Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"Let the record show."

TWEET MEAmerica, you asked for this guy, and now you are in the middle of a real s*&* show. You are watching in real time how a mob boss operates. It just so happens that this one is your president.

Mr. trump lies so easily and without shame, that you have to wonder about his mental makeup.

He held a press conference today, and told lie after lie without shame and hesitation. For a minute there I actually felt bad for the guy. He looked medicated and defeated.  trumpbots, if you took a really close look, you would have noticed that your emperor was naked.

That minute of me feeling bad for this guy didn't last long, though, especially after reading the following post from John Pavlovitz. 

 "Let the record show that I did not consent to this.

Let it show that I did not vote for this man, that he did not represent me, that I did not believe he was deserving of being here, that I grieved his ascension, that I resisted his ugliness.

Let History record my objection to him, to the ways he humiliated women and vilified Muslims and threatened protestors and disregarded people of color.

Let it record my repulsion at his tremendous cruelty, his lack of compassion, his contempt for dissension, his absence of simple decency.

Let witnesses mark down my disgust at the way he boasted of infidelity, at how he ridiculed a disabled reporter, at the way he attacked female opponents for their appearance, at the way he marginalized immigrants.



Let the record show that I looked on with disbelief as he spent countless early morning and middle-of-the-night hours following the election on social media, broadcasting a steady stream of petulant, insecure, incoherent messages instead of preparing to do a job he was ill-equipped for and seemingly not all that interested in.

Let the record show that I watched him assemble a Cabinet of billionaires and bigots, of people woefully unqualified to steward our children, our safety, our healthcare, our financial stability—and that I was horrified by it all.


Let History record my grieving at the racism and bigotry and homophobia that characterized his campaign, marked his supporters, and is evident in his assembling Administration.


I do not believe he is a man of faith or integrity or nobility. 
I do not believe his concern is for anything outside his reflection in the mirror.
I believe he is a danger to our children.
I believe he is a threat to our safety.


Right now I am worried for my country, concerned for our planet, scared for the future of my children, and greatly saddened that 62 million Americans seem okay with all of this.

Not at all." 

Hat tip to you sir. I want the record and history to be clear where I stand as it relates to this man as well. 


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The White House accidentally emailed Democratic politicians a list of talking points that was intended to assist Republican politicos in making excuses to the news media for Trump’s latest treasonous, anti-democratic stunt involving Ukraine and Joe Biden.

    Because this administration isn’t just dishonest and morally bankrupt. It’s also full of bumbling incompetents.



  3. trump ran Nixon's playbook. I guess he skipped the last chapter.

  4. The betting sites are giving impeachment 62 cents against the dollar.

    The wheels are coming off of Fergus' presidency just like we said they would.

    "I would like you to do us a favor, though"

    And that wasn't even the craziest part; he wanted Ukraine to discredit CrowdStrike and lend support to the conspiracy theory that Russia didn't steal DNC emails and then use them to help get him elected.

    Dude is not well. Dude has bet his future on the Republican lie factory, because the Pig People believe it and they are the only ones who like him. Dude deserves what he has coming over that, and his fall needs to be made to damage that lie factory as fully as possible, as it is what got us here to begin with.

    Fergus has perverted the DoJ to the point where the DNI and IG both referred the whistle blower complaint for possible criminal action because that was safer for him than following the law and turning it over to the congressional committees who would obviously begin buggering him with it, as they are right now.

    Resolutions calling for its release to congress passed both chambers unanimously.

    Sick of all the winning yet?

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:40 PM

    FN: "America, you asked for this guy, and now you are in the middle of a real s*&* show. You are watching in real time how a mob boss operates. It just so happens that this one is your President"


  6. Troll... troll... troll...

  7. The Twit tweeted:

    "Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially “heavily populated” call."


    I'm that dumb, because he's that dumb!


    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous3:29 AM

    The transcript of Trump’s conversation with Ukraine’s president is now released, and I have to say, it is thoroughly damning. If he has, in fact, edited it to make himself look like less of a horrible monster, then I shudder to think what the UNedited version must look like.

    Next, we will get to enjoy hearing what sort of nauseating excuses the unprincipled Republican shitweasels have invented in order to excuse Trump’s depraved behavior.

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth3:58 AM

    The church says, "Amen, amen, and amen again" to John Pavlovitz's post.

  11. Drumpfuck's allegations against Biden is similar to his repetitious lies that HRC sold our uranium to Russia. It is patently and provably a lie and yet it keeps getting repeated as gospel.

  12. One of Drumpf's bigly accomplishments as racist in chief....

    This unhinged POS deserves a Nobel peace Prize before Drumpfuck gets one.

