Monday, August 26, 2019

Caption Monday.

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I need a caption for this pic.

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  1. From Twitter under the heading "O Canada":

    ‏Verified account @Rschooley
    Aug 25

    whispers: He'll be glued to Judge Jeanine or some shit for hours later.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Wait Donald, I want to see what a sane world leader looks like.

  3. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Trump: "Note to self: Shift trade war target from China to Canada!"

  4. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Trump: "This is worse than that time I got rejected by Salma Hayek. And then lied to everyone and said I rejected her."

  5. Just FYI, it's a French customary greeting to kiss on both cheeks.

    Melania probably hasn't been kissed at all for a while, so her excitement is understandable.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. pasarqq
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  7. Personal free trade deal, Melanoma, my tongue for your tongue, now!.

  8. @ 7:08

    Little Jack horny occupied a corny
    flagrant with Drumpf USA
    Their juxtaposition proves beyond all suspicion
    that Jack Horny and Drumpfuck are gay.

    (I stole the gist of this and changed some words from a leading men's magazine article from the sixties or seventies.)


    Even kiddie diddlers are racist and discriminatory.

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    We won we won 2020!!!

  11. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Affirmative Action hire Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx lets Derrion Albert killer off the hook:

  12. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I must be nice; I'm a gentleman, but she's a 'real bit$h in heat.

  13. "Anybody's better than him."

  14. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Behold, King Cuck. Long live his reign.

  15. Drumpf swears his Doral playhouse doesn't have bed bugs but he settled a serious case of bed bug bites a few years ago at Doral. The plaintiff looked like the back of his neck had measles or pox.

  16. PilotX, didn't you say you met Captain Al Haynes?

    Passed in Seattle. RIP. What a humble man.

  17. Bret Stephens wants you to know that he is not, in fact, a bedbug.
    Also that Twitter is a sewer and so he's out.
    Probably to spend more time with his mattress, I mean family.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. So Fergus' stupid, stupid, trade war has China shopping around for the soybeans they used to get from us in places like Brazil, who are frantically scrabbling for arable land upon which to grow those soybeans so as to capitalize on the opportunity, and setting fire to huge chunks of irreplaceable rain forest in the process.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Anonymous9:02 PM

    “Bret Stephens wants you to know that he is not, in fact, a bedbug.
    Also that Twitter is a sewer and so he's out.
    Probably to spend more time with his mattress, I mean family.”

    Bret Stephens wants you to know that “woke lefties” don’t have any respect for free speech because they are always trying to get conservatives “canceled” (i.e., fired from their jobs) whenever their precious feelings get hurt, the hypersensitive snowflakes.

    Bret Stephens also tried to get a lefty professor fired for calling him a “bedbug.”

    Nope, no hypocrisy here, folks. None at all.

  20. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Trump wants to hold more migrant families in detention (in defiance of a court order that said these facilities have not been made safe for kids), so he is transferring $155 million out of FEMA disaster funds to pay for it.

    Next time there is a natural disaster and FEMA gets accused of fucking up and not helping the victims of said disaster, we'll know why: Trump de-funded them.

  21. Wesley R10:07 PM

    Chump is holding her hand tight, looking like he lost his only friend.

  22. Yes, .45 really has cut off the circulation to M's fingers.

  23. Fergus: I know! Let's just murder a bunch of sick brown children!

    Miller: *comes in his pants*

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Fergus: I know! Let's just murder a bunch of sick brown children!

    So-called "migrants" (illegal invaders) have no right to be on US soil, period.  Demanding medical care at citizen expense is an abomination.  Let them demand medical care from the citizens of their own countries!

    Oh, wait... those citizens CANNOT produce medical care!  They can barely produce food, let alone expert doctors.  They are TOO STUPID to make what they want... and by that property, they have no right to ask it of ANYONE ELSE.

    Neither do you n1663rs.  Fcuk awl of yew.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. A great example of the despicable Pig Person mindset. "Kids? They ain't mine, kill 'em before they cost anybody anything."

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Another asinine comment from another stoopid inbred fucking wingnut moron...

    So-called "migrants" (illegal invaders) have no right to be on US soil, period. Demanding medical care at citizen expense is an abomination. Let them demand medical care from the citizens of their own countries!

