Thursday, October 03, 2019

Time for the 25th Amendment?

 Image result for trump unhinged images  The following article was written by George T. Conway for The Atlantic, and it is a must read for these troubled times in America.

 "On a third-down play last season, the Washington Redskins quarterback Alex Smith stood in shotgun formation, five yards behind the line of scrimmage. As he called his signals, a Houston Texans cornerback, Kareem Jackson, suddenly sprinted forward from a position four yards behind the defensive line.

Jackson’s timing was perfect. The ball was snapped. The Texans’ left defensive end, J.J. Watt, sprinted to the outside, taking the Redskins’ right tackle with him. The defensive tackle on Watt’s right rushed to the inside, taking the offensive right guard with him. The result was a huge gap in the Redskins’ line, through which Jackson could run unblocked. He quickly sacked Smith, for a loss of 13 yards.

Special-teams players began taking the field for the punt. But Smith didn’t get up. He rolled flat onto his back, pulled off his helmet, and covered his face with his hands. He was clearly in excruciating pain. The slow-motion replay immediately showed the television audience why: As Smith was tackled, his right leg had buckled sharply above the ankle, with his foot rotating significantly away from any direction in which a human foot ought to point. The play-by-play announcer Greg Gumbel said grimly, “We’ll be back,” and the network abruptly cut to a break. There was nothing more to say.

Even without the benefit of medical training, and even without conducting a physical examination, viewers knew what had happened. They may not have known what the bones were called or what treatment would be required, but they knew more than enough, and they knew what really mattered: Smith had broken his leg, very badly. They knew that even if they were not orthopedists, did not have a medical degree, and had never cracked open a copy of Gray’s Anatomy. They could tell—they were certain—something was seriously wrong.

And so it is, or ought to be, with Donald Trump. You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, and you don’t need to be a mental-health professional to see that something’s very seriously off with Trump—particularly after nearly three years of watching his erratic and abnormal behavior in the White House. Questions about Trump’s psychological stability have mounted throughout his presidency. But those questions have been coming even more frequently amid a recent escalation in Trump’s bizarre behavior, as the pressures of his upcoming reelection campaign, a possibly deteriorating economy, and now a full-blown impeachment inquiry have mounted. And the questioners have included those who have worked most closely with him.

No president in recent memory—and likely no president ever—has prompted more discussion about his mental stability and connection with reality. Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly is said to have described him as “unhinged,” and “off the rails,” and to have called the White House “Crazytown” because of Trump’s unbalanced state. Trump’s former deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, once reportedly discussed recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, the Constitution’s provision addressing presidential disability, including mental disability.

Rosenstein denies that claim, but it is not the only such account. A senior administration official, writing anonymously in The New York Times last September, described how, “given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment”—but “no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis.” And NBC News last week quoted someone familiar with current discussions in the White House warning that there is “increasing wariness that, as this impeachment inquiry drags out, the likelihood increases that the president could respond erratically and become ‘unmanageable.’” In September, a former White House official offered a similar assessment to a Business Insider reporter: “No one knows what to expect from him anymore,” because “his mood changes from one minute to the next based on some headline or tweet, and the next thing you know his entire schedule gets tossed out the window. He’s losing his shit.”
Even a major investment bank has gotten into the mix, albeit in a roundabout way: JPMorgan Chase has created a “Volfefe Index”—named after Trump’s bizarre May 2017 “covfefe” tweet—designed to quantify the effect that Trump’s impulsive tweets have on interest-rate volatility. The bank’s press release understatedly observed that its “volatility fair value model” shows that “the president’s remarks on this social media platform [have] played a statistically significant role in elevating implied volatility.”

The president isn’t simply volatile and erratic, however—he’s also incapable of consistently telling the truth. Those who work closely with him, and who aren’t in denial, must deal with Trump’s lying about serious matters virtually every day. But as one former official put it, they “are used to the president saying things that aren’t true,” and have inured themselves to it. Trump’s own former communications director Anthony Scaramucci has on multiple occasions described Trump as a liar, once saying, “We … know he’s telling lies,” so “if you want me to say he’s a liar, I’m happy to say he’s a liar.” He went on to address Trump directly: “You should probably dial down the lying because you don’t need to … So dial that down, and you’ll be doing a lot better.”

