Saturday, February 15, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for barr justice dept images 

I need a caption for this picture. 


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    More proof of liberal delusion!!!

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    2021 President Trump swears them in...….

  3. No delusion at all. anyfuckingmoose. He's guilty, throw him in jail, unlike wingnuts who'd give him a free pass and a pardon.

  4. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:10 AM

    You gotta read this article on today. It reveals Trumps behavior step by step since he took office. It lays out what we suspected.

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    6 black kids among 11 blacks wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening:

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    He's guilty, throw him in jail, unlike wingnuts who'd give him a free pass and a pardon.
    10:12 AM

    No, you are confused again. Its liberal (democrat) judges that release criminals or hand out light sentences.

  7. Anonymous12:55 PM
    11:10 AM


  8. No, you are confused again. Its liberal (democrat) judges that release criminals or hand out light sentences.

    Bill Barr is calling you a liar.

    Wingnuts are the ones tht can't investigate, indict or convict criminals. They just want to lock them up for no reasdon.

  9. Field loves the Deep State1:59 PM

    Daily two minute hate against someone who is a potential threat to the ruling power structure

  10. "Daily two minute hate against someone who is a potential threat to the ruling power structure"

    A literary reference made by a functional illiterate.

    The caption, though:
    An android sent from the future to destroy humanity tries to remember human anatomy well enough to conform with the custom of placing the end of one of its limbs over an internal organ.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:27 PM

    Anonymous said....

    No, you are confused again. Its liberal (democrat) judges that release criminals or hand out light sentences.

    12:54 PM
    If what you say is true, how come the Senate Republicans let the orange mobster off?

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:08 PM

    Bernie 2020

  13. Caroline6:14 PM

    Bernie is a misogynist, who told Elizabeth Warren she couldn't be President because she was a woman.

    His "Bernie Bro" followers conduct on line hate campaigns against female candidates.

    Warren/Klobuchar 2020.

  14. Anonymous6:37 PM

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend Donald Trump against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Donald Trump; that I take this obligation freely, except for all the threats of retribution from Donald Trump; and that I will well and faithfully discharge none of the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, only do what Donald Trump wants: So help me Trump.”

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:22 PM

    Caroline said...

    Bernie is a misogynist, who told Elizabeth Warren she couldn't be President because she was a woman.

    His "Bernie Bro" followers conduct on line hate campaigns against female candidates.

    Warren/Klobuchar 2020.

    6:14 PM
    I am quite sensitive to misogyny, and I don't think Bernie Sanders qualifies as a misogynist. He simply stated that it is more difficult for a woman to be elected president than for a man in this country. I believe that Bernie spoke the truth. If you follow politics in the mainstream media, you will see bias favoring male candidates. This is difficult for women to overcome.

    And BTW, the hate campaigns claiming to be Bernie Bros are Russian trolls. Their mission from Trump and Putin is turn Democratic voters against any Democratic candidate the appears to have momentum. So don't fall for it.

  16. Bloviating ignoramus9:45 PM

    Labradoodle Barr Westminster Dog Show Obedience Champion

  17. "6 black kids among 11 blacks wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening:"

    And yet....

    So much more where this came from. But we won't play this game.

  18. wesley10:31 PM

    "Their mission from Trump and Putin is turn Democratic voters against any Democratic candidate the appears to have momentum. So don't fall for it."

    This is the Tulsi Gabbard strategy. Hillary was right to call her out as Russian agent.

  19. Do you solemnly swear to give your complete and total loyalty to an insane, orange, mentally unstable goofball with a rabid animal on his head?

    Of course we do.

  20. We pledge allegiance to the Trumpian King of the zealots of America and to erected borders for which it stands; one Mar-a-Lago, unhinged, with cruelty and injustice to nonwhites, immigrants, LGBTQ...

  21. Anonymous8:39 AM




    drumpf 20 to life, no parole.


    If drumpf gets reappointed czarina, the terrorists win.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:20 AM

    Anonymous said.....


