Friday, November 08, 2019

Caption Friday.

Image result for images trump melania halloween

I need a caption for this picture. 

Pic from 


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  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Blessed is the White baby!!

  3. "Well, that was scary as fuck."

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous4:01 AM

    “Mommy, he said I could only have candy if I’d help him implicate Joe Biden in a corrupt scheme involving a Ukrainian gas company!”

  5. Negro News Now8:45 AM

    Triumph for "no snitching":  Hispanic suspect in Greenville "Twerk or Treat" party shooting has alibi, is released.  Dozens of people had to have seen the real shooter, but won't "snitch" on him.

    Still no suspect in the Orinda AirBNB party shooting either:

    Formerly lily-white Winnipeg brings in blacks, who proceed to kill each other:

    And irony of ironies, an African is knifed to death at a "knife awareness" event:

    It's time to stop pretending that Africans are the same species as Homo sapiens sapiens.

  6. Find the empty gourd in this picture.

  7. Anonymous12:03 PM

    "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Trump"

  8. Anonymous12:03 PM

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Gee, he is orange, like my pumpkin! He's scary too mom, let's get out of here.

  10. Run run from the scary man!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Imagine all the pumpkin pie...

  12. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Sorry, I did not take the time to smear the president...

    Carry on lowlifes...

  13. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Trumps are such nice people.

  14. Your Conscience12:09 PM

    Where is President and First Lady Obama? And who are these imposters? I'm out!

  15. Doug@1:28, Anon@12:10,Anon@4:01.
    1-2- and 3.

  16. Anonymous7:34 PM

    It seems Trump fans can't stand the Trump baby balloon. Once again, it has been assaulted and stabbed by one of his MAGA hat minions.

    No worries, though. No matter how many times they pop it, it'll be reinflated to haunt their redneck nightmares.

  17. Who woulda thunk that not only is the Great Pumkin real that mofo is the POTUS😳

  18. Anonymous1:42 PM

    James Le Mesurier, a British founder and supporter of the Syrian White Helmets group, has died. The group provide medical assistance to people bombed by Syrian and Russian government forces in the Syrian civil war, and also document their war crimes, such as chemical weapon attacks. Le Mesurier provided assistance to the White Helmets by training and funding them. As such, he regularly came under propaganda attack from the Russian troll factory, trying to defame him.

    Now he has allegedly killed himself, “leaping” to his death from the balcony of his Istanbul apartment.

    It’s so weird how everyone who opposes Vladimir Putin mysteriously ends up flying out an upper-story window or mistakenly drinking some radioactive tea. It must all be just a giant coincidence.

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself......

  20. Anonymous3:16 PM

    “Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself......”

    I’m pretty sure Jeffrey Epstein had good reason to kill himself. He was facing life in Club Fed. No conspiracy explanation necessary.

  21. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Trump calls himself a “Very Stable Genius.”

    Trump supporter Kanye West has decided that, henceforth, people shall refer to him as “Christian Genius Billionaire.”


  22. News you can use3:39 PM

    Burisma is a Ukrainian gas company owned by a Russian oligarch with a history of corrupt dealings.

    Hunter Biden, recently discharged from the Navy for drug use, was offered a spot on the board of Burisma.

    When Hunter Biden told his father about his dealings with Burisma, Vice President Joe Biden told him "I hope you know what you are doing".

    The New York Times reports that Joe Biden's own staff thought Burisma paying Hunter Biden $83,333/month while his father was Vice President was "unseemly" or "worse" -- and they made State Department officials help them do damage control.

    Hunter Biden personally visited the State Department to ask them to put pressure on Ukraine to pull back from the Burisma corruption investigation.

    Burisma lobbied the Obama White House directly to get the US to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma.

    Vice President Joe Biden, with President Obama's blessing, threatened to withhold over a billion dollars in aid unless the prosecutor was fired. They did so, and Biden bragged about in front of TV cameras.

    The day the new Ukrainian prosecutor was hired, he was visited by the same lobbying group that had gone to the White House.

  23. Anon@3:20, Coonye is crazy, and so is trump. It's really that simple. No more discussion needed.

  24. Anonymous9:03 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@3:20, Coonye is crazy, and so is trump. It's really that simple. No more discussion needed.
    6:57 AM

    Total denial and alt left delusion.

  25. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    “Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself......”

    I’m pretty sure Jeffrey Epstein had good reason to kill himself. He was facing life in Club Fed. No conspiracy explanation necessary.
    3:16 PM

    The Clintons had him killed.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    “Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself......”

    I’m pretty sure Jeffrey Epstein had good reason to kill himself. He was facing life in Club Fed. No conspiracy explanation necessary.
    3:16 PM

    The Clintons had him killed.

    9:04 AM
    I'm sure you are correct. Didn't the Clintons kill everyone who has died during the last forty years? ROTF LMAO

  27. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The Clintons do appear to have killed everyone whose testimony could have sent them to prison (or the needle) for the last 40 years, yes.

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The Clintons do appear to have killed everyone whose testimony could have sent them to prison (or the needle) for the last 40 years, yes.

    9:34 PM
    Prove it. Just more bullsh*t.
