Monday, December 16, 2019

Rebranding the GOP.

Image result for trump guilinni image

Donald trump gave a new name to the Republican party today. In an attempt to rebrand the Grand Old Party in his own image, he has declared that it is to now to be known as the United Republican Party.  It makes sense if you think about it,  because the party has pretty much sold its soul to Mr. trump. 

Now, with impeachment looming, battle lines have been drawn, and republicans, more than ever, are digging in.

No one is happier of course than Donald trump. Because were it not for the blind loyalty and inexplicable devotion to a man who we all know is a con and a grifter, he would be thrown from office and criminally prosecuted. 

Speaking of being criminally prosecuted, trump's buddy, Rudy Giuliani, is the latest of trump's surrogates who is more than likely heading to the big house. He has been all over the globe on behalf of the president, and he has been cutting deals with sleazy characters and governments.

The latest is that he was in the Ukraine to bring back the smoking gun that would vindicate his buddy. And just like the trip to Hawaii to get Barack Obama's birth certificate, this too was a hoax.

American foreign officials are totally frustrated with this administration, because trump has allowed his friends  and surrogates to trample all over the diplomatic community. They said as much in the impeachment hearings, and those of use who were watching it objectively, felt bad for them and what they have had to go through with this administration. 

Of course, the trump minions see it differently:

"Elections have consequences and foreign policy is going to change from the Obama administration to the Trump administration,” Mulvaney said. “And what you’re seeing now, I believe, is a group of mostly career bureaucrats who are saying, ‘You know what? I don’t like President Trump’s politics, so I’m going to participate in this witch hunt that they’re undertaking on the Hill’.”

"Policies" is one thing. Breaking the law, on the other hand, is quite another.



  1. Another dumb move by a dumb representative of a dumb political party.

  2. "United Republican Party"?
    Acronym URP?!
    I love it! I think I'll use it.

  3. "The latest is that he was in the Ukraine to bring back the smoking gun that would vindicate his buddy. And just like the trip to Hawaii to get Barack Obama's birth certificate, this too was a hoax."

    And according to Malcolm Nance, instead, he'll bring back what the Russian operatives he met with want him to bring back, and Fergus' idiot hordes will lap it up like gravy, and it may be a hoax (Fergus really likes that word) but it's what they'll use to try and convince voters that he was never guilty.

    So basically he's colluding with Russia to obtain lies that he hopes will make the credulous believe that he never colluded with Russia, along with the rest of the obvious crimes he has done and continues to do.

    The report from the judiciary committee says that a president doesn't have to engage in criminal behavior to be impeached, but Fergus being Fergus, he did anyway. Criminal bribery and honest services fraud are the two listed in the new-ish 150 pages of the more than 600 pages of the report.

    They didn't mention the hush money payments to his mistresses that constitute campaign finance violations or any of the retardedly mobbed up bullshit any bright seventh grader would know better than to try and pull while being the president of the United States, but that would just play into the Gish Galloping crime wave that Fergus and his Republican felons are trying to ride like a surfboard away from accountability.

    Which brings us to the rebranding.
    Not this time.
    No fake-ass Tea Party to escape blame for this crew.
    They must own this shit, and for a long ass time.
    Burn the motherfucking lifeboats.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Weimarica Burning2:27 AM

    "American foreign officials are totally frustrated with this administration, because trump has allowed his friends and surrogates to trample all over the diplomatic community"

    But American voters are totally happy with this administration, precisely because Trump has allowed his friends and surrogates to trample all over the corrupt globalist permanent uniparty that has fucked them over for over half a century.

    It's a new world, motherfuckers. The days of the crony capitalist and their state enforced economic slavery and moral degeneracy are coming to an end. Put your fingers to the wind and make a choice. You can hop on the Trump train or get on board the USS Harvey Milk. There won't be any lifeboats.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. As some pampered pigs in blue are finding out, enforcing policy is not the same as upholding the laws of the land.

    But American voters are totally happy with this administration, which is why 50% want this criminal enterprise impeached AND REMOVED from the office he is not LEGALLY elected to.

  7. Notice dumbfuck drumpfuck couldn't spell UNHINGED wingnut party.

  8. Guess which pathological lying Russian agent in the kremlin annex named drumpf got named for lie of the year? You're breathlessly awaiting the decision, aren't you?

    Lie of the Year 2019: Donald Trump’s claim whistleblower got Ukraine call 'almost completely wrong'

    What a phucking surprise.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Democratic Party is now the National Socialist Party

  10. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The Democrats are trying to take over America like the Nazis did to Germany in the 1930s.

  11. Anonymous9:28 AM

  12. Anonymous9:28 AM

  13. Anonymous9:29 AM

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

  15. Anonymous9:32 AM

  16. Trump as of Dec. 10 had told 15,413 untruths during his presidency, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker column reported on Monday.

    drumpf has told more lies in 23019 than the 2 previous years combined. He averages over 14 woofies per day. There ain't an honest cell in that pos.

  17. nationasentinel is a right wing bomb throwing joke of a site, like dead Breitbart and Infowhores.

  18. Lügenpresse10:13 AM

    "The Washington Post’s Fact Checker"


  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:25 AM

    Weimarica Burning said...

    "American foreign officials are totally frustrated with this administration, because trump has allowed his friends and surrogates to trample all over the diplomatic community"

    But American voters are totally happy with this administration, precisely because Trump has allowed his friends and surrogates to trample all over the corrupt globalist permanent uniparty that has fucked them over for over half a century.
    Your are delusional. At least 56 percent of American voters are disgusted with Trump and 52 % want him impeached His approval rating is at 43 percent. So when you say "American voters" you aren't speaking of the majority.

