Monday, October 14, 2019

It's only Monday.

Image result for trump insane images ukraine

What a week for Mr. trump. And folks, it's only Monday.

So let's see what has been happening with the FOX NEWS president.

He has single-handedly caused thousands of people  (See Kurds) to be slaughterd in the Middle East because of his foolhardy and sudden withdrawal from Syria. A withdrawal that was more than likely caused because of a phone call to the Turkish leader which centered around a hotel deal in Istanbul.

What makes this situation even worse, is  the fact that brutal dictators like Assad are looking like the good guys in this entire fiasco.

It has gotten so bad in this part of the world that Isis prisoners are walking out of prison, and are regrouping in large numbers. Incredibly, Mr. trump blames the Kurds for this.

His co-conspirator in his Ukraine scheme is under criminal investigation, and two of the players in said scheme have already been arrested.   

He starred in a despicable and violent video produced by his supporters which shows him killing his enemies and the media in a church. Yes, a church.

He is afraid of the Dow tanking, so he has lied, once again, about a trade deal with China.Wall Street is on to him, so I am not sure how much longer this little game of his will go on.

Oh, and the rats are jumping ship. Against the wishes of the White House, they are now starting to sing to Congress like Aretha Franklin.

I can't wait for Tuesday.

Pic from


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I am officially ready for President Pence. Or, if Trump has already embroiled Pence in too many dirty deeds and he has to be removed along with Trump, President Pelosi.

    Just make all this exhausting, thoroughly unnecessary chaos and idiocy stop. Another year of this crap is a year too many.

    That's all I want, but I will probably not get it, because the Senate Republicans are gutless wonders who only care about protecting their jobs from the MAGA mutants.

  2. Lt. Commander Johnson11:36 PM

    Yeah. Let's just see an impeachment vote on the House Floor. Talking about gutless. Call me names, just answer why the Dems don't call for a vote.

    You know why. I know why.

  3. "The timing of it is the most important consideration." -Nancy Pelosi.

    This whole week is scheduled to be impeachment-palooza.

    After Hill's testimony today (described by Rep. Heck while it was still underway as "the Republicans complaining about this being closed door ought to be glad it is."), tomorrow we have deputy assistant secretary of state with responsibility for Ukraine George Kent, and Wednesday we have the former senior advisor to Pompeo, Mike McKinley, who resigned last week in protest of Pompeo's treatment of state department personnel, particularly the recall of ambassador Yovanovitch who Fergus threatened on the phone call he is being impeached for while Pompeo listened the whole time.

    Then on Thursday we get Gordon Sondland, the million dollar Fergus donor appointed as ambassador to the EU who was brought to Ukraine when it was decided Yovanovitch wouldn't play ball in Fergus' scheme.
    He's the one who described the investigation of the Bidens by Ukraine as the "deliverable" Fergus demanded ahead of military aid and a white house meeting.

    So, yeah it's gonna be a long, busy, week in impeach Fergus land, meanwhile the Kurds, after being attacked by Arab militia shock troops consisting in part of Al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters, have made a deal with the Russian backed Assad regime, basically ceding the whole place to Russia, Assad, Iran, and ISIS, and "bracketing" 1,000 US troops between Turkish artillery.

    Tired of the winning yet?

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous1:17 AM

    The Dems can host a different impeachment witness every single day from now until Election Day. There is an infinite supply of people who have worked for Trump in the White House, learned of his incompetence and crimes firsthand, and come to hate him.


  5. Lt. Commander Johnson1:19 AM

    So. Doug. You won't answer the question, again. Why don't the Dems/Pelosi call for a vote on the Floor? They already have so much "evidence".

    Meanwhile, the non-vote denies Trump due-process. If I was Trump, I would take this to SCOTUS. IMMEDIATELY, while they are still in session

  6. SCOTUS has nothing to say about impeachment, beyond precedent and case law.

    If the House has the sole discretion to adopt articles of impeachment, it follows that it has the discretion to determine how to launch and conduct any preceding inquiry and investigation.

    No floor vote is required for anything but the articles of impeachment themselves, unless the house passes a rule requiring one, which the constitution empowers it to do.

    That's all the "due process" there is.

    Fergus is only still a free man because of an OLC memo shielding him from the sort of due process any other citizen would enjoy.

