Thursday, September 05, 2019

Sharpie-gate, and the lie that keeps getting bigger.

Image result for Trump Map Images Hurricane
Someone please tell Mr. trump that this sharpie fiasco has gone on long enough. What should have been a one day news story that just pretty much confirms that he is a liar who will lie about the smallest of things, has turned into what is now being called sharpiegate.

Mr. trump has doubled and tripled down on his ridiculous and dangerous lie that the people of Alabama were in harms way when Hurricane Dorian was heading towards the United States. It is a lie that was proven wrong, and that the authorities in Alabama had to quickly correct before their citizens went into a full blown panic. And yet this petty man who some of you chose to elect as your president insists on perpetrating a fraudulent story.

The kicker was when he held a press briefing and used a sharpie to include Alabama in the hurricane's track. (A little stunt that was illegal to boot.) That would have been the low point in any normal presidency, but we are talking about Donald trump here, so that probably registers somewhere in the middle on the outrage meter.

And  still he won't let it go.

The following is from the Washington Post:

"He posted nine tweets and five maps about Alabama and the big storm.

He defended a doctored hurricane map that had been altered with a black Sharpie to include the state.
And he had his White House release a 225-word statement defending his erroneous warnings that Alabama was “going to get a piece” of the storm.

As Hurricane Dorian battered the Carolinas with torrential rain and wind Thursday, President Trump remained fixated on sunny Alabama — a state he falsely claimed was in the storm’s crosshairs long after it was in the clear.

For a fourth straight day, Trump’s White House sought to clean up the president’s mistaken warnings to Alabama from Sunday, seeking to defend Trump’s tweets by releasing statements, disseminating alternative hurricane maps and attacking the media.

Trump also took to Twitter again to defend his use of a doctored and outdated hurricane map that looped in Alabama using black marker — the latest iteration in a days-long, administration-wide campaign on the topic....

Tim O’Brien, a Trump biographer and executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion, said the Alabama claims underscore the president’s belief that admitting error is a sign of weakness.

“He’s doubling down on the worst sides of his troubled personality — to never admit an error and to continue obsessing about it, and emphasizing it, when it doesn’t serve him well to do so,” he said. “He doesn’t move along because he is incapable of moving along.”

Trump, who canceled a trip to Poland to monitor the storm, was especially sensitive to the criticism he has received for misrepresenting the hurricane’s path, according to current and former officials.
“Always good to be prepared! But the Fake News is only interested in demeaning and belittling,” Trump tweeted Monday, complaining about an ABC News report that highlighted the discrepancy between Trump’s warnings to Alabama and the government’s assurance that the state was not under threat." [Source]

We are all under a threat. The threat of Donald trump. 

Finally, there is a story breaking tonight from Mother Jones about Mr. trump's finances, and a mysterious $50 million loan that he says that he owes to one of his own companies. If you care anything about what is happening with the conman in Washington you will give it a quick read. [Read here.]



  1. This proves, beyond any doubt, Drumpfuck the raging imbecile, 2 year old in the kremlin annex is insane and batshit crazy and moar likely both.
    But, too bad for America, Drumpfuck's supporters don't care he is crazy. He is just as inbred as they are. And it shows.

  2. The $50 mil fake loan looks a lot like tax evasion, and Colbert said that since this scandal is about Fergus lying about where the water was going, we should call it "Water Gate"...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. That is one weird dude! He'll probably try to fire NHC employees now. His supporters will just call it fake news. Sad times but the election of Barack drove racists insane and this is what we get.😖


  4. The Mad Emperor's Sharpie
    an Underfable

    Once upon a time, a mad Emperor said to an approaching Hurricane, "Disperse or I will nuke you!"
    The Hurricane said, "Then I will be radioactive."
    The Emperor drew forth his Sharpie, and said, "By the credibility of this Sharpie, I hereby order you to go straight!"
    The Hurricane turned right and raked the coast.
    The Emperor said, "You're not listening! Who do you think you are?"
    The Hurricane said, "I am what I am what I am what I am what I am what I am what I am!"

    Moral: Nature bats last.

  5. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Good morning to all the feelz,

    Just an observation, the three leading democrat candidates for president are old white people. How can this be? I was under the impression that the democrat party was so over white people. What gives?

    Another observation, it appears that the democrat platform for the presidential election is "America Sucks" and the "planet is going to die in a few years". I know it does not matter to democrat voters what their candidates say or do but how is this a winning strategy?