  20. Work Standards are Racist:

    Professionalism has become coded language for white favoritism in workplace practices that more often than not privilege the values of white and Western employees and leave behind people of color.

    The standards of professionalism, according to American grassroots organizer-scholars Tema Okun and Keith Jones, are heavily defined by white supremacy culture—or the systemic, institutionalized centering of whiteness. In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness.

    As critical race theory teaches us, the horror of whiteness is expressed in many ways: Respect for the written word, timeliness, perfectionism, emphasis on standard English, belief in objectivity and progress, and so on.

  21. American Voters10:52 AM

    "Your are delusional. At least 56 percent of American voters are disgusted with Trump and 52 % want him impeached"

    Old fake polls Granny. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll from yesterday confirms the trend against impeachment:

    In the survey, 41% say House members should vote to impeach Trump; 14% say they should investigate but not impeach him, and 42% say they should drop their inquiries into him and his administration.

    56% of voters now oppose impeaching Trump. It will be in the 60's after Christmas.

    A 51% to 45% majority don't want the Senate to even vote on it.

    As time goes by, the media narrative is falling apart. More and more people are beginning to notice that this is a sham perpetrated to cover up the crimes of the previous administration. There just aren't enough bitter hysterical women and resentful morons among the electorate to pull this phony impeachment off.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:19 AM

    American Voters said...10:52 AM

    The poll you quote is an outlier.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:24 AM

    Real Clear Politics has +5 favoring impeachment, and they are a right-leaning group.

  24. It's happening12:10 PM

    "Real Clear Politics has +5 favoring impeachment, and they are a right-leaning* group."

    Not anymore. With two new polls added this morning, support for impeachment is officially under water:

    *Insufficiently left-leaning for a dogmatist like Granny

  25. Anonymous12:33 PM

    The poll you quote is an outlier.

    The pollagandists predicted a Hillary win in 2016.

    They were lying then.  They're lying now.

  26. "The Democrats are trying to take over America like the Nazis did to Germany in the 1930s."

    Uh ok. You mean like McConnell blocking all of Barack's judicial appointees and then stacking yhe deck with trump's? Not off to a good start are they?


  28. And ANOTHER trump associate goes to jail. How many is that now? Barack had zero but who's counting?😂


  30. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Your are delusional. At least 56 percent of American voters are disgusted with Trump and 52 % want him impeached His approval rating is at 43 percent. So when you say "American voters" you aren't speaking of the majority.
    10:25 AM


  31. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Your are delusional. At least 56 percent of American voters are disgusted with Trump and 52 % want him impeached His approval rating is at 43 percent. So when you say "American voters" you aren't speaking of the majority.
    10:25 AM

    Just so you know....just to soften the blow in 2020...Donald J. Trump will be your next President......

  32. No justice, no peace1:58 PM

    "And ANOTHER trump associate goes to jail. How many is that now? Barack had zero but who's counting?"

    1. Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich: Close associate of Obama and Rahm Emmanuel. Sentenced to 14 years in prison for political corruption.
    2. Tony Rezko: Bought Obama a house. Sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption and kickbacks.
    3. Courtney Dupree: Obama fundraiser convicted of bank fraud.
    4. Willie Shepherd: Obama bundler plead guilty to assault.
    5. John Corzine: Top Obama fundraiser, convicted of securities fraud. Obama’s “Wall Street guy.”
    6. Shervin Neman: Obama bundler convicted of fraud.
    7. Abake Assongba: Obama bundler convicted of fraud.
    8. Alberto and Carlos Cardona: Obama bundlers with ties to a Mexican fugitive accused of attempted assassinations.
    9. Gen. David Petraeus: Obama Director of the CIA convicted of of mishandling classified information.

    There should have been many more, but despite numerous legitimate scandals and illegalities facing Obama and his administration his corrupt justice department shielded them from prosecution. Obama's weaponizing of EPA and IRS, flooding illegals across the southern border, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, targeting/tapping journalists Rosen and Atkisson, Loretta Lynch`s tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton to discuss the rigging of the Hillary email investigation, and Susan Rice`s unmasking of innocent Trump campaign operatives. Eric Holder was the only AG in US History to have been held in Contempt of Congress for obstructing the investigation into his illegal gun running operation.

    And if the is any shred of justice left in this country, John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok will be indicted within the next year.

    1. Start with #1, he was the governor of Illinois and had zero to do with Barack or his administration. He was a guest on trump's tv show though. This list is a stretch. Weaponizing the IRS?😂😂😂😂 More like the IRS doing it's job under his watch. Nice try though troll.

  33. Anonymous 1:47, the troll troll troll, isn't even trying.

    So riddle me this: How do you know when a bot needs reprogramming?
    Answer: when it stops lying.

  34. Obama and his administration his corrupt justice department shielded them from prosecution.

    Let me ask you this, obvious shit fer brains, if they were protected from prosecution how did they prosecuted?

    Lie number 2, Obama did not weaponize the IRS. It was one office in Philadelphia that rogued out and they basically had a point about wingnut organizations getting favorable treatment.

  35. Stoopid fucking lying wingnuts pushed the fake IR scandal for half a decade and finally, after milking their lies for all the political mileage they could, let it die. Just like email gate and Benghazi. Wingnuts lied and lied and lied and kept their rabid base at full alert and totally stoopid.

    Reality says there was no scandal other than that made out of lied by stopid fucking traitorous wasicu wastey white devils.


