Friday, January 03, 2020

Wag on, Donald.

Image result for Wag the DogDay after day your criminal behavior is slowly being exposed. You are terrified at the prospect of being removed from office after the shame of being impeached.  What do you do? You start a war to distract the American people.

"President Trump ordered the killing of the powerful commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, in a drone strike on the Baghdad International Airport early Friday, American officials said.

General Suleimani’s death was confirmed by official Iranian media.
“General Suleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region,” the Pentagon said in a statement. “General Suleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more.”

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the statement added. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.” [Source]

It was only a matter of time before Donald trump had his own Wag the Dog moment.  Frankly, I am surprised that it took so long.  

Sadly, World War Three is now trending on twitter.

America, I am guessing that this is not how we wanted to start the new year.


  1. Anonymous1:33 AM

    The Jews always get what they want.

  2. There doesn't seem to be any question about whether Suleimani was an enemy of the US, the question now is what Iran will do to retaliate.
    He's been called the second most powerful man in Iran, after the supreme leader, and was a rallying force in public opinion to the cause of Iran, so yeah, there will be consequences.
    ...Some of which unintended: anti-Iran protests, which were building in Iraq over the past few weeks have turned to anti-US protests over the airstrikes on Shiite militia compounds, and are sure to be inflamed by the assassination, which may or may not have been cleared with the Iraqi government.
    No matter how fucked up the middle east is, leave it to a Republican to find a way to make it worse.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous1:45 AM

    “The Jews always get what they want.”

    Farcical. You sad Trump fanatics don’t know whether you’re coming or going.

    You: God-Emperor Trump is Making America Great Again by proudly standing up for America’s interests and ignoring what foreign leaders and “globalist” organizations demand of him!

    Also you: The Jews control Trump and are forcing him to do Israel’s bidding. Nothing he can do about it.

  4. We have an impeached president ordering assassinations of foreign officials without congressional approval.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Donald Trump will be the last president of the United States of America.

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Maybe Obama can set up a few midnight airdrops of cold hard cash to allay the Iranian desire for retaliation.

  7. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Maybe Auburn Calloway can fly the plane that drops off the cash. Of course no one else will want to be in the cockpit with Auburn.

  8. Anonymous6:49 AM

    They're called Hellfire missiles for a reason feelz. BTW, you left out a bunch of information. Your fevered dreams are not facts just an indication of your pathologies.

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The funny thing is feelz had a much longer post ready. It was going to be about how this is Trump's Benghazi. But feelz realized that it was too much of a stretch so he went with this much shorter post.
    It's OK though, there's never been any reality to feelz post and most people know that. Wag the dog indeed.

  10. 45's entire tenure has been his Bengazhi.

  11. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Two black toddlers dead: one thrown from high-rise; the other scalded in tub in apparent murder-suicide, police say:

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Black Man shot 11 times, killed in Park Manor. Negro violence in Chicago out of control:

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Another Black Man shot, killed in Chatham: police. Negro violence continues:

  14. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Crazy black Man killed in Belmont Cragin shot himself — but was also hit with police gunfire, officials say:

  15. Maybe Obama can set up a few midnight airdrops of cold hard cash to allay the Iranian desire for retaliation.

    Phucking liar! Obama did not give Iran any cash that was not court ordered return for weapons purchases that were not delivered. That few millions was Iran's money and was frozen and was considerably less than the 400 billion you phucking liars made up! Phucking liars.

  16. Since drumpfuck cleared all violence in Chicago in less than a week, all these stories alleging violence are fake noize....every one.

  17. The order to withhold assistance from Ukraine came directly from drumpfuck the criminal enterprise dumbfuck.

  18. HRC is the new Chancellor of Queen's College in Belfast. That ought to give wingn uts cooties.

    Affluenza brat bastard murderer has been sent to jail for parole violation. Testing positive for THC. He is the wasicu wastey shit fer brains that killed four innocent bystanders when he slammed his dad;s P_U into a crowd of people on the side of the road helping a couple change a tire. He was three times over the legal limit and going 70 mph in a 40 mph zone. He injured several passengers in the truck. He left the scene after telling cops his dad would handle this mess. Judge sentenced him to 10 years of probation. He skipped the country after being caught at a party with underage drinkers and he and his mom got caught in Mexico. He did not receive any jail time for the skip. Apparently not a parole violation as was the party drin king.

    Little fucker will grow up just as spoiled as drumpfuck. Bet they are relAted.


    So drumpf just indiscriminately kills for shits and giggles?

  20. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Hillary's is trying to set up a situation that will allow her to leave the US to avoid arrest for crimes against the American people.

  21. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I can see why leftist are so concerned about this Qassim Solemani terrorist. The terrorist has been photographed in the Obama white house with a grin from ear to ear. Obama was also smiling from ear to ear.
    I would say that leftist should be ashamed, but they have no shame.
    And no, granny mudshark I will not post a link (like you would investigate or read it). Dig around The Guardian archives and you'll find it. I promise...I just read it.

  22. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The worst part about this is Straight White Males will volunteer for military service. After training they'll be deployed to the middle east and get killed or maimed. Returning to the US they will be called Nazis, fascist, racist and pig people by the likes moron from iowa, doug the poofter and granny mudshark.

  23. Solemani was not photographed in the GOAT's WH, that was Hadi al-Amiri. You want to be believed get yer facts straight. And no, shit fer brains, they aren't the same person. And the photo was taken in 2011.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hillary's is trying to set up a situation that will allow her to leave the US to avoid arrest for crimes against the American people.

    10:34 AM

    Wrong as usual, ignorant slut. Ireland and the US have An extradition treaty.

  25. Apparently anymoose didn't bother to read the Daily Mail link, hizownself.

    Keep on keeping on, Gambler. :)

  26. Anonymous12:16 PM

    A very reliable source told me that Soleimani was not only responsible for 9/11 and Benghazi, he also planned the USS Liberty attack.

    Trust the intel.

  27. dinthebeast said...
    "We have an impeached president ordering assassinations of foreign officials without congressional approval."

    President Obama claimed the right to kill not just any foreigner but American citizens on his unilateral authority. And did so.

  28. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Crazy white man in Texas shoots up a church. Again. What's up with crazy white guys shooting up churches and schools? Cowards?

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

  29. American people sit here and listen to CIA Agents as anchors on CNN every night and swear they dont have State Sponsored news.

    If the CIA isnt the 'state' who is?


