Saturday, October 05, 2019

Caption Saturday.

President Trump

I need a caption for this picture.

Picture by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images from Politico.


  1. "Does this have a pussy? Should I be grabbing it?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous2:59 AM

    "Pence! Is this one of my blacks? I can't tell them apart. I better not be hugging Maxine Waters ..."

  3. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Doug is not familiar with vaginas. Doug is not familiar with employment. Doug is not familiar with how to find housing. Doug is not familiar with checking his blood pressure. But Doug does know about burritos. Listen to Doug everybody he knows it all.

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    OT and FYI, The sort of subpoenas being sent to Trump are just that...sort of, kind of subpoenas but not really subpoenas. Pelosi, Schiff, Nadster and all can go pound sand.
    The House must vote for impeachment and it must pass before any subpoenas are issued. The bad part for Dims is that the Repugs get to issue subpoenas as well. That's a big issue for Dims because it will shed light on the Shrillary and Obama crime families.
    Oh, and an even bigger problem...the Dims will lose the House.
    Please get it on the floor, let's do this!

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    “OT and FYI, The sort of subpoenas being sent to Trump are just that...sort of, kind of subpoenas but not really subpoenas.”

    No, they’re actual, real, bonafide, legally binding subpoenas. The House can issue arrest warrants for refusing to comply with them. They can even send the House’s own security officers to carry out the arrests.

    The fact that this doesn’t happen very often doesn’t mean Congress doesn’t have these powers. Keep in mind that it doesn’t happen very often because a self-serving, criminal piece of shit doesn’t become president very often.

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I guess I have to hug a few 'house ne$$as'; I'm in big $hit and I need all the fools I can find.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "No, they’re actual, real, bonafide, legally binding subpoenas."

    Funny, I've read them and they might look like subpoenas but they are not. You can think they are real but that does not make it so. I suggest you read them slowly, that might help. It's just like all the other BS trotted out by the Dims. History will not be kind to you people.

    Get it on the floor already, don't be "pussies".

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Here you go dimwit, we don't have a court of Pelosi or Schiff or Nadster (yet).

    "A subpoena is a court order. You can use a subpoena to require a person to come to court, go to a deposition, or give documents or evidence to you. You must serve the subpoena on the person."

  9. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Well the first whistleblower turned into another dud, but don't despair there is another one. I wonder if he'll actually have any facts? But don't despair there will be another one and another and another. Truth or facts will not get in the way of this impeachment hunt.

    Why not put the impeachment to a vote?

  10. Blogger mike from iowa said...
    You lose again, Queenie. That must hurt.

    But the California Democrat has reiterated she has no intention to hold a floor vote and has stated her belief that one is not required to launch an inquiry—a conviction that is backed by legal experts and the Constitution.

    "There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

    For your sake and sanity, please inform America you aren't stoopid enuf to believe Drumpfuck is smarter than constitutional lawyers.

  11. Place that unfortunate woman in isolation/quarantine until a cure for Drumpf's giant saber-toothed crotch crickets is developed.

  12. A congressional subpoena is different than a judicial subpoena because it is issued from the congress instead of a judge.
    Nixon tried to ignore one and the supreme court told him he could not, so the evidence came out and he resigned rather than being impeached as he surely would have been.

    The difference between Nixon and Fergus is that the Republicans in Nixon's time still answered to clear violations of the law, whereas the Republicans in the senate today only answer to their fear of losing their jobs in a primary should they anger Fergus' idiot hordes, who are a minority of the electorate at large, but a majority of the Republican primary electorate.

    The crimes are obvious, simple, and admitted to on national television.

    Fergus is such a narcissistic fuck that he doesn't believe there are crimes he can't weasel out of like he's done his whole miserable, corrupt life.

    He's about to find out the difference between an assistant Manhattan DA and the House of Representatives.

