Thursday, December 19, 2019


The 45th president of the United States has been impeached. Only the third in history.

Was it deserved?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Here is the way that we can save this. We take a play from the master trickster himself, Mitch the Turtle. Who could forget his stellar performance in blocking Obama's picks for the SCOTUS? The man is a master of strategy and not afraid of being a bad sportsman. The key is to have no shame compromising your motivation to cheat.

    Now that DJT has been impeached, it is expected that the House will present the articles of impeachment to the full Senate. What if democrats simply refused to present the articles in a timely manner? There is already talk among leadership to delay the presentation to the Senate until reasonable guidelines can be established for a fair trial. But I say, "What's to stop us from simply waiting until January of 2021 when there is a chance that the Senate may be under more favorable leadership?" Even if the republican party maintained control, the number of senators may have changed drastically. If we use a shady ploy like this, are we no better than the dirty, double-dealing republicans who crawl on their bellies like snakes?

  3. Yes. Yes it was.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Yes it was. These questions are why people like Donald fail up and screw up companies/countries. He's not above the law.

  5. The typically ultra-close-lipped Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court slammed the FBI for mistakes it made in the Carter Page surveillance warrants and ordered the agency to detail how it will improve its warrant applications in light of the errors, uncovered recently by the Justice Department's inspector general.

    The order is a startling departure from the court's typical comprehensive secrecy as it reviews from federal investigators requests for warrants related to foreign intelligence.

    The public statement on Tuesday from its presiding judge appears to nod to growing criticism that the warrant-application process has become lax or lacks transparency. Groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union have sought more public disclosure of the court's actions to prevent the abuse of Americans' rights for years, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, last week said he believed the court should be reformed in light of the inspector general report.

    "The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the [Office of the inspector general] report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above. The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable," federal Judge Rosemary Collyer wrote in an order from the court published Tuesday.

    What the FISA court did not say was "perjury", which includes making a false statement under oath (which is what the affidavits and applications to FISA courts are).  So everyone associated with the spying on Carter Page is going to be charged with perjury some time in the new year.  That will include Comey.

    Will Comey roll over and give evidence on his bosses, Holder and Obama?  Comey will be held at Gitmo so he can't be Epsteined.

    Hang on, folks.  This ride is gonna get wild!

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Chimpcongo stands at 494 homicides for the year.  It's gonna top 500, be certain of it.

    And guess who the shoplifters at Marshall's are?

    Crime in the USA has a color:  black.

    1. "Crime in the USA has a color: black."

      Well, true except when it's not.

    2. I guess beating your 5 year old drug addicted son to death with a bat isn't considered a crime in your neck of the woods huh? 🤔

  7. Impeachment could not have happened to a more racist, misogynist,xenophobic, homophobe, pathological lying piece of shit, ever.

  8. We will get an idea just how unhinged the unhinged mangled apricot can really get. He will be slobbering rabid foam on anyone within shouting distance.


  9. The bullshit never ends from these tools....

    Yeah, that was it.

  10. drumpf's economic adviser, Kudchewlow let it slip Henry Kissingfool is opearating back channel from the kremlin annex to China.

    Kissingfool is a wanted war crimes fugitive from too many places to mention.

    Ed Secretary DeVos family foundation funds wingnut groups who bash teachers and teacher's unions while pushing for more charter sch

  11. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The Dummycrats opened Pandora's Box......

  12. Anonymous9:11 AM

    SCOTUS will eventually overturn the illegal impeachment. What the American people are witnessing is a COUP by the Socialist Democrats.....

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    “SCOTUS will eventually overturn the illegal impeachment.”

    I see we have a Trumpian legal scholar here.

    Congressional impeachment proceedings are not subject to review by the Supreme Court. Trump can’t appeal if he doesn’t like the result.

  14. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 445
    Shot & Wounded: 2197
    Total Shot: 2642
    Total Homicides: 494

  15. This impeachment was run by the book, or in this case, the constitution. It is aboveboard legal, proper and totally necessary.

    All yer whinings won't change the facts. drumpf is only the third potus to be impeached and the one who deserved it the most. Too bad Dems couldn't impeach all of drumpf's enablers and inbred base.

  16. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I see we have a Trumpian legal scholar here.

    Congressional impeachment proceedings are not subject to review by the Supreme Court. Trump can’t appeal if he doesn’t like the result.
    9:15 AM

    I see we have another delusional libtard…...

  17. Anonymous9:31 AM

  18. Anonymous9:41 AM

  19. Persist we much10:43 AM

    "What's to stop us from simply waiting until January of 2021 when there is a chance that the Senate may be under more favorable leadership?"

    One, you are assuming Donald Trump wins reelection, which would indicate the American people saw this for what it was and the Senate stays GOP and there is a good chance voters give the House back to the Republicans.

    Two, the Democrats have rationalized this fast track, late-term impeachment effort by asserting Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to our national security. They needed to stop him before he could “cheat in the next election,” we were told — that’s why the House could not wait for the courts to rule on the White House’s resistance to stop congressional subpoenas. Delaying the Senate trial would just expose this exercise as more partisan political theater, resulting in scenario 1.

    Three, unfortunately for Democrats, the Senate can act, regardless — and would vote to acquit. That’s because the Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.” If Pelosi refuses to submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, McConnell can convene the Senate anyway, summon the Chief Justice, and swear in the Senators as jurors. Democrats can boycott, but they can’t stop the trial. McConnell can then propose to dismiss the charges or even hold a vote to acquit the president.

    The Dems have boxed themselves in on this, and they are fucked.

  20. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The above poster is in da know!!!!

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:01 AM

    Anonymous said...

    SCOTUS will eventually overturn the illegal impeachment. What the American people are witnessing is a COUP by the Socialist Democrats.....

    9:11 AM
    Please show us where in the Constitution is says that the SCOTUS can overturn an impeachment decision in the House of Representatives. Thanks. LOL!

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    9:31 AM
    I don't think Dershowitz's opinion is valid. The Constitution says that The House has the sole power of impeachment, and it does not mention judicial review in this context.

    BTW, Dershowitz is not considered to be that great by everyone. See the following:

  23. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Dershowitz is a Trump fan. His lips are firmly affixed to Trump’s posterior. Go read his whiny op-ed about how nobody invites him to cocktail parties anymore because he supports Trump.

    Not to mention that he may be angling for a presidential pardon for federal sex crimes. He’s caught up in the Jeffrey Epstein investigation. He’s accused of boning underage sex slaves.

    Sorry, but while he might once have counted as a credible expert on the law, not true anymore.

  24. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Hey, whaddaya know? Trump's boss doesn't like his subordinate being impeached!

    Putin on Trump Impeachment: ‘Your Members of Congress Should Know Better’

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:43 PM

    Persist we much said...

    Three, unfortunately for Democrats, the Senate can act, regardless — and would vote to acquit. That’s because the Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.” If Pelosi refuses to submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, McConnell can convene the Senate anyway, summon the Chief Justice, and swear in the Senators as jurors. Democrats can boycott, but they can’t stop the trial. McConnell can then propose to dismiss the charges or even hold a vote to acquit the president.

    The Dems have boxed themselves in on this, and they are fucked.


    Are you sure the Senate can do this. Tell us how the senate can have a trial without any charges filed.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:57 PM

    Anonymous said...

    9:31 AM
    How can an impeachment be unconstitutional if the the Constitution states that the House has full jurisdiction over the impeachment articles? Dershowitz's brain must have deteriorated over the last decade.