  37. "Reality says there was no scandal other than that made out of lied by stopid fucking traitorous wasicu wastey white devils."

    They had to make up "scandals" about Barack but he was smart enough to know he had to do everything clean and above board.


  39. Anonymous2:41 PM

    White supremacy is the greatest threat to our democracy:


  41. Scipio Africanus3:06 PM

    PilotX said...

    You know, if you’re a cadet at West Point or Annapolis, maybe you should ask yourself why you should be willing to kill and/or die for an elite that clearly hates your ethnic interests.

    We don’t even have functional borders...why even bother having carrier strike groups?

    Actual “hate groups” (of the sort the MSM is constantly talking about) have no institutional power, and they never will, because they’re dumb and weird and nobody likes them.

    So I must conclude that all this “hate” is a matter of projection.

    It’s very human that young men will often want to physically protect the tribe. This is, like many other tendencies, quite healthy and natural in moderation.

    But what our elites want is to benefit from that impulse while subverting the tribal interest in favor of their own...

    No wonder they’re paranoid. “The wicked flee where none pursueth.”

  42. Mike Pence may have lied. Ooooooooooooooh! The plot thickens.😳

  43. Impeachment rallies planned all over the country. Join the fun😃



  46. Anonymous4:03 PM

    left regards Christianity in America as an intrinsic part of American national
    identity–an identity it wishes to erode in favor of a “world
    citizen” identity. The left has not only warred against Christmas; it has
    sought to undermine other national-identity holidays.

  47. Anonymous4:08 PM

    left is joyless. Whatever and whomever the left
    influences has less joy in life. I have met happy and unhappy liberals, and
    happy and unhappy conservatives, but I’ve never encountered a happy leftist.
    And the
    further left you go, the more angry and unhappy the people you will encounter.
    Happy women and happy blacks, for example, are far more likely to be
    conservative than on the left.
    Christmas is
    just too happy for the left. “Holly jolly” is not a left-wing term.

  48. Anonymous4:12 PM

    The Modern Democratic Party has degraded into lunacy by allowing radical leftists into their ranks. They are becoming the New National Socialist Party and their Brown Shirt thugs (ANTIFA)

  49. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Antifa aren't fascists, they are something even worse: Communists.

  50. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Secret FISA court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI for mistakes

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:23 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Your are delusional. At least 56 percent of American voters are disgusted with Trump and 52 % want him impeached His approval rating is at 43 percent. So when you say "American voters" you aren't speaking of the majority.
    10:25 AM

    Just so you know....just to soften the blow in 2020...Donald J. Trump will be your next President......

    1:49 PM
    And you know this because:
    A. You have personally rigged the election?
    B. You have a crystal ball that told you so?
    C. You dreamed an angel came down and assured you that Trump would win?

  52. The fake noize war on kristmas is another made up hissy fit to distract from criminal activities in the kremlin annex and beyond.

    Once it has been milked for all political gain it will be tossed under the bus, just like every other manufactured wingnut outrage. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are rabid, distemper diseased giant wombats biting their own flesh because they stink so bad they can't get close enough to any other animal or human to bite.

    Dems have proven again, despite all the obstruction from wingnuts they can and do pass voluminous legislation that Comrade Moscow Mitch McCTurtlefuckface keeps bottled up in the Senate so drumpf can lie Dems do nothing.

    The only time decnt legislation gets passed, legislation meant to help others besides the wealthy is when Dems control congress and the WH. Even then Dems are handicapped by nearly 200 lifeless wingnut albatrooses draped around their necks. Wingnuts never learned to walk on their own and Dems have to carry them everywhere. Think of wingnuts as the Mother of all phucking bleeding hemorroids.

  53. Antifa aren't fascists, they are something even worse: Communists.

    Okay, shit fer brains, if any of that were true, Dems would be sucking Putin's micro dick instead off the entire stoopid fucking, got a round mouth from eating square meals, wasicu wastey wingnut party of cocksuckers.

    No offense to Gays and women who enjoy pleasing their man.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:34 PM

    PilotX said......

    Impeachment rallies planned all over the country. Join the fun😃
    There is one near me. I would like to go, but I'm a little too old. Have to leave that to the younger folks.

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:37 PM

    There sure are a lot of crazy fascists on the blog today. I wonder how much they are getting paid to come here and try to annoy us with their bull shit.

  56. teh stupid6:38 PM

    "The left has not only warred against Christmas; it has
    sought to undermine other national-identity holidays."

    Oh dear god, the war on Christmas has descended on the FN blog. Teh stooooopis is taking over.


    another wingnut rabid fever dream laid to rest.

  58. Anonymous6:40 PM

    "I wonder how much they are getting paid to come here and try to annoy us with their bull shit."

    They are too dumb to be able to handle money. They get paid in something shiny.

  59. From Steve Benen:

    "The good news for Republicans in the new Suffolk/USA Today poll is that it shows Donald Trump leading each of the top Democratic contenders in hypothetical general election match-ups. The bad news for Republicans is that in order to arrive at these results, the Suffolk/USA Today poll found "an unnamed third-party candidate" receiving double-digit support, which seems difficult to take seriously, given that no such candidate exists."

    -Doug in Oakland


    Baaaa, baaaa, baaaa they are coming to take our guns away and we'll be helpless sheeples. Baaaaaaaaaaa!

  61. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Just a few hours away from trump officially being impeached!!!!!!!