  13. Let the record show if today ends in the letter Y there must needs be a new Drumpfuck/Screwdy Rudy scandal....

  14. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Team Shit the Bed really did just shit the bed!!!!

  15. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Trumps re-election has been assured!!!!

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The American people are growing tired of the Democrats/Progressive witch hunts and false news stories. They constantly cry wolf and it is un-productive for the country.

  17. Trumps re-election has been assured!!!!

    This lie is a two-fer. Drumpf was not elected.

    Drumpf can, therefore, no be re-elected.

    Admit it, mow rawns. Drumpf cheated and accepted foreign help to get the prize he was not entitled to get. HRC truly won and all you dumbfuckers can think to do is lie about her and lie to protect the most corrupt administration ever.

  18. Most ridiculous statement coming from Drumpfuck's cabinet is EPA telling California they are failing the environment.


    Even bigger POT calling kettle black.

  19. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Thank you for posting this. I hadn't seen it.

  20. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The Democrat's justification for impeaching Trump:

    1. Hillary paid for Russian disinformation to sway the 2016 election, so the Dems falsely accused him of colluding with the Russians.

    2. Obama used the disinformation to justify illegal spying on the Trump campaign.

    3. Democrats launched a two-year partisan investigation into the false allegations that found nothing.

    4. Biden's son took millions of dollars from Ukraine and China while his father used his position to shield his corruption.

    This is not going to turn out how you think it is.

  21. Anymoose, 1-4 blatant unproven lies.

    You have zero proof HRC knew about the dossier let alone paid for it.

    The dossier has never been found to be false, was only a small part of FISA wiretap request.

    Mueller found mounds of evidence to show cvollusion and obstruction of justice, but he was never told to file any charges.

    You or anyone else has shown any evidence to back your claims of Biden's kid getting money from Ukraine or China.

    You need proof and you ain't got anything moar than hearsay lies from right wing nut jobs.



    Doesn't know if Screwdy Rudy has security clearance. Incompetence thy name is stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  24. To John Pavlovitz's post I add:

    Let the record show that I was revolted to my core by Trump's rejection of reason, his denial of reality, and his contempt for the very concept of truth.

  25. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "You need proof and you ain't got anything moar than hearsay"

    Doesn't slow you down.

  26. President Peace Prize3:21 PM

    Barack Obama is a war criminal that destroyed the lives of millions of children by dropping more than 100,000 bombs on 8 different countries throughout his entire presidency.

  27. So will they be calling this "Ukraineum One" (h/t: Driftglass) as it pulls the teetering Fergus administration down into a smoking heap?

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Myn stuff is all verified over and over again.

    Whistle blower is CIA agent and has now gone back to CIA.

  29. Goodbye Joe5:31 PM

    BREAKING: John Solomon reporting tonight he has 400+ pages of docs that will prove the Ukrainian probe into Hunter Biden was ongoing when Joe Biden called for the firing of Shokin and that the new prosecutor disputed his predecessor was somehow corrupt.

    Solomon says Biden is now fair game. He states that Biden says he did not fire the prosecutor over his son, but because that prosecutor was corrupt.

    Solomon says he obtained over 450 pages of documents from inside Hunter Biden's legal team, from inside the State Department, from inside the Ukrainian General prosecutor's office, all on the record.

    Trying to assist Burisma to get out of prosecution. The day that the prosecutor was fired, the Biden team was trying to reach the new prosecutor.

    The statement that the prosecutor was corrupt and the reason for wanting him fired was a lie.

    The case was open against Hunter. "You can read the prosecutor's memos and specifically what Hunter Biden's legal team was doing to end that case."

    We'll see texts, official documents, etc.

    Solomon also talks about the Democrats pressuring of Ukraine to interfere in the 2016 election (on Hillary Clinton's side, of course).

    If you ever want to know what the Democrats have been up to, just look at what they are accusing their opponents of doing.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Trumps re-election has been assured!!!!

    10:51 AM
    By whom? Certainly not by the American voters.

  31. John Solomon v Drumpf? Toss up as to who I'd disbelieve first. Solomon used to edit Washington Times. The Hill classifies him as opinion writer. Mot factual news. reporter.

    So what we have here is a desperate desperados desperate attempts to smear Biden to protect the corrupt corruptor in the kremlin annex.

  32. Eli Stokols

    · 5h
    Replying to @EliStokols
    Trump: "You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now." …

    Anymoose better give this to9 the FBI oe Secret Service. Drumpf wants whistle blower dead.


    Dumb as fuck drumpfuck bros lie about not doing international business while dumb as fuck drumpfuck dad was potus. Then Eric opened his pie hole and shot down Drumpfuck jrs lies.


    Miss lindsey was not worried about obstruction of justice (an actionable crime) he was concerned about a non crime of collusion of which Mueller provided ample evidences of.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:30 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "This is not going to turn out how you think it is."

