Saturday, January 25, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for epstein  images

Give me a caption for this picture.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Gives a whole new meaning to politicians "kissing babies" doesn't it?


  2. The entire planet needs a shower after seeing this.

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

    — Donald Trump

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Help Dad; these two men are perverts! One is attempting to 'grab my pu$$y'!

  6. drumpf exhbiting his latest "wood" project to Ivanna Junior while holding her so she can't run and puke.

  7. LeonT1:37 PM

    "Now, sweetie, remember what I said. Be nice to Mr Epstein. He's good friends with daddy. He helps daddy make lots of money. Just go with Mr Epstein now and do what he says. I'll buy you that pretty dress you like. I promise."

  8. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago in 2004, after he tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

    The Clintons and major democratic donors maintained ties with Epstein even after his 2008 conviction for soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14.

    Epstein was investigated for trafficking in 2009. Bradley Edwards, an attorney who represented some of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims in a Palm Beach civil case, discussed how Trump was the only one willing to help him on the case against Epstein.

    “The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I wanted to talk to them, [Trump] is the only person who picked up the phone and said, ‘Let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know,’” Edwards recalled.

    Edwards added that Trump “was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information that checked out and that helped us.”

  9. Clinton was never accused of or named as soliciting sex with underage girls while with Epstein.

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's "Lolita Express" 26 times.

  11. Oh my god that's gross. Reminds me of an old Detention song:

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous2:55 PM

    A quick recap of the Impeachment Trial of President Donald J. Trump in 90 seconds:

  13. Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's "Lolita Express" 26 times.

    I repeat.....Clinton was never accused of or named as soliciting sex with underage girls while with Epstein.

    drumpf was.

  14. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Do you get off on lying?

  15. We shall over do it5:21 PM

    Joe Biden tweeted today:

    Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights."

    If ex-men getting to shower in the women's locker room is "the civil rights issue of our time," then civil rights is pretty much done and over.

  16. LeonT5:24 PM

    Hey! Dickheads: Bill Clinton isn't president.

    You know who is? Trump. The guy pictured above with his clearly uncomfortable daughter and a paedophile. That guy, right there, is "in charge" of the country.

  17. Leon Low-T7:23 PM

    I like to look at pictures of the children of people I hate and touch myself.

  18. Bloviating Ignoramus8:21 PM

    ♪♫Mmmm … mmmm … mmmm … mmmmyyy Sharona♪♫

  19. Anonymous8:23 PM

    "I did not commit suicide"

  20. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "The Clintons had me murdered"

  21. Anonymous9:41 PM

    There's far more awareness on the *left* that American politics is a entirely fake choreographed production, where the levers of the oligarchy and security state will be brought to bear if the American people choose anything out of bounds (like 2016 Trump, or Bernie now).

  22. The cast of Lolita.

  23. Anonymous8:58 AM

    A Quick Recap of the Impeachment Trial

  24. Anonymous9:04 AM


  25. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Schiff caught withholding exculpatory evidence from impeachment proceedings:

  26. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I think the defense team tore all the flooring out from under Schiff, Nadler and company yesterday, they proved that the subpoenas they issued weren’t even valid.

    They exposed lie after lie and discredited the articles as not being impeachable offenses.

    This should be over

  27. "I think the defense team tore all the flooring out from under Schiff, Nadler and company yesterday, they proved that the subpoenas they issued weren’t even valid."

    You do something, but I see no evidence that it rises to the level of thought.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. NBA player Kobe Bryant allegedly died in a helicopter crash. Must admit I was never a Bryant or Lakers fans, but Jeanie Buss looked mighty fine in a leading men's magazine layout.

  29. Kobe's career not the only one to end today:


  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I think the defense team tore all the flooring out from under Schiff, Nadler and company yesterday, they proved that the subpoenas they issued weren’t even valid.

    They exposed lie after lie and discredited the articles as not being impeachable offenses.

    This should be over

    11:52 AM
    You have to be one of the most uninformed people on the planet. Ninety percent of what the defense lawyers said was blatant lies. Try visiting one of the fact-checking sites.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:21 PM

    Of course the subpoenas were valid. Congress does not have to wait for a formal charge of impeachment in order to subpoena to anyone. All congress need is evidence that the subpoena is needed.

    Obviously you believed the defense lawyers lies.

  33. This isn't a formal trial situation so there is no reasdon for Democrats to turn over classified, allegedly exculpatory evidence. drumpf brags about how he has the evidence and won't let Dems have any. Sue him for withholding exculpatory evidence.

  34. Anonymous5:36 PM

    After trump is found not guilty by the Senate what will libtards do next......

  35. Case dismissed5:37 PM

    "This isn't a formal trial situation so there is no reasdon for Democrats to turn over classified, allegedly exculpatory evidence."

    Schiff/Pelosi didn't play by the rules in the House because they knew there was no case. They couldn't issue subpoenas because they never had a full House vote on opening the inquiry. Instead, this is a made-for-tv fiasco designed to smear the President without offering any real evidence of a crime. To that end, they want to drag this out as long as possible by getting the Senate to subpoena the witnesses they themselves couldn't because they decided to run a sham investigation.

    What a shit show.

    The Republicans came in yesterday and acted like adults, offering factual rebuttals and explaining why there was no legal basis for these charges. It's over, lunatics.

  36. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "This isn't a formal trial situation so there is no reasdon for Democrats to turn over classified, allegedly exculpatory evidence. drumpf brags about how he has the evidence and won't let Dems have any. Sue him for withholding exculpatory evidence."

    Actually, I think this is Democrats misinterpreting Trump's blather.

