Tuesday, March 17, 2020

American Nero.

Image result for coronavirus trump images

America is now firmly in the grip of the coronavirus and all the trouble that it brings.
The president of the United States finally stopped lying and pretending that there was nothing wrong, and he finally started telling the American people what they are dealing with. Finally.

Of course he might be the reason that we are here in the first place. His leadership in this time of crisis has been severely lacking, and he has ignored all of the dire warnings from the former administration and health care professionals. His fragile ego and limited capacity to grasp the big picture just would not allow him to come to grips with what we were facing. Thankfully, he seems to have finally gotten it. Only time will tell how much damage his inactivity and lies will cost the American people in the long run.

The following article is from David Frum writing for The Atlantic. 

"At every turn, President Trump’s policy regarding coronavirus has unfolded as if guided by one rule: How can I make this crisis worse?

Presidents are not all-powerful, especially not in the case of pandemic disease. There are limits to what they can do, for good or ill. But within those limits, at every juncture, Trump’s actions have ensured the worst possible outcomes. The worst outcome for public health. The worst outcome for the American economy. The worst outcome for American global leadership.

Trump’s Oval Office speech of March 11 was the worst action yet in a string of bad actions.
Here are the things the president did not do in that speech.

He offered no guidance or policy on how to prevent the spread of the disease inside the United States. Should your town cancel its St. Patrick’s Day parade? What about theatrical productions and sporting events? Classes at schools and colleges? Nothing.

He offered no explanation of what went wrong with the U.S. testing system, nor any assurance of when testing would become more widely available. His own previous promises of testing for anyone who needs it have been exploded as false. So what is true? Nothing.

Layoffs are coming, probably on a very large scale, as travel collapses and people hunker down at home. Any word for those about to lose their jobs? Only the vaguest indication that something might be announced sometime soon.

It’s good to hear that there will be no co-pays on the tests nobody seems able to get. What about other health-care coverage? Any word on that? Nothing.

The financial markets have plunged into a 2008-style crash, auguring a recession, perhaps a severe one. The Trump administration has had almost two months to think about this crisis. It has trial-ballooned some ideas. But, of course, fiscal policy would require assent from the House of Representatives. Trump is still pouting at Speaker Nancy Pelosi. So—aside from some preposterously unconvincing happy talk about the economy—again: nothing.

There was one something in the speech: a ban on travel from Europe, but not the United Kingdom. It’s a classic Trump formulation. It seeks to protect America by erecting a wall against the world, without thinking very hard how or whether the wall can work. The disease is already here. The numbers only look low because of our prior failure to provide adequate testing. They will not look low even four days from now. And those infected with the virus can travel from other countries and on other routes. Trump himself has already met some.

The travel ban is an act of panic. Financial futures began crashing even as Trump was talking, perhaps shocked by his lack of an economic plan, perhaps aghast at his latest attack on world trade. (The speech seemed to suggest an embargo on European-sourced cargo as well, but that looks more like a mental lapse of Trump’s than a real policy announcement. The ban on cargo was retracted by a post-speech tweet, although the ban remains in the posted transcript of the speech.) Among other things, the ban represents one more refutation by Trump of any idea of collective security against collective threats. While China offers medical assistance to Italy, he wants to sever ties to former friends—isolating America and abandoning the world.

This crisis is not of Trump’s making. What he is responsible for is his failure to respond promptly, and then his perverse and counterproductive choice of how to respond when action could be avoided no longer". ....{Article}

Trotting out Mr. sycophant, Mike Pence, daily to praise dear leader might be good for trump's ego, but he has been doing nothing for us. We are still not where we should be with getting people tested, and we continue to get mixed messages from the healthcare professionals and the incompetent lemmings in the trump administration.

I, like most Americans, will have to change how I live my life for the next few weeks. I am pissed, because I happen to love my life, and this is not cool. 

It's not cool, but I get it, it's necessary. If only the president had gotten it months ago. 

*Image from the washingtonpost.com


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    COVID-19 has Retrovirus DNA Markers, it is man made. Democrat Socialist are desperate to get rid of Trump at any cost. Their thirst for power and control is out of control.

