Sunday, February 23, 2020

Caption Sunday.

Image result for bernie sanders angry images

I need a caption for this picture. 

Image from


  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    "Oy vey, heah comes da People-of-Colah again! Bettah look extra subservient. Da goyim love it when I bow my head around them!"

  2. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Oh man, that pic of Tyson Fury busting that big mouth bl*ck boi's face open ... CLASSIC!

    The future of the entire black race in one handy photo. Study it well. The tide is turning.

  3. Tyson is a Gypsy who was trained out of the Kronk gym in Detroit. Keep looking for the next Great White Hope. 😃

  4. The more you know...10:06 AM

    Tyson is an "Irish Traveler", people who referred to as Gypsies but who are an entirely different people that are ethnically Irish:

    He's white.

    Don't get caught up in the racial stuff, he's just a good fighter.

  5. Stop me if you've heard this one10:20 AM

    "A sneaky old commie, a confused gay black guy, and an evil Somalian incestual bigamist perpetrator of immigration fraud walk into a bar..."

  6. At least we didn't succumb to stigmatization2:06 PM

    World Health Organization Chief on the Coronavirus last week:

    "the greatest enemy we face is not the virus itself; it’s the stigma that turns us against each other.”

    Same guy this week:

    "Holy fuck, shit be going down"

  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    “Something smells rotten, like it’s past its sell-by date. Must be Booker’s campaign prospects.”

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    "we are fucked"

  9. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Trump defeated us again"

  10. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots3:13 PM

    Bring back Kamala!

    #blackpower #blackisbeautiful

  11. "Bring back Kamala!"

    As Warren's AG.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. I can't wait to put my foot up Mike Pence's ass!


  14. Anonymous4:22 PM

    ”As Warren's AG.”

    I wish. Unfortunately, things seem to me to be trending in Bernie’s favor.

    I guess I will have to cross my fingers and hope Trump isn’t able to win by commie-bashing Bernie into oblivion. Not gonna lie, I’m a bit anxious about the potential for that particular disaster.

    And if he does win, Bernie damn well better have a decent running mate. Dude is old and unhealthy.

  15. ”As Warren's AG.”

    Ha! Everyone knows a woman can't be President.

  16. Another Hidden Figger kicks the bucket.

    We'll never get back to the moon.

  17. Anonymous5:19 PM

    You clowns who think Katherine Johnson was indispensible to the space program have to realize something:

    she was LITERALLY replaced by a computer.  A primitive, slow, buggy 1960's computer.  It was better than she was at her job, which ceased to exist.

    There's a lesson there.  If it wasn't for Affirmative Blaction, practically every African-in-America would already be laid off as more trouble than they're worth, and the hispanics and Indians and everyone else has no racial guilt and will get rid of your AA programs the moment they get the chance.  Your days are numbered.

  18. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "how much longer can we push the Russia Russia Russia thing?"

  19. Anonymous5:47 PM

    "Your days are numbered."

    No YOUR days are numbered. White people are having fewer babies while POC are outpacing your growth. Soon America will be majority POC. So asshole, enjoy the future. We'll go to Mars thanks to smart POC and fewer dumb white pieces of trash like you and your family. Can't happen soon enough for me.

  20. Anonymous5:49 PM

    "she was LITERALLY replaced by a computer."

    And your dumb ass can be replaced by a retarded goldfish. She knew more math than your entire trailer park. Bwahahahahahaha!

  21. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Let's see, Black woman helps get astronauts to the moon while dumb white guy dies trying to prove earth is flat. Wow, that just sets the tone for this comment section.

  22. Anonymous6:38 PM

    "No YOUR days are numbered. White people are having fewer babies while POC are outpacing your growth. Soon America will be majority POC"

    Not black, Hispanic and Asian.

    Y'all getting replaced too.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "how much longer can we push the Russia Russia Russia thing?"

    5:27 PM
    As long as we have freedom of speech. If Trump has his way, that may not be very long.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "No YOUR days are numbered. White people are having fewer babies while POC are outpacing your growth. Soon America will be majority POC"

    6:38 PM
    True. That's why all the white supremacists are so frightened. They think the new majority will treat them as badly as they treated POC. But I don't think so.

  25. Gotta be a special kind of racist to not just write RIP and be done with it when a 101 year old woman dies. Wow, just wow.

  26. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "They think the new majority will treat them as badly as they treated POC. But I don't think so."

    You don't think they'll give us Affirmative Action? Government contract set-asides? Race-based scholarships?

