Tuesday, February 11, 2020

America will never be great without the rule of law.

Image result for roger stone images  Today might be the day that democracy finally died here in America. It's been leading up to this moment for the past three years, and now, tragically, it would appear that the day has arrived.

If you don't know about those three US prosecutors quitting over the trump White House meddling in the Roger Stone sentencing, you might need to start paying attention. Today, in Washington, three brave prosecutors decided to follow their conscience and stand up to a corrupt Justice department and Bill Barr. 

Barr's Justice Department shockingly asked the Judge in the Roger Stone to reverse a sentencing recommendation made by his own prosecutors. He did this a day after his boss, Donald trump, tweeted to his millions of followers that what the justice department was asking for in terms of sentencing was too harsh. If you think about it it's probably one of the scariest things that trump has ever done (and he has done many things) to undermine the rule of law, and destroy America's institutions.

Roger Stone lied to Congress to protect Mr. trump, and he was convicted of multiple felonies by a jury of his peers, and he deserves every one of the seven to nine years of prison time that the prosecution is asking for in his case. But we all know that if the Judge ultimately sentences him to a "harsh" sentence, he will be pardoned by a president who has been his partner in crime for his entire life.

David Graham writing for The Atlantic wrote the following:

"The administration’s rush to aid Stone, especially set against the retributive firings, shows Trump newly willing to flex his muscles, and demonstrates how Pollyannaish the predictions of a chastened Trump were. The apology for firing Vindman goes this way: Vindman remains an officer, and Trump has a right to aides on the National Security Council whom he trusts. But Trump also said Tuesday that the military should consider disciplining Vindman, whose only offense seems to have been complying with a lawful subpoena from Congress.

The intervention on behalf of Stone is particularly disturbing because he was convicted of lying to protect Trump. Thanks to Stone’s stonewalling, we still don’t really know what happened between Trump and Russia in 2016. Stone had Trump’s back, and now Trump has his. So much for the law-and-order president."

Trump was never a" law-and- order President." He was always a con man, and so far the con seems to be working.



  1. About damn time.


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  2. Seems many are choosing the orange moron over the country. This is just the latest evidence this is a big dumb and racist country (in case you didn't already know). It was fun while it lasted.

  3. Trump? A "law and order" president?! More like "crime and chaos".
    For those who saw and remember the SF series "Babylon 5": he's a Shadow thrall.

  4. Reality translator11:29 PM

    "three brave prosecutors decided to follow their conscience"

    Three partisan Deep State hacks quit after having their plan to exact revenge for the failure of the Mueller coup by sentencing a 67 year old non-violent offender to life in prison gets shutdown.

  5. Hey, Reality translator, do you get a frequent buyer discount at the UFO convention?

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 PM

    Reality translator said...

    "three brave prosecutors decided to follow their conscience"

    Three partisan Deep State hacks quit after having their plan to exact revenge for the failure of the Mueller coup by sentencing a 67 year old non-violent offender to life in prison gets shutdown.

    11:29 PM
    Really? Your delusions are so extensive that the guys with butterfly nets will be coming for you soon. LOL!!
    BTW, Roger Stone is lower than pond scum - always has been - always will be.

  7. Leon Low-T11:53 PM

    I believe the permanent government has my interests at heart.

  8. At least we still have Deval Patrick.

  9. "Stone had Trump’s back"

    ...And has Richard Nixon's face tattooed on his.


    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Al Gore invented the internet.

    Mic drop.

  11. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Mike Bloomberg should personally apologize to each and every one of the several thousand black New Yorkers who weren't murdered due to his anti-crime policies.

  12. Pretty soon Trump appointees and legal officers won't even bother swearing to uphold the constitution. Someone will hand them a bible and begin to administer the oath of office and the new guy will swat the Bible away while cursing and swearing, "I don't need no stinkin' Bible. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uphold and protect the constitution. Yeah. I got it. Whatever!" Then the president will clap him on the shoulder and proclaim, "You're in, buddy!"

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM

    America will never be great without the rule of law.

    So, you're against the decriminalization of massive shoplifting by blacks in places like Chicago, by "anti-racist" prosecutors like Kim Foxx?

    Or is it only wrong when whites benefit?

  14. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Jussie Smollett, former 'Empire' actor, indicted again in connection with alleged Chicago attack:


  15. Anonymous10:05 AM

    2 Coloured Ohio State University football players accused of rape, kidnapping:


  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "Trump was never a" law-and- order President." He was always a con man, and so far the con seems to be working."

    Pure Pravda.

  17. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Bloomberg apologizes for stop-and-frisk policy:


  18. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Even wealthy Jews dislike negroes for a reason:


  19. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Bloomberg defends record on crime after uproar over 2015 stop-and-frisk comments. He realizes like most everyone who commits 75%+ of all violent crime.


  20. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Asian Woman Recalls Being Brutally Beaten, Robbed By 3 negro Women In South Philadelphia:


  21. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Where's the lie? Bloomberg shouldn't be criticized for telling the truth.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:43 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Al Gore invented the internet.

    Mic drop.

    1:21 AM
    No, but Gore was instrumental in providing government support for its development.

    This is what Gore said, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system."

    You see Republicans pre Trump were already lying and using dirty tricks to get elected in the 2000 election.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:06 AM

    Field said.......

    Roger Stone lied to Congress to protect Mr. trump, and he was convicted of multiple felonies by a jury of his peers, and he deserves every one of the seven to nine years of prison time that the prosecution is asking for in his case.
    But he's old and he shouldn't go to jail because he's one of Trump's pets? I say, Lock him up and throw away the key. Some of the Nazi war criminals were old too, but they still went to prison when they were caught.

  24. Another lie by anyfuckingmo0ose....

    Anonymous said...
    Al Gore invented the internet.

    Mic drop.

    1:21 AM

    Al Gore never claimed he invented the internet.

    From Snopes (where truth is spoken among men)

    When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part): “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

    In context, Gore’s response (which employed the word “created,” not “invented”) was clear in meaning: the vice president was not claiming that he “invented” the Internet in the sense of having thought up, designed, or implemented it, but rather asserting that he was one of the visionaries responsible for helping to bring it into being by fostering its development in an economic and legislative sense

  25. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Al Gore created the internet.

    Mic drop.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:05 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Pure Pravda.

    10:06 AM

    No, pure truth.

  27. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The MSM would never lie to Granny.

  28. Miss lindsey won't cZAll Barr to testify under oath to senate investigation into DOJ and drumpf's illegal meddiling in court decisions. Of course he won't call Barr. Just like drumpf Barr would lie his ass off and embarrass no one in red.

    Fucking cowards and traitors. Discard the rule of law and lie about it.

  29. Ace Freely1:46 PM

    Democrats concocted the Russia Hoax to tie up the Trump Administration and keep them from investigating Democrats involved in the Faux Dossier(s) and Ukraine. Democrats solicited foreign interference from multiple sources and fed faux intel into FBI/CIA.

    Robert Mueller withheld evidence from the court that would exonerate President Trump from the accusations of Russian collusion during the 2016 election.

    The Mueller team lied about Joseph Misfud. Mueller alleged in the report that Joseph Misfud was a Russian operative. This was a lie. Misfud worked with Western operatives. He is suspected of being an FBI trainer and asset. According to Mr. Mifsud’s attorneys their client was working for the CIA and was NOT a Russian operative as reported by the Mueller team.

    White House officials confirmed that Robert Mueller indeed was pursuing the open post as the Director of the FBI when he met with President Trump in May of 2017 — Mueller previously denied this under oath.

