Wednesday, December 11, 2019

"Dangerous in the extreme".

Image result for trump image

The following article was written by Jay Bookman for The Virginia Mercury.

It was written right before the Thanksgiving holiday, but given what is taking place in Washington as I write this post, it is more relevant now than ever.

"Donald J. Trump used the power of his office to blackmail a foreign ally into undermining a political foe here at home. Nothing in U.S history approaches that abuse of presidential power, yet the gravity of the charges apparently does not matter.

The overwhelming evidence proving those charges – the sworn testimony, the emails and direct messages, the de facto public confessions by President Trump, his personal attorney and his acting chief of staff, explaining that yes, they did pressure Ukraine to produce political dirt – that too does not matter.

It does not matter because over the course of the past month, GOP officials have made clear their grim determination to protect Trump from all consequences for his actions, and that doesn’t seem likely to change. So the question arises:

Then what?

If the Republican wall holds, if this process concludes without Trump being held accountable for his actions, what constraint – legal, moral, ethical, political­­ – would Trump have grounds to respect in the future? If he has members of his party so uniformly cowed in fear, what new corruption would he and others in his administration not dare to undertake?

Very little, I’m afraid.

A Donald Trump who knows he is unaccountable to anyone is dangerous in the extreme. By nature he will fill any vacuum, leverage any weakness, seize any power left unprotected. When you’re famous, as he once said, you can walk up and grab women by the genitals, and that’s pretty much his modus operandi in every facet of life, including his presidency.

On May 9, 2017, Trump fired FBI Director James Comey for insufficient loyalty. The next day, he held a celebratory meeting in the Oval Office, with Russian officials as his invited guests, whom he thanked by giving them classified information.

On July 24, 2019, special counsel Robert Mueller concluded his testimony to Congress, conceding he could not prove – or disprove – collusion. The next day, July 25, Trump placed his infamous phone call to Ukraine’s president, during which he brazenly pressured for investigations into his American political opposition. When Ukraine’s president asked for Javelin anti-tank missiles, the next words out of Trump’s mouth were “I would like you to do us a favor though.”

He did that because he felt freed, unbound, and he was. He doesn’t see it as cheating, because he doesn’t recognize its existence as a concept. There are the things he can get away with, and those he can’t, at least not yet.

And now that his fellow Republicans have so abased themselves in his service, now that they’ve become a collection of so many Lindsey Grahams, what inner reservoirs of self-respect, courage and patriotism can they draw upon to confront him the next time? None. The only reason we know what we know about the Ukraine scandal is because the American people put Democrats in charge of the House in 2018 – without it, we would all be in total darkness about what happened. And as we’re learning, that check on his behavior has proved insufficient.

Of course, these dangers compound significantly should Trump somehow, by hook or by crook, manage to get himself re-elected. With that validation, with all the mechanisms of check and balance rendered impotent, why would he not gratify his instincts to repress all opposition, to ignore any law he finds constraining?

So that’s where we stand: Through the cowardice and petty self-interest of his own party, a corrupt and maybe crazy president is being granted permission to indulge his worst instincts without fear of repercussion. There’s no way that ends well, not for any of us.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone." [Source]

*Image from


  1. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:39 PM

    Time for liberals and other sane folks to stock up on ammo.

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  3. Fuck the anonymoid bigots!

  4. Overthrow King Con.

    Trump 10 to life.

  5. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Looks like Don Junior bribed someone to be allowed to whack an endangered sheep in Mongolia.

    I'm not an animal rights activist, nor categorically opposed to hunting or anything. But hunting a fearsome ... sheep? Really? That was the challenge for the great white globe-hopping hunter? And an endangered one?


    Often, it seems like whatever the Trumps are doing, it's always calculated to "own the libs." And I'm sure that PETA and the Humane Society, etc, will indeed freak out about little Don's dead sheep in due course. But it's worth considering the possibility that, about 50% of the time when the Trumps keep getting caught doing lame stuff, it's because they actually enjoy it, because they are just unbelievably lame people.

  6. Word is that junior had good intel that the sheep was planning to bugger him to death.

    Fergus will be less of a danger in prison.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Granny mudshark says...

    "Time for liberals and other sane folks to stock up on ammo."

    Yes, most definitely. The funniest part is using "liberal" and "sane" in the same sentence.

    You go girl...

  8. The funniest part is using "liberal" and "sane" in the same sentence.

    Only because stoopid fucking wingnuts don't understand what either word means.

    What is fucking hillary-ous is wingnuts thinking drumpf is stable and a genius.

  9. Word has it Moscow Mitch McCTurtlefuckface won't call witnesses, just plans a single vote to acquit drumpf without hearing any evidence. This game is rigged for sure. And the entire world needs to know wingnuts aren't on the side of the constitution or rules of law.

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sorry folks. republicans have taken over and we are fucked. America was a nice dream. Now it is a land of McMansions on expensive land overlooking lakes and golf courses. If you are not one of them I would advise leaving. Of course I have no idea where the majority will go, but perhaps California can hold a few more homeless refugees. Damn you donald.

