn’t be allowed to die with him.”

    He was found earlier in the year near death in his cell so why did the DOJ allow him to die with his secrets? Were they protecting Drumpfuck the dumbfuck?

  18. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Progressive Center Left ideology supports pedophilia.

  19. Anonymous11:03 AM

    44 gave black folk the wrong impression about power...he who pays the piper hears the tune.

    How many people of color got a "free get out of jail" pass under 44?


  20. Watch stoopid fucking wingnut heads explode when Clinton issues the Drumpfuck excuse, I don't recall ever knowing or meeting Epstein. Fake News. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  21. From VOX....Clinton has not been accused of any specific sexual misconduct connected to Epstein. As for Trump: During the 2016 campaign, Trump was sued by an anonymous woman who claimed he raped her at an Epstein party when she was 13 years old. However, several journalists who dug into this allegation back then came away voicing caution or downright skepticism, and the accuser withdrew her lawsuit shortly before the election.

    Nothing to see about Clinton, on the other hand Drumpf is a pathological lying sexual predator with 20 some c

  22. Anonymous1:32 PM

    “From VOX....Clinton has not been accused of any specific sexual misconduct connected to Epstein. As for Trump: During the 2016 campaign, Trump was sued by an anonymous woman who claimed he raped her at an Epstein party when she was 13 years old.”

    Trump is also running the federal government, which was in charge of the prison where Epstein allegedly killed himself.

    And Bill Clinton was, well, not. He hasn’t been president for 18+ years and has no control whatsoever over the government.

    So while we are a long way from it being a fact that Trump ordered Epstein murdered, such theories are at least plausible, whereas the idea Clinton had something to do with his death are preposterous.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:38 PM

    Off topic, but this is a very interesting article about the Republican candidate who keeps running against Maxine Waters and losing.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    How many people of color got a "free get out of jail" pass under 44?


    11:03 AM
    None that I know of. Can you name some?

  25. Well, if you count prison reform, there were some people of color who had their sentences shortened, but that's not what you're talking about, is it?

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Anonymous4:53 PM

    4 killed, 43 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings:

  27. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Hollywood is rife with rape and pedophilia......

  28. Anonymous5:06 PM

    18 year old Black Man charged with taking loaded gun through O'Hare checkpoint while awaiting trial for *another* gun charge:


  29. From the Hilol...

    President Barack Obama, in the 11th hour of his presidency, has commuted the sentences of 1,176 federal prisoners, more than George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan combined. Most of the prisoners granted relief were victims of the notoriously racially biased “war on drugs.”

    Many of the men and women released were serving unfair, exorbitantly long and harsh sentences for low-level, nonviolent drug related charges, when what they really needed was drug treatment.

    This bold move from President Obama was necessary and long awaited.

    However, the executive clemency process, has historically shown patterns of racial bias.

    A 2011 ProPublica investigation found that even when applicants had committed similar crimes, “White criminals seeking presidential pardons over the past decade have been nearly four times as likely to succeed” and “Blacks have had the poorest chance of receiving the president’s ultimate act of mercy…

  30. Read the rest of the story about biased committees giving Blacks longer, harsher sentences for lesser crimmes


    POC and others can get along despite Drumpf and stoopid fucking racists. Absolutely charming video of Whitney Houston?Dolly Parton classic.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:57 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    POC and others can get along despite Drumpf and stoopid fucking racists. Absolutely charming video of Whitney Houston?Dolly Parton classic.

    7:35 PM
    True Mike,
    I regularly take a group of mentally disabled men to a local bowling alley for a group outing. There I see a diverse group of people bowling and having a good time. Last Sunday, I saw a group of five bowlers bowling together. One was black, one was Latino and three were Asians.
    They were joking and high-fiving each other when they got a strike

    Sunday before last there was a tournament with several teams competing. All the teams included diverse members. Everyone was having a good time. There were no guns, knives or fists used.

    So what am I to believe? My lying eyes or the bull shit the white supremacists peddle?

  33. Good for you, Gambler. Sounds like great fun.

  34. So Epstein's financial lawyers have hired criminal defense attorneys.
    The victims of the case a decade ago that ended with the non-prosecution agreement filed a motion to have the part of said agreement stipulating that none of his conspirators can be prosecuted dissolved in the wake of his death.
    Fergus' DoJ may be worse than useless, but some parts of the judiciary are still functional.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Epstein was supposed to have a cellmate and didn't the day he killed himself. His previous cellmate was removed on Friday and Epstein was not checked by guards for several hours the day he died.

    Now, stoopid fucking wingnuts, if Clinton'[s are responsible for this death, why is Drumpfuck the dumbfuck, McCTurtlefuckface and a the rest of wingnut party still breathing?