  27. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  28. Never let a crisis go to waste9:46 PM

    January 31st, President Trump initiates a nationwide "public health emergency" and bans travel from China. Democrats said Trump was "overreacting" and "being irresponsible."

    February 24th, Chuck Schumer: "We have crisis of Coronavirus and President Trump has no sense of urgency."

  29. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Michelle Obama, November 8, 2013:

    "Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse"

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:18 PM

    Anon at 9:51 PM

    So what?

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 PM

    Anon 9:33 PM

    Maybe, but I'm pretty sure they won't give us red-lining and voter suppression and write us out of the history books.

  32. About the viral blame-seeking anonymoids on this thread:

    Historically, it is common for people to blame other people when a new plague shows up. This shows two touchingly naive illusions:
    1) that blaming someone else will make you feel better;
    and 2) that the human race is in control of its destiny.

    Re 1: in disunity there is weakness.
    Re 2: This has been Planet of the Microbes for gigayears. We are a small detail, here on sufferance.

  33. PilotX: The anonymoid racist failed to notice that the race it's dissing is the human race. It's true that a mathematician can be replaced by the most advanced computer of the time, costing megabucks. It's also true that an anonymoid racist can be replaced by a silicon chip, costing one cent.

  34. Anonymous10:55 PM

    "Maybe, but I'm pretty sure they won't give us red-lining and voter suppression and write us out of the history books."

    No, because white people make property values improve, they know how to get driver's licenses, and they actually made history.

  35. And another fuckboi ruins a post11:00 PM

    No because white trash lowers property values like their trailer parks, keep broken down pickup trucks in their yards and do dumb shit to make history like dying in a rocket trying to prove the earth is flat. Great job moron!

  36. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Looks like your "poor, oppressed" faggot Jussie Smollett is facing criminal charges... again.

    Literally nobody deserves it more.

  37. Better hope that the corona virus doesn't get bad in this country; Fergus fired the entire pandemic response chain of command in 2018 and never replaced them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. "Better hope that the corona virus doesn't get bad in this country; Fergus fired the entire pandemic response chain of command in 2018 and never replaced them."

    Don't worry, Ivanka and Jarred will save us.

  39. "Don't worry, Ivanka and Jarred will save us."

    No self-respecting virus would infect the likes of them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. #Wattlegate:

    -Doug in Oakland


  42. Anonymous2:53 AM


    Who else Irish up in here? Erin Go Bragh!

  43. Reds under the bed!7:37 AM

    Trump’s surrogates are already testing out their commie-bashing attacks on Bernie over his (truthful) acknowledgment that not everything Cuba’s Castro ever did was bad. They are hoping to damage him among Cuban exiles and their descendants in Florida. If Bernie can’t win Florida for this reason, then he’s fucked and Trump wins again.

    I don’t know what to tell Bernie here, other than to try to avoid giving them any more opportunities than they are already gonna have. They will be looking for any possible chances to concoct new conspiracy theories, and twist his words to make him look like Joseph Stalin 2.0.

    I am not looking forward to this part of Bernie being a nominee, if he wins the primary.


    and thusly stoopid fucking wingnuts came to be. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

  45. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Mark Essex

  46. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Michelle Obama, November 8, 2013:

    "Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse"
    9:51 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anon at 9:51 PM

    So what?
    10:18 PM

    9:51 shows the connection between hollyweird and the other Oligarchs. The wealthy and famous want to rule the USA with their left wing bullshit.

    Hollyweird and other alt left politicos are pedophiles and rapists.

  47. drumpf demands fairness in Scotus. Demands Ginsberg and Sotomayor recuse themselves from cases involving drumpf. Like the activist 5-4 scotus isn't already tipped in his favor.

  48. Anonymous said...
    "Trump defeated us again"

    3:04 PM

    drumpf defecated on us again. Fixed it for you.

  49. The 1964 Philadelphia Race Riots started because cops didn't respect Colored People Time (The Civil Right to block traffic on an arterial right of way to yell at boyfriend):

    The unrest began on the evening of August 28 after a black woman named Odessa Bradford got into an argument with two police officers, one black, Robert Wells, and the other white, John Hoff, because Bradford stopped the car while arguing with her boyfriend and refused to move out of the intersection at 23rd Street and Columbia Avenue. The officers then tried to physically remove Bradford from the car. As the argument went on, a large crowd assembled in the area. A man tried to come to Bradford's aid by attacking the police officers at the scene, both he and Bradford were arrested.