    8:39 AM
    Any Democrat running is a less evil choice than Trump. And most of us have been voting for the lesser of two evils since Clinton except for Barack Obama. So what's the big deal? And why is a small-town mayor your choice?

    All of that aside, Blacks are not a monolithic voting block contrary to what some people may believe. I have a black friend who supports Trump. I have talked to a couple other black friends who think as I do - Any one but Trump gets my vote in November.

  25. Anonymous11:33 AM

    In an amazing coincidence, both men simultaneously needed to verify they actually had hearts.

  26. lots of good captions here. a four-way-tie, maybe.

  27. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Putin, Saddam Hussein, Noriega, the Ayatollah and any number of other dictators are less evil than drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnut phony kristians.

  28. Black Pig Person1:25 PM

    "I have a black friend who supports Trump."

    So is this person an evil moronic racist white supremacist who supports taking healthcare away from poor people and locking babies up in cages?

    Or is that assessment just reserved for white people who might support Trump?

  29. LeonT1:34 PM

    Here's your caption:

    Ein volk ein reich ein führer!

  30. Leon Low-T2:45 PM

    Ha ha ha! Trump is just like Hitler.

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM

    “Ha ha ha! Trump is just like Hitler.”

    No, he’s not just like Hitler. He’s more like a cognitively impaired, garbage-quality, dollar-store version of Hitler.

    QVC cubic zirconia Hitler for inbred rednecks.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:04 PM

    Black Pig Person said...

    "I have a black friend who supports Trump."

    So is this person an evil moronic racist white supremacist who supports taking healthcare away from poor people and locking babies up in cages?

    Or is that assessment just reserved for white people who might support Trump?

    1:25 PM
    That's your assessment, not mine. So don't ask me; I have no opinion about why he supports Trump. Maybe he's had too much Kool-Aid?

  33. Anonymous4:24 PM

    "Maybe he's had too much Kool-Aid?"

    Cool it with the racism.


    Who could have known drumpf was a liar?


    Secret Service is ignoring rules they file financial reports twice a year so the public can know how much drumpf is screwing them for staying at his properties.


    Over 1100 former federal, bi-partisan, prosecutors call on Barr to resign.

  37. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Over 1100 former McDonald's workers call on mike to stop eating ketchup packages.

  38. Precious lot you know anyfuckingmoose dumbfuck. I neither eat at McCSloppys nor do I eat cat soup.

  39. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Ok there is a flaw in your comment
    you make it sound like your race an or kind
    are capable of building ancient,advance or modernize civilizations,cities
    this whole time. but you cant and couldn't because of disease that halted
    you from doing so. let me get this straight you guy's are saying an telling
    me that you are able to create civilization's,cities that are bigger and couldn't,wouldn't
    can't because you intentionally made your lives primitive deliberately an live in small village's
    to stop the disease from spreading. that is got to be the most dumbest lamest pathetic excuse that
    I and anyone else has ever heard of than why is Haiti the way it is there's no disease an illness there.

  40. Anonymous8:15 PM

    not to mention you guy's had that island for a very long extended period of time
    and are living in The North Continental Of America an Latin America which does
    not have many diseases same goes for Haiti so what's preventing you guy's from
    prospering in America,Canada,Europe & Latin America. few more things before I
    go the Europeans and Asians that discovered Europe an Asia,(Eurasia) I doubt
    they discovered that place by accident unless they did and the vikings didn't discover
    Iceland because the land had an has vice versa geographical advantages and managed
    to still establish societies an communities on a frozen tundra considering it's known for having
    very little minerals last thing have you Africans ever thought that you're born genetically inept
    and that is the reason why you cant literally make anything because you always indict an blame
    white people for your actions,failures first it was colonization that yielded the progress than. now
    its the disease than you're telling me you people deliberately made your societies,communities
    small intentionally. you know what I think your people are indecisive they don't know what or who
    to blame also if you people had access to go in the same route to the silk road what sources,resources,
    ideas would you have to share not like you people would anyway considering your ancestors wouldn't know
    where the silk road is let alone speak the white,yellow mans linguistics since you people and your ancestors
    will pillage,plunder the continent of Europe an Asia well at least try to another thing would be
    is that you people wouldn't have any materials,idea's worth exchanging.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Maybe he's had too much Kool-Aid?"

