Sunday, September 01, 2019

Caption Sunday.

Image result for trump jr imagesrom

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Not one African woman is ever going to look as good as the one on the right.

    And they will hate her for it until eternity.  Such is jealousy.

  2. The repugnant spawn of the idiot king. Some day very soon we won't have to care about such nincompoops.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    The Trump children that he will consent to appear in photographs with.*

    (*Tiffany not included — she’s too fat.)

  4. The hills are alive with the smell of grifters.

  5. Ready? Aim. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire!!!

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    Ready? Aim. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire!!!
    7:57 AM

    That's a crime, violent threat of bodily harm. Reported to Secret Service…..

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    2020 photo of election win!!

  8. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Butcher's Bill So Far in Chicago for Labor Day weekend:

    Chicago blew past the thirty-casualty mark in short order:
    Saturday 6:00p Stupidity Tally: 9 killed, 24 wounded
    And after tonight, well past forty we're sure (weather permitting).

    Chicago has more murders and people shot each week than two combined mass shootings in Texas!!!!

  9. Trump's Tax Returns9:04 AM

    The look you have when your pet eagle shits down your back

  10. Trump's Tax Returns9:20 AM

    Hasbro commemorates trump kids with new line of toys...Mr. Pumpkin Head, Mr Apple Head and for a limited time only Ms. Turtle head

  11. trump's marry, fuck, kill list in no particular order.

  12. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Just tacky. They look stupid, lost and confused. (A lot like their fat tacky 'dumb dad'.)

  13. That's a crime, violent threat of bodily harm. Reported to Secret Service…..

    8:55 AM

    What a dumbass you are. There is no threat, implied or otherwise, except the bullshit in yer addled brain.

  14. As for the dumbfuck drunmofuck snowflakes, somebody sure as hell shot them, with a camera. Turn them in, quick.

    Secret Service will fricassee yer ass for false alarms

  15. Mike @7:57 AM is way in the lead. 🙂

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Not one African woman is ever going to look as good as the one on the right.

    And they will hate her for it until eternity. Such is jealousy."

    1:10 AM
    You"ve got to be joking. Halle Barry, Boyonce, and Rihanna are all much better looking than Ivanka Trump. You need to have your eyes checked.

  17. Anonymous12:27 PM

  18. Whoopi Goldberg is better looking than Drumpf's favorite grope toy.

  19. Don't forget Misty Copeland.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Misty is mine. I saw her first, Doug. Oleta Adams is a fox. Marilyn McCoo of the 5th Dimension had me hooked for years until I discovered she was a fundie religious person. Donna Summers was hot.

    There are ;iterally thousands of women of color better looking than Drumpfuck Barbie.

  21. Si9nate majority was elected by only 18% of the voters due to gerrymandering, voter suppression and other wingnut skullduggery.

    A Quinnipiac University poll in late April indicated 81 percent of registered voters nationwide agree that the process for confirming justices is “too political.”

    David Wasserman of The Cook Political Report reported last August that the 52 Republican senators who began the 115th Congress — the session preceding the current one — were elected by only 18 percent of the U.S. population.

    That figure hardly changed massively in last year’s midterms, after which the Republicans returned with 53 seats.

    One way or another, a majority of the American people are being denied any voice in selecting the justices to sit on the Supreme Court as a result of McConnell’s unscrupulous tactics.

    We are rapidly approaching the breaking point predicted by Axelrod.

    If that dark moment is to come, history will record that it was McConnell — not Trump — who broke apart the country.

    Juan Williams is an author, and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.

  22. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    ‏Verified account @rafaelshimunov
    Aug 31

    A Twitter employee asked why their employer won't ban neo Nazi tweets like they banned ISIS tweets.

    The answer is that if you teach an AI to ban Nazis, it bans a lot of Republicans.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. TNHarvey10:13 PM

    Not worthy of my time or energy to leave a comment.

