Saturday, September 07, 2019

Sharpie Saturday.

  • Image result for trump sharpie images
  • Image result for trump sharpie images
  • Image result for trump sharpie images
  • Image result for trump sharpie images
  • Image result for trump sharpie images

I want to thank the very creative folks on twitter for these pics.  

Oh, and seven days later trump is still lying about the Hurricane forecast and Alabama.  


  1. I know his favorite pen is called a Sharpie, but he seems kinda dull to me.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM

    That's the best you've got?

  3. Drumpf just might be smarter than a Sharpie. It is debatable.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I think Trump spends too much time sniffing Sharpie fumes. It would explain a lot.

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:49 AM

    Caption for these pics....

    This is what you get when you elect a low intellect gangster. Did you expect anything else?

  6. Wait for dumbfuck to claim he invented Sharpies.

  7. Jack Ketch6:40 PM

    This is your idea of very creative. It’s no wonder youse people couldn’t figure out a wheel. Keep bottom feeding, it suits you.

  8. If whites were so damn smart, they would have perfected the wheel by now.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:44 PM

    Jack Ketch said...

    This is your idea of very creative. It’s no wonder youse people couldn’t figure out a wheel. Keep bottom feeding, it suits you.
    At least we are smart enough to know that walls are older than wheels. That's more than Mr. Trump knows.

  10. What Gambler said.🙂

  11. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Qasim Rashid, Esq.
    ‏Verified account @QasimRashid
    Sep 7

    Homeless Black woman sends 5-year-old to wrong school
    •5 years prison

    Wealthy white woman bribes college officials with tens of thousands of dollars
    •30 days jail

    This is what institutional white supremacy in the CJ system looks like. Reprehensible injustice.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous10:19 PM

    ”Homeless Black woman sends 5-year-old to wrong school
    •5 years prison”


    So many of these “woke narratives” on social media contain omissions, distortions, or downright fabrications, and that is the case with this one, too.

    Tanya McDowell did not get 5 years merely for enrolling her kid in the wrong school district. She also got busted for drugs and prostitution. The five years covered ALL the charges.

    I am frankly pretty tired of these dishonest conversations. There are indeed very real racial disparities in our society, but it doesn’t help anything when people inflate those disparities out of all proportion to reality by citing fake examples to incite outrage.

  13. Yeah, by your own link she was facing 40 years and took a plea deal for five.
    I think she makes an excellent example of how poor people crimes like drugs and prostitution which don't amount to shit and are selectively enforced on people of color are disproportionately punished by our criminal justice system.
    While if you are white and wealthy, you can bribe university officials to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and get a suggested sentence of 30 days, which she may still weasel out of because she's rich and white.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Anonymous8:18 AM

    How High School, but that is the loony left......

  15. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    That's the best you've got?

    3:38 AM

    Yes, that's all the alt left has is infantile immature behavior.....

  16. On the wealthy white privilege front..... Huffman is scheduled to be sentenced by a judge on Friday. Prosecutors have suggested four months in prison and a $20,000 fine. Her lawyers are asking for a sentence of one year of probation, 250 hours of community service and a $20,000 fine.1 hour ago

    Felicity Huffman explains her role in the college cheating ...

    If you can't do the time.... be born white with privilege.

  17. Snopes sets the record straight. Black woman WAS sentenced to 5 years in prison for sending her child to a better school. She was later arrested on other charges after the first charges were dropped. She took a plea deal or she would have spent decades in prison because she is a POC.

    After McDowell’s arrest was nationally reported, outrage ensued, and a petition was established online calling for the charges against her to be dropped. But larceny wasn’t the only charge McDowell faced. In 2011, she was arrested again, this time on suspicion of attempting to sell drugs to and offering an undercover police officer a prostitute.

    McDowell was sentenced to five years in prison and five years probation after being convicted of first-degree larceny in the school case as part of a plea deal struck with prosecutors. Had she not taken the deal, McDowell could have faced decades in prison. At the time of her sentencing her attorney, David Crosland, expressed happiness with the resolution of the case.

    The McDowell case was raised again in 2019 in comparisons to the celebrity college-admissions scandal, as an example of perceived unequal sentencing meted out according to class and race, although most failed to take into account that McDowell’s sentencing was the result of a plea bargain in which she was given a lighter sentence than she could have faced had she proceeded to trial.