  11. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Time for liberals and other sane folks to stock up on ammo."

    So you really want to play into their games and go to war with them? Like violence and bloodshed would make any difference to trump supporters. They have been DYING (pun intended) to start shooting libtards in the streets for so many years. Now you want to give them reason to get away with it? I don't think that is the change in American humanity (lol. oxymoron) we seek.

    I doubt seriously voting him out is going to make any difference. Not with people like jim jordan in office and willing to bribe, cheat, lie, and corrupt in order to maintain his power.

    Seriously, America is now history. It does not function after this.

    You are more than welcome to arm yourself and take part in whatever bloodshed you wish, but leave me out of it please. I don't like people too much to begin with. Having been raised in an abusive Masonic Republican home by an evil step grandfather who loved mcconnell and reagan and now trump, I REALLY do not like mouthy republicans telling us it is all fake news and Christianity and that all Democrats are evil. And that anyone who does not support donald j trump, their leader, is guilty of treason (and we all know all about how the old man feels about treason and people he decides are traitors).

  12. Anonymous10:43 AM

    republicans have taken over and we are fucked. America was a nice dream. Now it is a land of McMansions on expensive land overlooking lakes and golf courses. If you are not one of them I would advise leaving.

    As if blacks would go anywhere.

    Latest news from Killadelphia (you know, where Fooled lives?) is all about another "community" meeting to do something about "black-on-black crime".

    Keeping criminals behind bars and stopping and frisking suspicious types on the street WORK to stop "violence", but the "community" says they're "racist".  Demanding that blacks change their behavior so they don't NEED such a heavy hand is also "racist".  Well, you ruled out all the possibilities.  It's obvious that Black Lives Do NOT Matter to you so quit yer bellyachin'.

  13. A bankrupt Hurley in Florida, deep into Clinton's impeachment (I suppose republicans are still trying to avenge Nixon). stuck a fat thumb in my ribs and said LOOK:

    "You are a Democrat (I am? Who told you?) so I guess that is good. That shows you care about people. But ONE OF THESE DAYS you are going to WAKE UP and CARE ABOUT YOUR MONEY (what? I have money? who told you? - to a bankrupt Bradford Pear farmer), and THEN YOU WILL BECOME A REPUBLICAN".

    Oh, I see the game, so I am supposed to give up caring about others and now it is all about me. Okay, so THAT's how maturity works. Got it.

    That is ALL they care about. They don't give a shit about people. That's what you are up against. If you are not for getting all that you can get from other people, no matter what you do to them, then if you are lucky enough and attractive enough to enjoy reproduction efforts while you are young, your job is simply to pop out babies in order to feed their economic system so that they can live large.

    And they will force dissenters to surrender at the end of an assault weapon (why the hell do you think they so support their law and the NRA? - surely you do not believe it is about protecting themselves from their government!)

    Even more sadistic to me, these fools want you to believe that to disagree with them is libtard (love their use of words) insanity, punishable as treason (I have had a 70 year old white southern Presbyterian use that one on me in the last few weeks).

    We're screwed.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming, will mark one year — 52 weeks — on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction bestseller list on December 22, Axios reports.

    Eat your hearts out, racists!

  15. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    republicans have taken over and we are fucked. America was a nice dream. Now it is a land of McMansions on expensive land overlooking lakes and golf courses. If you are not one of them I would advise leaving.

    As if blacks would go anywhere.

    Latest news from Killadelphia (you know, where Fooled lives?) is all about another "community" meeting to do something about "black-on-black crime".

    Keeping criminals behind bars and stopping and frisking suspicious types on the street WORK to stop "violence", but the "community" says they're "racist". Demanding that blacks change their behavior so they don't NEED such a heavy hand is also "racist". Well, you ruled out all the possibilities. It's obvious that Black Lives Do NOT Matter to you so quit yer bellyachin'."

    You are so compassionate in your reading of comments.

    I had so many southern blacks in NC refer to me as WHITE MOTHER FUCKER that it will be another lifetime before I can heal from the damage. What did I do to deserve it, I have no idea. But I am sure most of them wanted me to pay for slavery and then go back to Europe. I am sure black lives matter, but I am seriously full of doubt that mine does.

    BTW I do have southern friends top of their class at Clemson working in the wild white midwest at the top of their profession, so not all of us are as ignorant or lacking in empathy as you suggest. Selah. Have a nice day.

  16. Demanding that blacks change their behavior

    Blacks did change their behaviour and started fighting back. Wasicu wasteys claim this is unfair to their white privilege. So they sit around spanking each other's monkeys and print every bad article about blacks they can find because they are jealous of BBD compared to whitey's shortening induced micro wienies.

    If they truly wanted to emulate drumpf, they'd paint their pee pee tails orange and have their chawing friends leave tobacco rings around their dicks.

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Blacks did change their behaviour and started fighting back.

