Monday, November 11, 2019

Stealing from those who serve.

Image result for Veterans Day Black Soldier Crying
Let me start this post by saying thank you for your service to all of the Vets out there.

This is the day that we pause to celebrate their sacrifice for this country.

It's just sad that our brave men and women in uniform have to report to a commander in chief who was too much of a coward to serve his country, and who actually lied and used his family's connections to avoid serving in the military.

That is all bad, but what is just as disgusting and egregious , is the fact that this same man stole two million dollars that he lied and said was meant for the veterans he is supposed to be looking out for.

Here are excerpts from an article outlining some of the shenanigans:

"President Donald Trump must pay a $2 million judgment for improperly using his Trump Foundation charity to further his 2016 presidential campaign, a New York state judge ruled Thursday.

The order appears to bring to an end the New York attorney general's lawsuit against the president and three of his oldest children over the now-shuttered foundation, which the attorney general said had engaged in repeated wrongdoing.

“Our petition detailed a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation — including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more," then-Attorney General Barbara Underwood alleged in a statement late last year.

In her seven-page ruling, New York Supreme Court Justice Salliann Scarpulla wrote, "Mr. Trump’s fiduciary duty breaches included allowing his campaign to orchestrate the Fundraiser, allowing his campaign, instead of the Foundation, to direct distribution of the Funds, and using the Fundraiser and distribution of the Funds to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign."

The judge was referring to a Jan. 28, 2016, event Trump held in Des Moines, Iowa, that he'd billed as a fundraiser for veterans. The event was counter-programming for a GOP presidential debate on Fox. Trump was feuding with the network at the time." [Source] 

This story has gotten a shockingly small amount of traction among the main stream media outlets. I suppose it's because that nothing this president does can shock the conscience anymore. I mean compared to other things that he has done this might qualify as just another dog bites man story. 

America, we can do better. Those brave men and women whose service we celebrate today, didn't sacrifice so much for us to live in a country with such a leader.  


  1. "Slush fund? What slush fund? I don't see any slush fund. I was done with that grift weeks ago..."

    The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 the guns supposedly fell silent in the great war, but reports from the front all said that shelling continued until nightfall.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "This story has gotten a shockingly small amount of traction among the main stream media outlets"

    Because it's a bullshit, politically motivated judgement rendered in a hot bed of anti-Trump activism. New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood came into office promising to investigate anything and anyone involved with Donald Trump, and has spent her entire term doing so.

    Even the lamestream media knows this is an abuse of prosecutorial power.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    What would anyone expect a 'crook' to do? Gee, I guess what my Mom said; 'A Fool is born every second'. Little man Trump fundraising, funny, but not.

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    "Because it's a bullshit, politically motivated judgement rendered in a hot bed of anti-Trump activism."

    Haha, yeah, that's it. The media knows that court rulings that happen in New York aren't real. (Much as Mexican judges aren't real judges, according to Trump.) The level of your delusion is truly impressive.

    I guess when Trump coughs up $2 million in damages, that won't be real, either.

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:27 PM

    Anonymous said......

    "Even the lamestream media knows this is an abuse of prosecutorial power."

    5:33 PM
    No Anon, the real abuse of power occurred when Trump solicited funds through his non profit corporation that he claimed would benefit veterans and then spent the money on his campaign.

    It's mind boggling that you are defending him. Trump is some kind of subhuman scum.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lying, thieving, draft dodging trust fund baby. The worst part is veterans forgot he likes people who didn't get captured. In his speech to vets he honored POWs. Don't understand how they can stand this creep.

  8. America can do better, if it weren't for stoopid fucking wingnuts and Russian election interference with wingnut help and approval.

    PilotX, howz yer weather. Stay safe when you fly. Use a wasicu for a landing pad.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:59 PM

    This is a very interesting article on the Crooks and Liars web site involving different treatment for Black GI's after WWII.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    A Nike substitute teacher uses her black privilege to justify beating a white girl.