That was good advice, but clearly wishful thinking. Trump simply can’t dial down the lying, or turn it off—even, his own attorneys suggest, when false statements may be punished as crimes. A lawyer who has represented him in business disputes once told me that Trump couldn’t sensibly be allowed to speak with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because Trump would “lie his ass off”—in effect, that Trump simply wasn’t capable of telling the truth, about anything, and that if he ever spoke to a prosecutor, he’d talk himself into jail.

Trump’s lawyers in the Russia investigation clearly agreed: As Bob Woodward recounts at length in his book Fear, members of Trump’s criminal-defense team fought both Trump and Mueller tooth and nail to keep Trump from being interviewed by the Office of Special Counsel. A practice testimonial session ended with Trump spouting wild, baseless assertions in a rage. Woodward quotes Trump’s outside counsel John Dowd as saying that Trump “just made something up” in response to one question. “That’s his nature.” Woodward also recounts Dowd’s thinking when he argued to Trump that the president was “not really capable” of answering Mueller’s questions face to face. Dowd had “to dress it up as much as possible, to say, it’s not your fault … He could not say what he knew was true: ‘You’re a fucking liar.’ That was the problem.” (Dowd disputes this account.) Which raises the question: If Trump can’t tell the truth even when it counts most, with legal jeopardy on the line and lawyers there to help prepare him, is he able to apprehend the truth at all?

Behavior like this is unusual, a point that journalists across the political spectrum have made. “This is not normal,” Megan McArdle wrote in late August. “And I don’t mean that as in, ‘Trump is violating the shibboleths of the Washington establishment.’ I mean that as in, ‘This is not normal for a functioning adult.’” James Fallows observed, also in August, that Trump is having “episodes of what would be called outright lunacy, if they occurred in any other setting,” and that if he “were in virtually any other position of responsibility, action would already be under way to remove him from that role.”

 Trump erratic behavior has long been the subject of political criticism, late-night-television jokes, and even speculation about whether it’s part of some incomprehensible, multidimensional strategic game. But it’s relevant to whether he’s fit for the office he holds. Simply put, Trump’s ingrained and extreme behavioral characteristics make it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires. To see why first requires a look at what the Constitution demands of a president, and then an examination of how Trump’s behavioral characteristics preclude his ability to fulfill those demands.

The Framers of the Constitution expected the presidency to be occupied by special individuals, selfless people of the highest character and ability. They intended the Electoral College to be a truly deliberative body, not the largely ceremonial institution it has become today. Because the Electoral College, unlike Congress and the state legislatures, wouldn’t be a permanent body, and because it involved diffuse selections made in the various states, they hoped it would help avoid “cabal, intrigue and corruption,” as Alexander Hamilton put it in “Federalist No. 68,” and deter interference from “these most deadly adversaries of republican government,” especially “from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.”

Though the Constitution’s drafters could hardly have foreseen how the system would evolve, they certainly knew the kind of person they wanted it to produce. “The process of election affords a moral certainty,” Hamilton wrote, “that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” “Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity,” might suffice for someone to be elected to the governorship of a state, but not the presidency. Election would “require other talents, and a different kind of merit,” to gain “the esteem and confidence of the whole Union,” or enough of it to win the presidency. As a result, there would be “a constant probability of seeing the station filled by characters pre-eminent for ability and virtue.” This was the Framers’ goal in designing the system that would make “the choice of the person to whom so important a trust was to be confided.” [Read more]

Donald trump, for better or for worse, is the current president of the United States. And no matter what happens in 2020, these past few years will forever leave a stain on this republic.

There is no doubt that the 25th Amendment should be invoked, but given the toxic nature of our body politic, that will never happen.


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    “‘The process of election affords a moral certainty,’ Hamilton wrote, ‘that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.’”

    Hahahahaha, excellent comedy, Mr. Hamilton!

    Unfortunately, it turns out that 62,984,828 people very much can be wrong. Evidently, there are at least 62,984,828 delusional fuckwits, self-serving greedy plutocrats, and/or repulsive redneck bigots amongst our citizenry, which is why Trump now occupies our White House.

