Thursday, August 22, 2019

The meltdown.

Image result for Trump Images Crazy
The following article from Eugene Robinson is a must read.

It's why I am posting it here for you tonight.

"Uh-oh. President Trump is in such a state of panic about his dimming reelection prospects that he’s getting his lies mixed up and occasionally blurting out the truth.

“It’s tough for Apple to pay tariffs if it’s competing with a very good company [Samsung] that’s not,” the president told reporters Sunday — flatly contradicting the ridiculous and utterly false narrative that he has spent months trying to sell. Trump apparently forgot his standard lie that China is somehow paying “billions of dollars” in tariffs, acknowledging instead that they are taxes paid by U.S. companies and, ultimately, the American consumer.

This reflects more than just the difficulty of juggling multiple lies. Evidence suggests that Trump is melting down. Again.

And for good reason.

Fears of a global recession, greatly exacerbated by Trump’s erratic and self-destructive trade policies, have sent financial markets tumbling. A sharp downturn would close off one of the principal lines of attack the president was hoping to use against his Democratic opponent. He tried it out at a rally in New Hampshire last week: “You have no choice but to vote for me,” he told the crowd, “because your 401(k)’s down the tubes, everything’s gonna be down the tubes” if he loses. “So whether you love me or hate me, you gotta vote for me.”

Fact check: No.

Trump is flailing. He berates his handpicked chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome H. Powell, for not cutting interest rates fast enough to goose the economy. He practically begs Chinese President Xi Jinping for a meeting to work out a trade deal — any trade deal, apparently — and is met with silence. He threatens more tariffs but then backs down, at least for now. According to published reports, he sees himself as the victim of a conspiracy to exaggerate the growing economic anxiety in order to hurt his chances of winning a second term.

He entertains grandiose, almost Napoleonic fantasies — purchasing Greenland from Denmark in what he calls “a large real estate deal,” perhaps, or imposing a naval blockade to force regime change in Venezuela. He apparently spent much of this past weekend fuming about not getting credit for how his New Hampshire rally broke an attendance record for the arena that had been set by Elton John.
And Trump can’t seem to stop railing against a recent Fox News poll that showed him losing to four of the leading Democratic contenders. The president seems to consider Fox News his administration’s Ministry of Propaganda — indeed, that is the role the network’s morning-show hosts and prime-time anchors loyally play — but the polling unit is a professional operation. “There’s something going on at Fox, I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it,” Trump told reporters Sunday . He added a threat, saying that Fox “is making a big mistake” because he is “the one that calls the shots” on next year’s general election debates — the implication being that Fox News might not get to broadcast one of them if it doesn’t toe the party line.

For the record, Trump’s claim about his political standing is that it couldn’t be better — but could be better.

“Great cohesion inside the Republican Party, the best I have ever seen,” he tweeted Monday. “Despite all of the Fake News, my Poll Numbers are great. New internal polls show them to be the strongest we’ve had so far! Think what they’d be if I got fair media coverage!”

An hour later, he was back on Twitter to attack Anthony Scaramucci, who famously spent 11 days as White House communications director and recently became the latest Trump supporter to hit the “eject” button. Predictably, Trump called him a “nut job,” claimed to barely know him and dusted off the ultimate insult, calling him “bad on TV.”

The astonishing thing is that the president of the United States is, let’s face it, raving like a lunatic — and everyone just shrugs.

The nation is still reeling from two mass shootings. The financial markets are yo-yoing by hundreds of points. A bomb in Afghanistan, where we’re still at war, killed 63 revelers at a wedding. Tension between the United States and Iran continues to mount. North Korea keeps testing new missiles. India is playing with fire in Kashmir. Hong Kong has been convulsed for months by massive protests seeking to guarantee basic freedoms.

And Trump obsesses about buying Greenland.

The truth is that we don’t have an actual presidency right now. We have a tiresome reality show whose ratings have begun to slide — and whose fading star sees cancellation on the way." [Source]

*Pic from


  1. The cheese has slid all of the way off of his cracker now.

    That's been obvious for a while, and only seems to be getting worse.

    We told you fucks this would happen, again, and here it is.

    Can't we just stamp his forehead and send him out to play?

    He has to be hating this, he was never prepared to take on any responsibility at all, let alone the presidency, and getting publicly humiliated over and over can't be any fun for a narcissist like him, even given that he probably doesn't understand a lot of the humiliation.

    And with his tanking numbers comes the looming prospect of prosecution for his crimes before the statute of limitations runs out on obstruction of justice, and that is driving him crazy enough that he should have the nuclear football taken from him at the very least.

    This shit is not a game, and all of the norms and guidelines he has shat on were put there for reasons... that he doesn't understand and is now starting to be blindsided by the consequences they are beginning to generate.

    And the beginning is still the easy part, so if he's really lucky, he will remain distracted by losing the 2020 election and just kind of slink off to take his lumps before some serious shit presents itself for presidential consideration and brands him the bumblefucking villain of the 21st century.