    Trump said something to the effect of "Democrats don't have the material; we have the material." Which lefties on Twitter have interpreted as him having evidence that will incriminate him, but which he is withholding.

    Okay, Trump is dumb, but he's not quite that dumb. What I think he means is just the usual lies and garbage that come out of his mouth. He's doubling down on the bullshit conspiracy theory that Joe Biden's son really was under investigation and that Biden shut it down and it was therefore perfectly acceptable to strongarm Ukraine into investigating this, and the "material" he has will prove this conclusively, and all the impeachment proceedings are just an UNFAIR WITCHHUNT!!!

    Why won't he release this "material" if it proves this case? Because he can't, because it's imaginary. If he tried to manufacture some, the Dems would tear it to shreds on cross-examination, so it won't ever make an appearance in trial. Trump will just rant about it and pretend it exists.

    Just assume that everything Trump says is always a lie -- absolutely everything -- and you'll understand him perfectly.

  37. The only valid, true point drumpf's liars made, was the need for new witnesses.

  38. What a shit show.

    The Republicans came in yesterday and acted like adults, offering factual rebuttals and explaining why there was no legal basis for these charges. It's over, lunatics.

    Total Caca del Toro. They started out by lying and didn't stop for at least 2 hours.

  39. Run, bitches, run6:32 PM

    Joe Biden's son really was under investigation and that Biden shut it down and it was therefore perfectly acceptable to strongarm Ukraine into investigating this

    This is of course true, and Trump's team does have the evidence to prove this.

    This is why he was impeached - to preemptively attack in order to try to halt any investigation or, failing that, cast aspersions on it's findings.

    The whole media/democrat infrastructure of lies is imperiled by the truth. That's why they have resorted to such desperation. Trump is going to burn it all down.

  40. Anonymous6:50 PM

    'The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.' --George Orwell

  41. This is of course true, and Trump's team does have the evidence to prove this.

    Bullshit on steroids!


    Melanoma drumpfuck wins best plagiarized spoken album grammy. donny drumpfuck did not win anything, including the White house, so he cries the Grammys are rigged against him. Wah fucking Wah.

  43. Employee of the Year9:16 PM

    How nice, he so deserved it. Now he has a Grammy to put next to his Nobel Peace Prize.

    And guess what? He's nominated for an Oscar now too!

    He's gonna need a bigger mantel!

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    After trump is found not guilty by the Senate what will libtards do next......

    5:36 PM
    Vote him out of office in November of course. What else would you expect? His corruption has been revealed for all to see.

  45. Anonymous9:35 PM

    His corruption has been revealed for all to see.
    9:31 PM

    That's Obama

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:49 PM

    Run, bitches, run said...

    "The whole media/democrat infrastructure of lies is imperiled by the truth. That's why they have resorted to such desperation. Trump is going to burn it all down."

    6:32 PM
    This sounds a lot like the right-wing ramblings that were prevalent here not long ago. As I recall, Obama and members of his administration were being investigated and would soon be sent to prison for a host of imaginary crimes. LOL!

    Trump will be acquitted by the gutless Republicans in the senate who have placed party and their own well being before country. They will pay a price for this. Trump's dishonesty has been exposed to the entire nation.

    If you think the 2018 election was bad for Republicans, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

  47. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Call the Bidens to the Senate.

    If they’re clean, Trump was wrong to squeeze Ukraine. If they’re dirty, Trump was right to demand an investigation.

    Until then, this Bolton drama is just a man creating scandal in hopes of selling a few more copies of his political revenge porn.

  48. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I find it odd that the New York Times and the rest of the Democrat Media Complex has absolutely no interest in Peter Schweizer's intensely sourced book "Profiles in Corruption", particularly the 70 pages of detail about "The Biden Five" and their obvious corruption, using Joe as influence, reaping millions over the last 20 years.

    Do Democrats REALLY want to call witnesses?

  49. How does Magic outlive Kobe?!

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I find it odd that the New York Times and the rest of the Democrat Media Complex has absolutely no interest in Peter Schweizer's intensely sourced book "Profiles in Corruption", particularly the 70 pages of detail about "The Biden Five" and their obvious corruption, using Joe as influence, reaping millions over the last 20 years.

    Do Democrats REALLY want to call witnesses?

    10:07 PM
    Yes they do. They are not worried by the imaginary crimes you are peddling.

  51. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "This is of course true, and Trump's team does have the evidence to prove this.

    This is why he was impeached - to preemptively attack in order to try to halt any investigation or, failing that, cast aspersions on it's findings."

    Haha. Trump has evidence to prove his conspiracy theory was real, and he is not revealing it because ... why, exactly? He's such a sweet guy? He doesn't want to ruin Biden's day?

    C'mon, even someone as delusional as you knows why. There is no evidence. Trump was trying to force Ukraine to manufacture it when he got caught red-handed.

    Hence the impeachment.

  52. And now he's trying to do with the impeachment trial what he failed to do with his stupid, stupid, extortion scheme in Ukraine: smear Joe Biden, because all polling still has him losing to Biden especially in the states he needs to win to cheat his way in again without winning the popular vote.

    Fergus and Biden are similar in that with both of them what you see is what you get, making Biden hard to smear and Fergus unable to not try.

    Neither of them are my first choice, but Biden could be pressured into doing the right thing, whereas Fergus can be counted on the always do the wrong thing no matter what.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Biden is done.

  54. Peter Schweathog's book, Clinton Cash, was totally debunked before it was released. The guy is a fucking nut job with zero credibility and is never to be taken seriously by serious news outlets.


  55. If they’re clean, Trump was wrong to squeeze Ukraine. If they’re dirty, Trump was right to demand an investigation.

    The asnwer to this has been clear from the beginning. There was never an investigation into Hunter Biden that was shut down by his Dad.

