Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Vindman effect.

America is in a very bad place. I say this because a decorated Lieutenant Colonel who served honorably in Iraq- and earned a various military commendations- was set up on by GOP senators in an effort to undermine his credibility.

Alexander Vindman  gave damning testimony today when he declared what president trump did in his attempt to shake down the Ukrainian president.

It fits a pattern, as witness after an witness confirm what we already know: The American president committed impeachable offenses in his dealings with President Zelinski of Ukraine.

The trump cultist tried their best to gaslight and throw red herrings, but everyone outside of the cult of trump could see what was going on: The American president was trying to use a foreign power to investigate a domestic political rival.

I guess we can't totally blame the trump cultist, though, I mean let's face it. they take their cues from the president.

"Donald Trump has mocked witnesses at the impeachment hearings – while two of them were testifying – claiming he does not know them and making fun of their clothing.
The president, speaking to the media ahead of a cabinet meeting, was asked about Lt Col Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council expert who was testifying to the House impeachment hearings on the 25 July phone call between Mr Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart which sparked the probe.
Lt Col Vindman was listening to the call, in which Mr Trump appeared to pressure Volodymyr Zelenksy into starting investigations into his political opponents in return for releasing US military aid.

The Iraq War veteran was wearing his military uniform at the hearing and at one point insisted on being addressed as Lt Col Vindman after Republican congressman Devin Nunes called him Mr Vindman.

Mr Trump, appearing in public for the first time since an unscheduled medical visit at the weekend, mispronounced the Iraq War veteran's name and mocked him for wearing his uniform. 
He said: "I don't know him. I don't know, as he says, the 'lieutenant colonel'. I understand that somebody had the misfortune of calling him 'Mr' and he corrected them.

"I never saw the man. I understand now he wears his uniform when he goes in. No, I don't know Vind-e-man at all."' 

Yes Cadet Bone-Spur, unlike you, he is proud of his uniform. Of course you would never understand that, because you were too much of a coward to put one on. 



  1. wingnuts are passing around a video where Vindman was asked about being offered a high military position in Ukraine on three occasions and he turned the offer down and alerted superiors. The edited video leaves out the part where Vindman turns the offer down. Wingnuts are attempting to smear him as a possible traitor with loyalties to Ukraine.

    deplorables are getting desperate and resortin g to smear and innuendo campaign against venerable American citizens and government employees.

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Kudos to Lt. Col. Vindman; he knows our 'code' and HONER is a HUGE portion. The USA Military rocks!

  3. There's a special kind of contempt that the criminal and the corrupt hold the honest and the patriotic in, and nowhere is it on clearer display than the way Fergus and his felons treat career civil servants trying to do their jobs for the good of the country when they get in the way of corruption, sleaze, and grifting.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:54 PM

    The Republicans have done themselves no favor by making Jim Jordon their point man during the hearings. His rudeness and overbearing manner do not favorably impress most of the women in the country. And more women vote than men.

    Furthermore, Jordon keeps repeating debunked lies that can only impress Trump's cult followers. And the two witnesses today that the Republicans called to testify didn't provide Trump with any exculpatory evidence. In fact, they may have done the opposite.

  5. Judge to rule on McGahn's refusal to testify on Monday, which will set the timeframe for Fergus' actual impeachment: if the judge says go it cracks open a whole new can of witnesses, if not, the whole thing wraps by mid-December.
    Either way, Fergus is toast.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Trump: Honorable soldiers suck. Let’s make fun of them for wearing their uniforms and wanting to be addressed by their proper rank.

    Also Trump: Hey, war criminals! Love the job you’re doing! Have a pardon.

  7. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Traitors:  (Ukrainian immigrant) (((Vindeman))) is the epitome of a US officer!

    Never mind that he is obviously more loyal to Ukrainian J***ey and J**s in general than the USA; that is normal for (((them))).  Just like it is for Africans.

  8. "Never mind that he is obviously more loyal to Ukrainian J***ey and J**s in general than the USA; that is normal for (((them))). Just like it is for Africans."

    Does any sane individual have ANY clue as to what this individual is talking about????😂

  9. https://www.theroot.com/islamophobic-trump-supporter-pleads-guilty-to-threateni-1839940140

  10. Anonymous2:38 AM

    “Does any sane individual have ANY clue as to what this individual is talking about????”

    The Nazi is griping about how Vindman is a Jew, so that means he is obviously not a real American. Because, according to centuries of racist lore, Jews hate everyone except other Jews, so they cannot be trusted and cannot really be the loyal citizens of any country.

    In other words, it’s the usual antisemitism Nazi garbage.