  27. You right wing morons need to disabuse yourselves of the notion drumpf was legally elected. He was not and Russia and Putin is the reason why he was not legally elected. And if drumpf steals another election, it will be because of the Russians again.

  28. He was going to get impeached regardless. He doesn't know what he's doing and is incompetent and appoints incompetent people to important positions. Nepotism and incompetent white male affirmative action at play here. If he gets re-elected he'll get impeached again because he's just that dumb but by then the House and the Senate will be in Dem hands and all McConnell can do is watch. Then again I'm sure Moscow Mitch doesn't really like they guy anyway.

  29. Democrat Base1:26 PM

    The amount of people that think Trump isn’t president anymore is real evidence that the public school system is working as designed.

  30. Depends on Putin1:28 PM

    If mike shits his pant today, it will be because of the Russians again.

  31. Congrats, folks. The orange kaiju now bears a permanent narcissistic injury.

    Normally I'd worry that this would inspire him to excesses, but he was never normal, and he's already dialed up to 11.

    The wound to his ego will impair the efficiency of him and the crooks around him. Good!

  32. Josef Stalin in Hell1:46 PM

    The Democrats impeached Trump for crimes committed by Joe Biden.

    Honestly, I am impressed

  33. Anonymous2:15 PM

    “Dershowitz's brain must have deteriorated over the last decade.”

    Not his brain; his ethics. He isn’t failing to understand the law; he is lying.

    Dershowitz's ethics were always somewhat murky and hypocritical, by the way. His liberal principles always went out the window where Israel was concerned. He would insist humans rights must be defended — except for Palestinians, who apparently don’t count.

    Now it appears he doesn’t really believe in anything at all anymore and will say whatever junk will benefit him.

  34. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "His liberal principles always went out the window where Israel was concerned."

    Take your vile anti-semitism elsewhere, bigot.

  35. "The Democrats impeached Trump for crimes committed by Joe Biden.".

    If that's true that makes Nancy Pelosi the GOAT!😆


  36. Anonymous 2:29: criticizing the crimes and follies of Israel is not necessarily the same thing as anti-Semitism. Israelis love to criticize Israel, it's a national sport. Also a cultural trope. Take it from me, Jews worldwide chastise what they love, after an excellent example. If you doubt this, then read Jeremiah's jeremiads.

    Likewise, criticizing America is very American.

    As for Dershowitz, he is a shande far di goyim. (meaning a shame before the nations)

  37. Anonymous3:21 PM

    “Take your vile anti-semitism elsewhere, bigot.”

    Nice concern trolling, Nazi boy.

  38. One might expect a modicum of aappreciation from stoopid fucking wingnuts over impeachment. Dems did all the work (we've been down this road for just over forever) and all wingnuts have to do to erase the shamer, slime and stench of the drumpf crime family is convince 25-30 wingnut senators to grow a spine and vote to remove drumpf.

    All you goofy fuckers have to do is say ate to impeachment and removal and it is a done deal.

  39. Raycysts gotta protect their spawn.....

    On Thursday, the Huffington Post reported that the Senate-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act — the annual spending bill to fund the military and national security services — quietly gutted a House-passed amendment that would have encouraged officials to screen prospective military enlistees for white nationalist ideology.

    The amendment, authored by Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) has been rewritten to direct the Department of Defense to explore how to screen recruits for “extremist and gang-related activity” — with the words “white nationalism” cut altogether.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:51 PM

    Mike said......

    You right wing morons need to disabuse yourselves of the notion drumpf was legally elected. He was not and Russia and Putin is the reason why he was not legally elected. And if drumpf steals another election, it will be because of the Russians again.

    1:10 PM
    Well spoken, Mike. We know that the only way Trump and most Republicans can win is by cheating. They constantly suppress the vote in southern and some northern states (eg. Wisconsin, Georgia, and Florida). They know that if all Democrats are allowed to vote, Republicans will lose.

  41. Back when he worked for Ken Starr, Brett the fuck Kavanaugh wrote that hiding evidence from congress is an impeachable offense.
    So perhaps the supremes wouldn't overturn impeachment if they could.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. So here come the tariffs on Wakanda...

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Mark Meadows won't run for reelection.
    Whatever will become of the freedumb cock-us?

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. "The long-awaited decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has little immediate practical effect on consumers because Congress already has removed the penalty for people who flout the insurance requirement. But the panel’s 2-to-1 ruling leaves the rest of the sprawling statute in limbo, catapulting questions of insurance coverage and consumer health-care protections to the forefront of the 2020 presidential and congressional campaigns."

    So the Democrats in congress have to run on healthcare again? They just threw us into that briar patch? Here comes the blue wave again. 2020 after 2018 is shaping up like 2008 after 2006, except instead of McCain, who was once sane and served his country, they have Fergus, wounded, and batshit insane every day in front of the whole world.

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Anonymous4:34 PM

    "The amendment, authored by Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) has been rewritten to direct the Department of Defense to explore how to screen recruits for 'extremist and gang-related activity' — with the words 'white nationalism' cut altogether."

    Since it's the Republican-run Senate we're talking about, it wouldn't surprise me if they reworded the amendment to screen white nationalists IN to the military, rather than screen them OUT.

    I'm barely even joking about this. The Trump-era GOP are fucking terrible.

  46. Wakanda is the only place without a trade deficit, so far, but I have hope drumpf can fix that and then blame Dems.

  47. “Take your vile anti-semitism elsewhere, bigot.”

    The new anti-semitism charge they are trying to paint the Dems with is interesting seeing that all elected members of congress that are of the Jewish faith are Dems. The Dem leader in the senate is Jewish.

  48. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "The amendment, authored by Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) has been rewritten to direct the Department of Defense to explore how to screen recruits for 'extremist and gang-related activity' — with the words 'white nationalism' cut altogether."

    A couple of cadets at a football game flash a circle game gesture and progressives call for a purge of the military. I guess what you would rather have is a non-white army that's 50% female and includes lots of homos and trannies.

    The Chinese can't wait.

    The vast majority of the fighting core of the American military are white men from rural America. Without them, we wouldn't have a credible military. Their patriotism is not white nationalism and persists despite the continuous attacks on their culture. They are used by a ruling elite that hates them and spends their blood in illegal wars in the furtherance of the GloboHomo empire.

    And what do they get for their sacrifice? Communists calling them Nazis.

    Fuck you.

  49. "I guess what you would rather have is a non-white army that's 50% female and includes lots of homos and trannies."

    I guess better than a bunch of white supremacists hell bent on killing as many of their fellow Americans as they can.

  50. "Their patriotism is not white nationalism and persists despite the continuous attacks on their culture."

    Attacks on their culture? What culture might that be? The same "American" culture that exists for gays, women and people of color? We're all Americans, so no one group can lay sole claim to patriotism or America despite what many think.

  51. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "I guess better than a bunch of white supremacists hell bent on killing as many of their fellow Americans as they can."

    Yes, that's what our military really is PX, a bunch of white supremacists hell bent on killing as many of their fellow Americans as they can.

  52. "Yes, that's what our military really is PX, a bunch of white supremacists hell bent on killing as many of their fellow Americans as they can."

    I thought it was a bunch of homowomen trannies. 😂

  53. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "The new anti-semitism charge they are trying to paint the Dems with is interesting seeing that all elected members of congress that are of the Jewish faith are Dems. The Dem leader in the senate is Jewish."

    It is false. As you point out, the Democratic Party leadership is primarily Jewish and the party agenda is a globalist agenda.

