Saturday, December 14, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for rep collins screaming impeachment image

Give me a caption for this picture.  


  1. Jesus Republicans! We're not deaf.

  2. Can Qanon hurry up and arrest these traitors already?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hey, what about me? I've got the big one.

  5. I forgot, Mom. Which thumb do I suck in phony outrage?

  6. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "that's what I keep telling you democrats you have your heads up your rectums"

  7. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Prosecutors say a black man stole $88,000 from a bank vault. The FBI caught him after he flashed stacks of bills on social media.

  8. Your Conscience6:23 PM

    What's the problem? This country was founded by tax cheats. Why should our guy be any different?

  9. "I swear to god, that fucker was this big!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Geez, nobody wants to see how you and trump do that thing you guys do.

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:41 PM

    I'm not as obnoxious as Jim Jordon, but I'm trying to be.

  12. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Another episode of Between Two Jews.

  13. Heads up, Doug in Oakland.....

    I was taken off Disability and put on SS at age 62 and then they repeated the process at 66. So I am safe from drumpf, so far.

  14. World of Lies9:32 AM

    The NHL has players from dozens of countries, yet it’s not diverse.

    The NBA is 75 percent black, but it’s considered very diverse.

    Remember that “diversity” just means fewer white people.

  15. Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey sat down for an interview with Chris Wallace yesterday:

    WALLACE: All right. And then there is – best for last – the worst misconduct. In August of 2016, just two weeks into the investigation, the CIA tells the FBI that it actually has a relationship with Carter Page – that when he has these meetings with the Russians, he actually goes back and he tells the CIA about it. But you never tell the FISA court that. And in fact, in 2017, an FBI lawyer doctors a document. The CIA said, “Oh, Carter Page, he’s a source.” And he puts in the application he’s not a source.

    COMEY: Yeah, I’ve got to take issue with one of the – I’ll answer the question – but one of the predications of your question. The Inspector General did not find misconduct by any FBI people. He found mistakes and negligence in oversight –

    WALLACE: No, no, no. It is not true –

    COMEY: He did not –

    WALLACE: In the case of Kevin Clinesmith, he has referred it for criminal investigation.

    WALLACE: Would you agree that the FISA court was also given false information by the FBI?

    COMEY: I think that’s fair. The FBI should have included – or at least pushed to the lawyers, so they could make a decision – information that you just said, things like that, that another agency – not a source relationship, but some kind of contact relationship –

  16. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Shooting at suburban Atlanta mall injures 1 as shoppers flee:TNB

  17. Wallace: Everything that we’re talking about here. Did you know that, in fact, the Steele report was the key for probable cause? Did you know that the FBI had talked to the Russian contact and he said what Steele said – he had told him was not true? Did you know this? You’re the FBI director.”

  18. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The alt left that has infected the Democratic party and is pushing socialism/communism is ANTI-SEMITIC. The left does not believe in religious freedom and is strongly opposed to Judeo-Christian ideals.

  19. The Russians were not the source of the hacked DNC emails.

  20. The left does not believe in religious freedom and is strongly opposed to Judeo-Christian ideals.

    You stoopid fucking phony kristians don't know what kristian values are and drumopf is the anti-semitic pos, pathological liar.


    Total bullshit! FISA warrants were approved and re-approved by different judges using different circumstances. The warrants were legal and drumpf and crew commuitted impeachable offwenses, regardless of what bought and paid for
    partisan US attorney gets paid to say.

  22. Anonymous11:34 AM

    You can almost see the spittle flying when you read a "mike from iowa" post.

  23. Gubmint bribes in the form of welfare billions in handouts is socialism at its finest, practiced by stoopid fucking wingnuts too stoopid to realize their alternate facts make them look,, sound and act like stoopid douche bags who know nothing.

    This brand of stoopid is unfixable unless wiped off the face of the Earth for good. Go back to yer mother ship stoopid fucking phuckers.

  24. The Russians were not the source of the hacked DNC emails.

    Anther bald face lie/alternate fact.

  25. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey declared he would switch to the Republican party, and now Pennsylvania state senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County has declared he will go independent and caucus with the Republicans.