  62. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "'The good news for Republicans in the new Suffolk/USA Today poll is that it shows Donald Trump leading each of the top Democratic contenders in hypothetical general election match-ups. The bad news for Republicans is that in order to arrive at these results, the Suffolk/USA Today poll found 'an unnamed third-party candidate' receiving double-digit support, which seems difficult to take seriously, given that no such candidate exists.'"

    So, basically, they're hoping for Howard Schultz to ride in like the cavalry and save Trump from experiencing a lost election, followed by prison.

    Brilliant plan. Very stable and genius. Almost as smart as extorting Ukraine to make them smear one's election opponent.

  63. As Rasheeda Talib said, it's time to impeach this MF!

  64. Impeachment will done if Dems close ranks like wingnuts always do. So far, I have heard on zero Dems being threatened with elimination for not voting to impeach.

    If wingnuts refuse to take seriously their constitutional duty and not vote to remove drumpf, drumpf will always wear the shame of impeachment.

  65. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  66. Xi Jinping9:37 PM

    "Okay, shit fer brains, if any of that were true, Dems would be sucking Putin's micro dick"

    Putin is a nationalist, not a communist. Putin resists the globalist world order, which is why he is 'evil'. If he were a communist, the Dem media would portray him as a hero, and any Russian interference in our elections would be celebrated.

    Just trying to help with your grasp of reality.

  67. "Putin is a nationalist, not a communist."

    And part of his nationalism is trying to restore the old Soviet Union which was.......wait for it.......communist.


  69. "If he were a communist, the Dem media would portray him as a hero, and any Russian interference in our elections would be celebrated."

    I would LOVE to see the evidence of this. But we do have evidence trump and McConnell favor Russia over their own country.



  72. More Russian trouble for trump. Guliani associate paid 1 mil by indicted oligarch.


  74. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  75. Anonymous6:20 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. Stoopid fucking wingnuts have been rebranded as gutless phucking cowards for failing to uphold the constitution they swore an oath to protect.

  77. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Just a few hours away from trump officially being impeached!!!!!!!
    8:09 PM


  78. Anonymous9:55 AM

    And you know this because:
    A. You have personally rigged the election?
    B. You have a crystal ball that told you so?
    C. You dreamed an angel came down and assured you that Trump would win?

    6:23 PM

    No dream, Jesus Christ, our Lord , has assure us Donald J. Trump is the savior of the Republic.

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 AM

    Anonymous said....

    No dream, Jesus Christ, our Lord , has assure us Donald J. Trump is the savior of the Republic.

    9:55 AM
    LOL! Good one!!!

  80. Anonymous11:00 AM

    “Donald J. Trump is the savior of the Republic.”

    I’m pretty confident he’s the antichrist. The four horsemen will be along any day now.

  81. The next time a drumpf russia bot finds reality will be the first time.

  82. "DELUSION!!!!!!!"

    Um, I'm watching right now and so far we're headed down that path. Only 2 nay votes from the Dems on the resolution sooooooooo. Looks like one of us is delusional but it ain't me.😂

  83. Anonymous12:39 PM

    It is "delusion" not to realize that this nonsense, emotional rhetoric is clearly just partisan pap. Who is the audience for it? There isn't one. Everyone listening to it knows it's fake.

    What you are celebrating is the exercise of power over truth. The democrats are impeaching Trump only because they can. After this farce, impeachment will be rendered meaningless.

  84. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Trump approval up 6 points since launch of impeachment inquiry:

  85. "What you are celebrating is the exercise of power over truth."

    Nope, I'm celebrating the proper execution of the Constitution. The truth is trump solicited foreign assistance in the American election and that is no bueno. Now we have to depend on Murkowski, Tillis, Romney, Collins, Gardener and what's her name from Iowa. Just need 4 to decide that the Constitution is more important than blind loyalty to trump. 🤔

  86. "Trump approval up 6 points since launch of impeachment inquiry"

    Whoohoo! Break out the champaign!

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:06 PM

    Just now during the impeachment debate, a Republican spoke and listed several important issues for the country that have not been addressed. She said that the Democrats in the House had been too busy investigating Trump to do any important work for the people. What she didn't say is that the Democrats in the House have passed over 100 bills that address many of these issues. All these bills lie on Moscow Mitch's desk. He refuses to bring them to the Senate floor for a vote. This even though many of the bills were passed with bipartisan votes. She is a damned liar.

  88. Anonymous1:35 PM

    "The truth is trump solicited foreign assistance in the American election and that is no bueno."

    The truth is Trump solicited foreign assistance in the investigation of corruption at the highest levels of American government. This is a completely legitimate action pursuant to fulfilling a duty of his office.

    Pretending otherwise doesn't change the underlying facts.

    Biden explicitly bragged about withholding foreign aid to Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor investigating a firm owned by a Russian oligarch that Biden's son had been given a position on the board.

    "I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired."

    Trump asks for assistance in investigating this possible abuse of power by Biden. He had put a two month delay on sending aid to Ukraine, but the Ukrainians did not know this. He never said anything about tying the aid to this assistance. The Ukrainians themselves deny any quid pro quo.

    Trump is being impeached by being falsely accused of something Biden actually did.

    History will not look kindly on this sham impeachment effort, nor will voters in the 2020 elections.

  89. "Trump is being impeached by being falsely accused of something Biden actually did."

    The facts do not show this. The Bidens have not been shown to have done anything illegal.

  90. "History will not look kindly on this sham impeachment effort, nor will voters in the 2020 elections."

    That's not what the polls show. A Fox news poll shows 54% of Americans approve of the impeachment of trump.