    What else is interesting the near-total acquiescence of black Americans to globalism despite the fact that the scarcity value of First World citizenship is critical for them, as it is for other working-class constituencies.

    In fairness to blacks, conservatives have never given them much of a populist-right alternative to the baizuo-led left.

    Would it have made a difference? Probably not. And as diversity increases, politics becomes increasingly less about ideology and more about tribe.

  54. A little early kristmas cheer for stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys....

    I know its been said many times, many ways...

    drumpf has been impeached so go fuck yourselves, losers.

  55. This why decent Americans (Liberals) hate stoopid fucking wingnuts...

    Wishing for a nice school shooting to interrupt impeachment.

    This also explains why America can't have nice things.

  56. "What else is interesting the near-total acquiescence of black Americans to globalism despite the fact that the scarcity value of First World citizenship is critical for them, as it is for other working-class constituencies."

    What else is interesting is that this paragraph makes zero sense and is completely meaningless. Kid, find a better hobby than trying to sound smart on the interwebs.😆

  57. Hopefully none of you need this but if you work with trump supporters here's the help you need.

  58. Funny read, PilotX. And so true.

  59. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "Funny read, PilotX. And so true."

    Says the cracker who hasn't worked since the Reagan adminstration,

  60. GloboHomo uber Iowa8:19 PM

    An Ames man was sentenced Wednesday to about 16 years in prison after he set fire to a church LGBTQ flag in June.

    Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, last month was found guilty of a hate crime — a class "D" felony — third-degree harassment and reckless use of fire. Police said he stole a pride banner hanging at Ames United Church of Christ, 217 6th St., and burned it early June 11 outside Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, 111 5th St.

  61. Uh oh8:24 PM

    Is this what you call 3-D chess?

  62. Says the cracker who hasn't worked since the Reagan adminstration,

    Phucking liar.

  63. Here's a record drumpf can surely be prowd of..... he received moar

    votes for impeachment than any other potus in US history.

    drumpf seems t0 be unusually kwiet tonight. Locked in his room sulking, no doubt.

    drumpf drug his brats name onto his whining fest in Michigan last night. Why didn't Melanoma cuss his ass out like she did

  64. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Uh oh said...
    Is this what you call 3-D chess?


    Can you imagine how funny late night TV would be if they made fun of these people? It actually might be worth watching.

  65. Get used to it10:35 PM

    Biden hates working Americans:

  66. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Bolshevik Bernie no longer trashes "millionaires and billionaires," just "billionaires," now that he's become a millionaire himself.

  67. Anonymous10:37 PM

    How is Klobuchar still in the race?

  68. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Why is Leninist Liz Warren counting the number of selfies she does on the campaign trail? (It's "100,000" in case you care. Oh, and Quid Pro Joe's "done thousands of them" himself, he'll have you know.)

  69. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Whatever happened to Deval Patrick?

  70. Anonymous11:01 PM

    They let Biden wiggle out of the Afghanistan question. The WaPo report confirmed that the Obama/Biden administration systematically lied about the war, including during its deadliest period from 2009-2011, and Biden took no responsibility for this. Bad moderating

  71. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Biden hates working Americans:

    MODERATOR: "As president, would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth even though it could potentially displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy?"

    BIDEN: "The answer's yes."

  72. All Democrats have to do is not be insane. And they can’t do it.

  73. "An Ames man was sentenced Wednesday to about 16 years in prison after he set fire to a church LGBTQ flag in June."

    This guy got what he deserved. Everyone knows you don’t insult America’s monarchy.

  74. I enjoyed the takedown, scratch that, debate. I actually think it is quite likely in 2020 that the congress will trend more democratic even as Trump very likely finds another way to win. None of this really makes very much sense. Anything can happen.

    But by your logic, it's a shame that President Obama didn't simply claim his authority to name justices and install Merrick Garland as the 9th justice with or without Senate approval.

    I agree with your logic. It would never work. But it's nice to think of Trump being put on trial. Perhaps he could ultimately be convicted and be sentenced to be exiled from the United States into perpetuity. One thing is for sure. If we could get a fair trial charging Trump with just a small fraction of his offenses committed, the United States would become a much safer place for us all. It's when men like Trump have absolutely no authority whatsoever to whom they must answer that tyrants grow truly mad with power. Goddess help us all.

    1. Junior, did you see the Dem turned Rep kneel before trump and kiss his ring? WTF is going on?


  76. Anonymous8:51 AM

    "But it's nice to think of Trump being put on trial. Perhaps he could ultimately be convicted and be sentenced to be exiled from the United States into perpetuity"

    That's the spirit of America, exile people you disagree with.

  77. That's the spirit of America, exile people you disagree with.

    Disagree with, you phucking moron? drumpf is a phucking criminal enterprise who has committed impeachable offenses according to the constitution. He deserves to be removed from office and banned,shunned, sent back to his mother ship and all memories of him wiped from history. Have a nice day. :)

  78. Anonymous9:17 AM

    What else is interesting is that this paragraph makes zero sense

    So tell us, how many black Brazilian airline pilots do you know?

    Had you been born in Brazil, you would not be flying.  You might be driving a bus.


    Domestic terrorist of the wingnut persuasion. Who knew? White scumacyst.

  80. Anonymous9:27 AM

    mike from iowa sputtered...
    "drumpf is a phucking criminal enterprise who has committed impeachable offenses according to the constitution"

    No he hasn't.

    He hasn't even been impeached, as the House is afraid to send their groundless charges to the Senate.

  81. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Having set the precedent for impeachment for doing anything the House doesn't like, you Dems have set the stage for impeachment of ALL the judges who've issued rulings against popular measures like the Wall, cancelling DACA and the Muslim travel ban.  It only takes a simple majority to impeach, so that will be on the agenda when Republicans assume the majority in 2021.  That's just over one short year away.  McConnell can schedule up-or-down votes on them instead of holding hearings, too.  Imagine the circuits being cleansed of leftist judges in an afternoon.  The Senate can do it.

    Those judges should imagine not just being out of work, but also without the protection of the Federal marshall service.  They will have a chance to know what being doxxed is like.

    You think Trump is driving you crazy now?  Just wait until Obama's radicals are all gone, and the judges still sitting are running scared of going against The People.

  82. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "Their patriotism is not white nationalism and persists despite the continuous attacks on their culture."

    But it will be.  Unrelenting attacks for being white would CREATE white nationalism even if it never existed, just like the attacks on the rights of innocent Virginia gun owners have CREATED a "sanctuary" movement.  Funny how telling them "one of us has got to go" resulted in them saying "okay, YOU go", isn't it?  Funny how all your "COEXIST" bumper stickers were lies.

  83. Al Franken mocks McConnell: 'Like listening to Jeffrey Dahmer complain about the decline of dinner party etiquette'

    you Dems have set the stage for impeachment of ALL the judges who've issued rulings against popular measures like the Wall, cancelling DACA and the Muslim travel ban.

    Another blatant lie. Those judges were appointed by an illegally appointed potus to do just what you suggested. They didn't need any opening salvo from Dems to attempt to overturn Roe, or make the 2nd amendment the premier law of the land.

  84. He hasn't even been impeached, as the House is afraid to send their groundless charges to the Senate.

    Au contraire, dumbfuck, he has been impeached and it will be noted in US history for all times he was, in fact, impeached. The Senate can remove him or not, but he will always be kniown as imopeached criminal enterprise drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  85. If McCTurtlefuckface was so sure drumpf was innocent, why not hold the tril and hear the witnesses Dems have asked for? You know why. Wingnus know he is guilty and don't want their voting base to hear the evidence that could convince them drumpf is the crook Dems have proven he is. Wingnuts also don't want the shame and embarrassment of sitting through a trial and presented facts they plan to ignore anyway.