    Now in the Roger Stone case, the Mueller Four lied to their superiors about their sentencing recommendation:

    ""The Department was shocked to see the sentencing recommendation in the filing in the Stone case last night. The sentencing recommendation was not what had been briefed to the Department."

    There already was suspicion that this is yet another coordinated Deep State/Media operation designed to gin up another Special Counsel investigation and/or another impeachment inquiry. This stunt confirms the suspicion that this had all been worked out before hand.

    Put these motherfuckers under oath and if they lie, send them to jail for 7-9 years each.


  30. The federalist lies about 1% less than drumpf and anyfuckingmoosepussy. Not gonna waste time reading the bullshit.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:20 PM

    Ace Freely said...nothing but Trump/Putin lies. LOL.

    Do you really think any of us are going to believe your bull sh*t?

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    Stone was convicted Friday of all seven counts in a federal indictment that accused him of lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing the House investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election.

    He is the sixth Trump aide or adviser to be convicted of charges brought as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

    Stone has denied wrongdoing and consistently criticized the case against him as politically motivated. He did not take the stand during the trial and his lawyers did not call any witnesses in his defense.


    Lock him up - Lock him up - Lock him up

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:44 PM

    Oh yes, some white supremacists are good people, according to the orange gangster in the White House.

    White Supremacist Gang Allegedly Tortured and Killed a Member Over Broken Air Conditioner

    Jared “Cowboy” Langworthy was bashed, tortured, thrown in a pond—and had his Aryan Brotherhood tattoo burnt off his shoulder.


  34. Drain the Swamp3:56 PM

    "He is the sixth Trump aide or adviser to be convicted of charges brought as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation."

    All on process crimes during a politically motivated hoax investigation that found no underlying crimes.

    If there is any justice left in this country, those responsible for this abuse of power will be held accountable.

    Godspeed, Attorney General Barr.

  35. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Roger Stone received special treatment when a SWAT team bashed open his door at 6am.... With CNN tipped off and filming.

  36. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Cheatin' Pete the Peter Puffer couldn't steal New Hampshire too!

    Bernie 2020!

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:51 PM

    Anonymous Drain the Swamp said...

    "He is the sixth Trump aide or adviser to be convicted of charges brought as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation."

    All on process crimes during a politically motivated hoax investigation that found no underlying crimes.

    If there is any justice left in this country, those responsible for this abuse of power will be held
    You are the swamp. You don't believe in the rule of law. The evidence against Stone is overwhelming. He's been a swampy sleaze-bag since he was Nixon's boy. Do some research. Nixon, Stone, Atwater, and Rove all sleaze-bag cheaters.

    Godspeed, Attorney General Barr.

    3:56 PM

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:54 PM

    Godspeed, Attorney General Barr

    3:56 PM
    I hope Barr rots in hell.

  39. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Mean old Granny.

  40. Herman5:09 PM

    "Mean old Granny"

    Vexed with rapacious flights of screaming fowls, whose beaks are like so many insulting poniards.

  41. Mueller, shitheads, was a wingnut andn his investigation was supposed to be free of political interference, just like the Stone prosecution. But stoopid fucking traitor wingnuts don't care about the rule of law, which is why they can't ever charge HRC with a crime. That, and they are too stoopid to find any factual evidence.

    drumpf's days of impunity are just about over. Someone will correct the course traitors have sent America down. Then stoopid fucking wingnuts and their Russia/NRA buddies will blame Dems for not enacting sensible gun controls. And the whining and bawling continues until wingnuts get BBC pacifiers.

  42. Drain the Swamp5:23 PM

    Mueller was a doddering careerist who, as it became obvious from his congressional testimony when he didn't even know what was in "his" report, was hired to put a veneer of credibility on top of a corrupt partisan hit job.

    If the Rule of Law were enforced, all of these schemers would hang.

  43. Fortunate3ly for America, at least the half that lives in reality, none of the damage drumpf is doing is going to be legitimized because he wasn't legally elected and his whole reign of terror will be a minor blip on the radar of US history, except the fact he was legally and lawfully impeached.

  44. LeonT5:44 PM

    Hey, Drain the Swamp , were you this stupid before the head injury?

  45. drumpf lying out of both sides of his mouth....

    If you lived in a bubble where Twitter Trump was your sole news source, you’d be pretty fired up, which makes it odd that on Monday the very same Trump White House said it intends to slash a scheduled pay raise for civilian federal employees. Cutting the 2.5 percent raise set for 2021 to 1 percent for millions of federal workers seems a bit austere in the face of such self-proclaimed boom times. Even more absurdly, Trump is justifying ordering the cut on the grounds that the country is in the midst of a “national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare,” which the White House says authorizes the president to “implement alternative plans for pay adjustments.”

    So which is it? The best economy in the history of economies or a national economic emergency? Either way, somebody’s lying.

    drumpf is 100% owned by stoopid fucking tritors.

  46. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/breakdown-indictments-cases-muellers-probe/story?id=61219489

    Hardly a waste of time. 34 individuals and three Russian companies indicted, 7 guilty pleas and five jail sentences. Of course, when compared to 42 years of HRC investigations and zero indictments, zero arrests and zero jail sentences, dyslexic stoopid fucking wingnuts would agree Benghazi was the mother lode of HRC crimes. They totally ignore every criminal act perpetrated by dumbfuck drumpfuck.

  47. The founding fathers weigh in:


    -Doug in Oakland

  48. https://www.blackenterprise.com/bots-in-blackface-the-rise-of-fake-black-people-on-social-media/?fbclid=IwAR1XPdbY9Ro7PuG4LVbzWoQJp8YfiOcaHGKJWg6JahiL1gbsen4wVo4K6uU#.XkPHrPXn1jw.facebook

  49. Anonymous9:18 PM

    PilotX is a fake blah person.

  50. LeonT9:56 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    PilotX is a fake blah person.

    Whereas you, are just a fake person.

    By comrade.

  51. Leon Low-T10:25 PM

    I'm a real Black Russian.

  52. https://www.msnbc.com/11th-hour/watch/jason-johnson-this-is-a-life-or-death-election-for-black-voters-78522949879?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR1z7Eg7jQ5d_EtWC_KMEf24oE3cR-K-czmKPDUyru-SEcCUUwRMRcqQgvI

  53. "PilotX is a fake blah person."

    Your mom knows the truth.😂 Ever wonder why your hair is so curly? 😆😆

  54. DipshitX11:12 PM

    "life or death election for black voters"

    If Donald Trump is reelected he will kill all the black people.

  55. "If Donald Trump is reelected he will kill all the black people."

    Sounds about right. He loves white supremacists so it's not that much of a stretch.


  56. If Donald Trump is reelected he will kill all the black people.

    Wait, are you trying to say that black mortality rates are DOWN under trump, Anonymous DipshitX?

    Jesus you're a moron.

  57. You dumb, right-wing kooks. Stone was the fucking bag-man. He was the guy who met with Julian Assange and set this entire election nudge up with the fucking Russkies.

    Damn straight he was. And everybody knows it. Most of all that POS in the White House who just shit on the constitution again.

  58. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Free Assange!

    Freedom of Speech!

  59. Herman12:54 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "You dumb, right-wing kooks"

    Whether that mark was born with him, or whether it was the scar left by some desperate wound, no one could certainly say.

  60. "If Donald Trump is reelected he will kill all the black people."

    No, if there weren't any black people what would he scare the Pig People with? He needs black people for his political survival.