    12:40 PM

    Your are right. It's going to be better than our wildest dreams. Trump will be impeached and the Senate will convict. The Republicans will vote guilty in an attempt to save their own political careers. And we will be rid of this hideous monster.

  36. I read the whistle blower's complaint.

    I read the ICIG's letter.

    Fergus is in a heap of trouble.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:49 PM

    Fergus is in a heap of trouble.

    -Doug in Oakland

    9:30 PM

    Yes, Doug, I think he is. Could be that Trump's karma has finally caught up with him.

  38. WHISTLE BLOWER #2 (a Drumpf's pet judge)

    The plot thickens. Whistle blower #2, this time about taxes. The complaint was written in August.

    “Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employee: that President Trump attempted to interfere with some aspect of the agency’s mandatory presidential audit system.

    “That court filing includes a letter authored by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) which is addressed to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and describes the situation thusly:

    “On July 29, 2019, the Committee received an unsolicited communication from a Federal employee setting forth credible allegations of ‘evidence of possible misconduct’-specifically, potential ‘inappropriate efforts to influence’ the mandatory audit program.

    “Mnuchin declined to cooperate with Neal’s request and said he referred the matter to the Treasury Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG).

    “Neal and others on the Ways and Means Committee have remained tight-lipped about the allegations and the person who made them in public–but offered to provide extensive details to Trump-appointed Judge Trevor McFadden, who is overseeing the House’s lawsuit over the 45th president’s ever elusive tax returns.

    “A donor to President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and transition volunteer, McFadden reacted to the whistleblower allegations with a distinctly judicial nonchalance–he’s so far declined to take the Democrats up on their offer, according to HuffPost.”

    Dan Abrams, Law & Crime

  39. Anonymous9:52 AM

    "Your are right. It's going to be better than our wildest dreams. Trump will be impeached and the Senate will convict. The Republicans will vote guilty in an attempt to save their own political careers. And we will be rid of this hideous monster."

    A monster of your own imagination.

    Adam Schiff's story yesterday was full of fabrications about what was in the transcript of the call. Completely made-up out of the depths of his insane weasel mind. They can tell you lies and you'll eat it up because you are so desperate for validation of the narrative you have been fed.

    The stupidity and mendacity of this impeachment attempt are stunning. The sane majority of the American voters will reject it.

  40. Anonymous9:56 AM

    We should handle traitors like we did in the old days. A serious country would.

  41. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The anti-Trump whistleblower was one of Brennan's old CIA humps planted inside the White House to spy on Trump and help thwart the investigation of Spygate which also involves Obama DOS/FBI/CIA skullduggery in Ukraine.

    Biden is just collateral damage. The Dems are really afraid of Trump getting to the bottom of Crowdstrike and the fact that the DNC servers were never hacked by the Russians.

  42. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hunter Biden slept with his brothers widow, got caught with a crack pipe, multiple drivers licenses and a police badge in his car, and was thrown out of the military for drugs. You can certainly understand why a Ukrainian Energy company jumped at the chance make him a director.


  44. "The Dems are really afraid of Trump getting to the bottom of Crowdstrike and the fact that the DNC servers were never hacked by the Russians."

    Um, ok. I'm sure that's what the Republicans who are backing away from trump are saying too. Nice try Ivan.๐Ÿ˜‚



  47. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Apparently "Senate Republicans are nervous" is the official media narrative. C'mon, we all know how that's going to end. There's no point pretending otherwise.

  48. Anonymous3:12 PM

    “Apparently ‘Senate Republicans are nervous’ is the official media narrative.”

    It is also the reality. Republican politicos all know their party is comprehensively fucked going into the next election if it’s still lead by the Very Stable Genius.

    This does not mean, however, that they will vote to remove Trump, although they would very much like to. Most of them are way too afraid of being “primaried” by angry MAGA hat knuckle draggers if they did. My bet is that most of them will run interference for Trump, coming up with whatever feeble, incoherent defenses they can for his repugnant abuses of his office, and praying that their gerrymandered districts and undemocratic voter suppression schemes save them from a total bloodbath in the 2020 election.

  49. "We should handle traitors like we did in the old days. A serious country would."

    Nixon and Reagan are already dead, but the torturer dubya could still be executed for his crimes, as could Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Yoo and the rest of the blood-drunk neocons who slaughtered a million people and destabilized the middle east for generations, all for lies and daddy issues.

    But that's not how the rule of law works. There are steps to take and procedures to be followed. And if you don't like that, you can still work to change it, at least for now.