  31. "If the CIA isnt the 'state' who is?"

    Might not have to trust the secret police if our leader wasn't such a clown. Another consequence of electing a reality tv star.

  32. Lest you snowflakes forget, drumpf deliberately targeted civilians and enemy families with his drone strikes.


    Good comparison between Obama's conscience and drumpf's desire to just kill, baby, kill.

  34. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Lawfare is a commie front.

  35. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "Good comparison between Obama's conscience and drumpf's desire to just kill, baby, kill."

    Trump droned a senior military leader involved in actions against Americans.

    Obama droned a 16 year old American citizen.

  36. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "President Obama claimed the right to kill not just any foreigner but American citizens on his unilateral authority. And did so."

    Obama didn't "claim the right"; Congress GAVE him the right, when they declared war on Al Qaeda via the AUMF.

    Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists

    There are no exceptions in the AUMF for Al Qaeda members with American citizenship. They are legal targets. And the 16-year-old wasn't even the target of the drone strike in any case. He was killed because his terrorist dad was dumb enough to bring him to Yemen to hang out with Al-Qaeda members.

    None of this pertains to Iran, whom we are not at war with. Yet. But Trump is certainly working hard to arrange a war.

  37. I'm 100% against US involvement in Middle East wars. However much better than Bush and Obama he has been to date, Trump has been a major disappointment as far as his ability to resist the neocons.

    But the democrat/media reaction is yet another illustration of the clown politics that we have to live with. If Obama had done the same thing, he'd be getting kudos from the same people for his brave decisive action, and you know it. Any opposition to the wars, from both sides, is purely driven by short term partisan gain instead of any genuine concern for the long term interests of America and the lives of our service people.

    Fuck all of these people. Left and Right need to come together on things like this that should be outside the battle over things they actually differ on.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Maybe Obama can set up a few midnight airdrops of cold hard cash to allay the Iranian desire for retaliation.

    6:19 AM
    that was George Bush who dropped the money in Iraq. The money Obama sent to Iran was their money, held by the US during the Carter Administration.

    The payout of about $1.8 billion is a separate matter. That dates to the 1970s, when Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured.,-still-bogus

    THE FACTS: There was no $150 billion payout from the U.S. treasury. The money he refers to represents Iranian assets held abroad that were frozen until the deal was reached and Tehran was allowed to access its funds.

    You got it wrong - wrong president, wrong country, and wrong timeline.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:57 PM

    Uncle Hotep said...

    American people sit here and listen to CIA Agents as anchors on CNN every night and swear they dont have State Sponsored news.

    If the CIA isnt the 'state' who is?

    12:39 PM
    You asked the above question. In a democratic republic, such as the United States, the answer is, we are the state. We, the people elect other people to represent us in the normal governing processes of being a country. You need to take a course in political science or civics. And everyone who voted for Trump is responsible for his decisions.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:00 PM

    Obama droned a 16 year old American citizen.

    1:17 PM
    You forgot to mention that the 16 year old American citizen had joined ISIS.

  41. "We, the people elect other people to represent us in the normal governing processes of being a country."

    We the people elected Donald J. Trump President.

    The CIA and the FBI have spent three years trying to subvert that choice.

  42. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Trump could be being blackmailed. It is certain that some of the people in elected office have been being blackmailed for decades.

    Epstein was a Mossad operative:

  43. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Peter Thiel was right in 2016 at the GOP Convention:

    "Instead of going to Mars, we have invaded the Middle East. We don’t need to see Clinton’s deleted emails: her incompetence is in plain sight. She pushed for a war in Libya, and today it’s a training ground for ISIS."

  44. Anonymous2:53 PM

    “We the people elected Donald J. Trump President.”

    We, the people, elected Hillary Rodham Clinton president. The Electoral College elected Trump president.

  45. Anonymous2:57 PM

    “Trump could be being blackmailed.
    Epstein was a Mossad operative:”

    Seek psychiatric help, ASAP.

  46. "They're called Hellfire missiles for a reason feelz."

    They sure are: "It was originally developed under the name Heliborne, Laser, Fire and Forget Missile, which led to the colloquial name "Hellfire" ultimately becoming the missile's formal name."

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "The Electoral College elected Trump president."

    As they have every single US president since the country was founded.

  48. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Hell even the word nigger derived from the ancient word niger
    which is latin and those untermensch have the audacity, atrocity, belief, think, know to tell us humans
    what we can an or can't say let alone do not to mention who do they think they are its like they believe
    think and know that they were the ones that coined that term when in actuality it was white people that
    created it. of course from their perception they think their the only ones that can say it or allowed to say
    it an act like they own the word

    I mean if you think about it pretty much every word is created by humans and used whether its Greek, Latin
    English, German, Hindu an Sanskrit, Native American and Latin American, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese & Southeast Asian
    countries there is not one Sub Saharan African word that is in use in daily conversation since quite a lot of their languages
    are heavily influence with human linguistics. also the cultural appropriation that they say white people do when their speaking
    the white mans language an wearing the white mans clothes doing their traditions christmas, halloween, thanksgiving

    another thing that I want to bluntly, obviously point out is that if they are *"just like us"* as the liberal fools like to believe and
    claim than why can't they take care of themselves like grow their own food an built ancient and or modern cities like everyone one else
    ( a.k.a, e.g, i.e farm, civilization) but knowing there's going to be a lot of them telling me an us that the pyramids in Kemet was established
    by them same goes for the Great Zimbabwe wall and other nonsensical crap. I mean they have Haiti, Sub Saharan Africa, Detroit an they can
    not name one single black nation that is successful, prosperous that they can boast and brag, dangle an rub their success right in our face
    also few more things before the indigenous people in the Sub Continent of Africa made contact with humans they never even heard the word
    human not to mention they knew or didn't know what species they are until white guilt liberal tools decided to put them in the same human
    species category as us and their very heavily reliant on every race an ethnicity but specially on white people.

  49. Fergus never briefed the gang of eight, as he is statutorily required to do, but he did tell Miss Lindsey during a golf outing.
    No word as to whether senator Graham required treatment for priapism afterward.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "'"The Electoral College elected Trump president.'"

    As they have every single US president since the country was founded."

    A) The Electoral College has been dumb and undemocratic ever since the country was founded. In fact, it was intended to block democracy, because the Founding Fathers were actually leery of allowing too much of it. The United States, at its founding, was considered a radical experiment in democracy and there wasn't complete confidence in how it would work. This is the same dumb reason US senators were initially not directly elected, either.