    Asking for a friend. Thanks in advance.

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  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    From today's Think Progress,

    It looks like Donald is not happy unless he is torturing some one, especially if they are poor. It seems that he especially enjoys taking food from the elderly and hungry children.

  8. Just an observation, the three leading democrat candidates for president are old white people with well rounded educations, massive government experience, a real IQ, intelligence, mental stability, a near aversion to being pathological liars, they have clews, None wears a dead animal pelt on their heads, have never been forxced to pay hush money to women not their wives, and they don't feel the need to belittle everyone everywhere, all the time.

    Ficks tit for you, anymoose.

  9. " I know it does not matter to democrat voters what their candidates say or do but how is this a winning strategy?"

    Anyone with a pulse and without a massive head injury is better than trump. We now have an individual who lies constantly, acts like a petulant toddler and just isn't a good person. Any criticism coming from a virtually all white party about the racial composition of the Democratic Party is highly hypocritical.

  10. Fake News Update12:48 PM

    Biden on Colbert told a verifiable lie about holding cages for immigrant kids that went unchecked.

    The “Abrams is actually governor” conspiracy theory is promoted by presidential candidates and continues to go unchecked.

    Our brave media will freak out over a sharpie mark but let monstrous lies continues... I guess falsely accusing the American government of human rights abuses is no big deal or claiming that an election is rigged isn’t as dangerous as they pretended it to be.

  11. Anonymous12:53 PM

    “Another observation, it appears that the democrat platform for the presidential election is ‘America Sucks’ and the ‘planet is going to die in a few years’.

    No, not “America sucks”; it’s just racists like you that suck. You are not the totality of “America,” no matter how much you pretend to be.

    And “the planet is going to die in a few years” is an exaggeration, but it’s not that far off the mark. Doing nothing about climate change now guarantees a miserable future for coming generations. The alternative is that Dem candidates could LIE to the public and tell them that everything’s fine — you know, the Republican way.

  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "Climate change" is nothing but an attempt for progressives/globalists to gain control of all aspects of our lives by convincing gullible people that somehow the world will end unless we cede all power to them.

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    “The Republican Party” is nothing but an attempt for greedy billionaires to gain control of all aspects of our lives by convincing gullible white people they will be enslaved and victimized by inferior blacks/Latinos/Muslims unless we cede all power to the billionaires.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Climate change" is nothing but an attempt for progressives/globalists to gain control of all aspects of our lives by convincing gullible people that somehow the world will end unless we cede all power to them.

    1:30 PM
    It's sad to discover that you are so delusional. The evidence is all around us, yet you refuse to see. You are the gullible one who has allowed the liars to blind you to reality. If there is no climate change, answer me five questions:
    1. Why is every year hotter than the last?
    2. Why are the glaciers around the world melting?
    3. Why has the earth's rainfall patterns changed?
    4. Why are we regularly experiencing category 5 hurricanes?
    5. Why is the sea level rising all around the earth?

    When the whole earth catches fire, then will you see the truth??? Maybe not.

  15. Progressive projection2:38 PM

    “The Republican Party” is nothing but an attempt for greedy billionaires to gain control of all aspects of our lives by convincing gullible white people they will be enslaved and victimized by inferior blacks/Latinos/Muslims unless we cede all power to the billionaires"

    No Republican politician says that.

  16. The trouble with advocating for "clean energy" is that this appeals to altruism, which the R's have proven is a weak force. Stronger is self-interest, including acquisitiveness and the will to power. I therefore recommend that we re-brand "clean energy", a.k.a. "green energy" and "renewable energy", as "owned power".

    When you put up a solar panel or a windmill or a hydro turbine or a geothermal tap, then you own a source of power. Those kilowatts are yours; the rent-seekers in the oil oligopolies and the oil autocracies cannot embargo you. Therefore you own your own power, both in the physical sense and in the political sense.

    Fuel-based power is rented power; natural-flow-based power is owned power; and it's better to own your power than to rent it.

    This is the argument that I propose the Green New Deal make.

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    “No Republican politician says that.”

    Of course not. They leave out the part about subservience to rich people, because that would be giving the game away. Instead, all the deregulation and union-busting and tax cuts are described as “defending liberty” and “fiscal responsibility” and “promoting innovation,” and similar claptrap. This sounds ever so slightly nicer than “hand over your wallet to the important people.”