    Secondly, Bidens are in no way connected to drumpf's impeachment charges and to attempt to tie them together is desperately desdpicable.

  56. Also, the whole Ukraine was the one involved in hacking the 2016 election is a Russian hoax and just proves that wingnuts and drumpf are Russian agents and bots. Traitors, to be sure.

  57. Anonymous Employee of the Year said...
    How nice, he so deserved it. Now he has a Grammy to put next to his Nobel Peace Prize.

    And guess what? He's nominated for an Oscar now too!

    He's gonna need a bigger mantel!

    Are you on drugs? Seriously? Obama didn't win the Grammy, Michelle did. She didn't get the Nobel, he did.

  58. Lt. Commander Johnson9:01 AM

    You folks are just the smartest turds in the toilet bowl. Trump doesn't care if Bolton testifies or not. In fact, he probably WANTS him to. Bolton may be an asshole, but he's damn sure not a Democrat asshole. Trump doesn't care about the Bidens, anymore. They're toast.

    He wants Shitff's head on a platter. That would lead to Pelosi and Nadler. He's dangling the hook, and you will probably be dumb enough to bite.

  59. drumpf will claim he has never met Bolton and has never talked to him, just like all the other accusers drumpf and Queenie lie about.

    If drumpf wants Bolton to testify, he sure has a funny way of going about it, trying to prevent him from testifying. Of course, in Queenie wingnut land the word deny actually means he wants him to testify.

  60. Not sure why drumpf denies what Bolton said in his book. Afterall, drumpf has admitted at least twice he withheld pesos for investigations on Bidens.

  61. From Business Insider......

    In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory about Ukrainian election interference and Democratic collusion.
    In other words, Trump acknowledged doing the very thing he has repeatedly denied and could be impeached for.

  62. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Trump will be acquitted by the gutless Republicans in the senate who have placed party and their own well being before country. They will pay a price for this. Trump's dishonesty has been exposed to the entire nation.

    If you think the 2018 election was bad for Republicans, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
    9:49 PM

    Yes, Trump will be found not guilty because he is NOT GUILTY. Nope, you are thinking of the Socialist/Communist Democrats that have broken their oaths to uphold and protect the Constitution.

    Giggle, just wait delusional one.


  64. "Trump doesn't care if Bolton testifies or not. In fact, he probably WANTS him to. Bolton may be an asshole, but he's damn sure not a Democrat asshole."

    That's doubtful because he directly contradicts trump's official story and now there's pressure to call witnesses. I guess we can play the Baghdad Bob role or accept reality.

  65. Speaking of BadGag, Bob.........

    3 missiles hit the Badgad embassy today. Guess Iranians are still somewhat irate over murderous war criminal drumpf's assassination of Iranian general and then lying repeatedly about it.

  66. drumpf cannot be found not guilty. He can be acquited and not removed, but even a number of wingnuts have said he is guilty.

  67. Anonymous10:44 AM

    "Peter Schweathog's book, Clinton Cash, was totally debunked before it was released"

    Neat trick, discrediting claims before you hear them.

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:47 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump will be acquitted by the gutless Republicans in the senate who have placed party and their own well being before country. They will pay a price for this. Trump's dishonesty has been exposed to the entire nation.

    If you think the 2018 election was bad for Republicans, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
    9:49 PM

    Yes, Trump will be found not guilty because he is NOT GUILTY. Nope, you are thinking of the Socialist/Communist Democrats that have broken their oaths to uphold and protect the Constitution.

    Giggle, just wait delusional one.

    9:58 AM
    Yes, I'm waiting, anonymous, waiting to see what happens as this Bolton thing blows up in Trump's face. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Soon Trump will say, "I don't know John Bolton." And Trump thinks he can get away with it because you and you allies will believe anything he. says.

  69. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Yes, I'm waiting, anonymous, waiting to see what happens as this Bolton thing blows up in Trump's face. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Soon Trump will say, "I don't know John Bolton." And Trump thinks he can get away with it because you and you allies will believe anything he. says.
    10:47 AM

    Remember 2016 how wrong you were about the election and everything else Trump. One thing I know about Trump is the political pundits got it all wrong and continue to do so. TRUMP 2020!!

  70. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Trump WILL be re-elected and you all know it!!!

  71. President Peace Prize12:26 PM

    Michelle Obama won a Grammy last night, for her narration of a book about herself.

    Barack Obama has won two Grammys for his spoken word albums narrating two books about himself.

    Immediately after leaving office, the Obama's received $65 million in book advances from Pearson Publishing, coincidentally the same company Obama gave $350 million to create Common Core textbooks.

    The Obama's have now been nominated for an Oscar for their first documentary film.

    Immediately after leaving office, the Obama's received a $50 million deal from Netflix in a deal brokered by Netflix board member Ted Sarandos, who also happened to be one of Obama's biggest campaign donation bundlers. Which makes perfect business sense for Netflix – given the Obamas’ extensive experience in story development, screenwriting, direction and production.

    Has the world ever seen such talented individuals as the Obamas?

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:30 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Remember 2016 how wrong you were about the election and everything else Trump. One thing I know about Trump is the political pundits got it all wrong and continue to do so. TRUMP 2020!!

    11:24 AM
    No, you are wrong. I always feared that Trump would be elected. I did not think that Hillary could win because she was very unpopular with so many voters.

    In addition I knew that the lying scumbag, Trump, would be impeached if elected because he wasn't about to change his crooked ways. I knew that he wouldn't give up his gangster behavior even as president. And now he has been impeached. I'm fairly sure that the gutless Republican Senators will not vote to remove him.

    Have a nice day.