    The implosion of the Demorats is now visible and undeniable.  Pelosi's House majority may not survive until Apri Fool's Day, though it would be ironic if that was the day she lost it.

  26. cretin from iowa said...
    "Total bullshit! FISA warrants were approved and re-approved by different judges using different circumstances"

    They were approved and re-approved by different judges based on false information submitted on the applications that the FBI knew was false.

    That's what the IG report concluded.

    The Obama administration's abuse of the FISA process to spy on the opposition campaign based on false information paid for by the campaign of his party's nominee is the biggest scandal in US history.

    The entire Crossfire Hurricane and "insurance policy" operations to accuse Trump of Russian collusion were run to cover for the fact Hillary paid for Russian disinformation and that the extremely damaging email releases were actually leaked by someone inside the DNC.

  27. "The left does not believe in religious freedom and is strongly opposed to Judeo-Christian ideals."


  28. "The Russians were not the source of the hacked DNC emails."


  29. CIA, FBI, NSA, FAA, CNN, KGB, IRS,BBC, MI-612:53 PM

    "The Russians were not the source of the hacked DNC emails."

    Yes they were.



    Some of drumpf's anti-semitic remarks. Wait, there's moar.

  32. drumpf's anti semitic rants. Take your pick.

    There are a number of actual, factual and really real links to the most anti-semitic bogus russian potus ever.

  33. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Calling Trump, the President who has bent over for Jews and Israel as much or more than any President over the last 80 years has (and that is saying something) an anti-Semite is the most small-brained take I've seen in quite a while.

  34. Anonymous3:25 PM

    This place is loaded with libturds; small-brained is all they CAN do.

  35. "This place is loaded with libturds; small-brained is all they CAN do."

    Maybe we need to be more like the conservative geniuses here.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  36. Introspection is not a conservative trait. The man who thinks the tiki torch assholes who chanted "Jews will not replace us" are fine people is not anti-Semitic. πŸ™„ I'm also sure the guys who post things about (((them))) are Dems. If these super geniuses just gave a thought to the talking points before they post them maybe they wouldn't come across as such dimwits.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:01 PM

    Anonymous The rats are leaving the sinking donkey said...

    Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey declared he would switch to the Republican party, and now Pennsylvania state senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County has declared he will go independent and caucus with the Republicans.

    The implosion of the Demorats is now visible and undeniable. Pelosi's House majority may not survive until Apri Fool's Day, though it would be ironic if that was the day she lost it.

    12:18 PM
    Talk about misinterpretation! This takes the cake. These two grifters were likely Republicans who ran as Democrats to escape their Republican primaries. There is no mass implosion of Democrats. Dream on, son.

  38. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Polls are swinging towards the President as the ridiculous mendacity of this sham effort is being exposed. Impeachment is going to be an electoral disaster for the Democrats.

    Republicans will gain 40-50 seats in the House and expand their majority in the Senate.

    Trump will win re-election by bigger electoral vote margin than he did in 2016.

  39. "There is no mass implosion of Democrats. Dream on, son."

    Especially looking at the success in Kentucky and Virginia. I keep telling you Gambler, these guys are the Black Knoght.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  40. Anyfuckingmoose @ 2:06 is dyslexic. Can't read and comprehend and sees just the opposite of reality in his fevered, syphilitic brain. You can get penicillin for it, but you'd ask for penetrating oil.

  41. rump will win re-election by bigger electoral vote margin than he did in 2016.

    Another bald faced lie. drumpf claimed Putin's win in 2016 was the largest electoral victory ever. So he can't top that unless he lies some more.

  42. Screwdy Rudy just threw drumpf under the bus again......from RawStory

    Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has undermined President Donald Trump’s defense in the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry — again.

    In an interview with The New Yorker, Giuliani admitted that he got former American ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch fired so that he could more easily pursue his efforts to dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.

    “I believed that I needed Yovanovitch out of the way,” he said. “She was going to make the investigations difficult for everybody.”

    Giuliani also admitted that he recruited former Hill columnist John Solomon to help him spread negative information about Yovanovitch.