    Which he might enjoy in his own twisted little way, which is sort of the root of the problem.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous11:58 PM


  3. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Dr. Drew: Bubonic plague is likely already in Los Angeles
    Infectious typhus, fueled by homeless, reaches epidemic levels in southern California
    New York Times admits Democrat-run cities are unlivable. Dr. Drew predicts major epidemic in filthy Los Angeles this summer

  4. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Los Angeles: 124 confirmed cases of Typhus amid fears Bubonic Plague is affecting homeless

    Demorat-run Los Angeles: 124 confirmed cases of Typhus amid fears Bubonic Plague is affecting homeless

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    “Dr. Drew predicts major epidemic in filthy Los Angeles this summer”

    Oh, well, if the doctor from Celebrity Rehab says it, it must be true, lol.

    Fucking hell, the bizarre news sources you racist mutants get your information from ...

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    His base don't care if he
    double talks,
    repeals affordable health care for working class and middle class
    allows tax abatement for the very rich
    takes away mortgage tax write offs
    controls women's health care
    gives tax breaks to the very wealthy
    pledges allegiance to the dictator of a foreign nation
    ...and the list goes on.

    But none of that matters because he has made them believe that "white folks are becoming extinct" and its all because of "those brown people."

    and your jobs are being taken (even though brown folks are doing jobs that white folks never wanted to do and even if they did want to do white folks that employ them ain't about to pay them a decent salary to do them..

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    ...Didn't he say he could shoot and kill somebody in the middle of NYC and still get re-elected?

    Once you have enslaved someone's mind...the rest will follow.

    Once your brain has drunk the can be led to slaughter with blind obedience.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...



    Texas has nations highest rates of cervical cancer because wingnuts banned vaccinations.

    Remind us which party of stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys run both Indiana and Texass.

  10. David koch bros has been tossed in the manure pile @ 79. Buh bye. I was looking for a reason to celebrate today.

  11. Off topic but needs to be shared....

  12. Anonymous11:10 AM

    “David koch bros has been tossed in the manure pile @ 79. Buh bye. I was looking for a reason to celebrate today.”

    Dave Koch, RIH*

    (*Roast In Hell)

  13. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Those folks who showed up to protest on behalf of Maurice Hill, who turned a Philly neighborhood into a free-fire zone for several hours, have probably lost their enthusiasm for the cause today. Since they seem to believe that anyone who fights the police is automatically some kind of black folk hero, they will undoubtedly be distressed to learn that he had been a long-standing police informant for the Feds, and that huge shootout resulted from his “free pass” being revoked because whatever information he was passing to the Feds no longer justified putting up with whatever mayhem he was causing.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Dr. Drew: Bubonic plague is likely already in Los Angeles
    Infectious typhus, fueled by homeless, reaches epidemic levels in southern California
    New York Times admits Democrat-run cities are unlivable. Dr. Drew predicts major epidemic in filthy Los Angeles this summer

    12:06 AM
    And just where did Dr. Drew get his information? Perhaps he made it up. Bubonic plague is endemic in the wild animal population of the western United States as is rabies. Haven't heard anything about people having plague in any cities or about typhus.

    I an epidemic of any kind is to hit LA "this summer", it better hurry up because summer is almost over.

    I've been to most of the major cities on the west coast and north east, as well as a few in between. I've observed that Los Angeles if cleaner than most others. Do you live in a major city?

    Dr. Drew, David Drew Pinsky (born September 4, 1958), commonly known as Dr. Drew, is an American celebrity doctor who is an internist, addiction medicine specialist, and media personality. He hosted the nationally syndicated radio talk show Loveline from the show's inception in 1984 until its end in 2016.

    Dr. Drew is not an epidemiologist, so how much weight should we give to his prediction?

  15. Anonymous12:07 PM

    “Dr. Drew is not an epidemiologist, so how much weight should we give to his prediction?”

    None. He is an ethics-free reality show fixture. He says and does any old stupid thing that will boost his ratings. Several people have died while in “treatment” on his addiction “therapy” shows, presumably because the shows’ goal was primarily to provide audiences a chance to gawk and sneer at people in crisis, rather than actually helping them.

    He is a hack doctor who should have his license revoked.

  16. Wishing the Koch brothers a speedy reunion.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Those folks who showed up to protest on behalf of Maurice Hill, who turned a Philly neighborhood into a free-fire zone for several hours..." blah blah blah.

    Policemen shot in the head with military-grade weapons --- all survived. Police seen at cars rubbing red liquid on their uniforms... and Maurice was ---- A VALUED POLICE INFORMANT. All of this just after the leaked FBI report averring thaty black people are more dangerous than Al-CIAda and white identity extremists combined.

    You and yours know with certainty that, with the video evidence plus the ludicrous notion that multiple people can get shot in the head by a high-powered rifle and ALL of them survive, if Hill was white, would be bleating "FALSE FLAG" at the top of your lungs.

  18. Anonymous12:41 PM

    “You and yours know with certainty that, with the video evidence plus the ludicrous notion that multiple people can get shot in the head by a high-powered rifle and ALL of them survive, if Hill was white, would be bleating ‘FALSE FLAG’ at the top of your lungs.”

    You must have me confused with Alex Jones.

    People claiming vast, nefarious conspiracies have the obligation to supply credible evidence supporting them. They almost never can.

  19. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Also, none of the officers were shot “in the head.” One officer suffered a graze wound to the side of his head. Luckily for them, Maurice Hill must be a lousy shot.