  11. America is a bad place? Could it be because of all the crime, drugs and shitty ghetto music you fags love so much? Why is it that us Chinese-Americans have made and are a a smaller population yet you fags lag behind all the time? Lol!

  12. Then there's this: "The Army is prepared to move Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his family to a safe location if necessary" www.businessinsider.com/army-prepared-to-move-vindman-family-to-safe-location-if-necessary-2019-11?fbclid=IwAR1xxRcNgyHwD0B2DNqmObdhIo8-sC6kelTZPOZp9ZkBw8LnsYBqPrl3jn0

  13. Anonymous8:57 AM


  14. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Police: Black Man Killed, 5 Negroes Injured In 4 Separate Shootings Across Philadelphia In 20-Minute Span:


  15. anymoose...Never mind that he is obviously more loyal to Ukrainian J***ey and J**s in general than the USA; that is normal for (((them))). Just like it is for Africans.

    Where is your proof, liar? Provide it or stfu, traitor.

  16. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/alexander-vindman-s-testimony-against-trump-revives-anti-semitic-accusations-ncna1074201

    drumpfuckers can't defend drumpf's crimes so they attack every witness trying to smear their reputations and credibility.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Police: Black Man Killed, 5 Negroes Injured In 4 Separate Shootings Across Philadelphia In 20-Minute Span:


    16-year-old [white] girl accused of planning to kill people at predominantly black church

  18. Anonymous The RMalConnection said...
    America is a bad place? Could it be because of all the crime, drugs and shitty ghetto music you fags love so much? Why is it that us Chinese-Americans have made and are a a smaller population yet you fags lag behind all the time? Lol!

    ...because your people and your country wasn't and isn't worth sh*t to Europeans and we and our land mass was the subject of obsession from the days of yore - Plato, at the very least - and remains so today. (But you and yours are SO stupid you choose to believe their lies while closing your eyes to what was done to you and pretending your way of life is solely of your creation --- lmao.)

    ...because you and your are such marks all they had to do is switch you off from Confucianism, feed you your own opium, and you've been pawns for Western Culture's lies and psychopathic want for dominance ever since. (Refer to above paragraph's parenthetical ending and apply again here.)

  19. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Vindman disgraced his uniform.

  20. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Deep State actor......

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Vindman disgraced his uniform.

    10:19 AM

    What uniform have you worn? Have you ever served your country, if the USA is you country? Why are you here on this blog demeaning a patriot? Why are you an asshole?

  22. Can someone help me out with this, please.....?


    Guy wants julia Roberts to play Harriet Tubman in a movie. What am I missing?

  23. "What uniform have you worn?"


  24. Anonymous12:31 PM

    “What uniform have you worn?”

    A homemade copy of the Nazi SS uniform. It has snazzy lightning bolts and skulls.

    “Are we the baddies?”

  25. Wow, Sondland is singing like Aretha.😆

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:50 PM

    PilotX said...

    Wow, Sondland is singing like Aretha.😆

    12:33 PM
    We thought he would; this rich dude is not going under the bus alone. He's taking them all with him. LOL

    1. Can't blame him. I feel the same way, I'm way too pretty to go to jail.😂

  27. Anonymous1:22 PM

    From the ever-funny @OhNoSheTwitnt on Twitter:

    Nunes: Were you aware that Hillary’s emails ran a pedophile ring out of an invisible pizza parlor in Benghazi with Obama and Tupac, who is still alive by the way, in a plot to steal Christmas and turn it gay?

    Witness: What

  28. Fucking wingnuts are totally incompetent....https://www.thedailybeast.com/nikki-haley-used-system-for-unclassified-material-to-send-confidential-information?ref=home

    But Nikki Haley had emails.Nikki is short for nikita and everyone knows that is a commie name, by gawd.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:07 PM

    I wonder what has happened to all the wingnut trolls who should be here posting about how Trump and his gangsters are do so great at the hearings.

  30. wingnuts are showing the world how little the chickenhawks respect our men and women in uniform and the men and women who work in government service around the world.

    they ought to be ashamed, if they had a conscience. they don't.

  31. Bloviating Ignoramus7:27 PM

    Dumbass faggots with tiny ass dicks like this queer and his secret lover Butt Trumpet deserve each other.

  32. Next step is to place Vindman on the grassy knoll in Dallas circa 1963. I have faith drumpf can make something up.

  33. Bloviating Ignoramus8:02 PM

    Fact: Anybody who still loves Butt Trumpet has a microscopic dick.

  34. Why is a so-called “black blog” discussing Ukraine? You people always love sidestepping the problems that plague your underachieving communities. That’s why you fall behind Chinese, Jewish, and even Hispanics. It’s also not helping your women. That’s why men like Chinese women a lot more than negroid “women.”

