Friday, August 30, 2019

Today would be a good day for Donald trump to release his tax returns.

Image result for trump taxes images        I need you all to pay attention to what is happening in America.

" A federal judge has denied congressional Democrats’ request to speed up their case seeking copies of President Donald Trump’s personal tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service.
Thursday’s decision by U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden makes it less likely that Democrats will win their lawsuit before November 2020, though nobody knows for sure how long the district court case and subsequent appeals might take.

The American public has seen the tax returns of every president from Richard Nixon through Barack Obama. Trump has offered a series of shifting justifications for keeping his private, including that he’s been under audit and that “people wouldn’t understand” them.

The House Ways and Means Committee sought access to the president’s returns under a federal disclosure law, but the Trump administration blocked its request in an unprecedented move. Democrats sued in July and then last week asked the court to hurry the case.

But Trump’s lawyers argued that the lawsuit raises too many questions about the separation of powers between Congress, the executive branch and the judiciary for the court to rush, and Judge McFadden agreed.

McFadden, a Trump appointee, wrote in his order Thursday that “the weighty constitutional issues and political ramifications it presents militate in favor of caution and deliberation, not haste.”
And there’s another reason McFadden wants to wait: Duane Morley Cox, an 80-year-old Trump supporter who has been filing motions to intervene in this case and several others from Logan, Utah. 
Allowing this case to proceed could distract the president from his official duties, Cox argued in a brief filed in July. If Democrats had obtained the tax returns and were asking questions about them back in June, he suggested, Trump might have been too distracted to reconsider a retaliatory attack on Iran.

“But then the Iranians might have escalated matters,” Cox wrote, “and we could today be in a military situation which affected oil deliveries throughout the world, and resulting military consequences with their attendant negative impact upon the economies of many nations, including the United States.”

Trump’s team has already told the judge that it doesn’t want Cox’s help and doesn’t think he has standing to intervene. But McFadden still cited Cox as a reason to not speed up the case, noting that the Ways and Means Committee had “taken no position on whether Mr. Cox should be allowed to intervene” and that he hadn’t made up his mind, either.

The tax return lawsuit is one of several cases stemming from the administration’s refusal to provide testimony or documents in response to more than a dozen subpoenas from House committees. Another of those suits, in which Democrats are seeking Trump’s personal financial records from Deutsche Bank, might also yield some tax information.

McFadden’s order means that Democrats will have to rebut arguments that the court shouldn’t even hear the matter as well as arguments about the merits of their case, which turns on the clear language of a tax code provision known as Section 6103. The law says that in response to a request from a tax committee like Ways and Means, the Treasury secretary “shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.”

Trump’s lawyers say Democrats have no legitimate legislative reason for their request and just want to embarrass the president.

Democrats argue that they’re conducting legitimate oversight of the IRS’s review of a sitting president’s returns and that a whistleblower has given them evidence of possible interference with Trump’s audit. " [Source]

The question we must continue to ask ourselves is this: What is Mr. trump trying to hide? Why is he fighting so  hard to keep his tax returns a secret? This is after he promised us that they would be released. 

Lawrence O'Donnell recently said he had good reason to believe that some of the co-signers on trump's loans with Deutsche Bank were Russian billionaires. He has since backtracked on that story, because the folks over at MSNBC legal told him to. Of course this doesn't mean that the story is not true, it's just that it was single sourced and that's not enough in the world of journalism.

“Maybe I’m going to do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate. I’d love to give my tax returns. I may tie my tax returns into Obama’s birth certificate,”  

He already dd Mr. trump. Now it's your turn.

*Pic from


  1. Deutsche Bank admitted in court that they had tax documents from Fergus and his relatives (most likely Kushner) and other financial documents that the house oversight would be interested in.
    It doesn't help Fergus' case that treasury is violating clear, century old, black letter law in failing to produce Fergus' tax documents to the relevant committee chairs.
    Fergus is a crook, and isn't very good at hiding it, because he has spent his whole despicable life celebrating and admiring crooks doing fucked up crooked things.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. We need to know if the guy is compromised He sure acts like a Russian agent. He defends Putin at every turn, he tried to lift sanctions on Russia, he's blocking military aid to Ukrane, he is trying to get Russia back into the G8 and he's actively trying to weaken NATO. That's everything on Russia's wishlist. They wanted to see Barack's birth certificate because he might have been a foreign agent but they're ok with trump actively working against US interets. 🙄

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "it's just that it was single sourced and that's not enough in the world of journalism."