  20. Croakinkoch. One down, three to go. Waltons can line up to be next.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:22 PM

    From today's Political Wire

    Anthony Scaramucci compared President Trump to the Rev. Jim Jones, the cult leader who led hundreds to their death Jonestown, Guyana, in 1978.

    Said Scarmucci: “It’s like a hostage crisis inside the White House and the hostages have Stockholm Syndrome. Donald Trump as Rev. Jim Jones. When will it break?”

  22. Clown News Network3:00 PM

    Andrew McCabe, one of the central figures of the “Russia collusion” hoax, who was fired from the FBI for lying about his leaks to the media, has been hired by CNN, one of the media outlets that did the most to perpetuate the damaging hoax.

  23. Had heard about this particular column of Robinson's but have been too cheap to subscribe to the Post. The "raving like a lunatic" line resonated and was richly deserved. Thanks, Field.

  24. If lying to Feds were a crime there would be zero stoopid fucking wingnuts not in prison for life plus a million years.

  25. Wow, AG Barr sends emails to white supremacists. I mean he works for one so it makes sense.

  26. Anonymous5:26 PM

    “Wow, AG Barr sends emails to white supremacists. I mean he works for one so it makes sense.”

    The DOJ didn’t send an email TO white supremacists. It was a memo sent to the employees of our immigration courts, which, under our fucked-up system, are not actual courts but are part of the Executive Branch, reporting to the DOJ.

    This memo is a regular thing and includes links to immigration-related news. The latest edition included a link to an article on VDARE, which is an immigration hate site. Apparently, the article rants about immigration judges being too nice to immigrants, using antisemitic-sounding language. (Probably implying that our judges are too Jewwy, and invoking the conspiracy theory that Jews are “importing” illegal immigrants.)

    Of course, Barr had to apologize for this, because Trump is currently in the middle of pretending to care deeply about antisemitism, as part of his campaign of smears against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, whom he has falsely accused of hating Jews.

  27. Drumpf's meltdown continues. He just reinstated postponed tariffs on 300 billion dollars of Chinese goods and Dow dropped over 600 points for the day.

    Fed Chair Powell says the Fed can't fix this stoopid fuckers trade wars with China.

    And then there is this...The Dow Jones industrial average closed with a loss of 2.4 percent, a 623-point drop, while the Nasdaq composite and S&P 500 ended Friday down 3 percent and 2.6 percent respectively.

  28. Moar collateral damage from the unhinged orange crybaby in the kremlin annex...

  29. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Helping China maintain unfair trade practices that hurt American workers to own Trump.

    That's progressive.

  30. So now in full, public tantrum over China's refusal to suck his dick in response to the trade war he started, Fergus has "ordered" US businesses to not do business with China.
    No word as to whether that applies to "Trump" merchandise manufactured there or not.
    It's a little bit sad to watch someone, even Fergus, get so publicly humiliated over and over.
    If it was a little league game, they would have "mercy ruled" it a long time ago, but it's not a fucking game.
    It's the goddamn Republican party sending a complete moron to do the hardest job in the world because they are all morons themselves and like the guy.
    Fuck you assholes.
    You will not weasel away from this like you did with dubya.
    We will burn the goddamn life boats and you will own it this time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. Anonymous7:37 PM

    “Helping China maintain unfair trade practices that hurt American workers to own Trump.”

    Helping the economy crash by slapping on tariffs that won’t make China budge on any of their trade practices, and that in many cases are meant to address problems that aren’t even real.

    That’s moronic.

  32. Welcome to trump's America.

  33. "We have a tiresome reality show whose ratings have begun to slide — and whose fading star sees cancellation on the way."

    We can only hope.

  34. Anonymous8:30 PM

    The rapid alt left is getting very desperate…..

  35. Anonymous8:34 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The rapid alt left is getting very desperate…..

    8:30 PM
    It's you president that's getting desperate. Pretty soon you're going to figure that out. Good luck.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    8:34 PM


  38. There is no goddamn "alt left" you moron. Y'all came up with the stupid, stupid name for yourselves of "alt right" because "Nazi" made you all cranky and constipated, and was way too close to home for the goddamn Bannonite Breitbarters to maintain their grift of the Pig People while wearing like the badge of honor they really see it as.

    So take "alt left" and stick it in your butt with your head.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Doug is alt stupid.

  40. Lt. Commander Johnson12:02 AM

    What's wrong with making an offer to buy Greenland? So what? People make offers on real estate all the time. We got the Louisiana Purchase for penny's. We bought Alaska from Russia for practically nothing. (Remember who "discovered" Alaska? Vitus Bering, who sailed for the Danes) China and Russia are both making moves to acquire the wealth of Greenland. It would be strategic for the US to own Greenland, or annex it at least. I find it hard to believe a small country like Denmark can afford to maintain a country like Greenland, anyway. (Didn't Greenland used to be referred to as the smallest continent?)

    Trump is not "obsessed" with purchasing Greenland. It was just an offer. We could send all the illegal immigrants, and all their "children" there, and let them colonize the place. After all, with all the "Global Climate Change", all the snow will be gone in a few years, anyway.

  41. Anonymous12:33 AM

    There is no goddamn "alt left" you moron.

