Monday, October 28, 2019

He had one job.

Image result for trump photo op al baghdadi staged op

He had one job. Just read the damn teleprompter.

 A script was written for him to tell the American people about the killing of one of our most wanted terrorist, and about the greatness of our military fighters, and how thankful we are as a nation for their service. 

Sadly, Mr. trump could not even get that right. In a rambling news conference which went way beyond his script, Mr.trump bragged and lied about predicting what Osama bin Laden would do on September 11th,and that it might have been prevented if we had listened to him. He thanked the Russians before he thanked the brave men who risked their lives to kill al- Baghdadi. He gave away sensitive intel secrets which might have put the lives of operatives working for us in the region in jeopardy. He lied about what the terrorist were doing when he died, and he lied about what he was doing when the operation started. (Heck even the  photo of  the operation room might have been staged.) And finally, he refused to tell members of Congress (including Speaker Pelosi) about the raid.

In his mind, of course, trump thought that he did a great job. So much so that he made a rare public appearance outside of one of his staged Klan political rallies. He went to the 5th game of the World Series, and he did so hoping to bask in the glory of  the capture of al-Baghdadi. He was wrong. I think I am still hearing the boos and the chants of "lock him up" coming from down Interstate 95.

I am quite sure that every person in that stadium last night was happy and pleased that the world's most wanted terrorist was killed. What they were not pleased about was a selfish and narcissistic president taking the opportunity for self-aggrandizement at the expense of the great soldiers who carried out the mission.


  1. Fergus is oblivious to how normal people see him, because they are appalled by him and that's not information a malignant narcissist can accept or process.

    He is well and truly buggered at this point.

    Thursday the house is going to vote on the rules going forward in the impeachment process, and among them are public hearings and the OK for questioning by house staff as well as members.
    Read that the witnesses are going to be questioned at length by actual attorneys on live television.

    Also, it seems that his verbal malfunction about wanting China to investigate his political rivals was more than just him running his mouth. Mike Pillsbury was quoted as having said "We got a lot of good information on Hunter Biden from the Chinese" after having apparently been dispatched to China for that purpose.

    And of course Fergus lied his fat, orange ass off about the raid. He knows he has to distract attention away from the reporting of his crimes that even he is starting to grasp as the existential threat that it is... He's not quite bright enough to understand what he should stop doing to keep from making it worse, but he does seem to get that some of it is bad for him.

    If he were other than blisteringly stupid and utterly incompetent he might have a chance at salvaging his presidency by mitigating his behavior and doing his damn job, but both of those are very obviously beyond his feeble grasp.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous1:47 AM

    "Sadly, Mr. trump could not even get that right. In a rambling news conference which went way beyond his script, Mr.trump bragged and lied about predicting what Osama bin Laden would do on September 11th,and that it might have been prevented if we had listened to him."

    OBVIOUSLY, everyone should have asked Trump, and he would've prevented 9/11. Obviously.

    Hey, why not? Why shouldn't we believe he could see into the future? After all, we know he is so powerful that he can see things that didn't even happen, like the "thousands and thousands" of Arabs in New Jersey that he insists were dancing on that day and celebrating the terrorist attacks.

    But would he really have stopped the attacks, though, even if he could have? In fact, Trump seems to have been the one who celebrated on 9/11. He thought it was great! Like the malignant narcissist he is, his reaction to the collapse of the World Trade Center was to brag about how now made one of his buildings the tallest in downtown Manhattan. Trump's exact words on the day nearly 3,000 New Yorkers got murdered:

    "I mean, 40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center the tallest, and then when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second-tallest, and now it's the tallest."

    Totally normal guy. What could possibly go wrong, making him the president?

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Field Negro:  The blog where the spam is better than the posts.

  4. And to follow it up he came to Chicago to talk shit. I thought he was going to end the "American carnage" overnight. He said we embarrass the country. What a great guy, shits on fellow Americans and American cities while licking Putin's scrotum. This guy has to go.

  5. I and I noticed the lower case p in president in your reference to 45.

    I and I prefer "45" in reference to the current principal resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC. I and I find 45 to be an appropriate reference in that it facilities my disuse of gerunds in reference to the mandate of the electorate.

    Gerund use would be most descriptive, to the point of vulgarity, in reference to 45.