    Cool it with the racism.

    4:24 PM
    LOL! What racism would that be, anon.? You think I'm anti white?

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Over 1100 former McDonald's workers call on mike to stop eating ketchup packages.

    6:10 PM
    This has gotta to be the dumbest post today. Are you in the third grade or maybe the fourth?

  43. LeonT9:23 PM

    Barr has got to go.

    Start an investigation immediately. Find out the timeline on the Stone sentencing reversal, find out who was working with Barr and who approved it. Issue subpoenas. If they are not honored, jail those who violate them.

    Treat conservatives to what their fear most: consequences for violating the rule of law.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:47 PM

    Anonymous LeonT said...

    Barr has got to go.

    Start an investigation immediately. Find out the timeline on the Stone sentencing reversal, find out who was working with Barr and who approved it. Issue subpoenas. If they are not honored, jail those who violate them.

    Treat conservatives to what their fear most: consequences for violating the rule of law.

    9:23 PM
    I agree, but do they have the courage to do it? I fear we're screwed.

  45. Anonymous10:07 PM

    "LOL! What racism would that be, anon.?"

    Promulgating stereotypes about Black people and Kool-Aid.

    You know damn well what you are doing, white woman.

  46. Anonymous10:13 PM

    “LOL! What racism would that be, anon.? You think I'm anti white?”

    It’s a dumb joke. He’s pretending your reference to drinking Kool-Aid wasn’t an analogy to the mass suicides in the People’s Temple cult at Jonestown, but instead that you were taking a dig at poor black people in the ghetto (where everyone supposedly lives on Kool-Aid and fried chicken.)

    Dumb as hell, but that’s troll humor for you.

  47. Hardis White10:21 PM

    Regardless of your political orientation, objectively you have to agree that Trump has done a much better job with the economy than his predecessors. Employment is up, wages are up, and median wealth is increasing. We are better off than we were four years ago.

    Criminal justice reform has put us on a path to reducing the number of incarcerated Americans. Despite intense opposition, border security is being improved. The rights of citizens are being defended.

    Foreign policy achievements have improved as well. ISIS has been crushed. North Korean aggression has been curbed. No new wars have been started, and there is a real chance we can get out of Syria and Afghanistan.

    The Trump presidency has been the most successful administration in a generation. Props is due.

  48. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "where everyone supposedly lives on Kool-Aid and fried chicken"

    Another Goddamned racist.

    Enjoy the privilege of your Cabernet and brie, cracker. There's nothing wrong with enjoying Kool-Aid and fried chicken.

  49. The trend in the development of the academy is from epistemological engine to censorship mechanism.

    The dominant social function of universities now is telling people what they're not allowed to say.

  50. I promise nothing complete; because any human thing supposed to be complete, must for that very reason infallibly be faulty.

    God is with us.

  51. Anonymous11:12 PM

    “The dominant social function of universities now is telling people what they're not allowed to say.”

    Yeah, sure, that’s exactly what universities are like. Nobody takes classes or has majors anymore. They burned all the libraries and books. Nowadays, everyone just sits around all day in empathy circles, privilege-checking each other.

    What an imagination you must have.

    Do you wingnut jackasses listen to yourselves? Any idea how ridiculous you sound?

  52. "Yeah, sure, that’s exactly what universities are like."

    That's how people who have never been to college envision it. If you can't get there you have to disparage it.

  53. Anonymous11:24 PM

    “That's how people who have never been to college envision it. If you can't get there you have to disparage it.”