    It’s always the same dynamic. Dimwitted rednecks voting over and over again to financially fuck themselves because a bunch of lying GOP con men scared them senseless with a campaign of racist lies about black welfare cheats and Mexican rapists and rampaging jihadis.

  18. Anonymous2:51 PM

    1. Why is every year hotter than the last?

    That's simply not true. Global mean temperatures do not rise every year. The 1930's are the hottest decade on record for the US.

    2. Why are the glaciers around the world melting?

    Glaciers always fluctuate. Receding glaciers in the Alps reveal mines from 1,000 years ago that indicate there was no glacier there then. Most glaciers in the northern hemisphere are receding now. Most in the southern hemisphere are not, or are growing.

    3. Why has the earth's rainfall patterns changed?

    Rainfall patterns are always changing. It's called weather.

    4. Why are we regularly experiencing category 5 hurricanes?

    We are not regularly experiencing category 5 hurricanes. In fact, the last 15 years have seen a historically low hurricane frequency. Destruction is much more an issue now because of coastal development. There's more stuff there to destroy and more people to be harmed.

    5. Why is the sea level rising all around the earth?

    The sea level has been rising since the end of the Ice Age maximum (over 400 feet). All the evidence shows that the rate of sea level rise has not increased during this century, even though greenhouse gas emissions have increased substantially. Obama just bought a mansion on Martha's Vineyard. The day you see rich people selling their beachfront property for pennies on the dollar, you'll know catastrophic sea level rise is real.

  19. Progressive projection2:56 PM

    “No Republican politician says that.”

    Of course not. They leave out the part about subservience to rich people, because that would be giving the game away.

    Good thing you are here to explain what they REALLY mean, despite their aversion to touching any such rhetoric with a ten foot pole.

    And btw, here in the 21st century, rich people overwhelmingly support Democrats. Maybe you should reconsider just who is dimwitted.


    And this surprised no one. Deplorables will wear this as a badge of honor. Never have moar white American inbreds been smarter than their mini-czar.

  21. Anonymous3:16 PM

    “And btw, here in the 21st century, rich people overwhelmingly support Democrats.”

    And who is telling you that? Lemme guess — lying wingnut media. Ahahaha!

    Overwhelmingly, the wealthiest Americans give most of their campaign donations to Republicans — notwithstanding the existence of a handful of prominent liberal donors like George Soros or Tom Steyer that wingnuts spent inordinate amounts of time fulminating over.

  22. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "When the whole earth catches fire, then will you see the truth??? Maybe not."

    This is religious thinking, not science.

    There is a deep-seated need for spirituality in people. Post-Christian progressivism attempts to fill this void by sacralizing the elements of their ideology. The old sins have been replaced with new ones - "racism", "sexism", "homophobia", "whiteness", etc. The transcendence of the soul has been replaced with a gnostic vision of Heaven on Earth, where the inherent evil of humanity can only atoned for by vanquishing the iron rules of nature. It's a war not on superstition, but on reality. All people have not just equal value (true), but equal abilities (false). You can change your gender just by saying so. Evolution is real except for where it implies differences between people, in which case it's a sin.

    And if you don't bow before the precepts of this new religion, it even has it's own Apocalypse Myth: Climate change. The end is nigh!

  23. Fact check: WRONG3:23 PM

    "Overwhelmingly, the wealthiest Americans give most of their campaign donations to Republicans"

    Seven of the top ten individual donors during the 2016 election gave money to Democrats:

  24. Anonymous3:28 PM

    3000 BC: We must sacrifice a baby for favorable weather.

    2019: We must sacrifice millions of babies for favorable climate.

  25. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Think Progress has shut down:

    Where will PilotX get his disinformation now?

  26. "The 1930's are the hottest decade on record for the US."

    Factually incorrect. 1934 was the hottest single US year ever, but the USA is not the entire world. The USA covers only 2% of the Earth's surface, and over the entire planet the 1930's was one of the coolest decades in the last 150 years.

    "Glaciers always fluctuate. Receding glaciers in the Alps reveal mines from 1,000 years ago that indicate there was no glacier there then. Most glaciers in the northern hemisphere are receding now. Most in the southern hemisphere are not, or are growing."

    Factually incorrect. The Grace study showed that the Earth is losing about 200Gt of glacial ice per year, about two thirds of which takes place in the Northern hemisphere and one third in the southern hemisphere.


