Saturday, September 28, 2019

Caption Saturday.

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I need help with a caption for this pic.

Be nice. :)


  1. On a new episode of Celebrity Lockup......

  2. Melania and the kids wondering who is the blonde chick in the blue dress.

  3. Was someone never taught to keep their feet off of the furniture?

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Hey field negro, I needs to know: you was upstate right?

  5. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Seating for the morally handicapped.

  6. Extreme wasicu privilege personified. aka scumbags!



    State Department decided to do another HRC witch hunt this time contacting as many as 130 officials and telling them emails sent years ago may get listed as secret retroactively. Apparently this is an effort to create a crime where none existed before.

    Wingnuts can't win even with all the cheating they do.

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Atty Gen Barr convenes Grand Jury in Trump probe.

  10. Yes Sammy @12:04, as a matter of fact I was. Your mom and I didn't stay long though.Just long enough for a night in the Poconos. ☻

  11. Anonymous10:40 AM

    The accused in the dock sit calmly listening to the prosecutor reciting their criminal activities to the court.

  12. Anon@12:10 and Anon@10:40 in the lead.

  13. Pilot@10:11 PM a close second.

  14. Former House Negro Stacey Dash arrested for domestic violence. Another unhinged whackjob imitating Drumpf's behavior.

  15. Another wingnut from Texas is quitting and won't seek re-election in 2020.

    That makes about 800 shitty mess makers who won't be around to help clean up their mess.

  16. "Former House Negro Stacey Dash arrested for domestic violence."

    Um, I would let her spank me. (did I say that outloud?)

  17. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Black Fairfax Co. student admits she made up claim that classmates cut her dreadlocks; school confirms:

  18. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Team Trump accepting their second administration win!!!

  19. Team trump accepting a plea bargain.

  20. Let the record show10:45 PM

    Let the record show that when a "man" out of prison for less than a month raped and robbed a woman because he was upset that she wouldn't let him use her phone, he was black:

    And when a homeless man refused to stop waving weapons (including a glass bottle) at police who were called to the scene and wound up being shot after a Taser failed to subdue him, let the record show it was also a black:

    NAACP:  Negroes Are Always Causing Problems.


  21. Ashley Nicole Black
    ‏Verified account @ashleyn1cole
    11h11 hours ago

    Ashley Nicole Black Retweeted Shannon Watts

    So a black woman who was in her house, being attacked, and fired a warning shot, couldn't use a stand your ground defense. But a white woman who walked into SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE and killed him, can. And that's what we're calling liberty and justice for all these days

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anonymous3:21 AM

    "So a black woman who was in her house, being attacked, and fired a warning shot, couldn't use a stand your ground defense. But a white woman who walked into SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE and killed him, can. And that's what we're calling liberty and justice for all these days"

    That black woman couldn't use a "stand your ground" defense because the police determined that she was on the way out of her house -- but then got her gun, turned around, went back in, and fired off a bunch of shots at her abusive husband. A requirement of the "stand your ground" law is that you be acting defensively. If you are deliberately heading INTO a situation to go shoot at someone, that's clearly not defensive.

    The district attorney did overcharge Marissa Alexander in that case, and that was unfair. But it wasn't unfair that the court denied her self-defense claim. It was bogus. She acted out of rage, not any kind of reasonable fear.

  23. The Black woman can't use stand yer ground because she is Black.


    Support for impeachment rises among Ind and wingnuts. Is the orange asshole toast, yet?

  25. Wingnut sinators want DOJ to investigate any ties between Ukraine and HRC in 2016 election because 41 years of failed witch hunts without a single conviction just isn't near as long as two years investigating the crimes between Drumpf and Russia,

    Are these mother fuckers desperate and despicable deplorables, or what?

  26. Everyday brings news of moar crimianal activities from Drumpf and his merry corrupted cabinet and family.

    And stoopid fucking wasicu wasdteys own this constitutional crisis lock, stock and all lying assholes.