    He's really kinda dumb, as most bright seventh graders would know the difference well enough to avoid doing what Fergus will be impeached for.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Proof Positive why the left is bat shit crazy:

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Proof Positive why the left is bat shit crazy:

    Was debunked before it was trotted out the first time, Gomer. You need new makers of shit up.

  15. Why not put the impeachment to a vote?

    The perfect question to put to Moscum Mitch, Putin's Bitch.

    He is being urged to nuke the Sinate's responsibility to hold a trial for scummysucker Drumpfuck.

    And there is not a single stoopid fucking wingnut that does not know any wingnut attempt to avoid impeachment is doing it for personal/political reasons, not what is best for the country. Wingnuts want to survive and maintain white control of this country as they systematically destroy it from the inside.

    Impeach them all!

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    “Proof Positive why the left is bat shit crazy:”

    Proof positive that AOC is way too nice. She tried to politely ignore this cretinous troll and move the discussion back to sane, productive, grownup talk, but she should have just called security and immediately had her tossed out.

    On the other hand, in AOC’s place, Trump would have told his scuzzball followers to beat the shit out of the woman and offered to pay their attorneys’ fees afterward. We know this, because that’s how he reacted to lefty protestors who were quietly holding signs at his stupid hate rallies, not even disrupting them.

  17. Then he would have weaseled out of paying...

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Besides, babies taste terrible and there is very little meat on them.
    Only a Republican would come out with such an absurd idea in real life, although it has traditionally worked in satire.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    OT and FYI, The sort of subpoenas being sent to Trump are just that...sort of, kind of subpoenas but not really subpoenas. Pelosi, Schiff, Nadster and all can go pound sand.
    12:13 PM
    So you are an attorney that specializes in federal law suits? Or do you have other credentials?

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Well the first whistleblower turned into another dud, but don't despair there is another one. I wonder if he'll actually have any facts? But don't despair there will be another one and another and another. Truth or facts will not get in the way of this impeachment hunt.

    FYI, Ivan, no one is despairing right now except Trump and his supporters with half a brain.

  21. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Doug has a preferred baby flesh.

  22. This video reminded me a lot of some of the commenters here:

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Anonymous11:26 PM

    “ This video reminded me a lot of some of the commenters here”

    Yes, the Nazi trolls always try to drag it there. This is their obsession.

    Also, gotta say, I didn’t catch the episode, but Phoebe Waller-Bridge does an impressive American accent. If I didn’t know she was British, I’d never have guessed.

  24. Anonymous11:27 PM

    *try to drag the conversation there

  25. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Here is a timeline of events including the Biden involvement (bribery/corruption/payoffs) in Ukraine:

    This is real.  It includes a link to this 2015 New York Times exposé of Hunter Biden's strange employment by Burisma, a job for which he had no relevant knowledge or competency:

    You clowns who believe Feeled and The Narrative are completely divorced from reality.  You'll probably claim that Trump planted that NYT story just to keep your heads from exploding.

  26. Anonymous12:53 AM

    "This is real. It includes a link to this 2015 New York Times exposé of Hunter Biden's strange employment by Burisma, a job for which he had no relevant knowledge or competency:"

    Man. So stupid. There is plenty of reason to believe that the oligarch owner of Burisma is corrupt. There has never been any reason whatsoever to believe Hunter Biden himself is. Working at the same company with a crook does not make you, personally, a crook. And James Risen, who wrote that NY Times piece you quoted, never suggested he was.

    So here is another article from Risen explaining how dumb you are.

    I Wrote About the Bidens and Ukraine Years Ago. Then the Right-Wing Spin Machine Turned the Story Upside Down.

  27. Nobel season opens with Medicine Prize — it did not go to TrumpPublished 6 hours ago on October 7, 2019By Agence France-Presse
    FacebookTwitterFlipboardCopy Link

    WTF? Isn't drumpf smarter than all thew doctors? Drumpf got screwed some more.