    There are still people today, in the 21st century, who do not believe in democracy. They are not good people.

    B) Despite its anti-democratic intent, the Electoral College has almost never had any effect on our elections, because it has almost never elected presidents who didn't win the popular vote anyway.

    Lately, that trend has ended, with Republicans winning both of their last two presidents in this shitty way.

  51. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Today, in Trump-is-a-creepy-perv news ...

    Ex-Fox News reporter Courtney Friel claims Donald Trump invited her to Trump Tower to ‘kiss’

    How many women have accused the president of gross behavior towards them, again?

  52. Peter Thiel was right in 2016 at the GOP Convention: Thiel is a stoopid fucking ingnut and stoopid fucking wingnuts are never right. Not even in revisionist history.

  53. Russia's state-owned VTB bank underwrote Deutsche banks loans to Fergus when he was so financially radioactive that no stateside bank would touch him and was desperate for a bail out.
    Read that as Fergus is still into the Russians to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Peter Thiel thinks the 19th amendment was a bad idea.

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. drumpfuck the bloviating, bogus potus said drone strike was to prevent a war (good luck with that fucking lie) and then warns Iran not to retaliate. I'm sure they pay less attention to drumpfuck than anybody in the world.

    I remember drumpfuck whining about how unfair China was to him for retaliating against drumpf's tariffs on Chinese products. What a total spoiled little brat drumpfy is.

  56. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Wouldn't it be ironic if General Bone Spurs (aka Donald Trump) is the guy responsible for detonating World War 3 and blowing up the world?

    And by "ironic," I mean a Stanley Kubrick/Doctor Strangelove-level Bizarro World.

    We are all trapped in a real-life Reality TV Show: "Donald Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb."

  57. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "still into the Russians to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars"


  58. Anonymous5:02 PM

    MT said...
    "But the democrat/media reaction is yet another illustration of the clown politics that we have to live with. If Obama had done the same thing, he'd be getting kudos from the same people for his brave decisive action, and you know it. Any opposition to the wars, from both sides, is purely driven by short term partisan gain instead of any genuine concern for the long term interests of America and the lives of our service people."

    It's impossible to debate jus ad bellum and casus belli in America. We're an empire comprised of so many competing interests that there's a justification for every possible military (in)action.

    Even the concepts of war, combatant, and criminal have been irreversibly blurred.

    Best bet might be to treat the foreign policy establishment, including lobbyists, as a parallel competing interest that acts unilaterally and try to put pressure on its resources (human, material) to get its support for domestic agendas.

    Just an idea idk

  59. I'm glad Democrats are eager to distrust the intelligence agencies and militaristic propaganda again. They kind of missed the boat on the Russiagate/impeachment permutation of that theme.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:31 PM

    John Brennan said...

    We the people elected Donald J. Trump President.

    The CIA and the FBI have spent three years trying to subvert that choice.
    Wrong! The CIA and the FBI have spent three years investigating Trump's criminal activities, including his selling out our country to Russia - Vladimir Putin in particular.

    And by the way, a majority of voters did not vote for Trump. So you can skip the "we" stuff

  61. Manufacturing Activity Hits 10-Year Low

    January 3, 2020 at 12:27 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 128 Comments

    The Institute of Supply Management’s index of manufacturing activity hit its lowest level since the end of the Great Recession, Axios reports.

    “It shows worsening conditions for the U.S. manufacturing sector, which has been in contraction for five straight months, and reignites concerns about the trade war’s impact on the economy.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Hell even the word nigger derived from the ancient word niger

    3:28 PM
    Since you are so ignorant, you need a history lesson. I have posted a source below, so you can begin your education.

    9 Ancient African Kingdoms You Should Know About

  63. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    "Kaivan Shroff
    ‏ @KaivanShroff
    6h6 hours ago

    Also a reminder that Justice Kennedy’s son was head of Deutsche Bank’s Real Estate division when the bank loaned Trump over $1 billion.

    Justice Kennedy later secured a commitment from Trump to have Kavanaugh replace him if he would agree to retire."

    -Doug in Oakland

  64. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "Justice Kennedy later secured a commitment from Trump to have Kavanaugh replace him if he would agree to retire."

    More bullshit.

  65. The biggest problem now is that trump wants us to believe him and needs credibility but he constantly lies about everything. The first WH briefing started with a lie about the size of his inaguration. This is what happens when we elect an unqualified reality tv star.

  66. drumpfuck now wants to pardon Blackwater merc murderer for his role in slaughtering unarmed civilians in Iraq. He is presently serving life sentence.

    Blackwater'[s former owner was Eric Prince, a fucked in the head POS who is a bigly campaign contributor to drumpf and his dizzy bitch blonde sister is Suckretary of miseducation, Betsy original dumb blonde De Vos.

  67. Anonymous6:16 PM

    PilotX, today:

    Trump said his inauguration crowd was bigger than it was - LIAR!

    CIA says WMD in Iraq, Benghazi was because of a video, Russia hacked the DNC, Syria used poison gas - Trust the secret police!

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:00 PM

    From Political Wire today:

    Manufacturing Activity Hits 10-Year Low January 3, 2020 at 12:27 pm EST By Taegan Goddard.

    Incompetent Trump is doing a great job bringing all those jobs back. Just kidding.

  69. Anonymous7:13 PM

    "CIA says WMD in Iraq, Benghazi was because of a video, Russia hacked the DNC, Syria used poison gas - Trust the secret police!"

    The CIA did NOT say WMD were in Iraq. Bush and his flunkies cherry-picked intelligence reports to make it sound that way, in order to justify the invasion they already wanted.

    The Benghazi attack was partially motivated by that Koran-burning wingnut. It's just that in the first couple days after the attack, they didn't know that an organized terror group was involved. Wingnuts weirdly fixated on this like it was an important piece of information that intelligence services didn't instantly know everything there was to know about an event that had just happened, and constructed their whole bullshit "evil Hillary Clinton" conspiracy narrative around it.

    And Russia did hack the DNC and Syria did gas its citizens. You don't understand this only because you are a total wack job.

  70. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "The CIA did NOT say WMD were in Iraq...The Benghazi attack was partially motivated by that Koran-burning wingnut. It's just that in the first couple days after the attack, they didn't know that an organized terror group was involved...nd Russia did hack the DNC and Syria did gas its citizens"

    Imagine believing this.