  73. The More You Know™1:34 PM

    Less than 1/3 of all California fourth graders are reading proficiently.


    — White supremacy
    — Mandatory ethnic studies curricula not yet implemented

    Not causes:

    — Uncontrolled immigration from low-IQ nations
    — Laws against student discipline

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:36 PM

    Ken Starr is addressing the senate, throwing spaghetti at the wall. He's still the same sleaze ball that he was when he hounded the Clintons.

  75. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Some Impeachments are More Equal than Others

  76. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "Some Impeachments are More Equal than Others"

    Yes, they are. Trump's is the most justified impeachment ever, by far.

    Trump engaged in a straightforward abuse of power. And his impeachment is supported by even more direct evidence than Nixon's would have been, had Nixon not quit before being impeached.

    And Clinton's and Johnson's impeachments were both totally politically motivated and were precipitated by the opposition finding a way to "trap" them into committing an act that they could then use a pretext for impeachment, whereas Trump trapped himself. Nobody had to trick him into doing anything; he's just a crooked dumbass who violates ethics and laws constantly. If you pay attention at all, you won't have to wait long to catch him pulling some dirty shit.

  77. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "Trump's is the most justified impeachment ever, by far."


  78. Facts are Fun3:02 PM

    Andrew Johnson was impeached for violation of the Tenure of Office Act, passed by Congress in March 1867, over his veto. Specifically, he had removed from office Edwin M. Stanton, the secretary of war—whom the act was largely designed to protect—and attempted to replace him with Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas. The act Tenure of Office Act was unconstitutional and was repealed in 1887.

    Bill Clinton was impeached for breaking the law, for obstructing justice, for committing perjury, and for lying in front of a federal judge during a deposition.

    Donald Trump was impeached for wanting to investigate corruption.

    So, actually, Bill Clinton's was the most justified impeachment ever, by far.

  79. Anonymous3:07 PM

    “Donald Trump was impeached for wanting to investigate corruption.”


    Still a lie.

  80. Donald Trump was impeached for wanting to investigate corruption. Corruption was never mentioned in the "alleged" transcript. Crimes were, though and drumpf admitted he committed a crime at least twice.

    And drumpf would set the record for perjury, lying under oath if only wingnuts would choose to do so, but then, they wouldn't bother charging him with perjury because there isn't a crime a wingnut could commit that wingnuts would ever charge the potus with impeachable offenses.

    What is sad and truly pathetic about stoopid fucking inbred wasicu wastey scuzzbuckets is they are too stoopid to see the truth. They don't bother seeking truth. They sit around and wait for Fake Noise to tell them what to say for that day.

    And their kids, already handicapped with inbred brother/sister parents will just keep getting dumber because drumpf is poisoning the environment and sending more jobs offshore.

  81. HRC won the election.Pundits got it right. What they didn't count on was Putin's interference and running cover to get the dumbest fucker ever in the kremlin annex to do Putin's bidding.

  82. Reality from Wisconsin3:28 PM

    2016 Electoral Results:

    Donald J. Trump: 306
    Hillary R. Clinton: 232

    Winner: Donald J. Trump

  83. Anonymous3:29 PM

    If Putin is running the country, he's doing a much better job than the last few presidents we had.

  84. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez has nominated dozens of lobbyists, corporate consultants, think tank board members, and former officials linked to Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns to serve on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) nominating committee this July.

    Many of Perez’s nominees are vocal opponents of Senator Bernie Sanders and spoke out against his campaign when he challenged Hillary Clinton for the nomination in 2016.

    Just as it did in 2016, the DNC appears determined to sabotage a Sanders nomination, foisting a collection of neoliberal and imperialist hacks onto the convention committee to hold back a popular rebellion against the policies of endless war and corporate free trade they have personally presided over.

  85. Anonymous3:31 PM

    "drumpf admitted he committed a crime at least twice."

    What crime was that?

  86. Anonymous3:55 PM

    “And drumpf would set the record for perjury, lying under oath if only wingnuts would choose to do so ...”

    Lying under oath. And also lying under oaf.

    Trump being the oaf.

  87. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Trump has never lied under oath.

  88. Anonymous4:03 PM

    First Kobe and now this lady. We are losing all our sports heroes.

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:04 PM

    The More You Know™ said...

    Less than 1/3 of all California fourth graders are reading proficiently.


    — White supremacy
    — Mandatory ethnic studies curricula not yet implemented

    Not causes:

    — Uncontrolled immigration from low-IQ nations
    — Laws against student discipline

    1:34 PM
    I'm think the cause if mostly because California has a very high population of young students whose first language is not English. Therefore, they do not read at the same level as native speakers. This does not mean they are stupid or have a low IQ. They just need more time to reach proficiency.

    I suggest that if you were to learn to read in a foreign language, it would take you some time also to learn to read. This is especially true if you were more than five or six years old when you came to that foreign country.

  90. Well Donald, she's not actually one of the girls. She's my daughter.

  91. Anonymous4:40 PM

    “Trump has never lied under oath.”

    His lawyers and GOP Senator leadership are working very hard to keep him from being under oath. Because he would lie. Because all he ever does is lie.

  92. The leader of "The Base" has a Russian wife and taught English in St. Petersburg.

    -Doug in Oakland

  93. The president does have a special sense of the absurd, though, like when he announced that we need to protect Thomas Edison while talking about Elon Musk, whose company is called Tesla…

    -Doug in Oakland

  94. Notice, none of drumpfuck the dumbfuck's lawyers have made an attempt to defend drumpf's criminal actions.hey are only trying to impeach Schiff and m ake him and ZBidens the focus of drumpf's impeachment kerfluffle. They have nop defense for drumpf's crimes.