    Rumors then spread throughout North Philadelphia that a pregnant black woman had been beaten to death by white police officers. Later that evening, and throughout the next two days, angry mobs looted and burned mostly white-owned businesses in North Philadelphia, mainly along Columbia Avenue. Outnumbered, the police response was to withdraw from the area rather than aggressively confront the rioters.

    After the whites were run out of town, Columbia Ave was later renamed Cecil B Moore Ave, after a local Civil Rights leader, and North Philadelphia became a shining example of Black Run America.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:09 AM

    9:51 shows the connection between hollyweird and the other Oligarchs. The wealthy and famous want to rule the USA with their left wing bullshit.

    Hollyweird and other alt left politicos are pedophiles and rapists.

    9:08 AM
    Sounds like right-wing conspiracy myths to me. Got any proof for your claims?

  51. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sounds like right-wing conspiracy myths to me. Got any proof for your claims?
    11:09 AM

    Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby

  52. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Roman Polanski

  53. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "what new lies can we come up with about all the negro violence?"

  54. Anonymous11:39 AM

    “Hollyweird and other alt left politicos are pedophiles and rapists.”

    Should we list all the pervs and creeps over at Fox? Or all the perv/creep national GOP politicians, starting with the megacreep in the White House?

    That would be an enormous list. It might be easier to name the wingnuts who AREN’T sexual predators.

  55. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Crime is so bad on Chicago's CTA they had to deploy SWAT teams and extra officers due to out of control negroes:

  56. Anonymous11:43 AM

    11 negroe kids among 26 negroes shot in Chicago this weekend:

  57. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Five black Teens Charged With Swiping Merchandise From Mag Mile H&M, Fleeing Onto Red Line Subway Tracks:

  58. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Police Seeking To Identify Second Black Person Of Interest Tied To Blue Line Shooting:

  59. Anonymous11:49 AM

    R. Kelly Faces New Federal Indictment In Chicago; Adding New Victim, But Removing Another

  60. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Black Carjackers Strike 5 Times In Park Manor, South Shore, Police Say

  61. Anonymous11:53 AM

    On parole for his second violent robbery near Belmont Red Line, Black CTA phone thief gets recognizance bond:

  62. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Police warn of *another* kidnapping and robbery — this time they have pictures of offending negro:

  63. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Cops link negro burglary team to 7 break-ins this month:

  64. drumpf accused of unwanted groping of former WWF diva.

  65. Activist wingnut scotus said a Mexican family cannot sue border patrol agent who murdered their 15 year old son while the lad was in Mexico. Agent shot kid in head and claimed he was using self defense because smugglers were throwing rocks at him. The dead kid was never found to have thrown anything. drumpf gets away with more murders.

    Someone in Border Patrol has been embezzling union agents retirement funds. niot to worry. drumpf will toss out the unions and nothing will happen to embezzlers.

  66. Speaking of pervs.....

    Yeah, heza wasicu wastey and undoubtedly a wingnut.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:11 PM

    The anonymous idiot that is constantly posting Black crime has really been busy this morning. I wonder just what his motive is. I'm sure he could find some white crime to post, but apparently he doesn't look for it. What a dweeb!

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:16 PM

    "Untreatable and incurable’: Psychiatrist explains why Trump’s Harvey Weinstein rant was ‘a symptom’ of dementia."

    From Alternet's frpnt page today

  69. drumpf economic adviser claims the drumpf administration has contained coronavirus and drumpf says then number of infected Americans is only around 100. Lies and damn lies.


    If only someone would temporarily shut drumpf's lying trap so at least one court case could be settled without interference from drumpf.

    Dare to dream.

  71. "If only someone would temporarily shut drumpf's lying trap so at least one court case could be settled without interference from drumpf."

    I get the fact that nowadays rich, arrogant friends of the president think they can get away with anything but looks like old Rog is gonna do some time.😝

  72. Damn, I is glad this guy has a handle on things.....

    Trump claims vaccine is ‘very close’ amid coronavirus outbreak — but White House says he was talking about Ebola

    Were looking at a serious pandemic in America and drumpfuck the dumbfuck is whining about how unfair a 5-4 wingnut majority in his favor is unfair to him.

  73. As for Katherine johnson being replaced by a computer at NASA, she stuck around and advised installation and setup of system and was asked personally by John Glenn to recalculate all the computer trajectories for his space flight. He asked for her specifically and refused to go without her calculations.

    Ms Johnson and others like her were irreplaceable components of NASA';s manned space flight success. Fuck wasicus.

  74. Uncle tom Thomas unskinny wife Ginny is leading the drumpf purge of competent officials to be replaced with stoolies with no experience in anything but kissing drumpf's orange ass.