    Billbarr Buggins is gonna testify before congress, if there still is a congress to testify in front of by then.

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "Stone was the fucking bag-man. He was the guy who met with Julian Assange and set this entire election nudge up with the fucking Russkies."

    Which is why trump is trying to keep him happy cause he might squeal. Hopefully the sentencing judge is unbiased. Hopefully not a trump appointee.

  62. Anonymous7:20 AM

    We all knew Barr was full of it when he released his famous memo.


  63. Anonymous8:06 AM

    So all "the fine black people" in Bodymorgue, Murderland couldn't keep 15 from being shot and 4 killed on "Cease-Fire Weekend".


    There aren't any non-black cities that HAVE anything like Cease-Fire Weekend, because there aren[t any non-black cities that NEED them... not that they work, or can ever work.

    They don't and can't work because Africans are dangerous animals, NOT humans.

  64. More than 3 out of 4 Republicans with an opinion disapprove of Mitt Romney.


  65. Baltinore and other cities with high Black citizenship know they have problems and are working on them while drumpf and stoopid fucking drumpfbots go out of their way to make matters worse.

    SFW need a hobby and drumpf needs life in prison. That would help solve much of America's problems.

  66. Your mom knows the truth.😂 Ever wonder why your hair is so curly? 😆😆

    Yeah, PilotX, we do. His mom got hard up and started fucking buffaloes. That's where the curls came from. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  67. Under drumpf, America has become the greatest laughingstock joke the world has ever witnessed. And, as per usual, it will take years for Dems to straighten this clusterfuck out, if it can be done.

    Then wingnuts will lie themselves back into control, lie that it was wingnuts who actually straightened out America from Obama's mess ( Obama left a strong economy and record high stock market, lowered unemployment for drumopf), and proceed to do even moar damage than drumpf did.

  68. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/steve-mnuchin-admits-trumps-budget-cuts-social-security-even-as-president-claims-he-is-not-touching-the-program/

    Wasn't it just last week some stoopid fucking liars on this very site called us liars for saying drumpf was cutting entitlements he had promised not to touch? We knew back then the stoopid fucking liars were just stoopidly fucking lying some more, but they always demand proof while never offering any to back their own lies with. Here it is boys and stoopid fucking liars, unless you can't read and comprehend.

  69. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/family-of-chicago-police-commander-killed-on-duty-sues-online-gun-dealer/

    OMFG! A wasicu wastey Chicago cop's family is suing online arms dealer in the death of a wasicu wastey cop. Call russia/NRA and get them on the job, now!

  70. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Next Time You Hear the Media try to Credit Obama for Trumps Economy…Watch This


  71. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/iowa-anti-lgbtq-bill-is-so-extreme-it-would-require-teachers-to-notify-parents-if-they-are-going-to-talk-about-pete-buttigieg/

    iowa is controlled by wingnuts. Nopefully not after November.

  72. Field Negro, you are a much more gracious person than I could ever be, as I would have blocked "anonymous" from your comments a long time ago. I apologize to you, as another human, for the words and actions by this wayward soul.

  73. Now, read the truth about lying drumpf's economy as told by men who sdpeaketh the truth as truth is spoken among men.....


    Grab your kleenex and fainting couch, anyfuckingmoose. You're full of shit.

  74. Moar wingnut cheating at election time....


  75. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/oregon-man-reported-workplace-racism-so-his-boss-got-him-arrested/

    Also, Neo-Nazi group (wasicu wasteys) tortured one of their own over busted AC. They seemed nice.

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:45 AM

    Stick a fork in Mitt.... he's done. said...

    More than 3 out of 4 Republicans with an opinion disapprove of Mitt Romney.


    8:27 AM
    And your point is? The people of Utah love Romney and they will be the people voting in the the election if he chooses to run again.

  77. Herman10:46 AM

    It's a mutual, joint-stock world, in all meridians.

  78. This disgraced POS is bat shit crazier than drumpf and even I didn't think that was possible....


    Bakker, former teevee shill for Pass the Loot ministry and former jail bird at least didn't advise people to scarf down bleach like other crazies did.

  79. "No, if there weren't any black people what would he scare the Pig People with?"

    If there weren't any black people what would our (((Rulers))) have to rationalize destroying White America with?


    Your supposition assumes black people have no agency, that they are merely props on the stage in a play about which group of white people has the moral right to own America.

    The Left uses blacks as a weapon, a tool to get what they want. They'll keep swinging that sledgehammer at the foundation of the country until they bring it all down, even though it means breaking the hammer.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:24 AM

    Drain the Swamp said...

    If the Rule of Law were enforced, all of these schemers would hang.

    5:23 PM
    Of what law do you speak, Swampy? Treason? Treason is carefully defined in the Constitution. You should read it sometime. Then you could speak about a subject that you are at least familiar with instead of spouting nonsense.

  81. John enry was a black slave. I had no idea he was a self hating blogger.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:31 AM

    Trump is a pathological liar
    Trump is unfit to be the POTUS
    Trump is a geopolitical ignoramus
    Trump is a disaster for the environment
    Trump is an unrepentant sexual predator
    Trump is a white supremacist cheer leader
    Trump is trying to destroy affordable health care
    Trump is going to continue caging little brown kids
    Trump is a tool of the Wayne La Pierre and the NRA
    Trump is an enemy of unions and working Americans
    Trump is going to double down on stealing this election
    Trump is guilty of everything he was just acquitted of (& more)
    And tens of millions of Americans flat out don't care and are cheering him on to unleash even greater and more odious attacks on our democracy. This country is facing a catastrophe of historic proportions if Trump is reelected. Don't let it happen.

    from a comment on Political Wire

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 AM

    Former federal prosecutor: ‘No one is safe’ if Trump can use DOJ to ‘prosecute’ his enemies and reward his ‘inner circle’

    From: alternet.org

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:54 AM

    It seems like forever ago when Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp” if elected president. Well, it turns out this was one of the biggest whoppers in modern American politics.

    Here are five ways he’s made the swamp even swampier.
    From the front page of: alternet.org

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 PM

    Steve Mnuchin admits Trump’s budget cuts Social Security even as president claims he is ‘not touching’ the program


  86. Herman12:33 PM

    Human madness is a cunning and most feline thing. When you think it fled, it may have but become transfigured into some still subtler form.

  87. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Steve Mnuchin admits Trump’s budget cuts Social Security even as president claims he is ‘not touching’ the program"

    Foreigners get Social Security Disability Benefits if they come here and can’t speak English.

    These are the programs Trump is trying to eliminate in order to save these programs for our future.

    Don't worry Granny, he's not touching yours.

  88. Newspaper publisher McClatchy, which stood by some of its Russia collusion hoax stories long after they were debunked, files for bankruptcy protection.


  89. Whatchit, Gambler, anyfuckingmoose leaves out pertinent and important details about foreigners getting SS benefits such as AARP lists....

    Yes, provided they are in the United States legally or, if living abroad, meet the criteria outlined below.

    Noncitizens living in the United States may be eligible for Social Security if they:

    are permanent legal residents;
    have visas that allow them to work in the United States;
    or were allowed in the country under the Family Unity or Immediate Relative provisions of U.S. immigration law.
    Undocumented immigrants who fall under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — that is, people who were brought into the country illegally when they were minors — can get Social Security numbers, but they have several decades to go before any of them hit retirement age.

    Some undocumented immigrants do obtain fake Social Security numbers, or use lapsed or stolen ones, to get jobs. They pay billions of dollars a year into the Social Security system via FICA tax withholding, according to a Social Security report, but they rarely receive any benefits. Most of the money ends up in the trust funds from which Social Security benefits are paid.