  2. The disease isn't limited to Fergus' mental malfunctions, which are obvious and would disqualify him from pretty much any job you could name; remember that he gained the office as a Republican, and most Republicans love him, crazy and all.

    This makes opposing him political suicide for the senate Republicans who would have to vote against him in an impeachment or if the 25th amendment were invoked.

    They will not vote to remove him no matter what he does, as that would be voting to remove themselves in the next Republican primary. There could be time-stamped video of Fergus sticking his dick into the nuclear football and Mitch McConnell and his conference would try to blame it on the Democrats.

    So we must impeach the bastard, like putting a rabid animal down, and when the senate acquits him, use their votes to beat them in the next election. And since they all aren't up for reelection in 2020, in the next election and the one after that.

    This is what they will do if we let them, so we have to stop them while the damage is still on display and then never let them forget what they did and tried to do until the entire Republican party has gone the way of the Whigs, who had a similar spasm of xenophobic nationalism (called the know nothings) on their way to the ash heap of history.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous4:17 AM

    How I would love to be a fly on the wall at the Conway household. I really want to know how their marriage manages to survive when George utterly despises Trump and Kellyanne works for him.

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Wouldn't it be cool if Doug was qualified for a job?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Wouldn't it be cool if Doug was qualified for a job? Or if you actually had one and moved out of Mother's dugout root cellar? Even centipedes are anti-Drumpfucker.

    Even moar amazing is how Clinton bud James Carville survived being married to Clinton hating, super venomous Mary Matalin.


    Moar Drumpfuck body count.

  7. Stoopid fucking wingnuts know what they should do, which is remove Drumpf from office, by any means necessary, including 2nd amendment solutions. Unfortunately, the gutless fucking wonders won't do the right thing as they tenuously hang on to white power and privilege like their lives depended on it.

  8. RIP DiaHann Carroll, one of the most beautiful Black actresses ever to grace the boob tube screen. WOW!

  9. SPOTUS has announced it will take up first abortion case of Kavernmouth's phony, illegal tenure. this Fall. Say goodbye to women's constitutional right to reproductive freedom and hello to enslavement to stoopid fucking wasicu men again.


    McCTurtlefuckface says because of partisan impeachment process, any trial will be quick ( I'm guessing he means not cvalling any witnesses and not letting Drumpf lie under oath).

    The problem is partisan obstructionism from the house, sinate, kremlin annex and justice department. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are always the problem, never the solution.

  11. Anonymous2:09 PM

    “Even moar amazing is how Clinton bud James Carville survived being married to Clinton hating, super venomous Mary Matalin.”

    That one seems simpler to explain. I just kind of assume that they are both professional guns for hire with no strong ideological convictions of their own, which would present fewer personal conflicts between them. I figure that Carville is under contract to support the donkey team and Matalin the elephant team, but it could easily have gone the other way.

    I don’t think it works that way for the Conways. No one is paying George to hate Trump, so I must assume he genuinely does.

  12. No one is paying George to hate Trump, so I must assume he genuinely does.

    So do I and I don't get paid for it. If Drumpfuck and wingnuts control thye gubmint much longer I won't even have SS or Medicare to assist my lavish lifestyle.

    Anybody know the proper vintage of Boone's Farm wine to serve with Ramen noodles? I scarfed mucho Strawberry Hill when I was young and dumb. I am much older now.


    Can you say quid pro quo repeatedly, because I can.

  14. Well, let's see, I worked for 32 years before my stroke... My bosses all seemed to like me well enough.

    This from Show Me Progress:

    “I cannot tell a lie.”
    – George Washington

    “I cannot tell the truth.”
    – Donald Trump

    “I cannot tell the difference.”
    – Republicans

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. From Steve Benen:

    Donald Trump has now been in office for 32 full months -- February 2017 through September 2019 -- and in that time, the economy has created 6.03 million jobs. In the 32 months preceding Trump's presidency -- June 2014 to January 2017 -- the economy created 7.16 million jobs.

    I recently heard from some readers who asked what would happen if we looked at the same numbers, but assigned the job totals from January 2017 to Trump, even though Obama was president for most of the month. On balance, I think that paints a misleading picture, but it doesn't change the underlying dynamic: if we applied jobs from January 2017 to Trump and compared the last 33 months to the previous 33 months, job totals still slowed from 7.46 million to 6.28 million.