  75. Anonymous5:02 PM

    While China’s government is now succeeding in reducing cases of COVID-19 virus within its own country, the consensus is that it has failed to prevent it from escaping China, so concerns have turned toward preparedness for an epidemic inside the US.

    And the assessment of our public health preparedness is ... not good. A grand total of 5 states have working coronavirus kits. All the other states have found their kits are defective and have had to throw them out.

    It’s a good thing we have a Stable Genius running the government so competently, with all of his relevant federal departments headed by total dunderheads hired to replace the smart people who quit because they couldn’t get along with the Stable Genius. I feel so safe and secure. What could possibly go wrong?

  76. Anonymous5:03 PM

    *coronavirus testing kits

  77. Anonymous5:05 PM

    It’s February 25th, 2020, and Trump is still a smelly turd.

  78. Anonymous5:18 PM


  79. Anonymous5:25 PM


    None of those are strong enough to wash away Trump. Might need to bring in a crime scene cleaner with some industrial solvents.

  80. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "As for Katherine johnson being replaced by a computer at NASA, she stuck around and advised installation and setup of system"

    Really?  Where are the contemporary records of this?

    "was asked personally by John Glenn to recalculate all the computer trajectories for his space flight. He asked for her specifically and refused to go without her calculations."

    Really?  Where is the documentation of this, in Glenn's own words?  What page in his memoir does it appear on?  Why did it take until the year of his death for "Hidden Figures" to give us this remarkable claim?  (Because Glenn would have called it a damn lie, that's why.)

    "Ms Johnson and others like her were irreplaceable components of NASA';s manned space flight success."

    Johnson and others like her were literally performing the equivalent of cell calculations in a spreadsheet.  Every last one of them was replaceable.  They were semi-skilled cogs in a machine designed by white men.

    Every last claim of black achievement outside of sports and entertainment is a lie.

  81. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Body camera video: 6-year-old black girl cries, screams for help as Orlando police arrest her at school:

  82. "Johnson and others like her were literally performing the equivalent of cell calculations in a spreadsheet."

    Really? You may want to tell this to NASA because she has a building named after her.

  83. "Every last claim of black achievement outside of sports and entertainment is a lie."

    😂😂😂 Sure sport. I'm sure you would know.😆😆


  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:21 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Johnson and others like her were literally performing the equivalent of cell calculations in a spreadsheet. Every last one of them was replaceable. They were semi-skilled cogs in a machine designed by white men.

    Every last claim of black achievement outside of sports and entertainment is a lie.

    6:05 PM
    Just because you say this, that doesn't make it true. You seem very determined to make an enormous fool of yourself. So please proceed.

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:26 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Every last claim of black achievement outside of sports and entertainment is a lie.

    6:05 PM
    Well, Barack Obama was elected president twice. That's quite an "achievement". Maybe you think only his white half was elected? LOL!

  87. "You seem very determined to make an enormous fool of yourself. So please proceed"

    There's a reason this genius posts as anonymous.😂

  88. anyfuckinglyingmoose, when you provide ironclad proof drumpf graduated wharton number one in his class, I will provide john Glenn's exact words about Katherine Johnson. Until then you'll have to content your racist self with being a racist scumbag.

  89. Part of Harry Truman's Sept 10, 1952 speech in New York....

    We have almost forgotten that there can be such things as mass unemployment, bank failures, dollar-a-day wages, and 30-cent wheat. Those things have long been banished, along with the Republicans who brought them upon us.
    Now, what is the reason for this confidence and this prosperity? It is very, very simple. The programs of the Federal Government in the past 20 years have made America a land of individual security, and at the same time a land of tremendous opportunity.
    In these 20 years the Democratic Party has shown that individual security and opportunity go together. They must be worked for together, and the Democrats know how to do it.
    The Republican Party in Congress has opposed almost all our programs to help the economic life of the country. The Republican Party has blindly turned its back on the tradition of public action for the public good.
    I wonder why they have done that? Well, it is because the Republican Party has become a collection of special interest groups. A special interest group, by definition, can never see beyond the limits of its own greed for the almighty dollar.
    The insurance companies, back in 1935 and 1936, couldn't see anything in social security beyond the fact they would not be writing the insurance policies. So they were against it--and they got the Republican Party against it.
    The utility companies couldn't see anything in our great public power projects beyond the fact that private companies would not make a profit on the power. So they were against these projects, and automatically the Republican Party came out against them, too. Al Smith and Franklin Roosevelt taught you people all about that, many years ago.
    The real estate lobby couldn't see anything in low-cost public housing beyond the fact that houses were going to be built and their members would not make any money out of them. So they were against public housing, and automatically the Republican Party came out against public housing.
    And so it goes, down through the whole list. The policies of the Republican Party are the total of all the negative attitudes of all the special groups that put money into and pull the strings for the Republican Party.