  91. More from the "they're gonna take muh guns" crowd. Surprised we haven't seen it here yet.

  92. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "The Bidens have not been shown to have done anything illegal."

    Which would be expected considering that to show that there first must be an investigation, and there has been no investigation of the matter. But there are certainly enough facts publicly available to warrant an investigation.

    One might point out that President Trump has not been shown to have done anything illegal. Not a single expert brought in for the impeachment investigation believed a crime had been committed.

  93. "Biden explicitly bragged about withholding foreign aid to Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor investigating a firm owned by a Russian oligarch that Biden's son had been given a position on the board."

    No, dear, that prosecutor was fired for failing to conduct such investigations in a country awash with corrupt Russian money.

    -Doug in Oakland

  94. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "A Fox news poll shows 54% of Americans approve of the impeachment of Trump"

    For whatever reason, Fox has been an outlier, consistently reporting higher pro-impeachment numbers than other polls.

    Several analyses of the methodology used by the polling company hired by Fox have concluded that the results were skewed by oversampling Democrats:

    Real Clear Politics aggregates all polls, and they have shown a clear trend against impeachment, which a majority of Americans now oppose:

    1. Your post from Real Clear Politics does not show a majority of Americans oppose impeachment A very slight plurality does. 48% to 47.1% which is a statistical tie. The country is split and by no means does a majority oppose impeachment.

  95. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "No, dear, that prosecutor was fired for failing to conduct such investigations in a country awash with corrupt Russian money."

    That's not what the Ukrainians say.

    And whatever the reason, the fact that this particular prosecutor was investigating a company with a questionable relationship with his son makes Biden's involvement in forcing his firing by threatening to withdraw aid at the very least a conflict of interest.


    Impeachment polls hover around 50%.

  97. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "Impeachment polls hover around 50%."

    They are "hovering" as they blow by 50% towards negative territory. The trend is clear.

  98. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "Your post from Real Clear Politics does not show a majority of Americans oppose impeachment A very slight plurality does. 48% to 47.1% which is a statistical tie"

    Again, this is an aggregation of polls, some of which (including the Fox poll) have been shown to have been skewed towards favoring impeachment.

    There is a lot of funny business in the polling industry. You'd think that would be obvious after the 2016 election, when they told us Hillary had a 99.4% chance of winning.


  100. "Again, this is an aggregation of polls, some of which (including the Fox poll) have been shown to have been skewed towards favoring impeachment."

    That's not what you posted.You stated something else.

  101. Anonymous3:36 PM

    “There is a lot of funny business in the polling industry. You'd think that would be obvious after the 2016 election, when they told us Hillary had a 99.4% chance of winning.”

    The “polling industry” said nothing of the kind. People who interpret polls are not the same thing as pollsters, who don’t generally give “chances of winning” at all.

    The polling numbers in 2016 were actually reasonably accurate as November approached. They said that it would be a close race with Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote by a small margin. And that’s exactly what happened, but it wasn’t enough to make her president in the non-democracy that is the United States.

    Some of those interpreting polling engaged in wishful thinking, but many others didn’t. FiveThirtyEight gave Hillary only a 60-some percent chance of victory — hardly numbers to inspire vast confidence, if you were one of her supporters.

  102. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "That's not what you posted.You stated something else"

    Oh, so you are going to quibble about the difference between a plurality and a majority, when that plurality is now 2% below an actual majority.

    I'll get back to you in a couple of days when it is a clear majority.

  103. withholding foreign aid to Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor investigating a firm owned by a Russian oligarch that Biden's son had been given a position on the board."

    Blatant. bald faced lie and has been debunked hundreds of times. There was no investigation ongoing about Hunter Biden. Total bullshit in a poor attempt to save drumpf's impeachable ass.

  104. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "but it wasn’t enough to make her president in the non-democracy that is the United States."

    The United States is a Republic, not a democracy.

    Thank God for the electoral college, and the wisdom of the founders who put it in place.

    Without it, Hillary's 4 million vote margin in California would have overturned the results of the other 49 states. We would live in a country ruled by states like California and New York who give driver's licenses to illegal aliens and refuse to combat voter fraud.

  105. up hotel prices 13X to host a campaign fundraiser. More grifting by the criminal sin dick cut.

    Wisconsin wingnuts dumped 234k eligible voters, mostly minority and Democratic from rolls to preserve Wisconsin for drumpf.

    Meanwhile Georgia dfumped another 300k voters, mostly minority and Democratic from voter rolls to preserve Georgia for minority win for drumpf.

  106. Anonymous3:59 PM

    "There was no investigation ongoing about Hunter Biden."

    Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma, on whose board Hunter Biden sat. Ergo, Hunter Biden was involved in the investigation. One could surmise the whole purpose of hiring Hunter Biden was to shield Burisma from investigation.

    “Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation."

    The point is that not you, nor anyone else, has grounds to say that Hunter Biden's shady relationship with Burisma or his father's forcing the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor did not involve any corruption or abuse of power, because there has been no investigation of the matter.

    Why shouldn't this be looked into? Why shouldn't the President ask for assistance from the Ukrainians in doing so? One would think you would welcome an opportunity to put this to rest.

    Or maybe this whole impeachment accusation is just an attempt to preempt any such effort.

  107. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "mostly minority and Democratic from rolls"

    Mostly dead or no longer resident in the state.

  108. Blair4:05 PM

    Flipping thru the tv impeachment coverage, it’s clear to me that the Trump impeachment isn’t really about what it’s supposed to be about. Nothing in American politics is to be taken at face value—it’s all a series of proxy battles in the Cold Civil War.