    Is THAT what you call it when they kill each other over whether something is a pork CHOP or a pork STEAK?

    Or over taking the last piece of chicken?

    Exactly WHO are they fighting here, and why are the Killadelphia nogs in crisis mode over black-on-black crime?  I know I saw a piece on one nog killed in a fight over the proper recipe for purple drank, but I can't find it right now.

    Wasicu wasteys claim this is unfair to their white privilege.

    If having impulse control and a reluctance to murder people is a "privilege", why don't blacks want some of it instead of "keepin' it real"?  Sure would be nice to not have to pay to patch up the survivors and prosecute the perps.  Those are things I could seriously do without.

    If they truly wanted to emulate drumpf, they'd paint their pee pee tails orange and have their chawing friends leave tobacco rings around their dicks.

    I thought pussy-grabbing was the Trump thing.  Make up your teeny-tiny mind.

  18. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Turns out that the Black Hebrew Israelite terrorists who murdered a cop and shot up a Jewish deli are indeed black.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Turns out that the Black Hebrew Israelite terrorists who murdered a cop and shot up a Jewish deli are indeed black.

    2:16 PM
    Hey Anon., was the guy who shot up a bunch of people in Pensacola black?

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:19 PM

    Tea Party governor’s last act: Pardons for hundreds — including killer whose family raised $21,500 for re-election

  21. A bipartisan bill to automatically impose sanctions on Russia's finance, defense and energy sectors should we catch them interfering with our elections again was blocked by Republican Mike Crapo, whose daddy named him right, and who called the bill "anti-Trump" which is unintendedly hilarious.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anyfuckingmoose, drumpf can multi-task. He can commit, and frequently does, numerous criminal acts at one time. With or without the help of his criminal enterprise family of crooks and enablers in Russia and the wingnuts in both houses of congress.

    Lock them all up. drumpf - consecutive life terms, no parole, no groping Ivanna Junior(ever again).


    This process is and has been rigged to save drumpf's ass from the very beginning. Wingnuts should pay a heavy, heavy price at the polls next year for dissing their constitutional duty to hold a serious and formal impeachment trial based on charges delivered by congress.

    In another report on Thursday, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits surged 49,000 to a seasonally adjusted 252,000 for the week ended Dec. 7, the highest reading since September 2017. The increase was the largest since August 2017.

    Phuck drumpf. Phuck all stoopid fucking weingnuts in their ear.

  25. Now we have drumpf's kremlin annex colluding directly with Moscow Mitch McCTurtlefuckfaces office on scripting impeachment trial.

    Just because wingnuts care nothing for the constitution or the rule of law. They only want to win and hold power and will cheat, kill and destroy anyone or thing in their way.

  26. "I had so many southern blacks in NC refer to me as WHITE MOTHER FUCKER that it will be another lifetime before I can heal from the damage. What did I do to deserve it, I have no idea."

    I feel sorry for you. Let's hope you don't get shot in the back or hanged from a tree for trying to vote.

  27. "If having impulse control and a reluctance to murder people is a "privilege", why don't blacks want some of it instead of "keepin' it real"?"

    Hmmmm, I've never murdered anyone neither has anyone I know. It seems there are more than a few white guys who seem to like killing babies for no reason. Using an assault rifle to tear babies to bits screams out as a lack of impulse control wouldn't you agree? Or shooting up a church full of babies and elderly people? I'll take a pass on that type of impulse control as well as the kind that allows a person to post cheap stereotypes about blah people 24/7. 😂









  30. From Steve Benen:

    An amazing story out of Kentucky: “The family of a man pardoned by Gov. Matt Bevin for a homicide and other crimes in a fatal 2014 Knox County home invasion raised $21,500 at a political fundraiser last year to retire debt from Bevin’s 2015 gubernatorial campaign…. The Friday order was one of 428 pardons and commutations Bevin issued since his narrow loss in November to Democrat Andy Beshear, who was sworn into office Tuesday. The beneficiaries include one offender convicted of raping a child, another who hired a hit man to kill his business partner and a third who killed his parents.”

    -Doug in Oakland


    US Marshalls and 6 other agencies shoot schizo black man 76 times so he couldn't testify against them for excessive force. The last shots were administered while he was lying on the floor, presumably dead.

  32. drumpfuck's buddy gets lush 400 million dollar border wall contract just for donating to drumpf. Impeach the orange fraud and lock him up.

  33. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Jersey City Jewish deli killing to be investigated as domestic negroe terrorism:

  34. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Time for liberals and other sane folks to stock up on ammo.
    9:39 PM

    But you types don't like the Second Amendment....

  35. as domestic negroe terrorism:

    Funny, no matter how many people wasicu scumacysts slaughter they never get investigated as terrorists. Must be racism and discrimination against Blacks by whitey.

  36. "But you types don't like the Second Amendment...."

    You just keep on telling yourself that,

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Black Israelite pilots get their news from da root. go figure...

  38. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Doug says...