    "We are not regularly experiencing category 5 hurricanes. In fact, the last 15 years have seen a historically low hurricane frequency"

    Factually incorrect. Global warming models suggest there will be no statistical significant increase in the number of hurricanes, only in the number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes. And so it as proved, there have been in the last decade twice as many Cat 4 & 5 hurricanes than there were in the 1940's.



    "Rainfall patterns are always changing. It's called weather."

    No it isn't, it's called climate. Climate and weather are entirely different things. Then there's this...

    "Rising temperatures will intensify the Earth’s water cycle, increasing evaporation. Increased evaporation will result in more storms, but also contribute to drying over some land areas. As a result, storm-affected areas are likely to experience increases in precipitation and increased risk of flooding, while areas located far away from storm tracks are likely to experience less precipitation and increased risk of drought." Source - NASA


    "The sea level has been rising since the end of the Ice Age maximum (over 400 feet). All the evidence shows that the rate of sea level rise has not increased during this century, even though greenhouse gas emissions have increased substantially."

    Factually incorrect. The rate of increase of rising sea levels has doubled i the last hundred years.


  27. "planet is going to die in a few years"

    Nope. The planet will be fine, it's been through far more extreme conditions.

    Millions of people will die and/or be displaced, but the planet will go on without caring even a little.

    See, we are responsible for maintaining the living conditions we depend on now that there are so many of us that we affect them with our behavior, and we will be the ones who pay the price for failing to do so, along with all the other species that we drive to extinction in the process.

    Like every other creature, we have to learn to not shit in our own nests, or pay the price for failing to learn.

    Like petulant toddlers, too many of us just try to deny that there's anything wrong until what's wrong kills us or displaces us from our homes.

    Some of us would rather deal with the problems while we still can than live through the consequences of inaction.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Repent now!3:46 PM

    Wednesday during CNN’s climate town hall, Democratic presidential hopeful Mayor of South Bend, IN, Pete Buttigieg called inaction on climate change a “sin.”:

    “There’s a lot of evidence that the Syria civil war is one of the first that was partly caused as a consequence of climate change. We want to talk about security, let’s talk about securing the lives of future generations. Let’s talk in language that is understood across the heartland about faith. If you believe that God is watching, as poison is being belched into the air of creation, and people are being harmed by it. Countries are at risk of vanishing in low lying areas. What does God think of that? It’s messed up.”

    “You don’t have to be religious to see the moral dimension. Frankly, every religious and non-religious moral tradition tells us that we have some responsibility of stewardship. Some responsibility for taking care of what’s around us and our neighbor. Eventually, it gets to the point this is less and less about the planet as an abstract thing and more about specific people suffering specific harm because of what we’re doing right now. At least one way of talking about this is that it’s a kind of sin.”

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    3000 BC: We must sacrifice a baby for favorable weather.

    2019: We must sacrifice millions of babies for favorable climate.

    3:28 PM
    Well holy smokes! I haven't seen anyone sacrifice any babies yet.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    1. Why is every year hotter than the last?

    "That's simply not true. Global mean temperatures do not rise every year. The 1930's are the hottest decade on record for the US."
    Climate by the numbers
    July 2019

    The average global temperature in July was 1.71 degrees F above the 20th-century average of 60.4 degrees, making it the hottest July in the 140-year record, according to scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The previous hottest month on record was July 2016.

    Nine of the 10 hottest Julys have occurred since 2005—with the last five years ranking as the five hottest. Last month was also the 43rd consecutive July and 415th consecutive month with above-average global temperatures.

    You are sadly mistaken about the 1930's as shown below.

    Global Mean Annual Temperature Average per Decade
    Decade °C °F
    1880s 13.73 56.71
    1890s 13.75 56.74
    1900s 13.74 56.73
    1910s 13.72 56.70
    1920s 13.83 56.89
    1930s 13.96 57.12
    1940s 14.04 57.26
    1950s 13.98 57.16
    1960s 13.99 57.18
    1970s 14.00 57.20
    1980s 14.18 57.52
    1990s 14.31 57.76
    2000s 14.51 58.12

  31. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "Well holy smokes! I haven't seen anyone sacrifice any babies yet."

    Head on down to Planned Parenthood, maybe they'll let you watch. And now Democrats are linking abortion to Climate Change.