    Sourced from a spoof posted on 4 chan. LOL

    You folks should check out those "Ukrainians" you are so concerned about.
    Why so much sympathy for real life Nazis?

  4. You folks should check out those "Ukrainians" you are so concerned about.
    Why so much sympathy for real life Nazis?

    6:43 AM

    Can't guess, Proud Boy.

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Bloomberg Forced to Correct False Trump-Deutsche Bank Subpoena Story:

  6. Anonymous3:03 PM

    MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts claim that Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's bank loans after president' lawyer threatened to sue – but #RussianCosigners had Already trended on Twitter:

  7. Anonymous3:04 PM

    MSNBC Host Caught Lying about Trump and Deutsche Bank

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Today would be a good day for Barack Obama to release his school records.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Today would be a good day for Barack Obama to release his school records.

    3:07 PM
    Hey Silly, school records are irrelevant, but it would be nice to see school records from Donald, the big, orange ass. I bet he never passed a single class - just skated on daddy's money

  10. Anonymous4:50 PM

    FN: "He already dd Mr. trump"

    He did not, a fake COLB, Certificate of Live Birth, was shown to the American public. Its a terrible attempt at deception, but many fell for it or afraid to question because he is black.

    Its a fake.

  11. Anonymous4:53 PM

  12. Anonymous4:55 PM

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

  14. No evidence O'donnell lied. His story wasn't confirmed by proper authorities and legal staff told he tom back off. I'd betb the story is true and whether it is or not, Drumpf will claim complete exoneration and call everybody except his fat orange ass liars.

  15. The issue is Drumpfuck's tax returns which he has lied about every minute of every fucking day ever since he was shit out on a fence post in Russia.

  16. Aren't there other avenues, other entities seeking the returns? Maybe the district court in New York? Thought this was a multipronged effort. Circumstantial evidence of compromise is overwhelming, the returns would make that evidence solid, or not.

  17. Obama's birth certificate is still being audited and will be released as soon as the audit is done.

    Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is starting to get a return on all his unqualified right wing scumbag justice picks. He has the SPOTUS sewn up and even the state of Arizona has circumvented statute laws and stripped the commi5ttee assigned to pick judge candidates of all Dems and replaced them with far right leaning alleged independents who have already swung the court from slightly center left to extremely far right, anti immigrant whores.

  18. ps McCTurtlefuckface promised the SPOYUS he will protect them from court stuffing by libs because that would not be a nice thing to do.

    If McCTurtlefuckface gets re relected it will be the biggest theft of a senate seat ever.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    FN: "He already dd Mr. trump"

    He did not, a fake COLB, Certificate of Live Birth, was shown to the American public. Its a terrible attempt at deception, but many fell for it or afraid to question because he is black.

    Its a fake.(It's)

    4:50 PM
    Your post makes me sad that you still cling to your fantasy about Obama's birth. I have a "fake" birth certificate just like Obama's but with my name on it. I got my pass port, social security benefits when I turned 64, and my pension when I retired using it. It works for everything else I need. Apparently we all have "false" birth certificates that you insist are not real. LOL. Why don't you order your birth certificate and see what you get?

    And BTW, Son, in your last sentence the word it's is minus an apostrophe. I don't pretend to be the grammar police, but you should be aware of this mistake. Leaving out the apostrophe changes the entire meaning of the word. I have listed the correct spelling above for you.

  20. Tomorrow being a Sunday, Drumpf should hit his orange skanky knees, admit all his sins over the decades, fire Pence's skanky ass, resign as czar of the kremlin annex, deport Melanoma and her illegal immigrunt braT and fade into the orange grove of his choice. Without twitter.

  21. Anonymous8:41 PM

    What bullshit will the alt left make up next???

  22. Orly Taintz is back!

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. What bullshit will the alt left make up next???

    Save it for yer unhappy new year's tears drowning session when you shitheads finally get a clew about the damage Drumpf has done to all Amwericans except the wealthiest.

    You'll be fighting for dumpster scraps with yer betters becauase of the damage you stood around and applauded Drumpfuck doing. Whatever punishment you get is only what you deserve.

  24. Moar Drumpf damage done today... At least 24 people were shot and five people were killed Saturday in a series of shootings in the area of Midland and Odessa, Texas, an Odessa city official told Fox News.

    A suspect, who local police identified only as a white male in his mid-30s, was shot and killed at an Odessa movie theater, local police said.