    Correct.  It's the CONTROL left.  It wants to control everything and everyone, down to every last bit of language and thought.

    The right is authoritarian.  The left is TOTALITARIAN, and doesn't care how many million it has to kill to create its "utopia".  There were at least 60 if not 100 million dead from its 20th-century attempts, and the left still thinks they didn't kill enough people.

    You see posters like "mike from iowa" wanting to kill "wingnuts" right here.  Don't think he won't if he's given the chance.  He's who the government SHOULD be investigating as a threat to national security.

  42. Anonymous12:41 AM

    “I find it hard to believe a small country like Denmark can afford to maintain a country like Greenland, anyway. (Didn't Greenland used to be referred to as the smallest continent?)”

    I don’t think there’s much maintenance cost involved. Greenland’s population is tiny, and the island is mostly ice-covered. And the people who live there really have no interest in being bought by us, by the way.

    But as for Trump’s brainstorm, if all the ice melts due to global warming (which Trump, like the rest of his lying-ass party, pretends doesn’t exist — it’s all a “Chinese hoax,” according to him), then, sure, there are valuable minerals there that would suddenly become cost-effective to mine. But if they’re so valuable, why wouldn’t the Danes want them for themselves? Why on Earth would they sell?

    So, to recap, Trump wants to buy an island that isn’t valuable unless global warming is real, which he says it’s not, and isn’t for sale unless the Danes are idiots, which they’re not.

    Yup, sounds like a typical Trump plan.

  43. "Don't think he won't if he's given the chance."

    I can't speak for Mike, but I have the chance all the damn time. Had it since I was nine years old.
    But unlike Fergus' fanboys, I can be trusted with a firearm, or really, with eleven of them. Maybe more, but that's what's currently in the gun cabinet, and I have no plans for any new acquisitions.

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Best description of why stoopid fucking wingnuts vote for stoopid fucking wingnuts. This was written to ex0-plain Northern Mississippi's DC congressional reps voting with Drumopf, but applies to all stoopid fucking wingnut voters everywhere.

    Thin, Roundy and Dirty don’t represent SD’s citizens, yet they keep winning overwhelmingly. Here’s why:

    Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.

    After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

    Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

    Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.

    Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

    After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they know that’s the way it’s always been done around here.

    And that, my friends, is why a GOP voter is always a GOP voter in SD.

  45. You see posters like "mike from iowa" wanting to kill "wingnuts" right here. Don't think he won't if he's given the chance. He's who the government SHOULD be investigating as a threat to national security.

    And you are a fucking liar and scare/hate monger. Your side has suggested numerous times I should be killed. But none of you snowflake whiny ammosexuals have the guts to do it yourselves.

    You and Drumopfuck's rhetoric is causing more and more white scumacyst killings and more Planned Parenthood and abortion providers are getting more death threats because of the shit you fucking wasicu wasteys spew.

    Mass murders are your answer to all domestic problems and calling innocent immigrants and their children enemy invaders is a sure way to get more killed. That is on your fucking pin head, fucking pin head!

  46. Another snowflake, ammosexual meltdown got a dose of reality...

    Wasicu screamed at a black woman for parking in a handicapped spot. Her boyfriend came out of the store and shoved loudmouth away from his car and whitey pulled a gun and plugged the unarmed black man as he was backing away. Then the whiny ammosexual lied his ass off to cops that he was afraid because the black guy was threatening him. Enjoy prison, prick.

  47. Kim Davis and Kaintuck get their collective cans kicked down the road...

    Life gets better for all of us.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:50 AM

    Trump has become totally unhinged this week as described in an article in Raw Story today.

    "By the end of the week, Trump was ordering American companies to stop dealing with China and essentially calling the chairman of the Federal Reserve, whom he appointed, an enemy of the state."

    My question is, does Trump really believe he is the "chosen one"? And one more - does he really believe he can order American businessmen to stop dealing with China?

  49. Commandeered Queenie, your o9range bud in the kremlin annex is certifiably insane and proves it everytime he lies about collecting billions in tariffs from China that people in the US are actually paying.

    So, my little snowflake, when are you gonna start begging the fucking moron to get the help he so desperately needs for the good of what is left of our nation?

  50. HYPOCRISY, thy name be McCTurtlefuckface

    MoscowBitch Mitch doesn't want Dems to change filibuster rules if they gain back the sinate next election.

  51. Drumpf says it won't hurt his fe fes if Powell quits. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck wants interest rate cuts now but economists, those people who actually understand how stuff works and do not shill for Fake News, claim interest cuts now would mitigate any positives for the economy when recession hits.

    Drumpfuck does not know, and does not care how things work. He waits to see what happens then he either takes credit he doesn't deserve or refuse to accept the scorn and derision he so richly deserves.

  52. Only the best people he hires.

    The New York Times reported President Donald Trump’s new White House Press Secretary has two arrests for driving under the influence and lost two jobs over alleged charges of plagiarism and cheating expenses.

    The Times’ Elizabeth Williamson reported Wednesday that Stephanie Grisham was arrested for driving under the influence in 2015, while she was working for Trump’s presidential campaign.