    Black/Latin/Asian/Jewish representative says Orange Man’s shenanigans in the Ukraine are Bad. Southern/Midwestern white guy says no they’re not.

    Is there anyone below Boomer age who fails to grasp what contemporary politics is actually all about?

    Al Green just had a big poster next to him on the floor it said “impeach now,” and had a picture of a detained migrant child.

    This is “supposed” to be about whether some of our empire’s Ukraine shenanigans got in the way of some of our other Ukraine shenanigans.

    But it’s not.

  109. "You'd think that would be obvious after the 2016 election, when they told us Hillary had a 99.4% chance of winning."

    She sid win the popular vote so that was spot on.

  110. "Oh, so you are going to quibble about the difference between a plurality and a majority, when that plurality is now 2% below an actual majority."

    No, you made an incorrect statement to be taken as fact. Just be more careful.

    1. You have to admit that, "a majority of Americans oppose impeachment" comes across as a certain type of statement.

  111. This isn't just about Ukraine shenanigans. It is about every phucking law drumpf has broken and scoffed at. It is about his constant series of lies about everything. It is about his making millions from being the potus. It is about his lack of knowledge of and disdain for the constitution he swore an oath to uphold, defend and protect. It is, in effect, about every second of drumpf's criminal romp while allegedly being potus. He was more attuned with and aligned wityh his Russian master, Putin.

    the4n every single day we get 5-6 hours of 2 yer old whining from drumopf. Impeachment is too good for him. just drag his orange ass out of the people's house and send him on a one way ticket to Siberia.

  112. Mostly dead or no longer resident in the state.

    Prove it. Put up or shut up! The notices were so ambivalent a large percentage of receivers tossed them as junk mail, another design flaw incorporated by wingnuts to help them cheat.

  113. Anonymous4:30 PM

    "She sid win the popular vote so that was spot on."

    No, quibbler, the prediction was for an electoral college victory, the only kind that counts.

  114. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "You have to admit that, "a majority of Americans oppose impeachment" comes across as a certain type of statement."

    A majority do now oppose impeachment, but since the poll aggregation includes polls from weeks ago, it hasn't shown up yet in the composite number. But it will.

  115. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "This isn't just about Ukraine shenanigans. It is about every phucking law drumpf has broken and scoffed at. It is about his constant series of lies about everything. It is about his making millions from being the potus. It is about his lack of knowledge of and disdain for the constitution he swore an oath to uphold, defend and protect. It is, in effect, about every second of drumpf's criminal romp while allegedly being potus. He was more attuned with and aligned wityh his Russian master, Putin."

    So why isn't he being impeached for that? Why instead is he being charged with a non-crime for which there is no real evidence?

  116. Dems chose obvious high crimes that were easy to prove because if it gets too complicated, wingnuts fold like moldy laundry and start blaming HRC for having emails.Dems do this so wingnuts can actually follow along and learn truth about reality, instead of the steady diet of bullshit from Hannity and others.

  117. 55% percent of Americans say President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office, according to a new Insider poll.
    Meanwhile, 33% of Americans oppose impeachment and removal, the poll found.
    Trump is expected to be impeached in the House of Representatives on Wednesday in relation to his dealings with Ukraine.
    Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

    55% sounds like a solid majority who wAnt drumpf removed like a stain.

  118. A poll that Fox News released Sunday found much stronger support for Sen. Elizabeth Warren's proposed wealth tax than it did for President Donald Trump's proposed Mexico border wall.
    The Week first reported the greater backing that the wealth tax enjoyed compared with the border wall, Trump's signature plan that helped propel him to the White House in 2016.
    Among 1,000 US registered voters, a wealth tax like the kind Warren has proposed had a 68% level of support, the highest of any of the Democratic proposals surveyed.
    By comparison, 44% of respondents supported construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border, while 52% opposed the idea.
    Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

  119. Fake News Update5:03 PM

    Fake Polls are a subset of Fake News.

  120. "No, quibbler, the prediction was for an electoral college victory, the only kind that counts."

    Really? You sure?

  121. "A majority do now oppose impeachment, but since the poll aggregation includes polls from weeks ago, it hasn't shown up yet in the composite number. But it will."

    A majority do not oppose impeachment, didn't we just go over this? And as the senate starts the deliberations none of us have an idea of which way the numbers will move. Choose a screen name and we'll meet back in a week and compare notes.


  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:16 PM

    Anonymous sais....

    There is a lot of funny business in the polling industry. You'd think that would be obvious after the 2016 election, when they told us Hillary had a 99.4% chance of winning.

    3:12 PM
    The polls weren't wrong. Hillary actually did win the popular vote. Our quaint Electoral College system gave the presidency to Trump, thus disenfranchising all the people who voted for her. Time to institute winning by the popular vote.

  124. Remove Putin and biased New York FBI office and HRC won in a landslide. You expected drumpf to do something other than a 2 year old hissy fit and whining about all them illegal voters that exist only in wingnut fever dreams?

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:28 PM

    Fake News Update said...

    Fake Polls are a subset of Fake News.

    5:03 PM
    Just keep on believing that if it makes you feel better.

  126. Anonymous6:52 PM

    "Our quaint Electoral College system gave the presidency to Trump, thus disenfranchising all the people who voted for her"

    This is moronic, even for Granny.

    "Our quaint Points System gave the Super Bowl to the Patriots, even though the Rams gained more yards."

  127. Anonymous7:11 PM

    “Our quaint Points System gave the Super Bowl to the Patriots, even though the Rams gained more yards."

    Dumbest analogy ever.