  25. Anonymous9:59 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  26. Vice President Mike Pence said he and President Donald Trump are determined to work with Congress "to address and confront this scourge of mass atrocity in our country."

    Sure they will, they will endeavour to make it much worse. Today, Texas allows more guns in more places like schools and churches, guaranteeing more atrocities happen because that is what guns were made for and you can't take away a gun's rights to kill anyone/everyone. That would be unconstitutional.


    Drumpfuck is also guilty of trying to bolster stock market after G-7 by lying about encouraging phone calls from China which did not happen. That is intentional stock manipulation and is a no-no.

  28. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Sure they will, they will endeavour to make it much worse. Today, Texas allows more guns in more places like schools and churches, guaranteeing more atrocities happen because that is what guns were made for and you can't take away a gun's rights to kill anyone/everyone. That would be unconstitutional.
    8:28 AM

    Total bullshit.

  29. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Ten charts on the rise of knife crime in England and Wales:

  30. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Drumpfuck is also guilty of trying to bolster stock market after G-7 by lying about encouraging phone calls from China which did not happen. That is intentional stock manipulation and is a no-no.
    8:51 AM


  31. WOLF......WOLF......WOLF.....

    9:42 AM

    drumpf.....drumpf.....drumpf....20 to life with no time off for any behaviour.

  32. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What bullshit will the alt left make up next???
    8:41 PM

    Looks like Soros activated two more of their agents in Texas to get the heat off of Comey and the bullshit MSNBC report(lie) on the Trump/Duetche Bank thing.

    Classic False Flag Operation.

  33. Anonymous9:46 AM

    drumpf.....drumpf.....drumpf....20 to life with no time off for any behaviour.
    9:44 AM

    Alt left delusion at its finest!!

  34. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Chicago August 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 45
    Shot & Wounded: 239
    Total Shot: 284
    Total Homicides: 47

  35. Anonymous10:55 AM

  36. Anonymous12:38 PM

    A 100% black high school has a football game against a 99% black high school.  There is a "beef" after the game, and some 17-yr-old clown named Deangelo Parnell shot at least 10 people.

    Only blacks involved, but Fooled Negro and his crew of apologists for savages will find some way to blame Whitey and the NRA because the idea that blacks might have AGENCY and BEAR RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT THEY DO is anathema.

  37. "Only blacks involved"

    Hey, good observation. Make sure you point out the next mass shooting in which the shooter is a white guy or is that ok? Only comment when the shooter looks like me huh? Ok, carry on.

  38. ""

    World Nut Daily huh?😂😂😂😂😂 I guess the National Enquirer got beat for that story.🙄 Sure, there was a secret Kenyan conspiracy to elect a guy named Barack Husein Obama so he could fix the economy and do all other kinds of horrific things to America.
    Field, you have some real winners here.😂

  39. This weekend in Chicago at the African Festival of the Arts at Washington Park. Donnie McClurkin performing tonite and some Afro jazz. The Ohio Players will be there tomorrow! Check it out for those non-racists who want to see what Chicago has to offer. Mrs. X and I will be there. See ya there


  40. Master asshole. Send children with illnesses to their death and get rid of the endangered species act. Can we just admit this guy is Satan?

  41. "Can we just admit this guy is Satan?"

    Nope. As the dearly departed Frank Zappa once said, "There may be some evidence that a guy named Jesus Christ once walked the Earth, but the devil is some serious fiction."

    Fergus is not, in fact, fictional. He's real as fuck.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Total bullshit.

    9:40 AM

    Nada. 100% true.


    Yer total bullshit!

  44. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Nada. 100% true.
    7:04 PM

    Total bullshit.

  45. Total bullshit.

    9:40 AM

    Nada. 100% true.

    7:04 PM

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:33 PM

    PilotX said..........

    "Master asshole. Send children with illnesses to their death and get rid of the endangered species act. Can we just admit this guy is Satan?"
    Trump is either Satan or the Antichrist. So far, I have not been able to determine which he is.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    4:55 PM
    LOL! Just which "Kenya-authorities" released the documents? Do they have names? The article doesn't say and includes a caveat, "These files, if they turn out to be verifiable........." So this means that World News Daily did not verify this bogus information before printing it.

  48. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Our president decided that it would be a good use of his time to fight on Twitter with Hollywood actress Debra Messing.

