Sunday, November 17, 2019

Caption Sunday.

Image result for Castor Jordan impeachment images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: "We got nothing."

*Image from


  1. Bloviating Ignoramus10:40 PM

    ♪♬Don't Worry ...♪♬
    ♪♬Be Happy ...♪♬

  2. "Who brought the heroin? God almighty don't tell me that you morons forgot the heroin again."

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:30 PM

    "But we all agreed! If we couldn't find another way to protect Mister Trump, you would take your pants off and run around the chamber singing 'Don't Rain on My Parade' until the Democrats were forced to adjourn for the day!"

  4. Ew, why'd they put me next to the sweaty wrestler. I just got this suit from the cleaners.

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Democrats: keep telling a big enough lie long enough...…..

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    "Barack Obama fired all George W. Bush-appointed Ambassadors on day one of his Presidency."

  7. PilotX for the win. At least I laughed out loud.

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Just lie; we all do!

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Barack Obama fired all George W. Bush-appointed Ambassadors on day one of his Presidency."

    11:18 AM
    And your point is? Are you suggesting that Obama fired these ambassadors because he was planning to conspire with a foreign government to get dirt on a future political opponent?

  10. Anonymous4:57 PM

    “And your point is? Are you suggesting that Obama fired these ambassadors because he was planning to conspire with a foreign government to get dirt on a future political opponent?”

    Yup, their point is another obfuscation, a straw man argument.

    Wingnuts are apparently pretending that the Dems claim that Trump is never allowed to fire ambassadors. But nobody is saying that; they’re saying presidents aren’t allowed to fire ambassadors specifically in order to cover up their own misconduct, which is what Trump has done.

  11. Her point was precisely that he did have the authority to fire her for any reason or no reason at all, so why did he have to go to such outlandish lengths to lie about her and smear her reputation?

    John Bel Edwards won by 40,000 votes despite Fergus begging Louisianans "You got to give me a big win, please" in multiple campaign rallies, because Edwards expanded Medicaid in his first term and let poor citizens of the state find out how it feels to have other options besides death and bankruptcy when they get sick.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:51 PM

    From The Daily Beast today:

    Why Arrest of Richard Tobin Is Bad News for Neo-Nazi Group The Base

    He allegedly had his comrades vandalize synagogues, then gave up their names to the FBI.

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:34 PM

    From The Hill today Comment by naksuthin

    GOP senator calls impeachment 'sabotage' effort, raises questions about witness on eve of testimony
    BY MORGAN CHALFANT - 11/18/19 06:30 PM EST 260

    *Trumps campaign manager is in federal prison

    *Trump's "first" personal lawyer is also in federal prison

    *Trump's National Security advisor has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing

    * Trump’s former deputy campaign chairman has pleaded guilty and will be sentenced in his criminal case on Dec. 17,

    *Trump's campaign aide has been released from prison and has completed a year of parole.

    *Trump's "personal fixer" has just been convicted of 7 felonies as we speak

    *Trump's 2nd personal lawyer is now under investigation

    *Trump himself is now being IMPEACHED

    *And Hillary Clinton .....
    is visiting her daughter in New York and playing with her grandchildren

  14. So now that Roger Stone has been convicted on all seven counts, it looks like Fergus may have lied in his written answers to the Mueller investigation.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Jim Jordan: Wanna plow my meaty butt?

  16. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "the democrats look really bad"

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "I think its Trump 2020!!"

  18. I think it's trump 10-20.

  19. From Twitter:

    "Richard Engel


    Spoke to a sr former justice dept official. He too worries Trump can’t get off, won’t get off, “dictator’s treadmill.” Once you’re on the ride is high, so you’ll do anything, and everything, to keep running and not to crash and burn. I’ve seen it all my life. Never ends well"

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:14 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "the democrats look really bad"

    1:08 PM
    Only to the ill informed who don't understand the issues and who appreciate rude, classless behavior. They really should put Jim Jordon in an a cage and throw peanuts to him.

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    PilotX said...
    I think it's trump 10-20.
    2:53 PM

    Another example of liberal delusion. Trump IS your next President. I can hardly wait for the liberal crying pissing and moaning.....

  22. "Ew, why'd they put me next to the sweaty wrestler. I just got this suit from the cleaners."

    We have a winner, Pilot @ 9:12
