Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"We are so far apart."

The following article was written by Mary Anna Towler for the Rochester City Newspaper.

Now is a good time to remember the despicable way that the right and their president attempted to demonize four elected women of color. 

It's a good time because I would like some folks on the right to keep this in mind as they try to condemn the folks who booed Mr. trump at the Nationals game a few nights ago.

"We are so far apart.

The United States has so many problems that require us to work together, and we are so far apart, divided increasingly by racism and xenophobia.

These are not new sins. They predate the country’s founding. But on occasion, we have seemed to try to rise above them. On occasion, we have had leaders who have pulled us forward. On occasion there’s been hope that collectively, there really did exist what Lincoln called “better angels of our nature.”

Now, though, the leader of the country is inciting different angels. He is using four young Congresswomen of color as bait, dangling them in front of his followers as surely as if he put them on hooks and bounced them over the heads of a pack of yapping, snarling dogs.

He started the attack with his “go back where you came from” tweets. A few days later, at a July 17 rally in Greenville, North Carolina, he ramped up the rhetoric, mocking the women and calling them hate-filled extremists.

The roar and the chants of the crowd in the Greenville arena are bone-chilling. “Traitor!” “Treason!” “Send her back! Send her back! Send her back!” An arena full of people, laughing, fist-pumping, cheering, “Send her back! Send her back!”


The president knows what he’s doing, of course. The day after the Greenville rally, he temporarily tried to step away from his supporters, saying – video footage to the contrary – that he had tried to stop the chants. But that didn’t last long. By the end of the week, he was praising the chanters, calling them “incredible patriots.” He continued to lie about what the four Congresswomen have said, and added, “I can tell you this: you can’t talk that way about our country, not when I’m president.”

It’s hard to imagine things getting worse, but given what we’ve experienced since January 2016, we can assume that they will. Because Donald Trump is not an aberration, any more than the white nationalist march in Charlottesville was.

And rather than objecting to Trump’s behavior, the Republican leaders in Washington have crafted a response to his critics, shifting the focus to the Congresswomen using words taken straight out of the McCarthy playbook from the 1950’s.

"We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of communists,” South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham said on Fox & Friends. “They're anti-Semitic. They're anti-America."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he agrees with Trump that the four Congresswomen want “to turn us into a socialist country” – and that it’s not just those four.

Racism, xenophobia, nativism: These will be the foundation of the Republican Party’s campaign for the presidency, the House, and the Senate. And in the roars and chants in the arena in Greenville, North Carolina, last week, we saw how many Americans will respond.

Trump’s approval rating continues to be stable, despite his behavior. Given that, the Times’ Nate Cohen suggested on Saturday, Trump could lose the popular election again in 2020 but win the Electoral College vote by an even wider margin.

One day last week, David Brooks ended a column in the Times with a quote from Langston Hughes’
 “Let America Be America Again”:

“America never was America to me / And yet I swear this oath – / America will be!”

There’s a lot more hope and faith in Langston Hughes’ words than I’m feeling right now."  [Source]

For the record, stirring up a crowd to yell racist at xenophobic things at a political rally, is not the same as spontaneously booing a president at a sporting event.

One is dangerous and could lead to strains of authoritarianism and fascism from our government, and the other is an American tradition. 


  1. David fucking Brooks is in no way worthy to use any of Langston Hughes' words for anything ever, including "it" "and" and "the".

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM


  3. Three false equivalency alerts:

    1. "alt-left".
    Hoo boy what a stale wheeze. Have the trolls run out of ideas? "Alt-left" is like caps-lock; they're both twit signals. They signal that the writer is a twit.

    2. His chief of staff saying "we do quid pro quos all the time, get over it."
    He isn't wrong... people _expect_ presidents to do extortion and other shady tactics, that's how foreign affairs work on this planet-of-the-anarchy-of-nations. But the shady tactics are supposed to be for the benefit of the nation, not the individual politician. He did the _wrong_ quid pro quo.

    3. Scarborough calling the 'lock him up' chant unAmerican.
    Balderdash. Dissing a politician, to his face, during a baseball game? What could be more American? That was a red-white-and-blue moment. Politician egging on a political crowd to call for State power against a rival for a refuted charge: that's wannabee tyranny. Sports crowd spontaneously calling for State power against an unpopular politician for multiple confirmed charges: that's democracy.

  4. Trump is anti-semantic.

  5. "Lock him up!" was the perfect diss.

  6. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Orange man bad! Ooof...

  7. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was right. The 2016 election was his favor and 2020 might be more of the same.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "Racism, xenophobia, nativism: These will be the foundation of the Republican Party’s campaign for the presidency, the House, and the Senate"

    This from the party whose entire basis is being anti-White.

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "One is dangerous and could lead to strains of authoritarianism and fascism from our government, and the other is an American tradition."

    This from the party who seeks to regulate speech, disarm the citizenry, and control every aspect of our lives in the name of radical egalitarianism enforced by the power of the state.

    The American tradition is freedom.

  10. Anonymous10:09 AM

    "But the shady tactics are supposed to be for the benefit of the nation, not the individual politician. He did the _wrong_ quid pro quo."

    What Biden did was the benefit of the individual.

    The nation has a legitimate interest in investigating such corruption.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "Dissing a politician, to his face, during a baseball game? What could be more American?"

    When Obama got booed at the 2009 All Star game, you called it racist.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bill Clinton was roundly booed at a NASCAR race in 1992.

    George W. Bush was jeered in 2008, when he threw out the first pitch at Nationals Park.

    Philadelphia Eagles fans even booed Santa Claus once.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "Politician egging on a political crowd to call for State power against a rival for a refuted charge"

    Nothing has been refuted about the charges against Biden. The Dems want to impeach Trump for investigating them.

    The Dem media is the one egging Americans on to call for State power against a rival for charges refuted by three years of investigations and a release of the call transcript.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:01 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Dissing a politician, to his face, during a baseball game? What could be more American?"

    When Obama got booed at the 2009 All Star game, you called it racist.

    10:15 AM
    Well, it was racist. When the crowd booed Trump, it was because of his policies.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:10 AM

    Anonymous said.....

    Nothing has been refuted about the charges against Biden. The Dems want to impeach Trump for investigating them.

    The Dem media is the one egging Americans on to call for State power against a rival for charges refuted by three years of investigations and a release of the call transcript.

    10:21 AM

    What charges against Biden are you speaking of? He hasn't been charged with anything. And the Dems and quite a few others will impeach Trump for abuse of power and for crapping on the Constitution.