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:19 PM

    Anonymous Girdle of Venus said...

    Why is a so-called “black blog” discussing Ukraine? You people always love sidestepping the problems that plague your underachieving communities. That’s why you fall behind Chinese, Jewish, and even Hispanics. It’s also not helping your women. That’s why men like Chinese women a lot more than negroid “women.”

    8:07 PM
    Wow, what a stupid question. We are discussing Ukraine because it interests us. We are more concerned about national security than you and your ilk are.

  36. Pence is in it up to his eyeballs.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Meadows=moron:

    Wrong Time to Go Off the Record

    November 20, 2019 at 11:40 am EST By Taegan Goddard 85 Comments

    Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) asked a group of reporters: “Let me go off the record for just a second.”

    He apparently did not realize he was being broadcast live on C-SPAN.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Doug:
    Pence is in it up to his halo.

  39. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/11/20/us/north-carolina-confederate-monument-removal-pittsboro/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_content=2019-11-20T14%3A00%3A09&utm_source=fbCNN&utm_term=link&fbclid=IwAR0N4_VsedYIhPHPpxOMB14wiYe4fZlVIFPAcmtorcxsJaco07YBssp9joU&r=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2F&rm=1

  40. Pence's halo turned out to be a brown chawing tobacco ring around his micro dick. Rumour has it it doesn't match the Missus' lipstick shade. So I heard.

  41. I owe stoopid fucking wingnuts a half hearted apology. The "whistleblower" identity is not protected statutorily as I mistakenly mentioned. Whistleblowers are, however, protected from right wing harrassment and retaliation, by law.

  42. Anonymous9:56 AM

    It's Google, Facebook and Twitter that are protecting "whistleblower" (liar) Eric-whose-name-starts-with-CIA.  Spell out his name and nobody will see your post.  People are using "Eric Cinderella" and other tricks to get around the blocks.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:59 AM

    Anonymous said...

    It's Google, Facebook and Twitter that are protecting "whistleblower" (liar) Eric-whose-name-starts-with-CIA. Spell out his name and nobody will see your post. People are using "Eric Cinderella" and other tricks to get around the blocks.

    9:56 AM
    Why are you so interested in the whistle blower? What does matter who he/she is? What matters is that Trump's crimes are clear to the entire world.

  44. Gambler, someone recently opined in order to believe drumpf or his pack of stoopid fucking hyenas, you'd hafta ignore truth. Nothing anyone says will make them believe the truth. Even if drumpf admitted his crimes and resigned, wingnuts would blame the press and Dems for fake news.

  45. Anonymous12:38 PM

    “Why are you so interested in the whistle blower? What does matter who he/she is? What matters is that Trump's crimes are clear to the entire world.”

    Because they think that if they can impugn the motives of the whistleblower, that will somehow exonerate Trump.

    It won’t. Even if the whistleblower turned out to be the Trump-hatingest Trump hater on Earth, that would still be irrelevant. The allegations against Trump have been conclusively corroborated by numerous credible witnesses.

  46. They seek to expose the whistleblower to stochastic terrorism in order to intimidate other future whistleblowers.

  47. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Not only is it beyond stupid asking why a black blog cares about Ukraine, a more apt question is why waste one syllable feeding the internet bot and troll brigade.

    If the progressive left members of the DNC had their, impeachment procedings would have commenced soon after the Mueller report and subsequent hearing. When all was said and done, the president won. Instead of moving forward, also better uniting the nation, the powers that be embark on scheme to basically bully the newly elected Ukranian president into gaslighting the American people and our global neighbors.

    Per the president, whose mere request was for the Ukranians only to "do what is right," why no outrage for a band of rogue officials (reportedly Rudy Giuliani & Mick Mulvaney) for what amounts to depraved treatment of a U.S. ally, not only safeguarding American interests, but also fending off Russian aggression as well.

    By the way, I happen to believe the president has every right determining the origins of 2015-2016 investigations even though any additional information uncovered will not negate the irrefutable evidence resulting in guilty verdicts and/or indictments of individuals and entities connected to criminal activity the past presidential election.

    Had American democracy not been tainted by foreign operatives and other unscrupulous characters at the national level, I would have supported Pres. Trump the same as previous republican presidents. It's really not so much party as it is respect for the office and fellow voters, though we may disagree on policy.

    Hence the reason the events leading to the impeachment hearings are heartbreaking. Rational beings are not sitting on the sidelines craving for failure. If so, what does that say about us?

    Devin Nunes read an April 21 phone transcript in which Pres. Trump extends his warmest congratulations to Pres. Zelinsky. Fast forward to another call "asking for a favor," and you can only imagine the weeks following a crestfallen spirit of the Ukranian president. Becomes even more dire the message that the president does not give a $*** about Ukraine.