    I and I too aspire to civility in public discourse.

    Peace, Out.

  6. The Bartender8:51 AM

    Shot:  Event where mass shooting occurred in Greenville, TX was a "Twerk or Treat" party:

    Chaser:  "Shots rang out" at vigil for the slain.

    Absolutely TNB.  Everyone involved had to be black, but Filled (up with himself) Negro will still blame Whitey.  Cue the denial from BusdriverX, the deflection from Psycho In Iowa and the shriek from Mumbler2.

  7. Yes, the fucker was so out of touch he thought he'd be hailed as a hero at the game, that the profiteering, the racist rallies, tortures at the southern border, the tax giveaway, all the impeachable offenses Congress is finally addressing would be eclipsed by his happening to be president while al-Baghdadi was cornered.

    His simple-mindedness always catches us off-guard. We have to put ourselves in the emotional state of a 10-year-old to get him. It's the only way.

  8. Do we really know Drumpf didn't make a deal with bin Ladin to ensure Drumpf's building would be the tallest structure standing after the Trade Centers came down? He was bragging about it shortly after the attack and then lying about joining first responders.

    As for the vote on Thursday, does anyone really believe wingnuts will vote for it if they are not allowed to hijack the hearings to find the name of the whistleblower so he can be eliminated?

  9. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been frequently mocked for transforming himself from a staunch Trump critic into one of his most devoted defenders — and a new report from ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington will only add more fuel to that fire.

    According to new data compiled by CREW, Graham has made a total of 17 visits to Trump properties over the past two-plus years, which the organization notes “are 50% more than anyone else in Congress.”

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    More lies and nonsense from FN and the alt left team shit the bed crew.

  11. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 402
    Shot & Wounded: 1936
    Total Shot: 2338
    Total Homicides: 438

    We still have two more months so Chicago is looking again at least 500 murders.....

  12. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Typical democrat alt left behavior:

  13. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Orange Man Bad...again. Go figger

  14. Congresswoman Hill resigned and has a very good opportunity to smash her ex in court for revenge porn charges. He was pissed because she kicked his ass out.

    In fact, I wouldn't doubt the other woman sues his ass as well.

  15. Scumbag Maricopa County wingnut Assessor paid Marshall island woman to come to America to give birth and then sell their babies to him for resale.

  16. Well, it's not ISIS you have to be wary of. According to this trump supporter cowboys and mountain men will kill trump's enemies and once the blood starts flowing it won't stop. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Mountain menπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Well, I've never been one to back down from a dare so let's impeach the mother fucker and see what happens.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Chicago 2019 to date:

    Lots of amazing things to do. Great music, food, professional sports, world class museums and theater Here's a list of things to do this weekend.


  20. "Cue the denial from BusdriverX"

    Denial of what? The fact you cherry pick crimes that involve blah people while completely ignoring white crimes? Why the fuck do I need to comment? Did I know any of the people involved? Why are you calling me out? Surely you have more to do in life than search the internet for crimes involving blah people and then name dropping commentors. Please tell me this isn't your life.

  21. Slaves12:40 PM

    "Orange Man Bad...again. Go figger"

    It's all they have in their sad little minds. They are addicted to the Fake News outrage cycle.


    Finally. Let's see if we can save this country and see if the shit talking conservatives who threatened violence will actually have the balls to do something.

  23. Pilot X:
    Impeach him and see what happens? Well...

    He'll do his worst, let's do our best
    Then we, not he, shall pass the test
    For we are right, and he's a jerk
    No plan of his will ever work
    His pundits reek of sleaze and booze
    His staff goes bats, his lawyers lose.
    When all is said and all is done
    We'll get that gangster on the run.

  24. A huge crowd of people booing the President and chanting "lock him up", at a baseball game; how American!

  25. Swamp rats1:33 PM

    A huge crowd of government employees and lobbyists in their $1,000 seats booing the President and chanting "lock him up", at a baseball game; how DC.

  26. Orange Man Bad...again. Go figger"

    It's all they have in their sad little minds

    Actually, I have immeasurable contempt for disgusting deplorables who dye their lips orange to match drumpf's ass. And don't forget not a single deplorable has shown any recognition of any of the lies he tells every day.
    You be dumb crackers.

