Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Welcome to trumpistan.

Image result for trump imagesHave you been watching the senate impeachment trial going on in Washington? The mismatch between the two sides when it comes to their legal advocates have been frightening. The republican legal team just keeps flooding the process with lies and lousy legal arguments. The democrats, on the other hand, have been on their game. If this was an actual game the referees would have invoked the mercy rule by now. Adam Schiff deserves a special place in history for his work on the senate floor in laying out the legal arguments to remove Mr. trump from office.

Of course all of this will not matter, because the trump cult members republicans in Washington have already decided that they will protect a corrupt and out of control president no matter what. Some of them will pretend to deliberate (I see you Susan Collins and Mitt Romney), and others, to their everlasting shame, will not even pretend to have an open mind. Holding on to power and getting reelected is far more important than honoring the oath they took to be impartial, and to respect the Constitution of the United States. To them, loyalty to trump is more important than loyalty to their country. Some of them, in violation of senate rules, are even walking out of the senate chambers while the democrats are making their arguments.

If Americans could turn away from The Bachelor and Dancing With The Stars long enough to watch the impeachment trial they might actually learn something about what the president did to get us to this point. The democrat House impeachment team has laid it out with sound factual arguments and demonstrative evidence.

The outcome of this particular trial is a fait accompli, and you could argue that we won't know the result of what is happening until November, which is when the American people will decide if we want to continue under this current regime.

Adam Schiff said the following: .

"When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.’”

Those words were written by Alexander Hamilton in a letter to President George Washington, at the height of the Panic of 1792, a financial credit crisis that shook our young nation. Hamilton was responding to sentiments relayed to Washington as he traveled the country, that America, in the face of that crisis, might descend from “a republican form of Government,” plunging instead into “that of a monarchy.”

The Framers of our Constitution worried then—as we worry today—that a leader could come to power not to carry out the will of the people that he was elected to represent, but to pursue his own interests. They feared that a president could subvert our democracy by abusing the awesome power of his office for his own personal or political gain.

And so they devised a remedy as powerful as the evil it was meant to combat: Impeachment.

As the centuries have passed, our Founders have achieved an almost mythic character. We are aware of their flaws, certainly, some very painful and pronounced indeed. And yet, when it came to the drafting of a new system of government, never seen before and with no guarantee it could succeed, we cannot help but be in awe of their genius, their prescience, even, vindicated time and time again."

Not quite Mr. Schiff, because in trumpistan, none of that matters. 

*Pic from


  1. The stupid, it burns8:56 PM

    Oh yeah, Feeled.  Because a man, who could easily have stood back and enjoyed his wealth and his resorts around the world, instead decided to run for office to challenge the corrupt and corrupting system afflicting his country, and SUCCEEDED and is now dismantling the networks of destruction and positive EVIL that had held it in thrall, MUST be wrong according to your lights.  Because YOU are on the side of evil.

    Jamaica isn't far enough for you to run.  Get to Liberia... if even they will have your evil ass.

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    This absurd impeachment attempt will ensure Donald Trump's reelection and the loss of the House of Representatives by the lunatic Democratic party.

  3. Trump needs to go. By any means necessary.

  4. Anonymous10:29 PM

    History will be busy wondering why we impeached a President without a crime or a victim.

  5. When Schiff makes the deranged statement, "The US aids Ukraine and her people so that they can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here”, remember that warped logic was ratified when the impeachment articles were passed. Damage has already been done.

    BTW, there would be no fighting Russian "forces" in Ukraine had Obama not engineered regime change.

  6. Hunter Biden renting $12,000-per-month Hollywood home while refusing to pay child support:

    No wonder black voters love Biden.

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson11:27 PM

    Nah, Shitff's big thing today was to insinuate that since Trump couldn't be beaten in an Election, the Senate should take him out.

    Let Bolton Testify. I'm all for it. Some things I like Bolton for, some I don't. One thing I like, is he isn't a damn Democrat...not by any shape or form.

    Let the Repubs trade Bolton for Shitff & Biden> Kinda like an FFL trade.

  8. Anonymous11:53 PM

    "When Schiff makes the deranged statement, 'The US aids Ukraine and her people so that they can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here', remember that warped logic was ratified when the impeachment articles were passed. Damage has already been done.

    BTW, there would be no fighting Russian 'forces' in Ukraine had Obama not engineered regime change."

    Oh Lord, even dumber than I expected. Not just flogging Trump's conspiracy theories about Biden, but Putin's conspiracy theories about Obama.

    Congratulations. You win the fuckwit prize for the day. Take your dunce cap and go sit in the corner.

  9. The anonymoids got here early. Cleanup on aisle three!

    The bitterness visible on the Senate floor, the White house, and here is obvious. The reason why is less obvious. Yes, the R's and the Trump cult are defending a man with no honor, and so they deride law, justice and reason; but why? What's in it for them? Trump's in it for Trump alone; he betrays everyone close to him, and the closer, the worse the betrayal. Really he's his own worst enemy. So why stick with him?

    He routinely commits what I call 'crimes against reason'. That phrase has two meanings. The first meaning is that his crimes are against Reason itself. He wants us all to be as incapable of thought as he himself is, to prevent us from defending himself against him. But the second meaning is that his crimes make no sense. They don't even profit him; so his crimes have no reason.

    What profit it a man to win power but lose his mind?

    I think Trumpism makes logical sense if it is motivated not by the will to live, but by the will to die. Truth, reason, justice, love and liberty lead towards life; therefore Trumpism hates and enslaves and corrupts and lies and deludes; and above all, self-deludes.

    It is not necessary to destroy Trumpism, or the pseudo-conservative nihilism that Trumpism is the natural result of. These things will destroy themselves, for that is what they are for. It's how they are designed. What is necessary is knowing how not to self-destroy along with them.

    Therefore be good to yourself. Practice love and thought for yourself and for others. In times such as these, choosing sanity is an act of political resistance. It is a defense against the dark arts.

    I recommend these practices to all who read this; even the bitter nihilistic trolls who post in bad faith upon this thread, for they need psychic self-defense most desperately of all.

    This post is like a mirror. It will be damned by the self-damned, and blessed by the self-blessed.

  10. What Paradoctor said. Really.

    "So why stick with him?"
    They want to keep their jobs and the power that goes with them, and Fergus' idiot hordes are a majority of the Republican primary electorate right now, while he's still president.

    "What profit it a man to win power but lose his mind?"
    Depends on the man and the mind. Fergus never had much of one to begin with. More like a cheap recording device stuffed full of aggressions he was too weak to act on and warped standards of dominance where a value system should be. Never able to measure up to his father or Roy Cohn, his response is to find those he sees as weaker than him and do whatever damage to them he can. Anyone who ever grew the fuck up got past those feelings, but never having had to do anything in his whole miserable life, he never did.

    " trumpistan, none of that matters."
    So now it's our job to make it matter in November.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous1:25 AM

    "The bitterness visible on the Senate floor, the White house, and here is obvious. The reason why is less obvious. Yes, the R's and the Trump cult are defending a man with no honor, and so they deride law, justice and reason; but why? What's in it for them? Trump's in it for Trump alone; he betrays everyone close to him, and the closer, the worse the betrayal. Really he's his own worst enemy. So why stick with him?"

    What's in it for them?

    Well, the masses of dumbass MAGA hatters simply like the warped fantasy Trump's peddling. They badly want to believe that the only thing wrong with America is that there are "bad guys" -- brown people, foreign countries, the UN, whatever -- who are stopping us from being great.

    In the literal words of Kanye, "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME BE GREAT!!!"

    And Trump is going to fix all that by punching those bad guys in the face. He thrills them when he throws up policy ideas that aren't designed to accomplish anything useful beyond "owning the libs."

    As for the elected GOP officials, as Doug said, they are afraid of the dumbass MAGA hatters. They want to keep their jobs, and don't care if that means the country goes to hell in a handbasket. They will parrot the most embarrassing, improbable Trump lies, vote to keep Trump as president, and flush their dignity down the toilet if it means they get to stay on Capitol Hill for a few more years.

