Friday, August 16, 2019

Not all protests are created equal.

Image result for Philly shootout
I'm sorry people, but I have to attack black tonight.

We all know by now about the mass shooting in Philly this past Wednesday. Six police officers shot, an entire neighborhood put on lock down, and one urban terrorist with a rap sheet as long as Broad Street keeping an entire city and community in a state of fear and terror for damn near three hours. (He was firing shots out of a trap house while little children in the area were being let out from their day- care for crying out loud!)

Fortunately for all those involved , there was no loss of life, and the urban terrorist was taken alive. (Shout out to Philly's police chief for a job well done.)

So having said all that, I am mad at my people tonight because I was shocked to hear that some folks in the community were actually holding a rally on behalf of....wait for it....wait for it.....the urban terrorist who allegedly created all of this mayhem and chaos in the first place. Now why in the name of Huey P. Newton would folks march to protest his treatment at the hands of police?  It seems to me that the folks in our various communities should be coming together to figure out just what in the hell is going on with these young bucks who have no respect for human life. There were five more injured in one shooting incident yesterday. And I am quite sure that there will be more just like this in the days to come. 

And yet....

"Organizers of a protest in support of Maurice Hill, the suspect in the Philadelphia shootout earlier this week, expected 200 to 300 people to show up, CBS affiliate KYW-TV reported.
The chaotic and lengthy shootout that played out in the Nicetown-Tioga neighborhood Wednesday left six police officers injured and captured national attention.

 Richard Ross, the city’s police commissioner, said cops would show up at the Friday night demonstration in North Philadelphia, according to KYW-TV. “There’s certain marches I do understand, this is definitely not one of them,” Ross said." 

I couldn't agree with the commissioner more

My brothers and sisters, this is not a hill you want to die on. It diminishes the real struggle for social justice when we rally around urban terrorists who do not deserve our support. 


  1. Dave Zirin = faggot kike11:38 PM

    Trump supporters are loving it. They get off on divisiveness. That’s one of the many reasons they are so reprehensible.

  2. Yeah, I don't get this either. But I don't have much room to talk, Oakland will throw a riot for anything, and sometimes nothing at all.
    We do come out for real stuff, though, and I'm mostly proud of that, but damn, a football game? Really?
    It doesn't help to waste your platform on reflexive action about things that weaken your platform. I mean it's good when you have your tribe ready to respond to a call to action, but think before you make that call.
    The next time they need to protest something in Philly, the news coverage will probably mention this and dilute whatever effect you could have had if people were still taking you seriously.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Something to Ponder12:46 AM

    New Jersey and Nebraska are shit states.

  4. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Back ground check laws, preventing possession and sales to felons, plus automatic sentencing for violators would help prevent these incidence.

  5. Anonymous2:43 AM

    There is so much anger toward the police in the black community, much of it justifiable. But if that anger is not directed into productive endeavors by conscientious leaders, then anyone who defies the police starts to seem like a hero. And you end up with the obscene spectacle of protesters campaigning for poor, oppressed Maurice Hill.

    This is not a good look.

    But those same lessons also apply to BLM and general efforts to reform the police. Some of the rhetoric is over the top and alienating to people that the movement need to convince. Some of the acts of civil disobedience (blocking highways and malls, disrupting restaurant patrons meals to lecture them on racism) are attention-grabbing, but even more alienating.

    The bottom line is to ask what your actions look like to the people whose minds you're trying to change. Not the hardcore racists -- you won't ever change their minds. But the people on the fence, the uninformed people who usually don't pay that much attention to politics, etc.

    Does whatever you're doing look like you're fighting for a just cause? Or does it look like you've lost your damn mind, like those folks putting on their capes to go save Maurice Hill?

  6. Probably not the best thing to do with Maurice Hill, but, and in Drumpf's case this is a bigly butt, white scumacyst mass killers are being idolized and revered on white scumacyst sites. I'm sure pols of the worthless wingnut variety are using these slaughters to raise funds for elections. And people like Hill aren't quoting Black leaders when they shoot.

    Sooner, rather than later, Drumpf will tweet his approval of white terrorists and then lie about it.

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    If Maurice Hill had been behind bars where he belonged, this COULD NOT have happened.  He was dangerous and should not have been running loose.

    But "the community" whines about "over-incarceration" and "too many black men in prison".  You can't have it both ways.

  8. Anymoose, offer yer ass to replace someone in prison. You'd be doing the world a favor, even if the releasee is a mass murderer.

    Just don't mention child molesting to any cellmates. They frown on people who molest kids.

  9. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Back ground check laws, preventing possession and sales to felons, plus automatic sentencing for violators would help prevent these incidence.
    2:33 AM

    Already on the books. To bad Liberal (progressive left) and racist judges/states attorneys let these monsters go on a daily basis.