  27. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Swamp rats said...
    "A huge crowd of government employees and lobbyists in their $1,000 seats booing the President and chanting "lock him up", at a baseball game; how DC."

    Weird how Trump isn’t popular in the city that voted 95% for his opponent.

  28. Anonymous2:15 PM

    No worries about Trump’s unpopularity at the ball game. His supporters living in the alternate reality of wingnut media will be shielded from ever even hearing about it. Hooray, everyone loves Trump! Except for the majority of Americans.

    Fox & Friends edits boos out of video of Trump attending the World Series

  29. Anonymous2:33 PM

    PilotX said...
    Chicago 2019 to date:

    Lots of amazing things to do. Great music, food, professional sports, world class museums and theater Here's a list of things to do this weekend.
    11:17 AM

    Yes, the niggers love to strong arm rob the lemming tourists, rape them, burglarize their hotel rooms, steal their luggage at the airports.


  30. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Denial of what?

    That this type of crime is almost exclusively a black thing, and the media covers it all up.  The only ones that make the news are white MKULTRA assets being used to drive the news cycle, and they are all much better shots.

    The fact you cherry pick crimes that involve blah people while completely ignoring white crimes?

    These crimes fall into my lap.  I don't go looking for them.

    Why the fuck do I need to comment? Did I know any of the people involved?

    I'm sure you didn't know the guy shot at the hospital in Bronzeville either, but it is YOUR neighborhood and YOUR people.  Next time the target could be YOU, you know; it ought to be on your mind.

    Why are you calling me out?

    Because you're always in denial.

    Surely you have more to do in life than search the internet for crimes involving blah people and then name dropping commentors.

    Triggered much?  Pointing out people's characteristic reactions is holding up a mirror.  Truth hurts, doesn't it?

  31. Anonymous3:00 PM


    Excellent advice.  Let them eat rap videos.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Perhaps our spammer is Fergus' new appointee to the Commission on Presidential Scholars, George Mentz, author of dozens of books currently available for less than five bucks on Amazon, at least five of which have the word "illuminati" in the title, such as "The Illuminati Handbook – The Path of Illumination and Ascension: The Testament of the Mystical Order and The Secret Teachings that Make them Great", or more likely, just an avid consumer of those titles...

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. A security firm with ties to drumpf's brother was recently awarded a 30 plus million dollar contract from drumpf's gubmint. Bet he and they were the best people and well qualified for grift.

  35. "I couldn't tell congress about the raid because they might leak sensitive details about the mission."
    Announces Fergus in the middle of a half-hour long session of leaking sensitive details about the mission.

    To his credit, those details were mixed with so many lies that it would probably take a foreign intelligence service to sort them out.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous5:40 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "A security firm with ties to drumpf's brother"


    Please explain.

  37. Daily Beast had this part of the story from WAPO, which is behind a paywall.

    A $33 million government contract was awarded earlier this year to a company in which Robert Trump, President Trump’s younger brother, has a financial stake, The Washington Post reports. The lucrative contract has led to two complaints from rival bidders for the deal with the U.S. Marshals Service to provide security for federal courthouses and cell blocks. One rival company filed a complaint with the Justice Department’s office of the inspector general alleging that the awarded company, CertiPath, did not disclose that “one of the President’s closest living relatives stood to benefit financially from the transaction,” according to the complaint obtained by the Post. Jeff Nigriny, CertiPath’s president and founder, said in a statement that Robert Trump “is exclusively a passive investor,” and his name was not used to secure the contract. A second company also filed a protest, which led to a “stop work order” to be placed on the contract that has halted any money being paid out to CertiPath.

  38. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "passive investor"


    Doesn't sound like anything.

  39. Sure looks like lots of people love us raping luggage stealiing niggers. Most people aren't easily scared cowards.

  40. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The raping is one thing, but the luggage stealing is just too much. Especially for an airline employee.

  41. "The raping is one thing, but the luggage stealing is just too much. Especially for an airline employee."

    Well that's just what we do and seems people like it 50,000,000 people can't be wrongz

  42. Vindman testifies and Hannity is talking about Hillary with sister Lindsey. Man, gonna be a lot of amnesia around Fox in a few months.