    “In December 2015 in Arizona, Ms. Grisham was arrested for driving under the influence. She pleaded guilty and was fined, and in August 2016 the court ordered her into a treatment program. It was a second offense: In 2013 she was arrested for driving under the influence, speeding and driving with an invalid license.”

  53. A Maryland man spent nearly three months in jail after CBP agents accused him of carrying liquid meth, when what he actually had was honey.

    Leon Haughton told The Washington Post that he was stopped at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport on December 29.

    He said he was jailed after US Customs and Border Protection agents on December 29 alleged that the three jars of honey he had brought back from Jamaica were actually meth.

    He remained in jail for 82 days even though state and federal lab tests determined the honey was actually honey.

    Haughton, a Jamaican native and green card holder with no prior convictions, told The Post that this was the first time he had been stopped by customs in the 10 years he had been traveling back and forth to visit his mother.

    He lost his job over the bogus incarceration and now drives a bread truck for a living.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Georgia cops arrested people with folic acid, starlight mints, vitamins, Goody's Headache Powder, cotton candy and who knows what else because of failed drug kit tests that were misread by cops.

    Georgians lost jobs and one mother nearly lost her children because cops wouldn't follow the rules.

  55. Going after your hand picked Fed chair is not a good look.

  56. Here's to justice.

  57. Some Drumpf lover explain how it is possible for Drumpf to order businesses to leave China if his tariffs are working the way he claims? If China was paying billions to US, they aren't, there would be no need for businesses to leave there.

    But, as we all know, Drumpf is a stoopid fucking wingnut moron with orange shit fer brains and his followers are the same.

  58. “President Trump stands to save millions of dollars annually in interest on outstanding loans on his hotels and resorts if the Federal Reserve lowers rates as he has been demanding, according to public filings and financial experts,” The Washington Post reported Saturday.

    Eugene Robinson is always a good read.

  59. Anonymous12:21 AM

    It's you president that's getting desperate. Pretty soon you're going to figure that out. Good luck.
    8:53 PM

    He is your President too.....

  60. "He is your President too....."

    Not for long.

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. Obama is the last legitimately elected Potus of America. PathologicaL liar Russian agent Drumpf will never be legitimate.

    And there ain't a fucking thing you stoopid fucking bastards can do to make him legitimate.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:47 AM

    Friday the Wall Street Journal gave Mr. Trump a good thrashing, telling him that the US is not the People's Republic of America. Donnie should know that it's not a good idea to upset the corporate community. It was OK for him to pick on Mexicans, Blacks, Jews, women, children, and the disabled. But when his idiotic behavior starts to in danger corporate America, then it's time to intervene.

  63. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Donald Trump “hereby decrees” that all American companies must leave China!


  64. Yr Wonkette Says Only Good Things About The Dead. David Koch Is Dead. Good


  65. Anonymous said...
    "Also, none of the officers were shot “in the head.” One officer suffered a graze wound to the side of his head. Luckily for them, Maurice Hill must be a lousy shot."

    Initial televised reports gave the story I gave you and the video of the police rubbing a red substance on their uniforms and faces, once on CNN and You Tube, has been scrubbed. Then there's the fact that Hill became an endangered "species" as, after allegedly shooting cops, he was taken alive

    From this, you "should" understand what is at play here. But since roles are reversed and for you, suddenly pathology comes into play, It's obvious you can see neither the forest nor the trees.



    Drumpfuck has politicized Border Patrol. What a stone waste of stoopid fucking white he is.


    Most people associate Drumpf with the word rapist. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  69. PilotX, next time you fly over Obrien County, iowa fly low and waggle your wings. I will toss you up a bag of garden fresh new potatoes(5 varieties) and onions (2 Varieties) and some fresh jalapeno [peppers I planted thinking they were sweet bell peppers. Can't say anything good about the peppers, but the rest of the stuff would be great on a grill.

  70. Found in Aimee Mann's Twitter feed:

    "Matt McDermott
    ‏Verified account @mattmfm
    3h3 hours ago

    12,000 showed up for the @ewarren rally in Minnesota. 15,000 for her Seattle rally. Folks, there’s something happening here."

    -Doug in Oakland

  71. Anonymous9:12 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Most people associate Drumpf with the word rapist. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
    6:17 PM


  72. Anonymous9:16 PM

  73. Anonymous9:17 PM

    3 black men arrested for Popeyes chicken robbery

  74. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Negro Teen shot twice in the back of the head in Southwest Philadelphia schoolyard:


  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 PM

    PilotX at 9:34 PM

    Time to call the SPLC and sue the bastards in Alabama.

  77. Eugene Robinson is always a must read. I have been in a state of outrage since this racist sociopath was elected. It is continually astonishing to me that almost 40% of American voters are so utterly gullible or hate-filled or simply brainwashed. I live in Texas and half the people I work with support Trump; I can barely speak to them. Thank you for your clear-thinking, intelligent, and thoughtful columns; we desperately need more voices of reason.

  78. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Again... "Orange Man Bad!"

  79. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Again..."Pig People".

  80. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Again... two minutes of hate has been extended to three years and counting.

  81. Three Killadelphia Africans arrested after s sring of robberies and vehicle thefts.  America is WAY better off without ANYONE descended from Africans.

    Three men were arrested Friday night in connection with a string of four armed robberies at local Popeyes and Chipotle restaurants that began July 26.