    Football rules are arbitrary. To the extent there is any rhyme or reason to them, they are conceived for entertainment value, which is in the eye of the beholder, really. What person A thinks makes for an enjoyable football game may be boring to person B.

    The rules of an electoral system in a democratic society are supposed to promote democracy. If they don’t, they are not fit for purpose.

    There is a reason other countries don’t have an Electoral College: It is an undemocratic system that gives some citizens more power than others, based on where they live, for no good reason at all.

  128. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "Our quaint Points System gave the Super Bowl to the Rams, even though the Pats scored more points."

    Is more an apt analogy. More Americans voted for Clinton but trump won. Weird rules.

  129. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "Dumbest analogy ever."

    We're dealing with conservatives. They're not too bright.

  130. It's official. trump has been impeached. It was inevitable, he was unqualified and had no respect for norms so this is no surprise.

  131. The Law of Gravity9:04 PM

    "Football rules are arbitrary."

    As opposed to election rules, which are determined by science.

  132. Anonymous9:07 PM

    "he was unqualified and had no respect for norms so this is no surprise."

    He was qualified by being elected.

    He was impeached for having no respect for norms of corruption.

    The Democrats have committed electoral suicide.

  133. Schiff was on fire in his speech: "We used to care about this. The party of Ronald Reagan cared about it."

    -Doug in Oakland

  134. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "Our quaint Points System gave the Super Bowl to the Rams, even though the Pats scored more points."

    Is more an apt analogy

    Nope. The US presidential election is not a national election, it is the summed result of 50 weighted state elections.

    Maybe this will help you:

    "Our quaint Games Won System gave the World Series to the Nationals, even though the Astros scored more runs."

    Trump won more states even though Hillary, with the assistance of millions of illegal aliens and dead people, got more votes.

    This is the way the Founders set it up, and this is the way it will stay.

  135. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "Schiff was on fire in his speech"

    Schiff lied about having evidence of Russian collusion, but the Mueller report proved him wrong.

    Schiff lied about the contents of the Nunes memo, but the IG report proved Nunes right.

    Why would anything Schiff says matter?

  136. Anonymous9:25 PM

    "It's official. trump has been impeached"

    On a strictly partisan vote over bipartisan opposition.

    Huge mistake by Pelosi.

    Republicans will retake the House in 2020.

  137. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Republicans will retake the House in 2020.
    9:25 PM


  138. Trump is not my kind of guy and I often lose patience with him, then his enemies bring me back around. He is hated by all the right people.

    They hate Trump for what he represents. If you look at his politics, he's not much different than Hillary. He's a big spender, he puts Israel before America. Why then do they see him as so evil? We again have a white, male heterosexual as President who doesn't hate working class white people, and that is unacceptable.

  139. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:33 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Dumbest analogy ever."

    We're dealing with conservatives. They're not too bright.

    7:56 PM
    Yup, and these guys are the ones who call me a moron. LOL!

  140. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "Time to institute winning by the popular vote."

    Cannot do that, the Electoral College was put in place to prevent mob rule. The Framers really knew what they where doing.

  141. Anonymous9:34 PM

    And when Trump wins again in 2020 the libtards will shit their pants and scream like banshee....

  142. The Krunk Report9:34 PM

    Field is busy furiously searching for the right sanctimonious white liberal take to cut and paste for his next post.


  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Schiff was on fire in his speech"

    Schiff lied about having evidence of Russian collusion, but the Mueller report proved him wrong.

    Schiff lied about the contents of the Nunes memo, but the IG report proved Nunes right.

    Why would anything Schiff says matter?

    9:22 PM

    Sources for your false claims? Nothing you have said here even resembles the truth.

  144. Ssshhhh....9:36 PM

    "Yup, and these guys are the ones who call me a moron. LOL!"

    If you didn't post anything, no one would know how stupid your are.

  145. Joogle9:39 PM

    "Sources for your false claims?"

    Granny NPC wants sources for the findings of the Mueller and Inspector General reports.

    Can anyone help her?

  146. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Time to institute winning by the popular vote."

    Cannot do that, the Electoral College was put in place to prevent mob rule. The Framers really knew what they where doing.

    9:33 PM
    The real reason the Electoral College was put in place was to persuade the agricultural south that they would not be out voted by the more populous north if they signed on to the Union. And BTW, answer this - if nine people vote and the result is 5 to 4, does that mean the five constitute a mob? Is that "mob rule"?

  147. Womp Womp9:47 PM

    A portentious and solemnly somber moment in our republic's history, matched only by the gravity of the final episode of The Masked Singer.

  148. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:50 PM

    Anonymous Ssshhhh.... said...

    "Yup, and these guys are the ones who call me a moron. LOL!"

    If you didn't post anything, no one would know how stupid your are.

    9:36 PM
    That would eliminate quite a few posts on this blog.

  149. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:54 PM

    Ali said........

    We again have a white, male heterosexual as President who doesn't hate working class white people, and that is unacceptable.

    9:31 PM
    What the hell? Nearly all of our former presidents fit that description. There's nothing unusual about it.

  150. Anonymous9:56 PM

    It's 2019 Granny.

    Buy a calendar.

  151. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Trump hath been impeached.

  152. Back in the USSR10:05 PM

    In his grand finale, Adam Schiff gets a big round of applause for bemoaning that "we used to stand up to Russia" and now we don't.