    Like all wingnuts, when they lose they move the goalposts and start all over again.

    Chris Wallace was talking to Dershowitz and the subject was whether drumpf knew Parnas and Dershowitz automatically started whining it is not impeachable.

  95. Dems need to take page from wingnuts play book and dribble out new damaging drumpf information at little each month and then towards the election unleash a steady torrent of killer info to drive up drumpf's negatives. Just like they and the russians did to HRC.

  96. 2018 Wisconsin elections

    The Wisconsin general elections, 2018 were held in the U.S. state of Wisconsin on November 6, 2018. All of Wisconsin's executive officers were up for election as well as one of Wisconsin's U.S. Senate seats and Wisconsin's eight seats in the United States House of Representatives. The Democrats swept in all of the statewide elections, unseating three incumbent Republicans, including two-term Governor Scott Walker, and winning the open race for State Treasurer. Republicans maintained control of both chambers in the Wisconsin Legislature however, as well as a majority of the state’s U.S. House seats.

    -Doug in Oakland

  97. Anonymous5:12 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    The leader of "The Base" has a Russian wife and taught English in St. Petersburg.

    He is also a Fed.

  98. "He is also a Fed."

    That's what all of those militia meatheads say about each other, methamphetamine makes them paranoid. This delusional creep was discovered when he used his real name on some real estate documents, while his claims to fed-hood were all under one of his ridiculous aliases, or are accusations from other delusional wanna-be Nazis.

    "The Democrat controlled House never even asked John Bolton to testify."

    That's Fergus lie number sixteen thousand and what?

    -Doug in Oakland

  99. Moar fucked up drumpfian logic from iowa wingnuts. They wrote a bill making it illegal to fly transgender flags in most public places because, according to the dumbest fucking humans to ever mouth breathe, it disrespects men and women who fought and died for their nation. They swore an oath to protect and defend the rights of a people, ignorant slut, hate mongering wingnuts included.


    Moar lies from drumpf's alleged lawyers. drumpf claims el screwdy rudy was a bit player only

  101. Anonymous8:13 PM

    What the absolute fuck is a "transgender flag"?

  102. What the absolute fuck is a "transgender flag"?

    Apparently this:

    -Doug in Oakland

  103. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Trumps approval rating keeps going up during the impeachment hoax!!

  104. Anonymous1:46 AM

    How many other mental illnesses have flags that need to be displayed in public places?

  105. "Trumps approval rating keeps going up during the impeachment hoax!!"

    Last Fox poll had a majority favoring removal if I heard correctly. Lemme check.



    Making copies of a book before it is published is likely another crime for drumpf's criminal portfolio.

  108. Stoopid fucking iowa wingnut finally admits the truth of wingnuts impeachment debacle....

    She is the former KGB agent known then as Ivanna Kuturnutzov, known in iowa as a woman who can castrate pigs, similar to every wingnut you've ever met.

  109. Anonymous9:20 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  110. PBS News Hour reporter Lisa Desjardins tweeted Monday evening that the news tipped the scales and there were officially 51 votes to approve witnesses.

    -Doug in Oakland

  111. Pompeo is accusing the press of conspiring against the Fergus administration by asking relevant questions and expecting answers to them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  112. "Pompeo is accusing the press of conspiring against the Fergus administration by asking relevant questions and expecting answers to them."

    And this is exactly why we need and deserve a normal presidential press secretary. trump doesn't want to answer questions so he just runs by reporters without answering any questions. If he wants he will just have a media blackout. I hope we learn something from this but this being America we won't.😖

  113. drumpf and kushner's big land giveaway to Israel was rejected by Palestinians and American Jews. Israel is pushing for another war with Palestinians by claiming Israel will annex about 30% of the Jordan Valley, which is Palestinian lands.

    BTW, kushner says drumpf has been exonerated in the Senate. And wingnut Senators are claiming Bolton's revelations are irrelevant to impeachment trial, but somehow, dragging Bidens into is okay. There ain't a single active brain cell in all stoopid fucking wingnuts combined.

  114. Parchman prison's unit 29 (except for death row) is being closed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  115. "There ain't a single active brain cell in all stoopid fucking wingnuts combined."

    Well, even stupid people need representation.😆



  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:58 PM

    mike from iowa said.....

    There ain't a single active brain cell in all stoopid fucking wingnuts combined.

    5:33 PM
    Mike, I think the problem is that all of their brain cells are concentrated on the themselves instead of on the good of the American people. They are more focused on their own political future than the future of the country. If they didn't think it was to their advantage to support Trump, they would drop him like a hot potato. This includes Moscow Mitch.

  119. Just like Russiagate and drumpf's lies......

    drumpf originally said no injuries, just headaches and the numbers keep climbing.

    drumpf originally said no members of his campaign team met with Russian agents until it was revealed they all did.

  120. drumpfuck is going to sign the nearly same old NAFTA trade deal that house Dems negotiated, but aren't invited to the kremlin annex so wingnuts can claim they get all the credit.

    And of course anymoose will fall for this, like usual.

  121. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Replacing NAFTA with this new trade deal is great victory for American workers.

    Whatever your politics, we should all be thanking President Trump.

  122. Lt. Commander Johnson11:57 AM

    I would say that us wingnuts have more sense than Schumer to invite Lev Parnas to the "hearing". Especially since he is a Federally indicted crap, who can't even get on the Senate Floor, because he is wearing a monitoring bracelet. Maybe Lemon will laugh at that?

  123. I have yet to see any reputable news organization claim new Nafta is good for American workers.

    Of course, the kremlin annex line is a great victory for workers.


    6-7 wingnuts and Dem Patty Murray wore Apple watches to impeachment hearings, so electronic devices are allowed. Parnas should sail in on a magic carpet.