    History will show wingnuts do not take their constitutional duties seriously, like patriotic Dems do. Wingnuts ought to just join Putin's commie party. They look horrible in American red. Commie red suits them better.

  86. Anonymous9:57 AM

    He deserves to be removed from office and banned,shunned, sent back to his mother ship and all memories of him wiped from history.

    What projection!  You know that's going to happen to you, because all your neighbors who have any idea just how crazy you are and how much you hate them hate you right back.

  87. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Psycho from Iowa is still scared of the Putin under the bed.

  88. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "Au contraire, dumbfuck, he has been impeached and it will be noted in US history for all times he was, in fact, impeached."

    No, it's not impeachment until it's sent to the Senate.

    And the dems have forever removed the stigma of impeachment through their unserious use of it for partisan idiocy.

  89. The Constitution was written for a particular people from a particular culture that held a particular set of values.

    As we have seen most recently with this fake impeachment, it falls apart when your government includes aliens with names like Tlaib and Omar, supported by 70 IQ retards like Hank "Guam Capsizing" Johnson and Sheila "Mars Landing" Jackson Lee, all controlled by lying Jews like Schiff and Nadler.

    Liberia has the same Constitution as the United States, and has been a free country for over 150 years. Take a look how they've done:

  90. The Coatesville ExPat12:38 PM

    No, he's not, not UNTIL Congress passes the bill onto the Senate. But because we have two plus generations who know NOTHING about their Constitution.

  91. "How is Klobuchar still in the race?"

    I actually find Amy Klobuchar kind of charming, because she's genuine, like she just genuinely believes that you deserve nothing and nothing will ever get better, and she'll tell you that.

  92. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Liberia is the epitome of what black people create.

    Liberia is all that black people deserve.  It is the FUBU country.

  93. Impeachment in the United States is the process by which a legislature (usually in the form of the lower house) brings charges against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed, analogous to the bringing of an indictment by a grand jury. Impeachment may occur at the federal level or the state level. The federal House of Representatives can impeach federal officials, including the president, and each state's legislature can impeach state officials, including the governor, in accordance with their respective federal or state constitution.

    The federal House of Representatives can impeach federal officials, including the president,

    drumpf is officially impeached, stop lying.

  94. Crappy days for rethuglicans
    means red letter days for real Americans
    so let wingnuts rush into their Russkie buddy's arms
    red letter days are here again.

  95. You're right. I should support the party that:

    - Mocks God
    - Kills babies
    - Supports socialism
    - Wants to take my guns
    - Thinks there are 1000 genders
    - Promotes little boys in drag
    - Thinks the world is ending in 12 years
    - Thinks everything is a right and I should pay for it
    - Thinks illegal immigration is a right
    - Prioritize illegal immigrants over American citizens
    - Calls everybody that disagrees with them racist, sexist, xenophobic or some other nonsense
    - Wants to abolish the electoral college
    - Thinks the Constitution is an outdated, racist document
    - Wants to ban "hate speech" which means speech they don't like
    - Supports Antifa or at best, refuses to condemn them
    - Calls me a coon or a uncle tom because I have a unity perspective on race and I don't think black people are victims
    - Hates police officers unless they're federal cops trying to smear someone they don't like
    - Encourages women to hate men
    - "Believes all women" and is ok with prosecuting innocent men for unsubstantiated claims of rape
    - Did what they did to Brett Kavanaugh
    - Did what they did to the Covington Catholic teenagers
    - Did what they did with Jussie Smollet
    - Did what they did to Mike Flynn
    - Did what they did to Roger Stone
    - Did what they did to Donald Trump

    Yea. I should definitely hop on that train.


  96. What projection! You know that's going to happen to you, because all your neighbors who have any idea just how crazy you are and how much you hate them hate you right back.

    As per usual, stoopid fucking wingnut, you provide no proof to back up your4 libelous. slanderous pot shots at me.

  97. Leonydus Johnson said...just ejaculated a mouthful of total bullshit that fits wingnuts better than libs.

    Immigrants can cross into America legally anywhere. Being here w/o papers is a misdemeanor. Sending asylum seekers away w/o hearings or allowing them into America is a federal crime. The US is obligated to take in asylum seekers and hold them until they get a hearing on their staus. drumpf doesn't believe in the rule of law and he believes none of the laws apply to him. Stoopid fucking wingnuts aid and abet the worst, biggest crook ever in the people's house cum kremlin annex which mak3es them accomplices to his every cime.

  98. Most important paragraph from FBI's rushed, incomplete, lack of attempt investigation into Kavernmouth's background and then not released to Senators at his confirmation lie fest...

    The filing explains, “Much of the information requested by plaintiffs — both in the supplemental background investigation file and the tip records — relates to Judge Kavanaugh’s alleged conduct as a teenager and young adult — decades before his distinguished career in public service began — and does not concern the performance of his public duties.”

    Imagine, that information allegedly proves kavernmouth lied about his drinking, his inability to handle the boosze, his propensity for unwanted sexual advances etc. Pretty much everything Blasey accused him of and pretty much everything kavernmouth lied about.

    Why the rush to confirm the sleaze bag? because wingnuts had the votes and the hell with the damage they do to the judiciary.

  99. White privilege run amuck in iowas....

    She freely admitted the hit and run because of her drumpfian roots.

  100. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "Immigrants can cross into America legally anywhere. Being here w/o papers is a misdemeanor. Sending asylum seekers away w/o hearings or allowing them into America is a federal crime. The US is obligated to take in asylum seekers and hold them until they get a hearing on their staus."

    In other words, we have no borders, anyone who shows up has to be let in and given welfare.

    How is that a country?


    Cops bust into home to serve a warrant on a man already in jail, scared the shit out of a sdleeping woman who grabs a gun for protection and gets shot multiple times. Police blame her, although witnesses outide said the pigs did not identify themselves and never told her to drop the gun.

  102. In other words, we have no borders, anyone who shows up has to be let in and given welfare.

    How is that a country?

    You are dead wrong about welfare, like usual. It is a country just the same as it always has been, except for all the lies told about how violent these immigrants are, all the welfare to get (they don't), the times they vote (tghey don't) and a host of other dog whistles wingnuts are good at tossing about.

  103. Anonymous2:30 PM

    If there was only one NPC like "mike from iowa", it would be comedy.

    But there are millions of them, spouting the same insane stuff and tearing the country apart.  That makes it a crisis.

  104. But there are millions of them, spouting the same insane stuff and tearing the country apart. That makes it a crisis.

    2:30 PM

    What does drumpf have you scared of now, snowflake? I speak truth to power and speak the truth they wat truth is spoken among men.

    You, otoh, are content to let some right wing nut job tell you everything to think and say. It must really suck to be afraid and not even know of what or why. But that is not my problem.

  105. "Yea. I should definitely hop on that train."

    Nope. You're irredeemable and should stay as far away from sane citizens as possible for the safety of both.
    Fortunately you already do and because of your propaganda addiction, will keep doing so.

    -Doug in Oakland

  106. Corn is Murder3:13 PM

    "I speak truth to power and speak the truth they wat truth is spoken among men."

    mike parrots propaganda (badly, with lots of typos) that aligns exactly with what the ruling power structure promotes and thinks he is speaking 'truth to power'.