  10. Anonymous10:34 AM

  11. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Trump arranged for Shell workers in PA to be forced to attend his speech so it would look like there are meaningful numbers of Americans who support his dumb economic policies. (There are not.) He also took credit for the plant being built, but it was already planned and approved under the Obama administration. Trump did nothing.

    Shell Workers Had To Attend Trump Speech To Be Paid, Were Ordered Not To Protest: Report

  12. "Already on the books. To bad Liberal (progressive left) and racist judges/states attorneys let these monsters go on a daily basis."

    Well let's just ban all guns.

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Back ground check laws, preventing possession and sales to felons, plus automatic sentencing for violators would help prevent these incidence.
    2:33 AM

    Already on the books. To bad Liberal (progressive left) and racist judges/states attorneys let these monsters go on a daily basis.

    9:57 AM
    You're full of it, Anon. 9:57. These laws are not on the books in all states. In the unregulated states, a felon or anyone else can buy a gun and drive to the nearest regulated state and kill as many people as he wants. From Nevada to California is a good example of this. Don't be trying to blame liberal judges. Blame the Republicans in congress who refuse to enact any legislation to protect the people of this country. These Republicans are bought are bought and paid for by the NRA. They couldn't care less how may people die as long as it's not someone in their families.

  14. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Props to Field where it is due.

    The behavior of the inhabitants of this Philly neighborhood has been reprehensible.

    During the standoff, bystanders were harassing and shoving police officers trying to deal with an active shooter situation.

    Black solidarity is admirable, but making heroes and martyrs out of the worst criminals in your community is a sign of severe dysfunction.

  15. Anonymous2:17 PM

    You're full of it, Anon. 9:57. These laws are not on the books in all states. In the unregulated states, a felon or anyone else can buy a gun and drive to the nearest regulated state and kill as many people as he wants. From Nevada to California is a good example of this. Don't be trying to blame liberal judges. Blame the Republicans in congress who refuse to enact any legislation to protect the people of this country. These Republicans are bought are bought and paid for by the NRA. They couldn't care less how may people die as long as it's not someone in their families.
    11:44 AM

    No, you are full of shit. What is an "un-regulated state"??? if you go to a gun shop/FFL you must go thru a back ground check. You just cant waltz into a gun store and whip out your visa and go bull-shitter.

    Sanctuary States (CA,IL,NY,NJ) have the highest violent crime because liberal judges and states attorneys let the criminals go. These States are slowly changing some of their criminal code so negroes between the ages 0f 18-21 are classified as Minors to avoid any real jail/prison time.

  16. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Well let's just ban all guns.
    11:12 AM

    You cannot, its Constitutionally protected. Guns are not the problem niggers are.

  17. Anonymous2:28 PM

    “No, you are full of shit. What is an ‘un-regulated state’??? if you go to a gun shop/FFL you must go thru a back ground check. You just cant waltz into a gun store and whip out your visa and go bull-shitter.”

    No, but in many states, you can go to a gun show or buy person-to-person off the Internet, and nobody will check jack squat.

    In many states, there is no permitting, no registration, and virtually no limit on types of weapons that can be purchased, either.

    Red State America does not care about keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous dipshits.

  18. "No, you are full of shit. What is an "un-regulated state"??? if you go to a gun shop/FFL you must go thru a back ground check. You just cant waltz into a gun store and whip out your visa and go bull-shitter."

    The asswipe who murdered those folks at Gilroy did so with a weapon banned in California that he bought legally in Nevada, a short drive away.
    And not all weapons are bought at FFL/gun shops, which is why >90% of the population support expanding background checks to include gun shows and private sales.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:57 PM

    Anonymous said....

    “No, you are full of shit. What is an ‘un-regulated state’??? if you go to a gun shop/FFL you must go thru a back ground check."
    Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) are required to administer a background check before they sell a gun. However, FFLs aren’t the only way to purchase a weapon. Private sellers can also sell firearms and are largely comprised of online sales, gun shows, and person-to-person commerce. Today, it is unclear how many guns are purchased through licensed vendors and how many are not (though 40 percent is one of the most popular estimates).

    While not all states require that guns sold through private vendors pass through a background check first, some do. Washington and Delaware had the highest number of privately conducted gun background checks for handguns, long guns, and other guns. In 2014, Washington became the first state to pass a law requiring that all private sales of firearms be processed through a federally licensed dealer who then initiates the background check.

    Seems to me that 40 percent of the guns sold represents quite a lot of guns.

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  21. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "No, but in many states, you can go to a gun show or buy person-to-person off the Internet, and nobody will check jack squat."