    Those "migrants" shit fer brains have just as much right to be here as your worthless pastey white hide. They seek asylum and have the right to have their cases heard while they are in America and not under arrest for being here legally.

    The even stoopider fucker in the kremlin annex does not have the right or power to declare their home countries safe zones. They have to be able to prove those countries can protect and serve these migrants, which they have proven they can't.

    All the lies and falsehoods you and dumbfucker drumpfucker spew changes none of the material facts. Those migrants are here legally and you and drumopfucker are in violation of the law.

  28. don’t have any respect for free speech because they are always trying to get conservatives “canceled”

    Hate speech is not money, ergo it is not "free" speech as defined by stoopid fucking activist wingnuts on the SPOTUS>

  29. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I find it funny that Mark Sanford, a guy who played hooky from his job as governor of South Carolina, disappearing for 5 days without telling anyone so that he could go screw his mistress, believes anyone would trust him with the responsibility of being president of the United States.

    And yet ... he’d still be better than the clown who is our current president.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    After more than two years of speculation, we now now what the Russians have on Trump!

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    And yet ... he’d still be better than the clown who is our current president.

    9:01 AM
    My dog would be better than the current clown. At least my dog loves people and would do no harm. He might chew up a couple of printed emails though. Then the Repubs. Would investigate him thirteen tines. It would give them something to do besides destroying our democracy.

  32. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The UK now appears to be going through a constitutional crisis, for anyone who is interested. Their new, Trumpish prime minister just shut down their parliament to try to immediately force the UK out of the EU without the consent of parliament and without an exit deal with the EU (which will result in massive transportation, trade, and immigration chaos).

    Things are getting absolutely crazy over there. Too bad the opposition parties can’t seem to get their shit together and cooperate to prevent this.

  33. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Negroid Ex-NFL defensive lineman Junior Siavii facing federal gun charges:

  34. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    After more than two years of speculation, we now now what the Russians have on Trump!

    12:02 PM



  35. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Chicago August 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 35
    Shot & Wounded: 223
    Total Shot: 258
    Total Homicides: 35

  36. 'nother phony fucking kristian member of the family values party gets caught soliciting a prostitute.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. First Melanoma and Justin Trudeau suck each other's fillings out of each other's mouths then this. Life is good.

  37. Georgia wingnut US sinator isaksson is resigning this fall. Both georgia weingnut seats will be open for play in 2020.

  38. Appeals court ruled that Indiana can't purge voters from its rolls without telling them first.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    After more than two years of speculation, we now now what the Russians have on Trump!

    12:02 PM



    12:57 PM
    So multi billion-dollar loans are nothing to you? You don't think Trump owes them some special spot in his heart for this? Yoou think it's OK for our country to have a president indebted to Russia?

    Well here's what I think of you
    WOOT! WOOF! WOOF! You're just a fool it you think it's OK.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:37 PM

    Georgia wingnut US sinator isaksson is resigning this fall. Both georgia weingnut seats will be open for play in 2020.

    2:56 PM
    Great news, Mike. The more wingnuts that don't run, the better it will be for all of us.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Chicago August 2019 to Date
    Total Homicides: 35

    1:00 PM




    Murder sees to be popular everywhere, not just in Chicago. But I guess you are not interested in facts. These other murders are easy to find, just google "triple murders" or double murders etc.

    BTP. I do believe that all the perpetrators of these homicides are white.

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:18 PM

    Here's another one for you, Anon, at 1PM

    And not a single black person involved here either.

  43. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Hey Granny Mudshark, can't you even come up with 35 murders in the ENTIRE REST OF THE COUNTRY to equal the score in Chiraq over just 27 days of August?

    I can see why you're having a problem, though.  Blacks commit more than half of the murders in the USA, and other non-whites commit a large fraction of the rest.  The problem for you is that white people are just too good on average and make everyone else look bad.  Having a few bad apples doesn't bring them down to an equal level.

  44. Ex-NFL player Anthony 'TJ' Cunningham killed in parking dispute with neighbor, police say

    A former NFL player was fatally shot over the weekend in a dispute with a neighbor over a parking space, according to police.