    You are the living breathing definition of NPC.

  107. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Trump should explain to the American people how the US operates a global empire built on favors and foreign aid. He would gain a lot of credibility bringing that directly into the open. Then he can explain how gangsters like the Bidens and Clintons gain their powers and fortunes.

  108. Fergus is reportedly "shell-shocked" that he was impeached, after being repeatedly assured that Pelosi "didn't have the votes" to do so.
    This is an illustration of the propaganda bubble on the right that now extends all the way to the oval office.

    Also, of Fergus' ignorance: Nancy Pelosi has never lost a floor vote as speaker, and believing she would lose the first one on an article of impeachment is a level of stupidity that should be an impeachable offense in its own right.

    -Doug in Oakland

  109. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Bubble Boy said...
    "Fergus is reportedly "shell-shocked" that he was impeached"

    Obviously, he isn't.

  110. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The White Supremacy crisis, by the numbers:

  111. Then he can explain how gangsters like the Bidens and Clintons gain their powers and fortunes.

    After wingnuts bankrupted Clinton as potus, both Clinton's went on a whirlwind speaking circuit and got paid far better than any right wing nut job speaker because Clintons are both super intelligent and wingnuts, by and large, are even gents.

    Biden's net worth is less than 2 million if memory serves.

  112. Cum on, wingnuts. Lecture me on how Clinton's got their fortune when HRC sold all our Uranium to rUssia. You haven't brought out that whopper in a couple weeks.

  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:15 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "You think Trump is driving you crazy now? Just wait until Obama's radicals are all gone, and the judges still sitting are running scared of going against The People."

    9:37 AM
    The people? Of what people do you speak? Three million more of "the people" spoke by casting their ballots for Hillary than for Donnie. Wait until November 2020, and you will see the Dems hold the house, take the senate, and the presidency.

    The majority of Americans can't abide Donald Trump. And don't start that bull about mob rule. If you are so concerned about mob rule, think of the Supreme Court. There are nine justices and when the ruling is 5 to 4 in your favor, you love it. And you don't call it mob rule. It's called majority rule.

  114. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    "Three million more of "the people" spoke by casting their ballots for Hillary than for Donnie"

    Fraudulent votes from illegal aliens and dead people.

    Trump won despite tepid support from his own party, the violent opposition of the Democrat Left, and the near total support of the media.

    Trump won despite being spied on by the Obama administration and being falsely accused of Russian collusion.

    Trump won despite being outspent nearly 2 to 1 by Hillary.

    The People finally won an election, and the permanent state had a fit.

    And then there are puppets like you who fight for the right of the CIA and bankers to control our politics.

    It really is sad.

  115. State representative accused of domestic terrorism. Guess the party to which he belongs!🙄

  116. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Study finds gender equality in the workplace is still a long way off: 1 woman would need to die on the job every 2 hours to be equal; 35 X more female garbage collectors are needed, as well as 85 X more female sewage workers.

  117. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Trump won despite tepid support from his own party, the violent opposition of the Democrat Left, and the near total support of the media."

    They made two *TWO* tv dramas to prime people for Clinton’s presidency and she still failed. In the 2nd attempt, the woman is a Secretary of State with short blonde hair. Failed!

  118. "After wingnuts bankrupted Clinton as potus, both Clinton's went on a whirlwind speaking circuit and got paid far better than any right wing nut job speaker because Clintons are both super intelligent and wingnuts, by and large, are even gents."

    The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum.

  119. In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum.

    This phucking lie has been debunked moar times than drumpf has lied.

  120. Fraudulent votes from illegal aliens and dead people.

    Prove it you lying bastards. All fake news. All made up lies. You have no proof of illegal or dead voters except in yer fevered, syphilitic brains.


    drumpf doing stoopid fucking drumpf things like proving he is unfit for office.

    Still waiting for proof of voting fraud perpetrated against the Russian asset in the kremlin annex. Let's see it, losers.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:27 PM

    From today's

    MADISON, Wis. (AP) — One of President Donald Trump’s top re-election advisers told influential Republicans in swing state Wisconsin that the party has “traditionally” relied on voter suppression to compete in battleground states but will be able to “start playing offense” in 2020 due to relaxed Election Day rules, according to an audio recording of a private event obtained by The Associated Press.

    Republicans can't win without cheating!

  123. Anonymous8:28 PM

    A pic of the actual stabber in the murder of Tessa Majors has been released.

    It's another fucking dindu, of course.  What else could it be?

    ALL back to Afreaka, without exception.

  124. Pelosi is following Putin's orders in delaying impeachment. The Democrat party is colluding with Russia to destabilize our democracy.

    Schiff was recorded conspiring with Russians:

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:57 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny NPC said...
    "Three million more of "the people" spoke by casting their ballots for Hillary than for Donnie"

    Fraudulent votes from illegal aliens and dead people.
    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

    Trump won despite tepid support from his own party, the violent opposition of the Democrat Left, and the near total support of the media.
    Trump did not win. He stole the election with Russia's help.

    Trump won despite being spied on by the Obama administration and being falsely accused of Russian collusion.
    Another damned lie. This recently proven to have no basis in fact.

    Trump won despite being outspent nearly 2 to 1 by Hillary
    The People finally won an election, and the permanent state had a fit. Not id you count the dark money and illegal contributions.

    And then there are puppets like you who fight for the right of the CIA and bankers to control our
    Pure bull shit. I've been involved in politics for over fifty years. Meanwhile most bankers and CIA people are and now or have been Republicans. You have no idea what you are talking about. Your claims are the brainchild of conspiracy pushers who wish to see our country destroyed.

    4:25 PM

  126. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Racism is the new black.

  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:00 PM

    Olga S. said...

    Pelosi is following Putin's orders in delaying impeachment. The Democrat party is colluding with Russia to destabilize our democracy.

    Schiff was recorded conspiring with Russians:

    8:47 PM
    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Go away, Olga, there are no takers here! LOL!!

  128. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Trump did not win. He stole the election with Russia's help."

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

  129. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Another damned lie. This recently proven to have no basis in fact."

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

  130. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "I've been involved in politics for over fifty years."

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

  131. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Meanwhile most bankers and CIA people are and now or have been Republicans."

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

  132. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Go away, Olga, there are no takers here!"

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

  133. Dr. Wraycest9:12 PM

    Racism can be conscious and unconscious. I want to talk about your unconscious racism, because, unlike you, I'm conscious about it. The racist things that go on in your unconscious are sickening, and I'm here to make you feel ashamed about them even though you're unaware of them.

    The anti-racist path I'm about to lead you on will not be pleasant. In fact, it will be like walking barefoot over hot coals. You will scream in pain and cry for help and I will stand there, silently judging you—and you will be a better person for it.

    "But if I'm not even aware of this racism," you plead with tears in your eyes, "how can you condemn me for it?" I look straight in your pained eyes and, smiling slightly, say, "Because I want to."

  134. Here come the damn Russians again. The third largest presence on YouTube, after Disney and Time Warner is a Russian outfit calling itself The Soul. They mostly push clickbait content now, but are beginning to slide into political and nationalistic content in preparation for next year's election.

    And fucking Facebook just took down 600 fake accounts with AI generated identities claiming to be Americans, most of which originated in Vietnam and most of which were pushing pro-Trump conspiracies. They were linked to a similar group already run off from Facebook calling themselves the Epoch Times.