    Welp, it's official.😆

  18. Anonymous3:30 PM

    "Well, it was racist. When the crowd booed Trump, it was because of his policies."

    "What charges against Biden are you speaking of?"

    Granny has to be a parody handle.

    She's 4D trolling.

  19. Media Scrambles To Fact-Check Image Of Trump Riding Hero Dog Into Massive Space Battle:

  20. This is why everyone hates Africans3:39 PM

    Blacks inevitably produce bad government.  In an event that will surprise exactly nobody who's ever heard of Monica Conyers, Birmingham AL Water Works Board member convicted for corruption:

    And blacks are just plain dangerous.  As in, kill-you-because-you-wouldn't-give-them-money dangerous:

    "FREDERICK, Md. —

    Two teenage brothers are now facing new charges in the assault and death of a Frederick County man.

    The teens are accused in the death of 59-year-old John Weed at the Great Frederick Fair.

    Prosecutors said they added the charges after receiving the complete investigation report from the Frederick County Sheriff's Office and they want to have the cases against the teens moved to adult court.

    A court hearing Monday determined the brothers, ages 15 and 16, will continue to be detained. Both were initially charged with assault, and the Frederick County State's Attorney Charlie Smith has announced additional charges.

    "We have filed additional charges against both. On the 15-year-old, charges now stand at manslaughter, first- and second-degree assault," Smith said."

    One reason to hate Obama is because this pattern of murderous black-on-white assault started on his watch and he not only didn't do anything to stop it, he egged it on.  Has there been even ONE such crime with the colors reversed since 2009?  How about since 2000?  There hasn't and you know it, because if there had you wouldn't have to keep talking about Emmett Till.

  21. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Welp, it's official.

    Yup.  And the Republicans get subpoena power and can air out all the Democratic dirty laundry.

    This is gonna be the great grand-daddy of all own goals.  MOAR POPCORN!

  22. Dems ain't near as stoopid as stoopid fucking wingnuts claim. Only Dairy Devin Numbnuts and Adam Schiff get subpoena power and if Numbnuts gets off course of the subject at hand, Schiff can block his subpoenas and you know stoopid fucking wingnuts will treat this as a three ring circus and push conspiracy shit all day long. They seriously out to be blocked out of the whole process because they already made up their minds that guilty or not, they will protect drumpf.

  23. One reason to hate Obama is because Fake Noise talking points tell you must hate Obama.

  24. (((Chuck Schumer)))4:01 PM

    "Schiff can block his subpoenas"

    Sounds fair.

  25. Stoopid fucking wingnuts caused security alarm as they prove they are too juvenile to hold office and even vote. These fucking morons need to be booted immediately.

  26. Report on the last failed FBI investigation into serial sexual predator Kavernmouth which turns out to have been a whitewash as far as witnesses who were not allowed to testify is concerned.

    But what can you expect from the party hthat won't look at facts lest they see evidence of criminal activities in their party, starting at the top.

  27. Anonymous4:43 PM

    iowa must be some sort of alternate reality zone.

  28. It’s sad that combining clips of Donald Trump with clips of Obama coverage is comedic.

    The media is a Clown World production.

  29. So a bloody moron Fergus appointed to an appellate judgeship who got the most graphic, blistering "not qualified" rating from the ABA ever broke down in Kavanaugh tears at his confirmation hearing when confronted with it.

    What is it with all of these weepy toddler Republicans? I've known a lot of outlaws in my time, and I can't remember even one of them crying like a baby when they got busted.

    "The ABA also claimed VanDyke, a current deputy assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice, was described as “arrogant, lazy, an ideologue, and lacking in knowledge of the day-to-day practice including procedural rules” in interviews with those who worked with him."

    There were sixty of those interviews, and that was brought up by Pat Leahy during the hearing: "If it was one or two I'd probably ignore them, but sixty?"

    Republicans just can't seem to deal with rules, even when they still favor them: your president gets to nominate judges who have political leanings that you like to lifetime appointments, but they should still know how to do the damn job, fucked up ideology and all.

    But that is apparently too much to ask of Republicans.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Every thing Doug just posted is total bullshit, and the ABA are fucking communists.

  31. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "A top National Security Council (NSC) official who listened to President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky testified to Congress today that he did not believe Trump had discussed anything illegal during the conversation.
    "I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed," former NSC Senior Director for European Affairs Tim Morrison testified today, according to a record of his remarks obtained by The Federalist".

    I guess that settles it.

  32. Ace Freely5:29 PM

    There were four professional transcribers who were listening in on the call, for purposes of preparing a written transcript. The four people wrote down what they each heard, then brought their transcriptions together, harmonized them, and decided as a group what the best transcript of the call was.

    That's standard protocol. Apparently they don't tape these recordings. That's why they have people transcribing the calls in real time.

    They all agreed on the transcript that Trump released.

    Now, they specifically refute Vindman's claim that there were Secret Messages during that phone call that were not included in the transcript. Vindman kept attempting to change the transcript, or add his notes of whatever auditory hallucination his Deep State pals told him that he heard, and the four transcribers kept rejecting them, saying "that wasn't said" or "none of us heard that" or the like.

    All four of them denied this.

    All four.

    One, two, three, four.

    Tell me:

    Are four random civil servant transcribers all part of the Trump campaign? Has Trump "gotten" to them all?

    Is Bill Barr blackmailing them?

    Or is the grandstanding leaker Vindman perhaps a bit... confused?

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Every thing Doug just posted is total bullshit, and the ABA are fucking communists.

    5:22 PM
    Oh sure, everyone who disagrees with you is a communist! LOL.You have no clue how to debate an issue. All you got is argumentum ad hominem, which is the first refuge of a person who cannot defend his beliefs with logical arguments.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:39 PM

    Anonymous Ace Freely said.....

    Are four random civil servant transcribers all part of the Trump campaign? Has Trump "gotten" to them all?

    Is Bill Barr blackmailing them?
    Yes, Yes, and Yes

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Welp, it's official.

    Yup. And the Republicans get subpoena power and can air out all the Democratic dirty laundry.

    This is gonna be the great grand-daddy of all own goals. MOAR POPCORN!

    3:43 PM
    Welp? Did you mean to say "well"?
    Of what Dem dirty laundry do you speak?

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:03 PM

    This is why everyone hates Africans said...

    Why would anyone who isn't a racist read your post? I certainly didn't and will not read your posts in the future. I'm sure you will be appreciated at stormfront and breightbart. No need to waste your rime here.


    Front page of phone call transcript with a caution stating the transcript is not verbatim and that means it is incomplete.