  43. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Well that's just what we do and seems people like it 50,000,000 people can't be wrongz
    9:32 PM

    Total bullshit propaganda piece. Tourism way down due to high crime and insane prices. Word is out in the information age. CPD not allowed to do real policing anymore.

  44. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Alexander Vindman is one of 8,794 Lieutenant Colonels in the US Army.

    He is a clerk assigned to the WH. He’s not a Ukraine expert. He does not make policy nor should he comment on it.

    Alex Vindman showed up to testify in full military uniform as part of Democrats’ closed-door impeachment, despite not wearing one to work at the NSC.

    Vindman is Jewish, his family came from Ukraine (then in the USSR) in 1979.

    Vindman has reportedly been advising the Ukrainian government, his home country, how to counter President Trump’s foreign policy goals

    He definitely needs his sneaky leaking ass immediately bounced out of the White House.

  45. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Why was Vindman, an 0-5, engaging in unsanctioned foreign policy discussions with Ukrainian officials behind the back of the President of the United States?

    There is nothing remotely OK with that.

  46. Fascinating how tyrannical liberals, and their boot-licking media pals, keep changing their conspiracy theories. The “whistleblower’s” own memo indicates Trump released an accurate transcript yet these liberals nut jobs continue to lie to you. They’re clueless.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 PM

    CNN said...

    Fascinating how tyrannical liberals, and their boot-licking media pals, keep changing their conspiracy theories. The “whistleblower’s” own memo indicates Trump released an accurate transcript yet these liberals nut jobs continue to lie to you. They’re clueless.

    10:01 PM
    You lie. The story doesn't change. Trump extorted the president of Ukraine on the phone. It's in the transcript. Even Trump's chief of staff, Mulvaney, admitted it on live TV.

  48. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "You lie. The story doesn't change. Trump extorted the president of Ukraine on the phone. It's in the transcript. Even Trump's chief of staff, Mulvaney, admitted it on live TV."

    Yeah, we're way past that.

    Trump already gave up on: "I didn't extort the Ukrainians to do anything."

    Now he's moved on to: "Okay, fine, I did withhold military aid to pressure Ukraine to say Joe Biden's son was being investigated for corruption and Joe stopped it, and to say that the Russians didn't help me get elected. But so what? It's totally normal! Doesn't everybody force foreign powers to manufacture evidence to attack their domestic political opponents? What's the problem?"

  49. Vindman testified about details of the attempted cover up that may get their own article of impeachment.

    Of course they're gonna try to smear him, what else can they do?

    Even if their smear campaign was effective outside of the confines of the Pig People (who will swallow it whole), which it is not, a clear pattern is emerging that will be solid enough to impeach Fergus with, and also get him removed from office were it not for the corrupt poltroonery of the senate Republicans.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. "Total bullshit propaganda piece. Tourism way down due to high crime and insane prices."

    Okay, what are the real numbers?

  51. If the Chicago Tribune isn't your cup of tea how about Forbes?


    NBC news?

  53. Anonymous4:10 AM

    “NBC news?”

    This blog’s trolls swear by the Daily Stormer.

    I can only conclude that must be the high-quality source of all their news, since they are laboring under the impression that upon setting foot in Chicago, one is immediately robbed and raped.

  54. All those rosy drumpfuck projections of 5 or 5% GDP growth met reality today.

    i.9 is below Obama growth and he inherited the largest recession in 75 years. Drumpf landed atop a stock market in record territory and has done zip to improve it.

  55. Be interesting to see the senate scramble to keep senators mentioned in impeachment report eligible to vote to save drumpf's orange ass. They should have to recuse themselves.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 AM

    Vindman is Jewish, his family came from Ukraine (then in the USSR) in 1979.

    Vindman has reportedly been advising the Ukrainian government, his home country, how to counter President Trump’s foreign policy goals

    He definitely needs his sneaky leaking ass immediately bounced out of the White House.

    9:50 PM
    Yup, this is what you people do; when you don't have truth on your side you try to slime the truth tellers. But it's not working with the 70% of Americans who are sane and not part of Trump's cult.

  57. Anonymous1:01 PM

  58. Anonymous1:03 PM
    11:58 PM

    more alt left Pravda outlets, try again and accept the truth of out of control negro violence.