    Never mind the significant gains in progress for its people and allies. Instead, the U.S. will withhold military financial assistance to hurt a political opponent. But who cares? It's just a simple matter for the powers that be to tell the American people and global neighbors that Ukraine is corrupt. But what's that biblical passage? Anything in the dark eventually comes to the light.

    How on earth is America supposed to figure prominently on the world stage with stance of not giving a $***? Like chairman Adam Schiff, the collective voice of rational human beings is that we do care. ~Faith_and_Fairness~

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:52 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "Had American democracy not been tainted by foreign operatives and other unscrupulous characters at the national level, I would have supported Pres. Trump the same as previous republican presidents. It's really not so much party as it is respect for the office and fellow voters, though we may disagree on policy."

    I think that many of us held the same attitude. Although based on his former behavior over the years, I did not vote for Trump. I thought he was not qualified to lead the nation. But I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately Trump has been terrible beyond my wildest imagination.

  49. Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel dined at the white house with Fergus.
    Fuck Facebook in its nose with a frozen earthworm.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Anonymous3:52 PM

    “Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel dined at the white house with Fergus.
    Fuck Facebook in its nose with a frozen earthworm.”

    Peter Thiel is a Trump-supporting ass.

    Zuckerberg, I think, is just spineless. He is afraid of making the wingnuts mad by policing their lies and hate speech on his platform. Whenever they start griping about “free speech,” he knuckles under. Even Twitter has been more proactive recently about not accepting propaganda on their network.

  51. Doug, what on earth have you got against nite crawlers? When they dig up dirt, they turn it over and break it up for the benefit of plants and the environment.

  52. Yeah, they're better for the country than Republicans, that's for sure. Used to use 'em to condition the soil we grew mushrooms in, if I remember right.

    Peter Thiel thinks the 19th amendment was a bad idea.

    Fergus said: "People will just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you."

    And he was almost right, for a while.

    Now, though, "people" don't just believe him, only "Pig People", and they have been conditioned to believe whatever their owners want them to believe, so you can't even say that Fergus is driving that pathology, as it was fully operative before his trip down the escalator of doom.

    And he's just dumb and narcissistic enough not to even wonder why no other Republicans, even the outrageous grifters like Newt Gingrich, ever pushed the Pig People's induced credulity past its breaking point.

    Guess we'll find out what happens on the other side of the wall of stupid now, or shortly.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Drumpf and stinking fucking wingnuts just flipped the 11th circuit court of appeals to wingn ut control. This is the southern circuit that will hear most of the south's voter suppression cases and guess what they were appointed to do? Keep the stinking fucking wingnuts in control.

    Drumpf has now flipped three circuits to wingnut majorities and wingnuts now control 7 of the 13.The 2 latest judges were spoon fed and hand train ed by the Federalist society of America hating stoopid fucking stinking wingnuts.

  54. From Crooks and Liars:

    An Arizona jury on Wednesday found human rights activist Scott Warren not guilty of "harboring" undocumented migrants, charges that were levied by federal prosecutors after the geography teacher provided food, water, and shelter to two men traveling through the desert in 2018.

    "The government failed in its attempt to criminalize basic human kindness," Warren, a volunteer worker with advocacy group No More Deaths, said from the steps of the Arizona courthouse following his acquittal. "As we stand here, people's brothers, sister, father, spouses, and children are in the midst of the perilous desert crossing. The need for humanitarian aid continues."

    "This verdict is validation of what we have always known: that humanitarian aid is never a crime. We will continue to provide food, water, and medical aid to all those who need it."

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. 35 million in aid is still being withheld from Ukraine.Lock drumpfuck up for ever.

  56. From Twitter:

    "Middle Age Riot @middleageriot

    Imagine being Russia, wanting to buy a Democrat, and only being able to afford Tulsi Gabbard."

    -Doug in Oakland

  57. Trump said, "I want nothing, I want nothing."
    A cry from the heart.

  58. Kinda reminds me of The Jerk:


    -Doug in Oakland

  59. Anonymous9:33 PM


  60. Trump said, "I want nothing, I want nothing."
    A cry from the heart

    Days after whistleblower report came out.

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Not only is it beyond stupid asking why a black blog cares about Ukraine, a more apt question is why waste one syllable feeding the internet bot and troll brigade.

    I disagree. They need to be called out for their lies and their illogical opinions.

    1. @Gambler2: When it comes to dismissing bots & trolls, it certainly was not my intention to imply giving such drivel a free pass. I agree counteracting much of the disinformation, hate, fear and ignorance with facts rooted in solid evidence is far more effective.