    Pelosi is waiting for a while because the senate won't remove Fergus (McConnell has already said so) and the longer she waits, the more damaging evidence comes out to sway public opinion against Fergus and in favor of her members in Fergus supporting districts.

    Personally, I think they should wait until after the conventions to hold the impeachment hearings on live TV, when they would do the most political damage (remember Jr.:"I love it, especially later in the summer"?)

    If McConnell is gonna make impeachment a purely political process, his candidate deserves to be publicly buggered with it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous3:11 AM

    It seems the Fusion GPS guys are coming out with a book about Trump and Russia, so we can expect wingnuts to completely lose their minds over that. There will be copious amounts of conspiracy theory ranting and kneejerk anti-Hillary derangement.

    Good times.

  8. Lt. Commander is a dumbass pussy3:45 AM

    If I was Trump, I would take this to SCOTUS. IMMEDIATELY, while they are still in session
    Jesus Lt. Commander you are one stupid man. Take what to the SCOTUS? You don't know grammar nor do you know civics. Is there anything you know other than fatty foods and cheap beer? You are actually dumber than Bill was and that's gotta take some effort.

  9. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Hey Lt. Commander, you learn the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE yet?

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson4:27 AM

    Yeh, I know the difference. I made a typo mistake. I could beat your retarded ass in a spelling contest any damn day of the week.

  11. Trouble finding the video? Whoopie told you not to watch it.

    Watch the original movie clip. Use your imagination. I wonder which one was Hillary.

    Conservatives fucking hate us. We didn't believe it.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson8:45 AM

    "Conservatives fucking hate us. We didn't believe it."

    Yes, we do. You have destroyed Public Education. Integration was the melt-down point. I was there for it. The teachers had to start grading on the "curve". Otherwise, all the blacks would fail. Now, these GenX'ers and their spawn, the Millennials voting for people like the "squad".

    I think Trump is just biding his time. The closer to the election, the indictments will come down.

  13. just answer why the Dems don't call for a vote.

    There is no law stating a vote has to take place. Get that through yer blockhead.

  14. Stoopid fucking wingnuts ignore the constitution and continue to shift tax dollars to private and religious schools, thereby denying public schools needed resources.

    Wingnuts have been trying for years to destroy public education by underfunding them, passing heinous rules, taking away teacher's unions bargaining power, etc.

    Of course a stoopid fucking wingnut would come along and blame the problem on blacks, just like they do all other societal ills.

  15. Hunter Biden resigned his board seat in China and wingnuts claim that is proof he is a crook. Too bad there is not a shred of evidence, despite all of drumpfuck's lies, to the contrary.

    Biden(s) did nothing illegal in Ukraine nor did they do anythibng wrong in China.

    In fact, HB did what the drumpfuck criminal enterprise refused to do, remove the possibility of charges of conflicts while Joe runs for potus.

    Little orange lying junior went on Fake News this past week and claimed the family made no money from drumpfuck international hotel despite financial reports claiming 40 million in profits. the whole fucking criminal family lies. If you want to investigate making money off the office of potus or vice-potus, check out drumpf's favorite grope toy and see how many copyrights China bestowed on her since Putin stole the election for her orange pathological lying dad.

    I puke on all you despicable deplorable traitors.

  16. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Trump Derangement Syndrome does some strange things.

    Now Field, and the whole progressive movement, is outraged that a President is finally pulling back from the endless wars waged by our corrupt government. They are on the side of mega-corporations in silencing free speech. They support the ruthless dictatorship in China because the President they hate is fighting for American workers.

    Just look at yourselves, motherfuckers.

  17. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "He starred in a despicable and violent video produced by his supporters which shows him killing his enemies and the media in a church. Yes, a church"

    He "starred" in something somebody put up on the internet. You are pathetic.

    The media had no problem when the scene in question played on movie screens all over the country, because then it was Christian church-goers being slaughtered. But when someone puts their faces on the victims, whoa, that's unacceptable.

  18. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Fake violence depicted using a make-believe clip from a movie: Media firestorm.

    Actual violence committed against Trump supporters attending a rally: Crickets.

  19. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy1:09 PM

    I could beat your retarded ass in a spelling contest any damn day of the week.

    Sure dumbass. I knew you were at a fifth grade level. Spelling contest. Ha!