    All of that is revolting, but here we are.

  12. "Well, the masses of dumbass MAGA hatters simply like the warped fantasy Trump's peddling. They badly want to believe that the only thing wrong with America is that there are "bad guys" -- brown people, foreign countries, the UN, whatever -- who are stopping us from being great."

    The ignorance of the left is boundless. Not only are your own beliefs incoherent, but you have zero understanding of the views of people who don't ascribe to your bullshit.

  13. LeonT2:16 AM

    Hey MAGA, how' the weather in Leningrad these days?

  14. Let's just let the process play out. If the Dem managers lay out a compelling argument then trump is ousted if not he's acquitted. Nobody knows how this is gonna go, not even the anonymous posters here.😆

  15. Anonymous3:26 AM

    "The ignorance of the left is boundless. Not only are your own beliefs incoherent, but you have zero understanding of the views of people who don't ascribe to your bullshit."

    Ah, I see. Of course that stuff didn't describe you at all, OBVIOUSLY. You're not bothered by ethnic minorities or transnational cooperation and global trade.

    Yet five minutes from now, you'll be sharing all your favorite Chicago "black crime" stories, telling people to go back to Africa, and ranting about "Globohomo trying to take my guns."


  16. "Globohomo trying to take my guns."

    It's pronounced MUH guns.😂

  17. Joe Bribem6:06 AM

    They should trade the testimony of John Bolton for the testimony of Hunter Biden. Kind of like trading players in fantasy football.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson6:13 AM

    Try and take it from muh.

    As far as Ukraine goes...I am so sick of hearing about them. Russia is NOT "at war" with Ukraine. If they were, Ukraine would be a wasteland. Ukraine is NOT a "vital interest to the national security of the US". They are a piss-ass, corrupt country. Why do they need US taxpayers money? Javelin anti-tank missiles? The Europeans produce many fine anti-tank weapons, for example, the Carl-Gustav. Ukraine might be important to their "security"...but not ours. Let them give Ukraine all the "military assistance" they need.

    BTW, just what does "military assistance" actually mean? The US taxpayer just "gives" them this stuff? To be paid back at some later date? Yeah, we all see how that went in WWII. As far as I am aware, Finland is the ONLY country to ever pay off, or even make payments, of it's war debt to the U.s. Ukraine is in the Russian "sphere of influence". Always has been, always will be. I'd be pissed if the Russians were selling missiles to Mexico, too...(if they aren't already). Remember Cuba?

  19. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I did watch some of it Mr. Feelz. The problem is the pedo-faces of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler make me physically ill.

    I do wonder about all of the referencing to the founding honkeys (sorry "fathers") and the Constitution. I watched my whole life as liberals dismantle and destroy the Constitution, yet now want to use it support a political show trial.

    Feelz, take still got your impeach-miss.

    But not too much Feelz, elections have consequences and with this bit of political theatre you will lose any chance of retaking the WH. You'll also lose the House.

    Then you'll have to go back to bashing the Constitution, America and White people. So there's that...

  20. Joe Bribem7:01 AM

    "People can make money by clipping coupons in the street". Yes, I am the democrat front runner.

  21. Anonymous7:11 AM

    If republicans proposed anything like Virginia House bill 1627 liberals would poop their pants.

  22. Anonymous7:29 AM

    This piece hits the nail on the head about our current situation and where it all leads...

  23. The stupid, it burns said...
    Oh yeah, Feeled. Because a man, who could easily have stood back and enjoyed his wealth and his resorts around the world, instead decided to run for office to challenge the corrupt and corrupting system afflicting his country, and SUCCEEDED and is now dismantling the networks of destruction and positive EVIL that had held it in thrall, MUST be wrong according to your lights. Because YOU are on the side of evil.

    Jamaica isn't far enough for you to run. Get to Liberia... if even they will have your evil ass.

    Hmmm, this one neither understand wanting to further enrich yourself nor bolstering a flagging portfolio. As for the former, ask H.W. and W. For the latter, well, he's your boy in office now.

    And I wonder if the mentions of Jamaica and Liberia were tests. Jamaica was one of the islands where the Spanish and their Moor compatriots committed genocide on the autochthonous people there and then Jamaica was used to ship the recaptured from plantations enslaved autochthonous POWs of Amer'ica. As for Liberia, 12,000 (actually a conservative estimate) autochthonous POWs of Amer'ica were shipped there to form a ruling political class of that country. Then again, you may well have plucked those countries from your ass in a monkey idiot savant moment.

  24. Stoopid fucking wingnuts on here have yet to figure out Biden is not the impeached one, is not under any real investigation of any kind and the stoopid bastards actually believe drumof is against corruption, instead of heading a corrupt government and criminal enterprise.

    Mother never said any wingnuts were smart.

  25. Rutherford and Whitehead were two entities behind Paula Jones lawsuit against W J Clinton and refused to allow her to settle early.

    Just like the Biden child support brouhaha, you will find powerful right wing nasty bastards pushing the narrative.

    Rutherford claimed to be a leader in fighting for women's issues, except no one could find a single case where that was true.
    John Whitehead was the leader of Rutherford and chief adviser to Jones for a period of time.

  26. Stoopid fucking wingnuts wanted drumpf impeached before the 2016 election, then , of course, they blamed it on Dems.

    Like I said, all stoopid fucking wingnuts are pathological liars.

  27. Here's yer lying sack of shit, stoopid fucking wingnuts. Never makes a statement in which he doesn't lie at least once.

    "With me there's no lying." So sayeth the pathological liar.


    This will not end well, unless you consider butt hurt, anal retentive, wasicu wasteys a desirable outcome.

  29. Wingnuts violate wingnut established Senate impeachment rules with impunity.

    No surprise here.

  30. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Arrest warrant issued for Antonio Brown

  31. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Chicago January 2020 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 19
    Shot & Wounded: 92
    Total Shot: 111
    Total Homicides: 26

  32. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Police: 2 dead in Texas club shooting, negro suspect arrested:

  33. Anonymous9:35 AM

    'It's A War Zone': Black Violence Continues To Grip City Of Philadelphia In 2020

  34. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Negro Body found in duffel bag, stabbing death of black Philadelphia foster mom possibly connected:
    Jan 16, 2020

  35. Anonymous9:44 AM


  36. Anonymous said...
    "I'm so scared of people with more melanin in their skin I go to their websites and blogs and troll them. Each morning I search high and low with my default search that I set just before I go about my uneasy sleep where I have repetitive nightmares of being surrounded by people with more melanin in their skin. I guess that's what we all get for being macrocosmic cancer cells as we weaponize our very beings in order to devour nature itself."

    It's funny, white people complain that when crimes are committed in their "hoods" police show up far, far after the fact. Why? Because police are instructed not to do not patrol their neighborhoods and instead over patrol people with more melanin.

    The result of this racist-nightmarish obsession with "black" bodies is gross underreporting of white crime. It's very convenient, though, for the large percentage of fragile people with less melanin who fear their shadows never realizing they live in a ghost-goblin-filled world ---- that they contrived - lmao!

    What's even funnier is that, comparatively, you rarely see us flooding "your" fear-tinged websites with our presence; we already laugh at you enough.

  37. Damned if you do, damned if you don't10:53 AM

    "Because police are instructed not to do not patrol their neighborhoods and instead over patrol people with more melanin."

    If you want to fight crime, you concentrate on where the crime is.

    The fact is, black neighborhoods have much higher violent crime rates than anywhere else.

    And yes, increased police presence in black neighborhoods leads to higher black arrest rates.

    If police presence was reduced, crimes against the inhabitants would increase.

    This is exactly what has happened in places like Baltimore, St. Louis, and other cities were police have backed off following the Michael Brown and Freddie Gray killings. It's called the "Ferguson Effect" and has resulted in thousands of extra murders of black people.

  38. Anonymous11:04 AM

    1 negro dead, 7 negroes injured in downtown Seattle shooting

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:25 AM

    Pizza said...

