Saturday, January 04, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for trump images war

Make a caption for this picture.


  1. "Headed to 5th Ave, New York..."

  2. Belated New Year's greetings to all. Praying for the good health and peace of mind for each of you and loved ones throughout the new decade. ---Faith :~)

  3. Almost looks like my model 94, but not quite. Would be amusing to watch him get kicked onto his ass trying to fire it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Yet another photo opt. A World Leader, not. Just another 'merchant' after all. Sell out our country. What a '$hit Head'.

  5. Anonymous2:53 AM

    What Republicans fondle when there's not a flag around to hump.

  6. Anonymous3:33 AM

    General Bone Spurs is locked and loaded for World War 3!

    MAGA asshats and other American flagwavers will follow him like lemmings into the abyss.

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    To Ta-Genius Coates:  "I'm your WORST NIGHTMARE, in the flesh."

  8. Bloviating Ignoramus10:03 AM

    Yeah I cheat at golf what the fuck you gonna do about it

  9. Ivanna Jr, if you cn guess what I am holding in my hand I will give it to you.

    Daddy, if you can hold it one hand, I am not interested.


  10. This is so he can photoshop his head on Rambo.

  11. Only a dumbass with a gun can stop a dumbass with a gun.

  12. See, this is why we can't have nice things.

  13. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Join the NRA.

  14. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I know how to use this,,really I aint lyin'!!!!

  15. Hang on to yer shooty gun, drumpfuck. Ian has posted $80 million dollar bounty on yer ugly orange head.

    ICE and Border Patrol are detaining Iranian-American citizens at Canadian border in Washington state.

  16. Bloviating Ignoramus8:01 PM

    $80 Million? Hell I would just give them Donald Trump and call it even

  17. Trump's Tax Returns11:10 PM

    All hat no cattle...but plenty sheep

  18. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Just had a delicious piece of California peach pie with a generous dollop of vanilla ice cream. Tell me I'm wrong. And, more importantly...what can happen?

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:15 AM

    Mike from Iowa said......

    Hang on to yer shooty gun, drumpfuck. Ian has posted $80 million dollar bounty on yer ugly orange head.
    Mike, do you think this will reduce the number of people who attend Trump's rallies?

  20. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Clown can't even spell "Iran".

    The mullarchy is playing with fire here.  Not only is this going to rally people to Trump, any actual assassination attempt will be casus belli to utterly destroy Iran's oil and nuclear infrastructure.  That will raise world oil prices, hurt Iran's trading partners (incl. China) and boost the fortunes of the drillers in the USA (who've been hurting lately).  And it puts the blame for any recession squarely on Teheran, not the WH.

    This can't go wrong for Trump.

  21. Gambler, drumpf doesn't get people to attend his love fests, they are all mindless zombies that can't think for themselves. They are programmed to cream their tighty whiteys every time drumpf spews a lie.

  22. And it puts the blame for any recession squarely on Teheran, not the WH.

    This can't go wrong for Trump.

    Uh, drumpfuck started this self inflicted clusterfuck by taking out Iran's top military adviser w/o thinking about the consequences. He hopes it will get him re-appointed bogus potus.

  23. One moar minor problem with drumpfuck's ill advised escalation, Russia is partnered with Iran and will not idly stand by if drumpf starts a full fledged war he/we cannot win.

    And another attack on one Muslim country in the Middle East will be viewed as an affront to all Muslim countries, which is pretty much all of them. Pakistan, for sure, has nukes and is not a real ally of ours.

    Israel has nukes and is not especially our friend and ally. I wouldn't trust Israel as far as I can toss a live spitting bobcat. I have both rotator cuffs torn so the bobcat won't attain much distance if I could toss him.


    Iranians who laundered money for Iran worked with the drumpfuck organization, and them alone, up to the 23016 election. Iranians were trying to buy missile wmds.

  25. from above link...

    “Mammadov sent his son, Anar, to the U.S. in 2010 to develop business ties with U.S. companies,” Davidson tweeted. “He spent lavishly but got no takers. It was well-known that the Mammadovs laundered money for the IRGC and were wildly corrupt. Only one American business worked with them.”