    That's illegal unless they ship to your FFL.

  22. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Trump will save us!!!

  23. iowa white scumacyst Cantaloupe Calves Kingbat gave a townhall meeting in Grundy Center, iowa and a crowd of 2 showed up.
    😊😊 Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  24. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "’No, but in many states, you can go to a gun show or buy person-to-person off the Internet, and nobody will check jack squat.’

    That's illegal unless they ship to your FFL.”

    Not a federal law. Maybe it’s required in your state, but not in most.

    In 32 US states, if you buy a gun from a private seller and he’s in your state, not a different state, it does not have to go through FFL. No background check required.

    Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained

  25. "Trump will save us!!!"

    trump can't even show his taxes.

  26. Pretty obvious some Blacks are as misinformed as all Drumpfuckers.

  27. So Steve King held a town hall in which to double down on his Handmaid's Tale vision of humanity, and double is about what he got, as it was attended by... two people. Who sat across the room from one another, out of embarrassment, one supposes.

    At least he had the stones to hold a town hall, which is more than you can say for most Republicans.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Oops, I was wrong. There weren't two attendees, there was only one. The other person in the photos was an intern.

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. Africans have roughly the same murder rate no matter where in the world they are; Africans-in-America are right in the middle of the road compared to their stay-at-home cousins.

    US whites have about 1/8 the murder rate, and that is counting "hispanics" as white.

  30. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "So Steve King held a town hall in which to double down on his Handmaid's Tale vision of humanity, and double is about what he got, as it was attended by... two people. Who sat across the room from one another, out of embarrassment, one supposes."

    King says he wants the media to apologize to him for having the audacity to cover his "no, guys, rape is actually good" comments.

    Don't hold your breath, Steve.

  31. King, like all stoopid fucking wingnuts, plays the victim card and claim they do nothing wrong.
    Good find on the intern, Doug.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump will save us!!!

    9:31 AM
    Who will saves us from Trump? We will by voting him out.

  33. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Who will saves us from Trump? We will by voting him out.
    6:56 PM

    LOL,last time you twats said he couldn't win!!

  34. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I don't have to go thru a background check when I sell my car....

  35. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Chicago August 2019 to Date(08/18)
    Shot & Killed: 22
    Shot & Wounded: 159
    Total Shot: 181
    Total Homicides: 22

  36. Anonymous8:54 PM

    “I don't have to go thru a background check when I sell my car....”

    Ah, the ever popular, bogus, “cars are the same as guns” discussion. Always a good time.

    It’s right up there in pointlessness with arguing about whether the Earth is flat.

  37. So some Proud Fascist Boy is crying the blues in Portland because the locals took his hammer from him and hit him with it.
    Being polite with visitors, they hit him in the ribs with the hammer side instead of on his stupid, stupid head with the claw side.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Here are the mugshots of the survivors of the attempt to rob a 75-yr-old Lake County man of his car:

    They are charged with felony murder because their 14-yr-old accomplice got killed when he went after the homeowner with a knife.

    There is nothing human about these images.  In not very long, appearing in public looking like this is going to be almost instantly fatal.

  39. How long will it be before multiple states allow recorded evidence of "flash rob" activity to allow "dead or alive" capture of the perps on judgement of the management, and these robberies become death traps for the scumbags who currently get away with them?

    (Answer:  not soon enough, but coming.)

  40. LOL,last time you twats said he couldn't win!!

    HRC won by 3 million votes. Drumpfuck the Russian agent was appointed by Putin and Moscum Mitch McCTurtlefuckface.


  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Who will saves us from Trump? We will by voting him out.
    6:56 PM

    LOL,last time you twats said he couldn't win!!

    7:02 PM

    That was last time, Honey. Since then he has lost a quarter of the people who voted for him in 2016. He can't win with just his crazy base.base.

  43. Anonymous4:49 PM

    That was last time, Honey. Since then he has lost a quarter of the people who voted for him in 2016. He can't win with just his crazy base.base.
    12:23 PM

    LOL, you guys are so delusional!!!! All your political "experts" are batshit....

  44. Anonymous4:50 PM

    HRC won by 3 million votes. Drumpfuck the Russian agent was appointed by Putin and Moscum Mitch McCTurtlefuckface.
    7:56 AM

    Illegal alien votes and dead people...…..

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:32 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Illegal alien votes and dead people...…..

    4:50 PM
    LOL! Proof? Is that your opinion, or did you just pull it out of Trump's ass?

  46. They're terrified of the fact that they are an ever shrinking minority and any lie, no matter how ridiculous, and no matter how thoroughly debunked, is better to them than the truth of the matter.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Anonymous9:36 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!


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