  28. Drumpf will surely get the Nobel in pre-medicine. He makes people sick.


    Typical wingnuttery. Accuse someone else of the behavior you are exhibiting.

  30. What sista giving her the side eye is thinking

    *Girl, why are you touching that thing?


    Drumpf loses in court again. MUST turn over taxes to NY state attorneys. Getting tired of all the winning, yet?

  32. Anonymous10:13 AM

    HPD: 2 masked black gunmen murder Valero store clerk; search underway

  33. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "Omarosa! You came back!"

  34. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Today is going to be a day of rage-tweeting for Trump, since a federal judge ordered him to turn over his tax returns. He will take a break from bashing Congress, the police/intelligence services (“Deep State!”), and the news media, and pivot to bashing the judiciary.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:01 PM

    Anonymous said......

    10"13 AM
    What is your point, anon? Do you spend your time hunting the web for violent crimes to post? For what purpose?

    Here's another on except there are four people dead instead of one.

    Four people killed and five others wounded in Kansas City, Kansas

  36. Wingnuts gonna have a field day with Clinton appointed judge who told drumpf to turn over taxes to Dems. Not only dis a Dem appoint him, he is from Puerto Rico which drumpfuck just hates, he holds court in the Thurgood Marshall named court hall and we know how much loves him some brothers, except the Blacks and brown ones.

  37. Black lady behind Drumpf says,"hey you pathological lying scuzzbucket. It is good to see your back. It is much better looking than yer face."

  38. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Questions that need answers:

    Which is more ridiculous, "very stable genius" or "in my great and unmatched wisdom"?

    Also, what in God's name is wrong with Americans who would vote for a person who says things like these? It is like voting for a candidate who campaigns wearing his underpants on his head.

  39. Anonymous8:08 PM

    FBI confirms Samuel Little's confession: He is the worst negro serial killer in U.S. history
    The FBI has verified at least 50 murders connected to the negro Little, outnumbering the crimes of the Green River Killer, Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy.

  40. From Twitter:

    Richard Engel
    ‏Verified account @RichardEngel
    16h16 hours ago

    Syria Kurdish official told us, reacting to Trump’s overnight decision.
    “The Americans are traitors. They have abandoned us to a Turkish massacre.
    We can no longer fight against isis and have to defend ourselves. This could allow isis to return to the region.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I'm the fourteenth whistleblower. I know all the good stuff. I heard it from the twenty eighth whistleblower who overheard the eighteenth whistle blower had read an article in the Atlantic. This whistleblower immediately notified someone two weeks later about his concerns that Trump may have been "rolled" by the Pillsbury Doughboy. Impeachment now!

  42. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Doug is concerned about the Kurds now. How cute.

  43. The Fixer10:33 PM

    Lindsey Grahm is concerned about the Kurds now. How cute.


  44. Anonymous9:26 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:38 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Questions that need answers:

    Which is more ridiculous, "very stable genius" or "in my great and unmatched wisdom"?

    Also, what in God's name is wrong with Americans who would vote for a person who says things like these? It is like voting for a candidate who campaigns wearing his underpants on his head.

    7:18 PM
    Yes, I agree. For three years I have been asking myself how anyone could vote for Trump. The man is a full on idiot and has shown it for a long time. For example, how do you bankrupt a casino?

  46. Drumpf lost out on the Nobel for physics, too. Really surprised me because the last clearly states whatever Drumpfuck the dumbfuck says or writes will come around and bite his orange ass in a court room, which he is certain to find out soon.

  47. Anonymous12:29 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  48. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Looks like Ol' Creepy Joe Biden himself took some big payoffs from Ukraine (payoffs for the $1 billion in US aid).  The Dems are freaking out because not just Biden but Pelosi and others are part of the Ukraine corruption.

    Joe Biden doesn't have much to worry about, though.  He will be dead of Alzheimers long before he could serve 10 years, and will probably be excused from trial because he will be unable to assist in his own defense.  Druggie Hunter Biden, not so much.

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