    Fergus is definitely a traitor, in his own bumbling, ignorant way, and he should answer for his crimes, but none of them (so far) are punishable with execution, which is fine with me: I hope he lives long enough to do some hard time, like the common criminal that he is.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Increasingly, the Democratic Party looks like an alliance between the Women's Studies Department in Oberlin and a group of unscrupulous retired intel officials. The party is both flaky and authoritarian. That's a rotten combination. It's rotten for the Democratic Party itself. It's also bad for the country.

  51. The Republican Party is looking increasingly like a reactionary religious party full of racists and sexists. People without shame who resort to cheating to stay in power and force their beliefs on others.
    Check this BS out.


  53. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "The Republican Party is looking increasingly like a reactionary religious party full of racists and sexists."

    I wish.

  54. PilotX, that North Dakota story started a year or som ago. Indians had always been allowed to vote even though theyn did not have organized, recognized street addresses.

    Wingnut majorities decided to write new laws saying Indians had to have the street addresses or else they couldn't vote. More of the wingnut voter suppression movement.

  55. Moar wingnut skullduggery...

    Not Keith Ellison's ex girlfriend.

  56. Ace Freely5:29 PM


    Some conspiracy-minded people think that just because the DNI suddenly changed decades-old rules which only allowed those alleging direct, first-hand witness testimony of wrongdoing to file a whistleblower complaint, to suddenly permit second-hand hearsay gossip, then that means that maybe Deep Staters at DNI changed the rules specifically to allow their coconspirator to file his second-hand hearsay gossip complaint that same week.

    This all happened last month-- the sudden change to stop requiring first-hand information, and then the "whistleblower," coincidentally I'm sure!, being the first to hop on and use those changed standards to file a non-IC related complaint with the ICIG.

    This is big. This is the Deep State in action, and we caught them.

    In August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

    The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

    The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.


    No, Dems did not write Ukraine and ask for investigation of Drumpfuck. Moar wingnut skullduggery.

    Fuck you wasicu devils. Your orange butt buddy is going down and your lies and made up accusations against Bidens won't save his pastey orange ass.

  58. So Paul the fuck Ryan, who now sits on the board of Fox News parent company, is urging CEO spawn of Murdoch to "plot a post-Trump future" for the organization.

    That would not seem to me to be a good omen for Fergus or his felons.

    Or for Fox itself, when you consider that Roger Ailes, who remains dead, created Fox in order to keep any Watergate like scandals from taking down any other Republican presidents after his beloved Nixon, and to serve as his own sexual harassment petting zoo.

    -Doug in Oakland

  59. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Snopes is for dopes.

  60. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "So Paul the fuck Ryan, who now sits on the board of Fox News parent company, is urging CEO spawn of Murdoch to "plot a post-Trump future" for the organization."

    He's been doing that since 2015.


  61. Ace, did the "Deep State" plot all this from a pizza shop in Washington?๐Ÿ˜

  62. Anonymous6:22 PM


    This seems like a bit of a joke. While there are plenty of racists who approve of what Dylan Roof did, I can’t imagine he has many actual “followers” — he’s too much of a sad, socially dysfunctional tool for that.

    Nor do I believe they’re all going to start sporting bowl cuts, lol. The undercut remains the indispensable style for the fashionable fascist.

  63. Anonymous6:24 PM

    *Dylann Roof

  64. Anonymous6:32 PM

    “So Paul the fuck Ryan, who now sits on the board of Fox News parent company, is urging CEO spawn of Murdoch to ‘plot a post-Trump future’ for the organization.”

    You know they’ve got a whole department at Fox preparing for their new narrative after Trump loses the election (or, far less likely, actually gets removed via impeachment).

    They’ll be hard at work on readying a 24/7 blitz of revisionist lies, explaining how “of course, we never really supported that embarrassing, awful guy because he wasn’t a real, liberty-loving conservative.” It’ll be like the previous four years of their Trump cheerleading never even happened.

  65. Clown World6:33 PM

    Biden: I bribed Ukraine lol

    Trump: We should investigate this

    Ukraine prez: Yes I agree

    Dems: Impeach Trump, elect Biden

    Media: Honk Honk

  66. Snopes is for dopes.

    Unlike stoopid fucking wingnuts, fact checkers cross reference and get more than one confirmation before they put out factual stories.

    Wingnuts, otoh, pick their asses and lick their fingers and smile. And callm it their alternative fact.

  67. Kamala Harris wants Screwdy Rudy disbarred for being a dumbfuck loose cannon.
    I second that emotion.

  68. Sammy7:54 PM

    You been upstate?

  69. From Taegan Goddard:

    “President Trump met on Friday with Wayne LaPierre, the chief executive of the National Rifle Association, to discuss how the NRA could provide financial support for the president’s defense as he faces political headwinds, including impeachment,” the New York Times reports.