  20. Lt. Commander is a no serving fuckboi1:13 PM

    Yes, we do. You have destroyed Public Education. Integration was the melt-down point. I was there for it. The teachers had to start grading on the "curve". Otherwise, all the blacks would fail.
    Sure, you are such a fucking genius and all negroes are sooooooooo inferior to your brilliance.
    Why are racists so goddamned arrogant? This fool doesn't know the difference between YOU'RE and YOUR and he blames us for the destruction of education huh? Dude, my guess is YOU'RE just dumb as fuck.
    BTW fuckboi, you said you used YOUR correctly but now claim it was a typo so which is it fat ass? Ignorant racists are kinda dumb and hypocrites.

  21. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Actual violence committed against Trump supporters attending a rally: Crickets.

    When did this happen? I know we've seen trump supporters commit violence. Please enlighten us.
    God, trump supporters are fucking stupid just like Lt. Commander Pussy.

  22. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I think Trump is just biding his time. The closer to the election, the indictments will come down.
    Are you referring to the QAnon indictments? Holy Jesus, we all know YOU'RE a dumbfuck but please god tell us YOU'RE not a conspiracy nut too. Oh dear god, and he blames us negroes for his lack of education.

  23. Anonymous1:45 PM

    “The media had no problem when the scene in question played on movie screens all over the country, because then it was Christian church-goers being slaughtered. But when someone puts their faces on the victims, whoa, that's unacceptable.”

    Yeah. It’s unacceptable particularly because of who the audiences for these films are.

    We know that most of the general moviegoing public are capable of understanding that Kingsman is a work of fiction and is meant as entertainment, not instructions to go on a murder spree.

    On the other hand, we know that the grunting ogres who support Trump are fundamentally dumb and violent and are incapable of understanding much of anything, and so are very likely to try to carry out this fantasy of slaughtering liberals, minorities, and media figures.

    FYI, the people who get killed in Kingsman aren’t just “Christians” — they’re a hate group, aka the bad guys.

    Meanwhile, back in the real world, Team Trump are a hate group, and also the bad guys.

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson1:51 PM

    Nah, no violence against Trump supporters. I suppose ANTIFA proponents are all lawful Dems.


    I could go no and on, but it's pointless to argue with an idiot.

    And Queenie...try to hide behind an anom a bit more realistically'. Your tax-paid "education" is showing. From whatever "George" supposed uni you visited online.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:21 PM

    Commenter at 8:45 said.......

    Yes, we do. You have destroyed Public Education. Integration was the melt-down point. I was there for it. The teachers had to start grading on the "curve". Otherwise, all the blacks would fail. Now, these GenX'ers and their spawn, the Millennials voting for people like the "squad".

    Total bull shit. The curve existed many years before integration. The curve was instituted so that teachers could judge the validity of the tests they are giving. I could explain the concept further, but that would be a waste of my time. If you are interested, look it up.

    Republicans have waged war on public education since it was founded. You can look that up too. Take a look at the cut backs in education funding since Reagan was governor of California and president of the United States.

    You ignorance of the facts is astounding!

  26. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Wingnuts have been trying for years to destroy public education by underfunding them, passing heinous rules, taking away teacher's unions bargaining power, etc.

    Oh, is that what's happening in Chicago?  The teachers are about to strike again.  They have tons of bargaining power (unlike the police, who cannot strike by law) and a solid majority of them are minorities including the head of the teachers union, who is Jewish and an obvious red-diaper baby having been a member of the International Socialist Organization.

    In Chicago and everywhere else, teachers and administrators have been disempowered by "anti-racist" enforcers.  They have been denied the ability to enforce order in classrooms because discipline falls disproportionately upon those with poor impulse control, namely blacks.  This "disparate impact" forces schools to eliminate suspensions, allowing the disruptive to reign and turning what should be learning environments into chaos.  "Progressive" ideology has let the inmates rule the asylum.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts ignore the constitution and continue to shift tax dollars to private and religious schools, thereby denying public schools needed resources.

    The school districts with the highest per-pupil spending are almost all urban districts full of blacks.  They get shit results no matter how much they spend, so OF COURSE a sane public wants to put the money where it does more.

    Private and religious schools can enforce order and actually get teaching done.  Hey, here's an idea:  if these kids don't want to learn anything and the schools aren't allowed to force them to at least sit still and be quiet, why don't we make their mamas take care of them.  Maybe the mamas will have to learn how to cook breakfast and lunch for dey keedz.  Wouldn't THAT be a penalty!