    Anthony "T.J." Cunningham, a former defensive back for the Seattle Seahawks and an assistant principal at a high school in Aurora, Colorado, was allegedly shot by a neighbor on Sunday and taken to local hospital, where he died the following day, according to the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office.

    Police charged his neighbor, 31-year-old Marcus Johnson, with first-degree murder on Monday, accusing him of shooting Cunningham multiple times in the head and chest.

    Witnesses said the two neighbors met at a high school in Aurora, located about 10 miles east of Denver, to settle an ongoing parking dispute, according to a probable cause affidavit.

    Cunningham's brother told police he accompanied the former player to the school's parking lot, where the two planned to "box it out," according to the affidavit.

    The two men were walking towards each other when Johnson allegedly shot him three times, striking him in the head and chest, according to the document.

    We know that Marcus Johnson is also black, because otherwise this story would be national news and everyone would be screaming about racist Nazis killing feetsball players.  But there will be no marches or riots for him; TJ Cunningham is just one more proof that Black Lives Do Not Matter.

  45. Drumpfuck ended the violence in chicago. Just ask his orange pathological lying ass.


    Good for you Illinois.

  47. "The problem for you is that white people are just too good on average and make everyone else look bad. Having a few bad apples doesn't bring them down to an equal level."

    The lack of introspection with this comment is astoundingšŸ˜‚

  48. "Hey Granny Mudshark, can't you even come up with 35 murders in the ENTIRE REST OF THE COUNTRY to equal the score in Chiraq over just 27 days of August?"

    Man please, one incel with a bowlcut can equal those numbers in a few seconds. I guess we forgot about Dayton and El Paso just like that huh? And you have to take into account the astronomical numbers of OD's in rural America. Some counties are running out of morgue space.



  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 PM

    Hey Granny Mudshark,

    can't you even come up with 35 murders in the ENTIRE REST OF THE COUNTRY to equal the score in Chiraq over just 27 days of August?
    How stupid are you? I found five triple murders by whitemen in about five minutes. That's 15 murders to you since you are so intelectully challenged you might not be able to figure that out. So anyone with half a brain could find dozens more murders by white men in a few minutes - that is if they were looking for them.

    1. He only goes to white supremacist sites so it's kinda hard to find info about white crime there. Also interesting is a "man" who insults women and thinks of himself as some kind of paragon of virtue. Self reflection isn't a attribute his type possesses.

  52. I can: The fucking Iraq war. 5K of our invaders, 500+K Iraqis, all for Republican white guy daddy issue lies.

    15K poor people dead in states that refused to expand Medicaid over Republican white guy spite and hatred of a black president.

    You're just hung up on form; if it's a poor person's MO, then the murder counts. But those killed by rich white men are just as dead, and there are hundreds of thousands more of them.

    Now it's sick children being deported to their deaths, and you think it's just ducky because they are mostly brown.

    You are sick and evil.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 PM

    PilotX said....

    "He only goes to white supremacist sites so it's kinda hard to find info about white crime there. Also interesting is a "man" who insults women and thinks of himself as some kind of paragon of virtue. Self reflection isn't a attribute his type possesses."

    Yes, I suppose you are right.but I keep hoping to find one with a functioning brain - silly me!

    BTW, Do you ever fly the Hawaii route for United? I may be going there later this year, and United is my favorite air line.

  54. Melania: I'm not toying with your heart. I need it!

    Trudeau: But I am a happily married man.

    Melania: I'm not giving up that easy.

  55. The frogs in the creek two houses over are singing their little hearts out.
    I never thought I would say this, but tofu chili isn't half bad...

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. "BTW, Do you ever fly the Hawaii route for United? I may be going there later this year, and United is my favorite air line."

    Not anymore. I used to when I was on the 757/767 a few years ago. Mostly San Fran or LA to Maui. Thanks for flying the big UšŸ˜„


  58. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Somebody needs a "Depends" for her breasts

  59. Anonymous11:52 AM

    The lack of introspection with this comment is astoundingšŸ˜‚

    You blacks are 12.4% of the US population, but commit half of all murders.

    Chimpcongo's sky-high murder rate is mostly intra-black violence.  Some of that happened just blocks from where you live.

    You can't lecture anyone about introspection problems.

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