  71. Anonymous7:28 PM

    "Syria did gas its citizens"


  72. Anonymous7:31 PM

    "The Benghazi attack was partially motivated by that Koran-burning wingnut. It's just that in the first couple days after the attack, they didn't know that an organized terror group was involved."


  73. Anonymous7:34 PM

    "Russia did hack the DNC"


  74. Anonymous7:42 PM

    "The CIA did NOT say WMD were in Iraq"


  75. Russia did hack the DNC. Proven beyond any doubt. It is over and done with.

    Judicialwatch? OMFG! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  76. "Rally behind the flag" is a classic authoritarian tactic. I am surprised that it took him this long. I guess impeachment really did get to him.

    But though an ambitious tyrant can forge artificial national unity by foreign adventure, the tyrant must attack only weak and defenseless countries, and the adventure must bring swift victory. For instance, Reagan the Elder in Grenada, and Bush the Competent in Iraq. A successful tyrant does not adventure to a quagmire. Glory and honor soon vanish; only the bleeding persists. For instance, Bush the Lesser in Iraq, and now Trump the Fraudulent in Iran.

    With typical incompetence, Trump wagged the wrong dog. He has done his worst; we must now do our best.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "Bush the Lesser in Iraq, and now Trump the Fraudulent in Iran."

    You left out Obama in Libya and Syria. Must have slipped your mind.

    And you're getting ahead of yourself with Trump. A drone strike does not a war make, at least yet.

  79. Anonymous8:50 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  80. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman no need considering
    there just bullshit afro centric and or liberal propaganda
    the only one that needs to be educated here is you fool of
    a tool if there are an or were African kingdom's done by them
    there will and would have been ruins, rubble an debris every where
    you go & see in Sub Saharan Africa like what you see in Europe, Asia,
    Eurasia but you don't not to mention if they are and were capable of building
    such kingdoms than how come in the link I posted the Ethiopians are using a
    rope to cross the white mans bridge instead of rebuilding it. of course blacks
    have literally never made anything on this planet except for jenkem an knowing
    you. you'll show me a link of these so called black inventions and I'll just own you
    again by disproving you by providing hard cold, concrete, crucial, imperative, vital,
    shredded physical evidence facts to show you who really made them

    like for one thing they can make kingdom's in their homeland
    an yet they can't maintain Haiti and Sub Saharan Africa an turn
    them into a first world black nation and continent. like what white people
    did with their nation and continent (Europe) same goes for yellow people
    as well with their nation an continent (Asia). I mean has any one seen a
    all black carpenters or construction crew building and or rebuilding a house,
    buildings, skyscraper's as ginormous as the freedom tower an as huge as
    burj khalifa and bridge's the size of manhattan bridge an golden gate bridge.

  81. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Remember, immigrants are more American than you are.

  82. Dance, retards, dance!9:38 PM

    Progtards like Dugg became experts on Iran when the Iran-backed rabble attacked our embassy and received opinion was "Drump's Bengazi! Ha ha moron there's nothing you can do!"

    But then the embassy was secured and a Hellfire missile turned Soleimani to pink mist and they all pivoted to "CoNgReSs DiD NoT ApPrOvE WaR WiTh IrAn!"

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Gambler2 ASKA White Woman no need considering there just bullshit afro centric and or liberal propaganda
    the only one that needs to be educated here is you fool of a tool if there are an or were African kingdom's done by them debris every where......."
    I noticed you cited no sources for your bigoted opinions. That's all you have - bigoted opinions, no facts. I have provided three resources below, so you can educate yourself. I do realize that will be a difficult task for you because your mind is made up and facts don't matter.

    7 ancient African ruins
    Posted by Imogen Searra on 22 February 2019 › travel-news
    Africa is abound with natural beauty, with numerous nature reserves, rich biodiversity and captivating cultures. Famous for being the home to human evolution, the continent also has an incredible and long history. Here are seven ancient ruins you can find throughout Africa.

    12 Fascinating Ancient Sites In Africa - Culture Trip › Africa › See & Do
    Feb 9, 2017 - The African continent is home to ancient and complex societies which ... the latter in 146 B.C. and rebuilt on the ruins of the Roman Carthage.

    The most stunning ruins in Africa - Matador Network › read › best-african-ruins
    Sep 19, 2018 - 11 African ruins you need to see besides the Pyramids. Nok Caves, Togo. Photo: Oliver S/Shutterstock. Volubilis, Morocco. Photo: Deyan Denchev/Shutterstock. Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe. Khami Ruins, Zimbabwe. Adam's Calendar, South Africa. Kilwa Kisiwani, Tanzania. Luxor Temple, Luxor, Egypt. Ruins of Aksum, Ethiopia.

    If this is not enough for you, you can look up more on your own. Just Google"African ruins.

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:50 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...

    Russia did hack the DNC. Proven beyond any doubt. It is over and done with.

    Judicialwatch? OMFG! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    7:50 PM

    Yes, we all know that Judicial Watch is a far right, witch-hunting bunch of devils. They wish to destroy democracy,

  85. Another scumbag dead. Speaking of scumbags, al sharpton was seen on the news again.

  86. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "Yes, we all know that Judicial Watch is a far right, witch-hunting bunch of devils. They wish to destroy democracy"

    By filing FOIA lawsuits to obtain documents that proved the Obama administration was lying to us and was shipping arms from Libya to the rebels in Syria? That's destroying democracy?

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "By filing FOIA lawsuits to obtain documents that proved the Obama administration was lying to us and was shipping arms from Libya to the rebels in Syria? That's destroying democracy?"
    Yes it is because it's mostly lies. See below:

    A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    Overall, we rate Judicial Watch Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and a very poor fact check record.

  88. Anonymous11:21 PM

    State department documents are a "questionable source"?

  89. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman yeah none of the crap
    you mentioned is any where near as impressive on what
    you get in Eurasia I have noticed you just ignored an or overlooked
    pretty much most of the statements that I commented when the topic
    was about why there aren't any black nations and continent's that are
    successful an prosperous also why is there more crime in the ghettos,
    slums, projects in America, Haiti, Sub Saharan Africa where they heavily
    congregate and I don't need to show links all you need to do is type in
    European or Asian ruins. not to mention I can say the same thing about
    your links that you are distributing. one last thing if the race you're
    protecting are able to do the things that you listed than how come
    they are an or were not the first ones to sail and inhabit Madagascar
    before the Indonesian tribe.