    "You just keep on telling yourself that"

    I do! I really do!

    What a "kitty". And I like kitties, except for the smell. Are you house broken Doug?

  39. I don't pee on the carpet, if that's what you mean. I also own 11 firearms and have been shooting since I was nine years old.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. "Black Israelite pilots get their news from da root. go figure..."

    The Root is a news site? I didn't know that. I also didn't know there were Black Israelite pilots. I learn so much from anonymous trolls.😂


    So this is the guy you all worship.😓

  42. Wow, maybe there's hope afterall.😆


    Moar clear evidence of collusion. Where is John Roberts in all this? He allegedly is supposed to preside over this farce and McCTurtlefuckface has already decided what is to happen without, as far as I can tell, any imput from the guy in charge.

  44. Stoopid fucking weingnut heads gonna 'splode... Jimi didn't do it.

    Suck it, wasicu bitches. the black guy didn't do it.

  45. Dems have apporoved both articles of impeachment andf they are being sent to the full house for discussion/vote next week.

    Like expected vote was strictly along party lines. Not a single wingnut bothered to take a stand for the rule of law and/or the constitution. Hope voters keep this in mind when November next rolls around.

  46. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Mikeypoop, voters are going to remember everything about this circus come November. I just hope the loony left keep up the hijinks. Trump is garnering more support by the day. Crazy Boris won in a landslide. Expect the same for Trump.

    You guys need to do this focus group impeachment everyday. It's a winner, but not for you folks.

    BTW, Jay Bookman is a partisan hack. No credibility. Only idiots read him. Sorry feelz.

  47. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Kermit Gosnell reads da root.

  48. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Da Dougster said...

    "I also own 11 firearms and have been shooting since I was nine years old."

    I sure do hope they're all registered and legal. I've never owned a firearm. I've only fired 3 types of firearms in my life and two were when I was in the military. I've made it this far without ever needing one. Of course I stay away from the vibrant diversity.

    Here's a clue Din, no one is concerned about how many guns you own or how long you've been "shooting". You might think it's intimidating, it's not. You might as well say you own 111 firearms, 28 artillery pieces, 2 fighter jets and 3 warships. It's just as convincing. Twit

  49. Anonymous2:12 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "But you types don't like the Second Amendment...."

    You just keep on telling yourself that,

    -Doug in Oakland
    10:29 PM

    So why to Democrats and liberal/Socialists want to ban guns and pass legislation to Infringement on the 2nd Amendment????

  50. Anonymous2:13 PM

    $20 says its a negroe…..

  51. Liberal Projection3:28 PM

    ""Donald J. Trump used the power of his office to blackmail a foreign ally into undermining a political foe here at home. Nothing in U.S history approaches that abuse of presidential power, yet the gravity of the charges apparently does not matter."

    1. He didn't
    2. Obama did.

    Nothing in U.S history approaches the abuse of presidential power perpetrated by spying on the opposition campaign and blackmailing the Ukrainian government to provide dirt on the opposition campaign manger as happened in 2016, yet you continue to pretend the victim of these abuses is the actual criminal.

  52. Anonymous3:57 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  53. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Comey and Co. really screwed the pooch — they were sure Hillary would win and hide their crimes but then when she didn’t, they leaked and sabotaged and turned to FBI director Mueller for the mopping-up operation, but try as he may, he couldn’t knock off Trump, either, or in the end justify their crimes.

    Now we have the Dems and their pathetic impeachment attempt to cover up Biden's corruption and Obama's pressuring of Ukraine for dirt on Manafort.

    What a bunch of losers.

  54. Wassa matter, trolls? Stormfront can't stand your perpetual whinings about blacks and mean old Dems? dead Breitbart would surely welcome your delusional, deplorable pathetic minds.

    You have no business bringing fake noize lies and talking points here. No one here is interested in your attempts to hijack this blog and spew your hate.

  55. War against Reality4:24 PM

    In response to the attack on the Jersey City Kosher deli that resulted in 6 people being killed, Rashida Tlaib tweeted: "White Supremacy kills".

    This was two days after it was known that the perpetrators were associated with a Black Supremacist group.

    Dems sure know their voters.

  56. "Rashida Tlaib tweeted: "White Supremacy kills".

    Well it does. No lie there.😂

  57. "So why to Democrats and liberal/Socialists want to ban guns and pass legislation to Infringement on the 2nd Amendment????"

    Wingnut logic.😂

  58. "$20 says its a negroe….."

    Why? Because 50 babies weren't torn apart by assault rifle ammo?