    It was President Donald Trump’s company.

    “Ivanka worked extremely closely with the Mammadovs on their absurd tower,” Davidson explained. In 2015, the Trump Org acknowledged they knew the Mammadovs were likely laundering money for the IRGC. They kept working with them until after the 2016 election.”

  26. Ivan Beatinov10:57 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "One moar minor problem with drumpfuck's ill advised escalation, Russia is partnered with Iran and will not idly stand by if drumpf starts a full fledged war he/we cannot win."

    Wait, I thought Trump worked for Russia?

    Do you ever stop and think how nearly everything you post makes absolutely zero sense?

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:22 AM

    Hear is an important article from today's New Republic:

    Naming the Threat
    The scourge of police violence targeting Black women
    By Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
    January 2, 2020

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:24 AM

    OOps - Should have written here, not hear! My bad!

  29. Wait, I thought Trump worked for Russia?

    Not really, Goofus. Putin uses drumpf by flattering him, to get concessions from sanctions. Make no stoopid fucking wingnut mistake that Russia opposes whoever the USA sides with all around the world.

    And the fact you make no sense of whAt I post is on your mental acuity and has nothing to do with me.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:46 AM

    To all right-wing trolls
    From today's AlterNet:

    A historian reflects on the return of fascism

    As president, Trump has not only displayed a remarkable contempt for truth, law, civil liberties, the poor, civil rights, and women’s rights, but catered to the wealthy, the corporations, white supremacists, and religious fanatics. He has also proved adept at inciting hatreds among his right-wing followers through racist, xenophobic diatribes delivered at mass rallies and through propaganda messages. Meanwhile, he has forged close alliances with his authoritarian counterparts abroad. Either out of fear or love, Republican officeholders cling ever more tenaciously to him as the nation’s Supreme Leader. If the GOP is not yet a fascist party, it is well on its way to becoming one.

  31. Here is one example of Putin getting concessions from drumpfuck the dumbfuck..

    drumpfuck lied about Obama's military aid to Ukraine and claimed they wouldn't sell Ukraine Javellin missiles. (the missiles were not ever authorized, by congress, for sale to Ukraine until oct of 2019, way past Obama's presidency.

    drumpf sold 150 missiles and 10 launchers to Ukraine with the caveat hey could not be used on the frontlines against Russia.

    When drumpf bragged about how he was a better supporter of military aid than Obama (except drumpf himself withheld millions of those dollars until he got a promise of investigations into his political rival) he and wingnuts chose not to disclose the missiles must be kept as far away from the Russian aggression area as possible.

  32. Iran and Russia are strategic allies and form an axis in the Caucasus alongside Armenia. Iran and Russia are also military allies in the conflicts in Syria and Iraq and partners in Afghanistan and post-Soviet Central Asia.

    drumpfuck is a moron. One moar thing, the world's greatest negotiator who claimed he talked N Korea into denuclearization has now conceded he might allow them to keep their nukes if they agree to freeze on new ones.

    Li'l Kim plays drumpf for a sucker, just like Russia and China have done.

  33. Anonymous1:13 PM

    3 killed, 15 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings

    CHICAGO - Eighteen people were shot, three fatally, across Chicago in the first weekend of the year.

    A shootout Sunday on the city’s Southeast Side left two people dead and two others wounded.

  34. Anonymous1:16 PM

    How much you wanna bet this is the first time trump has ever held a gun?

  35. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Do you ever stop and think

    Ha ha ha ha.  An NPC, thinking?  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


  36. Solemaini mourners dwarf drumpfuck the dumbfuck's inaugural crowd size by millions.

    And they don't even through a fit about it or lie.

  37. Riddle me this:
    What is the difference between an anonymous troll and an NPC?

    NPCs have names.

  38. I suspect that Li'l Kim might sell Iran some of his nukes, to tide them over until they can build their own.

  39. mike from iowa:
    Are you saying that Iran has an 80 megabuck fatwa out on Trump? Citation, please.