  18. Anonymous10:15 AM

    More alt left krazeeness:

    Swedish scientist floats eating human flesh as solution to global climate change: reports

  19. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Snopes is total bullshit

  20. Anonymous10:20 AM

    “I think she makes an excellent example of how poor people crimes like drugs and prostitution which don't amount to shit and are selectively enforced on people of color are disproportionately punished by our criminal justice system.”

    Well, there I agree with you.

    There are a lot of crimes that should either carry much lower sentences or none at all. That we deal with “vice” through prohibition is a major source of injustice.

    There are many, many ways in which our criminal justice system is unfair. It’s just not helpful to act as if all you have to do is be white and you can go round decapitating people for fun and pay no penalty. Or portray ridiculously low sentences like Brock Turner or “affluenza kid’s” as if theirs are the normal, expected experience for the average white person convicted of rape or manslaughter, when they aren’t at all. (Both involved wealthy defendants who hit the jackpot in terms of landing a lenient judge.)

    People need to think a little harder about why our justice system stinks, and not chalk it all up to the direct racial prejudice of judges and juries, which is only one factor.

  21. Food for thought (except for stoopid racist wingnuts).....

    Snopes is light years better and accurate, two things never said about right wing outlets or Fake Noize.

  22. How to steal elections, wingnut style.

  23. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Snopes is Fake News.

  24. Anonymous11:20 AM

    The media greatly underestimates the percentage of Americans who see them as a hostile, insurgent propaganda arm of everything that’s destroying this country.

  25. Shut up lying wingnuts! From Dakota Free _Press: Just last week, the University of Alabama pushed a black VP/dean of students out the door for old tweets pointing out America’s “systemic history of racism for my people.” This politically motivated dismissal is part of a larger pattern identified in research by Acadia University political scientist Jeffrey Adam Sachs: universities have been terminating faculty and administrators more frequently for liberal political speech than for conservative political speech:

    What remains are 45 cases from 2015 to 2017 where a faculty member was fired, resigned, or demoted/denied promotion due to speech deemed by critics as political. Of these, more than half (26) occurred in 2017, the clear majority (19) being over liberal speech. This disparity persists even after removing terminations occurring in private religious institutions [Jeffrey Adam Sachs, “There Is No Campus Free Speech Crisis: A Close Look at the Evidence,” Niskanen Center: Defending the Open Society, 2018.04.27].


    I've said it before and it bears constant repitition, Drumpf will never get a good deal because he can't keep his dumbfucking mouth shut.

  27. ps the Taliban were not stoopid enough to allow drumpf to fly them to America where they would likely have ended up in Guantanamo permanently.

    They, at least, have intelligence and trusted advisers. Drumpf claims to be smarter than any one in the world, which is why he is a moronic fuck up of colossal proportions.

  28. Thanks to drumpf's fat mouth spewing top secret info to Russian agents in America......

    The orange secrets megaphone endangered the spy's life and likely his family, plus a possible Israeli spy embedded with Taliban.

    But, but HRC had emails. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  29. Fake News Update4:48 PM

    CIA director has already debunked your story mike.

  30. Ace Freely4:54 PM

    Was Russiagate Borne Out of a Desire to Get the US State Department Help Sidney Blumenthal's Company Recover Sixty-Six Billion Dollars of Libyan Assets Squirreled Away by Qadaffi?

    Records recently posted online by the FBI indicate that it did little to investigate allegations from private sources connected to Republicans about a scheme in which associates of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to exploit their connection to her to profit from the turmoil in Libya in 2011.

    The FBI received the documents in June 2016, around the same time it launched an exhaustive, three-year investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia based, in part, on information from private sources connected to Democrats that in the main would prove to be false - the Steele dossier.


    The documents, quietly released as part of the FBI's case files for the "Midyear Exam," its code name for the Clinton email investigation, revive a lingering mystery from Clinton’s tenure as the nation’s chief diplomat: Why did Sidney Blumenthal, the former journalist and Bill Clinton White House aide, send her a series of detailed memos and reports about Libya beginning in 2011?

    The documents offer an answer. They allege that Blumenthal sent the emails as a "quid pro quo" to free up classified State Department financial intelligence to help Libya recover as much as $66 billion spirited offshore by slain strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

    Out of that, Blumenthal and associates stood to gain a brokers' cut of perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars.

    The private Libya inquiry leaves important issues unsettled. The documents do not include emails or other original source material to support the allegations within. While claiming to possess evidence that Blumenthal and his associates had contracts and offshore accounts to repatriate the money, the documents say "no concrete evidence" was found suggesting Clinton acted to support the effort.