  59. 😂 Mike Harriott over at The Root has categories for racist trolls. He nails it as they are the same here.😂

    "Here are the 10 categories:

    1.“Instead of...” Fred: There’s always someone offering a suggestion on how I could fix racism instead of talking about it.
    2.Bobby “Black People Are Violent”: Alternatives include “But what about Chicago?” and “But what about black on black crime?”
    3.Mr. “Go Back to Africa”: If I don’t like this country, maybe I should...
    4.The Ally Autobiographer: The people who automatically recount their life story about why they can’t be racist just before they say something racist.
    5.Big, Bad and Mad: These people are just angry. They’ll probably use the n-word.
    6.Not All...: White people.
    7.“Well, Actually” Ashlee: They “respectfully disagree” or “take umbrage.”
    8.“Say-It -To-My-Face” Sam: Wants me to meet him face-to-face or debate him so he can put me in my place.
    9.Steve the Stat Guy: They cherry-pick stats they read on Breitbart or in a meme to show they’re more intelligent.
    10.Ray the Race Baiter: Contends that I am a race-baiter who spews anti-white rhetoric for money. Or clicks. Or to divide America."

    1. Yeah yeah I know, Black Israelite pilots get their news from da Root. Ha ha ha.

  60. Anonymous5:16 PM

    According to Auburn Calloway the black Israelites that murdered the people in
    Jersey City were White Supremacist. Well, it figures...

    Sure wish he'd let us know the "airline" he "pilots".

    I've read that negus' post before Auburn. He's a low IQ waste of oxygen. I see where you get it from.

  61. Corrupt Clown Country5:16 PM

    James Comey's daughter is a lead prosecutor on Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking case:

  62. White scumacysts dio kill, by the bunches.

    drumpf's alleged trade deal with China gives the US nothing we didn't have two years ago. The new Nafta is 90% old Nafta, nothing new or earth shattering in that one, either.

    drumpfuck proves, once again, he is worthless as tits on a boar. Anf hoary matrmot Me;anoma says it is okay for drumpf to attack teen Greta because she is n activist, but don't mention her spawn from hell or she will get you.

  63. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems"

    -Jerry Nadler

  64. First as tragedy, then as farce5:24 PM

    The Left loses another election in Britain.

    Leftist Antifa riots in streets of London:

    Leftist media suggests Britain needs to pay Fusion GPS to cook up a Russian conspiracy theory against Boris Johnson:

  65. "According to Auburn Calloway the black Israelites that murdered the people in
    Jersey City were White Supremacist. Well, it figures..."

    Really? Is that what you got from my comment? Not too bright are we little racist man?😂

    1. Then again anyone who equates all Black pilots to Auburn Calloway probably wasn't the valedictorian.😂


    Step one? Check.👍🏾


  68. "Nothing in U.S history approaches the abuse of presidential power perpetrated by spying on the opposition campaign and blackmailing the Ukrainian government to provide dirt on the opposition campaign manger as happened in 2016, yet you continue to pretend the victim of these abuses is the actual criminal."

  69. Why won't trump release his tax returns? What is he hiding?

  70. Anonymous6:52 PM

    moron from iowa said (I think)...

    "Anf hoary matrmot Me;anoma says it"

    Maybe Auburn Calloway can decipher...

    I'll wait...

  71. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Joe Bidet/Tank Abrams 2020

    Joe will out push up Trump and Tank will eat his lunch/dinner/breakfast and all the snacks left out for the kids. Dems can't lose with a ticket like that.
    And I'm not talking about a free lunch ticket.

  72. "We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems"

    -Jerry Nadler

    Nadler was 100% correct. One election won't do it. Dems need to take the senate and WH in 2020 and impeach all the justices drumpf appointed as none of them are impartial. They are all right wing ideologues. Dems just need to manipulate the rules, wingnut style, and then start the cleanup process.


    There is yer illegal voting fraud done by Mexican for drumpf in California.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Prolly a secret Russian agent, too.


  74. "Maybe Auburn Calloway can decipher...

    I'll wait..."

    Nah Dylan Roof. Sorry you're not smart enough to understand. You're nit even smart enough to think of a screen name. That's kinda typical of racist trolls.

  75. "Nadler was 100% correct."

    Exactly, because why is dumbass getting impeached? For ELECTION INTERFERENCE! So we should trust a political party that cheats and steals judicial seats? Yeah right.

  76. And I agree with Mike, Melania deserved to be booed in Balimore (the T is silent😝). I guess to this broad Be Best is allowing a grown ass man bully a little girl. Republicans are cowardly scum.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.


    At this point I'd be upset if my kids DIDN'T boo this heifer.

  79. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Would you "Moo" for Tank Abrams?

  80. Anonymous10:35 PM

    BTW, you folks have went to the well too many times with the "racist" thing. It holds no water anymore. Same with Nazi, fascist, bigot, etc.

    Maybe try "boogieman"?

  81. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "BTW, you folks have went to the well too many times with the "racist" thing. It holds no water anymore. Same with Nazi, fascist, bigot, etc."

    Says the racist.

  82. Anonymous11:24 PM

    "BTW, you folks have went to the well too many times with the "racist" thing. It holds no water anymore. Same with Nazi, fascist, bigot, etc."

    We could just call you idiot but that's synonymous with racist.

