Saturday, October 12, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for rudy giuliani vampire images

I need a caption for this pic.

Image from


  1. Nobody (butt Drumpf) knows the trouble Screwdy Rudy has seen.

    Rudy is not an official member of the kremlin annex, therefore he cannot be negotiatiing with foreign powers.

    Miss lindsey got pranked and admitted on the telephone Drumpf committed felony in Ukraine dealings.

    The ship of shithole state is sinking bigly and it is all drumpfuck the dumbfuck's fault.

  2. And the 900k payment wingnuts claimed went to Biden actually went to Pete Sessions of texas and Kevin McCarthy, head of stoopid fucking wingnuts in the house of ill repute.

  3. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Nosferatu is dismayed to learn that his criminal activities will cause him to be deported to his native land of Transylvania.

  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Wnile nikkers whine about "driving while black" and "white privilege", we see nikker privilege on display at Drexel University:

    "Prosecutor: Drexel University professor spent federal grants at strip clubs
    PHILADELPHIA -- A former university professor in Philadelphia spent federal grant money on strip clubs and other personal expenses, prosecutors said Monday.

    "Chika Nwankpa misappropriated grant money from the Navy, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation over a period of 10 years, the U.S. attorney's office said. Drexel University discovered the alleged fraud in 2017 during an internal audit and alerted the government.

    "Most of the money was spent on strip clubs and sports bars in the Philadelphia area, according to a news release.

    "This is an example of flagrant and audacious fraud, and a shameful misuse of public funds." said U.S. Attorney William McSwain. "The agencies providing these grant funds expect them to be used towards advancements in energy and naval technology for public benefit, not for personal entertainment."

    "McSwain lauded Drexel for reporting the matter but expressed disappointment that Nwankpa's conduct "went unnoticed for so long."

    It went "unnoticed" because it is Politically Incorrect to accuse anyone of visible African ancestry of any wrong-doing whatsoever.  This is the essence of Black Skin Privilege.  Its supposed opposite does not exist; "white privilege" is to be blamed for things one could never have personally had anything to do with, such as not having been born when they happened.

    There should be open season on anyone claiming that "white privilege" exists.  365 days a year, no license required, no bag limit.  Better yet, pay $100 bounty per nose and take historical video/audio/e-mail evidence as proof of eligibility.  Bounty doubled for (((tribe members))) bagged.

  5. The face of reason.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Eliud Kipchoge has run a marathon in 1:59:40.2

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. The face he'll have in prison when his roommate "welcomes" him.

  8. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Someone knows how to photoshop. So Cool!

  9. Anonymous12:34 AM

    "Someone knows how to photoshop. So Cool!"

    No need for Photoshop to make Rudy look weird. He does that all by himself.

  10. Doug, no offense but I believe you misspelled treason above, as in the face of.... :)

  11. Commandeered Queenie, what is yer take on Drumpf's lies he doesn't know/never met Giuliani"s Ukrainian buddies Drumpf has been pictured with numerous times since 2014?

  12. "Everybody loves me, baby! What's the matter with you!"

  13. "Eww! The invisible spiders are all over my right arm!"

  14. Rudy's face when he found out Barack Obama is the world's most admired man for the 10th year in a row.

  15. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Reminder for Americans listening to the hysteria about our beloved allies, the Kurds, on the Sunday political shows:

    ISIS poses zero danger to you.

    Immigrants have killed at least 80,000 Americans since 2001.

  16. There is no mpirical evidence supporting the lies that immigrants have killed 80000 Americans. Total bullshit.

  17. Anonymous9:24 PM

    “ISIS poses zero danger to you.”

    Says the guy who is so scared of Muslims that he voted for an insane politician who promised to keep ALL Muslims out of the country just in case some of them might be jihadis.

    Lol, sure, ISIS are great. Never mind all the beheadings and burning people alive.

  18. They like ISIS because they were created by dubya's invasion of Iraq, which they still don't want to admit was bad, because that would be admitting they were wrong and we were right.
    Hint: they were and still are and we were and still are. They actually know that, don't really care about it in its own right, but can't stand the thought of admitting it publicly. They have issues.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Anonymous10:23 PM

    “They like ISIS because they were created by dubya's invasion of Iraq, which they still don't want to admit was bad, because that would be admitting they were wrong and we were right.”

    No, many wingnuts are willing to admit it was bad. But they now pretend they had nothing to do with it. That fool George Bush must have have elected himself! Nobody voted for him. Surely not any of those righteous Trump believers, no sirree, not them.

    And now the official wingnut line is that we must get our troops out of the Middle East because “why are our brave soldiers dying for the benefit of foreigners?”

    Even though the invasion of Iraq was never primarily about helping Iraqis, but about keeping America safe (well, at any rate, this is what dumbass Dubya believed would keep America safe, though he was profoundly wrong about that).

    Their historical revisionism is boundless. A few years from now, no one will admit they voted for Trump. Today’s MAGA hatters will be on to some completely new, evil bullshit, and they’ll deny all the old, embarrassing evil bullshit they used to support.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:25 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Immigrants have killed at least 80,000 Americans since 2001.