    Black privilege failed this time, she was fired and actually charged with aggravated assault.  But her name and face won't be all over CNN, NBC and the NYT as it would if the races were reversed... because it doesn't fit the narrative.  Nothing in the article mentions the victim is white, you have to infer that from the skin on her hands because her face is blurred out.

  11. "But her name and face won't be all over CNN, NBC and the NYT as it would if the races were reversed... because it doesn't fit the narrative."

    Aw, poor racist is upset because of the lack of coverage of blah crime.๐Ÿ™„ Life must suck sooooooooooooo badly huh? You can always leave if you don't like it. I hear Greenland is nice.๐Ÿ˜†

  12. "PilotX, howz yer weather. Stay safe when you fly."

    Cold as trump's heart.๐Ÿ˜† I'm on vaca so once again I got to avoid a major meltdown. Winter ops is not fun but as the captain at least I don't have to go outside and do the walkaround. Winning!

  13. Former coal executive Don Blankenship announced he will make a 2020 White House bid as a Constitution Party candidate, The Hill reports.

    Hear that, Fergus? The coal industry not only won't make you win 2020, but will siphon off votes from you in your most loyal states.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. "Former coal executive Don Blankenship announced he will make a 2020 White House bid as a Constitution Party candidate"

    I guess I did ask who could be worse than trump.๐Ÿ˜ณ

  15. Can we call him "MAGAStein"?

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. trump kids ordered to attend charity training. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Like driving school for morons.

  17. Elijah Cummings' widow, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings is running for the seat vacated by his passing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Hey anon @2000 did you hear about this? Last I recalled it wasn't on MSNBC, CNN or in the NYT. I guess your thesis is wrong, as usual.

  19. Negro News Now3:34 AM

    Emmett Till is still dead.  Protest until this injustice is corrected!

  20. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Veterans served to protect the Second Amendment.

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    70% of the country will experience freezing temperatures this week:

    Climate Change/Global Warming is bullshit

  22. Don't forget the brave soldiers who signed up as immigrants to have a shot at citizenship but Drumpf shipped them back home. America's word is worthless under drumpfuck.


    SCOTUS says Sandy Hook lawsuit against Remington Arms can proceed. Never in a million years would I have guessed this court of activist right wing nutjobs would dare dangle an arms maker in front of grieving parents and a possibly sympathetic jury.


    The corruption continues in stinky drumpf swamp.

  25. Mollie10:43 AM

    Fascinating to watch much of media’s quick turn from mocking notion of deep state into a full throated “Hell yes there’s a deep state and it’s the only thing we have to protect us from the American people and who they elect.”


    Nearly 70000 and they are being shipped back. Compassionate conservatism endangering kids lives because they can.

  27. Rule of Law11:30 AM

    Their parents were the ones endangering their lives by dragging them across the border illegally.

  28. Sure it’s horrible for the country and it’s accelerating America’s political divide, but you almost have to admire the fact the Democrats are going to impeach the President with....nothing. There’s nothing here. And they’re gonna do it anyway.

    Democrats play for keeps.

  29. There is considerable evidence that the American system of government may have been victimized by an illegal covert operation organized and executed by the U.S. intelligence and national security community.

    Former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Director Jim Comey appear to have played critical leadership roles in carrying out this conspiracy and they may not have operated on their own. Almost certainly what they may have done would have been explicitly authorized by the former President of the United States, Barack Obama, and his national security team.

    Trump’s surprising victory forced a pivot, with Clapper, Brennan and Comey adjusting the narrative to make it appear that Trump the traitor may have captured the White House due to help from the Kremlin, making him a latter-day Manchurian Candidate. The lesser allegations of Russian meddling were quickly elevated to devastating assertions that the Republican had only won with Putin’s assistance.