  59. Drumpf had one job and that was to loose his gilt edge virginity and he blew it. He ain't none too smart for a stable genius.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    11:58 PM

    more alt left Pravda outlets, try again and accept the truth of out of control negro violence.

    1:03 PM
    Of course facts don't mean anything to you. You're one of those people who say, "Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is made up." LOL!

  61. Former congress POS and now lobbyist, Bob Livingston pushed hard to get Ukraine Ambassador fired.

    To refresh yer sleepy memories, Livingston was selected to replace SOH disgraced fig Newton Gingrich who resigned. Livingston made no bones about calling WJC nasty names for his "bimbo eruption". Turns out, Livingston was every bit as big a cad as Clinton and Hustler magazine put a million dollar bounty to find women Livingston cheated on his wife with. Jackpot!

    Livingston stuck his skanky tail between his god fearing skanky kristian hind legs and resigned and crawled back to Looseranna and became a wealthy, high paid lobbyist.

  62. "more alt left Pravda outlets, try again and accept the truth of out of control negro violence."

    Ok, please provide the actual numbers of visitors to Chicago for 2017 or 2018. Thanks.

  63. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Of course facts don't mean anything to you. You're one of those people who say, "Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is made up." LOL!
    1:45 PM

    mirror mirror on the wall who is the most batshit of them all....

    1. Please provide us with the facts.

  64. 50 alleged impartial wingnut senatyors jumped on board a McCTurtlefuckface/Miss Lindsey Grahan resolution condemning the house impeachment inquiry.

    Looks like stoopid fucking wingnuts have no clew what impartiality means, doe it?

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Of course facts don't mean anything to you. You're one of those people who say, "Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is made up." LOL!
    1:45 PM

    mirror mirror on the wall who is the most at shit of them all....

    3:02 PM
    That would be you, Honey.

    BTW, bat shit is two words.

  66. This is a typical unqualified drumpf pick for lifetime judicial post. And he has the victim thingie down pat.

  67. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "more alt left Pravda outlets, try again and accept the truth of out of control negro violence."

    Aha, I knew it. Anything short of Nazi publications is "left-wing" to these circus freaks. Right-wing business publications are now supposedly left wing. Okay then.

    This is the warped mentality you are dealing with.


    Ukraine phone call transcript was neither accurate of complete.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:55 PM

    Anonymous said.....
    more alt left Pravda outlets, try again and accept the truth of out of control negro violence."

    1:03 PM

    Time for some facts about violent crime from 2018:
    Number of violent incidents: 5,954,090
    Number of Black Offenders: 1,155,640
    Number of White Offenders Offenders: 2,669,900

    Seems to me and to any other unbiased observer that Whites commit a lot of violent crimes. Yet all you harp on is violence by Blacks. Why is that?

  70. Granny Trump Cult4:56 PM

    Lee Smith: Hillary Clinton Paid to Have Her Personal Conspiracy Theory Made Into Official US National Security Policy, and The Entire Nation Has Been Forced to Live Inside the Sick Imaginings of a Paranoiac for Three Years.

    "The Plot Against The President" author Lee Smith discusses the Democratic plan to impeach President Trump with FBN's Maria Bartiromo and says the "cult" trying to "protect the swamp" is behind it.

    "I see it as a secret ritual conducted by a cult," he said. "I mean, they are doing most of this in secret, I think it’s worthwhile thinking of Speaker Pelosi as the high priestess of the cult and Adam Schiff as high priest of the cult and the purpose of the cult is to protect the swamp and what the swamp has done."

    "President Trump was sent to the American voter to drain the swamp and yet it’s the role of Madame Pelosi and Mr. Schiff to protect the swamp. What they are talking about impeachment is ridiculous, it bears no connection to reality just as Russiagate bears no connection to reality," he explained.

  71. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Granny clueless said...
    "Seems to me and to any other unbiased observer that Whites commit a lot of violent crimes"

    Once again, Granny shows us being a liberal requires not being able understand the concept of per capita.

  72. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Russians ate my homework.

  73. "Once again, Granny shows us being a liberal requires not being able understand the concept of per capita."

    Once again Gambler gives facts while anon is here to troll with zero facts.