    8:27 PM
    Where did you find this bull sh*t? From Trump or his liars at FOX?

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:31 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Even though the invasion of Iraq was never primarily about helping Iraqis, but about keeping America safe (well, at any rate, this is what dumbass Dubya believed would keep America safe, though he was profoundly wrong about that).

    10:23 PM
    I agree with your post, except that I think the invasion of Iraq was about oil, not national security. And I think W. knew it was.

  22. Yes, their propaganda addiction has turned them into infinitely reprogrammable financial and political harvest units for the right wing power structure.

    Fergus has coopted them to a large extent, but still within the operational parameters of the lie factory, without which his shtick would be unsustainable.

    But don't count on it, or them, dissipating after Fergus flames out.

    The lifeboats with which the Bush dead-enders escaped personal and professional consequence to this very day were funny costumes, tricorn hats with teabags dangling from them and wholesale denial that they had ever even heard of the worst president of the modern era at the time who they had voted for twice and enthusiastically cheered on as he missed 9-11, squandered the Clinton surplus on one tax cut each for the foolhardy wars he started, stood by while an American city drowned, tortured people, and crashed the economy harder than anything since the thirties.

    So this time we burn the fucking lifeboats.

    The next Republican to roll off of the monster factory assembly line will be worse than Fergus, so we can't let them forget Fergus' crimes or their own role in installing him.

    They must own the babies in the cages and all of the rest long enough to effect some structural changes to remove the unfair electoral advantages they enjoy if the republic is to survive in any form we would recognize.

    It's not anything like a sure thing at this point, but we're not giving up because the alternative is even worse.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Iraq was essentially failed neo-cons refighting and pretending to win the clusterfuck of Vietnam. Many of the same failures from the 60s were in charge for dumbass dubya soire into an illegal war with Iraq.

    They hadn't learned or remembered any hard lessons from failures in the past and all they managed to do is destabilize what was, at that time, a fairly stable Middle East with no dominant power state. With the death of our dictator Hussein, Iran immediately filled the power vacuum and neocons were warned in advance that that was the likely outcome. They did it anyway.


    Maybe this will help wingnut fence sitters to choose a lane. This was shown to people at a drumpf rally at a drumpf golf course.

    Getting really fucking wingnut UGLEE out there. Desperation does despicably deplorable dipshit stuff to stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  25. Anonymous10:05 AM

    "progressives are so batshit!!"

  26. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    “ISIS poses zero danger to you.”

    Two attacks on the World Towers proves otherwise delusional lefty…..

  27. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Chicago October 2019 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 16
    Shot & Wounded: 68
    Total Shot: 84
    Total Homicides: 17

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:39 AM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    Iraq was essentially failed neo-cons refighting and pretending to win the clusterfuck of Vietnam. Many of the same failures from the 60s were in charge for dumbass dubya soire into an illegal war with Iraq.

    I agree, Mike. But Vietnam was also about oil and other resources under the guise of fighting communism. And let's remember Reagan and the Contras and how Republican administrations fucked up Central America over the years.

  29. Gambler 2, you are, of course, correct. Wingnuts can't get it right and we shall never forget.

    Eisenhower said the United States would never settle for a divided Vietnam. And then he sent "observers" as a prelude to moar troops being sent to back his word.

  30. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Obama created ISIS.

  31. Obama created ISIS. Phucking liar!!!

  32. Here's a phucking surprise.... Fake Noise has hired fake noise purveyor, John Solomon, who wrote fake news opinion hit jobs for The Hill.

  33. Anonymous12:45 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Obama created ISIS.

    And Hillary too. It was the illegal wars in Libya and Syria.

  34. ISIS filled the power void in Iraq after dumbass dubya's illegal removal of Hussein from power.

    Proof that drumpf's tools will believe anything bad about Dems.

  35. So how did Isis start?
    Isis was regarded by the West as a terrorist organisation even before it began its murderous rampage across the Middle East. The group traces its roots back to 2004 and Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and formed al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

    After Zarqawi’s death in 2006, AQI created Islamic State in Iraq (ISI), an umbrella group weakened by US troops and the creation of Sahwa councils by Sunni Arab tribesmen.

    Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al-Samarrai - known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - became leader in 2010 and rebuilt Isis’s capabilities. By 2013, it was carrying out dozens of attacks in Iraq every month. In April 2013, Baghdadi merged his forces in Iraq and Syria and created Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Levant (Isis).

    In mid-2014, the group overran Mosul in Iraq and, after consolidating its hold over dozens of cities and towns, declared the creation of a caliphate, changing its name to Islamic State.

    2004 under dumbass dubya.

  36. Anonymous1:35 PM

    ISIS was created by Obama to fight Assad in Syria, and supplied with arms through Libya. It was all bankrolled by Saudi Arabia. The proof is that once Trump became President and stopped the Saudi support, ISIS withered away.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:00 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Obama created ISIS.

    12:07 PM
    Historians and people with knowledge of current events agree that G.W.Bush created ISIS when he disbanded Saddam's loyal military. Angered from loss of power, some of them formed ISIS.

    You are ignorant of the facts and expose yourself as a dummy when you try to blame Obama.