    Parnas is one of those first hand knowers that wingnuts are scared shitless about. They already know drumpf is guilty. These witnesses will make it hard for them to blow off their constitutional duties so easily.

  125. Better dig out moar indictments for drumpf, Screwdy rudy, Miss lindsey and a host of others in drumpf's criminal enterprise.

  126. Anonymous1:29 PM

    "I have yet to see any reputable news organization claim new Nafta is good for American workers."

    Sometimes it's better to take the win for the country and not worry about whether it's a loss for your side or the other side gets more credit.

  127. This "win"is rather shallow and the whole trade agreement is almost exactly what they had before. So much for the greatest negotiator ever bullshit.

    It could have turned out better had it been left alone until we got an adult in the White house.

  128. So much for drumpfuck begging Bolton to testify......

    Super top secrets in Bolton's book that can't be released until all traces of drumpf's criminal acts are removed.

    Problem is, as I see it, some of the book has been released already without redaction, and the kremlin annex made several copies of the book. We know who the crooks are and they prove it more and more each day.

  129. From Steve Benen about Fergus' Village People NAFTA 2.0:

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office confirmed that House Democrats had not been invited to the ceremony, though her spokesperson said Democrats were "well represented in the huge changes to the original USMCA draft that Democrats wrested out of the Administration."

    As a substantive matter, it's a fair point. The White House pleaded with House Democratic leaders for months to advance the president's priority, and in December, party leaders announced that they'd successfully altered the policy, moving the USMCA in a more progressive direction, especially on matters related to the environment and labor.

    Trump, indifferent to the substance of governing, effectively gave Pelosi what she asked for, leading the House Speaker to reportedly boast to her members, "We ate their lunch."

    Senate Republicans with an interest in trade policy were less than pleased. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) complained that the trade deal has "clearly moved way to the left." Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) added that he feared the Trump administration may have given "away the store" in order to secure Democratic support.

    At the president's insistence, NAFTA 2.0 advanced through the GOP-led chamber anyway, setting the stage for this morning's signing ceremony -- at which Trump made sure to exclude the lawmakers who made the success possible.

    -Doug in Oakland

  130. NAFTA is dead.

    The Democrats were unable to preserve the system that benefited their mega-corporation donors at the expense of American workers. They were also unable to use their climate change hoax to impoverish the nation.

    The USMCA gives American farmers more of a chance to compete in Canada’s highly restrictive dairy market, sets a minimum wage for workers manufacturing automobiles and increases the percentage of car parts required to become duty-free.

    Labor unions, including the AFL-CIO, backed the new deal, but environmental groups criticized it for not going far enough to combat climate change.

    Trump is the first President in our lifetimes to care about working people, and this was a great victory for 99% of Americans.

    Long live the USMCA.

  131. Some organization of Fergus fellators are trying to buy black votes with envelopes of cash, and since their donations are tax deductible, they are essentially envelopes of tax dollars:

    -Doug in Oakland

  132. "Long live the USMCA."

    Well, at least the parts of it concerning matters related to the environment and labor authored by the Democrats. The rest of it is mostly NAFTA with Fergus' silly new name on it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  133. Trump is the first President in our lifetimes to care about working people, and this was a great victory for 99% of Americans.

    Does yer mother know you lie like a drumpfian dog? Shame on yer sorry ass.

  134. "Republican sources tell Axios that party leaders and the White House will still try to resist witnesses because, as one top aide put it, "there is a sense in the Senate that if one witness is allowed, the floodgates are open."

    "If [Bolton] says stuff that implicates, say Mick [Mulvaney] or [Mike] Pompeo, then calls for them will intensify," the aide said."

    Open the floodgates of truth for the American people, although the Republican poltroons in the senate won't listen. Their votes to acquit in the face of overwhelming evidence of guilt will be political liabilities we can exploit to beat them in November.

    -Doug in Oakland

  135. n June 2019, Mexico became the first country to ratify the deal. But in the US, Democrats on Capitol Hill refused to sign on to the deal without stronger enforcement of labor provisions, stricter environmental protections, and other changes.

    House Democrats formed a working group to work with the administration on those demands. (As for Canada, it was mostly waiting for the US to get its act together before it took up the deal.)

    In December, they announced they’d reached a revised USMCA deal with the Trump administration that included most of the updates they wanted. One big one was a “rapid-response mechanism” that calls for an independent, three-person panel of multinational, independent experts who will make sure Mexico abides by its union rules and other protections.

    The revised version won the support of Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of labor unions in the United States, who had initially opposed the deal. Environmental groups still say it doesn’t go far enough, though, and some unions are still opposed.

    But it was good enough to gain bipartisan support in Congress.

    On December 19, the USMCA passed the House with a vote of 385 to 41. About a month later — on the same day President Trump’s impeachment trial was set to begin — the Senate overwhelmingly approved the USMCA, 89 to 10.

    On January 29, Trump officially signed the USMCA, marking a significant achievement for the president as he heads into the 2020 election.

    The USMCA won’t be finalized until Canada ratifies it. Canada’s parliament just started that process, though some lawmakers are resisting elements of the deal. But Canada is still likely to pass it. When it does, the USMCA will go into effect 90 days later.


  136. Dem revisions brought the unions on board and farmers got very little of what drumpf promised them.


    Suckulow has to be the dumbest lawyer out there, next to Screwdy rudy and drumpf.

    I hope drumpf pays dearly for the world's worst attorneys.

  138. Howz this fer chutzpah?.....

    Remember wingnuts whining that a few of Mueller's lawyers gave some hundreds to HRC? Phucking hypocrites.