    Bernie Sanders at Wednesday's CNN town hall:

    Audience member, Martha Readyoff: “I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it is crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?”

    Sanders: “Well Martha the answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies, and make reproductive decisions.”

    Sanders added that he would support taxpayer-funded programs to provide abortions and birth control for women in developing countriesas a measure to combat the climate crisis.

  32. From Steve Benen:

    "Donald Trump has now been in office for 31 full months -- February 2017 through August 2019 -- and in that time, the economy has created 5.85 million jobs. In the 31 months preceding Trump's presidency -- July 2014 to January 2017 -- the economy created 6.84 million jobs.

    I recently heard from some readers who asked what would happen if we looked at the same numbers, but assigned the job totals from January 2017 to Trump, even though Obama was president for most of the month. On balance, I think that paints a misleading picture, but it doesn't change the underlying dynamic: if we applied jobs from January 2017 to Trump and compared the last 32 months to the previous 32 months, job totals still slowed from 7.13 million to 6.10 million.

    The White House, meanwhile, believes we should actually start the clock for Trump at November 2016 -- the month of the Republican's election -- and apply the jobs created during the final months of the Obama era to the current Republican president. But that still doesn't help: if we compare the last 34 months to the previous 34 months, job totals slowed from 7.67 million to 6.48 million.

    Trump continues to tell the world that he's overseeing the strongest domestic job growth in American history, which is plainly false. What's more, the White House has not yet offered an explanation for why job growth has slowed since Trump took office."

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "why job growth has slowed since Trump took office."

    It hasn't, quite the opposite.

    Your numbers are misleading.

    Even more important is the fact that the Trump economy has achieved the first real wage growth in decades.

  34. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Trump weaponizes the Justice Department to promote destructive climate change by threatening to prosecute carmakers for making vehicles that don't burn enough fuel for his liking. Add this to the list of his impeachable abuses of power.

    DOJ launches antitrust probe over California emissions deal with automakers

    And here's more racist Trump being racist. He's now also threatening to stop all refugees from entering the country. Which sounds like it's an invocation of yet another power he does not actually have, because we've signed a treaty on refugees that has the force of law, but whatever. Details.

    The Trump Administration Might End Refugee Re-Settlement As We Know It

    Remember, Trump doesn't just golf and make an embarrassing ass of his ignorant self on Twitter. He occasionally takes a break so he can do other, truly evil shit.

  35. According to a source in the kremlin annex, DErumpf marked up the weather map with a Sharpie. The source claims no one else in the k-a does that.

  36. Not so fast on your real wage growth stat.

  37. "Sanders added that he would support taxpayer-funded programs to provide abortions and birth control for women in developing countriesas a measure to combat the climate crisis."

    Bernie is way behind the times on that issue, and the actual situation should be something you would imagine to be right in his wheelhouse.

    Back in the '90s, the International Population Conference had some good news: the growth curve in some of the most problematic areas had significantly flattened from previous projections. We weren't out of the woods yet, but progress toward avoiding the kind of mass famine situations they were working against was far better than they had expected, and the reasons kind of surprised them.

    I'm gonna try and quote the scientist doing the presentation from memory: "It turns out that curbing problematic population growth doesn't have as much to do with the mass distribution of contraceptives as we thought it would. Instead, the surprising gains were all made in places where we simply tried to improve the women's lot in life. It turns out that if women in extreme poverty have hope for their own lives, and hope for their children's lives, they have fewer children and take better care of the ones they have. This seems simple, but apparently it has taken us the whole of time so far to figure it out."

    Get with it, Bernie, this is stuff you are already promoting.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Trump weaponizes the Justice Department to promote destructive climate change"

    Imagine believing this.

  39. "Your numbers are misleading."

    They're not MY numbers, asshole, they're Fergus' numbers, since he's the president of the government that produced them.

    And they are not misleading, they just don't agree with the propaganda you are addicted to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Drumpf got a jump start on a booming economy when wingnuts passed middle class taxcuts and much higher spending, the very things Obama begged them for to help Americans while Obama was Potus. Of course they refused to help America with a Black Potus.

  41. Just following your idiot leader:

    "1. Trump tells a lie.
    2. He repeats the lie and denounces those who tell the truth.
    3. He keeps repeating the lie until those who know the truth either get tired or start questioning their own sanity.
    4. He claims victory and moves on to the next lie."