  38. "Why would anyone who isn't a racist read your post?"

    Because people who post racist BS on blogs all day have no life.

  39. "his Deep State pals told him that he heard"

    And we officially have "deep state" posted. Conservative conspiracy time.

  40. "Are four random civil servant transcribers all part of the Trump campaign? Has Trump "gotten" to them all?"

    Are we sure that's how the process works? Four people collaborate to come up with the official transcript? Sounds kinda not right.


  42. But her emails8:22 PM

    Geriatric technophobe Trump made Giuliani his cybersecurity expert, lol.

    Naturally, this happened:

    Rudy Giuliani needed Apple genius help to unlock his iPhone after being named Trump cybersecurity adviser

    But by all means, please tell us all again about the treasonous nature of Hillary’s stupid homebrew server.


    Top trump aide Tim Morrison confirms quid pro quo. Not looking good for Donnie boy.

  44. Anonymous9:02 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  45. Drumpfuck deserves two terms, consecutive life terms.

  46. Funny how racist drumpf bots blame Obama for their racism and hatred of POC. Obama was a success despite having the wingnut party of obstruction shackled around his neck for 8 years.

  47. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "But by all means, please tell us all again about the treasonous nature of Hillary’s stupid homebrew server."

    What? Did Rudy have evidence of selling political favors through his corrupt foundation? Or classified information he let foreign governments get access to?

    Lock him up!

  48. Anonymous10:15 PM

    PilotHack said..

    "Top trump aide Tim Morrison confirms quid pro quo. Not looking good for Donnie boy."

    From your own link:

    “I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” he said, adding that, to the best of his recollection, the partial readout of the call released by the White House “accurately and completely reflects the substance of the call.”

    Not looking good for United Airlines hiring practices.

  49. Hoaxes R' U10:21 PM

    Media obsession with the "whistleblower" until the precise moment he became a liability is very reminiscent of media obsession with the Russia hoax "dossier" until the precise moment it became a liability. So many similarities between the two operations.

  50. Anonymous10:26 PM

    “What? Did Rudy have evidence of selling political favors through his corrupt foundation? Or classified information he let foreign governments get access to?

    Probably the latter!

    The entire Trump family’s data handling has been sloppy all over the place. Plenty of opportunity for spies to have pillaged classified information. Pretty ironic for a guy who spent so much time bitching about his political opponent’s confidential data handling “crimes” on the campaign trail, no?

    And this is all in addition to the classified information Trump regularly blurts out in public, in press conferences and national newscasts, on account of his being a monumental dumbass.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotHack said..

    "Top trump aide Tim Morrison confirms quid pro quo. Not looking good for Donnie boy."

    From your own link:

    “I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” he said, adding that, to the best of his recollection, the partial readout of the call released by the White House “accurately and completely reflects the substance of the call.”
    10:15 PM
    I guess Mr. Morrison has never read the constitution.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Wow, last year we got maybe three trick-or-treaters all night, and we've already had about twenty so far.
    I guess people are getting hip to the fact that this is a safe neighborhood.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. "Rumors swirled for days that Morrison would back up last week’s testimony by Taylor, who himself laid out a clear quid pro quo between Washington and Kyiv. Morrison did, in fact, corroborate Taylor’s account."

    From said article. Not looking good for McDonald's hiring practices anon. 😂

  55. "Morrison did, in fact, corroborate Taylor’s account."

    Whether he believes it was legal does not matter, and who thought John the fuck Bolton's helper would believe otherwise?

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. So Fergus has changed his official residence from NYC to Florida, probably in a feeble attempt to weasel out of the case there that has subpoenaed his tax returns (his spokesman said it was for "tax purposes") which won't work, but elicited a response from governor Cuomo: "Good riddance. It's not like he paid taxes here anyway. Florida can have him."

    Well, governor, y'all may end up getting him back in 2021 when he goes to prison, as the first cases all seem to be in SDNY...

    -Doug in Oakland

  57. "Whether he believes it was legal does not matter, and who thought John the fuck Bolton's helper would believe otherwise?"

    We are in Nixon territory. trump molded his campaign around a Nixon type strategy so should we be surprised if it ends like Tricky Dick?

  58. "Well, governor, y'all may end up getting him back in 2021 when he goes to prison, as the first cases all seem to be in SDNY..."

    Just remember Doug when the Q Anon indictments are finally unsealed all the Dems and Obama will be going to jail not trump.😂😂😂

  59. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The Pelosi impeachment resolution was supposed to deprive the GOP of its complaint that the process wasn’t formal. Instead, it formalized a rigged process—and gives Republicans a solid rationale for rejecting the entire proceeding. The Dems are an absolute clown show.

  60. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You know what the difference is between a democracy and a tin pot dictatorship?

    In a democracy we don’t allow our leaders to use their public powers to spy on their election opponents. We get outraged when they attempt to cover their crimes by then falsely accusing those opponents of the very things they themselves did. We don't let their media get away with peddling their lies. And we don't sit by and let Deep State operatives keep attempting to overturn the results of an election.

  61. If Drumpf is certain he is innocent, why is he bribing Senators with cash to protect him?

  62. Anonymous10:16 AM

    If you are certain he is guilty, why are you making up stories about bribery?

  63. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Biden slips to fourth place in Iowa poll:

    Coastal democrats my be cool with withholding aid to get your son out of trouble, but apparently Midwestern dems still have an issue with corruption.

  64. Anonymous11:40 AM

    “Coastal democrats my be cool with withholding aid to get your son out of trouble, but apparently Midwestern dems still have an issue with corruption.”

    Biden’s prospects were already fading before Trump’s clownish Ukraine scheme came to light. No Democrats believe in Biden’s “corruption”; they simply prefer other candidates to Biden, who doesn’t have any new ideas and was hoping to coast into the Dem nomination on his association with Obama.

    Trump apparently decided that he had to make up lies to slander Biden because that is the only candidate he fears facing in 2020. He figures he can just commie-bash Warren or Sanders, call Buttigieg a butt burglar, or crank the racism up to eleven with Kamala Harris, and that will carry him back into office.

    Trump is wrong. He doesn’t only have to fear Biden. At this point, a cardboard box could beat him. The Anybody But Trump vote grows daily. And the stunt he pulled to attack Biden has only made his own corruption more obvious.

  65. Anonymous11:50 AM

    No Democrats believe in Biden’s “corruption”

    They won't admit it, but they know he's busted.