    The White House, meanwhile, believes we should actually start the clock for Trump at November 2016 -- the month of the Republican's election -- and apply the jobs created during the final months of the Obama era to the current Republican president. But that still doesn't help: if we compare the last 35 months to the previous 35 months, job totals slowed from 7.74 million to 6.66 million.

    Trump continues to tell the world that he's overseeing the strongest domestic job growth in American history, which is plainly false. What's more, the White House has not yet offered an explanation for why job growth has slowed since Trump took office.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Fergus has said that when support for his impeachment and removal got to 50% he'd start to worry.

    Well get to worrying, Ferg, you're there (from Taegan Goddard):

    A new Economist/YouGov survey finds Americans support the House impeachment proceedings into President Trump by 50% to 39%.

    If the House ultimately votes to impeach Trump, a majority want the Senate to convict and remove him from office, 51% to 39%.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Criminal attempts at a coup have failed, fake impeachment charges failed, hey let's invoke the 25th amendment to overturn the election we lost!

    You people are unfit for democracy.

  18. What fake coup and impeachment charges are you lying about, now? The only fake thing in Drumpf's illegitimate presidency is everything and he will soon be out on his orange Russian ass-et.

    wingnuts in congress plan to force vote to condemn Schiff to obstruct impeachment.

  20. Anonymous11:52 PM

    The president held another rent-a-negro shindig at the White House, this time with black millennials. The embarrassing Trump praise-a-thon was headed up by Candace Owens (of course it was). Someday, we're all going to find out what these fools got paid to pretend Trump isn't a racist monster.

    Here's one truly special quote from Candace, as she valiantly defends poor, helpless, innocent victim Trump from "the media" and those Democrat meanies on Capitol Hill: "And listen, let me say this. The media. The audacity of them to think that they are going to impeach our president. No. It’s not happening, it’s absolutely not happening, not under our watch. We need to make sure we fight for this man, the one man who is standing up for black America, we are going to fight for, guys. We have to keep it going."

    I hope all of the White House wait staffers who had to work this party are okay. They might have seriously hurt themselves from rolling their eyes too hard while being forced to listen to that speech.

  21. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I was initially very skeptical of Candace Owens and saw her as just another grifter cashing in on conservative's desperate need for validation from black people, but she is actually very bright and has offered coherent articulations of why conservatism offers a viable path for those blacks capable of charting their own future, and a vision for civic nationalism that white conservatives are seemingly unable to convey to black America in any meaningful way.

    She is still too tied to mainstream conservative ideology, which is a failed and dying movement, but she is smart and young and I can see her growing into a position more suited for the emerging landscape of American politics.

  22. Anonymous11:12 AM

    BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.

    Ukraine apparently has been a hub of money laundering for Democratic politicians. What goes in as "aid" comes out as salaries, bonuses, comissions etc for the friends and families of our incredibly corrupt government. This is exactly why they don't want any investigation and why they have again tried to turn this into a Trump scandal. Look over here, impeachment. Don't look over there at our blatant crimes.

  23. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “I was initially very skeptical of Candace Owens and saw her as just another grifter cashing in on conservative's desperate need for validation from black people, but ...”

    No need for a “but”; you had it right the first time.

    Although I wouldn’t describe it as conservatives’ need for “validation.” That implies that conservatives actually care what black people think of them. They don’t.

    This is about what conservatives think of themselves. Some of them — the ones who aren’t out and out Nazis — know racism is wrong, and don’t want to think badly of themselves for promoting it by voting for a racist politician. Candace Owens and her ilk are intended to give them a feeble excuse for doing it anyway by “proving” Trump can’t be racist if he’s got black friends (whom he’s paid to be nice to him, but never mind that).

  24. Overall, we rate the American Mirror Questionable based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of misleading propaganda.
    Detailed Report
    Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy

    Fake News!



    Nothing in this link about Ukraine. This was reported on (9/5/19)


    The Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI), an organization committed to assisting organizations to adhere to a system of guidelines, practices, and procedures by which a company is directed, has announced the selection of Paul Pelosi Jr. as its new executive director. The selection was made after a national search and selection process, during which Paul rose to the forefront with his ringing endorsement of CGI’s mission to shed light on improper corporate governance worldwide while questioning the role of Independent Directors in Tata Sons, one of the largest companies in India with brands the likes of Jaguar, Landrover and Starbucks.