  90. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:05 AM

    To Anonymous at 11:33 PM

    Oh, give it up. You are boring me with you ridiculous argument over who had "better ruins." Since you are not open to facts and refuse to see that you are wrong, I'm done discussing this topic with you. Have a nice night.

  91. Illinois sold more than three million dollars worth of weed the first day it was legal there, and the governor pardoned more than eleven thousand people with marijuana convictions.

    -Doug in Oakland

  92. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Maybe we can all agree that oatmeal cookies are good. Are they better with raisins?

  93. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Doug and suds from Iowa will claim they hate raisins.

  94. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Doug, are you still loaning weapons to felons?
    That's not a good should tell granny before she gets arrested.

  95. I don't loan my firearms to anyone.

    -Doug in Oakland

  96. Shit fer brains @ 10:27 PM, left out important context re Benghazi attack and when Obama knew al-Q was involved. They found out THE DAY AFTER the attack that the mission was planned 10 days before.

    Unlike dumbass dubya's clusterfuck of impotent security advisers that had a PDB in hand in August saying attacks were planned to hijack airliners and fly them into buildings in America, and did nothing to prepare for it.

    Shit fer brains does a neat job of dead Breitbarting the story by leaving out context which made it appear Obama knew 10 days in advance of the mission and did nothing.

  97. Anonymous9:46 AM

  98. From NYT:

    "By filing FOIA lawsuits to obtain documents that proved the Obama administration was lying to us and was shipping arms from Libya to the rebels in Syria? That's destroying democracy?"

    Appears like someone got his JW fake facts wrong some more.

    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

    No evidence has emerged linking the weapons provided by the Qataris during the uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi to the attack that killed four Americans at the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in September.

  99. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The only African ruins are (1) Any U.S. City run by Negros (2) Granny Mudshark's Cootchie. End of story.

  100. Anon @ 9:46 AM.... good find and funny but al too true.

  101. Only raisin I haste is named Ronald Wilson "Raygun" Raisin, deceased but soon to be exhumed and impeached for massive amounts of war crimes and for being a dumb fuck.

  102. What is trump hiding? No tax returns and now email about Ukraine. 🤔 Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

  103. Lt. Commander Johnson10:32 AM

    You people are so damn stupid. Let Iran "escalate". First we'll take out their "navy", then the airforce....(those sand negros can't fly or swim worth a shit), and then, we'll hit the refineries, and cut off ALL exports. We damn sure won't be sending them 130 billion in cash.

  104. Commandeered Queenie.... explain the 130 billion in cash, if you can with a straight face. Let us see some actual honest figures. Inside joke, you can't explain the 130 billion.


  106. "You people are so damn stupid"

    For a guy who doesn't know the difference between you're and your you seem to call others stupid quite a bit.🤔😂

  107. Drumpf won't hit Iran's refineries. The dumbfucker thinks if he wins the war the oil belongs to him, even though he won't win the war.

  108. mike from iowa said...
    "Shit fer brains @ 10:27 PM, left out important context re Benghazi attack and when Obama knew al-Q was involved. They found out THE DAY AFTER the attack that the mission was planned 10 days before"

    So if they found out THE DAY AFTER, why did they continue to lie to the American public for the following two weeks?

    The Obama administration knew attacks on the consulate were because of terrorism, but they knowingly changed the narrative to blame an “inflammatory” viral video — to escape any culpability of the attacks so close to a November election. In the 2012 campaign, Mr. Obama repeatedly spoke of not only killing Osama bin Laden, but how Al Qaeda had been “decimated” under his watch. Any word Benghazi was actually a terrorist attack would undermine this narrative.

    Just for the record:

    In her first public comment on the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, Mrs. Clinton’s first public statement released at 10:08 p.m. blamed the attack on a viral video.

    “I condemn in the strongest terms the attack on our mission in Benghazi today,” said Mrs. Clinton, then secretary of state. “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.”

    Privately, in a summary of a call between Mrs. Clinton and the President of Libya Mohammad al Magariaf about three hours earlier, there was no talk of a viral video, only terrorism.

    After Mrs. Clinton made her public statements, blaming the video, she then emailed her daughter with the truth: “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda like group.” (It was actually four).

    She lied again on September 12: “some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet.”

    Privately, she told the Egyptian Prime minister: “We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest. … Based on the information we saw today we believe the group that claimed responsibility for this was affiliated with al Qaeda.”

    On Sept. 14, White House spokesman Jay Carney: “We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack. The unrest we’ve seen around the region has been in reaction to a video that Muslims, many Muslims find offensive. And while the violence is reprehensible and unjustified, it is not a reaction to the 9/11 anniversary that we know of, or to U.S. policy.”

    An email sent to officials from White House foreign policy adviser Benjamin Rhodes — with the subject line, “goals” — shows the Benghazi narrative was: “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

    But it was a broader failure of U.S. policy. A policy that included the unprovoked attack of a country that had been cooperating with the US, the overthrow of its government, and the illegal shipping of arms to foment another illegal war in Syria.

    CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell said in a written statement to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence a few days later: “The critically important point is that the analysts considered this a terror attack from the very beginning.”

    Susan Rice was then sent out to appear on five weekend news shows to continue the narrative that the Benghazi attack was the result of outrage over an internet video. Rice was frustrated and had confided to her mother before making her appearances on “Fox News Sunday,” ABC’s “This Week,” CBS’ “Face the Nation,” NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and CNN’s “State of the Union.” Her mother’s response? “I smell a rat. This is not a good idea. Can’t you get out of it?”

  109. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Gambler mental-age-of-2 can't figure out that e.g. Carthage is on the Mediterranian (the far side of the Sahara from Angola and Congo) and the people who built it were anything but the Bantus she recognizes as "Africans".

    She also thinks that FOIA'ed government papers are not "credible information".

    This is what passes for "knowledge" among lieburals.  Their whole self-concept is built on lies and demonizing ("othering") people who won't wolf down that shit sandwich.

  110. There are any number of strategic and necessary reasons for not allowing the enemy to know how much you know about their activities. Obama had experienced and competent intel and state officials surroounding him and he took their advice, unlike the dumbfuck installed by Putin in the kremlin annex now.


    Here is the most pathetic, petulant, pussified scumbag, who can't negotiate to save himself, predicting his own failure in 2020 back in 2011. You gat it all in 19 seconds.

  112. Privately, in a summary of a call between drumpfuck the dumbfuck and his image in the mirror about three hours earlier, there was no talk of corruption in Ukraine.