    It was really stupid of him to let his son get caught up in all the looting going on during the Obama administration. Biden had always been a relatively honest politician (just look at the Clintons), but he was so clueless he actually bragged about it in front of the cameras.

    In the end he is just another Democrat demagogue who will say absolutely anything to his moronic base to get elected, so fuck him.


    👍🏾😂 perfect response.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    No Democrats believe in Biden’s “corruption”

    They won't admit it, but they know he's busted.

    It was really stupid of him to let his son get caught up in all the looting going on during the Obama administration. Biden had always been a relatively honest politician (just look at the Clintons), but he was so clueless he actually bragged about it in front of the cameras.

    In the end he is just another Democrat demagogue who will say absolutely anything to his moronic base to get elected, so fuck him.

    11:50 AM
    LOL! So where is there any evidence of "Biden's corruption"? If there is any, why hasn't the Justice Department, controlled by Trump's pocket buddy, William Barr, brought charges against Biden or his son?
    You righties will buy any slop your master's feed you.

  68. Anonymous12:14 PM

  69. "You righties will buy any slop your master's feed you."

    You have to admire their optimism. trump could be getting led away in cuffs and the narrative will be "he's going into the prison to root out Democrat corruption, they're in trouble now". They're basically the Black Knight from Monty Python.😂

  70. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Biden is administration's point man on relations with Ukraine and China.

    Biden's good for nothing son scores multi-million dollar deals with corrupt Ukrainian company and Chinese state-owned bank.

    Biden withholds aid to Ukraine unless they fire prosecutor investigating corrupt company paying his son to sit on their board.

    Biden then brags about it in front of TV cameras.

    Brain dead amoral leftist totalitarianism fans on FNB: "Nothing to see here."

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden is administration's point man on relations with Ukraine and China.

    Biden's good for nothing son scores multi-million dollar deals with corrupt Ukrainian company and Chinese state-owned bank.

    Biden withholds aid to Ukraine unless they fire prosecutor investigating corrupt company paying his son to sit on their board.

    Biden then brags about it in front of TV cameras.

    Brain dead amoral leftist totalitarianism fans on FNB: "Nothing to see here."

    12:59 PM
    Hey Anon., where are you references from reliable sources to support your claims against Biden? And don't give us any bull shit from sites like Breightbart.

  72. Anonymous1:21 PM

    A year ago, the existence of a "Deep State" intelligence apparatus working to overturn an election was a crazy right wing conspiracy theory.

    Now the left not only admits the existence of a non-elected shadow government, but they openly cheer its subversion of democracy by working against the will of the electorate.

    Former CIA director John McLaughlin appeared at press event yesterday alongside former CIA Director John Brennan, former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. They discussed the role of the intelligence community ahead of the 2020 election."

    Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin expressed gratitude Wednesday for the so-called "deep state" and its role in the impeachment push against President Donald Trump.

    McLaughlin embraced the term when asked during an event with other former intelligence officials whether a CIA whistleblower complaint that sparked an impeachment inquiry feeds into Trump’s complaints that the "deep state" is out to get him.

    "There is something unique you have to agree that now the impeachment inquiry is underway, sparked by a complaint from someone within the intelligence community, it feeds the president's concern, an often used term about a 'deep state' being there to take him out," Margaret Brennan, the moderator for the event, asked McLaughlin.

    "Thank God for the 'deep state,'" replied the former spook, who served as acting director at the CIA in 2004.

    John Brennan commenting on the planted whistleblower coming from the intel community:

    They're “fighting in the trenches here and overseas … I’m just pleased every day that my former colleagues in the intelligence community continue to do their duties.”

    When were the duties of the US intelligence community expanded to include protecting the establishment globalist agenda against interference from voters?

    You are all on board with this as you view these thugs as being on your side. If you had any integrity you'd stop with the nonsense about defending the Constitution and the rule of law. But as you don't, you'll keep defending this coup attempt as legitimate.

  73. "Brain dead amoral leftist totalitarianism fans on FNB: "Nothing to see here."

    So instead of going to the DOJ or FBI President Stable Genius decides to strongarm the President on a phone call. Brilliant.

  74. "But as you don't, you'll keep defending this coup attempt as legitimate."

    There is no coup, this is a process clearly defined in the Constitution. This is the opposite of a coup. I mean you can regurgitate Republican talking points (hilarious because they emailed them out and they STILL insist on using them, HA!) but any critical inquiry sees this as keeping a check on the separation of powers. This is very similar to Nixon. If the process plays out and trump is exonerated then you're right if he's convicted by the senate then you're wrong. That's how this works.

  75. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sure is cold in the Midwest, lots of snow. What happened to global warming??? Looks like a lot of bullshit to me.....

  76. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "When were the duties of the US intelligence community expanded to include protecting the establishment globalist agenda against interference from voters?"

    It is, by definition, the duty of every federal official to defend the Constitution and serve the American people, not to cater to the dickhead who currently inhabits the White House and abuses the powers of his office for personal gain. This includes the intelligence community.

  77. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Whatever motivations you want to ascribe to him, there was nothing wrong with Trump asking Zelensky for assistance in investigating potential corrupt actions taken by the previous administration. This is a legitimate duty of the President.

    The "whistleblower" is an intel operative who worked for Biden, Brennan, and Susan Rice. He was removed from the White House in 2017 for leaking. There is nothing in that call that merits an impeachment inquiry. This Ukraine story is following the same script as the failed Russian collusion story. The Dems were calling for impeachment on inauguration day. They were running out of time, so they had to go with this laughably weak narrative. The more people learn about it, the worse it will look for those pushing it. Basing impeachment on the thin reed of the crime of investigating Biden's corruption will wind up being a disaster for the Dems, who might have had a real chance of winning at the ballot box in 2020.

  78. Drumpf approval rating 38%. 58% disapprove and 48% strongly disapprove of drumpf's skanky orange ass.

  79. Anonymous1:47 PM

    "It is, by definition, the duty of every federal official to defend the Constitution and serve the American people"

    Defending the Constitution by spying on a presidential candidate, inventing a false dossier to smear him, abetting a show trial investigation into crimes they knew never happened, and now sparking an impeachment inquiry over a phone call for which the transcript has been publicly released.

    What 'American people' are they serving?

    Fuck you, you fucking hack.

  80. Woman found dead with python around neck in US snake housePublished 2 hours ago on November 1, 2019By Agence France-Presse

    Drumpf immediately accuses HRC's body count. Demands she be locked up. (tic)

    Defending the Constitution by spying on a presidential candidate, inventing a false dossier to smear him, abetting a show trial investigation into crimes they knew never happened, and now sparking an impeachment inquiry over a phone call for which the transcript has been publicly released.