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "Drumpf got a jump start on a booming economy when wingnuts passed middle class taxcuts and much higher spending, the very things Obama begged them for to help Americans while Obama was Potus"

    Obama never asked for a middle class tax cut like Trump got, and he had astronomical levels of spending.

  43. Anonymous6:20 PM

    The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board (WSJ) recently suggested that the Obama administration pulled off “the biggest accounting fraud in history” with student loans when eliminating the role of private lenders in the federal student lending market.

    In 2010, Democrats “nationalized the market to help pay for Obama Care,” WSJ asserted. “The Congressional Budget Office at the time forecast that eliminating private lenders would save taxpayers $58 billion over 10 years. This estimate was pure fantasy, and now we’re seeing how much.”

    The WSJ op-ed also highlighted the rising number of severely delinquent student loans since then and blamed the Obama administration for expanding plans in 2012 for new borrowers “to reduce defaults, buy off millennial voters and disguise the cost of its student-loan takeover.”

    The editorial board then added: “This may be the biggest accounting fraud in history.”

    WSJ argued that eliminating private lenders from the student loan market severely hurt Americans and that by using fair-market accounting, it becomes clear that student loans will actually cost taxpayers nearly $307 billion over the next 10 years.

    Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) during the George W. Bush administration and currently president of the center-right American Action Forum, agreed that the accounting discrepancy manifested because of the “technique” used by the CBO to evaluate the cost of these loan programs.

    “A widely known deficiency of the Federal Credit and Reform Act is that it does not allow the CBO to incorporate [market risk] into assessments," Holtz-Eakin told Yahoo Finance. “So the loans, when they're evaluated are evaluated as safer than they truly are, and thus, the losses are smaller than they may truly be. And there's no way around that — the techniques force you to do that.”

  44. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Gosh, what is Trump afraid of? Could it be that he's actually ... not quite as popular as he says he is?

    Trump challengers accuse GOP of rigging 2020 election in the presidents favor by canceling primaries in four states

    Conveniently for him, Republican officials aren't into democracy anymore, so they will just cancel all their party's primaries for him.

  45. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board (WSJ) recently suggested that the Obama administration pulled off “the biggest accounting fraud in history” with student loans when eliminating the role of private lenders in the federal student lending market."

    Oh no! The Wall Street Journal, mouthpiece of rich people, is very upset because somebody interfered with bankers making as much money as humanly possible. It's a tragedy, really. Someone send them a condolence card.

  46. Anonymous6:49 PM


  47. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Climate change is total bullshit.....

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Well holy smokes! I haven't seen anyone sacrifice any babies yet."

    "Head on down to Planned Parenthood, maybe they'll let you watch. And now Democrats are linking abortion to Climate Change."
    No babies are sacrificed in the United States except the ones Trump has killed in his "detention centers". I think the number is around seven, maybe more by now. Abortion can in no way be defined as sacrificing babies.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Trump weaponizes the Justice Department to promote destructive climate change"

    Imagine believing this.

    5:41 PM

    Yes, I can well imagine believing this because it's true.
    You don't read much do you?


    Yes he did cut taxes for middle income and small businesses, but trayorous wingnuts prevented the taxcuts they let Drump have, for Obama.

  51. Like stoopid fucking lying wingnuts conveniently forget about Obama's service is he inherited the worst recession since the dirty 30's plus the government is strapped with all the debt from dumbass dubya's illegal wars and unpaid for Medicare Part D. The best way out of a recession is government spending massive amounts to stimulate the economy.

    Drumpf was handed 3rd base a foot from home plate and clims he did the heavy lifting himself. Lying like he alsways does and stoopid fucking wingnuts lap his lies like dogs licking shit.

  52. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Progressive = Communist

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Progressive = Communist

    8:42 PM

    Writer = Idiot

  54. "No babies are sacrificed in the United States except the ones Trump has killed in his "detention centers". I think the number is around seven, maybe more by now. Abortion can in no way be defined as sacrificing babies."

    Well, there are the infants among the 15K+ poor people who are dead because Republican states refused to expand Medicaid out of spite and hatred of a black Democratic president.
    Given the maternal mortality rates in those states, I would imagine the number of babies sacrificed to their twisted ideology to be at least in the hundreds.