    The 600 accounts had 44 million followers between them and had bought millions of dollars worth of ads.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Guess her political affiliation.🤔

  136. Anonymous said...
    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

    Provide some proof that Anonymous exists; you can't. You and I both know that Anonymous is a lie.

  137. From Taegan Goddard:
    Trump Adviser Admits Voter Suppression In Wisconsin

    December 20, 2019 at 7:32 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 179 Comments

    “One of President Trump’s top re-election advisers told influential Republicans in swing state Wisconsin that the party has ‘traditionally’ relied on voter suppression to compete in battleground states but will be able to ‘start playing offense’ in 2020 due to relaxed Election Day rules,” according to an audio recording of a private event obtained by the Associated Press.

    Said Justin Clark: “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places. Let’s start protecting our voters. We know where they are… Let’s start playing offense a little bit. That’s what you’re going to see in 2020. It’s going to be a much bigger program, a much more aggressive program, a much better-funded program.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  138. Anonymous8:49 AM

    12 days of Trump

  139. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Trumps illegal impeachment will eventually be overturned by SCOTUS.

  140. Anonymous8:53 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  141. Here is a perfect example of the kind of justice you will get from right wing ideologues in lifetime court positions.

    They opine fake noize talking points in their rulings.

  142. Ivan Beatinov11:04 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Here come the damn Russians again. The third largest presence on YouTube, after Disney and Time Warner is a Russian outfit calling itself The Soul"

    Sounds like our first priorities regarding election interference should be (((Disney))) and (((Time Warner))).

  143. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Here's just a FRACTION of the insane things you've said, Mikey:

    Immigrants can cross into America legally anywhere.

    "Immigrant" is a LEGAL status of an alien admitted for permanent residency.  Neither tourists, nor those on student visas or temporary business visas are immigrants.  Someone entering ILLEGALLY is not remotely an immigrant; they are an illegal alien by definition.

    Being here w/o papers is a misdemeanor.

    Entering illegally can be a felony, such as second and subsequent illegal entries.

    Sending asylum seekers away w/o hearings or allowing them into America is a federal crime.

    Most asylum seekers are not eligible to apply from inside the United States.

    Most of these "asylum seekers" have committed fraud.  The attempted murderer who threw 6-yr-old Landen Hoffman off a 40-foot balcony at the Mall of America because American women refused to have sex with him is a Somali "refugee".

    The US is obligated to take in asylum seekers and hold them until they get a hearing on their staus.

    USCIS does not approve travel (to the USA) until form I-590 is cleared, and CBP does not approve until afterward.

    drumpf doesn't believe in the rule of law

    You have no idea what the law is.  You put total belief in utter nutcases, so you are a nutcase yourself.

    It is a country just the same as it always has been, except for all the lies told about how violent these immigrants are

    MS-13 anyone?  Isn't it funny that this "American-made" gang is composed entirely of Salvadorans?

    all the welfare to get (they don't)

    The illegal-alien babies they pump out are (wrongfully) called US citizens and given welfare, which goes to the parents.  If that welfare was denied they would have no reason to come here; it's all for the gibsmedat.

    the times they vote (tghey don't)

    We have many examples of aliens voting because they were wrongfully registered via e.g. "motor voter".

    That's just SOME of your insanity from just this ONE comment thread.  Literally EVERYTHING you "know" is wrong.  That's what's fucking scary.

  144. "She freely admitted the hit and run because of her drumpfian roots."

    But when blacks injure or kill white people just because they're white, all we hear from you is <crickets>.

    The inter-racial violent crime statistics for 2018 are in.  There were 547948 black-on-white violent crimes last year.  There were only 59778 white-on-black crimes (for you math-impaired types, that's less than 1/9 as many).

    There were 1.8 times as many hispanic-on-white violent crimes as the reverse.  Some "white supremacy", huh?  Everything you believe is a lie.

  145. Anonymous11:17 AM

    The chimpouts in Chimpcongo have pushed the 2019 homicide count to 499, with 11 days, 2 weekends AND a holiday to go.  It'll be another year over 500, for certain.  All credit goes to POC!

  146. One man, one vote11:19 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    “One of President Trump’s top re-election advisers told influential Republicans in swing state Wisconsin that the party has ‘traditionally’ relied on voter suppression to compete in battleground states but will be able to ‘start playing offense’ in 2020 due to relaxed Election Day rules,” according to an audio recording of a private event obtained by the Associated Press."

    Relaxed election rules like same-day registration and no voter ID requirements has allowed the Wisconsin Democratic party to ‘traditionally’ rely on tactics like busing in thousands of voters from Illinois and Michigan and getting out-of-state registered college students to vote, often in multiple jurisdictions.

    Let's say we clean this all up by requiring photo IDs and proof of eligibility for everyone before they can vote, with severe penalties for anyone who engages or facilitates voter fraud.

  147. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Trump did not win. He stole the election with Russia's help."

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

    9:01 PM
    Here's you proof, stupid one:

    Entire Trump-Russia scandal in just 6 minutes – VICE News‎‎
    Original Reporting & Opinions From VICE: The Definitive Guide to Enlightening Information.

    Report Select Committee on intelligence,US Senate, documents, Reports_Volume2

    WAys Russia Interferred 2016 Presidential

    Don't you foolish righties ever do in unbiased research?

  148. It’s not looking good for Donny jr.

    “Spanish police have turned over to the FBI wiretaps of conversations involving Alexander Torshin, a prominent Russian banker suspected of money laundering who met with President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., during the 2016 US presidential election.
    Torshin is closely associated with the National Rifle Association, and he and his longtime assistant attempted to use the organization’s annual convention in 2016 to set up a backdoor meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    Neither Trump nor his campaign associates attended the convention, but Torshin and Trump Jr. did attend a separate NRA dinner that same night.
    When José Grinda, a Spanish prosecutor who spearheads investigations into organized crime, was asked if he was concerned about Torshin’s interactions with Trump Jr. or other American political figures, Grinda replied: ‘Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.'”

    Bwahahahahaha!!! copied and pasted from another site

  149. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Meanwhile most bankers and CIA people are and now or have been Republicans."

    Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.
    9:05 PM
    I don't lie, asshole. See the following references and try to do your own research, or is that too much for you?

    Way more CEOs are Republicans than Democrats. Here's the ... › 2019/05/14 › business › republican-democrat-ceos

    May 14, 2019 - New York (CNN Business) Executives of America's large public companies have long played a role in public policy by advising leaders of both ...

    Politics of CEOs | Journal of Legal Analysis | Oxford Academic › jla › article › doi › jla › laz002
    by A Cohen - ‎2019 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
    Aug 20, 2019 - We find that more than 57 percent of CEOs are Republicans (so defined), 19 percent are Democrats (so defined), and the rest are Neutral (so ...

    7 Charts Show How Political Affiliation Shapes U.S. Boards › 2016/08 › 7-charts-show-how-political-affiliation-shapes-...

    Aug 23, 2016 - The proportion of Democrat and Republican directors does not ... Interestingly, Republican directors think the compensation level of the CEO of ...

    DealBook Briefing: C.E.O.s Vote Republican With Their ... › business › dealbook › ceo-political-donations
    Mar 20, 2019 - Nearly 58 percent of C.E.O.s gave over two thirds of their political donations to Republicans.
    First of its kind study shows CEO political donations favor GOP ... › ceo-political-giving-republicans-1ef230b4-ba70-...
    Mar 31, 2019 - Among big energy companies, CEOs' Republican leanings are even stronger.

  150. Let's say we clean this all up by requiring photo IDs and proof of eligibility for everyone before they can vote, with severe penalties for anyone who engages or facilitates voter fraud.