    The anarchist in me smiles at the prospect of a war of assassinations. May the ruling classes kill each other and leave the rest of us alone! But the small-c conservative in me doesn't like the chaos that assassination warfare will cause.

    Sure, it's annoying that our misrulers hide behind the people, and call dissidents cowards for objecting to being their human shields. But this craven custom exists for a reason; namely, that rich powerful psychopaths do nasty things when their money is threatened, but they do even nastier things when their lives are threatened.

  40. mike from iowa:
    I found a citation.

    Trevor Moore's video is... edgy...

    Pam Geller also said there's a fatwa on Trump. However her credibility is compromised.

  41. This is what Snopes and other fact checkers reported about bounty....

    About this rating
    What's True
    A eulogist heard on Iranian state TV during the funeral procession of Qassem Soleimani called for an $80M bounty on President Trump's head.

    What's Undetermined
    The call for a bounty on Trump is not yet known to have been authorized by, or represent the official position of, Iranian authorities

  42. Thanks for that link, Paradoctor

  43. drumpf has blocked Iranian Foreign Minister from entering US to address nited Nations Security Council on drumpf's violating international law on assassinations.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:26 PM

    This is for all trolls who come here and post about how violent Blacks are. Mr. Latunski is a white man.

    Police said in court that Kevin Bacon’s accused killer, Mark Latunski, admitted to cutting off the 25-year-old’s testicles, and later eating them, after the murder, reports MLive, which obtained copies of the transcripts.

  45. Anonymous7:00 PM

    What is the difference between an anonymous troll and an NPC?

    About 150 IQ points.

  46. About 150 IQ points. NPG win s in a rout.

  47. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Yes, the anonymous trolls have about 150 IQ points over the NPCs.  Nice for you to admit it!

  48. Bordens is the second large milk producer to file bankruptcy in less than a year. Deans ws the first laST SUMMER. All is not well in dairyland and drum0pf's reiteration of the old NAFTA with Canada didn't help dairy farms at all.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Yes, the anonymous trolls have about 150 IQ points over the NPCs. Nice for you to admit it!

    7:20 PM
    Most anonymous trolls are complete idiots. They tend to pontificate without any knowledge of history, politics, or in some cases English grammar. They tend to make errors in logic, such as hasty generalization, false dilemma, or false analogy. If they have high IQ scores, they really don't show it here.

  50. I didn't admit it. You just can't read and/or comprehend because you're a troll.

  51. Pence is in it up to his eyeballs.

    The defense secretary's chief of staff has resigned, he of the email responding to DOD concern about being "protected" from the consequences of Fergus' illegal hold on Ukrainian military aid by noting that Pence was going to meet with Zelensky and he expected the issue to be resolved then.

    Of course Pence did meet with Zelensky, and instead of resolving anything, six Fergites who attended have since resigned or been fired.

    What did they expect?

    That somehow they wouldn't suffer the consequences of working with or for Fergus that everyone else had?

    That the propaganda was true and Fergus really was a stable genius?

    That Pence was really running things and had it all handled?

    Whatever it was, they deserve what they got for going to work for an evil moron like Fergus.

    -Doug in Oakland


  53. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I've never liked green bean casserole. I do like fresh green beans sautéed with garlic and olive oil or steamed with the same. What say you?

  54. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Doug, you've got a peanut and jelly sandwich. The problem is you don't have a small glass of milk to dunk it in. I hope this helps.

  55. My friend Brenda's mom makes green bean casserole for Thanksgiving dinner at Brenda's house, and it's really good.
    I tend to drink strawberry soda with my PB&J, thank you very much.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. "I tend to drink strawberry soda with my PB&J, thank you very much."

    Everybody knows Sprite goes with PB&J.😂

  57. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Most anonymous trolls are complete idiots. They tend to pontificate without any knowledge of history, politics, or in some cases English grammar.

    Says the dumbass who omits the hyphen in "to-day".