    Noncitizens living abroad may qualify for Social Security if they worked at some point in the United States and accrued sufficient Social Security credits. A noncitizen who married an American living abroad, and who meets the normal criteria for spousal or survivor benefits, may be eligible for these payments if he or she:

    is a citizen or resident of a country with which the United States has a Social Security agreement;
    lived in the United States for at least five years with the American spouse (the five years need not have been continuous);
    or was married to someone who died during U.S. military service.

    knowing anyfuckingmoose he is on another rant about people seeking asylum and being unlawfully turned away by the worst, most lawless bogus potus ever. And drumpf is after your SS and mine and other retirees/disabled so wingnuts can get more taxcuts for the koch bro and other billionaires.

    I see Bezos needs more help. He bought the most expensive piece of real estate in Los A for 165 million and squandered one eighth of one percent of his fortune.

  90. McClatchy is pulling a trick drumpf used a half dozen times to clear their debt so they can buy more stuff. drumpfuck did it and continually lies about.

    Bankruptcy protection.

  91. Anonymous1:44 PM

    McClatchy is filing bankruptcy because the supply of corporate establishment lie media exceeds the demand.

    Get Woke, go broke.

  92. It's been four years now and Scalia is still dead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  93. Can some stoopid fucking wingnut rationally explain how it is even thinkable lily white stoopid fucking wasdicu wastey ammosexuals in congress, with all their gunz, can be remotely afraid of drumpfuck the dictator wannabe?

  94. Anonymous1:59 PM

    “McClatchy is filing bankruptcy because the supply of corporate establishment lie media exceeds the demand.”

    No, McClatchy is in trouble, like many print news outlets, because the advent of the internet has created many more alternative venues for advertisers to place ads, and thereby reduced per-ad revenues that used to make up most of the funding of newspapers.

    Papers that haven’t found a way to pass the costs on to readers, or solicit donations, are now hurting. But the outlets that have somehow managed to adapt are doing well.

    The far “woker” New York Times is rolling in dough, expanding its staff to record levels fueled by Trump-hatred. So your thesis is obvious hogwash.

  95. From NPR..... The long slide in the U.S. newspaper industry took another dramatic turn Thursday.

    McClatchy, which operates the Miami Herald and The Kansas City Star among its 30 newsrooms in 14 states, announced it has filed for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring. Saddled with debt and pension obligations, McClatchy said it will continue to operate as normal during the process.

    The company said it plans to emerge from bankruptcy in the next few months.

    What did we learn? anyfuckingmoose continues to lie. Got aways to go to catch drumpf, but, nevertheless...

  96. https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/how-does-trump-repeatedly-file-for-bankruptcy-and-still-stay-on-top

    His chapter 11's (all four of them) allowed his businesses an opportunity to reboot and erased much of drumpf's personal debt. Once a crook, always a crook.

  97. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/earth-just-had-its-hottest-january-recorded-history-n1136426?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR0-YBTJ_2tICjd67WYJT9i10YUUoqGlZEmem3SDLMBKZlYxwBQ_mpdjPxI

  98. The lies never stop from stoopid fucking wasicu wastey liars in this administration.


    Screwdy Rudy is back on Fake Noize claiming Dems are lying about Ukraine. This guy, like drumpfuck and anyfuckingmoose has no business accusing anyone else of lying.

  99. Not ready to say that "democracy died" yet, but with the acquittal by the Senate and Trump's revenge against the witnesses ordered to testify, we've definitely got a dictatorship if Trump gets another term. And every trick in the book will be used to try to skew the Electoral College vote. We'll need more than a Democratic win, we'll need an avalanche.

  100. Molly Ivins was reporting on the vulture capitalist assault on newspapers back in the '90s, including her own.

    Buy them as distressed properties for pennies on the dollar, load them up with debt, fire half of the staff, and issue ultimatums about ROE as requirements for continued existence.

    And that was before the internet shot the financial underpinnings out from under the business model.

    Now, smaller newspapers are struggling to exist and becoming wary of alienating their aging subscriber base, which is why you'll find so many wingnuts writing in them these days.

    Local journalism is very important, as anyone who has lost theirs can tell you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:56 PM

    A black Oregon man was awarded an additional $600,000 after his former boss called in a favor from a police chief friend and had him arrested for reporting workplace discrimination.

    Michael Fesser brought his concerns in February 2017 about racial harassment by co-workers to Eric Benson, owner of A&B Towing in Southeast Portland, and complained other employees called him racial slurs and asked how he liked a Confederate flag placed on a pickup parked in the company’s lot, reported The Oregonian.


  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:00 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    These are the programs Trump is trying to eliminate in order to save these programs for our future.

    Don't worry Granny, he's not touching yours.

    12:40 PM
    LOL, ROTF LMAO If you believe what you just said here, you are dumber than a rock.

  103. From Steve Benen:

    Marie Yovanovitch was honored at Georgetown University last night, where she received a lengthy standing ovation and the Trainor Award for excellence in diplomacy from the school's Institute for the Study of Diplomacy.

    "Right now, the State Department is in trouble," Ms. Yovanovitch said in accepting the award. "Senior leaders lack policy vision, moral clarity and leadership." ... [She added] that "an amoral, 'keep them guessing' foreign policy that substitutes threats, fear and confusion for trust cannot work."

    -Doug in Oakland

  104. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:18 PM

    Blogger anotherbozo said...

    Not ready to say that "democracy died" yet, but with the acquittal by the Senate and Trump's revenge against the witnesses ordered to testify, we've definitely got a dictatorship if Trump gets another term. And every trick in the book will be used to try to skew the Electoral College vote. We'll need more than a Democratic win, we'll need an avalanche.

    3:22 PM
    I agree. We need a landslide. Here's what I plan to do: Support the Democratic nominee (no matter who he/she is) with money and volunteer work, Lobby all friends, neighbors, and family members to vote a straight Democratic ticket.

    If Trump wins and Republicans retain their majority in the Senate, then game over. Our republic will become a dictatorship. And the dictator isn't even smart, educated or even sane. So lets all work to defeat Trump in the November election.

  105. Round up the commies4:51 PM

    "we've definitely got a dictatorship if Trump gets another term"

    I sure as fuck hope so.

  106. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "LOL, ROTF LMAO If you believe what you just said here, you are dumber than a rock.

    "Dumber than a rock" describes the people who believe the Democrats when they say, as they have for every election in their lifetimes, that Republicans are going to take their Social Security away.

    BTW, I think you just drooled all over yourself again.

  107. By Steve Benen

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was on Capitol Hill yesterday, appearing for a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the new White House budget, and Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) kicked off the discussion by praising Donald Trump's record on job creation.

    Soon after, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) asked a question of the cabinet secretary that too often goes overlooked:

    "Let's talk about jobs. President Trump claimed he would be 'the greatest jobs president that God ever created,' and has repeatedly criticized President Obama's jobs record. Let's compare the last three years of the Obama presidency to the first three years of the Trump presidency. Can you guess who created more jobs?"

    Even if Mnuchin knew the correct answer, he probably realized that if he acknowledged the truth during an open hearing, Trump likely would've fired him. And so the Treasury secretary said he didn't
    "have the numbers" in front of him.

    Naturally, the New Jersey Democrat presented the data Mnuchin said he didn't have.

    The information probably didn't come as a surprise to regular readers. As we discussed after the release of the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Trump has now been in office for three full years (36 months), and during that time, the economy has created 6.56 million jobs. In the final full three years of Obama's presidency, the economy created 8.08 million jobs.