    Their first order of business, take your guns away, second order to "re-educate" you. if you do not comply guess what happens??

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    If the Corona virus outbreaks get really bad, they may have to suspend elections in November. Trump will have to preside over the country until the crisis is contained.

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    “COVID-19 has Retrovirus DNA Markers, it is man made. Democrat Socialist are desperate to get rid of Trump at any cost. Their thirst for power and control is out of control.”

    Ah, I see. Everything is becoming clear now. Bernie created COVID-19! That dirty bastard.

  4. This is what happens when Republicans are in control, they tell you how incompetent government is and then they set out to prove it. Americans are hard headed and need to learn things the hard way. Ya would have thought we learned our lesson with Katrina and Bush but nooooooooooooo. Republicans tank the economy, tax cuts pay for themselves trickle down anyone, and then need a Dem to be an adult and save us. Then after eight years of an adult fixing things we go right back and find the biggest dumbest Republican and start the process all over. Sometimes reality has a way of reminding us by smacking us in the face, global warming anyone? When this recession hits and many of us lose jobs and get infected universal healthcare and a guaranteed wage won't sound so crazy will it?

  5. "Bernie created COVID-19!"

    Nah, George Soros.

  6. As if on cue conservative moron, aren't they all, gives us the worst possible advice. And remember trump nominated this asshole to be a Homeland Security advisor. We're doomed.


  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:20 PM

    Republicans Remain Skeptical of Coronavirus

    March 17, 2020 at 11:21 am EDT By Taegan Goddard R

    Didn't someone post here that liberals would suffer more from the pandemic than liberals would? That's not looking like a very accurate prediction now. Seem Corona 19 doesn't care about right-wing propaganda.

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:21 PM


    Didn't someone post here that liberals would suffer more from the pandemic than conservatives would? That's not looking like a very accurate prediction now. Seem Corona 19 doesn't care about right-wing propaganda.

    12:20 PM

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    COVID-19 has Retrovirus DNA Markers, it is man made. Democrat Socialist are desperate to get rid of Trump at any cost. Their thirst for power and control is out of control.

    Their first order of business, take your guns away, second order to "re-educate" you. if you do not comply guess what happens??

    11:32 AM
    No, here's what really happened - Trump hired some scientist to develop the Coronavirus19, sent it to China with the agreement that they would send it back soon. Trump wants more money for his "wall" and plans to kill off many old people, thus saving money in the Social Security Trust fund. Then he can take money from that fund to pay for the wall.

  10. Thank dog Dems ain't near as stoopid as wingnuts, or this country would really be fucked.

    The Dow dropped below 20k today, about where Obama left it in pitiful shape according to drumpfuck the dumbfuck and dumbfuck wingnuts.

    drumpf, thanks to his previous taxcuts for the wealthy and calling for zero or lower interest rates has very few options to spur the economy. He is in wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over his pea sized brain.

    Dems will rescue the economy after drumpf gets his ass kicked to the street and then wingnuts will weasel their way back into power and destroy America all over again. Rinse and repeat.

  11. An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Tuesday shows that only 37 percent of those polled have either “a good amount” or “a great deal” of trust in the the information they hear from the president about the coronavirus, while 60 percent say they do “not very much” or “not at all” trust Trump’s words on the subject.

    Wingnuts know its George Soros fault drumpf is the dumbfucker he is.

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    “Nah, George Soros.”

    Do wingnuts know the difference? They probably think Soros and Sanders are the same guy. Both lefty Jews.

  13. Anonymous1:08 PM

    “Didn't someone post here that liberals would suffer more from the pandemic than conservatives would?”

    They’re probably right, honestly. Democrats will be more affected overall, but not for the reasons they cited (they falsely claimed that Democrats are essentially feckless children, unable to follow directions or prepare for crises; probably with poor hygiene practices, too).

    In actuality, Democrats just skew poorer overall, and so will have fewer resources to protect themselves. Also, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to live in densely packed urban centers, where diseases can spread more easily.