    Of course a stoopid fucking wingnut would come along and blame the problem on blacks

    Says the assclown who lives in a county that's maybe 1% black.

    You wanna see what happens in majority-black schools?

    Assclown can look at that all-black affair and blame whitey.  You can't fix stupid.

  27. Queenie, everything in my "anon" moniker is 110% true. I never visited or attended a "uni' except for medical care.

    As for education, your state is ranked last in most educational categories. Walk with pride, dude.

  28. Lt. Commander Johnson3:03 PM

    "Total bull shit. The curve existed many years before integration. The curve was instituted so that teachers could judge the validity of the tests they are giving. I could explain the concept further, but that would be a waste of my time. If you are interested, look it up."

    Yeah. I tried to look it up. Couldn't find it on Google. Funny thing was...I was THERE! I'd never heard of that curve crap. Suddenly, all the Negros were about to fail. So, the "teachers" had to adjust, because failing the Total bull shit. The curve existed many years before integration. The curve was instituted so that teachers could judge the validity of the tests they are giving. I could explain the concept further, but that would be a waste of my time. If you are interested, look it up. would look badly upon them.

    You say grading on the curve started "many years before integration" OK. Fine. Why don't you tell us all just what year it became official?

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson3:08 PM

    Sorry I messed that up. Having Puter problems

  30. "They have tons of bargaining power (unlike the police, who cannot strike by law)"

    Well yes and no. The strike is about the lack of resources specifically nurses, librarians and social workers. The city government has a lot of power over CPS teachers and an appointed school board so this is really about the students and not money as they were already given a 16% raise. And the idea that urban schools are as well funded as suburban counterparts is false. Most school districts are funded by property taxes so there will be structural inequities until that changes.

  31. "Seems you didn't spend much time looking for the history of grading on the curve. LOL!"


  32. From Steve Benen:

    "The same Times article noted that U.S. officials have been "quietly reviewing plans for evacuating roughly 50 tactical nuclear weapons" that we've long stored in Turkey -- which wasn't cause for concern until Turkey started firing artillery rounds at American troops."

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Climate change is bullshit.

  34. "Republicans have waged war on public education since it was founded."

    Well maybe since the 70's because the Republicans of yore used to be quite progressive in many of their platforms including support for unions. Since Reagan the GOP has been trying to destroy public education because 1. the religious right wants to inject their brand of religion into the schools which is against the law and they are actually wrong about religion being banned from public schools and 2. no one is making money from public education. There is also the fact that many teachers are people of color and many like the poster above hate that too. A problem with going after public schools is that the critics are painting with a broad brush, not all public schools are failing and not all private schools are succeeding. In Chicago there are some really good public schools. I went to a public school as did my parents, I went to the same school they did and I'm doing just fine (as are my classmates). I would send my kids to a CPS.

  35. "Climate change is bullshit."

    Not according to climate scientists but what do they know?😂

  36. Lt. Commander No Johnson is a knownothing fuckboi8:35 PM

    Wait, so Mississippi public schools were the cream of the crop before intergration? It was them durn negroes who made Mississippi education shit? Really Lt. Commander Pussy? GTFOH! So you blame negroes for YOUR inability to know things! Well one thing they still teach dumb rednecks, racism.

  37. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I notice dumbass no serving pussy didn't answer the question about indictments. What indictments are you referring?

  38. Sometimes the Onion says the truth better than anyone else:

    "Jubilant ISIS Prisoners Hail American Liberators."

    The Russians have taken over a base we retreated from. Let that sink in a minute. I wonder what all we left at that base, and what the Russians will do with it now that they own it?

    Tired of all the winning yet?

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 PM

    PilotX said.......

    Well maybe since the 70's because the Republicans of yore used to be quite progressive in many of their platforms including support for unions.
    Yes, PilotX, I miss spoke. My bad! What I should have said was: Conservatives have waged war on public education since it began. As we both know, at one time Republicans were the liberals and Democrats were the conservatives.

    Regarding Mr. Johnson, he likes to dispute much of what I post because he is hopelessly mired in right-wing propaganda. So are quite a few other folks who come here and post nonsense.

  40. Anonymous11:51 PM

    If you're too insane for Michael Bolton's brother with the messed up mustache you're kinda messed up.