    Fixed it for you.

  113. from Business insider:

    Neither George W. Bush nor Barack Obama took action as president to target Soleimani or the Quds Force.

    Former military and intelligence officials have cited the potential for retaliation from Iran against US troops, diplomats, and allied forces in the region as a major reason for not killing Soleimani previously.

    Absolutely amazing how stoopid fucking wingnuts fail to learn any valuable lessons from past leaders of America, even unelected ones like dumbass dubya.


    What secret(s) was drumpfuck trying to hide? Only that the order to withhold aid to Ukraine came straight from the horse's ass. Impeach the son of a bitch some more.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:48 PM

    Anonymous said......

    This is what passes for "knowledge" among lieburals. Their whole self-concept is built on lies and demonizing ("othering") people who won't wolf down that shit sandwich.

    12:10 PM
    Too bad you don't know how to spell the word "liberals." Unlike you, I have the courage to use a screen name while cowardly you hide behind "Anonymous". And my posting sights that describe African ruins are hardly "demonizing ("othering") people. "

    And by-the-way. what does othering mean? It's not in the dictionary. The word "other" is an adjective not a verb. Have a nice day.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:54 PM

    From the Daily Beast today:

    Trump’s Biggest Fox News Boosters Suddenly Stop Railing Against ‘Deep State’ Intelligence

    Incessant Fox griping over the “deep state” has been replaced by sober pleas that the U.S. intelligence community’s findings should be taken seriously.

  117. people who won't wolf down that shit sandwich.

    People that don't eat the shit sandwich are stoopid fucking wingnuts, only because they don't like bread. For them, shit straight is just yummy.

    Good one on the deep state, Gambler. Hannity, tha pussified dickwad. is the worst.

  118. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "Incessant Fox griping over the “deep state” has been replaced by sober pleas that the U.S. intelligence community’s findings should be taken seriously."

    The U.S. intelligence community has lied to the American public since it came into existence. The media trumpets those lies because it serves power. The only difference between different media outlets is which lies they are assigned to broadcast.

  119. "The only difference between different media outlets is which lies they are assigned to broadcast."

    Aren't you tired of being the proxies for competing desert death-cults? Being used by sects of blasphemers and Satanic kid-fuckers, liars and cheats?

    For what?

  120. Russiagate and to a large extent impeachment were exercises in militaristic propaganda that caused anti-Trump partisans to shut down their critical thinking. Manufactured Iran crisis plays the same role with pro-Trump partisans. I'll oppose both.

  121. Russiagate ended with numerous pleas of guilty, convictions and and an impeaschment for criminal activities.

    drumpf's intention to start a war with Iran to fool people into forgetting his criminal activities is not off to a good start as his murder of Sooleimani might be illegal.

    One moar thing for wingnuts to whine about in their saviour's name.

  122. What if this is true?

    There is so much shit to be uncovered over drumpf's crooked business deals it may take forever to finalize impeachment charges. There might be a million charges against drumpf criminal enterprise and wingnuts stoopid enough to believe him.

  123. Anonymous2:16 PM

    trump is a killer, he's murdered many, many babies. These other countries that you label murders don't compare.

    Amerika, rest in hell!

  124. Anonymous2:31 PM

    "Russiagate ended with numerous pleas of guilty, convictions and and an impeaschment for criminal activities."

    Completely wrong.

    Not a single person has been charged with colluding with Russia.

    The charges leveled all involved process crimes, and at least some of which now have the possibility of being voided due to FBI misconduct.

    The impeachment articles passed by the Democrats have nothing to do with Russia.

    You live in a fantasy world. A bad one.

  125. Now Pence is lying about Suleimani helping the 9-11 hijackers.
    I can't even list the levels at which that is wrong, but the fact that they're dragging it out confirms my wag the dog contention.
    There are plenty of real and true things to accuse the head of the Quds Force for the past twenty years of without making obviously ridiculous things up about him, and dragging 9-11 into it is the go-to Republican lie for starting a shooting war in the middle east.
    They really think we're stupid, and anyone who buys their bullshit proves them right.

    -Doug in Oakland

  126. Collusion is not a crime, dumbfucker. Mueller said there was evidence of collusion, afterall there were only about a million meetings between drumpf campaign officials and known Russian agents.

  127. drumpfuck's original National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn, pled guilty to lying about collusion meeting with Russian government official.

    As for dumbfuck drumpfuck, he has yet tyo be charged with any impeachable offenses from Russian investigation, but there are At least 10 counts of obstruction of justice that could be charged. Get over your delusion, de[plorable self.


    Just as Doug in Oakland above reported. This administration can't tell the truth and their supporters, especially the trolls here, are every bit as bad a liars.

  129. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "Mueller said there was evidence of collusion"

    No he didn't. He said there was not sufficient evidence to completely rule out collusion, but there was nothing that indicated there was.

    Reminder: This was a two-year investigation conducted by Hillary partisans with unprecedented scope. They even violated attorney-client privilege when they raided the office of the President's personal lawyer and took all of his files, including recordings of private conversations with Trump that they leaked to the press. The basis of their investigation was information supplied by the Clinton campaign that was purchased from Russia and intel gathered by the FBI and CIA who illegally spied on the Trump campaign.

    And yet, even with all that...nothing.

  130. Courtesy of Business Insider:

    US allies on Friday warned against any further escalation of the conflict with Iran following President Donald Trump’s decision to authorize the assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani late Thursday.

    The airstrike, which was reportedly launched without consulting US allies, led to warnings from several European nations, with only Israel speaking out strongly in favor of Trump’s decision.

    The global reaction to the attack has revealed the US as increasingly isolated on the world stage.

    In fact, even Trump’s buddies over at the Kremlin are calling him out for it.

  131. from Forbes..... Yet it turned out that, despite Mueller’s reputation as a straight shooter, when it came to writing the report, he had difficulty bringing himself to pull the trigger. His report released on April 18, 2019, is a fugue of non-conclusions. The report found that there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt a criminal conspiracy of the Trump campaign with the Russians, despite ample evidence of cooperation and collaboration. And it declined to make any finding on obstruction of justice, despite a mountain of evidence showing multiple attempts by the president to do exactly that.

    It didn’t help that these non-conclusions were embedded in a densely written 447-page tome that practically no one has had the time and persistence to read, or that, before its release, the findings were twisted by several weeks of spin by the attorney-general and the president, with repeated false claims that the report found “no collusion, no obstruction, total exoneration.”