    Every statement is a blatant, debunked lie that only clewless morons would even dream of being true.

  81. Treasury dept trying to eliminate rules that govern corporations trying to avoid taxes.

    Nothing like favoring the wealthy. Wingnut disease.

  82. Anonymous2:48 PM

    “What 'American people' are they serving?”

    I dunno, perhaps the majority of the American people who both voted against Trump in 2016 AND value democracy and the rule of law?

  83. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "Every statement is a blatant, debunked lie"

    Nothing has been debunked, only denied. They are not the same thing.

    The only way to debunk an assertion is to investigate the matter and offer facts that refute it. Like the way the Russian Collusion Hoax was debunked.

    Democrats are so afraid of the Biden Ukraine matter being investigated, they are trying to impeach the President for suggesting it.

  84. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "I dunno, perhaps the majority of the American people who both voted against Trump in 2016 AND value democracy and the rule of law?"

    You obviously don't know.

    Trump won the 2016 election.

    The majority of the American people are served when its own intelligence agencies serve the duly elected government instead of asserting the right to decide who occupies elective office.

  85. Sounds like wingnut paradise...... Spanish court clears five men of rape charges because unconscious 14-year-old didn't fight back: report

    HRC won the election.

  86. There is no need for a Biden investigation. That has all been debunked. The prosecutor was not removed for any investigation of any Biden or any other corrupt people. He was removed for not doing his job. Get that through yer numbskull, numbskull.

    Crimes did happen. Drumpf admitted it and witnesses agreed. There also was no spying on American citizens that weren't under investigation.

    Yer Johnny one note refrain is not working. Drumpf did the deeds and Bidens did not do the deeds.

  87. Labor reports 128ki jobs. Drumpf immediately lies and claims it was 303k. Impeach the lying fucker.

  88. From Steve Benen:

    Donald Trump has now been in office for 33 full months – February 2017 through October 2019 – and in that time, the economy has created 6.25 million jobs. In the 33 months preceding Trump’s presidency – May 2014 to January 2017 – the economy created 7.38 million jobs.

    As regular readers know, some have asked what would happen if we looked at the same numbers, but assigned the job totals from January 2017 to Trump, even though Obama was president for most of the month. On balance, I think that paints a misleading picture, but it doesn’t change the underlying dynamic: if we applied jobs from January 2017 to Trump and compared the last 34 months to the previous 34 months, job totals still slowed from 7.71 million to 6.5 million.

    The White House, meanwhile, believes we should actually start the clock for Trump at November 2016 – the month of the Republican’s election – and apply the jobs created during the final months of the Obama era to the current Republican president. But that still doesn’t help: if we compare the last 36 months to the previous 36 months, job totals slowed from 8 million to 6.89 million.

    Let’s also note that so far this calendar year, the United States has added 1.67 million jobs, which puts 2019 on track to be the worst year for domestic job creation since 2010.

    Trump continues to tell the world that he’s overseeing the strongest domestic job growth in American history, which is plainly false. What’s more, the White House has not yet offered an explanation for why job growth has slowed since Trump took office.

    -Doug in Oakland

  89. Anonymous5:05 PM

    2012: We just want marriage equality for gay people.

    2017: Mentally ill dudes in dresses get to use the restroom your daughter does, bigot.

    2019: Let's start easing the penalties for pedophilia:

  90. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "I dunno, perhaps the majority of the American people who both voted against Trump in 2016 AND value democracy and the rule of law?"

    You obviously don't know.

    Trump won the 2016 election.

    The majority of the American people are served when its own intelligence agencies serve the duly elected government instead of asserting the right to decide who occupies elective office.

    2:55 PM
    Hillary got nearly three million more votes than Trump, but because of Republican gerrymandering, and the Electoral College Trump was elected. In addition, Trump had a great deal of help from Russia. And we all know about that.

    Our own intelligence agencies do serve the duly elected government. But ultimately, they serve the people of the United States. That is what they are doing now by revealing Trump's criminal behavior for all of us to see.

  91. Wasicu in Ohio arrested for putting razor blades in candy.

    How deplorable like.

  92. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "Hillary got nearly three million more votes than Trump,"

    Which means absolutely nothing in a presidential election that consists of 50 individual state elections. The entire margin was more than covered by Hillary's vote count in California alone, a state that allows illegal aliens to vote.

    "but because of Republican gerrymandering"

    Republicans gerrymandered state borders? WTF are you on?

    "and the Electoral College Trump was elected"

    It's called the Constitution, Granny. Trump won 304 to 227.

    "In addition, Trump had a great deal of help from Russia. And we all know about that."

    You know nothing about that except that a two-year, unlimited powers investigation by people who hated him found absolutely no evidence of collusion. The only evidence have we of Russian interference is $150K of Facebook ads, some of which were pro-Hillary/anti-Trump, during an election where over $2 billion was spent by the campaigns alone.

    There's no fool like an old fool.

  93. Lt. Commander Johnson7:07 PM

    Yeah, quit arguing with these idiots. Especially if you don't have the balls to make a screen name for yourself. Maybe Whistleblower?

  94. Lt. Commander is a really really stupid pussy7:20 PM

    Yeah, quit arguing with these idiots. Especially if you don't have the balls to make a screen name for yourself. Maybe Whistleblower?
    The only idiot is the pussy assed no serving bitch too dumb to know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE. Dumas.

  95. Drumpf did not win because he had help from foreign government which he encouraged. HRC won legally. Stoopid fucking wingnuts stole another election because they can't win legally.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:42 PM

    Anonymous said......

    "Republicans gerrymandered state borders? WTF are you on?"
    Yes, gerrymandering. Gerrymandering reduces turn out in the states where it is practiced. Obviously you know little about how politics really works. Heavy voter turn outs tend to favor Democrats. Gerrymandering is just one voter suppression tool Republicans use.

    The rest of your post is not worth addressing since it's pure fantasy,right-wing talking points right out of Trump land.

    And I'm not on anything. I just have a brain, which you lack.

    1. And Republicans got caught suppressing the vote of students and people of color. Demographics are against them so they cheat.


  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:38 PM

    Pilotx said......
    And Republicans got caught suppressing the vote of students and people of color. Demographics are against them so they cheat.

    9:15 PM
    Yes our dear, Republican friends do many things to suppress the vote, especially in poor urban communities. Stripping legitimate voters from the voter registration rolls and severely limiting the number of functioning voter machines in black and brown communities are two of their favorite tricks.
    Limiting the number of voting machines creates very, long lines with the intent to discourage voting.