    Hunter Biden renting $12,000-per-month Hollywood home while refusing to pay child support:
    News Flash: Hunter Biden isn't running for president.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 AM

    Well I see now that this site has been bombarded with comments by Nazis and other white-nationalist hoodlums. I hope they are enjoying themselves in their fruitless search for supporters.

    I wish they would take their shit show somewhere else.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:48 AM

    from this morning...

    While attending the World Economic Forum’s summit of global elites in the Swiss mountaintop retreat of Davos on Wednesday, President Donald Trump openly admitted he would—if reelected in 2020—consider cutting back funding for key social programs including Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.

    We all knew this was coming. Trump wants poor people to be even poorer.

  42. Lt. Commander Johnson12:00 PM

    Nah, there's no reason to worry about the peace-loving black and brown folks. Just look at South Africa today:

    Same for that utopia, Zimbabwe, which used to be Rhodesia, then known as the "breadbasket of Africa". Now, they beg for food from the world.

    I swear, they've gotten almost as bad as Chicago or Philadelphia. They probably have better football teams, though.

    On the bright side, I saw an interview with the President of Botswana at the forum in Davos. He seemed to have his sh!t together. He must have gone to school abroad.

  43. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "consider cutting back funding for key social programs"

    Just for you, Granny.

    And to be clear, when he was specifically asked if he would consider entitlement reforms, he said "At the time, we will take a look at that". He went on to tout how much revenue the government was receiving, so the idea he was saying he would support cutting anything is projection.

    If he had said he wouldn't consider reforms, you'd be implying he was being irresponsible in managing the budget.

  44. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Everyone knows that the impeachment farce is just a political show with the objective of being an obstruction of justice for swamp corruption. It's purpose is to delay and distract from addressing the rampant lawlessness of the swine who run our nation. It makes investigating corruption a crime. Obscures giult. Undermines the government and the rule of law.

    If this were a real country, we would be rounding up subversives and seditionists.

  45. Lt. Commander Johnson12:56 PM

    Speaking of Rhodesia, ever heard about this ignored part of history?

    Nah, you wouldn't have. Ever heard about the Zebra Murders? The Wichita Massacre? The Nashville Horror? With all the "crime shows" on TV 24/7, makes you wonder why you don't.

    Well, we all know why you don't, don't we?

    Would make some great Hallmark Movies.

    BTW, while I'm at it...Have you seen those stupid ZOLA commercials, that they play incessantly? My question is about the two Lesbians getting married. Now, the taller blonde is wearing a veil and a dress. The shorter brunette is wearing a pants suit. What does this indicate to the viewer? I do know straight women, and to them, the wedding ceremony means "everything"! So, there is a message there, I just can't translate it.

    So, I'm wondering...when two gay guys get "married" does one wear a tux, and the other a dress? Wonder what Mayor Buttplug wore, since they want to adopt, when they get into the White House, and he says his "whatever" will make a great father. I just don't get it.

    This world is sick. I don't care where you stick you goober or dildo. You just quit trying to shove either one in my face, if you please.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:08 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "consider cutting back funding for key social programs"

    Just for you, Granny.

    And to be clear, when he was specifically asked if he would consider entitlement reforms, he said "At the time, we will take a look at that". He went on to tout how much revenue the government was receiving, so the idea he was saying he would support cutting anything is projection.

    If he had said he wouldn't consider reforms, you'd be implying he was being irresponsible in managing the budget.

    12:04 PM
    Just for you ,son: Bull shit!

  47. Hang em' high1:50 PM

    Remember when Hillary and the dems said Trump would be a traitor if he didn't accept the results of the 2016 election?

    Not only do democrats not accept the result of the 2016 election but they are preemptively questioning the results of an election that hasn't happened yet.

    By their own definition they are traitors.

  48. Anonymous2:12 PM

    "By their own definition they are traitors."

    Truer words....

  49. Remember when Hillary and the dems said Trump would be a traitor if he didn't accept the results of the 2016 election?

    No. As a matter of fact I never read or heard this. Maybe, by some magc beans or something show me some actual evidence that is irrefutable, i e not made up shit. I'll wait.

  50. Poor Queenie, the world is too complicated for him to understand what his eyes show him. His call in life is to condemn black men to prison for crimes they did not commit.

    No body here has stuck anything in yer face except for reality and truth. You don't need to understand how or why other people may appear different to you. It is none of your business and chances are you'd get rolled by yer alleged klan buddies before an LGBTQ person would touch you or get in yer face.

    Pleasant dreams of wasicu total domination you will never live long enough to see.

  51. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "Not only do democrats not accept the result of the 2016 election but they are preemptively questioning the results of an election that hasn't happened yet."

    “He became the first person, Republican or Democrat, who refused to say that he would respect the results of this election. Now, that is a direct threat to our democracy,” she added at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire on October 24.

    She went on to say, “That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job.“


  52. drumpfuck the dumbfuck M.D. says soldiers concussions are no more serious than minor headaches because Fake Noize told him to say this.

  53. Well, well, well....3:16 PM

    BREAKING: Newly Released Email Shows Obama's White House Meeting With Ukranian Prosecutors to Discuss... Hunter Biden and Burisma

    Politico reporter Ken Vogel contacted the White House for comment on a story he was working on. It's this email that has just been revealed.

    On May 1, 2019, Vogel contacted State Department official Kate Schilling about a story he was working on regarding an Obama administration meeting in January 2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and mentioned the name of the CIA analyst believed to be the whistleblower whose complaint sparked impeachment proceedings that led to two articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

    Ingraham did not state the name of the alleged whistleblower — Fox News hosts are banned from doing so until the identity is confirmed — and blacked out the name when showing excerpts of documents. However, she likely was referring to Eric Ciaramella, who some Republicans and conservative media figures believe is the whistleblower.

    In the email, Vogel wrote, "We are going to report that [State Department official] Elizabeth Zentos attended a meeting at the White House on 1/19/2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and embassy officials as well as ... [redacted] from the NSC ... the subjects discussed included efforts within the United State government to support prosecutions, in Ukraine and the United Kingdom, of Burisma Holdings, ... and concerns that Hunter Biden's position with the company could complicate such efforts."

    Using archived Obama White House visitor logs, Ingraham said her team was able to corroborate details of the January 2016 meeting, showing on the screen the names of Ukrainian officials checked into the White House by Ciaramella, who was Ukraine director on the National Security Council.

  54. Just like you can't find the words guns or god in the constitution, there is no mention of traitor in HRC words.

  55. Well, well, well.... said... derp

    Bullshit story from Ingraham since only extreme right wing sites are carrying this garbage. in a few days reputable fact checkers will track down the truth which will be the polar opposite of what Ingraham shovels.

    1. Uh ok, let's impeach Obama.😂

  56. Fox is literally Hitler4:09 PM

    "extreme right wing sites"

    i.e. non DNC subsidiary media.

    If they cover it up, it doesn't exist!


    Big difference in how stoopid fucking wingnuts can't investigate and the absolutely thorough job of investigating Dems do.

    If they cover it up, it doesn't exist! No, shit fer brains, they take real time to investigate and corroborate the stories, if they can be corroborated. Usually from right wing sites, they just toss made up shit against the wall an d what doesn't stick, stoopid fucking wingnuts swallow it- hook, line and sinker. Because you are morons.

  58. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Local news is racist. Why do people need to know who got murdered last night?


  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Local news is racist. Why do people need to know who got murdered last night?

    4:34 PM
    Because the local news has one motto: If it bleeds, it leads. And BTW, most of the murderers in my metro area are white. So what's race got to do with it?

  61. Fergus claiming the hold in aid was anti-corruption is like Jeffry Dahmer's lawyers saying he was on a food safety crusade.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Vogel appears to be another John Solomon character with no redeeming social values.

  63. Well, well, well...5:49 PM

    "Uh ok, let's impeach Obama."