    I imagine it’s less people who haven’t been to college and more people who did go, but haven’t set foot on a campus since the days of slide rules and football players in leather helmets.

    Basically, it’s geriatric assholes moaning about “how things are on colleges today,” when they have no fucking clue, beyond the outrage-inducing lies they read in some wingnut publication while eating their Salisbury steak at the old folks’ home.

  54. "That's how people who have never been to college envision it. If you can't get there you have to disparage it."

    Spoken like someone who never had the capacity to understand what college was supposed to be about, has no idea what it is today, and never deserved to be there.


  56. "Spoken like someone who never had the capacity to understand what college was supposed to be about, has no idea what it is today, and never deserved to be there."

    Spoken like someone who never set foot on a college campus and isn't smart enough to even sweep the floors there.😂

  57. Lt. Commander Johnson2:38 AM

    You know I like to send you guys a song every now and then. This one always "meant" something to me. It might, to you as well. I think the singer died of an an OD, not too long after the band "hit it big" with this song. Too bad.

  58. Damn, I don’t even know what to say! Words had to be ordered from essay writer and would not have stood stupid now as president of Ukraine

  59. Hardis White said...a whole mouthful of bald face lies about drumpf and his so called good economy. drumpf had virtually nothing to do with the economy. All the hard work was done in the early years of obama's administration and the economy has been growing since 2010. The stock market, after dumbass dubya's crash rose 148% under Obama and unemployment fell from 10 % to 4.5 % and has kept coming down.

  60. Yer taste in music, at least for today, is far superior to the usual song and dance you deposit on this blog, Queenie.

    Blind melon singer died of heart attack associated with cocaine overdose 20 years ago.

    Watch out for record flooding.


  61. "9:47 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "LOL! What racism would that be, anon.?"

    Promulgating stereotypes about Black people and Kool-Aid.

    You know damn well what you are doing, white woman."

    This is a reach. Now had she said grape juice you might have an argument.

  62. "6 black kids among 11 blacks wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening:"

    And yet....

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:42 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "LOL! What racism would that be, anon.?"

    Promulgating stereotypes about Black people and Kool-Aid.

    You know damn well what you are doing, white woman.

    10:07 PM
    I don't know what the hell you are talking about, Anon. The only kool-aid drinkers I know about are the Trumpies and the white supremacists who support dictator Trump. They swallow all his lies and have closed their minds to truth. Are you one of them?

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:56 AM

    PilotX said......

    That's how people who have never been to college envision it. If you can't get there you have to disparage it.
    True. In my 27 years at the university, no one burned books. No one sat around "all day in empathy circles, privilege-checking each other." It's obvious this troll has no idea what happens on a college campus. If he did, he wouldn't make these ignorant remarks.

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 AM

    Mike from Iowa said.....

    Who could have known drumpf was a liar?

    4:40 PM
    Only anyone with half a brain. So I guess about thirty million voters do not have half a brain.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:08 AM

    Anonymous said...

    You know damn well what you are doing, white woman.

    10:07 PM
    So tell me what you think I'm doing, Anon. Obviously, you know nothing about me or what I'm "doing." You must be new to this bog. Try stormfront; it's more to your liking.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:27 AM

    field negro said...

    Anonymous said...

    "LOL! What racism would that be, anon.?"

    Promulgating stereotypes about Black people and Kool-Aid.

    You know damn well what you are doing, white woman."

    This is a reach. Now had she said grape juice you might have an argument.

    9:01 AM

    Thank you, Field, This guy knows what I meant, he's just playing cute. Drinking the Kool-Aid has become the common expression describing anyone who believes propaganda, regardless of the source. It denotes non critical thinkers and those easily hoodwinked. It has nothing to do with race, gender, or national origin. It's strictly political.

    If one drinks enough of it, he/she becomes a rabid zombie, unable to think logically. This ascertain is clearly validated simply by reading the post of the trolls on this bog.

  68. Today in black dysfunction7:09 PM

    Black Brooklyn middle-school principal hands out embargoed exams to teachers so their kids can cheat on evaluations....