  98. Anonymous9:38 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Drumpf did not win because he had help from foreign government which he encouraged. HRC won legally."

    And the Nationals did not win the World Series because the Astros scored more runs over the seven games.

  99. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Cosplay Hispanic, Noted Furry, and Occasional Burglar, Drunk Driver, and Felony Evader Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke Says "¡ No mas!" to Presidential Delusions

    Remember when this asshole abandoned his family to Discover America?

    "Beto's" withdrawal from the race leaves a big space in the Vanilla White Liar Pretending to Be a Minority lane, which Elizabeth "I'm an Indian whenever I'm applying for a new gig" Warren is expected to fill.

  100. New York Times Reporter Had Public Records Proving Elizabeth Warren's Claim About Being Fired Due to Pregnancy False, But Refused to Report It:

    A reporter who now works for the New York Times failed to report on public records, which he obtained in April, that cut against Senator Elizabeth Warren's (D., Mass.) claim that she was fired from a teaching position in 1971 due to pregnancy discrimination.
    Reid Epstein, who was then working for the Wall Street Journal, filed an open-records request with the Riverdale Board of Education on April 2 seeking "to inspect or obtain" copies of public records relating to Warren’s time teaching at Riverdale during the 1970-1971 school year. In response to his request, Epstein on April 10 received school-board minutes that challenge Warre'’s story, according to documents obtained by National Review through the New Jersey Open Records Act.

    Epstein, who moved to the Times on April 19, never broke the story. Reached for comment, a Times spokeswoman said that the "records were inconclusive" and the potential story required further sourcing.

  101. So Fergus didn't just extort Zelensky for bullshit Biden investigations, he also extorted Poroshenko to drop the Manafort investigation.
    That will be its own article of impeachment.

    -Doug in Oakland

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:20 PM

    Seems the Trumpites AKA Republicans have a new set of talking points! The new mantra is: Yes, it was a quid pro quo, but so what? It (endangering national security) isn't illegal, so it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment.

    Not sure how this will go over with the American electorate.

  103. Anonymous12:15 AM

    You're not sure how to use a spoon.

    No quid pro quo.

    Not illegal.

    No "endangering" of national security.

  104. "No quid pro quo."

    We'll find out.

  105. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    No "endangering" of national security.

    12:15 AM
    According to national security experts, yes, Trump was endangering national security. The United States has a treaty with Ukraine dating from the end of the cold war that guarantees American support for their independence from Russia. By holding the money for weapons from Ukraine, Trump violated the agreement and endangered the stability of the region.

    Of course, you will never see this on FOX or hear about it on right-wing, talk radio. So how could you possibly know?

  106. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Biden getting away with extorting Ukraine to cover up his son's corruption is not a matter of national security.

  107. Biden getting away with extorting Ukraine to cover up his son's corruption is not a matter of national security

    Why would it be when none of that is/was/will ever be true? The corruption is on yer orange assed drumpfuck criminal. All of it!

  108. Georgia has cued up another 330000 voters to purge from the election rolls on top of the half million already kicked off. You know the vast majority will be poors and minorities because these are wingnuts colluding with other wingnuts running these purges and they don't like being beat by minorities that vote for Dems.

  109. Anonymous11:26 AM

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden getting away with extorting Ukraine to cover up his son's corruption is not a matter of national security.

    2:17 AM
    It never happened, so how could it be a matter of national security?

  111. If Drumpf is impeached and not removed from office, it will be solely due to partisan wingnuts trying to preserve their hold on government.

    There is moar than enough evidence to convict except when minds are closed and refuse to see the truth.

    Their little games of accusing Biden of drumpf's crimes and Ukraine being accused of what Russia did need to be out to pasture with all wingnut pols.

  112. drumpf claims Melanoma hates him. Then it is unanimous. So do I.

  113. "It never happened, so how could it be a matter of national security?"

    You're dealing with the conservative mind. Everything is tit for tat, false equivalences and non seqiturs. Deflection at its finest.

  114. Keep government out of people's lives spaketh the lying fucking wingnuts...

    Missouri Medical director keeps charts on women's periods so he can check for failed abortions. Probably while eating lunch.

    Looks like Russia has corrupted every facet of wingnut party. Read all about it shortly.


    Wholly owned subsidiary of Rootie tootie Putie.

  116. It is time for me to remind you all, including the bad-faith anonymoids, that Clinton ran as a technocrat but lost control of the EC machine, and Trump ran as a populist but is unpopular. So they both lost, and in ways most humiliating to each.

    America also lost that election. This is a recurrent problem with the EC.

  117. Donald Trump Jr said that he wished his name was Hunter Biden. If my name were Donald Trump Jr, then I too would wish that my name was Hunter Biden.

  118. "America also lost that election. This is a recurrent problem with the EC."


  119. CNN and Buzzfeed sued the DOJ and got Mueller's witness interview notes and first bunch show how hard Drumpf tried to get his hands on stolen emails.

  120. Smugglers are using cheap, battery operated reciprocating saws to cut through drumpf's impenetrable new wall with ease and smuggle drugs and people.



    drumpf was talked into believing the Ukraine government was out to get him.Why? Because he is a fucking moron.

  122. MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow broke down how President Donald Trump may have committed an abuse of power with Ukraine for a second time.

    “He may have done this exact thing once before with Ukraine, before he did it this time and got caught,” Maddow noted.

    She noted a column in The Washington Post by David Ignatius that was published on Friday.

    Before Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president the president was this man.

    then-President Petro Poroshenko

    “A standard theme in detective thrillers is that the perpetrator feels compelled to return to the scene of the crime. It’s an irrational urge, and readers of such potboilers are often left wondering whether the protagonist secretly wants to get caught,” Ignatius wrote. “Perhaps we’re living a real-life version of this fictional plot in President Trump’s alleged solicitation of political help from Ukraine, which this week spawned a full-blown impeachment probe.”

    Ignatius broke down how it appears Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko appears to have received a coveted White House meeting with Trump in 2017 after shelving an investigation into former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. The timeline suggests Giuliani may have brokered the deal during a visit to Kyiv.

    from RawStory

  123. Moar wingnut corruption in real time...

    Wingnut sinators want to over ride gov's veto of their budget but as long as all Dems are present they can't pass over ride. So they just keep postponing the vote waiting until they can catch Dems asleep. In the meantime North Carolina has no budget.

  124. "So they just keep postponing the vote waiting until they can catch Dems asleep."