    The point is, Trump was right about what happened during the previous administration:

    1. The Obama administration colluded with Ukraine to get dirt on Trump in order to influence the 2016 election.
    2. The Obama administration illegally spied on Trump as part of the false Russian collusion narrative.
    3. The Obama administration knew about Hunter Biden's corrupt dealings and sought the help of Ukraine in covering it up. They eventually had to threaten to withhold aid to get a prosecutor fired.
    4. The Democrats impeached Trump for abuse of power because he asked about Biden's abuse of power.

    As the facts show, the Obama administration colluded with foreign governments to influence the 2016 election, and then accused Trump of the very same thing in order to cover it up.

    Now as part of the 2020 election, the Democrats are accusing Trump of abusing the power of his office in order to cover up Biden's abusing the power of his office.

    Trump was completely justified in asking the Ukrainians for assistance in investigating just what the previous administration was up to.

  64. The point is, Trump was right about what happened during the previous administration:

    Total fucking bullshit and wrong on all counts. Go peddle this shit on Stormfront or dead Breitbart.

  65. mike from iowa6:38 PM

    Twuth is wasict.

  66. Damned if you do, damned if you don't
    "Because police are instructed not to do not patrol their neighborhoods and instead over patrol people with more melanin."
    If you want to fight crime, you concentrate on where the crime is.
    The fact is, black neighborhoods have much higher violent crime rates than anywhere else.
    And yes, increased police presence in black neighborhoods leads to higher black arrest rates.
    If police presence was reduced, crimes against the inhabitants would increase.
    This is exactly what has happened in places like Baltimore, St. Louis, and other cities were police have backed off following the Michael Brown and Freddie Gray killings. It's called the "Ferguson Effect" and has resulted in thousands of extra murders of black people.


    The fact is, is that there's been a massive increase in unreported white crime. A child could've followed the logic but hey, why think when you can jerk your knees and react in blissful ignorance?

  67. Phucking Hillaryous....

  68. Former billionaire and pharmaceutical executive John Kapoor has been sentenced to five years and six months in prison.

    Now for the fucking Sacklers, and when they're all put away start on the executives at the Wall Street banks that crashed the economy ten years ago.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. Republican Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana is the latest to admit that what President Donald Trump has done was wrong, but he still won’t vote to kick the president out of office.

  70. This is so typically stoopid fucking wingnut like.....

    Wingnuts whine there is no new evidence while voting 11 times to block new evidence.

  71. Boy Genius7:14 PM

    "The fact is, is that there's been a massive increase in unreported white crime."

    Really? Where did you come up with that bit of information?


  73. Don't be an anti-semite7:17 PM

    "Now for the fucking Sacklers, and when they're all put away start on the executives at the Wall Street banks that crashed the economy ten years ago."

    Not going to happen. They've got Jewmunity from prosecution.

  74. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Today while campaigning in Iowa, Joe Biden said that DACA recipients are “more American than most Americans are because they have done well in school, they believe in basic principles we all share.”

    I guess he's saying that Mexicans are more American than blacks.

  75. Ultimate Trump defense:

    Legalize crime!

  76. Anonymous8:17 PM

    "Legalize crime!"

    Isn't that what the Black Lives Matter movement was all about?

  77. DACA recipients love America and democracy moar than any stoopid fucking wingnut you'd care to name. They are also moar loyal and less criminally enterprised than SFW.

  78. Donald Trump: president of dolts8:26 PM

    "Today while campaigning in Iowa, Joe Biden said that DACA recipients are 'more American than most Americans are because they have done well in school, they believe in basic principles we all share.'

    I guess he's saying that Mexicans are more American than blacks."

    I guess that means DACA recipients are more American than Trump supporters, then. How ironic.

    "I love the poorly educated." -- Donald Trump

    From Pew Research:

    "Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%). Among the much larger group of white voters who had not completed college (44% of all voters), Trump won by more than two-to-one (64% to 28%)."

    And then there's this:

    Trump supporters share more fake news than anyone else, study shows

  79. Slow Joe8:36 PM

    People who don't go to college aren't Americans!

    Illiterate Squatemalans who come here illegally are the real Americans!

  80. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Not spending tax dollars on random foreign shitholes is almost as illegal as spending them defending our border.


  82. "Isn't that what the Black Lives Matter movement was all about?"

    Only if you get your news from Fox.😆

  83. Y'all hear about that Kung Flu thing going around China? Turns out it came from eating bat soup. A big bowl of soup with a dead bat in it. You scoop it's guts out with a spoon. Then you drink the soup.

  84. We cool now8:50 PM

    Mike Bloomberg apologized for running Stop and Frisk while he was mayor of New York.

    Now black people can vote for him.


  86. "Mike Bloomberg apologized for running Stop and Frisk while he was mayor of New York."

    Now white racists can't vote for him.

  87. Boy Genius has left a new comment on the post "Welcome to trumpistan.":

    "The fact is, is that there's been a massive increase in unreported white crime."

    Really? Where did you come up with that bit of information?

    It's super nice to maintain relationships with people who compile reliable information. Though I'm certainly whitelisted from working in media it doesn't mean I know any less and don't maintain contact with people who are in the profession.

    But hey, if you dig a little, you might answer your own question rather than be so lazy as to ask someone else to do the work for you ("Where did you...", "Link please..." fallback faux complaints since collegiate students-professors-professionals chat rooms in the '90s) . Do that and you may be able to drop the "boy" and look toward one day fulfilling the "genius" portion of your self-moniker.

  88. Boy Genius9:14 PM

    So you just made it up.

    I thought so.

  89. Boy Genius has left a new comment on the post "Welcome to trumpistan.":

    So you just made it up.

    I thought so.

    And you went with the hackneyed, lazy response rather than doing some leg work. Good on you... boy.

  90. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Germans have been one of the smartest and most educated nations on Earth but in the 1930s they sperged out against Jews for no particular reason.

    In related news, Jews are flooding America with Mexicans, promoting Drag Queen Story Hours for toddlers, and trying to send America to war against Iran for their personal benefit.

  91. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "Mike Bloomberg apologized for running Stop and Frisk while he was mayor of New York.

    Now black people can vote for him."

    No worries. Virtually none will.

    Bloomberg's candidacy is a doomed vanity project. Nobody has forgotten that he was basically a Republican mayor -- minus the usual Republican gun worship and hatred of the environment.

  92. Anonymous10:15 PM

    No, he was an actual Republican mayor. He switched to the Republican Party because he couldn't get the Democratic nomination.

  93. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Aristophanes was right about women.

  94. Anonymous10:31 PM

    What progressive media tells us:

    >White people are hateful, savage, violent racists who deserve to go extinct.


    >Access to white people is an important human right for POC and 3rd world refugees

  95. "White people are hateful, savage, violent racists who deserve to go extinct."

    Only the ones that shoot up churches and rape babies.

  96. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%). Among the much larger group of white voters who had not completed college (44% of all voters), Trump won by more than two-to-one (64% to 28%)."

    Gee, I wonder what kids are learning in college that so heavily influences their politics.

    In reviewing records with the Federal Election Commission, they say that they found that professors gave to Democrats over Republicans by a 95:1 ratio.

    The researchers looked at 2,301 political donations and found that 2,081 went to Democrats while just 22 went to Republicans. Only nine professors gave to both parties.

  97. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "No, he was an actual Republican mayor. He switched to the Republican Party because he couldn't get the Democratic nomination."

    He quit the GOP and ran as an independent for his third term. But sure, we're splitting hairs here. When it comes to his beliefs on economics and law enforcement, he's a Republican.

    He just doesn't fit into that party anymore, because the GOP has gone full Nazi and to succeed as a candidate for them, you now have to both support endless tax cuts for the rich AND also proudly spew racist junk about Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists.

    So Bloomberg doesn't belong in the RepubliNazi Party, nor is he credible as a Democrat. It is time for him to quit politics, fuck off, and go quietly enjoy his money.

  98. Anonymous11:06 PM

    "Gee, I wonder what kids are learning in college that so heavily influences their politics."

    Oh good, more conspiracies.

    Professors are "brainwashing" college students, so kids, stay out of school! Perfectly sensible advice.

  99. <<
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Legalize crime!"

    Isn't that what the Black Lives Matter movement was all about?