    Yet if verified, the files might shed light on why Clinton kept her emails, tens of thousands of which have gone missing, out of normal government communication channels.

    They do offer tantalizing connections between the Libya and Trump-Russia affairs. Previous reporting from multiple outlets has established Blumenthal worked on Libya with Cody Shearer, another longtime Clinton operative. Shearer would later join Blumenthal in passing anti-Trump claims similar to those in the Steele dossier on to the State Department and across the federal government. The FBI's acquisition of the Libya files made it freshly aware of Blumenthal's possible past motives - including personal financial gain - as he spurred an investigation meant to help defeat Donald Trump and elect Clinton.

    In addition, one FBI agent played an especially pivotal role in the bureau’s response to both sets of allegations: Peter Strzok, who would eventually be fired by the bureau because of his anti-Trump bias.

  31. Steele Dossier much more credible than anything drumpfuck the dumbfuck ejaculates out his pathological lying mouth.


    Refugees from Bahamas need proper documentation to enter the US. What a fucking asshole. He will probably charge admission, too.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:10 PM

    Ace Freely said...
    The private Libya inquiry leaves important issues unsettled. The documents do not include emails or other original source material to support the allegations within. While claiming to possess evidence that Blumenthal and his associates had contracts and offshore accounts to repatriate the money, the documents say "no concrete evidence" was found suggesting Clinton acted to support the effort.

    4:54 PM

    Republicans have been conspiring against the Clintons since 1978, (41 years ago) beginning with Whitewater But ultimately, none of the many investigations into Whitewater — including, most famously, one by independent counsel Kenneth Starr — found that the Clintons did anything criminal.

    Then there were Travelgate, Filegate the impeachment of Bill in 1998, and Benghazi in 2012. During the following six years Republican committees conducted more than ten investigations trying to pin blame on Hillary for the Benghazi fiasco. They did this knowing that the Ambassador had been directed not to go there because his safety could not be assured.

    Next we had the email debacle. Hillary unwisely used her personal email server for some government business. Well, wow! - Colin Powell did the same and Ivanka Trump is doing so today. I haven't seen them dragged through senate sub committee after sub committee to answer for this behavior. But Hillary was.

    The article you sourced above regarding money from Libya admitted that: "The documents do not include emails or other original source material to support the allegations within." So why are you posting about it?

    Aren't forty-one years of harassment of the Clintons enough?

  34. "Yes, that's all the alt left has is infantile immature behavior....."

    So trump is a lefty? Laura Ingrahm? All the conservative trolls here? The most juvenile things I have ever seen are posted by righties trying to "own" a lib. On her show the other night Ingrahm pretended to eat a steak with light bulbs on it through a straw. Sounds sooooooo mature huh?

  35. Maturity at its finest.

  36. And our very mature president rage tweeting at a singer instead of running the free world. WTEF?


  37. Some good news on the marital front, Tawd Failin files papers against the wicked wasilla witch moron Saracuda Faillin. They can't co-exist and haven't slept together in over 10 years. All together now....Awwwwwwwwwwwshuckydarn!

  38. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Trump’s campaign manager has been talking about this being the start of a family “dynasty” in the White House.

    LOL. He is not going to make it into a second term, much less pass the presidency on to Trump Dunce 2, 3, and 4.

    Unless, of course, he intends to abolish elections and declare a dictatorship. Maybe that’s the plan?

  39. Read up on Lee Atwater's descent into race baiting politics and then hear his own words.

  40. Has Dorian stopped kicking the shit out of Alabama, yet?

  41. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "Has Dorian stopped kicking the shit out of Alabama, yet?"

    There have got to be a few Alabamian MAGAheads hunkered down in their basements, still waiting for the hurricane to hit because Trump told them it would. Wouldn't you think?

  42. CBP says Bahamian refugees will be accepted in the without documentation as this is a natural disaster. Wait a coupkle hours then.....

    Of course, the real disaster says they have to have proper documentation because, you know, they be brown skinned people and probably rapists and murderers and such.

  43. I heartily agree, Anon @ 8:24. Must suck to be them.


    Perjurer Wilbur Ro0ss threatened to fire NOAA officials if they did not disavow email from Alabama scientists saying Alabama was in no danger from Dorian.

    The crimes keep rolling. The criminals be rolling, too.

  45. Anonymous1:37 PM

    The alt left is so desperate......

  46. Amazing that so much insanity is put up with.

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