    Oh, wait... that usage has changed in the last century.  Someone is living in the 1950's.  I'll give you a hint, Granny:  blacks are not oppressed.  They are now the entitled destroyers (Rawlings' "space to destroy") of civilization.  Albert Schweizer was right, and you're (among other deficiencies and crimes) a moron.

  58. Home canned green beans (as well as other fruits and veggies) are the very best and easy to grow and can.

  59. Moar wingnuts are becomin g unhinged....

  60. Says the dumbass who omits the hyphen in "to-day".

    They're all morons, Gambler. Stoopid wrote huphen when he really meant hymen and then bragged about how he and drumpf raped today and removed the hymen. He is cumming in is shorts now just thinking about raping today.

  61. bogus potus says to daughter, I feel like a cad for getting some of my son in law's pussy. Daughter says to dad, no worries, hubby's pussy is at least 8 inches deeper than your micro dick can go.

  62. "They are now the entitled destroyers (Rawlings' "space to destroy") of civilization"

    Nah bro, your type is responsible for the destruction of humanity. Blah folks didn't vote for trump who is singlehandedly setting the world back decades. The Blah man who came before him set us up for success and your type just couldn't handle that. Carry on.

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:22 AM

    Anonymous said.......

    Says the dumbass who omits the hyphen in "to-day".

    Oh, wait... that usage has changed in the last century. Someone is living in the 1950's.
    Of what hyphen do you speak, friend? And by-the-way, "dumb ass" is two words.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 AM

    Mike said.....

    They're all morons, Gambler. Stoopid wrote huphen when he really meant hymen and then bragged about how he and drumpf raped today and removed the hymen. He is cumming in is shorts now just thinking about raping today.

    10:07 AM
    Thanks for the explanation, Mike. All of this from a man who doesn't know that dumb ass is two words, and he calls me a moron.

  65. Drumpfie dumbfucker , true to his word, withdrew another 3500 American soldiers fro America and placed them in drumpf inflicted harms way in wingnut inflicted, stirred up Middle East.

    Good to know drumpf can keep his word now and then.....NOT!

    dumbass is one word. I have spoken and I speak truth as truth is spoken among men. Do not ever forget that.

  66. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Ministers in the Iranian government are threatening to blow up Trump organization properties.

    If the fallout of Trump’s reckless Middle East gamble is that his business is destroyed and he goes bankrupt, I will have to schedule an entire month to do nothing but laugh at him.

  67. Prosecutors, in a reversal, recommend Mike Flynn serve 6 months because of his constant attacks on the FBI and others. Originally, they asked for probation for his cooperation.

  68. Salon reports...... The strike may temporarily bolster the political fortunes of the two beleaguered architects of the assassination, Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but it is an act of imperial suicide by the United States. There can be no positive outcome. It opens up the possibility of an Armageddon-type scenario relished by the lunatic fringes of the Christian right.

    Salon got it right.... drumpfuck the dumbfuck and Netanfuckhead from Israel were the B- leaguer masterminds behind the opening salvo of WW3.

  69. Anonymous3:43 PM

    WWIII seems pretty unlikely.

    But there is real potential for a very nasty war with Iran. This will be a more costly conflict than in Iraq, because Iran has twice Iraq’s population and a formidable military.

    And it could touch off a huge regional conflict throughout the Middle East, with many countries getting sucked in.

    Soleimani was a dirtbag, but nothing about his killing seems like it was a particularly good idea.

  70. Iran's supreme leader (sour cream?) has clarified that any Iranian response to Suleimani's assassination will be proportional to the crime that brought it about, against US interests, and carried out by Iranian forces, not proxies.

    That's right: Fergus has made the Ayatollah into the voice of reason.

    -Doug in Oakland

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:21 PM

    Mike from Iowa said.......

    dumbass is one word. I have spoken and I speak truth as truth is spoken among men. Do not ever forget that.

    OK. Mike, but if dumb ass is one word, why does my spell checker reject it when typed as one word? Is my spell checker out of date?

  72. Anonymous5:28 PM

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

  73. Gambler, I don't know why you have a burr under your saddle. My response was to anymoose's response to your comment.

    Have you checked the context I use the word dumbass in? Because I pretty much only use it as a name for G dubya Bush aka dumbass dubya.