    Yup, priorities are obviously in perfect order. Totally normal times. Who could ask for anything more from the highest elected official in the land?

  49. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Also, Trump is clearly lying, as usual. There is no conceivable way that Debra Messing ever thanked him for doing his dumb reality TV show.

  50. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Only comment when the shooter looks like me huh?

    MOST of the shooters look like you.  There are lots of them, but the media ignores them.  Here's a video about one you didn't hear about.

    Make sure you point out the next mass shooting in which the shooter is a white guy or is that ok?

    The media will do that, without fail.  It's all part of the false narrative.

    Now take at least as much responsibility for your cousins on the south and west sides who are murdering every day as you demand white people take for their vastly lower rate of interpersonal violence.

  51. Three dozen wasicu wasteys have been arrested on suspicion of possibly committing terrorist acts since El Paso slaughter.

  52. "The media will do that, without fail. It's all part of the false narrative."

    False narrative????????😂😂😂😂

  53. "Now take at least as much responsibility for your cousins on the south and west sides who are murdering every day as you demand white people take for their vastly lower rate of interpersonal violence."

    My cousins are too hard at work to committ crime. The one on the west side is a doctor at Rush University Hospital researching Alzheimer's disease. Well thank god you're here to keep us informed of blah violence because we would never know about it🙄


    Dude, there are sooooooo many violent acts committed by whites you never hear about but I travel across this big country so I see a lot of them. Bet you didn't hear about the kid who killed his mom. Oh well just keep reporting blah crime on sites like this because, well who knows why. Keep up the good fight brother😂

  55. Anon @9:44 AM, get help.

    1. What? You don't believe George Soros controls mass shooters? Field, Field, Field.😆

  56. Anonymous11:35 AM

    My cousins are too hard at work to committ crime.

    Reading "cousin" very narrowly when it suits you.

    And reading it EXTREMELY broadly when it suits you.  Someone named "Lukas Mironovas" is way less related to me than those west-side thugs are to you.  That makes you a fucking hypocrite.

    Dude, there are sooooooo many violent acts committed by whites you never hear about but I travel across this big country so I see a lot of them. Bet you didn't hear about the kid who killed his mom.

    That article is dated July 30 and references a crime from April, 2018.  How many black kids have killed their moms since then?  Why haven't you heard about THEM?  Why aren't you on the march for their sakes?  Don't black mom's lives matter?  How about the 9 killed in Chiraq just through Saturday 6 PM?

    You're just a sorry, lying hypocrite.  That's the sort of thing that corrodes society.  You wonder why people hate blacks?  That's one reason, and a very good one.  It's not your skin, it's your sick character.

  57. "Someone named "Lukas Mironovas" is way less related to me than those west-side thugs are to you."

    That's a stretch there kid.

    "How many black kids have killed their moms since then?"

    Not sure, how many white kids have killed their moms since then? Why don't YOU march for white moms? Why don't you march for the thousands of whites who have OD'd?

    And no, I don't wonder why people hate blah people because I already know, they're dumb assed racists like you. No need for deep pondering there. What dis Taylor Swift say? Haters gonna hate.😂

  58. Mandingo3:40 PM

    Everybody doesn't hate Black people, white women love us! Search BBC and look at the results. Ask your mom!

    1. Wesley Pipes3:42 PM

      Go to to see how much white women love us. That ain't hate I see bro!


  60. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Yes, BusDriverX, isn't it funny that all those guns in Chiraq DIDN'T cause epidemic-level murder where they came from, but Lightgroot thinks that inanimate objects are the problem?  Oh, and Republicans who refuse to take them away from the PEOPLE who aren't the problem either?

    I'm all for making it illegal for POC to own or possess guns, to hold office, or to vote.  That would get rid of Chiraq's gang problem quickly enough, and get rid of Lightgroot and most of the apologists for thugs in positions of power.  If they want gun control because they have no self-control, they have their own countries to go to.


  62. "I'm all for making it illegal for POC to own or possess guns, to hold office, or to vote."

    Spoken like a true klansman. Check out the above story about the white male responsible for shooting children. And you think I'm the problem. 👌🏾 😆

  63. "If they want gun control because they have no self-control, they have their own countries to go to."

    What countries would those be? Lemme guess, you're going to astound me with your brilliant response. I eagerly await your enlightening and thoughtful answer.😂


  65. "BusDriverX"

    Ha! Very appropriate because I fly the Airbus 319/320😄

  66. Anonymous1:32 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

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