  74. And per capita Blah women are the most educated group in the US. The least educated? trump supportersπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  75. From Steve Benen:

    "Candidate Trump repeatedly lambasted Barack Obama for being "the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3% growth." And yet, here we are: in Trump's first year, growth reached 2.3%; in his second year it reached 2.5%; and barring an extraordinary and unexpected shift, economic growth will almost certainly fall short of 3% again in the Republican's third year."

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. "President Trump was sent to the American voter to drain the swamp and yet it’s the role of Madame Pelosi and Mr. Schiff to protect the swamp. What they are talking about impeachment is ridiculous, it bears no connection to reality just as Russiagate bears no connection to reality," he explained.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! He drained the swamp in the same manner he has reduced national debt to nothing.....debt has risen 3 trillion and counting in less than three years with this phony fucking reformer. And the swamp is bigger and slimier than ever with every appointment drumpfuck makes.


    Drumpf is getting desperate.

    Belgian Malinois as police dogs do not seem to follow commands worth a shit.

  78. Anonymous6:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    "And per capita Blah women are the most educated group in the US"

    Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees are the opposite of education.

  79. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "Drumpf is getting desperate."

    mike is getting dumber.

  80. The first fake whistleblower has been identified as Eric Ciarmella, who was evicted from the White House in 2017 for leaking to the press:

    "Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia "collusion" investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
    Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

    "He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump," said a former NSC official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

    And he worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said. The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government. "He knows her. He had her in the White House," said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter."


  82. "Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees are the opposite of education."

    Zero degrees from anywhere is the way to go huh? Makes sense to meπŸ™„

  83. "He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump," said a former NSC official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

    That guy is a bonafide American hero. Drumpfuck is a Russian agent.

  84. mike is getting dumber. No, mike is getting older. Fixed it for you.

  85. Trump Made 53 False Claims In a Single Day
    October 30, 2019 at 3:33 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 23 Comments

    CNN: “Trump made 96 false claims last week, the second-highest total of the 16 weeks we’ve counted at CNN. He made 53 false claims last Monday alone — a remarkable 31 in rambling comments at his Cabinet meeting and 22 more in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.”

    “Fifty-three false claims is by far the most Trump has made in any day in the 16 weeks we’ve tracked, beating the previous high of 41. Trump has averaged about 68 false claims per week over the 16-week period — just shy of 10 false claims per day.”

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...
    "And per capita Blah women are the most educated group in the US"

    Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees are the opposite of education.

    6:44 PM
    Please list the universities that award "Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees. I worked at one of the largest public universities in the country, and this degree was not awarded there.

  87. "Please list the universities that award "Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees."

    This is a person who has never set foot on a college campus. The same guy who thinks you get raped and robbed in baggage claim.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ We're not dealing with the genius class.

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:49 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "Once again, Granny shows us being a liberal requires not being able understand the concept of per capita."

    PilitX said.....Once again Gambler gives facts while anon is here to troll with zero facts.

    5:32 PM
    Thanks, PilotX.
    Anon is some kind of idiot, or else he has compromised reading skills. The poster I was responding to did not say one word about per capita. He simply attacked Blacks as violent while ignoring the 3,957,720 violent acts committed by whites. I was simply pointing that out to him.

  89. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I worked at one of the largest public universities in the country, and this degree was not awarded there.
    8:36 PM

    you sure about that???

  90. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "Please list the universities that award "Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees. I worked at one of the largest public universities in the country, and this degree was not awarded there"

    Things have changed in the last 50 years, Granny.

  91. Anonymous9:51 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    “Trump made 96 false claims last week"

    Name one.

  92. "Name one."

    All of the graphic war-porn in his description of Baghdadi's death. He never heard any of that shit, all he saw was an overhead video of heat signatures moving around. Body-cam video was not available until much later because they didn't broadcast it during the raid when it could have given them away.

    -Doug in Oakland

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I worked at one of the largest public universities in the country, and this degree was not awarded there.
    8:36 PM

    you sure about that???

    11:35 PM
    Quite sure, anon. However it matters not to me whether you believe me or not.

  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Please list the universities that award "Affirmative Action Black Studies degrees. I worked at one of the largest public universities in the country, and this degree was not awarded there"

    Things have changed in the last 50 years, Granny.

    9:50 AM
    Once again you are assuming something that isn't true. I retired nine years ago, not 50. Your life must be a shambles since you do that all the time.