    Some have asked what would happen if we looked at the same numbers, but assigned the job totals from January 2017 to Trump, even though Obama was president for most of the month. On balance, I think that paints a misleading picture, but it doesn't change the underlying dynamic: if we applied jobs from January 2017 to Trump and compared the last 37 months to the previous 37 months, job totals still slowed from 8.14 million to 6.74 million.

    The White House, meanwhile, believes we should actually start the clock for Trump at November 2016 -- the month of the Republican's election -- and apply the jobs created during the final months of the Obama era to the current Republican president. But that still doesn't help: if we compare the last 39 months to the previous 39 months, job totals slowed from 8.68 million to 7.13 million.

    Taking this one step further, job growth in 2019 -- a year in which Trump said the economy had reached heights unseen in American history -- fell to an eight-year low.

    What's more, the best year for jobs during Trump's presidency -- 2.31 million in 2018 -- fails to reach the job growth in any of the three final years of Barack Obama's presidency. It adds a degree of irony to his rhetorical record: Trump ran for president in 2015 and 2016, telling the nation that the economy was horrible and he'd make it vastly better. But annual job growth totals from both 2015 and 2016 were better than any year of the Republican's tenure, at least so far.

    What I'm eager to hear from any Republican -- in the White House, in Congress, in a federal cabinet agency -- is why they think this happened. For his part, Mnuchin didn't address the issue yesterday.

    -Doug in Oakland

  108. "Marie Yovanovitch was honored at Georgetown University last night, where she received a lengthy standing ovation and the Trainor Award for excellence in diplomacy from the school's Institute for the Study of Diplomacy."

    Funny how liberal institutions bestow awards on liberal ideologues.

    Like how Obama won both a Grammy and an Oscar this year.

    Yovanovitch whines about an "amoral" foreign policy, when she herself served an immoral administration that overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014 for fun and profit.


    You worship the worst people, Doug.

  109. Lt. Commander Johnson5:13 PM

    There will be a landslide, Granny. Are you so blind as not to see it? You give all your taxpayer supplied money to the Dems. All 15 dollars of it. This is a joke. Biden is a dementia turd, depending on Negros. Bernie isn't even a Democrat, he calls himself a Socialist, but he's a Communist. He signed a "paper" for the DNC declaring himself to be a "Democrat". Can I be a Communist, and run as a Republican? I don't think so. Buttplug is a gay wannabe. Warren, forget that prune. Bloomberg? Maybe he is your best chance. He needs your 15?

    You Dems have absolutely no chance. Much less, a "landslide".

    I think you will see in the next elections the largest turn-out of Republicans in history. Have you seen the rally's that Trump is having? Hate Trump all you want, and you can call him names, but you can't point to one single thing that he has done to destroy your personal life.

    It's a denial of mental capabilities, on your part.

  110. Billbarr Buggins to Fergus: Shut up you moron, I have enough problems perverting the DOJ to serve your interests without dealing with the fallout from your stupid tweets.

    -Doug in Oakland

  111. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Delicious, salty progtard tears.  Love 'em.

    BTW, one of the arrows in Trump's quiver is to arrest the corrupt clerks who stuffed ballot boxes in the 2016 and 2018 elections.  That's the October Surprise, and it will guarantee Republican wins across the board... and a lot of the NeverTrumpers were voted out or retired in 2018, so they'll be replaced by loyalists.

    Be prepared for the worst (for you), progtards.

  112. "... but you can't point to one single thing that he has done to destroy your personal life."

    How about relaxing the regulations on particulate emissions that his own EPA estimates will kill 1,500 people annually?
    Will you be one of the 1,500 this year? How about next year?

    -Doug in Oakland

  113. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Donald Trump is the first Black President.

  114. Strategic culture foundation?

    Overall, we rate the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as a complete lack of transparency with the goal to deceive readers. This is not a credible source.

    Extreme right bias. Low factual reporting. Wouldn't waste my time reading this bullshit from this source.

  115. I heard about that, Doug. Can't believe Barr was serious in criticizing drumpf unless he wants out of the mess he helped create.

  116. LeonT5:46 PM

    "... but you can't point to one single thing that he has done to destroy your personal life."

    Well so much for e pluribus unim, eh dinthebeast?

    But okay, I'll play along:

    Poisoned my water.
    Poisoned my air.
    Cause my gay friends and relatives to live in fear.
    Cause my Jewish friends and relatives to live in fear.
    Cause my Latinx friends and relatives to live in fear.
    Need more?

    Nah, you don't need more, nothing would make a difference to you. You're an ignorant cult member and incapable of being a functioning citizen of a democracy.

  117. Leon Low-T6:00 PM

    Even though I can't point to anything Trump has done to harm me, since the corporate media irrationally scares people in order to manipulate them, I'll just have to go along with Orange Man Bad.

    That's how I roll.

  118. Clown Coup7:13 PM

    A juror in the Stone case named Tomeka Hart has a Twitter history disparaging Trump, and retweeting anti-Stone commentary after Stone’s arrest, including sharing articles about the Roger Stone case:


    Reading her Tweets, she sounds like a regular Field Negro poster.

    Hart was interviewed on Nov. 5, 2019 along with a group of other potential jurors. Hart is not identified by name in the transcript (she is referred to as Juror Number 1261), but the description matches her resume. Hart ran for Congress and also served as the foreperson on a grand jury in Tennessee for two years.

    “Is there anything about that that affects your ability to judge him fairly and impartially sitting here right now in this courtroom?” Jackson queried.

    “Absolutely not,” Hart answered.

    “What is it that you have read or heard about him?” asked Jackson.

    “So nothing that I can recall specifically,” Hart replied. “I do watch sometimes paying attention but sometimes in the background CNN.”

    “So I recall just hearing about him being part of the campaign and some belief or reporting around interaction with the Russian probe and interaction with him and people in the country, but I don’t have a whole lot of details. I don’t pay that close attention or watch C-SPAN,” she continued.

    Ms. Hart didn’t just attack President Trump and his supporters as racists, she specifically attacked Roger Stone — and she ended up the lead juror on his case.

    In other words, she lied.

    So guess what? The conviction is going to be thrown out. The government will need to hold a new trial.

  119. I remember a whole fucking bunch of drumpf cabinet appointees and at least one kavernmouth scotus nominee that committed perjury, lied under oath multiple times to senators, and all got approved without retrials.

    Tne evidence against stone is overwhelmin gly guilty. Get a new juror and get same verdict and then this time hold drumpf accountable for witness tampering because you know he can't resist. He is invincible until that one day when....

  120. Another missile hits another US base in Iraq. As usual there were no reported casualties, We wait for the drumpf headache sufferers to come forward.

    Dizzy Miss Lindsey is afraid drumpf will fire Barr for allegedly standing up to drumpf. Most likely it was a staged performance to make Barr look good.

  121. So Miss Lindsey shows up on Fake Noize decked out in drumpf camp jacket. must be working for the campaign.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:19 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    who believe the Democrats when they say, as they have for every election in their lifetimes, that Republicans are going to take their Social Security away.

    BTW, I think you just drooled all over yourself again.

    4:54 PM
    Republicans have tried to take Social Security away about every twenty years or so ever since it was instituted. They always fail because Americans love it and fight back when they do. Republicans have often admitted that their goal is to destroy Roosevelt's New Deal.

    I may be old, but I know a little about the history of my country. Do you?