    Mr. Pelosi, son of U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, was a founding member of Cisco Systems Connected Urban Development team under the direction of Cisco CEO John Chambers and also currently advises a number of companies including the NASA Ames Research Center. Mr. Pelosi graduated Cum Laude from Georgetown University with a Bachelor of Arts and holds an MBA with an emphasis in International Business. Mr. Pelosi has been a member of the California State Bar since 1996.

    “We are tremendously pleased to announce this appointment,” reported Aric Reutlinger, BSEAE, MBA, and Media Relations Director for CGI. “Paul will bring leadership and creativity to CGI’s programs and his strong sense of commitment to our goals and overall mission. He has served organizations at the executive and leadership levels, and has a wide scope of perspective and understanding.” Mr. Pelosi has extensive experience advising Fortune 500 companies and has been a key speaker at conferences across the globe for environmental sustainability, public policy as well as corporate ethics and best corporate practices.

    Mr. Pelosi commented, “I’m looking forward to working with the CGI staff as we look to strengthen and create new alliances with corporate governance projects and businesses around the world.” When asked how he arrived at the decision to become the new Executive Director for the CGI, Paul said “A few months ago, I read an article in the Wall Street Journal where David Larcker, a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, postured a remarkably enlightened question in an interview with Risk & Compliance Journal: “Are you concerned about the shareholder base and if you are what actions do you take to actually shift it?” That question made me think even further about corporations here in the US and abroad in regards to their true concern, if any, for all the stakeholders in their company. So when the opportunity to give voice to this issue presented itself, I felt it was my obligation to step up and assist in any way possible.”

    When asked how he will address the difficult task of helping companies create policies to find balance between the interests of a company's many stakeholders as well as coalition build for CGI, Paul said “I recently met an amazing Communication Specialist, Michael Bernoff, who put me through his course called “Call 2 Action” which helps you learn how to do more in 5 days than you did in 5 months, so I think I’m up to the challenge, plus I have an amazing team at CGI that will help make the mission a success.”

  26. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Huh, so now Trump trolls are attempting to expand their Ukraine-Biden bullshit into Ukraine-Pelosi bullshit?

    I guess that means they are now terrified that both Trump and Pence will get impeached/removed and they’ll soon be living under President Pelosi —every wingnut’s worst nightmare, lol!

  27. Hmmmm6:19 PM

    The man who was a billionaire BEFORE he entered politics is being accused of corruption by those who vastly increased their wealth AFTER they entered politics.

  28. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "The man who was a billionaire BEFORE he entered politics is being accused of corruption by those who vastly increased their wealth AFTER they entered politics."

    Trump was also engaged in corruption BEFORE entering politics. He was bribing politicians before entering politics (in addition to numerous other unethical and illegal activities).

    Trump has been corrupt his entire adult life.

  29. Just heard a tape of Drumpfuck claiming his entire call with prez of Ukraine was in the transcript given out when it says right on the transcript it is not a complete transcript of that call. Then he whines about the media lying about what was in that transcript where he committed impeachable offenses.

    Every one is a corrupt person except Drumpfuck the most corrupt piece of shit ever allowed in the kremlin annex.

  30. Did "GoodHair" Perry ever change the racist name of family ranch in Texas? It was always known as "N####erHead".

  31. A top US diplomat told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) that the Trump administration was blocking hundreds of millions of dollars in US military aid to Ukraine until the country agreed to launch investigations Trump was demanding, Johnson told the Wall Street Journal Friday.

    Johnson said that the US ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, told him in late August that the administration was demanding Ukraine investigate “what happened in 2016,” and that if President Trump had “confidence” in the investigation, he’d “release the military spending.”

    Of course die hard Drumpfuck ass kissers will claIM itis all fake news trying to embarrass a guy that has no shame.

  32. In actual news8:23 PM

    In actual news, the murderer of one and attempted murderer of another (victim shot in face but survived) has been charged:

    And Amari Allen, the girl who claimed that white boys cut off her dreadlocks, has confessed that they had nothing to do with her change of hairstyle; it was all a hoax:

    More lying and criminal Nikes blaming white folks for what they do... and traitors like the commenters here ENCOURAGE THEM!