    No substantive evidence for the claim of serious Russian meddling has ever been produced in spite of years of investigation, but the real objective was to plant the story that would plausibly convince a majority of Americans that the election of Donald Trump was somehow illegitimate.

    The national security team acted to protect their candidate Hillary Clinton, who represented America’s Deep State. In spite of considerable naysaying, the Deep State is real, not just a wild conspiracy theory. Many Americans nevertheless do not believe that the Deep State exists, that it is a politically driven media creation much like Russiagate itself was, but if one changes the wording a bit and describes the Deep State as the Establishment, with its political power focused in Washington and its financial center in New York City, the argument that there exists a cohesive group of power brokers who really run the country becomes much more plausible.

    The danger posed by the Deep State, or, if you choose, the Establishment, is that it wields immense power but is unelected and unaccountable. It also operates through relationships that are not transparent and as the media is part of it, there is little chance that its activity will be exposed.

  30. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "70% of the country will experience freezing temperatures this week:

    Climate Change/Global Warming is bullshit"

    Ha! Sure kid. You missed your calling, instead of being an anonymous troll you should have been a chief climatologist somewhere. LOL!


  31. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "you should have been a chief climatologist somewhere"

    Or at least a professor at a leading university. Whoa, that's it! You're a professor at trump university! Ha!

  32. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "SCOTUS says Sandy Hook lawsuit against Remington Arms can proceed."

    I guess Wayne LaPierre wounded the NRA so badly no one is afraid of them anymore.


  33. Drumpfuck decided to designate Mexico as a safe haven for refugees and now Mormons are flocking back to America because guess what? They aren't safe and Mexico can't guarantee their safety.

    You stoopid fuckers accuse parents of endangering kids, do you tell the kids to stay put when the house is on fire and it will put itself out? I know it was a stoopid question to ask stoopid fuckers. Of course you would instead of seeking safety. These people escape drugs and violence in Central America (US made violence mostly) and make a dangerous trek to asylum in America only to have drumpf throw out the rules and deny these people their right to apply for safety.

    Another reason for drumpf to get his corrupt ass kicked out of the kremlin annex and into prison stripes for the nextb several life terms.

  34. Anonymous12:15 PM

    More evidence trump is compromised by Russians. I know I know, Obama didn't release his birth certificate so let's just ignore it.


  35. Anonymous1:31 PM

    “Or at least a professor at a leading university. Whoa, that's it! You're a professor at trump university! Ha!”

    Nah, Trump University only provided courses on how to make loads of money ... by giving Trump all your money.

    A foolproof scheme! What could possibly go wrong?

  36. House Negro is baaaaaaack.

  37. Anonymous2:11 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Mormons are flocking back to America because guess what? They aren't safe and Mexico can't guarantee their safety."

    Mexicans kill foreign colonists on their land.

    America pays foreign colonists to settle our land.

  38. GDP uber alles2:30 PM

    The conservative case for endless mass immigration so your kids have to constantly directly compete for schools, jobs, housing, etc against every other human being on earth.

    The progressive case for endless mass immigration so your country's political future will be dictated by resentful, entitled foreigners yearning for your inheritance.

    Watching your job go to China and your replacement McJob go to an illiterate third world peasant to add ten cents to the profit margin on a chalupa. Paying that high tuition for you or your kid, just to have a foreign scab with tax incentives come in and undercut salaries and take the jobs.

    Seeing the country your ancestors bequeathed you turn away from the principals that made it greatest place to live on earth and sink into the inequities of third world oligarchies.

    Corporations are behind this and they have both parties promoting it.

  39. Mexicans kill foreign colonists on their land.

    drumpfuck sends them back across the border to be killed by who knows who, illegally. Except for the ones drumpf begs the government to let him bring in to work minimum wage jobs at drumpf's properties.

    Foreign workers are not competing with Americans for jobs Americans repeatedly refuse to do.

    Drumpf has hired many brown, non papered people to work at his properties and youn stoopid fucking hypocrites don't bat an eye.