  123. Lt. Commander Johnson8:49 PM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    "... but you can't point to one single thing that he has done to destroy your personal life."

    How about relaxing the regulations on particulate emissions that his own EPA estimates will kill 1,500 people annually?
    Will you be one of the 1,500 this year? How about next year?

    -Doug in Oakland

    5:23 PM"

    Dougie, if having to breathe the stink of sweaty negros, doused with cheap-ass "perfume" in non air-conditioned school rooms, once integration was imposed, I don't think anything can, as far as "particulate emissions". Damn near choked me.

    Anyway, my question was about YOU, PERSONALLY. What has he done to YOU? I've asked them from a lot of your Mongo tribes. They, like you, obstruct, and deflect, with answers that have nothing to do with how it has harmed YOU.

    Let's get ready for some more to follow.

  124. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:03 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    Hate Trump all you want, and you can call him names, but you can't point to one single thing that he has done to destroy your personal life.

    It's a denial of mental capabilities, on your part.

    5:13 PM
    Here are a few things Trump has done that destroy my personal life - He has raised my anxiety level about the future of my country, both nationally and internationally. But this is not the important thing. What is important is his concerted efforts to brutalize the American people.

    He uses vile rhetoric to humiliate anyone who criticizes him. He demeans and excoriates entire groups of people for their race, religion, or national origin. He is the president of the most powerful country in the world and he behaves like a five-year old, throwing tantrums when he doesn't get absolute obedience from everyone around him. He is ignorant, incompetent, and disgusting.

    How can you support this evil man?

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:06 PM

    Anonymous said......

    BTW, one of the arrows in Trump's quiver is to arrest the corrupt clerks who stuffed ballot boxes in the 2016 and 2018 elections. That's the October Surprise, and it will guarantee Republican wins across the board... and a lot of the NeverTrumpers were voted out or retired in 2018, so they'll be replaced by loyalists.
    LOL! In your dreams, dude!


    1. "LOL! In your dreams, dude!"

      😂😂😂 And here I thought the Oktober surprise might be Qanon finally being right about all congressional Dems being arrested by Marines. These troll are dead set on arresting people. Or how about this one, Roger Stone starts singing and other folks start going to jail. Judge Meryl Howell is an Obama appointee and she won't be swayed by Barr's recommendation. 😂 Old Rog's smack talking butt will get the maximum. Stay tuned sports fans.😆

  126. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theweek.com/speedreads-amp/895780/trump-attacks-roger-stone-juror--justice-department--twitter?fbclid=IwAR397qBlNq2FwEof6MiCYVkk1frENlWWEYMQx9AKGEGIlmbTbtcx_U29Ozw

  127. "Dougie, if having to breathe the stink of sweaty negros, doused with cheap-ass "perfume" in non air-conditioned school rooms, once integration was imposed, I don't think anything can, as far as "particulate emissions". Damn near choked me."

    Looks like our southern Republican friend is showing his hood and sheet again. That Nixon was right, simpleminded southerners can be swayed to the GOP. Yeah sure, I bet sweaty red necks smell like the botanical gardens.😂

  128. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/policy/finance/482617-fed-chief-issues-stark-warning-to-congress-on-deficits%3famp

  129. trump trying to destroy the rule of law. At least this conservative judge is standing up to the law breaker in chief.


  130. Lt. Commander Johnson10:48 PM

    You see? No cogent answer as to how Trump has worsened your life one bit. Dougie answers, he's "raised his anxiety level". His co-pilotx, calls me a KKK'er, just because I lived with the stink, and will tell the truth...I was there, Pilot. Remember...the truth will set you free. This isn't something I read. I smelled it.

  131. Yes Lt. Moron, I do breathe the air. Whether or not you do, the rest of America does, and 1,500 of them die from the particulate emissions according to Fergus own EPA.

    -Doug in Oakland

  132. Lt. Commander Johnson11:05 PM

    Another great answer. Shit. 1500? They might die of gunshots in Chicago this year. A city with one of the most restrictive gun laws in the US.

  133. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy11:12 PM

    His co-pilotx, calls me a KKK'er, just because I lived with the stink, and will tell the truth...I was there, Pilot.
    That was your mom's snatch. We know how you hillbillies get down. I hear your auntie momma's cootchie is hella powerful. Maybe if you showered more than once a month your nose hairs wouldn't be burned.

  134. Anonymous11:15 PM

    1500 hillbillies will OD in Lt. Pussy's trailer park in the next 20 minutes. Didn't the white trash death rates go up under trump? At least that's something. Maybe dumb ass Hillbilly No Johnson will hurry up and OD. He and his Auntie Momma.

  135. Lt. Commander is a auntie momma fucker11:18 PM

    Hey Lt. Pussy, how was your life affected by Obama? I mean it probably made your ignorant klan meetings interesting. I mean how many times can the klanners watch your Aunt Momma strip? I guess somebody liked that smelly fat broad jiggle. Since you guys have no teeth the BJ's were good at least huh?

  136. You asked what Fergus had done that affected me, and I told you.
    Now you say 1,500 dead people a year doesn't count because...?
    Only pussies die of mesothelioma?
    God damn it you're stupid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  137. Anonymous12:00 AM

    "Now you say 1,500 dead people a year doesn't count because...?"

    Because no one is going to die from an incremental change in a recommendation.

    You are an idiot.

  138. Herman12:03 AM

    "He is ignorant, incompetent, and disgusting."

    Art thou not an arrant, all-grasping, intermeddling, monopolising, heathenish old scamp, to be one day making legs, and the next day coffins.

  139. So now that the Attorney General has made a precedent of lowering a sentence recommendation below the federal guidelines for a defendant who refused to cooperate, went to trial, and was convicted on all counts, should my friend's attorney be able to get his recommendation lowered for his pot conviction? He's looking at five years, and it's legal here now, shouldn't he have some of that reduced? The state wouldn't charge him, so if the feds backed off like they just did with Roger, he'd be out and making money and paying taxes again way sooner.

    -Doug in Oakland

  140. "Because no one is going to die from an incremental change in a recommendation."

    Fergus' own EPA is responsible for those numbers, the actual numbers are likely much higher. You are illiterate.

    -Doug in Oakland

  141. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Career bureaucrats who are defending their jobs are responsible for that number, which is based imaginary thinking.

    You are a fool.

  142. Anonymous12:27 AM

    ANTIFA is the shock troops of the establishment and thus, protected by the law.

  143. This is how stupid Pig People are. They're all "Yay Fergus! Stick it to the libtards!" and Fergus goes "OK, I'll appoint an EPA director who will undo all of the environmental progress since the seventies, when the air and water were just ducky" and the EPA is like "OK, but those rules were there for a reason and rolling them back will kill 1,500 Pig People annually" and then the Pig People are all like "Yay Fergus! He stuck it to the libtards! Ulg, wheeze, plop."

    -Doug in Oakland

  144. Anonymous1:12 AM

    The gravy thicken...

  145. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Doug is really pissed that the democrats have no one to run against the rollercoaster train that is Donald Trump. I still chuckle about the faux outrage and pompousness of the left.

    Mayor Pete is your guy.

  146. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Doug is channeling Adam Schiff. Quick notify all major news outlets. This should be a doozy.

  147. Lt. Commander Johnson1:41 AM

    Whoo boy. I asked how you Negros can name a single instance of how Trump has actually been a detriment to YOUR life, and I get some stupid answer like 1500 emissions. You can't even name what emissions you're talking about. Particulate my ass. You know how many people die in car accidents every year?