  140. Anonymous5:53 PM

    "at least the parts of it concerning matters related to the environment and labor authored by the Democrats"

    Dems had very little input into the substance of the USMCA. They tried to derail it but failed. That is why their presence at the signing ceremony was unnecessary.

    Obama had both houses of congress and he never even considered touching NAFTA. He didn't give a fuck about American workers, and was a puppet of the billionaire class.

    Trump came through for the working men and women of America.

  141. From The Hill....

    More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

    Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence.

    Obama had both houses of congress and he never even considered touching NAFTA. He didn't give a fuck about American workers, and was a puppet of the billionaire class.

    Obama had a filibuster proof majority for 4 months. Dems and Obama straightened out the stoopid fucking wingnut recession, the worst in 50 years, and got the economy on a steady climb that has lasted for over 10 years, Dems keep pushing for minimum wage raises, and worker's protections that wingnuts keep taking away.

    And wingnuts did nothing but try to block every program Obama laid out there for jobs and infrastructure repair.

  142. Shorter Dershowitz: Fergus is delusional so he can't have known he was guilty.

    -Doug in Oakland


    This is your mad dog, stoopid fucking wingnuts. you own him and all his criminal activities. Fuck every last one of you deplorable traitors.

  144. "Dems had very little input into the substance of the USMCA." says anonymous troll.

    "We ate their lunch." says Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house, whose support was necessary for the passage of the Village People rebranding of NAFTA.

    -Doug in Oakland

  145. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Nancy Pelosi suffers from dementia and has to be spoon fed her lunch.

    Dems weren't even the game during USMCA negotiations.

  146. Anonymous6:56 PM

    "Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong"

    However, none of them could say what it was.

    When enough of them figure out he is being impeached for wanting to investigate Biden's corruption, they'll run the dems out of town on a rail.

    This should happen not too long after Hunter Biden is called in to testify.

  147. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "Obama had a filibuster proof majority for 4 months."

    Trump never had a filibuster proof majority, yet somehow he was able to get rid of NAFTA.

    All Obama ever did with his was give Wall Street a trillion dollar bail out and ruin healthcare for millions of people.

  148. Anonymous7:02 PM

    John Bolton = Christine Blasey Ford

  149. "Dems weren't even the game during USMCA negotiations."

    They control the house of representatives you moron, without their support nothing passes, and goddamn Republicans like Toomey and Cornyn are whining about the language the Democrats put in the bill, so it would seem, to the sane, that the Democrats did in fact have some input as to the final language included.

    And you can figure they read the damn thing, which is more than you can say about our functionally illiterate president, who doesn't give one single fuck about what's in it as long as his stupid, stupid name is on it.

    -Doug in Oakland


  150. When enough of them figure out he is being impeached for wanting to investigate Biden's corruption, they'll run the dems out of town on a rail.

    None of you stoopid fucking wingnuts have figured out what Biden corrupted, except for the false Russian narratives you like to repeat, even though they have been debunked by everyone.

  151. Nancy Pelosi suffers from dementia and has to be spoon fed her lunch.

    Dems weren't even the game during USMCA negotiations.

    Three lies in two sentences. you can do better, pinhead.

  152. "None of you stoopid fucking wingnuts have figured out what Biden corrupted"

    Biden's son got paid millions by a corrupt Ukrainian company so that they could buy influence with the American government. It paid dividends when Biden threatened to withhold US government aid unless a prosecutor investigating the corrupt Ukrainian company was fired.

    Even a simpleton such as yourself should be able to understand that.

  153. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:12 PM

    SFW said...

    Biden's son got paid millions by a corrupt Ukrainian company so that they could buy influence with the American government. It paid dividends when Biden threatened to withhold US government aid unless a prosecutor investigating the corrupt Ukrainian company was fired.

    8:11 PM
    Read this article and learn the truth.

  154. Anonymous9:13 PM

    The Amazon Post has no credibility.

  155. @Gambler2 ASKA White Woman:

    From the Washington Post piece:

    "Crucially, U.S. and Ukrainian sources have told The Washington Post and other outlets Shokin was not actively investigating Burisma at the time of his ouster."

    Shokin himself says he was actively investigating Burisma at the time of his ouster, and that he was turning his attention toward Hunter Biden.

    In a newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation. “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.

    “On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation,” Shokin added.


    "but there remains no evidence Joe Biden’s actions were influenced by personal interest."

    This is a statement of opinion, not fact. It is based on Joe Biden denying he acted out of concern for his son, not any other evidence. The decision to withhold aid was ultimately Obama's, and the democrats certainly had interest in stopping any investigation of such corruption, not only for Biden, but also for other high profile democrats making huge amounts of money from corrupt Ukrainian institutions.

  156. The damn fool is out there saying Mexico is paying for the wall again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  157. ...Aand, from Taegan Goddard:

    Parts of New Border Wall Fall Down

    January 29, 2020 at 8:48 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 109 Comments

    “Newly installed panels from the U.S. border wall fell over in high winds Wednesday, landing on trees on the Mexican side of the border,” CNN reports.

    “The area is part of an ongoing construction project to improve existing sections of the wall.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  158. SFW is posting an old debunked story from an old debunked John Solomom, conspiracy theorist. Nothing to see here.

    All of solomon's reporting from the HILL is being reviewed for accuracy after he left and went to Fake Noize.

  159. As for the Time article, I see no corruption attempted by either Biden and no evidence that the two worked together. You got nothing, again.


  161. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "All of solomon's reporting from the HILL is being reviewed for accuracy after he left and went to Fake Noize"

    And none was "debunked".


    Obama did better. drumpfuck the dumbfuck was handed an economy with all indicators glowing positive and promised 5-6% GDP growth and he can't deliver on it. What a phucking loozer.