  41. Anonymous11:55 PM

    "Regarding Mr. Johnson, he likes to dispute much of what I post because he is hopelessly mired in right-wing propaganda."

    Oh no, not the guy who's genius was disrupted by teh blahs? Ha! From some of his previous comments sounds like he's a Q Anon believer. We definitely have some interesting characters around here. I guess I have to apologize to my white classmates for ruining their educations by sitting near them.


  42. Anonymous12:02 AM

    "As we both know, at one time Republicans were the liberals and Democrats were the conservatives."

    Well, not exactly.

    In the 19th century, neither Democrats nor Republicans really fit into modern definitions of liberals or conservatives. The Democrats were a sort of pro-agrarian party, while the Republicans were more a pro-industrialization party.

    The alignment of the parties with what we call liberal and conservative ideologies began in the early 20th century and completed its transition at the end of the 20th century. Basically, in the 60s and 70s, after the Democrat leadership decided to support black civil rights, there was a mass exodus of racist wingnuts to the Republican Party. And in reaction to that, all the black people fled the GOP and became Democrats.

    Anyway, before that happened, in the mid-20th century, there still existed Democrats you could fairly describe as conservatives, and Republicans you could describe as liberals, though both those "species" are now extinct.

    Fiorello LaGuardia, mayor of New York (the guy the airport is named after), was a big-government, lefty REPUBLICAN.

  43. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Not according to climate scientists but what do they know?😂
    5:46 PM

    scientists or communists??

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:02 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Not according to climate scientists but what do they know?😂
    5:46 PM

    scientists or communists??

    12:44 AM
    ROTF LMAO!! Sure, 99 percent of the world's scientists are communists? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Better check, there might be a communist lurking under your bed.

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:20 AM

    Anonymous said .......
    In the 19th century, neither Democrats nor Republicans really fit into modern definitions of liberals or conservatives. The Democrats were a sort of pro-agrarian party, while the Republicans were more a pro-industrialization party.

    The alignment of the parties with what we call liberal and conservative ideologies began in the early 20th century and completed its transition at the end of the 20th century."

    12:02 AM
    I used the terms liberal and conservative in the philosophical way, as in liberals open to the concept of progress and being open to change. And conservative as wanting to retain the status quo. The two parties have switched positions since the 50's. The current Trump party is now reactionary, not conservative.

  46. Leaving to the Democrats the job of "conserving norms and traditions" while the Republicans try their damnedest to chop the country into chunks and sell them to their rich friends.
    You could almost call it a brilliant strategy if they weren't so blisteringly stupid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Moar proof Drumpf is a tax cheat and should be jaikled while the FBI examines his tax returns......

  49. Only in fever dream drumpfuck land would this be a good idea.
    drumpf invited British parents of teen motorcyclist killed by American spy's wife in jolly olde England. At the kremlin annex drumpf had the woman, who escaped under diplomatic immunity, in another room and during the meeting drumpf was going to open the door and have her come into the meeting room while photogs took pictures of the ambush.
    What a total douche bag drumpfuck the dumbfuck is.

  50. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "scientists or communists??"

    I'll let you answer your own question by asking two questions. How many climate scientists do you know? Are any of them Communists?

    I know a few and none are Communists.


  51. Moar wasicus gone wild....

  52. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Climate change is Hoax without scientific basis.Notice how only the rabid looney left embraces it??? Its to get into your pocket book and fleece you of even more tax money and government waste......

  53. Anonymous1:07 PM


    Careless ammosexual got to keep his gun after trying to shoot people who he claimed allegedly stole his phone. He got the phone and wiped it clean before cops got to him.

    Now a few days ago this same ammosexual assclown was cleaning his gun when it discharged striking a pregnant woman in the leg, traveling through her belly, through the uterus and killed the fetus.

    The woman turned out to be his wife, the uterus his child in a parasitic relationship with its mother.

    Bet he gets to keep his gun some moar because an armed society is a shit fer brains crew.

  55. AmericuntThinker, huh? bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:50 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Climate change is Hoax without scientific basis.Notice how only the rabid looney left embraces it??? Its to get into your pocket book and fleece you of even more tax money and government waste......" 1:05 PM
    I guess about 80 to 90 percent of Americans are "looney left" 'cause that's how many are now concerned about climate change.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    1:07 PM

    The American Thinker is an extreme, right-wing publication that touts all kinds of conspiracy theories. One of the their wild theories deals with climate change, declaring it a hoax.