    No, BLM is about legalizing Breathing While Black. The Republican party is about legalizing crime, if by Wall Street.

    By the way... In one Powerpuff Girls episode, Princess bought the mayorship of Townsville with her Daddy's money, and she legalized crime. She did this just to thwart the Powerpuff Girls; but Blossom came up with an ingenious solution. Since crime was legal, the Powerpuff Girls could steal everything Princess and her Daddy had; so they did, and as ransom for its return, Princess had to make crime illegal again, and resign the mayorship. Advice for today?

    Another by-the-way... both #BLM and #ALM are naive. Those hashtag names claim to tell the truth, but the real down-home gritty truth is told by the hashtag:
    All Lives Matter Or None Do.

  100. "Gee, I wonder what kids are learning in college that so heavily influences their politics."

    It's called education. When people are educated and meet diverse groups in college they tend not to be racist nativists like most Republicans. Most professors tend to be smart so conservative politics don't appeal to them. Just like most scientists are Democrats. If we were playing Jeopardy I'd much rather have Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama vice Reagan, Bush Jr. and trump. Stupid isn't appealing to most people.

  101. Wow, only 6% of scientists and engineers are registered Republicans.

  102. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "It's called education. When people are educated and meet diverse groups in college they tend not to be racist nativists like most Republicans."

    They also tend to have critical thinking skills and stand a fighting chance of discerning the difference between facts and bullshit.

    MAGA hatters can't. They're easily bamboozled rubes that believe whatever Fox or Trump tell them on a Tuesday. And then when they're told something completely contradictory on a Wednesday, they swallow that garbage too, without hesitation.

    At this point, the confidence game known as Republican Party doesn't have supporters. It has marks, or victims. In between getting these hapless goobers to vote themselves into poverty, they also literally rip them off by selling them worthless nutritional supplements and penis pills.

    It's one giant shameless grift.

  103. PilotX: Maybe they should poll philosophers, who also have a commitment to truth, which Trump hates for good reason.

    I am surprised that so few engineers are for Trump. They're notoriously more conservative than scientists and mathematicians. But I shouldn't be surprised; Trump and the Republicans are not 'conservative' by any non-Orwellian definition of the term.

  104. PilotX: If not enough scientists are Republicans, then what should they do to appease the Party? Do science by poll? By contributions? By tuning in to Fox And Friends?

    Here's another Party that politicized science: the Soviet Communists.

    And here's a related problem. If not enough African-Americans are Republicans, then what should they do to appease the Party? Bleach their skin?

  105. Anonymous1:19 AM

    “I am surprised that so few engineers are for Trump. They're notoriously more conservative than scientists and mathematicians.”

    It has to do with the whole “Republicans don’t believe in science” thing.

    If the leaders of a political party are saying global warming isn’t real, and evolution isn’t real, and having an abortion will make you go insane, and “conversion therapy” can turn gays straight, anybody with even a rudimentary science education will struggle to hold their nose and vote for that party and its embarrassing medieval superstitions.

  106. "All Lives Matter Or None Do."

    That's racist.

  107. From the Rude Pundit:

    "You want to overturn the 2016 election"? That ship has sailed. But you know which ship is still in port? The fucking 2018 election. You know what happened there? Republicans got reamed out in the House of Representatives. You know why? Because Americans wanted to see Donald Trump impeached. I've said it before: The message of 2018 was to go after the dumb orange motherfucker in the White House.

    So, no, dicks, we're not overturning the 2016 election. We're honoring the results of the 2018 one. You got a problem with that shit? Take it up with Alexander Hamilton. Amend the Constitution. Otherwise, suck on Article 1.

    -Doug in Oakland

  108. Snidely1:48 AM

    Granny Mudshark says...

    "We all knew this was coming. Trump wants poor people to be even poorer."

    No. He wants the poor people to be the poorest people that poor people can be. It's all so obvious yet so fiendishly complicated.

  109. Wow, only 6% of scientists and engineers are registered Republicans.

    Clearly wingnuts need to open up moar conservative arts schools to battle liberal arts schools.

  110. Y'all hear about that Kung Flu thing going around China? Turns out it came from eating bat soup. A big bowl of soup with a dead bat in it. You scoop it's guts out with a spoon. Then you drink the soup.

    You wingnuts eat yer young. Shouldn't wonder you find eating dead bats disgusting. It is because bats aren't white.

  111. Illiterate Squatemalans who come here illegally are the real Americans!

    Guatemalans are real Americans. So is anyone from South America or the rest of Central America and even a few from North America, dumbass.

  112. Whom to blame for this clusterfuck of an impeachment fiasco?

  113. The precedent whereby a president cannot defy "official US foreign policy" lest he be impeached is incredibly dangerous and entrenches the power of the permanent security state bureaucracy to autonomously dictate foreign policy. Amazing that so many people fail to see this.

  114. drumpfistan is pathological liarstan....

    Trump caught on recording pushing for Ukraine ambassador's ouster
    ABC News has reviewed a recording of Trump calling for the removal of then-US ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, a year before she was recalled from Kyiv over what she called “unfounded and false claims by people with clearly questionable motives.”

    The president appears to have been recorded at a small 2018 gathering that included Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, two former associates of Rudy Giuliani who have been indicted on campaign-finance charges and implicated in the Ukraine controversy.

    ABC News reports:

    The recording appears to contradict statements by President Trump and support the narrative that has been offered by Parnas during broadcast interviews in recent days. Sources familiar with the recording said the recording was made during an intimate April 30, 2018 dinner at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.

    Trump has said repeatedly he does not know Parnas, a Soviet-born America who has emerged as a wild card in Trump’s impeachment trial, especially in the days since Trump was impeached.

  115. It's called TNB because it's typical12:21 PM

    Black enlisted members of the regiment which guards the Queen of England decided to supplement their paychecks with a little armed robbery:

    The color of crime is as predictable as night following day.

  116. It's called TNB because it's typical12:27 PM

    When someone was gunned down in broad daylight in Seattle, guess what color the suspects are?

  117. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The impeachment case against Mr. Trump might mercifully spell the end of the Master Narrative the Democrats have been confabulating since 2016: that Donald Trump invited the wicked Vlad Putin to checkmate Hillary Clinton and thereby crushed the hopes and dreams of those wishing to make Ukraine the 51st state… or something like that. Because according to Mr. Schiff, there is no nation on this planet as dear to the interests of America than darling Ukraine, with its radioactive forests, decrepitating Soviet infrastructure, and dedication to liberty.

    Those who were only puzzling over Nancy Pelosi’s motives in bringing this case, and assigning it to the two sketchiest characters in her charge, Schiff & Nadler, must finally be convinced that she is no longer sound of mind. What was she thinking? Did she really want to set up the voters to lose faith in the basic electoral process by preemptively delegitimizing the 2020 election? (“Trump can only win if he cheats!”) Is she that desperate to flip the Senate to prevent anymore judicial appointments? Could be. Or is the impeachment spectacle a different kind of set-up: to make the forthcoming raft of indictments against RussiaGate coupsters look like a mere act of revenge rather than long-delayed justice for a three-year campaign of perfidious sedition by some of the highest officials in the land?

    In the meantime, an interesting development flew in under the radar as the impeachment spectacle hogged the news: The Department of Justice yesterday declared two of four FISA warrants against Carter Page invalid. The warrants were signed by James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Rod Rosenstein. The move has deep repercussions in everything connected to the RussiaGate investigation, including especially the prosecutions mounted by Robert Mueller’s lawyers. It implies what has already been demonstrated by other evidence: That the FBI and the DOJ knew by January of 2017 at the latest that all the information they used to start the case against the President was garbage, and yet they continued it anyway — including the appointment of Mr. Mueller and his commission. The DOJ’s statement about the two FISA warrants doesn’t negate the possibility that the other two will also be declared invalid. It’s time for the figures involved in all this to become very afraid.

  118. anymoose @ 12:55 PM is on glue.

  119. Social justice:

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:43 PM

    To Anonymous at 12:55 PM

    Please take your debunked nonsense elsewhere. Most of the people who visit this blog are much to smart to give credence to your debunked lies.