    I also do not succumb to grammar and spelling police. I misspell numerous words, mainly on purpose or different derivatives of words like clew for clue. And phuck for fuck.

    I am sorry you got your feathers ruffled. I do not owe you an apology and I am not used tom having to explain myself.

    Let us get beyond this and keep attacking the moron trolls.


    So drumpfuck assassinated an Iranian General because Israel wanted him to. What an excuse to start world war.

  75. So McCarthy has done it again. Perhaps we'll be rid of him next year:

    Did McCarthy Admit the ‘Wag the Dog’ Theory?

    January 7, 2020 at 11:29 am EST By Taegan Goddard 71 Comments

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) suggested on Fox & Friends that if Democrats hadn’t focused on impeaching President Trump, then perhaps Trump wouldn’t have had to order the assassination of a top Iranian general.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:09 PM

    Mike said......

    Let us get beyond this and keep attacking the moron trolls.
    Mike, my feathers were not ruffled. I just thought you had information that I wasn't aware of. My bad for bringing it up. Thanks for your kind words. And of course we will keep attacking the moron trolls for as long as they keep posting their vile hate.

  77. Lt. Commander Johnson2:48 PM

    Lord. All you negros can do, is bitching about spelling and grammar usage again. What happened to IMPEACHMENT!? Yah Dougie. You took your boards to the beach, didn't get a wave you wanted, and are now going home, without an NFL team.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:18 PM

    Doug said.....

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) suggested on Fox & Friends that if Democrats hadn’t focused on impeaching President Trump, then perhaps Trump wouldn’t have had to order the assassination of a top Iranian general.

    LOL! So now, we Dems are responsible for Trump's behavior? So as usual all bad decisions that Republicans make are blamed on Democrats in general and on Obama in particular! Trump and his enablers are never responsible for their unwise behavior but are quick to take credit for anything †hat goes well. I do hope the voters in McCarthy's district turn him out in November.

  79. Anonymous8:06 PM

    So now, we Dems are responsible for Trump's behavior? So as usual all bad decisions that Republicans make are blamed on Democrats in general and on Obama in particular!

    You blame white people for everything that's wrong with blacks.  Back atcha.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:54 AM

    So now, we Dems are responsible for Trump's behavior? So as usual all bad decisions that Republicans make are blamed on Democrats in general and on Obama in particular!

    You blame white people for everything that's wrong with blacks. Back atcha.

    8:06 PM
    This has to be the dumbest attempt at deflection that I have ever seen. What ever you do, Anon at 8:06 PM, never address the issue at hand, just change the subject. Is this the best you an do? LOL!

  81. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Your hypocrisy is ALWAYS on-topic when you throw accusations, Granny.

    Judge not lest ye be judged, and first remove the beam that is in your own eye.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:30 PM

    Anonymous Coward said......

    You blame white people for everything that's wrong with blacks. Back atcha.

    8:06 PM
    Your posts just get dumber and dumber. Your pathetic attempts at changing the subject are laughable. Your attempt to put words in my mouth and attribute to me beliefs that I don't possess are typical of wing nuts. Give it up; pick a screen name, come on out, and debate like a man.

  83. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Your posts just get dumber and dumber.

    You repeat yourself, but you can't just ignore things.

    Your pathetic attempts at changing the subject are laughable.

    It's not changing the subject, Granny.  It's putting laser-focus ON the subject:  your unjust and hateful blame of non-PC whites for EVERYTHING that's wrong with blacks.  The black-on-black murder rate in Baltimore jumps 50% post-Freddie & BLM?  Must be the fault of WYPIPO!  It could NEVER be something wrong with BLACKS, because YOU had a n1663r who plowed your (blessedly post-fertile) furrow for several decades until his death.

    Debate you like a man?  You won't stipulate to facts like a man.  Fuck off.

    We refuse the blame you place on us.

    We demand that blacks accept responsibility for their actions.

    We demand you accept reality or STFU.