    Caught with a handgun, a large amount of marijuana, assorted pills, and various masks, the suspects were apprehended after their vehicle struck multiple police cruisers and then a light pole while fleeing what police contend was their intended next robbery target, a Popeyes on the 2400 block of Grant Avenue around 11:15 p.m. Friday, police said.

    Patrol officers had identified the suspects’ vehicle as stolen and attempted to stop it as it approached the rear door of the restaurant, police said. That’s when they took off, eventually hitting the light pole that disabled their vehicle, police said. The men, whose identities police did not reveal, were arrested after officers chased them on foot.

    They are accused of robbing the Popeyes on the 4500 block of Castor Avenue at 11 p.m. on July 26, the Popeyes on the 500 block of Adams Avenue on July 27 at 10:30 p.m., a Chipotle on the 2300 block of Cottman Avenue on July 29 at 9:50 p.m, all in Northeast Philadelphia, and a Popeyes on the 3500 block of Aramingo Avenue on Aug. 21 at 10:51 p.m. in Port Richmond.

    At each robbery, police said, the men followed a similar playbook — parking behind the restaurant, entering through the rear door, showing handguns once inside, and forcing an employee to open the safe. In some instances, employees were struck by the alleged robbers, said police, who did not say if anyone was seriously injured.

  82. 'Again..."Pig People".'

    Again? Still. We're hella sick of those fuckers and all the damage they do to the country, but they're not going anywhere any time soon.
    Which is OK, it's Pig People's America too, but their influence has to be attenuated down to match their actual numbers, or the republic will not survive the rule of their Pig-ignorant minority.

    -Doug in Oakland

  83. Anonymous2:32 AM

    “Again... ‘Orange Man Bad!’

    Again...’Pig People.’”

    Yes, the orange man is still bad. And, yes, the people who voted for him are still pigs.

    That being true, why wouldn’t you expect it to be pointed out?

  84. So Fergus wants to nuke hurricanes and Joe Arpaio, fresh off of his presidential pardon, is running for sheriff again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  85. Been 35 plus years of stoopid fucking right wing hate of WJ and HRC and no end in sight. Three years isn't a pimple on a flea's ass in comparison. So fuck you and all fucking whiny stoopid fucking in bred wingnuts and the stumpd broke nags you rode in on.



  86. "Three Killadelphia Africans arrested after s sring of robberies and vehicle thefts. America is WAY better off without ANYONE descended from Africans."

    Really homie? After white men slaughter babies and the elderly in mass shootings we're better off as a country with no people who look like me huh? My bet is we'd be better off without the likes of people like you. Sorry bro, not everyone hates because of skin color and we ain't going nowhere,in the words of Puffy.😆

  87. Pathological liar in kremlin annex now claims he never asked aBout nuking hurricanes because he can't help lying.

    Don't most people have DNA from Africa? Stoopid fucking wingnuts must have inherited the hypocrisy genes.

  88. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Barack was the only President since Nixon to not be investigated.


  89. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "After white men slaughter babies and the elderly in mass shootings"

    Most mass shootings in the USA are committed by blacks.  You just don't hear about them because they are not publicized other than locally and race is specifically not mentioned.

    "we're better off as a country with no people who look like me huh?"

    Quite right.

    "My bet is we'd be better off without the likes of people like you."

    You can experience life without people like me.  Liberia and Ghana await you.  You regularly fly to Brazil, which is far more Africanized than the USA.

    You won't have any of it.  It means trading your condo for a mud hut and your airliner for a tuk-tuk, and you know it.  Whenever white people try to get away from you, you protest the loudest.

    You have already voted with your feet.  You demand to live with, and off of, white people.  You are a flaming hypocrite.

  90. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yet another mass shooting in Chimpcongo, one dead:

    Total of 30 shot between Friday and 2 PM Sunday:

    The only thing people like me do is point out that blacks did all the shooting.

  91. "The only thing people like me do is point out that blacks did all the shooting."

    That's kind of sad. You should do more with your life.

  92. Hey Field, unfortunately on of your fellow Yawdies passed away. Good friend of mine, good pilot and better person. He was from Mandeville.

    1. Lots of Jamaican pilots, especially at United.

  93. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "That's kind of sad. You should do more with your life."

    You mean, like go out and shoot some blacks to even up the score?  Tempting, but no.

    How about "your people" do LESS with their lives and stop shooting each other?  How about you stop proving that black lives DO NOT MATTER to you, because you won't even "snitch" on black killers in order to stop them?

    1. I've never shot anyone in my life, I've never seen anyone shot in my life. You know what I've seen with my people? I've seen my friends and family reach great heights such as graduating from college, med school and law school. I've seen friends and family have kids and watched them graduate from high school and college and go on to great careers and lives. I've seen kids who loved airplanes go to one of my aviation camps and go on to become military fighter pilots and commercial airline pilots just like me. No one I know believes in such superficial and stereotypical tropes as "no snitching". Bro, you must get all your information about blah people from Rush Limbaugh or some other source disconnected from reality. Tell you what, roll to CHICAGO and I'll show you around so you can see real people and not have to rely on cheap stereotypes. Here's a list of the great things we have to do.