    MUCH LESS...to answer the original question in my post at 10:48. I ask questions here, but you continually obfuscate, deflect, and down right lie.

  148. Lt. Commander Johnson1:47 AM

    Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy said...
    His co-pilotx, calls me a KKK'er, just because I lived with the stink, and will tell the truth...I was there, Pilot.
    That was your mom's snatch. We know how you hillbillies get down. I hear your auntie momma's cootchie is hella powerful. Maybe if you showered more than once a month your nose hairs wouldn't be burned.

    11:12 PM"

    There ain't a hill in Mississippi, you Queenie bitch. Except for the bluffs at Vicksburg.

  149. akglow,

    Some see it as a feature that blogger does not allow banning or blocking users. The only solution for those who are overwhelmed by negative comments is comment moderation where no comments appear until an administrator approves them.

    Thankfully most commenters here have at the least a modicum of respect for the Field even if they say really nasty things. After all, he does allow them to speak their minds. I can only imagine the content that actually is deleted by a blog administrator. It's a lot more fun with a rag-tag troupe of relatively civil trolls/antagonists. Talk to a troll today on The Field Negro.

    Nope. No banning. Not with blogger.

  150. Lt. Commander Johnson2:30 AM

    And please, don't try to tell me what I already know about Woodall Mountain. It's a lump of roak, which I have been past many time, while trying to catch small mouth bass in the Tennessee-Tombigbee. Only place in Miss that you can catch a small mouth bass.Pretty country, up there. Near Brice's crossroads Battlefield, where Nathan Bedford forest, with about 3,500 men, whooped about 11,00 me frm the Union, under a command of some Union commander who was named Sturgis, and beat the hell out of them, and chased them all the way back to Memphis. The black troops they had were said to throw off their uniforms.

    I have heard, that Sturgis told Sherman,(his commander), "by God, if Forrest will leave me alone, I will let him alone" Or, some such paraphrase. I don't think Sturgis ever served again.

  151. Lt. Commander Johnson5:56 AM

    I would like to correct the typos in my previous comment, but I'm not certain how, or even if it's possible on this blog.

  152. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The jury foreman in the Roger Stone case, one Tomeka Hart, turns out to be a rabid anti-Trumper and had condemned Roger Stone by name on social media years ago.

    She had the nerve to swear that she had no pre-judgements during jury selection.  That's what the word of a black woman is worth:  nothing.

    Stone is going to get a new trial, with a change of venue.  And he'll walk.

  153. Lt. Commander Johnson8:17 AM

    That's why, if you ever get called for jury duty, you just say, "I'd kill the bastard".

    If, you're dumb enough to even appear.

  154. Lt. Commander Johnson8:37 AM

    You Dem/Communist/Socialists should take this song to heart. One of my favorite local touring bands:


    Trump should make this his new theme song.

  155. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This dumb fuck still can't write or spell. Wanna bet his dumb fat ass still hasn't figured out the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE. Typical trump supporter. He did say he liked the uneducated and here is exhibit A. Fat stupid red neck and the epitome of the word mother fucker.

  156. America can never be great with stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys stinking up the place.

    All of drumpf's cabinet members, plus his worthless SIL and even moar worthless daughter swore tom tell the truth so help them gawd and they all committed perjury and still got a pass.

    Perjury, or anything else for that matter, is never an actionable crime when a wingnut does it.


  157. MUCH LESS...to answer the original question in my post at 10:48. I ask questions here, but you continually obfuscate, deflect, and down right lie.

    How has the object of your affections( you're fascinated with orange micro dicks, you woman said) has hurt me personally? By stoopid unwinnable trade wars that jack up prices for us people on low fixed incomes, me included.

    Now you have been answered, Commandeerwd Queensland.

  158. Another great answer. Shit. 1500? They might die of gunshots in Chicago this year. A city with one of the most restrictive gun laws in the US.

    This cannot be. drumpf stopped the violence in Chicago in one week when he sent in the Feds. What? You don't believe drumpfuck the pathological liar, Queenie?

  159. drumpfuck is going for the gold.... https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/14/trump-tweets-he-has-right-to-interfere-in-doj-cases-after-barrs-critique.html

    We all know, except for magats they don't know shit, that wingnuts will not raise a hand to stop drumpf. But, if this was Obama, the shit would have hit the fan along time ago.

  160. All magats in congress and the kremlin annex need mandatory, remedial civics classes written in crayon so they can kinda follow along.

  161. Washington (CNN)Emboldened after his impeachment acquittal, President Donald Trump now openly admits to sending his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to find damaging information about his political opponents, even though he strongly denied it during the impeachment inquiry.

    The reversal came Thursday in a podcast interview Trump did with journalist Geraldo Rivera, who asked, "Was it strange to send Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine, your personal lawyer? Are you sorry you did that?" Trump responded, "No, not at all," and praised Giuliani's role as a "crime fighter."

    Lock them all up!

  162. Lt. Commander Johnson10:20 AM

    You people are nuts.

  163. Moar drumpf Amerika.https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/white-woman-who-committed-racist-assault-against-black-man-avoids-jail-time-despite-tearful-pleas-from-victim/...

  164. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:37 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Doug is really pissed that the democrats have no one to run against the rollercoaster train that is Donald Trump. I still chuckle about the faux outrage and pompousness of the left.

    Mayor Pete is your guy.

    1:28 AM
    The Democrats have at least three candidates that for sure will beat Trump in a head to head match up (Mayor Pete isn't one of them). Trump will have to engage in massive cheating to win in November.

  165. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    That's why, if you ever get called for jury duty, you just say, "I'd kill the bastard".

    If, you're dumb enough to even appear.

    8:17 AM
    It's a citizen's public duty to serve on a jury when called. Your attitude toward this responsibility is appalling. Yet, I am not surprised having read the content of your posts.

  166. "One of my favorite local touring bands"

    Cowboy Mouth! Ha! How ironic. I know one of the founders of the band and he HATES trump. Paul Sanchez, the former lead guitarist. Really cool dude but as I learned, should have known because my dad's family is from NOLA, never go drinking with a New Orleans musician.😆

    1. Funny thing was he called John Thomas Griffith because I started singing "China" and Paul goes he's gotta hear this so we sang the whole song on his phone.😆

  167. Herman11:09 AM

    It’s a ticklish business, but must be done, or else it’s no go.

  168. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "The Democrats have at least three candidates that for sure will beat Trump in a head to head match up (Mayor Pete isn't one of them)"

    Please cool it with the homophobia.

  169. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/trump-was-obsessed-with-ukrainian-corruption-because-he-wanted-to-emulate-it-op-ed/

    Makes moar sense than claiming drumpf wanted to fight corruption. Hell, he is corruption personified.

  170. Once again, Queenie shows he can't handle the truth as truth is told by men and some outstanding women.

  171. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The Democrats have at least three candidates that for sure will beat Trump in a head to head match up (Mayor Pete isn't one of them)"

    Please cool it with the homophobia.

    11:10 AM
    You cool it with your jumping to conclusions as to my imaginary homophobia. I did not omit Pete because he is gay. Mayor Pete can't win because he does not have enough experience in government. Democrats are not going to opt for an inexperienced candidate when qualified experienced candidates are in the mix - not this time. We all saw what terrible things the inexperienced Trump has done to our country. Most Democrats and independents want a candidate they believe will have a steady hand - someone they feel they know.

    Hey, feel free to disagree with me, but stop attributing imaginary attitudes to me.

  172. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "I did not omit Pete because he is gay."

    Right. Face it, people of your generation are still uncomfortable with a man who engages in what you would call "sodomy" with another man.