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:11 AM

    Well, there are the infants among the 15K+ poor people who are dead because Republican states refused to expand Medicaid out of spite and hatred of a black Democratic president.
    Given the maternal mortality rates in those states, I would imagine the number of babies sacrificed to their twisted ideology to be at least in the hundreds.

    -Doug in Oakland

    12:23 AM
    It's got be in the thousands, Doug. It's probably that many in Texas alone. I think Texas has the highest number of uninsured citizens of any state.

  56. Anonymous1:20 AM

    CNN spent days trashing President Trump because he warned Alabama about Hurricane Dorian...

    ...Meanwhile CNN also warned Alabama about Hurricane Dorian.

  57. "Writer = Idiot"



    Town in Texas feared Drumpfuck's wall would go right through cemetery with buried veterans. In 2018 the plans were to remove the remains. That changed due to public pressure. The guv said they won't due stuff like that, but they have no problems plowing straight through sacred Indian burial grounds for rich buds in the oil industry,


    Griftin g fucking croo0k min i-czar has got to grift and is using the military to do so.

  60. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Climate change is a hoax.....

  61. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Man-made “climate change” is largely a myth promoted by politicians to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop “global warming.”
    Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction – fear – the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution: the expansion of government at the public’s expense.
    This strategy, now known as the Hegelian Dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government, which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.

  62. Anon@1:20 AM, there is a big difference: CNN acknowledged their mistake and kept it popping. The idiot in chief, on the other hand, has refused to acknowledge that he made a mistake because his ego just won't let him.

  63. Moar to the grifting story in Scotland. There is an airport within 50 miles of Turnberry GC that is failing and if it goes, so does what is left of Drumpf's golf course. He has military planes land at civilian airport to refuel and much greater cost than at American air bases and has the plane occupants shipped to his properties to pad his bottom lines.

    Wish Obama could have enriched himself this way.

  64. The Coatrsville ExPat11:07 AM

    A couple of things are in order here Judge. First off, The POTUS holding the map wasn't the lie (I mean all white men are liars, right?). It was extrapolation, or forecasting a result based on existing data. Second off, as I learned after leaving the Coatesville plantation, becoming a weather observer in the USAF, I quickly learned that any forecast beyound 36 hours was a guess. Your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational hatred of all things caucasian are astounding.

  65. Tony Rezko11:35 AM

    "Wish Obama could have enriched himself this way"

    When Barack Obama joined the U.S. Senate in 2005, he was a 43-year old former law professor making $85,000 a year. In the 12 years following to the end of his second term as president, he earned $20 million.

    Three-fourths of that money came from lucrative book deals. In total, Obama earned $15.6 million as an author while serving in Washington. Obama made another $3.7 million from government salaries.

    In January 2005, the same month he joined the Senate, he got approval from its ethics committee for a $1.9 million advance against royalties with Random House for two non-fiction books and one children’s book.

    Less than two months after leaving office, Barack and Michelle Obama received a joint book deal worth $65 million.

    In may of 2018 the Obama's signed a deal with Netflix for $50 million to “produce television shows and films for the streaming service.”

  66. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Dave Chappelle on the Jussie Smollett Incident

  67. Obama got his wealth legally, unlike the walking, Russian tool screwing the emoluments clause to enrich himself and family while in office.

  68. Anonymous12:50 PM

  69. "I quickly learned that any forecast beyound 36 hours was a guess."

    First, bullshit, and second, by your logic, his use of a days old forecast map makes him a liar before he even got to the whole "mark it up with a sharpie" bit.

    -Doug in Oakland

  70. NOAA backing Drumpfuck the lying dumbfuck against their scientists and meteorologists shows just how politicized Drumpfuck the lying dumbfuck and stoopid fucking wingnuts have made once bi/non partisan positions.

  71. Drumpf committing election fraud again...

  72. Ivanna Kuturnutzov, freshman dumbfucker senator from iowa , wants to cut yer SS behind closed doors so you won't be able to see when it happens and so it won't be used as a campaign bludgeon against stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Behind closed doors is wingnut speak for transparency.

  73. WSJ editorial board blisters Drumpfuck's stoopid orange ass for his endless trade war and the damages it has done and will do to the economy.

    WSJ EB is not happy!

  74. Anonymous5:08 PM

    “WSJ editorial board blisters Drumpfuck's stoopid orange ass for his endless trade war and the damages it has done and will do to the economy.

    WSJ EB is not happy!”