    How many ways have wingnuts circumvented the rules to make it nearly impossible for minorities to get photo ids and even to their voting places?

    Numerous red states closed down DOT places in inner cities where residents were supposed to get their ids. They closed down numerous polling stations in majority black districts in Alabama. In Wisconsin they moved inner city polling places across an interstate and a half mile or more from the nearest bus stop. Also in Wisconsin they charged 28 bucks to poor people for free photo ids. They get compliant judges to toss hundreds of thousands of legal, mostly minority Dem voters off voting rolls to give their candidates a better chance to cheat and get elected. You have all heard the stories and if you claim you haven't, you're lying.

  151. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "Here's you proof, stupid one:"

    All of those allegations were debunked. If they hadn't been, Trump would have been impeached on those charges. Two years of the most intrusive and wide-ranging investigation in US history conducted by sworn enemies of the President could not find evidence to back up claims of any collusion between Trump and the Russians.

    Russia never hacked the DNC email server. Based on the speed of the file transfer, they had to have been downloaded directly to a USB stick from someone with access to the server. Assange himself said Wikileaks got the emails from someone on the inside. The assertion that Russian hackers were responsible came from the contractor the DNC hired to examine the server, which they refused to let the FBI examine.

    All of this information is publicly available and can be found easily by doing a wb search. You believe the false line promulgated by the Dems and their media and intelligence allies because you want to.


  152. But when blacks injure or kill white people just because they're white, all we hear from you is .

    Okay, stoopid. How many blacks run around bragging they killed a wasicu because the killer was Black. I don't see it happening.

    I do see wasicus bragging about killing POC because of their white privilege.

  153. Anonymous2:26 PM

    "How many ways have wingnuts circumvented the rules to make it nearly impossible for minorities to get photo ids and even to their voting places?"


    Your assertion that black people lack are so inferior that they can't get an ID or find their way to a polling place and therefore we can't have rules that secure our elections is despicable.

    The idea that white people like you need to save blacks from their incompetence is condescension of the worst sort.

  154. Why aren't you whitey batards oohing aahing about drumpf's easy to win trade wars victories? You can't be ashamed. You have no conscience. What's the deal, dummies?

    Let us not forget the non-nukular deal he has with Li'l Kim that amounts to nothing. And the internationally approved nuke deal with IRAN that drumpf dumped and now sits around with an orange head up his ass while Iran is free to race ahead for nuke weapons. All compliments of drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  155. Your assertion that black people lack are so inferior that they can't get an ID or find their way to a polling place and therefore we can't have rules that secure our elections is despicable.

    You're saying blacks are capable of walking miles to get to a new polling station, but whitey doesn't have to. You are a true racist. Ho

    How many poor elderly lack birth certificates so they can't get photo ids even if they had a way to get to the DOT. How many don't have vehicles and so don't have driver's licenses. Son, you ain't none too fucking bright.

    Blacks would be just fine if you fucking white racists stopped placing ever higher hurdles in their way.

  156. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "How many poor elderly lack birth certificates so they can't get photo ids even if they had a way to get to the DOT."


  157. None. Pathological liar.

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Here's you proof, stupid one:"

    All of those allegations were debunked. If they hadn't been, Trump would have been impeached on those charges. Two years of the most intrusive and wide-ranging investigation in US history conducted by sworn enemies of the President could not find evidence to back up claims of any collusion between Trump and the Russians.

    Russia never hacked the DNC email server. Based on the speed of the file transfer, they had to have been downloaded directly to a USB stick from someone with access to the server. Assange himself said Wikileaks got the emails from someone on the inside. The assertion that Russian hackers were responsible came from the contractor the DNC hired to examine the server, which they refused to let the FBI examine.

    All of this information is publicly available and can be found easily by doing a wb search. You believe the false line promulgated by the Dems and their media and intelligence allies because you want to.

    2:21 PM
    Everything you have said here has been debunked. You have swallowed all of Putin and T®ump's lies. There is no use to address you any more. Have a nice day.

  159. Anonymous5:25 PM

    The Battling Bastards of Benghazi By John Edwin Roberts

    We’re the Battling Bastards of Benghazi,

    no fame, no glory, no paparazzi.

    Just a fiery death in a blazing hell,

    defending the country we loved so well.

    It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call,

    fought to the consulate, ‘n scaled th’ wall.

    We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate,

    led them to safety, ‘n stood at th’ gate.

    Just the two of us, ‘n foe by th’ score,

    but we stood fast to bar th’ door.

    We called for reinforcement, but it was denied,

    so we fought, ‘n we fought, ‘n we fought, ‘n we died.

    We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,

    ‘n Obama didn’t give a damn,

    just two dead SEALS that carried the load,

    no thanks to us, we were bumps in the road.


  160. Once again wingnuts lie- Two years of the most intrusive and wide-ranging investigation in US history conducted by sworn enemies of the President could not find evidence to back up claims of any collusion between Trump and the Russians.

    In fact, it was only about an hour after Trump’s most recent claim that there was “NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION” that Mueller slowly read into the record an opening statement that made obvious how wrong Trump was.

    “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” Mueller said. But: “We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term. Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.”

    That’s an important distinction, between a colloquial term, collusion, and what Mueller’s team sought to determine, which was whether there was enough evidence to prove criminal conspiracy. Mueller is pointed: There was no determination on “collusion” — and there may have been at least some evidence pointing to possible conspiracy

    Mueller never looked for collusion. Get that through your granite skull. It does not mean there was no collusion. Meetings between campaign officials and official Russian agents look, smell and point to collusion.

  161. Anonymous6:05 PM

    >>> "Meanwhile most bankers and CIA people are and now or have been Republicans."

    >>Provide some proof of this; you can't. You and I both know this is a damned lie.

    >I don't lie, asshole. See the following references and try to do your own research, or is that too much for you?

    >Way more CEOs are Republicans than Democrats.

    Banksters and CIA agents are not CEOs.  Granny NPC doesn't even understand that she totally failed to support her claim.  This is proof positive that you can go to university, work for university and still be dumb as a rock.

  162. anymoose @ 5:25 pm, wah fucking wah.

  163. Anonymous6:09 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    anymoose @ 5:25 pm, wah fucking wah.
    6:06 PM

    You are a pussy and most socialist/cowards.

  164. CNN) — Executives of America’s large public companies have long played a role in public policy by advising leaders of both parties — but those corporate chieftains themselves are far more likely to be Republicans than Democrats, a new study shows.

    In a working paper released this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research, researchers at Harvard Law School and Tel Aviv University ran the names of all individuals to have run a company listed in the S&P 1500 between 2000 and 2017 through federal campaign finance databases, which include contributions to both congressional and presidential candidates as well as party committees.

    The result: 18.6% of CEOs consistently donated to Democrats, while 57.7% donated to Republicans, with the rest leaning toward neither party.

    That may not be surprising, given how big business tends to benefit more from conservative policy goals like lowering taxes and easing up on regulations. Labor unions donate heavily to Democrats, who tend to support more worker-friendly policies.


  165. You are a pussy and most socialist/cowards.

    And you like to flog dead horses because you are a right wing sadistic bastard that eats babies and can't spell patriotism if your life depended on it.

    You keep bringing up the same shit in hopes it might have become true while your weren't obsessing over it. HRC still hasn't sold any uranium to Russia, either. drumpf still hasn't been legally elected.And stoopid fucking wingnuts will always be stoopid fucking wingnuts until they find reality and fake noize will never provide it.