  163. Take yer pick, anymoose and choke on it.

  164. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I'll pass on Media Matters and take what The Hill has found in their review, i.e. John Solomon's reporting has been solid.

  165. John Solomon's reporting has been solid.

    11:28 AM

    let's see that report, since I doubt it exists.


    4th quarter GDP growth an anemic barely 2.1%. drumpf sucks. Obama did better with a hell of a lot less to work with.

  167. "John Solomon's reporting has been solid."

    Solid wingnut horseshit, but solid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  168. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The Hill reviewed everything he did a found nothing non-factual.

    The aren't many journalists who can say that.

  169. President Peace Prize5:25 PM

    "Obama did better with a hell of a lot less to work with."

    Yes, he wasn't very bright and didn't do much, but he always got a gold star on his homework.

  170. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Hill reviewed everything he did a found nothing non-factual.

    Pants on fire, liar liar.

    Yes, he wasn't very bright and didn't do much, but he always got a gold star on his homework.

    Obama is smarter than you and all your ancestors ever.


    -Doug in Oakland

  172. Today is the day McCTurtlefuckface and and the rest of the Wasicu wasteys in the Senate prove how big a stinking koyote kompilation of nukular dog shit they are when they gleefully ignore empirical evidence to the kontrary and acquit the crime boss.

    People will remember come November because there will be a steady drip of damning criminal counts released until election time. Rot in HELL, phuckerz!

  173. Moar wingnut election cheating.....

    Not a slip of the tongue. Wingnuts have pulled this stunt in several recent elections, even sending flyers into poor Wisconsin neighborhoods telling them to vote after the election is over.

    Can't win without cheating.


    So drumpf may have had sex with E Jean Carroll's dress in a department store more than 20 years ago. Let's let her get his DNA and put this to rest.

  175. Anonymous10:26 AM

    People will remember come November because there will be a steady drip of damning criminal counts released until election time.

    Yes.  Literally THOUSANDS of pedophiles rounded up so far.  Well over ten thousand sealed indictments yet to go.  When election day rolls around, there will be so many damning criminal counts released that the un-jailed members of the DemocRAT party will be ashamed to show their faces in public.

    Considering how literally retarded Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson and their like are, DemocRATs should be afraid to show their faces regardless.


    Another body for drumpf body count.

    Anymoose is slinging the bullshit early.

  177. drumpf's judiciary is turning the constitution into toilet paper....

    When Obama was legally elected Potus, wingnut judges gave Congress standing to sue Obama over emergency rules.

    Now they deny Congress standing to sue drumpf over stealing congresses officiaL status as keepers of the pursestrings when it comes to border wall theft of money from Defense.

  178. What new Nafta means for Michigan auto workers years into the future......

    From Politico...

    Some workers told POLITICO that they're pleased to see the deal completed and are hoping it will translate into higher wages for them. One auto industry worker said he is also counting on the deal to keep the industry in an upward swing. The auto industry has only in recent years picked back up after a major downturn during the 2008 recession.

    U.S. auto companies are already beginning to brace for the changes, but they know that “so much has to happen before we can even get to implementation,” an American automotive industry official told POLITICO.

    Canada still has to ratify the pact, and the three countries still need to meet certain obligations before the deal can go into effect. Plus, once the countries are satisfied that they’ve met their obligations, it’ll take another two months before the USMCA takes effect.

    After that, it’ll take years before auto companies make changes as required by the deal that could then create jobs. Auto manufacturers are being given three to seven years, depending on the type of car, to fully comply with the complicated new requirements.

    One of the biggest changes from NAFTA to USMCA is tied to tighter rules on how North American autos and auto parts qualify for reduced tariffs — a change that Trump expects to create thousands of American jobs.

    Those new rules, which aim to increase car production within the region, will require that companies make significant and costly changes to how they make their cars. There are no U.S.-specific rules.

    The USMCA is projected to create 28,000 jobs in auto manufacturing over its first five years, according to the independent International Trade Commission. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative did its own forecast, which estimates the deal will create 76,000 jobs in the American automotive sector over a five-year period.

    Those jobs will be in parts production, as the ITC expects vehicle production jobs to drop over the new complex rules. The city of Warren stands to benefit from those jobs.

    However, the deal's changes are also expected to make cars more expensive, which would lead to consumers pulling back on buying cars.

    “For the auto sector, USMCA is going to be a long-term project,” said John Murphy, senior vice president for international policy


    Sounds like drumpf and Russiagate, from only headaches to at least 64 serious head traumas in four easy lies.

  180. drumpf defense lead attorney was compromised but never bothered to tell anyone

    Marco Rubio says drumpf guilty of impeachable offenses but will vote to acquit him. There ain't an honorable stoopid fucking wingnut out there to be found.


  182. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:27 PM

    I agree. I hope this corrupt attorney gets disbarred.

  183. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    I agree. I hope this corrupt attorney gets disbarred.
    11:27 PM


  184. Claire McCaskill @clairecmc
    1) Bolton is telling the truth
    2) Cipollone was in the meeting
    3) Cipollone is a fact witness and has misled the tribunal
    4) Cipollone has violated the ABA Rules of Professionall Conduct
    5) Cipollone should be disciplined by the Bar and potentially lose his bar license.

    -Doug in Oakland

  185. Bootes6:01 PM

    The new republican Motto - No witnesses allowed

  186. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The House called witnesses.  If their testimony isn't enough, why didn't they call more and different witnesses?

    This insistence on "witnesses" in the Senate is proof that this whole thing is a political circus of zero legitimacy.  The entire DemocRAT party has zero legitimacy.  It needs to be disbanded and its leaders and donors jailed.