  83. Still classy as ever. Too bad the current First Family are a bunch of assholes.

  84. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Lets see, Trump tells a teenager to "chill" and go see a movie with a friend. That's just horrible!

    A hollyweird producer tweets that a teenage boy should be throw in a woodchipper. Or a old (and thankfully dead) hollyweird actor wants the president's son put in a cage and raped. Auburn Calloway would have you believe these statements are "classy". Auburn should stick to claw hammers and spear guns. Auburn could not buy "classy" even if it was discounted at the dollar store.
    Carry on weirdo...

  85. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Conservatives winning world wide!!

  86. Hoary marmot = "whistle pig" = ground hog = Melanoma. Different names for a femme that gets her furs the same way mink do.

  87. Beautiful in the extreme..... Couple inches of fresh snow on the ground with modicum of sun shine. Then I had 2 gorgeous rooster phezgunts walk across my yard within 50 feet of the house. Then a third one flew past.

    For a brief respite I get to forget the traitorous stoopid fucking wingnuts hell bent on destroying America for Putin and observe some of the finery Nature has to offer.

    Lucky me and -phuck you wingnuts.

  88. Anonymous11:19 AM

    How many times a night do you check under your bed to make sure Putin isn't there?

  89. "Lets see, Trump tells a teenager to "chill" and go see a movie with a friend. That's just horrible!"

    Oh, that's right a grown assed man shade tweeting a teen girl is ok. Photoshopping his head on her body isn't weird at all. Ya know because the leader of the free world is supposed to have time to do goofy shit like that. I'm sure people like you randomly tweet teen girls at work all the time. Carry on Dylan.

  90. "How many times a night do you check under your bed to make sure Putin isn't there?"

    Fewer times than conservatives looking for Dems trying to take their guns? Just a guess.

  91. Fauxknee AG Barr is just as big a pathological liar as drumpf.

  92. "Fauxknee AG Barr is just as big a pathological liar as drumpf."

    Oh no, Barr is going to be fair and impartial.🙄

  93. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Fewer times than conservatives looking for Dems trying to take their guns?

    We don't look under the bed, we look in the legislatures:

    "SB 16 Assault firearms and certain firearm magazines; prohibiting sale, transport, etc., penalties.

    Introduced by: Richard L. Saslaw

    Prohibiting sale, transport, etc., of assault firearms and certain firearm magazines; penalties. Expands the definition of "assault firearm" and prohibits any person from importing, selling, transferring, manufacturing, purchasing, possessing, or transporting an assault firearm. A violation is a Class 6 felony. The bill prohibits a dealer from selling, renting, trading, or transferring from his inventory an assault firearm to any person. The bill also prohibits a person from carrying a shotgun with a magazine that will hold more than seven rounds of the longest ammunition for which it is chambered in a public place; under existing law, this prohibition applies only in certain localities. The bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to import, sell, barter, or transfer any firearm magazine designed to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. "

    Still claiming these things are imaginary?  Still dumb as a box of rocks.

  94. Trump’s team’s latest use of Photoshop is really bizarre and creepy. Someone inside "Trump’s campaign thought it was a good idea to superimpose his face on 16-year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg, who was recently named Time’s Person of the Year."

    This isn't creepy or weird at all. Nope, not one bit!🙄

  95. "Still claiming these things are imaginary? Still dumb as a box of rocks."

    Sooooooooo, limiting military style weapons to 10 rounds is "taking muh guns" huh? I guess you need more ammo to kill babies and old people in churches huh Dylan? Carry on.

  96. Eric "My People" Holder12:56 PM

    "Oh no, Barr is going to be fair and impartial"

    We need a straight-shooting, law and order, by the book AG again!

  97. Loretta Lynch Mob12:58 PM

    We need an AG who won't rig investigations to white wash their party's misdeeds!

  98. Ray Ciss1:04 PM

    "Says the racist"

    Racist = Anyone who doesn't believe black people are saints who never deserve to be arrested or that it's not ok to be white, and that everyone who opposes the communist agenda is a puppet of Vladimir Putin.

  99. My Marlin .22 bolt action repeater has a tube magazine that holds 25 .22 short cartridges. I am not in compliance with new law, but.... I grandfathered and great grandfathered myself in compliance.


    Twin judges representing in Bama.

  101. Progressive puppets1:31 PM

    First as tragedy, then as farce said...
    The Left loses another election in Britain.

    Leftist Antifa riots in streets of London:

    Imagine having the same views as every globalist institution, big bank, and major corporation, while fighting against the will of the working class, calling them every slander under the sun, and still thinking you're some edgy underdog anarchist.

  102. Moscow Mitch McCTurtlefuckface bragging about blocking Obama's picks for circuit court and Spotus.

    Another wingnut scumbag that is begging for impeachment.

  103. "Racist = Anyone who doesn't believe black people are saints who never deserve to be arrested or that it's not ok to be white, and that everyone who opposes the communist agenda is a puppet of Vladimir Putin."