    Guess anymoose lied to Gambler again.

  167. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  168. Anonymous6:19 PM

    How many blacks run around bragging they killed a wasicu because the killer was Black.

    Implicitly, quite a few like Seandell Jackson.

    At least his taunting of the family of his victim got him life without parole.

    I do see wasicus bragging about killing POC

    Liar.  George Zimmerman was national news despite shooting Martin in self-defense.  If it happened it would be national news, and you know it's not... no matter how much you need it to be.

  169. “At this exact point in former President Barack Obama’s first term, he had spent 88 days on a golf course. Saturday was Trump’s 227th day as president on a course that he owns. If Trump continues golfing at the pace he has set in his first three years, he will surpass in just one term the total number of days Obama spent golfing over two full terms — despite having repeatedly criticized Obama for playing too much golf and having promised, as a candidate, that he would be too busy to play any golf at all,” HuffPost noted.

  170. Vlad the Inhaler6:24 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Mueller never looked for collusion. Get that through your granite skull. It does not mean there was no collusion. Meetings between campaign officials and official Russian agents look, smell and point to collusion."

    Your pants look, smell and point to a bladder control problem.

    One would think that to collude you would first need to conspire, and the fact Mueller found no evidence of either would end this fruitcake obsession except among deranged imbeciles. You must be one of those.

  171. Barry Bumfuck6:26 PM

    "despite having repeatedly criticized Obama for playing too much golf and having promised, as a candidate, that he would be too busy to play any golf at all"

    Trump actually does something when he's not golfing.

  172. anymoose @ 6:19 you lose again. Jackson never said a thing about his victim, just smiled at the victim's fAmily. There was no bragging.

    One would think that to collude you would first need to conspire, and the fact Mueller found no evidence of either would end this fruitcake obsession except among deranged imbeciles. You must be one of those.

    We got us another live wire that can't read and comprehend. Mueller was not looking for collusion, get it? Collusion is not a legal term. Had they wanted to press on collusion, there was ample evidence and numerous examples of collusion between Russia and drumpf's campaign.

  173. Trump actually does something when he's not golfing.

    It is called grifting and violates the emoluments clause of the constitution, bigly. Another impeachable offense because drumpf does it so openly and blatantly then lies about it.

  174. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Miller's right.

    You call Trump a racist because he doesn't explicitly exclude white people from any consideration regarding their interests. He's a civic nationalist who has the gall to defend the rights of citizens instead of prioritizing the interests of non-citizens.

    In order to not be racist, you have to pursue policies that specifically harm white people.

    The Dems are the ones obsessed with race and hatred towards white Americans.

  175. Vlad the Inhaler7:34 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    One would think that to collude you would first need to conspire, and the fact Mueller found no evidence of either would end this fruitcake obsession except among deranged imbeciles. You must be one of those.

    "We got us another live wire that can't read and comprehend. Mueller was not looking for collusion, get it? Collusion is not a legal term. Had they wanted to press on collusion, there was ample evidence and numerous examples of collusion between Russia and drumpf's campaign"

    You said they were looking for a "criminal conspiracy". Presumably, they would have been conspiring with Russians in order to collude with them. Since they couldn't even find evidence of the conspiracy part, obviously there was no collusion.

    We got us another brain dead cornholer that can't read and comprehend.

  176. You said they were looking for a "criminal conspiracy".

    I said no such thing. I copied and pasted what the moron that can't read or comprehend said, stoopid. You can neither read or comprehend.

  177. drumpf is a racist and that has been proven over and over beyond a shadow of doubt.

  178. Anonymous7:48 PM

    "I said no such thing. I copied and pasted "

    mike doesn't even know what he cuts and pastes...

  179. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:24 PM

    Interesting Headline from Today's Raw Story

  180. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:56 PM

    Anonymous said....

    The Dems are the ones obsessed with race and hatred towards white Americans.

    7:25 PM

    This must be the dumbest post yet. According to Pew Research Center (hardly a left-wing organization); As of 2017, 83 percent of registered Republicans were non Hispanic whites, and 59 percent of registered Democrats were non Hispanic whites. So you're trying to tell us that all 59 percent of the white Democrats are obsessed with race and hatred towards themselves? Well, I'm one of them and I don't hate myself or other white people. LOL!


  182. "This must be the dumbest post yet."

    Projection. Racists think everyone feels the same as they. It helps them feel better, nothing excites a racist more than pointing and yelling "YOU'RE THE RACIST". It's almost a hobby of conservatives to paint blah people as racist. We all need hobbies huh?😂

    1. So basically Racist Republicans project their BS onto the other party. (See the new push to call Dems anti-semitic while the Repubs have zero Jewish national office holders). You seriously can't use logic to understand illogic.

  183. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:05 PM

    White couple suspected of Triple Murder

  184. This is hillary-ous, Facebook took down 600 sites aligned with Epoch Times, a pro drumpf propaganda ring that some commenters here have used as proof of their fever dreams.

  185. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:51 AM

    Anonymous Barry Bumfuck said...

    "despite having repeatedly criticized Obama for playing too much golf and having promised, as a candidate, that he would be too busy to play any golf at all"

    Trump actually does something when he's not golfing.

    6:26 PM
    Anonymous Barry Bumfuck said...

    "despite having repeatedly criticized Obama for playing too much golf and having promised, as a candidate, that he would be too busy to play any golf at all"

    Trump actually does something when he's not golfing.

    6:26 PM
    From the front page of tonight:

    President Trump has pushed his taxpayer-funded golf tab past $118 million on his 26th visit to Mar-a-Lago, his for-profit resort in Palm Beach, Florida, with a Saturday visit to his course in neighboring West Palm Beach.

    Seems to me this is a violation of the emollient clause in the Constitution. Go ahead, Trumpies. Look it up and then tell me the Constitution doesn't say what it says.

  186. Trump actually does something when he's not golfing.

    Of course he does. He lies, that goes without saying, but I love repeating it because sooner or later it will soak into your syphilitic brains that drumpf is a liar and a criminal.

  187. Recently some stoopid fucking wingnut posted a claim an iowa man got 16 years for burning an LGBT Rainbow flag, without the proper context this seems harsh.The gentleman is a habitual offender and had two other felonies on his record which iowa laws states triples his max punishment from 5 to 15 years.

    Context is everything and the one thing wingnuts don't bother with when trying to post sensational bullshit.

  188. Anonymous9:14 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    anymoose @ 5:25 pm, wah fucking wah.
    6:06 PM


  189. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Chicago Year 2019 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 449
    Shot & Wounded: 2215
    Total Shot: 2664
    Total Homicides: 501

    Chicago breaks 500 Homicides!!!!

  190. Anonymous9:22 AM

  191. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Schoolhouse Rock!: America - The Shot Heard 'Round the World

  192. Anonymous10:14 AM

    "Context is everything and the one thing wingnuts don't bother with when trying to post sensational bullshit."

    Yet you never consider the number of prior convictions and aggravating circumstances when you say that "blacks are punished too harshly" and "too many black men in prison".

    90% of ALL violent crimes between blacks and whites in the USA are committed by BLACKS.


    drumpf goes after Puerto Rico's poorest citizens after House and Senate passed funding package for the Island.

    Dear anyfuckingmooser, it is a proven fact that Blacks are given harsher sentences, even first time offenders, than their wasicu counterparts. Sentencing discrepencies have nada to do with number of other crimes committed by either party. They are based on racist attitudes of the judge.