  24. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Sooooo .... guys, what are the odds this rocket surgeon ISN'T a Trump supporter? Gotta be pretty small.

    Remember, it wasn't long ago that our president's advisors were picking their jaws up off the floor after he asked them if we could just nuke the hurricane.

  25. "Not worthy of my time or energy to leave a comment."

    Soooooooo, you leave a comment.😂

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:34 AM

    From Crooks and Liars this morning....

    Trump Suddenly Decides NOT To Kill Sick Immigrant Children

    I guess Rachael got to him with her expose' last week.

  27. Looks like the Dumbest Drumpf is wearing Weird Al Yankovich's hair.

    Press asks the Drumpfuck brothers what a parody is and they both point to Ivanka's chestral accoutrements.

    Gambler, you may be right about Rachel, but only if you can suspend disbelief and imagine Drumpf with an actual conscience.

  28. Sounds like another Drumpfuck disciple...

    Should've seen this one coming.

  29. @ anyfuckingmoose... Obama’s birth certificate has not been proved “phony.” In fact, it has been verified by the original issuing authority, the Hawaii Department of Health, and that certificate — along with considerable other evidence — documents that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and thus is a native-born citizen of the U.S.

    Suck it up, butterbutt.

    1. What? You don't believe he's a secret Moooslim infiltrator?


    Excessive force or not? US Marshalls storm black teens apartment and shot him 76, count them, 76 times. Apparently there were afraid he would testify against them if they only shot him 75 times.

  31. PilotX, this comes from a story that Obama claimed Kenyan citizenship to prevent being tried for treason in America. Of course it was totally debunked like every other criminal charge against the GOAT.

  32. Anonymous4:26 PM

    “Excessive force or not? US Marshalls storm black teens apartment and shot him 76, count them, 76 times. Apparently there were afraid he would testify against them if they only shot him 75 times.”

    To fill in some background on how this happened, it looks like the reason the Marshalls were after this dude was that they thought he was “BIE” (Black Identity Extremist). He was suspected of earlier having shot at Atlanta police officers, and the Marshalls had come to his girlfriend’s place to arrest him. Since they believed he was bent on killing cops, this may explain how his life ended in a massive hail of gunfire.

    Mr. Robinson was schizophrenic, so if he did in fact attempt to kill some random police officers (not proven), this raises some of the usual questions about mass shooters: What was his motivation? How should we categorize him? Terrorist? Or just a crazy nutjob?

  33. Anonymous4:29 PM


  34. "this comes from a story that Obama claimed Kenyan citizenship to prevent being tried for treason in America"

    The dumber the story the more apt these inbreds are to believing it. I have a friend from HS who is one of these right wing trump supporters and the easily disproven bullshit he believes. Holy god, how dumb can people be?

  35. Moar background, officers from 7 different departments were on the scene. All must have been trigger happy for practice on black body.

    Watch videos where cops hassle blacks and keep a running count on how many cars show up if there is a possibility of killing someone.

  36. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Blacks are ten times more violent than any other group, but it's the fault of the police.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Blacks are ten times more violent than any other group, but it's the fault of the police.

    9:03 PM
    Source for this claim, or did you just make it up the way Trump does?

  38. "Holy god, how dumb can people be?"

    Be careful, they might take that as a challenge.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anonymous said...

    Blacks are ten times more violent than any other group, but it's the fault of the police.

    9:03 PM
    Source for this claim, or did you just make it up the way Trump does?
    12:30 AM

    Play with this one for Baltimore. The OP statement of ten times is actually low.

    Black 125 murders and whites 5 murders.

    Negroes commit over 75%+ of all violent crime in America.

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  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:08 PM

    Anonymous said.....
    Negroes commit over 75%+ of all violent crime in America.

    5:16 PM


  42. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous said.....
    Negroes commit over 75%+ of all violent crime in America.

    5:16 PM

    3:08 PM


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