  40. Saudi crown prince claims Kushner is in his pocket. Nice to know we were sold out to a murderer.

  41. Fergus said that Brain Dead Barbie has created 14 million jobs.

    Fergus needs help.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "70% of the country will experience freezing temperatures this week:

    Climate Change/Global Warming is bullshit"
    There is a huge difference between climate and weather. Take a look at the information on the web site below, and you will learn about it. Then maybe you will stop embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.


    moar attempted obstruction of justice.

  44. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Progressives/Democrats don't serve and take others for granted......

  45. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Negro News Now said...
    Emmett Till is still dead. Protest until this injustice is corrected!
    3:34 AM

    Exploited by his own kind. Body illegally dug up and placed in a garage and charged admission to see his remains.

  46. GDP uber alles5:21 PM

    shill from iowa said....
    "Foreign workers are not competing with Americans for jobs Americans repeatedly refuse to do."

    Tell that to all the IT workers Uber just replaced with cheap H-1B coders:

    Or the ones Disney forced to train their Indian replacements before being laid off:

    Boeing offshored the software development and testing for the critical safety systems for their Dreamliner to temporary workers in India with no aviation experience making as little as $9 an hour:

    The Federal Aviation Administration discovered that data processing by a flight computer on the jetliner could cause the plane to dive in a way that pilots had difficulty recovering from in simulator tests

    Corporate America will kick good employees to the curb and literally kill people to save money on cheap foreign labor.

  47. How the Roberts Court Abandoned Bipartisan Consensus
    Under the chief justice, 73 decisions have been decided 5–4 along partisan lines. And 73 times, the big Republican donor interest won.

    Wonder why wingnuts are desperately trying to finish packing the courts?

    Most immigrants aren't H1B visa holders, fool.

  48. GDP uber alles5:48 PM

    shill from iowa said...
    "Most immigrants aren't H1B visa holders, fool."

    The US hands out 85,000 H-1Bs a year. Over 2.5 million Indians have applied over the last 20 years. Obama tried to double the number of H-1Bs, but congress killed it. Trump has toughened the request for evidence requirements from employers and increased the rejection rate.

    The ones that aren't H-1Bs are mostly illegals whose presence drives down wages for the poorest Americans, including disproportionately African Americans.

    Restricting the ability of corporations to import cheap foreign labor or offshore jobs means higher wages for Americans.

    The average median income under President Bush rose only $400 over an 8-year period.

    Under President Obama, it rose $975 over an 8-year period

    Under President Trump it has risen $5,000 over slightly more than just 2 1/2 years.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:36 PM

    GDP uber alles said...,

    Under President Trump it has risen $5,000 over slightly more than just 2 1/2 years.

    5:48 PM

    According to whom? Let's see the source for this claim.

  50. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The FBI stats indicate that hate crime violence is at a 16-year high.

    Most of the increase seems to be attacks on Latinos and transgender people.

    Thanks, Trump!


    trump won't aupport his kid if she served in the military. Military's best friend huh?


  53. Anonymous7:01 PM


  54. The Pinocchio Test
    Trump may have reason to crow about the trends in the growth of household median income, but his framing is misleading, especially when he compares himself with Obama. In general, the gains documented are mostly a continuation of a trend started under Obama. Trump earns Two Pinocchios.From WAPO.

    Wingnuts forget Bush had 2 recessions and Obama inherited the worst one which took too long to come out of because of obstructionism by wingnuts. They don't like to be reminded how they fought every one of Obama's attempts to stimulate the economy.

  55. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Good for the Dems, take those monuments to racism and dump them in the dustbin of history where thet belong.


  56. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Stphen Miller exposed for the racist asshat he is.


  57. Anonymous7:33 PM

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:44 PM

    Anonymous said.......

    Good for the Dems, take those monuments to racism and dump them in the dustbin of history where they belong.