    This is 2020. You need to embrace a world where people can do whatever they want with whoever they want. It's not degeneracy, it's love.

  173. McCTurtlefuckface admits there are three hundred ninety six bills from the house sitting in the sinate and he says he is not going to pass those. So much for lack of bi-partisanship. And you know fuckface is going to blame it all on Dems and drumpfucking magats will howl in delight.


  174. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/14/politics/andrew-mccabe-justice-department-investigation/index.html

    Another wingnut fever dream explodes in stoopid fucking wingnut land. Drumpf sure to shit his pull-ups before Melanoma can get him to the potty.

  175. Well you may not be a klanner there Johnson but you spout the same ignorant BS. You may as well join if you can afford the membership fee. Maybe you can help the collective IQ get to moderately cool.

  176. From the LA Times:

    L.A. County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey announced that she had secured the dismissal of 66,000 marijuana convictions, undoing decades of enforcement that disproportionately targeted people of color.

    -Doug in Oakland

  177. Pimpeo announces a breakthrough reduction in violence with Taliban yesterday and the US goes out and blows up vehicle with civilians in it to celebrate. Atbv least one child dead.

    I know, drumpfuck magats will claim the child was used as a human shield. Any excuse to defend the worst shit fer brains bogus potus the world has ever seen.

  178. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:24 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "I did not omit Pete because he is gay."

    Right. Face it, people of your generation are still uncomfortable with a man who engages in what you would call "sodomy" with another man.

    This is 2020. You need to embrace a world where people can do whatever they want with whoever they want. It's not degeneracy, it's love.

    12:31 PM
    There's a flaw in your logic. Here it is: Some people of my generation are biased against gays and may subscribe to the attitudes you described, but your generalization does not apply to all people of my generation. Generational attitudes are not monolithic on this topic or any other.

    As for my attitude and behavior. As a grass root volunteer in the Democratic Party, I campaigned and lobbied for gay marriage. My opinion is that all people have the right to love and marry whom ever they wish. And I am not at all uncomfortable with anyone's sexual activities as long as it involves adults who consent. I am about as sociably liberal as you can get.

    Have a nice day.

  179. Anderson Poopchute2:34 PM

    America will not truly be free until we have mandatory public celebration ceremonies demonstrating our unwavering support for every time a man plunges his penis in another mans anus.

  180. Anonymous2:35 PM

    "L.A. County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey announced that she had secured the dismissal of 66,000 marijuana convictions"

    65,000 of those were Doug's.

  181. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:39 PM

    TO: Drain the Swamp,
    This info is especially for you....

    The Department of Justice is dropping its criminal investigation of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe without bringing charges, it announced on Friday.
    McCabe's attorneys received a phone call and a letter from the US Attorney's Office in DC on Friday announcing the declination.

    "We write to inform you that, after careful consideration, the Government has decided not to pursue criminal charges against your client, Andrew G. McCabe, arising from the referral" made by the Inspector General's office to investigate his behavior, the DC US Attorney's Office wrote. McCabe's attorneys released the letter on Friday. "Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information known to the Government at this time, we consider the matter closed."

    From CNN News LOL! Have a nice day, Swampy!

  182. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "L.A. County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey announced that she had secured the dismissal of 66,000 marijuana convictions, undoing decades of enforcement that disproportionately targeted people of color."

    Here here.

    People of color also have a disproportionate number of murder, rape and robbery convictions too.

    In the name of Racial Justice, we need to dismiss these as well.

  183. Lt. Commander Johnson2:53 PM

    Dougie, I don't adhere to the prcepts of the KKK, the NRA, the GOP, or any religious type. I think for myself. I consider myself a Christian, in my own purview. When I am called names, over and over again, I tend to get a bit "frisky" myself. For that, I apologize. Icould do a whole lot damn worse, tho. Just because we disagree on almost everything, doesn't mean I hate you. I still talk to my ex every few weeks, we reminice, and laugh that we seem to get along better now that we're divorced. I turned her on to Dave Mason..."There's Only You And Me, And We Just Disagree". Sort of our theme song.

    So. Let's leave it alone...'cause we can't see eye-to-eye. There ain't no good guy..there ain't no bad guy...there's only you and me, and we just disagree.

  184. Lt. Commander Johnson3:00 PM

    Yes, I'm sorry for all the typos, before the Pilot X or whatevers get on my ass.

  185. "65,000 of those were Doug's."

    Nope. 25 years as an outlaw and not one single conviction for dope.

    -Doug in Oakland

  186. Anderson Poopchute said...
    America will not truly be free until we have mandatory public celebration ceremonies demonstrating our unwavering support for every time a man plunges his penis in another mans anus.

    Laments the stoopid fucking wingnut with the stumpbroke mule and sisters.

  187. When i first heard of Queenie he was in the throes of frying a black guy for setting a woman on fire, except he was not the perp the dying victim claimed was the perp. Sounds klannish and oh so kristian like to me.

  188. A 16-year-old boy in California's San Fernando Valley was physically attacked this week by bullies in his high school who accused him of having the coronavirus — simply because he is Asian American. It is just the latest episode in a spree of racist incidents linked to the global health emergency over the novel coronavirus, now named COVID-19

    Racist violence. Thanks drumpfuck the racist dumbfuck.

  189. So, the whole Tomeka Hart, fore person of the Stone jury, brouhaha is a tempest in an eyedropper. The Stone attorneys failed in their job of striking this woman and need a scapegoat to cover the ass of their convicted client on all counts.

    And what about the other 11 jurors that voted unanimously? Are they all guilty of hating drumpfuck the criminal enterprise?

  190. Stone has added John Gotti Jr's mob lawyer to his team for sentencing when it happens. That oughta help.

  191. Jussie5:02 PM

    "A 16-year-old boy in California's San Fernando Valley was physically attacked this week by bullies in his high school who accused him of having the coronavirus — simply because he is Asian American....Racist violence. Thanks drumpfuck the racist dumbfuck."

    I'd bet my left nut those "bullies" aren't the kind of kid to wear a MAGA hat.

  192. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The Democrats strategy is to rely on the racism of nonwhites, but they didn't consider that nonwhites might care about other things (like oligarch-owned resources).

    Benign nationalism is the future of the GOP. Anti war, anti diversity dogma, pro family, pro social welfare, pro environment, anti immigration, pro free speech, anti oligarch.

    A major political realignment is underway.

  193. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/banana-republic-judge-slammed-doj-for-stringing-along-mccabe-investigation-to-help-trump-politically/

    Judge not happy fed prosecutors strung out McCabe case trying to find evidence to indict him all the while drumpf was interfering.

  194. OMFG! drumpfuck junior unfriended Romney! Where's the fainting couch and my smelling salts?

  195. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "Judge not happy fed prosecutors strung out McCabe case trying to find evidence to indict him"

    He lied under oath to the FBI.

    He admitted it.

    How hard was that to find?

  196. https://www.vox.com/2020/2/14/21137865/trump-medicaid-work-requirement-arkansas-david-sentelle-neil-gorsuch

    Sentelle, if you paid attention to WJ Clinton's witch hunt by the fed, was the judge, along with North Carolina sinators helms and Faircloth decided original indpendent counsel wasn't right wing enough to suit their needs. They replaced a moderate wingnut with far right Ken Starr and turned him loose to gin up crimes against Clinton.He failed miserably and it finally took a perjury trap by congress to get a charge against Clinton.
    Notice how wingnuts have, since then, refused to allow wingnuts to testify under oath?