  36. Drumpfu7ck casdually tweeted out nukular secrets.....“The United States is learning much from the failed missile explosion in Russia,” Trump tweeted, needlessly. “We have similar, though more advanced, technology. The Russian ‘Skyfall’ explosion has people worried about the air around the facility, and far beyond. Not good!”

    This is the worst human joke ever conjured up.

  37. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Go to 2hr 30 minute mark:

  38. Prager is a right wing nut job with a gawd complex.

  39. We tried the same missile tech in the late fifties and rejected it as too dangerous and inefficient. And that was us in the fifties, when we were a-ok with nuking various islands to radioactive glass.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Nobel in the offing for Drumpfuck?

    Drumpf deported 41 year old Detroit man to Iran who has never been there, speaks no Arabic and died shortly after getting there because he had no access to insulin. Should be worth a couple Nobel dickhead awards.

  41. My bad. He was sent to A Rock and was caught between A Rock and a hard place with no access to insulin. Dumpfuck is still a dickhead.

  42. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Drumpf deported 41 year old Detroit man to Iran who has never been there, speaks no Arabic and died shortly after getting there because he had no access to insulin. Should be worth a couple Nobel dickhead awards."

    There was so much that was revolting about this story.

    1) This guy was brought to this country as a 15-month-old infant. Anyone brought to the US that young and grown to adulthood should get automatic citizenship (in any civilized society, which America apparently isn't), and should not be deportable.

    2) Even without citizenship, he had permanent residency as a war refugee. But this was revoked, because he had a history of some very petty crimes. We are not talking axe murder here. It's more like trespassing and shoplifting and smoking pot. So, again, he should not have been deportable.

    3) Even without citizenship or permanent residency, he should still not have been deportable! He had mental illness to the point he couldn't take care of himself, all his family were in the States (as US citizens), and he was facing deportation to a country (Iraq) that is a total basket case since we invaded it and therefore has no resources to help someone like him.

    Any reasonable person, even if they are staunchly in favor of enforcing immigration laws, ought to be able to see that deporting someone under these circumstances is just insanely cruel.

    If someone tells me they are in favor of deporting the Jimmy Aldaouds of the world, that individual's immigration stance is clearly not based on economic considerations; they are unquestionably a bigot.

  43. Great synopsis, Anon. Thanks.And Drumpfuck is still a dickhead.

  44. Anonymous9:21 PM

    So 40 years in a country which was very gracious to him and he couldn't even learn to behave himself.  He remained a burden, a parasite.

    If no one in Jimmy Aldaoud's family would travel to Iran to take care of him, they obviously didn't care about him.  If they didn't, why should we?

    That goes double for the Africans-who-shouldn't-be-in-America.  Two black moms protesting against "gun violence" get shot dead in a drive-by in Chiraq.  There are no riots insisting that Black Lives Matter, not for them.  There won't be any riots or even protests for Malachi Lawson either, because his own mother killed him and dumped his body in a dumpster.

    If blacks don't care enough about these deaths to protest them and insist that the killers be brought to justice, BLACK LIVES DO NOT MATTER, PERIOD.  The movement is a bare-faced lie in pursuit of power, nothing more.  THAT is deplorable.

  45. Why would they travel to Iran? He was deported to Iraq. That sort of casts the rest of your racist screed in even less regard than it would otherwise have, which is basically none.
    So less than zero.
    Same as usual.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. "18 year old Black Man charged with taking loaded gun through O'Hare checkpoint while awaiting trial for *another* gun charge:"

    In other news a blah man went through an O'Hare checkpoint and then flew a commercial aircraft hundreds of miles filled with hundreds of people.

  47. Remember when Clinton was being impeached and Dems abandoned him because of his behavior (plus the fact that stoopid fucking wingnuts were willing and able to beat Dems over the head at election time for supporting Clinton) and now note Drumpfuck'[s behaviours are far worse than kindly WJC and wingnuts are scared to leave his side. Not because Dems will hold it against them, but they are mortally afraid of Drumpfuck the dumbfuck for some inexplicable reasons.


    at least 36 cases where Drumpf was named as inciting violence.


    Evil rightwing nutters.


  51. Anonymous9:37 AM


    I’m not sure why it should surprise anyone that the police prioritize catching terrorists who threaten the police over the ones who don’t threaten the police. It seems like a totally predictable response, if you know anything about human nature.

  52. Human nature can see clearly it was the pigs targeting POC in Ferguson and was habitually violating Black live's rights.

    The city of Ferguson operated basically on fines assessed to Blacks for any reason you care to conjure up. Matter of record...look it up.

  53. Moar fucking stoopidity from stoopid fucking wingnuts....( this will lead to moar stand yer ground murders, if nothing else)

    Every wingnut should get a frontal lobotomy the second they are born.