    More dirty tricks. These guys cannot be trusted.

  125. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    "It never happened"

    You know this how?

  126. Rachel Madcow6:46 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow broke down how President Donald Trump may have committed an abuse of power with Ukraine for a second time"

    Can't find a real crime? Just come up with hypothetical crimes!

  127. Deep Shit State6:51 PM

    "Defending the Constitution by spying on a presidential candidate, inventing a false dossier to smear him, abetting a show trial investigation into crimes they knew never happened, and now sparking an impeachment inquiry over a phone call for which the transcript has been publicly released."

    Democrats are scared that American voters are going to interfere with the 2020 election.

  128. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:18 PM

    Deep Shit State said...

    "Defending the Constitution by spying on a presidential candidate, inventing a false dossier to smear him, abetting a show trial investigation into crimes they knew never happened, and now sparking an impeachment inquiry over a phone call for which the transcript has been publicly released."

    Democrats are scared that American voters are going to interfere with the 2020 election.

    6:51 PM
    Hey, Ivan, please take you tired talking places elsewhere. Some other web site might be better for you. On this site, quite a few of us know what's going on and it ain't anything like what you say.

  129. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    "It never happened"

    You know this how?

    6:38 PM
    Because Biden hasn't been charged with anything, and you have made wild claims against him without providing any reliable sources for them.

  130. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "Because Biden hasn't been charged with anything, and you have made wild claims against him without providing any reliable sources for them."

    Good thing Democrats have gone to the mat to try to stop any investigation of those claims.

  131. Ivan Beatinov7:30 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    "Hey, Ivan, please take you tired talking places elsewhere."

    Putin has assigned me the job of countering your brilliant and informed posts.

  132. Good thing Democrats have gone to the mat to try to stop any investigation of those claims.

    Those claims are total made up bullshit to distract Dems from nailing drumpf's corrupt ass.

  133. Progtard8:03 PM

    "Those claims are total made up bullshit"

    We know this because they have been thoroughly investigated.

  134. Former Ukraine prez Poroshwenko shut down investigation of Manafort for the purpose of a face t face meeting with drumpf. Another quid pro quo by drumpf.

  135. drumpf trying to buy votes in iowa by signing pending first stage of China trade deal (details not worked out, yet) which is allegedly going to include large sales of iowa products. He has to get China's boss on board.

  136. Anonymous9:15 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Former Ukraine prez Poroshwenko shut down investigation of Manafort for the purpose of a face t face meeting with drumpf. Another quid pro quo by drumpf."

    Hypothetical from Rachel Madcow goes to established fact in 15 minutes in mike's fevered mind.

    Who needs investigations?

  137. Not just a meeting, but the sale of Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russia's invasion of eastern Ukraine. The investigation was dropped, Ukraine stopped cooperating with the Mueller investigation, and the meeting and missile sale went forward.
    That will be its own article of impeachment, as congress already knows about it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  138. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:41 PM

    Anonymous said .........

    Good thing Democrats have gone to the mat to try to stop any investigation of those claims.

    BULL! Attorney General Barr serves the president from a warm spot in his pocket. If there was any evidence that Biden committed a crime, Barr would have found it by now. How could Democrats stop an investigation? Have any Democrats refused to respond to subpoenas like Trump's gang?

  139. Anonymous1:31 AM

    "How could Democrats stop an investigation?"

    By trying to impeach the President for asking for assistance in that investigation.

    What don't you get about this?

  140. Anonymous1:26 AM

    America is a propositional nation, in that citizenship is now entirely meaningless to the native born. It has value to the millions pouring over the border every year, but to the people who hold US citizenship, it is a stock certificate for a company that no longer exists.

  141. Poor stoopid fucking wingnuts believe every lie drumpf tells them. You are failing as human beings. You can't think or act without talking points. You deserve to de-evolve back to the tree you slithered from. buh bye.

  142. Hey anymoose, if there was no quid pro quo, why are wingnuts saying there was a quid pro quo? They see more and more damning evidence and now that their lies were busted, they want to claim it happened but is not an impeachable offense.

    Wish you clowns would stop moving the goal posts for once and take yer long overdue punishment like real men. Drumpf is guilty as sin and you are all accomplices. Burn in hell with him.

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:37 AM

    anonymous said....

    By trying to impeach the President for asking for assistance in that investigation.

    What don't you get about this?

    1:31 AM
    What I don't get about this is how little you know about how the government works.
    Trump is not being impeached for investigating Biden. He's being impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice. The justice Department is under Republican control. They can investigate anyone they want to, whenever they want to. Don't you understand this?

  144. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Clear and present danger to freedom.....

  145. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Trump is not being impeached for investigating Biden. He's being impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice. The justice Department is under Republican control. They can investigate anyone they want to, whenever they want to. Don't you understand this?
    9:37 AM

    Trump is being impeached because we are in a COUP by radical violent alt left types bent on destroying freedom and democracy.

  146. Joe Friday10:41 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Trump is not being impeached for investigating Biden. He's being impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice."

    The 'abuse of power' charge is for asking for assistance in the matter of Biden withholding US aid until a prosecutor investigating corruption involving a company that Biden's son had a lucrative arrangement with was fired. This was a legitimate request.

    The 'obstruction of justice' charge is for Trump considering firing the prosecutor (which he did not do) conducting a questionable partisan investigation into charges that were found to be a hoax. No actual obstruction occurred.

    This impeachment attempt is groundless. It is pure political theater, poorly done, which will blow back on the Democrats in disastrous fashion.

  147. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:50 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trump is not being impeached for investigating Biden. He's being impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice. The justice Department is under Republican control. They can investigate anyone they want to, whenever they want to. Don't you understand this?
    9:37 AM

    Trump is being impeached because we are in a COUP by radical violent alt left types bent on destroying freedom and democracy.

    10:23 AM
    Impeachment is clearly laid out in the Constitution and does not relate to the term, coup. Impeachment is a legal process to remove a president for high crimes and misdemeanors.

    The definition of a coup is as follows: "A sudden stroke of state policy involving deliberate violation of constitutional forms by a group of persons in authority." (American Heritage Dictionary) This is what Trump and he cabal have been involved in since he took office. Trump has repeatedly violated the Constitution with his defiance of the Emolument Clause and has broken campaign finance laws.

  148. Director Homey10:54 AM

    It is being reported that the whistleblower was Joe Biden’s point man on Ukraine.

    Would it not be appropriate that he is subpoenaed and asked under oath about Hunter Biden and possible conflicts of interest in Joe Biden's actions regarding the quid pro quo firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor?