    “It was not clear whether Mr. Trump asked Mr. LaPierre for his support, or if the idea was pitched by the NRA. But in return for the support, Mr. LaPierre asked that the White House ‘stop the games’ over gun control legislation.”

    Um, that's bribery, dear, one of the impeachable offenses explicitly spelled out in the constitution.

    -Doug in Oakland

  70. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Hmmm, why does Mr. Bajillionaire need to solicit money from the NRA for his defense? I hope reporters will ask him this question at the next available opportunity.

  71. Perhaps he's not as wealthy as he lets on? Or just doesn't like to spend his own money? Or maybe when presented any range of options, he naturally gravitates to the most corrupt, dirty, or underhanded without much consideration of the consequences, personal and otherwise.

    One thing I'd like to bring up about the whistle-blower complaint leading to impeachment is that it represents the fundamental structure of the government surviving the corrosive effects of Fergus and his felons disdain for it.

    The whistle-blower did everything strictly by the book, and it took a few months, but it got the Democratic leadership to move on impeachment, which is again, what the constitution specifies as the remedy for presidential misbehavior.

    Fergus thrives on sullying institutions that others hold in high regard, it's a symptom of his malignant narcissism, and it makes him feel like he has the kind of clout that he thinks would impress Roy Cohn.

    Basically, like dubya, he's a president with daddy issues, only instead of starting stupid wars, he is taking a meat axe to the government itself in his ignorance of and disregard for what it does and who needs it.

    And nobody thought to specifically protect the structure of the government against someone like him because letting anyone like him be the president would be so outrageously stupid that planning for it would be like installing safety devices on drill bits to keep them from being inserted in dick holes.

    But there he is, and it's not his dick hole the drill bits are chewing up, and it has called into question whether the institutions under assault are sound enough to counter the insanity, and this seems like the first indication that maybe they are.

    -Doug in Oakland

  72. Anonymous2:13 AM

    “And nobody thought to specifically protect the structure of the government against someone like him because letting anyone like him be the president would be so outrageously stupid that planning for it would be like installing safety devices on drill bits to keep them from being inserted in dick holes.”

    Oh, I think the Founders did anticipate the possibility that a self-serving, unprincipled asshole might become president and try to wreck things. That was what the impeachment process was intended to remedy.

    What they didn’t reckon with was the possibility that their clever impeachment mechanism would be undermined if it turned out that president’s whole damn political party was made up of assholes. (The Founders didn’t expect this to be a problem since, you see, they’d decided that political parties were a deeply unpleasant concept — they’d led to all sorts of acrimony and nastiness back in merry olde England — so, in their utopian way, they resolved that America simply would never have any political parties. And this resolution lasted all of about 5 minutes before American political parties were formed, and the acrimony and nastiness commenced.)

  73. This is just one of Drumpfuck's judicial choices for lifetime appointments. Notice how unbiased and fair thinking this POS is....

    Even before the Ukraine scandal, Menashi was a deeply controversial judicial nominee. He has criticized feminism and diversity, compared affirmative action to Nazi Germany, scorned anti-sexual assault protesters as “gynocentrists,” claimed that financial aid for college students is unfair to rich people, accused the Human Rights Campaign of “exploiting” the death of gay student Matthew Shepard, and helped Education Secretary Betsy DeVos roll back campus civil rights protections for rape survivors. He is also opposed by both senators from his home state of New York, meaning Republicans would have to once again ignore the “blue slip” tradition to confirm him.

  74. Anonymous10:22 AM

    The libtards have virtually assured Donald Trumps re-election with yet another hoax.

  75. So these guys have basically given up on meeting women.๐Ÿ˜‚

  76. "The libtards have virtually assured Donald Trumps re-election with yet another hoax."

    Sure, it's a hoax. Still waiting on the thousands of indictments of Dems who will then be frog marched out of congress by US Marines. There is evidence of trump's wrongdoing but you call that a hoax but believe Q Anon bullshit. oy vey.๐Ÿ™„

  77. Anonymous11:10 AM

    If what we're watching is intelligence ops feeding media and congressional dems just enough panicked leaks to offer distraction from/cover to a bunch of zombie operations and semi-failed skulduggery from 2011-2017 the whole clown show aspect of the last few years would make sense.

    1. Nah, just an inept reality tv star who is in over his head. The shake things up with an outsider experiment has failed. Let's impeach this moron and get to the work of fixing the country.

  78. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Flashback: Obama Admin Asked Ukraine to Investigate Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort:

    Obama administration officials urged Ukrainian prosecutors to investigate Manafort — which amounted to “effectively meddling in the American presidential election.” The results were soon clear: leaks about Manafort’s activities in Ukraine began to appear in the U.S. media, spun in the worst possible light. He was replaced at the Trump campaign and became a target in the phony “collusion” narrative.