    7:26 PM
    I agree. Why tolerate monuments to a rebellion against the United States?

  59. The only separation drumpf gets from Obama's legacy is the fact drumpf is a pathological lying criminal enterprise with no morals and no ethics. Drumpf has done nothin g to make the economy keep growing as it had done for 7 years under Obama. He is just along for the ride and then lies about it all.


  60. President Failure9:04 PM

    "Obama inherited the worst one which took too long to come out of"

    Point being he started with metrics at the bottom, with only way being up. Things had to improve, but Obama's bone head moves (Wall Street bailouts with no accountability, Cash for Clunkers, Solyndra, letting more manufacturing jobs go overseas, destroying private healthcare, etc.) prolonged the inevitable recovery interminably. It would have been easy to cement his legacy of being a great economic president, but even with getting the ball on his opponent's 1 yard line, he couldn't score.

  61. Eric "My People" Holder9:08 PM

    "Stphen Miller exposed for the racist asshat he is."

    White Southerners must have their culture erased.

  62. Fake News Update9:09 PM

    “The SPLC, however, is an utterly-discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization that has recently been forced ― to its great humiliation ― to issue a major retraction for other wholly-fabricated accusations. They libel, slander, and defame conservatives for a living. They are beneath public discussion.”

    Word that.

  63. The buck stops there9:15 PM

    "In general, the gains documented are mostly a continuation of a trend started under Obama"

    Obama's fuck ups 2009 to 2016: "It's Bush's fault!"

    Trump's successes 2017-2019: "Obama gets the credit!"

  64. Hakak Rotmwrt9:25 PM

    White supremacy is the normative ideology and dominant ethos of dozens of nations, particularly in Latin America. It will dominate public opinion, popular culture, domestic policy, and foreign interventions of the coming Hispanicized USA.

  65. "They don't like to be reminded how they fought every one of Obama's attempts to stimulate the economy."

    And they really don't want you to bring up how they embrace those exact same policies now, with <4% unemployment, that they inveighed against as socialism that would cause runaway inflation when the rate was >8%.
    If Keynesian economics was leftist bullshit that would debase the currency in 2010, why all of the sudden is the Fed a bunch of seditious cranks for not going all-in on it now when Fergus is terrified of an economic slowdown before the election?
    Perhaps because they are all a bunch of lying sacks of shit who have no business running a Popsicle stand, let alone a country.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Anonymous9:52 PM

    “The SPLC, however, is an utterly-discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization that has recently been forced ― to its great humiliation ― to issue a major retraction for other wholly-fabricated accusations. They libel, slander, and defame conservatives for a living. They are beneath public discussion.”

    Everybody who was anybody at the SPLC (endowment $471 million), such as Morris Dees and Heidi Beirich, has been purged recently for not very well explained offenses.

    Perhaps that might raise Doubts about the reliability of the SPLCs effusions of hate?

  67. Anonymous10:02 PM

    "If Keynesian economics was leftist bullshit that would debase the currency in 2010, why all of the sudden is the Fed a bunch of seditious cranks for not going all-in on it now when Fergus is terrified of an economic slowdown before the election?"

    Politics shouldn't inform Fed fiscal policy, but you can't blame Trump for wishing he'd get the same kind of boost Obama got.

    Printing money and easing off killing the shale energy boom were the only things that saved Obama from negative growth.

    Props to Trump for doing the right thing by taking on China at the expense of of giving up short term economic numbers. Hate him if you will, but we all will benefit from hanging together if we can change the fundamentals of the US-China trade relationship.

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    “The SPLC, however, is an utterly-discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization that has recently been forced ― to its great humiliation ― to issue a major retraction for other wholly-fabricated accusations. They libel, slander, and defame conservatives for a living. They are beneath public discussion.”
    Pure bull, stamdard cpnservative tactic to vilify anyone who disagrees with them. The racist bastards hate the SPLC because they keep suing them and winning in court. For an example, see below.