    Great job everybody, this is what it's all come down to

  153. Michael10:10 PM

    Bush and Obama invade countries on false pretenses: don't impeach
    Bush and Obama engineer coups to topple governments: don't impeach
    Bush and Obama send weapons to murderous despots: don't impeach
    Bush and Obama illegally surveil Americans on a mass scale: don't impeach
    Trump temporarily withholds but then disburses some military aid: IMPEACH!!!

  154. YouTube deletes interview with Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov that described exactly how the United States is being destroyed from within. Now why would YouTube be against that?

  155. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "Bush and Obama invade countries on false pretenses: don't impeach
    Bush and Obama engineer coups to topple governments: don't impeach
    Bush and Obama send weapons to murderous despots: don't impeach
    Bush and Obama illegally surveil Americans on a mass scale: don't impeach
    Trump temporarily withholds but then disburses some military aid: IMPEACH!!!"

    Stop pretending you care about other countries. You don't

    Stop pretending you care about this country also. You don't.

    You only care about your fellow cretinous, knuckle-dragging redneck racists. And that's about it.

  156. Anonymous11:05 PM

    You only want to impeach Trump because he's white.

  157. Clinton Crime Family11:17 PM

    Prosecutors have revealed that surveillance footage of accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's cell during his first suicide attempt has gone missing.

  158. Pence is in this up to his slimy eyeballs.

    -Doug in Oakland

  159. Dougie's nightmare11:32 PM

    Senate impeaches Trump
    Mike Pence becomes president
    Pence pardons Trump
    Wins 2020
    Makes Trump Vice President
    Mike Pence Resigns
    Trump wins 2024
    Trump is President through 2028.

  160. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Today's buzzword was "somber."

    Tomorrow's buzzword will be "fair."

    Watch every left-wing hack with a press credential parrot it like they get a royalty check every time it's said.

    This whole thing is a joke.

  161. Anonymous12:01 AM

    On MSNBC Chris Hayes noted that ninety percent of the Congressmen speaking on behalf of the President tonight are white and male, whereas the Democrats speaking against the President represent the diversity of the actual country and "at some level that's what this is all about".

    Yeah, we know what this is all about.

  162. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Here’s the timeline:

    Trump is removed from office
    Pence assumes office
    Gay marriage is banned
    Immigration is halted
    All gays/trans sent to labor camps

  163. The biggest takeaway from all this is you’ll be impeached if you fuck Hillary Clinton.

  164. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The notices were so ambivalent

    There must be too much spittle on Mikey's screen for him to be able to see the difference between "ambivalent" and "ambiguous".

    Or maybe it's the dementia kicking in for realz.

  165. Ambivalent was an inside joke about American bi-valves which your fevered brain obviously missed and I am not going to bother explaining it to you.

    The only thing you need to know is your orange gawd has been constitutionally impeached and that has to hurt micro brained drumpfbots who trash the constitution.

  166. drumpf doesn't hate working class whites. He LOATHES them and everything they stand for.

  167. Anonymous10:50 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!!

  168. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:35 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's 2019 Granny.

    Buy a calendar.

    9:56 PM
    What the hell? I know what year it is. What's your point? I hope it isn't as stupid as you usual points. Do you have a point other than to insult?

  169. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:37 PM

    drumpf doesn't hate working class whites. He LOATHES them and everything they stand for.

    8:25 AM
    Trump loathes everyone. He's a miserable excuse for a human being.

  170. Anonymous said...

    9:28 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    9:28 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    9:29 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    9:31 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Translation: "I'm feeling particularly great about my overt ignorance. What is the most insolent and overtly stupid act I can partake in today? I know! I'll gather headlines from blogs pretending to report news and racist trope spewers that, in their time of dying, have repeated all 15,413 of Donald Trumps lies! And to top it all off, I'll repeat some nonsensical blather that, taking the words at face value, means, "being against languages termed, semitic!"

  171. Ali
    "We again have a white, male heterosexual as President who doesn't hate working class white people, and that is unacceptable."

    Next up, we have top short bus candidate, "Ali," who, somehow believes the tax breaks given by a feckless, orange-tinged hate junkie somehow "trickled down" to "working class white people." Ali, also believes the hate junkie's promises of reopening coal mines for "working class white people" really happened. Ali also believes all those $125,000 and up jobs in the tech industry went to "working class white people." (Queue the statistics showing how many jobs have been "created," especially for copper-colored people... except what is never said is that corporations count imprisoned people who make their goods for pennies on the dollar as, "employees" and report their "wages" as those imprisoned by ideology instead of those imprisoned in uninhabitable cells. Oh, you didn't know that's one of the tricks corporate accountants use to help their bosses not pay taxes? BTW, do people lie, Allen, I mean Ali? Yes they do... as do the statistics people produce; remember this the next time someone tells you your favorite white baseball hitter is better than Barry Bonds, or that your favorite orange-tinged psychopath speaks truth to power.)

    Maybe Ali believes those Mexicans who are illegally in the U.S. who work on Iowa farms like that of Devin Nunes' money, I mean, family, whose probable origin point of travel to arch-racist Steve King's Iowa congressional district was Devin Nunes' California congressional district are all, "working class white people."

    Or, maybe "Ali" is a trite pseudonym for yet another of the fragile, disenfranchised white children old enough to buy alcohol but not yet old enough to think for himself - who can only muster the brain wattage to repeat, ridiculous on their face, statements meant expressly to appease independence-challenged, white fragilicists like him.

    Beep, beep! Ali, your bus is here!

  172. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    9:31 AM
    I went and read this fake source and discovered none of the nine comments by Democrats cast any aspersions against Jews. Most of the comments were condemning racism and dealt with POC and/or immigrants.