  121. I went looking for bomb thrower Ingrahog's emails she claims exist and never produced. Damned if I could find the weasely little pieces of evidence. Do I think they exist? Emphatic hell no, unless you count right wing fever dreams.

    Furthermore, if evidence did exist some right wing wasicu wastey in congress would be braying like a jackass about it, and so far the only braying is about how all the empirical evidence that shows drumpf's criminal activities is fake because Fake Noize claims it is fake.

  122. drumpfuck the dumbfuck, the dumbest son of a bitch ever to infest what used to be the White House, claims he will cut entitlements and balance the budget. So he has just proven to be even dumber than I know him to be. Cutting safety nets makes everything worse for the whole country except the filthy rich. drumpf needs to immediately cut Pentagon budget by 500 billion per year and raise taxes on the wealthy to 70-90% range, where they used to be. And force aLL businesses back to America, cut all tax loopholes and prevent the offshoring of profits so taxes can't be avoided.

  123. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You're a liar, mike but we knew that.

    Trump never said he would cut entitlements.

  124. Robert Mueller2:57 PM

    "Please take your debunked nonsense elsewhere"

    Debunk away, Granny.

    Please, show us how this information has been proven to not be credible.

  125. Anonymous3:23 PM

    The basis of Schiff's argument is that the exercise of an Article II power that potentially benefits the self-interest of the President is an impeachable offense, regardless of whether or not the exercise was justifiable on its own grounds.

  126. This is why not everyone should have a gun.

  127. Trump Hints He May Be Open To Cutting Medicare, Safety-Net Programs In Shift From 2016 Campaign Promises
    “At the right time, we will take a look at that. You know, that’s actually the easiest of all things, if you look,” President Donald Trump said in response to a question whether cuts to programs like Medicare and Social Security were on the table. The statement was a departure from the last election when Trump tapped into the popularity of the two programs while wooing voters.

    The New York Times: Trump Opens Door To Cuts To Medicare And Other Entitlement Programs
    President Trump suggested on Wednesday that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements. The president made the comments on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Despite promises to reduce the federal budget deficit, it has ballooned under Mr. Trump’s watch as a result of sweeping tax cuts and additional government spending. (Rappeport and Haberman, 1/22)

    The Washington Post: Battle Over Social Security Spills Into 2020 Campaign As Democrats Spar And Trump Weighs In
    Speaking with CNBC from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump said tackling entitlement spending is “the easiest of all things” and seemed to suggest higher economic growth would make it simpler to cut spending on those programs. Those comments come amid a heated debate in the Democratic presidential primary over former vice president Joe Biden’s record on Social Security, just days before the Iowa caucuses. “At the right time, we will take a look at that. You know, that’s actually the easiest of all things, if you look,” Trump said. He later added when asked about entitlements: “Well, we’re going — we’re going to look. We also have assets that we’ve never had. I mean, we’ve never had growth like this.” (Stein and Viser, 1/22)

    The Associated Press: Trump Suggests He May Be Open To Entitlement Cuts In Future
    Early in his presidential campaign, Trump said he was a different sort of Republican, one who would not cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. The Medicaid promise was ultimately abandoned. The unsuccessful Republican drive to repeal “Obamacare” would have also limited future federal spending on that federal-state health insurance program for low-income people. More recently, Trump’s 2020 budget called for deep cuts in Medicare payments to hospitals. (Alonso-Zaldivar and Madhani, 1/22)

    Axios: Trump Suggests Entitlement Cuts Could Come In His Second Term
    Why it matters: Trump shied away from committing to cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security during his 2016 campaign. But his willingness to consider such measures now marks a shift that would likely appeal to the deficit hawks in the Republican Party. (Perano, 1/22)

    USA Today: Trump Opens Door To Changing Medicare, Other Programs At Davos
    Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg criticized the president. "Over and over, Donald Trump promised Americans that he would not cut Social Security and Medicare. He lied," Sanders wrote on Twitter. "When we win, we're not going to just protect Social Security and Medicare, we're going to expand them." (Collins and Jackson, 1/22)

    rumpf would be the first stoopid fucking wingnut in my lifetime since Nixon to not make an attempt to steal from the poors. And don't forget drumpf and wingnuts cut food stamps and free school lunches for poor people again.

    So fuck you, anymoose.


    drumpfuck pooh-poohs report saying these injuries aren't serious like actual combat wounds.

  129. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "Trump Hints He May Be Open To Cutting Medicare, Safety-Net Programs "

    "Hints"? Really, you fucking cretin?

    Someone asked him specifically if he would "consider reform", and he indicated that yes, he might.

    Dishonest morons: "DRUMPF IS TAKING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!!!"

  130. Leaked email shows CNN's Donna Brazile, now head of DNC, tipped off Clinton campaign about debate question:

  131. Doug, have you seen this?😃

  132. "Leaked email shows CNN's Donna Brazile, now head of DNC, tipped off Clinton campaign about debate question"

    Still on this?😂😂


  134. Fergus ran on protecting Social Security and Medicare in 2016, just like he ran on replacing the ACA with something better and cheaper, paying off the national debt, bringing back coal mining, having Mexico pay to build a border wall, jailing his political opponents, and a host of other obvious lies his credulous fans sopped up like gravy at the time but don't seem to recall too well any more.

    Since fraudulently obtaining office, he has abandoned those lies in favor of a more generic Republican agenda with only his erratic and capricious behavior and straight up criminality (resulting from his crusade to violate every norm and tradition ever associated with the presidency without any understanding of the function they had) to distinguish him from any other goddamn Republican who ever wanted to defile the presidency.

    Which, of course, obliges him to advance their program or risk losing their support, which as of now is all that stands between him and a prison cell.

    That program has been the same for decades: cut taxes and spend wildly in order to manufacture a "debt crisis" to use as a pretext to dismantle the New Deal and the Great Society in the face of their overwhelming popularity.

    So that is where he stands on cutting Social Security and Medicare; he doesn't give a rat's ass about them but people keep telling him to shut up about that, which he is incapable of doing, so he keeps saying stupid shit about them because that does work as a distraction, and he really feels like he needs a distraction right now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  135. And it isn't just about SS, shit fer brains.,Like I said they cut food stamps again and free lunches for poor school kids. They tried to cut Meals on Wheels for elderly and disabled shut ins. They have tried numerous times to cut heat assistance for poors.

    They have tried to privatize SS and make it dependent on stocks not everyone has and can sfford. They want to take ACA away from everyone, including coverage for pre-existing conditions, which drumpf keeps lying about and claims he saved.

    You wingnuts are too fucking dumb to engage in any conversation because you choiose to be willfully ignorant of what goes on around you. Whatever drumpf does to fuck your lives up, you deserve that and so much more, dumbasses.

  136. How to rig an impeachment the stoopid fucking wingnut way...

    from David Graham @ the Atlantic

    If nothing else, the tape shows, again, how much evidence we still haven’t seen about the Ukraine affair. And it underscores the elaborate, slippery dance that Senate Republicans are performing. First, they vote against gathering new witnesses and evidence at the start of the impeachment trial. Second, they complain that Democratic managers are offering no new evidence. Third, they say that it is pointless to call witnesses who might provide new evidence, because the White House will simply block them. In Trump’s Washington, Kafka seems quaint

  137. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Please take your debunked nonsense elsewhere. Most of the people who visit this blog are much to smart to give credence to your debunked lies.

    Granny is delusional and ought to be in custodial care.  Ditto the Iowan and the Commiefornian.

  138. PX: Yeah, I've been following their story, which I think is important because it is changing the outdated perception of just who the homeless are.

    The part that never gets talked about is the money and work they expended getting the place livable again, not your typical squatter behavior.

    Here's something I wrote on another blog right after the ACSD evicted them in a ridiculous show of force, but before I found out that they won their court case:

    The organization the women belong to was offering to buy the property for what the absentee landlords paid for it, as they are with many other unoccupied properties in the East Bay, where there are brand new condo farms and tent cities as far as you can see.