  90. Kud chewing Low says coronavirus contained and economy is doing great after losing over 800 points for the second consecutive day. Must be alternative fact math.

  91. The markets are crashing because they've figured out that Fergus is in no way ready or able to handle the pandemic that the corona virus is likely to become.

    Fergus asked congress for $2.5 billion to combat its spread, and Pelosi said that is nowhere near enough.

    It would have helped had Fergus not dissolved the entire pandemic response chain of command because it was instituted by Obama.

    So now it is very likely that Fergus' hatred of Obama will have an even higher death toll than it already does.

    -Doug in Oakland

  92. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Don't see much chance of dims winning the presidency. Creepy Joe does not know he's running for president. Crazy Bernie only praises murderous communist regimes. Mayor buttplug does a poor job channeling his inner Obama. Injun Liz is fading fast. I can't remember the other woman's name, only that she has more actual votes than Biden. Funny and sad at the same time.

  93. Anonymous8:51 PM

    "There's a reason this genius posts as anonymous."

    I'm going out on a limb and predict Pilot X is not the name on your drivers license. IOW, your "handle" is anonymous. Don't be a hypocrite.

  94. "Don't see much chance of dims winning the presidency."

    It's possible because trump hasn't much effort expanding his base and will probably lose some support among Latino voters with his actions. Also think about the millions of young voters (especially Latino) that turned 18 since 2016. There's a different landscape and his attempt to court Blah voters won't work so he has no where to go for new voters. If he loses white women by any nber he might have a problem. Strap in cause this one is going to the wire and if the nominee is Bernie he'll fight for every vote to be counted and not just concede like Gore and other Dems.

  95. Anonymous8:54 PM


    These are common names young black mothers give their chillruns.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. "IOW, your "handle" is anonymous. Don't be a hypocrite."

    Um, genius you know what I post is not someone else and I can stand by what I post and not pretend I didn't later. C'mon man, you can't be that obtuse or new to the internet. No excuses, pick a screen name and stick with it. It ain't hard for a genius like yourself right? 🙄

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:41 PM

    PilotX said....

    It's possible because trump hasn't much effort expanding his base and will probably lose some support among Latino voters with his actions. Also think about the millions of young voters (especially Latino) that turned 18 since 2016. There's a different landscape and his attempt to court Blah voters won't work so he has no where to go for new voters. If he loses white women by any nber he might have a problem. Strap in cause this one is going to the wire and if the nominee is Bernie he'll fight for every vote to be counted and not just concede like Gore and other Dems.

    8:54 PM
    All true. In addition, Trump has alienated quite a lot of people with his reckless tariffs, his constant lying and Tweeter attacks against everyone who doesn't agree with him on everything.

    And Bernie is a formidable opponent. He will not concede like Gore; that's for sure!

    If Bernie wins the nomination, he's got my vote. I will donate to his campaign and work to get him elected. I'm pretty sure there are millions of Americans who will do the same. So I don't see Trump as a shoe-in to be reelected.

  99. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Ah yes, the fever dreams of a old worn out coalburner.

  100. "He will not concede like Gore"

    And think how different the world would be.

  101. Anonymous10:07 PM

    You may want to tell this to NASA because she has a building named after her.

    NASA had to give someone a consolation prize after Ed Dwight, First African On The Moon designate, washed out of the astronaut training program because he couldn't fly worth a damn.

  102. "NASA had to give someone a consolation prize after Ed Dwight, First African On The Moon designate, washed out of the astronaut training program because he couldn't fly worth a damn."

    Could have given it to the numerous white guys who washed out of the program.

  103. Because you don't seem to know to even get accepted into the astronaut training program you have to be a helluva pilot.

    1. Of course you can't get that, you can't even come up with a screen name.😂

  104. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Ah yes, the fever dreams of a old worn out coalburner.

    9:51 PM
    Why thank you, Anon. It's a pleasure to be insulted by an idiot such as you. Don't worry, maybe someday you will be smart enough to type a cogent response to at least one of my posts. Have a nice night. LOL!

  105. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. "maybe someday you will be smart enough to type a cogent response to at least one of my posts."

