Friday, August 09, 2019

Caption Friday.

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I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "Democrats fume that their abortionists missed this one."

  2. Ok Melania, remember to throw the baby over the wall as far as you can!

  3. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Trump thought bubble: "Thank goodness they found this Mexican brat so I can take my stupid photo op. Finally! Now, back to golfing."

  4. Is there any room in the cages for this one?
    Just fucking with you, we don't care if there's room.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous12:08 AM

    The proud adoptive parents!

  6. "Where's Mom? Where's Dad? Who are these strange people?"


    -Doug in Oakland

  8. "Now they can't say we don't care about wetback bsbies."

  9. Anonymous9:32 AM

    "Hola,como esta?"

  10. Anonymous9:36 AM

    "agarrarlos por el coño!"

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM

    El Presidente Trump es grande!!

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Trump está haciendo a América grande de nuevo!!

  13. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Perhaps he'll go with this young child to his parents funeral; both were shot and killed, in the 'kill Mexicans' rampage.

    No words for the persons that brought that baby in for trump's 'photo op'.


  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Jeffrey Epstein apparently commits sooicide in federal prison.


    Drumpfuck's smallest moment as bogus potus and it shows.

  17. "Jeffrey Epstein apparently commits sooicide in federal prison."

    The collective sigh of relief could be heard from the ISS...

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Anonymous2:33 PM

    “The collective sigh of relief could be heard from the ISS...”

    With most of the sighs coming from the White House.

  19. Anderson cooper politely, but, thoroughly kicked Drumpf's orange fat ass for not even pretending to have empathy for the shooting victims and their families. His campaign vids were all about Drumpf.

  20. Jefrey Epstein found dead in his cell. Theories, in approximately descending order of likelihood:

    He was murdered by a Trump associate.
    He was murdered by a Clinton associate.
    He was murdered by a British Royal associate.
    He was murdered at some other plutocrat's orders.
    He was murdered by a random inmate.
    He was murdered by a random guard.
    He was smuggled out and is now under witness protection.
    He smuggled himself out and is now overseas.
    He died from not having 3 orgasms a day.
    The Greys beamed him out.
    Tony Soprano got him.
    Sauron got him.
    He tripped and fell into a noose.
    He committed suicide.

    These are in approximately descending order of likelihood. Some you may swap around, like the first four; but I insist that the first four are first, and the last is last.

    I'll take the Greys before I believe the suicide story. Now, I'm not saying that it's aliens. I'm saying that it's oligarchs.

  21. Trump's Tax Returns10:27 PM

    Donald Le Pew and Smellonya bring their fake smiles to an event near you this fall on Fox.

  22. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Little boys parents just slaughtered and I'm giving the thumbs up sign to my fellow white supremacists.

  23. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Because there is no bottom for vile

  24. Another "House Negro" by name of Lynne Patton rumoured Clinton's killed Epstein.

    top official at President Donald Trump's Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reacted to the news of Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide on Saturday by suggesting that Epstein, a multi-millionaire financier who may have been able to attest to the involvement of other individuals in the sex-trafficking conspiracy with which he was charged, was murdered by Hillary Clinton.

    Lynne Patton, the highest-ranking official at HUD's Region II bureau, which covers New York and New Jersey, alleged on her Instagram account Saturday that Epstein had been "Hillary'd," an apparent reference to one of several conspiracy theories surrounding the Clintons that purport to implicate the couple in the premature deaths of a number of people in their orbit.


    The truth as truth is spoken among men.

  26. Fun rumor: 'twas Epstein who introduced Donald to Melania.

    Was Epstein Hillary'd? Or Trumped? Or Royaled? Or Putined? Even Mister Bone-Saw (aka MbS) has motive! So many logical suspects, you can't tell who, though it's obvious why. That's the System.

  27. I propose that we call it
    - Epstein's "assisted" suicide -
    with the quote marks included in print and air-quoted in speech.

  28. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Jussie Smollett smuggled his noose to Epstein.


    Jake Tapper grills acting C director why Drumpf's businesses and properties have never been raided since it is common knowledge he hires illegal immigrants.

    Tapper gets the patented stoopid fucking wingnut runaround, we don't know where his businesses and properties are. Not really, but he was not willing to confess they have no intention of looking into Drumpfuck then dumbfucks hiring practices.

  30. Barr needs to be investigated as it is his DOJ that allowed this suicide to take place, most likely as a favor to his orange asswipe boss.


    reports claim Barr visited Epstein's prison a couple weeks ago which has apparently never happened before.

    Epstein was supposed to be checked every 30 minutes and that procedure was stopped the eveningb before he was found dead.

    I guess 2 can play the conspiracy game.

  32. "Lynne Patton, the highest-ranking official at HUD's Region II bureau"

    Wasn't she the one trump trotted out to prove he isn't racist? The one with the sharecropper dad from Birmingham?😂


  34. Good find on Fucker Tucker, PilotX. Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole, stone waste of white.

  35. With all of the depressing bullshit arriving in huge, smelly waves from our government and media, it's important to focus on things that are genuinely good sometimes, just to help maintain your sanity and prop you up for the fight ahead.

    Here's a video of Simone Biles balance beam routine that I find helpful:

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Epstein "supposedly" committed suicide.

    If you believe that one then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell to you.

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  38. Anonymous12:00 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

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