    This is all about wealthy gentrifiers getting wealthier at the expense of the residents of the neighborhoods they are trying to gentrify.

    The peninsula tech boom has driven rents higher than normal working families can afford. Median rent in Oakland for a one bedroom is $2,500.

    Oakland, and in particular West Oakland where Magnolia Street is located, used to be a working class place, which is one reason why I moved there and stayed for 35 years. I lived on Magnolia, between 24th and 26th streets in the late eighties in a long gone artist's collective, and on Peralta a few blocks west of there in a large warehouse space, also recently "redeveloped", from 2007 to 2011.

    None of the neighborhoods in that area are even recognizable as what they were a decade ago.

    Some will argue that the crime rates have gone down in the gentrified neighborhoods, but will ignore the fact that they have similarly gone down in the remaining non-gentrified areas as well.

    The Oakland cops have a long history of malfeasance and corruption, and while in my experience the OPD is a cut above the smaller surrounding muni forces because they have actual crime to deal with and are less likely to jack you up out of boredom than, say, the Emeryville police, my experience dealing with the ACSD is limited to interacting with the deputies assigned to Highland Hospital, who I have never had a problem with.

    Still, I am not surprised at the tactics reported, having lived through the over-reaction of other law enforcement agencies in the East Bay on more than one terrifying occasion.

    -Doug in Oakland

  139. Granny is delusional and ought to be in custodial care. Ditto the Iowan and the Commiefornia

    This is the same justice department that was going to re-look at all emails to HRC and classify them long after the fact in hopes of snagging her with criminal activity.

    As for the FISA warrants. too little to late. Next Dem justice department can reecertify the warrants as legitimate. AG Barr has no legitimacy or credibility and neither does drumpf and all the stoopid fucking wingnuts you care to name.

    Like you were told, take your shit to Storm Front of the Daily Stormer where they excel in fairy tales.

  140. "Which, of course, obliges him to advance their program or risk losing their support, which as of now is all that stands between him and a prison cell."

    Or is it the other way around? They are in lockstep with him because their base loves him and will not tolerate any dissent. If I were a senator I would extract something for my vote😂


  141. Nathaniel St. Clair @NatStClair

    On Thursday the Trump administration is set to finalize a rule that will allow companies, landowners, and property developers to dump pesticides and other pollutants directly into streams and wetlands, threatening the drinking water of millions.

    -Doug in Oakland

  142. Derp State5:26 PM

    "As for the FISA warrants. too little to late. Next Dem justice department can reecertify the warrants as legitimate."

    Ha ha ha! We did our illegal spying and when we get back in power we'll alter the records and go back to business as usual! Because we're the Good Guys!

  143. "On Thursday the Trump administration is set to finalize a rule that will allow companies, landowners, and property developers to dump pesticides and other pollutants directly into streams and wetlands, threatening the drinking water of millions."

    I saw that and saw the conservative argument for it being we shouldn't want government in our water.😑

  144. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:37 PM
    Just because this may be true, that does not mean you are correct in the rest of your post. No need to get so grouchy about it. LOL!

  145. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:41 PM

    Dishonest morons: "DRUMPF IS TAKING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!!!"

    4:01 PM
    If Trump is contemplating doing something that hurts people, then he's probably going to do it. Didn't he just cut food stamps for disabled people? It was in the news last week.


  146. Ha ha ha! We did our illegal spying and when we get back in power we'll alter the records and go back to business as usual! Because we're the Good Guys!

    No, it just means just because these fucking morons in drumpfs administration does something, doesn't mean it is legitimate or even lawful. Invalidating two FISA warrants, justified or not at this late stage is totally irrelevant to whether the warrants were necessary to track crim inal activities.

    And from all that has transpired in this administration, more warrants should have been and should still be issued to combat the criminal enterprise.

  147. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:47 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny is delusional and ought to be in custodial care. Ditto the Iowan and the Commiefornian.

    5:04 PM
    Granny's brain is just fine, thank you very much. I know at least twice as much as you know, and will always be smarter than you. Have a nice day.

  148. Scum of the Earth disguised as a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut activist...truly a pathetic piece of shit. Aren't they all?


    The stoopid racism never ends.

  150. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Just because this may be true, that does not mean you are correct in the rest of your post.

    I did not write the post you said was full of lies, I just looked up the news item and posted the URL to prove that you are nuttier than a fruitcake.

    Granny's brain is just fine, thank you very much. I know at least twice as much as you know, and will always be smarter than you.

    90% of what you think you know is lies, and you're too stupid to even begin to straighten out your thinking.

  151. Jury tampering:

    Matt McDermott
    CBS News reports that GOP Senators have been warned by Trump team: "Vote against the president, and your head will be on a pike." How is this acceptable?

    -Doug in Oakland

  152. Anonymous8:53 PM

    CBS is fake news.

  153. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "Invalidating two FISA warrants, justified or not at this late stage is totally irrelevant to whether the warrants were necessary to track criminal activities."

    You mean the same intelligence community that denied spying on the Senate (then Brennan apologized). Or denied having surveillance warrants against Trump campaign (then Clapper admitted). Or denied that Trump was under investigation (while Comey ran ops)... that intel community?

  154. Shit fer brains screwdy Rudy is telling fake noize he has new tapes with bombshell evidence of crimes in Ukraine he will deliver in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Don't hold yer breath.
    Wingnut senators say they want to interview Hunter Biden so why don't they? They have 53 votes, more than enough to ask him to come make them look stoopid just like HRC did in Benghazi hearings.

    Don't let the fact that neither Biden was impeached or had anything to do with drumpf's criminal activities get in the way of derailing a constitutionally mandated activity that wingnuts have wiped their asses with.

    This much stoopidity has no known cure.

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    90% of what you think you know is lies, and you're too stupid to even begin to straighten out your thinking.

    8:40 PM
    And 100% of what you think you know is pure bull shit. And BTW, if you had the guts to use a screen name, I would have known that you didn't write that original post. So why don't you man up and pick a name?

  156. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:43 PM

    "King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. GOP Can’t Wait to Oblige."

    "The creation of a new form of American government, where the executive branch is permanently and utterly above the law, oversight, and accountability is upon us."
    by Rick Wilson


  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. "90% of what you think you know is lies, and you're too stupid to even begin to straighten out your thinking."

    The funniest part is they want to call others stupid but make basic grammar errors.😂😂👍🏾

    1. That's how you can spot racist trolls, the horrible grammar and spelling. I hope they're Russian because at least them they'd have an excuse.😆

  160. Xenophobia for thee, not for me10:41 PM

    "None of the neighborhoods in that area are even recognizable as what they were a decade ago."

    White people pay for property, increase the tax base, invest in the neighborhood, make it a cleaner, safer place to live.

    "Gentrifying interlopers have to get out!"

    Non-white people illegally enter the country, become a net drain on government revenues, drive down wages, don't pay taxes, receive preferential treatment in hiring and school admissions, make the country a trashier, less safe place to live.

    "They are more American than Americans. Open the borders!"


  162. "White people pay for property, increase the tax base, invest in the neighborhood, make it a cleaner, safer place to live."

    Why do you assume they're white? Lots of middle and upper middle class people of color buy property and pay taxes too believe it or not.


  164. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "Why do you assume they're white?"

    Because nobody would bitch about it if they weren't.

  165. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 AM

    Xenophobia for thee, not for me said...

    "White people pay for property, increase the tax base, invest in the neighborhood, make it a cleaner, safer place to live."
    So do people who aren't "white." My next-door neighbor is Chinese, a Mexican-American family lives behind me, and a black family lives on the corner. They all are buying their homes and paying their property taxes. Please, just go away. Your opinions are disgusting to people with at least half a brain.


  167. Anonymous12:15 AM

    The President can fire whoever he wants to, especially an ambassador who is undermining his policy objectives.

  168. Lt. Commander Johnson12:32 AM

    Pilotx, there you go, again, criticizing spelling and grammatical errors by commentators. Notice, not against the Liberal/Socialist sh1ts you agree with, and Lord knows, they use self-same errors constantly. Only the ones you disagree with.

