Sunday, August 18, 2019

Caption Sunday.

Image result for fat trump images
I  need a caption for this pic. 


  1. Wesley R9:45 PM

    Chump needs to go on a diet,the red drapes he wears as a tie everyday can't hide that gut.

  2. Gee, Fergus, what was that you were saying the other day about having a weight problem and needing to exercise?
    You look like the Great White Blob That Ate The Government.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:10 PM

    “I got Scaramucci kicked off Twitter for calling me fat. That’s how important I am.”

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    “Those Proud Nazi Boys in Portland are very fine people. Not like those scary Mooslums Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar — remind me to add them to the terror watch list.”

  5. Sitting on my orange ass all day
    crying Fox polls aren't going my way
    Melanoma quit putting out
    all I can do is sit and pout

    Sitting on my orange ass all day
    Wasting time

  6. Anymoose....FUCK YOU!

    LOSER! again

  7. Fat, ugly and lazy. Trump is doing his best impression of a black man.

  8. What is Boris Johnson doing in a MAGA hat?

  9. "Fat, ugly and lazy. Trump is doing his best impression of a black man."

    The irony of this post is the Black President was trim, good looking and smart. 😂

  10. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Perhaps I should walk the golf course and not ride my 'fat a$$' around in that 'little cart'.

    I haven't seen my self below in a long time; wonder if it's still a 'big button'.

  11. Anonymous4:18 PM

    In 2016, Trump won white women without college degrees by 27 points.

    Today, polling indicates he loses that group by six points against a generic Democrat.

    Trump is starting to fail even with working-class whites. Soon he will be left with only the Christian Taliban and the Nazis backing him.

  12. Anonymous4:45 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  13. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    “Those Proud Nazi Boys in Portland are very fine people. Not like those scary Mooslums Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar — remind me to add them to the terror watch list.”
    11:14 PM

    ANTIFA is a Nazi terror organization, they are the Brown Shirts for the Democratic Party.

  14. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    In 2016, Trump won white women without college degrees by 27 points.

    Today, polling indicates he loses that group by six points against a generic Democrat.

    Trump is starting to fail even with working-class whites. Soon he will be left with only the Christian Taliban and the Nazis backing him.
    4:18 PM

    And 99% of pollsters and political pundits were wrong about ALL things Trump, he got elected and he WILL be elected again.....

  15. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "ANTIFA is a Nazi terror organization, they are the Brown Shirts for the Democratic Party."

    Remind me, when was the last mass shooting/bombing carried out by Antifa?

    Meanwhile ...

    A man has been arrested for allegedly threatening a shooting at a Jewish community center in Ohio

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:17 PM

    Anonymous said....

    And 99% of pollsters and political pundits were wrong about ALL things Trump, he got elected and he WILL be elected again.....

    4:48 PM
    But 99 percent of the pollsters were correct. Hillary did win the popular vote by almost three million. The polls didn't account for the Electoral College. In 2020 there will be a massive turn out of Democratic voters and Trump will lose. It's likely that by 2022, Trump will be in prison for the following crimes:
    1. Obstruction of justice; 2. income tax evasion; 3.Illegal use of campaign funds; 4. Insurance fraud;
    5. Bank fraud; 6. Money laundering.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:23 PM

    Anonymous said....

    ANTIFA is a Nazi terror organization, they are the Brown Shirts for the Democratic Party.

    4:46 PM
    That's good. We need someone violent to counteract the Proud Boys and their Nazis friends.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:28 PM

    PILOTX said...
    The irony of this post is the Black President was trim, good looking and smart. 😂

    1:02 PM
    True and he is now the most admired man in America, and his wife, Michelle, is the most admired woman. What's the world coming to??? Better days ahead, I think.

  19. Antifa is not affiliated with any other group or organizations, unlike wingnuts beloved Proud Terrorists with Klan inclinations.

    Why don't police arrest and prosecute white scumacysts for violent crimes against liberals?


    Drumpfuckism in a nutshell.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:51 PM

    Marketwatch has an encouraging opinion piece that may bring joy to sane people's hearts. It's worth a look. Of course the trolls will scoff, but who cares what they think or write?