    .... and the black kids are so stupid, they STILL failed.

    It's long past time to have the tests held by one group of independent custodians and proctored by yet another one.  Lying, cheating and stealing is just too natural for blacks.

  69. Anonymous11:59 AM

    field negro said...
    "6 black kids among 11 blacks wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening:"

    And yet....
    9:04 AM

    So its like a 17 to 1 ratio, blacks still commit 75%+ of all the violent crime where white commit some, in Chicago is like less than 5% white violent crime.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:15 PM

    Anonymous said......
    "6 black kids among 11 blacks wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening:"

    11:59 AM
    The high murder rate in New Orleans
    While the national murder rate has hovered between 4 and 6 murders per 100,000 residents since 2000, the 2017 murder rate in New Orleans is a staggering 40 per 100,00 residents.

    In 2016, New Orleans Saints star Will Smith was shot and killed. His widow, Racquel Smith, seen here, was also shot in the legs during the incident. The shooter was convicted of non-negligent manslaughter and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

    When there are many cities with a high crime rate, why do you always harp on Chicago?

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:29 PM

    To the anonymous crime reporter that plagues this blog:
    22. Hartford, Connecticut
    The violent crime rate in Hartford is 1,093 per 100,000 residents.
    There were 29 people murdered there in 2017.

    23. Chattanooga, Tennessee
    The violent crime rate in Chattanooga is 1,066 per 100,000 residents.

    The city saw a 4.7 percent increase in violent crime between 2016 and 2017.

    16. Nashville, Tennessee
    The rate of violent crime in Nashville is 1,138 per 100,000 residents.
    In 2017, FBI data said 110 people were murdered there.

    24. Beaumont, Texas
    The violent crime rate in Beaumont is 1,063 per 100,000 residents.

    In 2017, 16 people were murdered there.
    Why is it that you post crime rates only in Chicago?

  72. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Why is it that you post crime rates only in Chicago?

    2:29 PM

    and the problem with that is what exactly??? Worried about something???

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why is it that you post crime rates only in Chicago?

    2:29 PM

    and the problem with that is what exactly??? Worried about something???

    3:54 PM
    Just answer my question instead of trying to deflect.

  74. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Just answer my question instead of trying to deflect.
    4:02 PM

    Why are you types so worried about Chicago???

  75. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Chicago February 2020 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 86
    Total Shot: 110
    Total Homicides: 25

  76. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Chicago Year 2020 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 52
    Shot & Wounded: 226
    Total Shot: 278
    Total Homicides: 61

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:31 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Why are you types so worried about Chicago???

    4:31 PM
    You post like a three-year-old trying to win an argument by deflecting. LOL. Why don't you go post on stormfront? The people there will be more to your liking.

  78. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "When there are many cities with a high crime rate, why do you always harp on Chicago?"

    The criminals there are mostly black.  You mentioned New Orleans, where the criminals are ALSO overwhelmingly black.  The same is true for St. Louis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark... the list goes on and on.

    The wealthiest black-majority city in the USA has a higher violent crime rate than the poorest all-white area.  It's the blacks.

    Know blacks, know crime.
    No blacks, no crime (relatively speaking).

  79. Anonymous7:24 PM

    You post like a three-year-old trying to win an argument by deflecting. LOL. Why don't you go post on stormfront? The people there will be more to your liking.
    5:31 PM

    yet it is you who deflects when the question was poised to you, you deflected by countering with a question, this is known as Scumbag Sense of Entitlement.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 PM

    Anonymous said....

    yet it is you who deflects when the question was poised to you, you deflected by countering with a question, this is known as Scumbag Sense of Entitlement.
    I asked you a simple question. You responded like a child by asking me the same question back instead of answering my question. Thus you broke all the rules of civilized discourse; you changed the subject. If you want to argue more about your poor communication skills, I'm game. Fire away.

    7:24 PM

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