    As far as your criticism of my spelling and grammar might be, I am an excellent speller. My grammar might be prejudiced to Southern slang. I am, however a horrific typist.

    I worked for 28 years for one of the most successful companies in my state. I was mostly in the Operations, and later sales, as a side-line. I once wrote a letter for my manager, because, as smart as he was, he couldn't spell worth a crap. He, in turn, apparently showed that letter to the son of President of the company, who was my "ultimate" boss. A few months later, and the son calls me, and asked me to write a letter for him. To a South American Country/business. But to keep it private...just between us.

    It took me a couple of days, but I finally sent it to him, and didn't hear any more about it.

    About a month later, he called me to his office. He gave me a framed copy of that letter, and told me it was the nicest, insulting, letter he had ever seen. He just said "it made the point".

    Soon after, his brothers were asking for, or alluding to long as I didn't involve their Secretaries. My understanding was I was really not a favorite of those ladies.

    If you can't fight for a cogent point, without using talking points of them Dem party, or repeating your crap nauseous

  169. If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.

  170. "The President can fire whoever he wants to, especially an ambassador who is undermining his policy objectives."

    Right. So why didn't he just fire her? Why make a year-long farce out of it and smear her with lies and involve Rudy and his crew? Any competent executive who wasn't trying to cover up shit he was afraid of exposing would have fired her as soon as he thought she wasn't doing the job he wanted done.

    -Doug in Oakland


    “Get rid of her!” a voice that is apparently Trump’s says in the recording. “Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. Okay? Do it.”

    That does not sound like "firing" her, unless by firearms. To me, the word "tomorrow" clinches it. Trump ordered a hit.

    Welcome to 5th Avenue. Up until now the sheeple part of my mind has tried to say he's just a thug _wannabee_. No longer possible. He's a mobster, straight-up. We have proof.

    I miss having the slightest scrap of respect for Trump, but I welcome the clarity. Truth hurts, but then it sets you free.

  172. Obama never fired anyone,

  173. Lt. Commander Johnson4:19 AM

    Must have been a bad hit. He's a terrible mobster. The bitch is still alive. Probably working for CNN or MSNBC today.

  174. especially an ambassador who is undermining his policy objectives.

    There you go lying again, some more and too still yet. Yovanavitch was there to fight corruption, same as Joe Biden. Problem was, drumpf was the corrupted one and tried to enlist Ukraine's new president to help him dig up dirt on Biden.

    So, in that way, she undermined his policy. It was only after drumpf got caught that he tried to convince anyone he was fighting corruption. And stoopid fucking wingnuts fell for it again, some moar and too still yet, like always.

  175. So, Queenie, are you trying to convince us you are a really nice person or just a brown-noser?


  176. Non-white people illegally enter the country, become a net drain on government revenues, drive down wages, don't pay taxes, receive preferential treatment in hiring and school admissions, make the country a trashier, less safe place to live.

    Six lies in one sentence. Might be a record for anyone other than drumpf.

  177. Detroit is making a huge comeback and I am pretty sure wasicu wasteys didn't all of a sudden flock back there to pitch in.

  178. For all you magat bastards out there, Nancy Pelosi has never said she would resign if impeachment fails. Don't bother to bring this trash here.

  179. LT Commander Johnson9:06 AM

    I've always been a nice person, but not a brown-noser, I always kept my proboscis in white, female parts.

    I just disagree with most of you folks, most of the time.


    Should have known wingnuts are all in bed with Putin.

  181. LT Commander Johnson9:27 AM

    The last thing in the world Putin wants to see, is Trump re-elected.

    I keep hearing this Russian "meddling: crap. How did they meddle? What this affect? How?

  182. Putin is the first one that wants drumpf reappointed. Because all world leaders know, just stroke drumpf's ego and he will give them the keys to the kimgdumb.

    With all the empirical evidence presented proving Russia meddled in the election, meddled with social media and helped steal and disseminate HRC's emails, to not get what Russia has done is willful ignorance on yer part.

  183. drumpf's lawyer, Jay Suckyouoff, is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    He used to be a Pat Robertson, 700 Club mainstay and was nun too bright back then.

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:09 AM

    Johnson asked....

    I keep hearing this Russian "meddling: crap. How did they meddle? What this affect? How?

    9:27 AM
    There are 13 pages of references to this question on Google. Please try to do you own research. Then come back and we can talk about it.


    Remember, not a single Dem voted for the taxcuts for the koch bros.

  187. China has one city on lockdown where a majority of coronavirus cases ar. drumpf is allowing Americans from there to be brought back home where there are at least three known cases and several suspected cases already.

  188. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 AM

    As expected, Trump's lawyers are on TV lying their asses off, talking about how the president was denied due process.

  189. Igor Kolomoisky1:01 PM

    "Yovanavitch was there to fight corruption, same as Joe Biden."


  190. From Wiki..... Anti-corruption work and other activities

    Ambassador Yovanovitch was known for her anti-corruption work including her speech at a conference held April 1, 2019
    Yovanovitch was respected within the national security community for her efforts to encourage Ukraine to tackle corruption,[27] and during her tenure had sought to strengthen the Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption Bureau, which had been created to bolster efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine; these efforts earned Yovanovitch some enemies within the country.[28] In a March 2019 speech to the Ukraine Crisis Media Center, Yovanovitch said that the Ukrainian government was not making sufficient progress to combat corruption, saying: "It is increasingly clear that Ukraine's once-in-a-generation opportunity for change has not yet resulted in the anti-corruption or rule of law reforms that Ukrainians expect or deserve."[29] On April 1, 2019 Yovanovitch spoke at an anti-corruption conference where she thanked Ukrainians for their courage and commitment to end corruption

    drumpf, screwdy Rudy and Manafort were there to manipulate corruption for their own gains.

  191. 'Nuther wasicu wastey callous bastard...

    This shit's fiancee looks like how I imagined Melanoma drumpf looked as a man.

  192. How to show how much you love your son to death.....

    How fucking dumb do you have to be to wrestle your 4 year old with a loaded semi-auto pistol tucked behind your belt? I don't care that the dad was shot, too. Fucking moron.

  193. "I keep hearing this Russian "meddling: crap. How did they meddle? What this affect? How?"

    No. Just no. Dead-from-the-neck-up wingnuts like you do this all of the fucking time. "Baby? What baby? I don't see any baby, and what does buggering even mean?"
    You seem to grasp gravity well enough not to be killed falling off of anything, and thermodynamics well enough not to burn your dick off with a welder, so I refuse to play your little "explain all of the little details for me" bullshit game.
    Why don't you explain to me why Oleg Deripaska wanted polling data from Wisconsin and what he did with it?

    -Doug in Oakland

  194. Another wasicu wastey kiddie diddler done got catched....

  195. New Orleans Saints helped New Orleans kiddie diddlers diocese handle kiddie diddlers crisis.

    Maybe they passed on some locker room talk.

  196. Try to keep up, Doug7:35 PM

    "Why don't you explain to me why Oleg Deripaska wanted polling data from Wisconsin and what he did with it?"

    The New York Times cited “a person knowledgeable about the situation” asserting that Manafort had asked his deputy, Rick Gates, to “tell Mr. Kilimnik to pass the data to [Russian oligarch] Oleg P. Deripaska.” This was supposedly the Big Russian Connection. However, the Times has retracted this claim. This Big Russian Connection has become the big Russian correction.

    The story now runs with this postscript: “A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data. Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin.” Oops.

    While we’re on the subject of Oleg Deripaska, however, let us search the windmills of our mind to recall Deripaska’s busiest bee in Washington — i.e., Christopher Steele.

    “Was Christopher Steele Disseminating Russian Disinformation to the State Department?”

    Yet again that which would incriminate Trump if proved amounts to nothing more than an innocent frolic when the connection runs to the Clinton campaign.

  197. Try to keep up, Doug said...

    Dream on, dream until your fever dreams come true.

  198. Anonymous9:12 PM

    We know mike can't keep up.