  33. I'm just about fed up with the destructive indulgence of the idle wealthy.

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Turns out that Trayvon Martin's girlfriend was not Rachel Jeantel.  Jeantel was substituted as a fake witness and perjured herself every which way.  The real girlfriend was Diamond Eugene, who Rachel Jeantel did not know.

    Every last bit of the outrage spectacle of Trayvon Martin's so-called "execution" is a lie.

  35. Lt. Commander Johnson3:00 AM

    You Democrats/Socialist/Progressives are so clueless, it beggars the imagination. Go ahead...IMPEACH Trump. He's begging for it!

    Of course, according to law, you will have to have a vote on the House Floor, first. Why doesn't Pelosi call for that?

    You know why. I know why. So do 63 million voters.

  36. They have had the votes for a week now. There is nothing in law saying Fergus can ignore congressional subpoenas vote or no vote.
    And I'll see your voters and raise you three million.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson4:16 AM

    Ignore my query about why Pelosi doesn't call for a impeachment vote on the floor, Doug. Till they do, Trump can ignore all the subpoenas he wants to.

  38. Joel Gilbert is a conspiracy theorist, nutjob kook.

  39. You lose again, Queenie. That must hurt.

    But the California Democrat has reiterated she has no intention to hold a floor vote and has stated her belief that one is not required to launch an inquiry—a conviction that is backed by legal experts and the Constitution.

    "There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

    For your sake and sanity, please inform America you aren't stoopid enuf to believe Drumpfuck is smarter than constitutional lawyers.

  40. The only unsolved mystery in Trayvon Martin's first degree murder is how Zipperfuckerman and cops conspired to claim Martin attacked the zipper and was shot in self defense.

    Martin and his iced tea had every right to be in that gated community visiting his Dad. Zipperfuckerman and his gun had no right to be there as he was supposed to be unarmed as a neighborhood, murdering racist watcher.

  41. Cream drummer, Ginger Baker, headed for the drum set in the sky at 80.

  42. Commandeered Queensland, with Dems targetting ex-KGB agent Pence, I'd be very concerned for Drumpfuckland was I you. Because, you see, Dems know how to dig for clews. They know what clews look like and they know how to add clew upon clew to nail stoopid fucking wingnut crooks with actionable criminal complaints and will eventually "Lock Him Up!?

    Be a good time for you to become an independent voter and save yer neck and ass from the hangmen that be coming. In an ironic twist, all hangmen will be POC with a hard on for pastey white hided wasicu wasteys. Not for sex, though.

  43. Remember wingnuts praising Allah because Barr was going to investigate the Russia gate investigators and appointed a friendly US AG to do so, five months ago?

    Not aq single interview with any of the wingnut proclaimed guilty parties has taken place. Nothing at all. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  44. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Trump will go down as a true Patriot!!!

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Criminal attempts at a coup have failed, fake impeachment charges failed, hey let's invoke the 25th amendment to overturn the election we lost!

    You people are unfit for democracy.

    7:32 PM
    ---You really need to see a shrink about your delusions. Better yet, read the US Constitution and learn how many times Trump has violated it. Start with Article 1: Section 9; Numbers 7 and 8.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:42 PM

    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    You Democrats/Socialist/Progressives are so clueless, it beggars the imagination.

    Of course, according to law, you will have to have a vote on the House Floor, first. Why doesn't Pelosi call for that?

    3:00 AM
    There is no law that says the House needs a floor vote to begin impeachment. Please don't tell us you still believe anything Trump says. After 1200 lies, how could you?


  47. "Ignore my query about why Pelosi doesn't call for a impeachment vote on the floor, Doug. Till they do, Trump can ignore all the subpoenas he wants to."

    Ask Richard Nixon or the supreme court whether that is true.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. "Trump will go down as a true Patriot!!!"

    Not consensually, he won't, although Stormy Daniels has offered to blow him in the oval office if that would get him impeached.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. "Please don't tell us you still believe anything Trump says."

    He did say he loves the poorly educated.😆

  50. Anonymous10:14 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

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