    WSJ editorial board are a bunch of aristocratic dickheads who only care about what happens to rich people and the rest can go to hell.

    For once, they are on the right side of things, but only because Trump’s profoundly stupid trade war stands to screw almost everybody, regardless of class. The rich won’t be exempted from the harm caused by this particular boneheaded policy, so they’re finally turning against him.

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:32 PM

    This is for Anons. 8:38 AM, 840:-* AM and all other delusional Climate Change deniers: Change Since 1880

    Despite the overall increase, global temperatures have not climbed steadily during the decades. The average global annual temperature hovered around 13.7 °C (56.7 °F) from the 1880s through the 1910s.
    During the 1920s to 1940s, temperatures climbed about 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) each decade. Mean global temperatures then stabilized at roughly 14.0°C (57.2 °F) until the 1980s.
    The world has mainly grown hotter since 1980, at a rate of nearly 0.2 °C (0.36 °F) per decade. The annual global temperature from 2000 to 2009 was 0.61 °C (1.1 °F) higher than the average temperature for 1951 to 1980. If the current rate of increase continues, the world will warm by 2 °C (3.6 °F) in the next century.
    Decade °C °F
    1880s 13.73 56.71
    1890s 13.75 56.74
    1900s 13.74 56.73
    1910s 13.72 56.70
    1920s 13.83 56.89
    1930s 13.96 57.12
    1940s 14.04 57.26
    1950s 13.98 57.16
    1960s 13.99 57.18
    1970s 14.00 57.20
    1980s 14.18 57.52
    1990s 14.31 57.76
    2000s 14.51 58.12

  76. The rich will profit handsomely from Drumpf's endless trade wars. Like vultures they wait patiently for farms to be foreclosed on so they can swoop in and buy more of America's finite and most valuable assets- farm ground.

    There will be valuable businesses losing billions and up for sale. The rich will profit from drumpf's major miscues. That is why they backed him as mini-czar in the first place. They knew he would leave economic devastation behind for them to pick the carcasses clean.


    Iran activates advanced centrifuges in their Drumpf allowed quest to get nukes. Obama and European nations had a deal in place where Iran did not work to develop nukes, but crybaby Drumpf jumped into the shit and now, when Iran gets their nukes, the blame will all be the orange crybaby's fault.

    Unless Drumpf declares unilateral war like a dumbfucker would do.

  78. Anonymous6:29 PM

    “The rich will profit from drumpf's major miscues. That is why they backed him as mini-czar in the first place. They knew he would leave economic devastation behind for them to pick the carcasses clean.”

    Undoubtedly, there will be some who benefit from his trade war. There are always some people who do well out of calamity — disaster capitalists, vulture funders, etc, whatever you want to call them. There were some who did well out of the Great Depression.

    But most won’t. The instability will harm their existing businesses. The number of rich people who stand to lose far exceeds the handful who will win.

    At this point, there isn’t a very large constituency for Trump’s trade war. It consists of stupid, economically illiterate hyper nationalist morons, who aren’t a big proportion of population. But they’re diehard Trump supporters, so the president caters to them, and he doesn’t seem to care that everyone else hates this policy. It gets less popular with each passing day. Much like Trump!

  79. Drumpfuck is selling Drumpfuck branded felt markers while he profits moar and moar from his job title. No word from Drumpf on anyone donating to hurricane relief. Just Drumpf bank account relief.

    Drumpf is one retarded, sick mother fucker.

  80. Why are air force transport planes stopping to refuel (at commercial rates) at the little airport next to Fergus' golf course in Scotland?
    And why are their crews being forced to pay to stay at said golf course?

    -Doug in Oakland

  81. Hey stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts, here is the epitome of a witch hunt done for political expedience by stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 AM

    Like most bullies, Mr. Trump has the emotional maturity of a ten-month old baby and lacks the ability to admit when he makes a mistake. He has no idea how ridiculous that makes him appear. Admitting one's mistakes requires courage, but the cowardly Mr. Trump has none.

  83. Anonymous8:21 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  84. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Chicago September 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 10
    Shot & Wounded: 63
    Total Shot: 73
    Total Homicides: 11

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Shot & Killed: 10
    Total Homicides: 11

    8:22 AM
    What happened, Anon.? Did one person die by being stabbed, or did he/she die from poison? Since you're so knowledgeable about crime in Chicago, I figure you should know.

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