  58. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Team Trump’s week is only getting worse.

    Some more of Rudy’s buddies have gotten arrested.

    And discrepancies have been found on one of Trump’s tax returns. It looks like he either lied to the IRS or lied to the banks who lent him money. Shocking, I know.

  59. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I guess about 80 to 90 percent of Americans are "looney left" 'cause that's how many are now concerned about climate change.
    2:50 PM

    Another Fake News number invented by the looney and VIOLENT left.You are truly delusional.....

  60. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Former CIA Officer Warns: Deep State Is "Terrified" Of Trump, "Want Him Taken Out"

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:38 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Another Fake News number invented by the looney and VIOLENT left.You are truly delusional.....

    3:30 PM
    LOL, just keep believing what you now believe. If you are alive thirty years from now, you will know that climate change is quite real.

  62. Let's see, a quick Google search for china science climate returned over 3 million results with seven on the first page being scholarly papers by Chinese scientists seriously discussing the changes in climate and ways to deal with their effects.

    So it looks like the communists are taking it more seriously than the Pig People. And as with solar energy, they seem likely to eat our lunch on the issue, while we try to pry the goddamn Republicans loose from the levers of power so we can start to clean up the godawful mess they've made of everything.

    Putin isn't the only autocrat laughing his ass off at Fergus.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Home » Zero Hedge
    Zero Hedge
    Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.

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    Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

    Overall, we rate Zero Hedge an extreme right biased conspiracy website.

    There is not a single bomb throwing stoopid fucking wingnut site out there that is trustworthy. You phucking morons are phucking morons for phucking moronically believing any of this phucking moronic shit.

  64. Anonymous6:05 PM

    If you don't like ZeroHedge you're going to HATE this article:

    Pelousy has already backed down on the impeachment vote.  If the House votes to authorize impeachment investigations, the Republicans get subpoena authority too!  There is one FUCK of a lot of dirt on the Democrats side, including Pelosi's son employed by another Ukrainian outfit.

    Trump made the phone call to Ukraine to get the Dimocrats up in arms about Ukraine... where they have plenty of skeletons, and now the media canNOT ignore them!  Totally masterful, playing them like a fiddle.

    Gonna so enjoy watching libturd heads explode next year!  Best of all would be if Pelousy's indictment gets un-sealed during the Dim convention.  She's not running again and probably knows her goose is cooked.

  65. Anonymous6:16 PM

    “If you don't like ZeroHedge you're going to HATE this article:”

    To hate it, we’d have to read it.

    No thanks.

    Normal people: Zero Hedge is a pile of lies. There is no point in paying attention to anything that comes out of that paranoid house of mirrors.

    You, the village idiot: Here are some more lies from Zero Hedge. Hey, where is everyone going? Why aren’t you listening?

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:24 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Gonna so enjoy watching libturd heads explode next year! Best of all would be if Pelousy's indictment gets un-sealed during the Dim convention. She's not running again and probably knows her goose is cooked.

    6:05 PM
    Hope you are not holding your breath because you're gonna have a very, very long wait. ROTF LMAO

  67. From Taegan Goddard:

    Majority Want Trump Impeached and Removed

    October 16, 2019 at 8:43 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 94 Comments

    A new Gallup poll finds 52% of Americans say President Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 46% say he should not be.

    The 52% who support removing Trump is higher than Gallup ever found for removing President Nixon until August 1974.

    Trump’s approval rating remains flat at 39%.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:21 PM

    -Doug in Oakland

    9:25 PM
    Let's hope we can be rid of him before he destroys the world.

  69. "Climate change is Hoax without scientific basis."

    So says a non-scientist on a blog. Would love to see your credentials. My bet is you've never even taken an intro level atmospheric science course.

  70. "Best of all would be if Pelousy's indictment gets un-sealed during the Dim convention."

    So now we're back on the "sealed" indictments? Really? These have been sealed longer than Christians have been waiting for Jesus to come back. Any day now right?😂

  71. Thanks drumpf.....

    Another reason to impeach his fat orange ass.

  72. When are the indictments going to happen? We ain't getting any younger.


    Mulvaney basically confirmed sdrumpf's quid pro quo with Ukrainian prez. Somewhere along this string of impeachable offenses should be drumpfuck's head on a platter. fnl