  43. The Dems are getting REKT in their districts. This impeachment hoax is the most obvious case of political suicidal in modern times and these fools continue to charge ahead. The stupidity is breathtaking.

  44. Anonymous5:03 PM

    LOL China bought Grindr and now they’re going to blackmail every degenerate in a sensitive government or corporate position.

  45. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "LOL China bought Grindr and now they’re going to blackmail every degenerate in a sensitive government or corporate position."

    You do realize that it isn't 1955? Most gay people are out of the closet these days, so you can't really blackmail them by threatening to tell the world they're gay.

    Except for the secretly gay Republican politicians, of course. I guess Lindsey Graham better watch out. Haha.

  46. "Except for the secretly gay Republican politicians, of course. I guess Lindsey Graham better watch out. Haha."

    Secretly gay? I guess if Liberace was secretly gay too. πŸ˜‚ Mike Pence better watch out too.

  47. Peter Puffer6:16 PM

    Nobody wants their sordid fudge packing ways exposed to normal people.

  48. "This impeachment hoax is the most obvious case of political suicidal in modern times and these fools continue to charge ahead."

    50% of the public thinks trump should be impeached which is a HUGE number. Clinto peaked at 38% and the Repubs went ahead so let's just see where it goes.

    Romney in a landslide.πŸ˜†


  49. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Man, Josh Gordon really loves weed.

  50. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "I guess if Liberace was secretly gay too."

    Hey, you'd be surprised how many little old lady fans of his were shocked back in the day when his homosexuality was confirmed. Maybe they were in denial?

  51. "Hey, you'd be surprised how many little old lady fans of his were shocked back in the day when his homosexuality was confirmed. Maybe they were in denial?"

    πŸ˜‚Lindsey just needs to find the right gal.

    1. His fellow SC senator is also an old assed bachelor.πŸ€” They would make a cute couple.

  52. Black Male Blackmail6:59 PM

    Bathhouse Barry sucked dick in Chicago. Maybe that's why he let China take all our jobs.

  53. Bathhouse Barry sucked dick in Chicago

    If only Screwdy Rudy to go to Ukraine and find proof of this. You winnuts are depressingly, delusionally, despicably deplorables. And inbred.


    drumpf wants to allow banks to finance billionaire sports owners stadiums and call it help for the poor and qualify for major tax breaks. This is another example of how phucking greedy fiscally conservative stoopid fucking wingnuts are.

  55. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "If only Screwdy Rudy to go to Ukraine and find proof of this."

    Rudy is too busy dressing like a woman and kissing trump in the mouth.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:20 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Polls are swinging towards the President as the ridiculous mendacity of this sham effort is being exposed. Impeachment is going to be an electoral disaster for the Democrats.

    Republicans will gain 40-50 seats in the House and expand their majority in the Senate.

    Trump will win re-election by bigger electoral vote margin than he did in 2016.

    4:11 PM
    Sure, you are right. But the FOX News poll released today shows that 54 percent of the voters want Trump impeached!

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:30 PM

    PilotX said....

    "There is no mass implosion of Democrats. Dream on, son."

    Especially looking at the success in Kentucky and Virginia. I keep telling you Gambler, these guys are the Black Knoght.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4:12 PM
    Yes, there's no way that Trump can win without cheating and the same goes for some of the Senate Republicans. The majority of the country has already rejected them. We are all just waiting for the next election.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:35 PM

    Anonymous Black Male Blackmail said...

    Bathhouse Barry sucked dick in Chicago.

    Who cares? A person's sex life is his/her own business.

  59. "Who cares? A person's sex life is his/her own business."

    Especially if it's a lie.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:30 AM

    Pilotx said.......

    "Who cares? A person's sex life is his/her own business."

    " Especially if it's a lie."

    9:04 PM
    Of course it's a lie. When did the Obama haters ever tell the truth? Everything they say about him is a lie.

  61. Nadler thought bubble reads "Oh my God, the burrrrns!

  62. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Yelling? WHO'S YELLING!!!

  63. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Doug Collins speaks as a man with large, fragrant genitals. The same goes for Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan.

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