    That was the singular dumbest thing I've read here for a while and that's saying something. I suggest looking at an actual dictionary, you know the book that contains actual definitions not ones you make up out of whole cloth.🤔

  104. Californication1:36 PM

    New York just passed a law to give driver's licenses to all illegal aliens. These licenses are also the only thing needed to vote in New York.

    THIS is another reason why we can never allow a "popular vote" to determine presidential elections.

  105. Back in the real world.


    a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

  106. "New York just passed a law to give driver's licenses to all illegal aliens. These licenses are also the only thing needed to vote in New York."

    Really? No link? 😂😂😂😂 I'm 100% sure this is true. This is why we can't allow conservatives to control the vote, they make up lies to prevent others from voting.

  107. Here is the actual site that lists the qualifications to be able to vote in NY for those interested in truth and facts. Guess what, the anon above was lying. Shocker huh?

  108. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Guess what, PilotX is a moron. Shocker, huH?

  109. Anonymous2:04 PM

    New York Motor Vehicle Commission automatically registers voters when they obtain driver’s licenses.

  110. Anonymous2:21 PM

    On Oct. 10, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the Motor Voter Act that automatically registers to vote every eligible California citizen who goes to a DMV office to get a driver’s license or renew one.

    California is one of 13 states, along with the District of Columbia, that have passed Automatic Voter Registration: Alaska, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.

    Automatic Voter Registration makes voter registration “opt-out” instead of “opt-in”—eligible citizens who interact with government agencies, such as the DMV, are registered to vote or have their existing registration information updated, unless they affirmatively decline.

    Legislation specifically exempts ineligible voters who end up being registered from any penalty.

  111. Anonymous2:54 PM

    limiting military style weapons to 10 rounds is "taking muh guns" huh?

    Thank you for making it obvious that you can't read.

    "Expands the definition of "assault firearm" and prohibits any person from importing, selling, transferring, manufacturing, purchasing, possessing, or transporting an assault firearm."

    In other words, if you have a proscribed gun you can neither keep it nor even transport it to sell it out of state.  That's called "taking your gun", moron.

    "The bill prohibits a dealer from selling, renting, trading, or transferring from his inventory an assault firearm to any person."

    So he can keep it forever, or destroy it (an action NOT prohibited).  That's a "taking" under the Constitution.

    "The bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to import, sell, barter, or transfer any firearm magazine designed to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition."

    That's for ALL firearms, not just "military style".  Most semi-auto handguns have standard magazines well over 10 rounds.  At least you can still possess the ones you own, at least until the next round of grabs.

    Virginia SB 16 is not merely un-Constitutional, it is a casus belli all by itself.

  112. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "Here is the actual site that lists the qualifications to be able to vote in NY for those interested in truth and facts. Guess what, the anon above was lying."

    Anon above is telling the gospel truth so long as NYS does not demand proof of citizenship to register, and you know they won't.

  113. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Detroit HS valedictorian turns out to be a borderline moron failing remedial math at Michigan State University:

    despite excelling in her other classes, Marqell McClendon has struggled in the low-level math class she’s taking during her first semester at Michigan State University.

    “Sometimes when I’m in class and I’m learning, some things start to feel familiar from high school and I’m kind of like, ‘I learned this already but I don’t really understand it.’ And I don’t know why I don’t understand it because it looks familiar.”

    It's because she's a moron who can string words together semi-coherently but can't actually think, as in apply standard principles to numbers and symbols.  Stuff looks familiar but she LITERALLY cannot put 2 and 2 together.

    And she was the valedictorian of her class, literally THE BEST it had to offer.  Every other "student" was worse.  A whole class of morons.

    Kinda like the non-anon Feeled commentariat.  She'd fit right in here.

  114. Guess what, PilotX is a moron. Shocker, huH?"

    Are ALL conservatives dishonest and disingenuous? Good god, and to think the president is just as big a liar and immature as the common strain of internet troll.😖

  115. "so long as NYS does not demand proof of citizenship to register, and you know they won't."

    And you know this how? You have proof? What might that be?

    1. See, thing is this isn't Fox news. When you make a claim you need evidence to back it up.

  116. "Detroit HS valedictorian turns out to be a borderline moron failing remedial math at Michigan State University:"

    And is still smarter than anon @1506.😂


  117. "The bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to import, sell, barter, or transfer any firearm magazine designed to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition."

    Still it doesn't mention taking all muh guns. I know Dylan, how are you gonna carry out mass murder without more than 10 rounds at a time huh? Poor poor you, maybe you need a safe space.😂

  118. Conservative Joe4:24 PM

    Must be horrible being a conservative, always scared of everything. Scared somebody's gonna take their muskets, illegals electing Vincente Fox as president and having to flush their toilets 15 times. Dear god, what a bunch of pants wetting pussies.

  119. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Oh my god, I only have 10 shots! What if the caravan of migrants attack my trailer!!!!!!!! We're dooooooooomed!!!!!!! Teh constitution guarantees my wright to any guns I want!!!!!! Muh guns muh guns!!!!!!