  94. There's also the Tri-City tennis tournament coming up this weekend at XS tennis club. Check out XS's website to see the good work they are doing and the owner's story. Pretty remarkable guy, he's Sloan Stephen's coach. Good summer camps and after school programs. Now that's Chicago to me. You can't judge an entire people or area based on it's flaws or you'll miss the whole picture. I guess it's the same as me not judging all people of Italian descent as mobsters who originated the no snitch rule or not judging all rural Americans as opioid addicted losers. Not accurate or intelligent assessment right?

  95. Drumpf's iphone was hacked by China and Russia and stoopid fucking wingnuts still believe HRC's servers were hacked (they weren't). Lock Drumpf up in 2 cells, one with padded walls. Lock his oranhe ass u for compromising the security of America they claimed but never proved HRC compromised.

    What ugly, fucking, in bred, stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys stoopid fucking wingnute be.

  96. Drumpf's newest liar in press chief has 2 DUIs, fired for plagiarism, (Melanoma will love her) and fired for over inflating business expenses and stealing funds from another employer.

  97. I've seen way too many people shot and killed, way too close, and way too stupid... back in the late eighties when that stuff was still a major problem around here.

    Haven't seen anything like that for a long time now because things have been different for a long time now. Started getting better in the mid-nineties and continues to improve as I type this.

    -Doug in Oakland

  98. Black man arrested and handcuffed and paraded around outside his home in his boxers after he cancelled alarm that went off in his home. The company evidently sent the cops anyway and the gentleman was in bed when cops walked into his house,without a warrant, and he met them with his own handgun and could haVE been shot and killed because of a Stoopid mistake.

  99. Man, I wish Trump were the white supremacist low-IQ Wakadans thought he was. He's focused on getting jobs for blacks, getting blacks out of prison, putting blacks in power, while the rest of white America is quite literally allowing black men to kidnap and rape white women without a single negative consequence.

    This is not a sustainable structure for society.

    But, yea, let's focus on shit from 50 fucking years ago. "Muh bus boycott," while blacks are out there throwing white babies off balconies, beating them to death in nurseries, shooting them in the face in strollers in front of their mothers, throwing old men off buses and murdering them, beating women with 2x4s, and kidnapping and raping white women, as bold as day on camera, and walking away.

    JFC, if THIS is "oppression" in America, I'd hate to see fucking freedom. Hopefully we won't live to see that day, which will be a mercy, as opposed to watching y'all turn this into the Congo while crying that we're somehow racist against you.

  100. Josh, trump is focused on making himself richer and nothing else. He is the beneficiary of the Obama economy that saw a larger drop in blah unemployment than under trump. Too bad farmers will be feeling the pain as will our grandkids because of the yuge debt president 5 year old will leave. Let's not me tion the rise in hate crimes that effect us all huh but as long as you're ok?

  101. "as opposed to watching y'all turn this into the Congo while crying that we're somehow racist against you."

    Well Josh, people that make comments like that are kinda well.......racist. Now extrapolate that attitude to people in high offices, let's sayvthe White House and you can see how systematic racist policies can evolve. Like many you imagine fully outfitted klan members burning crosses on front lawns are the only imaginable type of racist when in fact it's actually people like yourself who carry racist baggage that keep us from moving on. But hey thanks for playing and displaying your white sheet for us all to see😂😂😂 Oh I remember the days when you actually used to pretend you weren't racist and were here just to have discussions. We all kinda knew you were full of shit and guess what we were right all along. 😂

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Josh, just a few of the ways Drumkpfuck the dumbfuck has helped Black employment- NOT!

    Trump has also frequently touted that black unemployment is at a record low. But that figure is volatile on a monthly basis. After achieving a record low of 5.9 percent in May, it has since jumped back up to 6.6 percent.

    Trump is taking credit he doesn’t deserve for job growth, according to many economists who view the continued growth since the middle of 2009 as the primary explanation for the recent hiring. More important, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening and the administration appears to have done little, if anything, to specifically address this challenge.

    “To identify a single indicator of employment as an indicator of economic health is, at best, incomplete,” said Darrick Hamilton, a professor of economics at the New School in New York City. “It is intentionally deceptive to focus only on that indicator.”

    Government data show troubling economic disparities for black Americans:

    — The median net worth of a black household is just $17,200, according to the Federal Reserve. The median net worth of a white household is 10 times higher. Back in 2004, the median net worth for whites was only seven times higher.

    — The homeownership rate for black Americans has fallen since Trump became president to 41.6 percent, according to the Census Bureau. The gap between white homeownership and black homeownership is now the widest since 1995.

    — Census figures show the average income for a black college graduate is $64,486, about $13,000 less than what a white college graduate earns.

    — The average student debt for someone who is black is $32,047, almost double the average for someone who is white, according to a 2016 study by the Urban Institute.

    Hamilton has examined Trump’s $1.5 trillion worth of tax cuts over the next decade. While deficit-financed cuts might boost growth in the near-term, Hamilton found that the changes engineered to the tax code by the administration could worsen the racial wealth gap.

    With a racist friend like Drumpf, Blacks and other minorities don't need enemies.

  104. Another stoopid fucking looser wingnut congress POS, this one from Wisconsin, is baIling on Congress in Sept. Sean Duffy, whose wife is a reporter for Fake Noize calling it quits. Don't let the door hitcha where the imaginary lourde splitcha.