  27. Let the record show12:47 PM

    Let the record show that 90% of black/white criminal victimizations, blacks are the perpetrators:

    Let the record show that blacks create food deserts (the "Superlo" store opening in the Memphis building donated by Kroger will be robbed out of business the same way by the same people too stupid to understand why stores are "racist"):

    Let the record show that the lying commentariat here will never admit that these problems are caused by blacks being blacks.  It's TNB all the way down.

  28. The pathetic whines of wasicus about violent Blacks makes me wonder why moar wasicus aren't dead. Methinks whitey doth complain too much.

  29. This is Hillary-ous....

    Pompeo claims he won't let Dems bully state department employees while standing around with a finger in his ass while DOJ harasses former state department employees by retroactively classifying documents from HRCs tenure as Sec of State. Wingnuts want to make criminals out of employees over something they had nothing to do with in another witch hunt against HRC.


  31. Let the record show that 90% of crimes against whites are perpetrated by whites. But hey let's negro bash by all means.

  32. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Amari Allen part of the 40% of Negroes with Mental Illness in the country. Lying, Crazy and Low IQ. The Pyramid Builders got them some problems.

  33. Drumpf just got a healthy dose of Kismet and it bit his ass hard.


    Didn't list the sale of property or the income from the sale on financial disclosures.

    In better news New York dickfucker congressweael Collins resigned because he will be indicted for insider trading.

  35. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Trump administration watching Hillary Clintons criminal trial....

  36. "We the jury unanimously find the defendant Amber Guyger guilty of murder as charged in the indictment," Kemp read.

    That is Texas, wonder if she'll get the death penalty?

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Trump administration watching Hillary Clintons criminal trial.

    Something that will happen only in stoopid fucking wingnut fever dreams.

  38. Guyger could get anywhere from 5 years to life or the death penalty. If she didn't know she was in the wrong apartment, hers was a floor directly below, she had no business with a gun or a uniform.

  39. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Amari Allen part of the 40% of Negroes with Mental Illness in the country. Lying, Crazy and Low IQ. The Pyramid Builders got them some problems.
    Go back to smoking meth and OD on opioids like your lot is likely to do.


  41. Sammy7:03 PM

    You see field negro, you have to say that because you know you mom has been with me many years ago. But I digress. Either you never been upstate or you were and was somebody's maytag.

  42. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Black Woman Caught On Camera In Bronx Zoo Lion Exhibit

  43. Anonymous8:24 PM

    And the jury finds Donald John Trump ...

    GUILTY on all charges.


    White people start rioting like its the Ferguson, Los Angeles, Detroit and Watts rebellions all rolled into one big massive conflagration of White Butt-Hurt!

  44. Wasicu wastey went to see bison, got gored and decided to take his girlfriend out there because he figured he wouldn't get gored again. Bison didn't get that memo and both parties were hospitalized. Can't fix wasicu stoopid.

    and there are so many moar stoopid white men than any other color.

  45. "Former House Negro Stacey Dash arrested for domestic violence. Another unhinged whackjob imitating Drumpf's behavior."

    Thanks Mike. But she is not a "former" HN, she still is. :)

  46. Anonymous12:12 AM

    White people start rioting like its the Ferguson, Los Angeles, Detroit and Watts rebellions all rolled into one big massive conflagration of White Butt-Hurt!

    8:24 PM

    white people don't act like niggers.

  47. white people don't act like niggers.

    Wasicus are much worse because white privilege allows them to get away with stuff POC get arrested and shot for.

    Remember the pillorying Obama got for bowing to the Japanese PM? Polite bowing is how Japanese greet one another.

    Remember dumbass dubya shoving a yard of tongue into Saudi King's welcoming pie hole? Not a word or hurl was recorded by homophobic wingnut hypocrites.

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Wasicus are much worse because white privilege allows them to get away with stuff POC get arrested and shot for.

    So why don't you get away from them all?  I'm sure you won't find any in a black neighborhood.  Why don't you go live on Chicago's west side?  You can pal around with PilotX, maybe get introduced to Jussie Smollett and his Nigerian friends.  Ought to be right up your a.....lley.

    You said you don't own any property so all you need is to pack up your Jeep and go.

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