    White Supremacist Leaders Penalized for Inciting Death

    Oct 23, 1990 - A jury today found the leaders of a major white supremacist group liable ... case, Thomas Metzger, the 52-year-old head of a white supremacist ...

  69. Anonymous10:08 PM

    ya lets help noncitizens while Americans are chugging opioids and black people dont have $500 in their savings.

  70. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "White Supremacist Leaders Penalized for Inciting Death"

    Now do La Raza.

    And this nigga:

  71. The SPLC’s legendary founder Morris Dees (currently on his sixth wife) is basically a sleazy Southern TV preacher type, but one who long ago figured out that poor Southern Baptists had less money to send him than rich Northern liberals.

  72. The most infectious and virulent organism on the planet today is the White Leftist. Nothing is more entitled, more pretentious, more self-important and more destructive. They should all come with a warning label stamped to their forehead and have their own section on the CDC.

  73. And yet another fuckboi10:50 PM

    Nothing is more entitled, more pretentious, more self-important and more destructive.
    Says the arrogant asshole who thinks someone wants his opinion. Conservative white men are the most entitled, whining, closed minded fuckboys on the entire planet. Go play with your guns and threaten anyone who doesn't agree with you.

  74. Shabaz X10:52 PM
    Well it would just be payback because white male asshole did actually bomb negro churches and kill babies but hey whose counting?

  75. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "White Southerners must have their culture erased."

    If it's really true that your culture revolves around praising people who did nothing noteworthy except fighting to defend slavery, you need to start over from scratch and create a new culture. Because the one you've currently got is pathetic and lefties are doing you a favor by erasing it.

  76. So say there was some hinky shit going down in Ukraine that involved US people, what could be done about it by a non-criminal executive branch?

    Well, we have a mutual legal assistance treaty, and we have legal attaches at the embassy, and that's the way a law enforcement investigation should engage the Ukrainians.

    And there has been no shortage of corruption in Ukraine involving US persons (see also: Manafort) for the administration to handle with which it should have familiarized itself with the protocols of law enforcement cooperation with Ukraine.

    I mean, Fergus is a uniquely ignorant life form, but that is not an excuse for failing to do the damn job he stole the election to hold.

    And that blithe, willful, ignorance is the main reason he will be impeached. Had he been even the tiniest bit more competent, the goddamn Republicans and their media enablers could have covered for him enough to allow him to hunker down and let the whole thing blow over.

    But Fergus can't stop himself from pulling his dick out and waving it around in any situation, and the less appropriate that is, the more inclined he is to just do it, and consequences be damned.

    So here they come, Ferg, a boatload of consequences with your name on them.

    -Doug in Oakland


  78. PilotX, the snowflake didn't know (or care) you are not allowed to make political statements near polling places.

  79. Props to Trump for doing the right thing by taking on China at the expense of of giving up short term economic numbers.

    Props to Titanic captain for not seeing ice berg and losing the ship at the expense of losing thousands of lives.

    At least the captain went down with his ship. drumpf will never accept blame for the damage he has wrought on America all around the world.

  80. Doug @ 11:37 PM Well and truly said, buddy.


  82. "Says the arrogant asshole who thinks someone wants his opinion."

    I knew you were white.

  83. Anonymous11:03 AM

    CommunistX said..
    "Well it would just be payback"

    So that's how works, all your political views are actually just based on tribal revenge and fueled by a hate deep enough to rationalize genocide.

    Maybe instead of projecting your darkest thoughts into the hearts of your political opponents, you should take a step back and ask yourself if perhaps your side isn't so high-minded and their is a sub-current within progressivism that would lead to a very dark place. No one is going anywhere else, and everyone's interest will have to be taken into account in New America. Unless of course you actually do want to kill another 100 million people to get your way.

    I've got my eye on you.