    The report found that there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt a criminal conspiracy of the Trump campaign with the Russians, despite ample evidence of cooperation and collaboration.

    And collusion is still not a crime. But it happened.On occasions too numerous to mention.

  132. As for HRC's people being appointed to special Six of the 15 lawyers have not made campaign contributions to any political campaigns at the federal level.

    Among the lawyers who did make contributions, a total of $62,043 went to Democrats and $2,750 to Republicans, according to the special counsel’s office.

    In terms of Clinton specifically, election filings indicate that three lawyers gave her 2016 presidential campaign a total of $700; and three gave a total of $18,100 to either her 2016 campaign or her 2008 run for the presidential nomination.

    As for the implication of Duffy’s claim, here are points worth noting:

    One of the lawyers was a member of the team that won the 2015 conviction on federal corruption charges of Sheldon Silver, a Democrat who had been the longtime speaker of the New York State Assembly.

    The special counsel’s office pointed out to us that the legal standards for Justice Department hiring "prohibit the use of political or ideological affiliations to assess applicants."....

  133. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Gambler mental-age-of-2 can't figure out that "liebural" is meant to emphasize the vast and deliberate gulf between what she professes to believe and reality.  She does not live in a ghetto or amidst of a bunch of blacks on Section 8 vouchers; she would not tolerate the conditions she wants to impose on those she deems "racist", or even just "unenlightened".  She is a hypocrite.

    "Liberal" is synonymous with "generous", e.g. "a liberal dollop of ketchup on each fry."  Gambler mental-age-of-2 is the opposite of generous when she attributes hate to people who are only seeking peace, safety and self-preservation.  Calling herself "liberal" is a lie.  She is a liebural.

    "And by-the-way. what does othering mean? It's not in the dictionary."

    "The word "other" is an adjective not a verb."

    Tell it to the university SJWs who invented it as a slur.  You said you used to work at a university; I guess you were lying about that too.

  134. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "drumpfuck's original National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn, pled guilty to lying about collusion meeting with Russian government official."

    Flynn did lie, but it was not about anything illegal or unethical. And since the discussions with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak occurred after the election, when he was part of the transition team, his discussions were entirely appropriate.

    But he did lie, and Trump was justified in firing him.

    None of this explains why General Flynn was under investigation in the first place or why the FBI interviewed him when it had recordings of his conversations with Kislyak and did not need him to explain them. This strongly suggests the government trapped him.

    Flynn was charged in one count with four lies, all in late December 2016 [Note: This was six weeks after the election], when he was working on the Trump transition and was designated to be Trump’s national security advisor:

    First, he denied requesting of Kislyak that the Kremlin refrain from responding to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions by “escalating the situation” — i.e., by some retaliatory measure.

    Second, he denied that Kislyak subsequently told him that Russia had chosen to moderate its response in deference to Flynn’s request.

    Third, he denied asking Kislyak to delay or defeat a vote on a pending U.N. resolution condemning Israel.

    Fourth, he denied that Kislyak had told him Russia was declining that request.

    There is no doubt that Flynn’s four denials were false. The FBI had recordings of Flynn’s communications with Kislyak. The things he denied were, in truth, said.

    The question is whether Flynn intentionally provided false information, not whether he provided false information at all. The interviewing agents initially judged that he did not lie to them. Both Comey and McCabe testified to this effect. That is why Flynn was not charged with false statements even after he was fired by the president for misleading the vice president about his communications with Kislyak. It was only after Mueller was appointed in May 2017 that the investigation of Flynn appears to have picked up steam and a false-statements plea was finally negotiated in late November.

    It appears that there is no 302 of the Flynn interview. The 302 dated August 22, 2017, which Mueller submitted to the court, documents an interview of Peter Strzok, not of Flynn. The question obviously arises: Where is the Flynn 302?

    This brings us back to the Obama administration’s unjustifiable decision to investigate him. Obama’s Justice Department let it be known that a basis for its investigation was the preposterous Logan Act (a moribund, unconstitutional law that purports to prohibit private citizens from freelancing in foreign relations, and that has never been used to convict anyone in over 200 years on the books). Moreover, Obama officials leaked to the media that the “collusion” theory included the suspicion that Trump had cut a corrupt quid pro quo deal to drop Obama’s sanctions in return for Russia’s assistance to Trump’s campaign.

    He thus had a motive to lie about his substantive contacts with a foreign government (Logan Act), and in particular about whether he discussed sanctions (because he feared being accused of a corrupt quid pro quo arrangement by zealous prosecutors, even though he had not made one). And even if he were not concerned about being the target of prosecutors, it would have been politically damaging to the incoming Trump administration if he had conceded discussing sanctions with Kislyak. While such discussions were not illegal, there was at the time a media frenzy that drew a false (but nevertheless popular) equivalency between any discussion on the topic of sanctions and a corrupt Trump–Kremlin deal. The political explosiveness of the sanctions topic explains why Flynn would lie to Pence and other Trump officials — and those lies gave him additional motive to lie to the FBI in order to keep his story straight.

  135. Lt. Commander Johnson3:40 PM

    So.. why did we have a House Impeachment? Where is it? Bring it on!

    You dems are such pussies, just waiting for the Repubs to fulfill your gagging, while shoving Bide, Sanders and Warren out your poop schutes.

  136. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Illinois "brutha" eats 38 grams of cocaine mixed with fentanyl and thereby offs himself.  Waukegan arresting officers cleared of wrongdoing.

    The Brazilian military will be feared by all the world because their Michael Jackson imitators will slay with their total awesomeness.

    It's called TNB because it's typical.  It's the same everywhere, and despised by literally everyone else.


    Flynn discusses Russia withholding retaliation on Dec 29 and that very same day Russia withholds retaliation against US for sanctions. And that is just the beginning of Flynn's lies and wingnuts delusions.

  138. In death, Elijah Cummings gives back to Maryland youth.

  139. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:42 PM

    Anonymous said... 3:36 PM

    "Gambler mental-age-of-2 can't figure out that "liebural" is meant to emphasize the vast and deliberate gulf between what she professes to believe and reality."
    No you meant this as a slur using the mentality of a third-grade boy.