  22. Anonymous11:16 PM

    In 2020 there will be a massive turn out of Democratic voters and Trump will lose. It's likely that by 2022, Trump will be in prison for the following crimes:
    1. Obstruction of justice; 2. income tax evasion; 3.Illegal use of campaign funds; 4. Insurance fraud;
    5. Bank fraud; 6. Money laundering.
    6:17 PM


  23. Fergus just knocked Planned Parenthood out of title X, so millions of women who get their reproductive health care there just got yet another reason, very close to home, to want to get Fergus out of the white house and out of the way of their contraception, STI and cancer screening, and access to abortion.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Lots of women of color get their birth control and abortions from Planned Parenthood, so I guess now with all the unwanted babies they'll be having, that means the non-white birth rate will be going up!

    So ... this is why you voted for Trump, right, racists?

    You guys keep talking about stable genius Trump playing 20-dimensional chess, but it looks like you checkmated yourselves.

  25. Anonymous3:14 AM

    trump 10-20!

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:58 AM

    dinthebeast said....

    You guys keep talking about stable genius Trump playing 20-dimensional chess, but it looks like you checkmated yourselves.

    11:49 PM
    Hey Doug, I'm pretty sure Trump isn't capable of playing dimensional chess at all. He probably can't even play checkers since that game also requires a player to plan moves ahead. The best he can play is the Three-Card Monte or bait and switch. He's pretty good at cheating.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:02 AM

    Anonymous said...

    trump 10-20!

    3:14 AM
    trump 2020 defeated
    trump 2021 indited
    trump 2022 in prison

  28. Lt. Commander Johnson11:35 AM

    Queenie, I'm surely glad you got your "Masters Degree". Indited is spelled indicted.

    Prison? Never happens. If so, next to Hillary, Comey, Obama, Lynch...the list goes on.


    BTW...where and when was this pic verified as really being of Trump?

  29. Commandeered Queenie, you missed or plain ignored the findings of the special persecutor assigned to railroad Clinton and her emails by making up shit about China hacking her personal server. That was made up by your stoopid fucking right wing wasicu nut job buds and they admitted China did not hack her private server.

    How many moar failed investigations are you, personally willing to endure before you finally admit the truth? You and stoopid fucking wingnuts have lied, falsely accused, slandered and libeled Clintons for over 35 years without a single actionable, invictable charge against anyone named Bill, HRC or Chelsea Clinton.

  30. Commandeered Queenie, why are wingnuts blocking Dems attempts to investigate Russia and NRA ties to Drumpfuck's money laundering campaign? Of course you know when Dems investigate they actually find criminal acts and indictable criminals, something stoopid fucking wingnuts are incapable of ever doing.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:21 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    Queenie, I'm surely glad you got your "Masters Degree". Indited is spelled indicted.

    So I missed the c key. If it bothers you, sue me.

    "BTW...where and when was this pic verified as really being of Trump?"
    It sure looks like him, but who cares?

  32. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Trump is pushing for Russia to be allowed to rejoin G8. I guess Putin’s rigging of our election is paying off for him.

  33. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Trump is pushing for Russia to be allowed to rejoin G8. I guess Putin’s rigging of our election is paying off for him.
    5:35 PM


  34. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anonymous said...

    trump 10-20!

    3:14 AM
    trump 2020 defeated
    trump 2021 indited
    trump 2022 in prison
    10:02 AM

    Another example of left wing delusion and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  35. Delusional deplorable despicably unadorable anyfuckingmoose is stuck on lock her up, years after penultimate failure to lock her up.

    Doing th3e same thing over and over and over and over again and getting the same insane result is incontrovertible evidence stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts are insane.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:51 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Another example of left wing delusion and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    6:29 PM
    Trump is the delusional one and you are his disciple.

  37. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Blacks just need to get over it. I did nothing to them. My parents did nothing to them. My grandparents did nothing to them. Blacks are the racists but what difference does it make? Always been this way, always will. LET IT GO!

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