    Two key differences: 1) There is actual evidence in the public domain of former Vice President Joe Biden extorting the Ukrainian government; and 2) Trump has released the transcript of his conversation with the new Ukrainian president. Only one administration has been transparent.


    Can we just admit the man is an idiot?

  80. "There is actual evidence in the public domain of former Vice President Joe Biden extorting the Ukrainian government;"

    I mean sure if this is opposite day on Nickelodian. There is ample evidence trump extorted Ukraine. Hell, he sent his personal lawyer to do the dirty deed. A whistleblower was so concerned they leaked this info. If what you said about Barack was true where was the impeachment inquiries? Where were the Republican investigations? Well that would mean one of two things 1. Republicans knew Biden's actions were above board or 2. Republicans are incompetent and do not need to be in power. Well, both can be true but mithinks this is just an attempt to muddy the waters with revisionist history. No matter, the mother fucker is getting impeached.

  81. John Solomon used unnamed sources (anon) and they were also biased sources.

    1. Yup.

  82. Nickelodeon11:48 AM

    "I mean sure if this is opposite day on Nickelodian."

    It must be opposite day:

    "There is ample evidence trump extorted Ukraine"

    Actually, there is not:

    “Mr. Trump did not discuss the delay in the military assistance on the July 25 call with Mr. Zelensky, according to people familiar with the conversation. A Ukrainian official said Mr. Zelensky’s government did not learn of the delay until about one month after the call”

  83. Courtesy of The Daily Beast:

    Yuri Lutsenko, a former top Ukrainian prosecutor, told The Washington Post that Hunter Biden did not violate any laws while he was on the board of Ukrainian private gas company Burisma. “From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Lutsenko told the Post in his first interview since news broke on Friday of a whistleblower complaint alleging President Trump pressured Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to investigate a family member of his political rival. “Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko told the Post.

    Burisma was under scrutiny for possible abuse of power and unlawful enrichment before Hunter Biden was involved in the company, and he has never been accused of any wrongdoing in the investigation

    1. There you go again Mike, using facts. Just go with the Fox version which ends in trump on Mount Rushmore and Hillary in jail.๐Ÿ˜†

  84. Well, we'll certainly find out soon.


    Very appropriate for Drumpf to extort another country sayeth Miss Lindsey.

    1. It goes like this. 1. He didn't do anything wrong. 2. Even if he did do something wrong it's not illegal. 3. Even if what he did was illegal so what, Obama did it too. 4. So what? Move on.

  86. Nickelodeon11:56 AM

    "Well that would mean one of two things 1. Republicans knew Biden's actions were above board or 2. Republicans are incompetent and do not need to be in power."

    Republicans are incompetent and corrupt. They knew Biden's actions were dirty but are more interested in keeping their positions than cleaning up our rotten system.

    Democrats are insane and corrupt. They will do absolutely anything to maintain the status quo on corruption and impose their leftist totalitarianism on what's left of America.

    Republicans do not need to be in power except to prevent Democrats from being in power.

  87. Nickelodeon12:01 PM

    "It goes like this. 1. He didn't do anything wrong. 2. Even if he did do something wrong it's not illegal. 3. Even if what he did was illegal so what, Obama did it too. 4. So what? Move on."

    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Nope, if we don't reestablish the Rule of Law for everyone right here, right now, there will be nothing left worth saving about America.

    We are witnessing one party subverting the will of the people by trying to overturn an election by any means possible.


  89. "We are witnessing one party subverting the will of the people by trying to overturn an election by any means possible."

    We are witnessing a sitting president eliciting help from a foreign power to help him try to win an election. And this after being elected with the help of a foreign power. All the dirt will come out during the impeachment hearings.

  90. Nickelodeon12:08 PM

    Impeachment is not just meant to be a trial of President Trump, but of the voters who chose him. Its outcome, whatever the composition of the Senate, is meant to be an argument for remaking the system of elections, whether by abolishing the Electoral College or tampering with the judiciary, that would take the power further out of the hands of the voters and concentrate them with the right sorts of people.

    A Trump presidency is unconscionable to them and was from the start.

    Democrats and others in this new aristocracy had grown very used to having a GOP whose members played the game like gentlemen (and that includes the Republican women). Every now and then there had been an eruption from the more combative right such as Bill Clinton’s impeachment or Gingrich’s short-lived Contract With America. But for the most part the left and the Democrats had to deal with people who were only tepidly on the right and often more than willing to play ball with the left, people such as McCain (the candidate in 2008) and Romney (2012). Even George W. Bush was no street fighter and no conservative, although they hated him for other reasons.

    The left grew used to having opponents of a certain type, and Trump most definitely is not of that type. That’s why the NeverTrumpers hate him, too, perhaps even more than the left does, because the NeverTrumpers were (and are) of that type as well.