  54. Anonymous1:26 PM

    “Human nature can see clearly it was the pigs targeting POC in Ferguson and was habitually violating Black live's rights.”

    The police in Ferguson surely had (have?) a money-making racket going, selectively writing lots of traffic tickets to black people for minor or nonexistent offenses.

    But neither that nor a general problem of police brutality can justify the murder of other, random police officers in “revenge.” And that happened on several occasions, such as this one and this one.

    One can debate how large a trend such attacks constitute, but the Feds have decided that there is such a trend and they care more about it than any other terror threat because (obviously) cops are the targets.

  55. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Mike, have you seen "The Loudest Voice"? You would love it.


  56. Loudest Voice? No. I have no tv programming and use it only to watch DVDS.

    White scumacysts terrorist murders aren't prosecuted as terrorism and should be. Once we rid the kremlin annex of Drumpf crime family and flush the human wingnut waste out of congress, only then will wasicu killers get their just rewards. Wingnuts have coddled them killers too long and it is about to stop.

  57. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The WTF? Comment of the Day comes from Steve KKKing. He made a speech justifying total abortion restrictions by implying that rape and incest are good things. This is some unbelievable shit:

    “‘What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest?’ King told a breakfast meeting in Urbandale, Iowa. ‘Would there be any population of the world left if we did that? Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages that happened throughout all these different nations, I know that I can’t say that I was not a part of a product of that.’”

    Got that? The world population would disappear without rape babies. Okay, then ...

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:19 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "Got that? The world population would disappear without rape babies. Okay, then ..."

    Yup, Steve King is even more unhinged even than Donald Trump. I wonder how Steve would feel about being raped if it happened to him.

  59. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "Yup, Steve King is even more unhinged even than Donald Trump. I wonder how Steve would feel about being raped if it happened to him."

    Well, being a guy, he wouldn't need an abortion, so it probably wouldn't alter his opinion on that issue at all.

    Honestly, I think he is a basically an irredeemable disaster of a human being. There are people out there who can potentially learn from argument or experience and grow and change their wrongheaded views. Steve King is not one of them. He is way too far gone for that.

  60. See, according to the Bible, everyone is the result of incest, so it can't be all that bad, right?

    More toxic symptoms of mass delusion.

    And Fergus has passed his twelve thousandth lie.

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still."

    Thanks feelz, Trump has been trying to get the Obama smell and stains out of the White House since being elected.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still."

    Thanks feelz, Trump has been trying to get the Obama smell and stains out of the White House since being elected.

    5:16 PM
    What stains and smell would that be, friend? it sure can't be the stinking swamp smell that pervades the White House now.Nor can it be the stink of the mobsters who are there because they weren't around when Obama was president.

  63. Anonymous9:00 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

    1. Yeah, 20 for treason and 20 for obstruction.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:44 AM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:00 PM
    Gambler2 said, trump 2021 in prison.

  65. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Obutthole will be under arrest in 2020, along with Holder, Lynch, Pelosi and a horde of other Demonrat apparatchiks.  The charges will include treason, misprision of treason, sedition, and violation of civil rights under color of law.

    Did you seriously think that Holder's massive violation of gun-running laws under his "Fast & Furious" scheme to deny 2nd Amendment rights to Americans because of the acts of Mexicans wouldn't have any blowback?  If you think the crimes of Africans-in-America will not rebound upon ALL of the disproportionately-criminal African diaspora while you blame all whites for "racism", you are too stupid to breathe without being instructed to inhale and exhale.  You HAVE gone too far.  It WILL come back to you.  The only way to avoid it is to GET OUT NOW!

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Obutthole will be under arrest in 2020, along with Holder, Lynch, Pelosi and a horde of other Demonrat apparatchiks. The charges will include treason, misprision of treason, sedition, and violation of civil rights under color of law.
    Not sure how you became so delusional - must be all those web sites featuring conspiracy theories or maybe FOX Noise, but don't hold your breath waiting for your predictions to come true.

    Here's a resource so you can actually learn about the origin of the Fast and Furious plan that originated with G W Bush in 2005 and then called Project Gunrunner.

    As for the rest of your ridiculous post - You are the one who needs to GET OUT NOW. You are hopelessly out numbered by the military and millions of armed Americans.

  67. Anonymous8:56 PM

    As for the rest of your ridiculous post - You are the one who needs to GET OUT NOW. You are hopelessly out numbered by the military and millions of armed Americans.

    The DEER HUNTERS JUST IN MY STATE outnumber the military, and they are all armed.  And they are learning that the forces of "tolerance" and "equality" hate them, blame them for all ills and want them dead.

    Convince these people that they have to get you liberals before you get them, and you'll be wishing you hadn't almost instantly.  But once it's on it'll be way too late for regrets.

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  69. Anonymous9:30 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!