  84. Anonymous11:12 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    So say there was some hinky shit going down in Ukraine that involved US people, what could be done about it by a non-criminal executive branch?

    There was election interference involving collusion of the US executive branch and Ukraine. It happened in 2016.

  85. Solomon spread Rudy's conspiracy fever dreams that weren't true then or now.

    Solomon is a right wing hack with an agenda.

  86. Anonymous1:55 PM

    “Solomon is a right wing hack with an agenda.”

    Solomon’s agenda is to make money by defending Trump by spreading Trump’s lies.

    Aaaaand ... mission accomplished! Solomon landed a job on Fox last month.

  87. Shabaz X2:05 PM

    So that's how works, all your political views are actually just based on tribal revenge and fueled by a hate deep enough to rationalize genocide.
    You may wanna check yourself and your side first. The guy was giving a thougt experiment while white people ACTUALLY killed babies just because they were Black. This ain't no revenge but read history asshole and save some of that passion for the white racist assholes who stink up this place. That's where you need to keep your eyes fuckboi.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Yeah wow, hundreds of years and thousands of Black deaths and this fuckboi gets his panties in a bunch when ONE goofy assed "militant" just mentions a lil payback that we all know will never happen. The fucking caucasity! White racists are some fucked up creatures.

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    11:12 AM
    This is just an opinion piece.

    1. "This is just an opinion piece."

      You're dealing with the Fox News crowd. They don't know the difference. ๐Ÿ˜†

  89. Well, the hearings started off track with Devin numbnuts talking about naked bodies and Steele dossier and went downhill from there. The lead inquisitor for wingnuts is some total douche from the Federalist Society that couldn't interrogate a flea. Never once did he ask about phone calls or anything relative to impeachment.

  90. Anonymous2:58 PM

    PilotClueless said...
    "white people ACTUALLY killed babies just because they were Black."

    In our lifetimes, including now, it's blacks who are killing white babies.

    You apparently want to institutionalize this to fulfill some ignorant revenge fantasy.

  91. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Impeach case falling apart.

    Democrats being exposed as insane morons.

  92. The Judge3:15 PM

    Both witnesses verify that there's been no interruption in the provision of "aid" to Ukraine for the past several years, which would seem like an important fact to underscore in all this.

    The Ukrainian president has said repeatedly he was never pressured to provide assistance and was never told aid was contingent on doing so, not during the July 25th phone call or at any other time.

    Also clear that the Ukrainians never even knew aid was being delayed until the Politico article came out on August 29. Therefore, it there could not have been any concept of quid pro quo.

    Case closed.

  93. Clashdaily is an extreme right wing hate entity not worth bothering with unless you are a white scumacyst.

    Gamespot does video games.

  94. Jimmy Carter had successful brain surgery to relieve pressure from his latest falls.

    Now there is something no one will ever accuse drumpf of having.... a brain.

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Impeach case falling apart.

    Democrats being exposed as insane morons.

    3:00 PM
    That's not happening on my TV. It's tuned to C-SPAN. Maybe yours is tuned to some other channel. LOL!

    1. Conservatives remind me of the Black Knight from Monty Python. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  96. Shabaz X4:39 PM

    You apparently want to institutionalize this to fulfill some ignorant revenge fantasy.
    Nah brah, we got a looooooong way to go til we're square. Some of ya'll gotta hang for not calling me mister.

  97. Anonymous4:40 PM

    "Stphen Miller exposed for the racist asshat he is."

    In your fevered dreams, maybe.

    Where’s the proof? I still haven’t read anything that supports him discussing anything about white nationalism in that article. Nothing but propaganda and innuendos. 900+ emails should have something more concrete.

  98. Anonymous4:44 PM

    In our lifetimes white methheads kill their own babies. People in glass houses........

  99. fo shizzle my nizzle4:44 PM

    Shabozzo X said...
    "Some of ya'll gotta hang for not calling me mister."

    Just be happy they let you wear a pilot's uniform and sit up front with the white guy flying the plane.