    They all feel deeply betrayed, not so much by Trump as by the American people who chose him and repudiated them. And the people must not be allowed to get away with it.

  91. Nickelodeon12:10 PM

    "We are witnessing a sitting president eliciting help from a foreign power to help him try to win an election. And this after being elected with the help of a foreign power. All the dirt will come out during the impeachment hearings."

    Bring it. I can't wait for all of the dirt to come out.



    Because we all know Daniel Greenfield is an unbiased researcher. Au contraire, trump is being impeached because he is breaking the law. He is not above the law even though like Nixon he thinks he is. Stick to facts mot opinion.

  94. frontpage has been called extremely biased on the far right produced by David Horowitz. Daniel Greenfield wrote a book about Barack Obama called the "Unholy Alliance" so I'm pretty confident that his opinions about why trump is being impeached is totally objective and reliable.๐Ÿ™„

    1. "Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, promotion of conspiracy theories regarding Islam as well as propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers."

      So of course anon uses this site as an authoritative source. No surprise that trump supporters lack credibility.

  95. Anonymous1:30 PM

    “John Solomon used unnamed sources (anon) and they were also biased sources.”

    Probably American, not Ukrainian, sources. In other words, Republican sources. Who go by the name of Rudy Giuliani.

  96. Nickelodeon1:52 PM

    "frontpage has been called extremely biased on the far right produced by David Horowitz. "

    Says the guy who posts links to Media Matters and the Root.


  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:12 PM

    Anonymous said......

    The stupidity and mendacity of this impeachment attempt are stunning. The sane majority of the American voters will reject it.

    9:52 AM
    We will soon see who is right about this one. The day Trump was elected, I predicted that he would be impeached. I knew that he would not let a little thing like being president of the United States stand in the way of his criminal behavior. LOL!

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The libtards have virtually assured Donald Trumps re-election with yet another hoax.

    10:22 AM

    I'm sure you're right, Ivan. You tell Putie he has nothing †o worry about. LOL

  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:25 PM

    Nickelodeon said...

    "It goes like this. 1. He didn't do anything wrong. 2. Even if he did do something wrong it's not illegal. 3. Even if what he did was illegal so what, Obama did it too. 4. So what? Move on."

    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Nope, if we don't reestablish the Rule of Law for everyone right here, right now, there will be nothing left worth saving about America.

    We are witnessing one party subverting the will of the people by trying to overturn an election by any means possible.
    You just keep telling yourself that, Kid. Reality is hard to face when you have been badly duped.

  100. The president of the United States is losing his damn mind on Twitter.
    The fact that his cabinet and the Republicans in the senate won't invoke the 25th amendment right now, before the damn fool tries to stick his dick in the nuclear football, should require their removal from any position of responsibility past the "do you want fries with that?" level, but it won't.
    We'll likely get rid of his felonious "cabinet" next year, but those rat-bastards in the senate, who hold a majority while actually representing something like 35% of the population will require some work to drive into irrelevance.

    -Doug in Oakland

  101. Ironimous4:18 PM

    "You just keep telling yourself that, Kid. Reality is hard to face when you have been badly duped."

    Granny NPC is worried about someone being duped.


  102. Drumpfuck deserves impeachment, removal from office and a stand up job against the nearest border wall to be chained in place while he is forced to watch chain migration for life.

    The best part of this is he brought it all upon himself with his careless disregard for the constitution and the laws of the land.

  103. The ground is shifting even as we speak. Support for impeachment is polling above-water for the first time, and the poll was taken before the whistle-blower complaint was made public.

    -Doug in Oakland

  104. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Public opinion is an effect, not a cause. Told the same story, most people will have the same opinion. Story drives opinion; opinion drives action.

    The Machiavellian hypothesis suggests that all modern regimes are Orwellian thought-control regimes. Is this true?

    True history is not a set of facts. It is a true story made from facts.

    The normal reader knows two types of 20th-century regime: the bad kind (theirs, totalitarian) for which the Machiavellian reading is true, and the good kind (ours, democratic) for which it isn’t. The bad kind (theirs) fought the good kind (ours); the good kind (ours) fought back and won. Our democracy is the opposite of Orwellian: an open society, a free market in ideas. Right?

  105. "Says the guy who posts links to Media Matters and the Root."

    Posted as information only and not as a response or retort. There's a difference.

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:55 PM

    Ironimous said...

    "You just keep telling yourself that, Kid. Reality is hard to face when you have been badly duped."

    Granny NPC is worried about someone being duped.


    4:18 PM
    If you are speaking of me, let me disabuse you from a faulty conclusion. I'm not worried about much of anything since Trump has managed to get himself caught in his own web of deceit.