  120. Anonymous10:23 PM

  121. Trumpists have put Trump's face on Rocky, on Greta, and on Thanos. Either his own people don't really like him, or his own face is trying to escape.

  122. Anonymous8:14 AM

    "And is still smarter than anon @1506.😂"

    If you can call failing out of a remedial class teaching material I aced in seventh grade, at a university ranked below the one I graduated from, "smarter".

    Your definition of "smart" has something in common with your definitions of "peaceful" and "law-abiding".  It's completely backasswards.  But we expect that from "Dunning-Kruger effect, exhibit A."  Or is it just "old lying n1kk3r"?  Either one works.

  123. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Still it doesn't mention taking all muh guns.

    Ah, the goalposts have shifted.  First it was "take your guns" (which it does if you have any of those guns, even if you've never done anything wrong).  NOW you're saying it's "take ALL your guns".  Which "red flag" orders do, BTW.

    We can tell when you're lying even if you can't.

  124. The goalposts have shifted. First it was Obama is coming to take yer guns. Same message every election until after 2016. Now it is Dems are coming to take yer guns. Same shit, different election.

  125. "at a university ranked below the one I graduated from"

    😂😂😂😂 Yeah sure, you graduated from college😂😂😂

  126. "Ah, the goalposts have shifted."

    Ok, so let's be more accurate. OMG the Dems are coming for certain guns that are more powerful than any civilian needs and want to limit magazine capacities to 10!!!! Has a catchy ring to it.😆


  128. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "Yeah sure, you graduated from college"

    You can't even spell "university", can you?  Asking you to explain what one is would tax your poor underdeveloped frontal lobes too much.

    "let's be more accurate. OMG the Dems are coming for certain guns that are more powerful than any civilian needs and want to limit magazine capacities to 10!!!!"

    The police have WAY more powerful guns.  What do the police need them for?

    The Dems are coming for guns that scare them because if THE PEOPLE have them they might not be able to throw their weight around and do whatever they want to anyone they want, and instead have to respect their rights.  Notice they're not trying to purge handguns from the 'hood... but if they really cared about "gun violence" that would be their FIRST order of business.

    Not that you care.  Your first order of business is "get Whitey".

    1. That was some of the most stupid I have ever read in my entire life. I seriously doubt you graduated from high school no less a post secondary institution.

  129. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish.

  130. The guy wants to win a shootout with the police. Yeah, PhD material there.😂😂

  131. "The Dems are coming for guns that scare them because if THE PEOPLE have them they might not be able to throw their weight around and do whatever they want to anyone they want, and instead have to respect their rights."

    I'm a Dem and I own 11 of them and have been shooting since I was nine. Your propaganda's attempt at retconning reality to support the biases it needs in order to fleece you for your money and your votes promotes misunderstandings that could potentially be fatal if acted upon irresponsibly, like the one that liberals all hate guns and thus none of them are armed or have any facility with firearms.

    -Doug in Oakland

  132. "Which "red flag" orders do, BTW."

    As does our domestic violence law here in California, which has saved untold numbers of women's lives by confiscating the guns and ammo of domestic abusers.
    Want to keep your guns? Don't beat up your wife.
    Next we'll be expanding it to "don't beat up your girlfriend" as an analysis in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows the impact of these laws by the states show a 16 percent decrease in intimate partner homicide rates while a 13 percent decrease has also been experienced with intimate partner homicide rates.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Doug, you're trying to use logic with this bunch? Good luck.😂

  133. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:49 PM

    Pilotx said......

    Doug, you're trying to use logic with this bunch? Good luck.😂

    6:49 PM
    Yes, logic doesn't work well with the trolls who post here. They are classic examples of the people who says, "Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is made up." Or else they are shills paid by the NRA to try to influence public opinion. Have you noticed that all of these trolls say the same things? I think they must get talking points e-mailed to them regularly.

  134. Doing pretty well.

  135. "Have you noticed that all of these trolls say the same things?"

    I've noticed all conservatives say the same things. Watch the morning news shows and go from there. They are all in lockstep and stay on message.
    They are sore losers who can't stand the fact trump won.
    They've been trying to impeach him from day one.
    No other president has been attacked as badly.
    He did nothing illegal.

    Must be pretty easy to be a conservative, just repeat the narrative rinse and repeat. No critical thought needed.

  136. Wonder how bad a troll comment has to be before Field removes it? They can be nasty sumbitches and still past muster. Well, so can I. Sometimes I try really hard, but my heart tells me not to waste the good stuff on dumbfuckers.


    drumpf pitches a hissy fit and Fake noize poll shows 54% favor impeachment.

  138. "Wonder how bad a troll comment has to be before Field removes it?"

    I don't know because by the time I get around to it it's already gone.😆

  139. Check this out Field, Ms. Jamaica

  140. Anonymous9:59 AM

    TRUMP is Americas savior!!

  141. Anonymous12:55 PM

    trump is America's asshole.