    Now make yourself useful and go pass out some peanuts.

  100. The anonymous author is hilarious. There's talk it's Pence. trump is like a 12 year old in an air traffic control tower or my favorite he's like going to see your relative at the nursing home and he's running around with no pants on. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    Whomever it is should win a Pulitzer or Nobel for literature.๐Ÿ˜†

  101. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "The anonymous author is hilarious. There's talk it's Pence. trump is like a 12 year old in an air traffic control tower or my favorite he's like going to see your relative at the nursing home and he's running around with no pants on."

    I doubt it's Pence.

    But Rex Tillerson and John Kelly seemingly did think Trump was like a mentally challenged toddler whom they spent all their time trying to potty train. At least, if Nikki Haley's memoir is to be believed.

    Trump's presidency is already a gigantic catastrofuck. Imagine how much worse things would be if there weren't people scrambling frantically behind the scenes to put out all the fires he sets for no apparent reason.

  102. Columbia Journalism Review wiped the floor with John Solomon's journalistic in tegrity as well as several other outlets that blasted him. The drumpf state department warned Hannity not to promote his work.

  103. "Where’s the proof? I still haven’t read anything that supports him discussing anything about white nationalism in that article."

    Because all non-racists share stories from white supremacist websites and books. Sure.


  104. Anonymous8:40 PM

    What 'white supremacist' website did Stephen Miller reference?

  105. Mother Tucker10:03 PM

    "What 'white supremacist' website did Stephen Miller reference?"

    He can't answer you, because he has no idea.

    He is just parroting propaganda.

  106. Anonymous10:29 PM

    What the hell does "promoted white nationalist ideology" mean and how did he do it? All he did was share a VDARE link and reference Camp of the Saints.

    The media coverage of this is beyond stupid. There are <0.001% White Supremacists in the US and most of them are Feds. The entire moral panic on this topic is a creation of the SJW-converged Media and propaganda groups like the SPLC.

  107. "What 'white supremacist' website did Stephen Miller reference?"

    Didn't you say you read the article? The information is contained within.

  108. "Now make yourself useful and go pass out some peanuts."

    You talking to me?๐Ÿ˜‚ That's the job of the young attractive white women who like to hit on blah pilots.๐Ÿ˜†

  109. Doubling Pressure, Adding Moving Parts Doesn’t Increase Risk of Pipeline Failure, Says Dakota Access Pipeliner

    Newest pipeline has already had 6 small leaks after service began and thy now want to double pressure and capacity and want people to believe it is safe. Gotta be stoopid fucking wasicu wingnut morons.

    Miller used Breitbart, a right wing website, V-dare, another right wing website and American Renaissance, a third right wing, therefore, white scumacyst site. All these sites are used by white scumacysts.


    All through older shithead drumpf brats have claimed their family has made no money since drumpf became czar. They all lie just like their pathological lying sperm donor.

  111. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Hollyweirdos no longer serve and get filthy rich depicting those that do and use firearms in their movies and shows....

  112. "Miller used Breitbart, a right wing website, V-dare, another right wing website and American Renaissance, a third right wing, therefore, white scumacyst site. All these sites are used by white scumacysts."

    Mike, they know cause they read it but now he's trying to sucker you into a debate about those not being white supremacist sites. You know how these trolls roll. Let them learn on their own, like the end of 'War Games", Ha!

  113. Anonymous12:45 PM

    White supremacy.  What a concept!  You could get that idea, though, from everyone in Africa and Central America and even India wanting to come to white countries, and nobody wanting to leave despite all the "racism".

    White supremacy must be a good thing if everyone wants to come over and enjoy it.

  114. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "Miller used Breitbart, a right wing website, V-dare, another right wing website and American Renaissance"

    None of those are white supremacist websites.

  115. "None of those are white supremacist websites."

    Didn't see that coming.๐Ÿ™„