  38. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Granny NPC said a thing.

  39. ISIS is a product of the US invading Iraq. No invasion, no ISIS.

    The invasion of Iraq was the worst foreign policy decision of my lifetime, based on lies and daddy issues, sold with assistance from a corrupt media still fawning over the Bush administration in the wake of the 9-11 attacks that the Bush administration failed to prevent despite being warned ahead of time:

    It burned up trillions of dollars, killed and wounded thousands of US soldiers and contractors, killed at least a half a million Iraqis in their home country for no good reason, and destabilized the Middle East for generations.

    All in the service of a lie, told by the worst president of the modern era at the time, and used for profit by the genuinely evil and cowardly Richard Bruce Cheney, who is somehow still alive.

    In fact, pretty much all of the Iraq war neocons are still alive, and aside from not being able to travel overseas without the possibility of being arrested and tried for war crimes because of the torture, they have paid no personal or professional consequences for the mass murder and torture they did.

    That was a part of Obama's biggest mistake, which was believing that he could work in good faith with Republicans.

    Granted, he had his hands full saving the US economy which he inherited in free fall, shedding 700,000 jobs per month, he nevertheless made the mistaken decision to "look forward" and not prosecute the neocon war criminals, who are all still out there with cushy not-jobs on the wingnut welfare circuit and right wing think tanks and still make regular appearances on cable news.

    They did that to the world and were rewarded for their crimes, while I have friends and family who have done prison time for weed.

    Fergus hasn't started any massive clusterfuck wars yet, but his awful mishandling of the military so far makes the fit he will throw when he is impeached all the more dangerous.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Maryland pol charged with wire fraud, among other things:

    A black kid is brutally assaulted in a mall, including a solid head-stomping:

    Why no outrage over these things?  The perps are black.  Blacks are 12.4% of the US population, but commit 21.7% of the hate crimes for which perps are known:

    Blacks cry "racism" and "oppression", but they are the worst hominids alive today.  Even to their own.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:57 PM

    To Anonymous 7:00 PM.....

    Don't you have anything else to do besides look up crimes committed by Blacks? Do you ever search for crimes committed by whites? Your posts are so tiresome and serve no purpose. Please go away. Try stormfronnt. They will love you there.

  42. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Awww, Granny, did my widdle bit of twooth not mix well with your illusions?

    Show me where the cognitive dissonance hurt you.

  43. Fort Worthless cop resigned before he could be fired for murdering black woman. He has now been arrested and charged with her murder. Video shows him blasting her about the time he told her to raise her hands.

  44. Fake News Update9:26 PM

    CNN Failed to Disclose That "Questioner" Who Set Up Elizabeth Warren For Her Probably-Prescripted Viral Zinger Was Donor Who Had Maxed Out His Contributions to Warren

    "Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren's zinger at an LGBT town hall may have gone viral, but CNN failed to disclose that the questioner donated the federal maximum to her 2018 Massachusetts Senate campaign.

    CNN's Chris Cuomo introduced Morgan Cox at the Thursday town hall as "the chair of the Human Rights Campaign board of directors" who was part of "a real estate investment firm in Dallas, Texas." Cox asked Warren what she would say if "a supporter approaches you and says, ‘Senator, I'm old-fashioned and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.'"

    "Well, I'm going to assume it's a guy who said that and I'm going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman. I'm cool with that,'" Warren said, before adding to uproarious laughter, "Assuming you can find one."

    The CNN chyron described Cox as "Chair, Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors." It could have just as easily identified Cox as "Donor, Elizabeth Warren."

    Cox's Twitter profile indicates that his full name is "Morgan W. Cox III" and he is a partner at the investment firm Marquis Group. The Marquis Group is located in Plano, Tex., part of the larger Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. FEC filings show that a "Morgan Cox III" from Plano, Tex., who listed his occupation as "investor" donated the legal maximum of $2,700 to Warren's Senate primary campaign in 2017, followed by two donations totaling $2,700 to her general election campaign the following year. Cox also donated $2,700 to the Elizabeth Warren Action Fund PAC."

  45. From Taegan Goddard:

    “As President Trump approaches his 1,000th day in office Wednesday, he has significantly stepped up his pace of spouting exaggerated numbers, unwarranted boasts and outright falsehoods,” the Washington Post reports.

    “As of Oct. 9, his 993rd day in office, he had made 13,435 false or misleading claims… That’s an average of almost 22 claims a day since our last update 65 days ago.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Name one, Dougie.

  47. "My call with Zelensky was perfectly appropriate."

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. President Donald Trump said again on Friday that Americans need identification to buy groceries, which remains not true.

    "You know, if you want to go out and buy groceries, you need identification. If you want to do almost anything you need identification. The only thing you don't need identification for is to vote, the most important single thing you're doing -- to vote," Trump said at a campaign rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Awww, Granny, did my widdle bit of twooth not mix well with your illusions?

    Show me where the cognitive dissonance hurt you.

    8:23 PM
    Nah, you "twooth" just bored me. It seem you never have anything intelligent or interesting to say. Why don't you try harder to be relevant?

  50. Anonymous5:39 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

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