    "She does not live in a ghetto or amidst of a bunch of blacks on Section 8 vouchers; she would not tolerate the conditions she wants to impose on those she deems "racist", or even just "unenlightened". She is a hypocrite."
    You know nothing much about me, yet you assume all nonsensical things. For example, I have lived is various neighborhoods that were multi-racial in my life. I have been extremely poor, and I've been middle class. I have friends and relatives who live in Section 8 housing.

    ""Liberal" is synonymous with "generous", e.g. "a liberal dollop of ketchup on each fry." Gambler mental-age-of-2 is the opposite of generous when she attributes hate to people who are only seeking peace, safety and self-preservation. Calling herself "liberal" is a lie. She is a liebural."
    There are multiple uses for the word liberal. Obviously you don't understand political, liberal philosophy. Where do you get off pretending that I "attribute hate to people who are only seeking peace, safety and self-preservation." Is your brain fried??

    ""And by-the-way. what does othering mean? It's not in the dictionary."

    "The word "other" is an adjective not a verb."

    Tell it to the university SJWs who invented it as a slur. You said you used to work at a university; I guess you were lying about that too."
    So you do know some thing about me! Therefore you do know that I don't hate anyone. So why do you attack me for loving my fellow humans regardless of their race, religion, gender, or country of national origin? Seems you are the one that hates others that do not follow your creed. I don't hate you; I pity you.

    1. Such profound intelligent dialogue on the right.😂😂 Lemme sign up to become a Republican so I can absorb some more of this wisdom.

  140. Lt. Commander is a no-serving pussy5:43 PM

    "You dems are such pussies, just waiting for the Repubs to fulfill your gagging, while shoving Bide, Sanders and Warren out your poop schutes."
    Lt. Commander Pussy is one weird dude. Sounds like he's into gay porn.

  141. Shocking!!!!! Republicans are homophobic and anti-semitic😳 Do they all also misspell words too? It's a HOAKS folks.😂😂😂 Oh conservatives never disappoint.

  142. The Hill cuts through right wing bullshit and lays out drumpf's unnecessary war in spades.....

  143. Oatmeal cookies ARE good, even with raisins and cranberries.

    -Doug in Oakland

  144. Another right wing, long standing lie put to rest...


  145. Actual person11:39 AM

    No liberal bias in media!


  146. Anonymous Actual person said...
    No liberal bias in media!

    And yer proof is....nada, zero, zip, zilch,

    1. Well there is a corporate bias.


  148. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Negro Woman who allegedly ripped hijab off student's head charged with hate crimes:
    The suspect also allegedly tried to choke the victim with the head scarf and rubbed it against her body, authorities said.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Redneck white man walks into church and shoots people.

  149. So the Wisconsin state legislature each year picks ten people as examples to honor black history month. It's a non-binding resolution that doesn't really do anything, but Republican Scott Allen didn't think it was fair that the ten always seemed to be black people, so he suggested that six of them should be white.
    That's three fifths, for those of you counting.
    Wisconsin state senator running for mayor of Milwaukee, Lena Taylor, wasn't having any of it, and after a back and forth with Allen she sent him an email saying: "Thank you Massa Allen for pickin' whose we should honuh suh," Taylor wrote. "We sho ain't capable of thinkin' fo ourselves, suh."

    -Doug in Oakland

  150. Pompeo, on the hornets nest they have just kicked over: "Obama did it."

    -Doug in Oakland

  151. Deceased North Carolina wingnut's daughter posted secret files on her web site wingnuts did not want anyone to see containing gerrymandering plAns, maps and other goodies which will hopefully sink stinking wingnuts in North Carolina forever.

    This is good stuff.

  152. from above link..... Lawyers for her father’s company have worked to try and keep the files sealed, saying they were “trade secrets” and proprietary information.

    “I originally started sharing them with journalists as a direct response to the assertion by the legislative defendants through counsel that they should be destroyed,” Stephanie told NPR. They along with other news sites were given the original files.

    The documents reveal Hofteller worked to change maps in Arizona, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and Virginia, along with
    specific counties in New York and Texas.

    Like I always say, wingnuts have to cheat to win and they cheated all over the place.

  153. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Yet the graveyard always votes DemocRATic.

    SJWs Always Project.

  154. Yet the graveyard always votes DemocRATic.

    Where's yer proof, liar?

    US commanders in Middle East have had to take their eyes of ISIS to prepare for retaliatory attacks from Iran, thanks to the dumbest fucker ever to stink upthe kremlin annex.

  155. Attack on US soldiers in Kenya by Islamic militia today killed one US soldier and 2 contractors. The loading has begun. No thanks drumpfuck. You fight this war.


    Not a single one of you hypocritical stoopid fucking wingnuts screamed about socialism when your side dishes it out.

    Wassa matter, you can't recognize socialism unless Fake Noize tells you what it is?


  158. "Negro Woman who allegedly ripped hijab off student's head charged with hate crimes"

    You sure this time? Last time you accused a Blah person of a crime it turned out to be a white guy. Just a bit dubious of you guys nowadays.

  159. Anonymous1:14 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  160. Anonymous1:17 PM

    trump 10-20!!

  161. Fergus ain't got ten more years left in him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  162. Crusty old warmongering neocon Bolton is probably so pissed that he had to leave before getting his Iran wargasm on that all of the sudden he is "prepared to testify" if subpoenaed.

    -Doug in Oakland


  164. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    trump 10-20!!
    1:17 PM

    More alt left delusion. You are ALWAYS wrong about Trump. That's why he was elected last time and he WILL be re-elected in 2020......

  165. Lt. Commander Johnson6:59 PM

    I'm just about at the end to believe you idiots are just anchor chains for the Bell Curve. You are totally, intentionally lying, obfuscating, in your hatred for Trump. What I can't why? What has Trump done to you personally, to make you feel this way?

    Yeah, I know, collusion, treason, racist,liar....etc. None proven. NOW...he takes out this bastard from Iraq. This guy, who flies around to National airports all over the Middle East like he owns them? Something Bush & Obama should have done. He had the shot, and he took it. If Trump had "briefed" Congress, I doubt it would ever have happened.

    You Dems best be thinking about 2024.

  166. Lt. Commander Johnson4:01 AM's a site I was referring to:

    It's not partisan. It's truth.

    Obama sent Iran 150 BILLION in the dark of night, with NO Congressional Authourization. How can this be possible? Maybe a Quid? Now, I know trash like Queenie, and AOC, Omar, would say"it was their money"

    Yeah, those Iranians just scare me to death.

    I have too many wicked things in my brain to continue, good night.