  105. Mike, I think Josh knows the true economic status under trump he's just here to troll.

  106. Got another Drumpf leg humper over at Dakota Free Press trying to convince normal human beings that Alex Jones is right about everything and we should paY moar attention to him. He claims to be independent, but he defends all of Drumpf's policies and lies and says we are winning the trade war. Fucker is nutz.

  107. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Chiraq Report........ 29 shot, 4 stabbed, 1 run over with a truck, 1 choked, 6 dead

  108. Anonymous9:32 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  109. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:32 PM
    Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!

  110. Chicago report Bears beat Colts, the Sox are in town against the Twins. Best starting pitching in baseball since Aug 7. Looking forward to next year.

  111. Harris/Booker 2020!

  112. So here it comes:

    Ahead of the 2020 election and all of the potential shenanigans that will no doubt be deployed therein, a Republican commissioner of the FEC is stepping down, thus depriving the agency of the quorum required to issue new rules or open new investigations.

    The already open seats on the commission have been that way for a year or so, and Fergus has shown no interest in appointing replacements.

    And Josh, I'm glad to find you terrified of the contents of your propaganda. Hopefully you'll continue to live the life of an infinitely reprogrammable poltroon who is too terrified of his own delusions to really enjoy anything he experiences.

    I'll be strolling around the neighborhood with my quad-cane making new friends of the folks who have been moving into the area from the places you shit yourself when Fox News commands you to think about them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  113. Anonymous2:31 AM

  114. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "I've never shot anyone in my life"

    Neither have I, though I've been prepared to more than once.

    "I've never seen anyone shot in my life."

    Neither have I, but your Bronzeville neighborhood has had at least as many shootings this year as my county has had this DECADE AFAIK.  Both your shooters and shootees are black.

    The next county over from me (0.6% black) had a highly-publicized shooting death of a black "man" a year or so ago.  Both of the men charged in his death had connections to drugs and a majority-black city a long ways away, and one was himself black.  Were we allowed to keep blacks out, that murder would likely have happened... somewhere far away, where it wasn't a white problem.

    That county also had an incident where a black "man" armed with a knife tried to commit home invasions, but was repelled by his white female targets.  He tried to escape through woods but the good ol' boys rounded him up right quick.  Again, COULD not have happened if they were allowed to keep "your people" out.

    "No one I know believes in such superficial and stereotypical tropes as "no snitching"."

    So why is the homicide clearance rate of Chimpcongo less than 1 in 6?  It isn't because Whitey is refusing to tell the cops who the shooters are.

  115. I've seen hella people shot and killed, right up close, thirty fucking years ago when there was a lot of it happening everywhere.

    Hardly anyone gets shot around here any more, and by any more I mean in the past fifteen years.

    -Doug in Oakland

  116. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I've seen hella people shot and killed, right up close, thirty fucking years ago when there was a lot of it happening everywhere.

    That's because you lived among the black undertow.  I have NEVER seen anyone shot and killed, because the black undertow is exactly what I avoid.

    Hardly anyone gets shot around here any more

    Because Oakland's black undertow has been exported to places like Las Vegas.  Give those suffering whites your prayers, because they are dealing with the problems they did not deserve, but they suffer because you pushed them eastward.

  117. Anonymous3:32 AM

    "So why is the homicide clearance rate of Chimpcongo less than 1 in 6? It isn't because Whitey is refusing to tell the cops who the shooters are."

    You're probably not smart enough to figure this one out huh?

    "Neither have I, but your Bronzeville neighborhood has had at least as many shootings this year as my county has had this DECADE AFAIK. Both your shooters and shootees are black."

    Well if most people in Bronzeville are blah people then most things that happen good and bad will be committed by us. You're not a MENSA guy are you? Just like in white counties most crimes are committed by whites. The OD's, thefts, ect. Get over yourself, every race has problems and dwelling on ours does no one any good. You can help fix the opioid crisis or something instead of spending time here detailing the failings of a few blah folks. But hey it's your life and you can waste it any way you choose.


  118. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Well if most people in Bronzeville are blah people then most things that happen good and bad will be committed by us."

    That wasn't the question, and you know it.  The question is WHY YOU DO THEM SO OFTEN.  You know, the "rate" part of "crime rate".

    "You're not a MENSA guy are you?"

    Says the one who has to evade and play dumb to avoid admitting the bleeding obvious.

    "Just like in white counties most crimes are committed by whites. The OD's, thefts, ect."

    The poorest white area in the USA has a lower rate of violent crime than the richest black area.  Crime rate.

    "Get over yourself, every race has problems and dwelling on ours does no one any good."

    On the contrary.  You blame whites for your problems, and then call them racist when they propose solutions.  It's time for you to man up and take responsibility for your cousins on the west side of town.  Unshackle your police.  Get rid of Foxx, Dart and the chief lesbian.  Fill up the jail and keep the thugs from doing so much stealing, carjacking and shooting.

    Segregation was the result of "dwelling on" (daring to notice) black pathology.  It did an EXCELLENT job of keeping black problems among blacks and away from everyone else.  You create them, so you deserve them; nobody else does.

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