    1. What did we expect to happen when we elected an unprepared and lazy tv show host?

  107. Public opinion does drive the boundaries of action elected representatives believe they can engage in and still get reelected.
    Or it's supposed to, anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  108. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Record low African American unemployment rocks!

  109. Once again, stoopid fucking wingnuts give Drumpf sole credit for Obama's hard work on unemployment numbers. They really are THAT stoopid. Drumpfuck has presided over a drop in unemployment of about 1% and that gives wingnuts cause to celebrate. Dumbfucks thy name be stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Fom AP Fact Check

    Black unemployment reached a record low, 5.9 percent, in May, but rose to 6.8 percent in January.

    Latino unemployment fell to 4.4 percent, its lowest ever, last October, and Asian unemployment fell to a record low of 2.2 percent in May. But Latino and Asian unemployment also have increased, in part because of the government shutdown, which elevated unemployment last month.

    The African-American rate is still nearly double the jobless rate for whites, at 3.5 percent.

    The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.

  110. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017."

    Of course it fell from a "recession high". The record of anyone who took over at a trough would look good as the economy naturally rebounded. The fact that it took seven years is a testament to how much Obama's policies delayed the recovery.

    He made no attempt to bring back high paying manufacturing jobs, and oversaw a huge shift to low paying McJobs.

    Trump took over with a low unemployment rate and made it even lower. And even better, he did it through an expansion of better paying jobs, achieving the first real wage growth in decades.

  111. There was no natural recovery from the worst depression since the dirty 30s.

    Trump’s own Council of Economic Advisers contradicts his “decades of flat wages” claim, saying 2018 was “the sixth consecutive year of positive real hourly earnings growth for nonsupervisory workers and the longest streak since the eight years of consecutive earnings growth from 1995 through 2002.” (The CEA adjusts for inflation using the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index, or PCE, not the Consumer Price Index that BLS uses.)

    Like I said you give Drumpf credit for Obama's heavy lifting. And a hostile congress had plenty to do with trying to derail the recovery because of their hate for the Black Potus.

  112. This was an easy prediction...

    In other bad news for Joe Sixpack, Drumpfuck picked dead Scalia's lawyer brat to head the Labor Department. His qualifications? He has spent the majority of his life as a high paid lawyer working for Wall Street companies dismantling worker's rights. Only the best, hey Drumpfuck?

  113. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Two black teens murdered a white man at a county fair in Maryland, playing "knockout king" and spitting on his dying body:

    Why can't this happen to lefturd assholes like "mike from iowa"?  Oh, right; they live where it's less than 1% black.  It's easy to be "anti-racist" when YOU are safe and sound!

  114. Remember how when Obama was trying to fix the dubya administration's "worst economic disaster since the thirties", they fought him every step of the way and demanded interest increases and budget cuts when unemployment was still around 8%?
    Remember how they screamed that Keynesian stimulus policy would "debase the currency and lead to runaway inflation"?

    Now that the recovery they measurably slowed with their austerity demands has had a decade to bring the topline unemployment rate to historic lows, listen as they all call for (more)Keynesian stimulus to stave off a downturn which is both inevitable after the longest period of private sector growth on record and made more likely by Fergus' stupid, stupid trade war.

    Meaning, of course that it was all lies at the time and they knew that they were trying to harm the recovery for partisan gain, to the immediate detriment of millions of ordinary Americans who lost trillions of dollars of their wealth to the awful, awful policies of the dubya administration (remember "Ownership Society"?).

    And now Fergus is calling for the Fed to run negative interest rates.

    There are no more competent conservative economists (though they do exist) in the Fergus administration, only quacks and charlatans, so there's no evidence that anyone in the white house's employ even understands the concept of negative interest rates, only that someone had to tell Fergus that interest rates had not, in fact, risen far enough from the zero lower bound to make much of a real world difference if they were lowered back there, and he asked them to lower them further anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  115. It's easy to be "anti-racist" when YOU are safe and sound!

    I am surrounded by wasicu wasteys of the wingnut persuasion and everyone knows wasicu wasdteys in America are more unhinged than any of our perceived terrorist threats from abroad. Like Anyfuckingmoose. Veiled threats? How anyfuckingmoose of you.

    The only bad interactions with POC you have had are the ones Fake News told you you had. Pathetic little shit, aren't you?

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:01 AM

    Anonymous said....

    It's easy to be "anti-racist" when YOU are safe and sound!

    8:22 PM
    No, you are wrong. It is not easy to be "anti-racist" anywhere is this country as long as white privilege is the norm.

  117. Anonymous5:07 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  118. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck 20 to life!

  119. Anonymous5:20 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Drumpfuck the dumbfuck 20 to life!
    6:51 PM


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