  149. Carl Hung11:00 AM

    The definition of a coup is as follows: "A sudden stroke of state policy involving deliberate violation of constitutional forms by a group of persons in authority."

    Sure sounds like what Schiff, Schumer, Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Strzok, McCabe, et al have been up to for the past three years.

    "This is what Trump and he cabal have been involved in since he took office."

    Trump is already the President. Are you implying he is organizing a coup against himself?

    The projection thing is getting weird.

  150. Anonymous12:32 PM


    1.  Indictments are unsealed, with warning to a select few.  Two of those few are the Obamas.
    2.  The Obamas decamp to Kenya and declare themselves citizens thereof and immune to extradition.
    3.  The Trump administration declares all acts of the Obama administration null and void, including all laws signed and all appointments and hires.
    4.  All the deep-state saboteurs placed in the bureaucracies since 2009, plus all Obama-appointed federal judges including Kagan and Sotomayor, are suddenly out in the cold.
    5.  America begins to work again.

  151. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    Carl Hung said...

    The definition of a coup is as follows: "A sudden stroke of state policy involving deliberate violation of constitutional forms by a group of persons in authority."

    Sure sounds like what Schiff, Schumer, Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Strzok, McCabe, et al have been up to for the past three years.

    "This is what Trump and he cabal have been involved in since he took office."

    Trump is already the President. Are you implying he is organizing a coup against himself?

    No, the Democrats are not involved in a coup. There is nothing "sudden" about the investigation of president trump. It started with Mueller nearly two years ago and will end with the House of Representatives, which has the authority to do so as specified in the constitution. And if Trump is so innocent of wrong doing, why has he directed everyone connected to him to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress?

    As for what Trump is doing, I would call it a coup since he has Attorney General Barr in his pocket. The Attorney General is supposed to be representing the Constitution and the people of America, not the president. Trump continues to flaunt his lawlessness, which requires that the House must investigate him. Trump desires to stay in power indefinitely, which would require a coup to fulfill his ambition.

  152. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:37 PM

    Anonymous said...


    1. Indictments are unsealed, with warning to a select few. Two of those few are the Obamas.
    2. The Obamas decamp to Kenya and declare themselves citizens thereof and immune to extradition.
    3. The Trump administration declares all acts of the Obama administration null and void, including all laws signed and all appointments and hires.
    4. All the deep-state saboteurs placed in the bureaucracies since 2009, plus all Obama-appointed federal judges including Kagan and Sotomayor, are suddenly out in the cold.
    5. America begins to work again.

    12:32 PM
    ROTF LMAO! Don't hold your breath waiting for this to happen. If it does, you aren't going to like what follows.

  153. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Nothing has been refuted about the charges against Biden. The Dems want to impeach Trump for investigating them.

    10:21 AM
    What charges against Biden are you speaking of? I have not read or heard that Biden has been charged with anything.

  154. Anonymous5:23 PM

    What charges against Biden are you speaking of? I have not read or heard that Biden has been charged with anything.

    He will be.  Taking payoffs himself and for his druggie son as the price of handing out US aid money is blatant corruption.  This is now out in the open.  It will not go away.  The public is FURIOUS.

    Obama knew, and the public knows he knew.  Everything is going to come crashing down, starting about this time next year.  Smaller fish will be hung out to dry over the next 12 months but the public is going to have to re-elect Trump to give him the mandate he needs to finish the job.

    And he WILL finish the job.  He HATES those scum as much as you hate him.  But unlike you, he's in a position to do something about it.

  155. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "I have not read or heard that Biden has been charged with anything."

    Bubble girl.

  156. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    What charges against Biden are you speaking of? I have not read or heard that Biden has been charged with anything.

    He will be.

    Obama knew, and the public knows he knew. Everything is going to come crashing down, starting about this time next year. Smaller fish will be hung out to dry over the next 12 months but the public is going to have to re-elect Trump to give him the mandate he needs to finish the job.

    And he WILL finish the job. He HATES those scum as much as you hate him. But unlike you, he's in a position to do something about it.

    5:23 PM
    Will be? Will be is a far cry from has been. Why don't you come back and talk about "starting about this time next year"?

    BTW, I don't hate Trump. He isn't worth expending the emotion it takes to hate someone. I and at least 65 million other American voters just want him gone from the White House before he destroys our democracy and the rule of law.

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:00 PM

    Seems some Republicans are worried about Texas.

    Some Republicans is congress secretly admit Trump is guilty of extortion.

    Seems a deafening chorus of booing greeted the arrival of Trump and his entourage at Madison Square Garden.

    New poll finds Trump’s base is slipping.....

  158. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Enemies of democracy.

  159. Ukraine is still playing along with Drumpf's quid pro quo and investigating Bdens.

    Too bad they will find no wrong doings. You need criminal acts in order to investigate crimes. That is why drumpf is in deep shit and Bidens aren't.


  160. So now we have wingnuts Jordan and Meadows walking depositions to the kremlin annex defense team and drumpf, just like Devin Numbnuts did. Plus we have Screwdy Rudy telling Romanian government to release and pardon corrupt officials shortly before US and 11 other nations sent Romania a letter asking them to keep going after the corruption.

    drumpf is toasted to death death.

  161. Abortion makes us all pro choice. Difference is wingnuts want to make the choice for everyone.

  162. Australian PM bans climate boycotts. That'll help.

  163. 3 judge appeals court panel says drumpf's tax firm must comply with subpoena and turn over 8 years of tax records. Loser! again!


    Do these crooked fuckers ever stop cheating?

    Wingnuts are thinking about putting jim Jordan on house wingnut intel comm- ittee so he can attack impeachment from within.

    He's too stoopid to spell intel.but it is undeniable proof wingnuts aren't helping the investigation of drumpf's multitude of crimes, they only want to obstruct.

  165. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Heaven forbid that any actual OPPOSITION stand in the way of you overturning the people's choice in the 2016 election, eh?

  166. Had I the power to overturn the 2016 blazer you cheating wingnuts with the help of pUtin, it would have happened as soon as dipshit was pronounced western czar. But, let's be real. drumpf did not win. HRC did and she should be looking forward to her second term.

  167. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Keep demanding kangaroo courts.  The more you show your true colors, the more you turn off anyone who was thinking of voting "D".  They may not pull the lever for Trump, but staying home works too.

  168. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:53 PM

    Mike from Iowa said.....

    Do these crooked fuckers ever stop cheating?
    No, Mike. There is nothing that they won't do to win an election. They have no principles or morals.