    On the other hand, the redneck section of the GOP who are Trump’s strongest supporters mostly live in red states with bare-bones, inept governments. If they do get sick, no government help will be forthcoming. Bye-bye, Bubba.

  14. Wesley R1:16 PM

    Chump is more like an American Zero.

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Let's review the pertinent facts:

    1. Trump's voter base consists of mostly older people - the conservatives.
    2. CV-19 is most lethal among older people.
    3. Trump ensures the safety of his voter base by.... (drum roll) refusing to use W.H.O. test kits!

    CV-19 is going to go down in history as "The Virus That Ate The GOP".

    This is stranger than the Twilight Zone !!!!!

  16. "CV-19 is going to go down in history as "The Virus That Ate The GOP".

    It'll be a bloodbath for them in 2020 but come 2028 you know what's gonna happen.😖 This is a stupid country.

  17. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Jigaboo apes are going to be on a looting spree soon. Get prepared.

    It's going down.

  18. Anonymous3:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    "This is what happens when Republicans are in control, they tell you how incompetent government is and then they set out to prove it."

    Trump has handled this crisis well and will come out of this looking like a hero. We should be grateful this didn't happen under Obama's watch. Obama botched the much less lethal SARS pandemic, delayed acting for over 5 months, resulting in needless thousands of deaths.

  19. Anonymous3:41 PM

    @ anon 3:32 pm-

    Amen to that, my White Brother. When Sharkeisha and Shitavious can no longer get their free gibsmedats, the ooking and screeching and chimping will be heard from coast to coast. Stay alert, stay alive. And buy lots of ammo.

  20. Anonymous3:43 PM

    PilotX said...
    ""CV-19 is going to go down in history as "The Virus That Ate The GOP"."

    A great panic seizes the world and all you mindless cretins can think about as how a global pandemic that originated in China can be blamed on your domestic political opponents and save an election for you.

    Not everyone is as petty and narrow minded as you.

    This is not going turn out like you think.

  21. Things that make black people loot:

    1. Hurricanes.
    2. Earthquakes.
    3. Floods.
    4. Power outages.
    5. Thugs getting shot by police.
    6. Pandemics.

  22. Folks, expect no good to come out of this for anyone. Any silver linings will be smaller than the cloud. We will be worse off for this.

  23. To all haters and schemers plotting to get an advantage from this: you are objectively pro-virus and anti-human. But your treason will not protect you.

  24. Anonymous4:33 PM

    “Obama botched the much less lethal SARS pandemic, delayed acting for over 5 months, resulting in needless thousands of deaths.”

    There were zero SARS deaths in the US. And that epidemic happened during the Bush administration anyway.

    Maybe you’re thinking about the H1N1 flu (aka swine flu) epidemic, which resulted in approximately 12,000 deaths? COVID-19 appears to be at least ten times as lethal as H1N1, and more contagious, too.

    Trump would be extremely lucky to do as well as Obama did with H1N1. So far, he is failing miserably and the outcome appears likely to be much worse.

  25. Charges against a 20-year-old man who was accused of a hate crime in connection with the beating of an elderly Asian victim were withdrawn as part of a “restorative justice” effort by prosecutors in the case.


  26. "I, like most Americans, will have to change how I live my life for the next few weeks."

    Nope. The latest research out, the paper that got the UK to pull their heads out of their asses, says that mitigation strategies will be ineffective and allow for millions of deaths in the US and at least hundreds of thousands in the UK, so the only hope of not completely overwhelming the medical facilities is full-on suppression, lasting for the entire eighteen or so months until a vaccine can be deployed widely enough to build herd immunity.

    You won't be going back to your cushy, privileged life in a few weeks.

    You will, on the other hand, still be living far better than the poor schmucks with hourly wage jobs who are a couple of missed paychecks away from homelessness and will now be unemployed for a year or two.

    Remember when the unemployment rate was above 9% and the Republican minorities in congress kept blocking long-term unemployment benefits so as to slow the recovery and make the black Democratic president look bad?

    Well now those Republicans have control of the senate, and are already set to block any meaningful relief sent over from the only functional part of the government left, Nancy Pelosi's house majority.

    So buckle up, buttercup, this hideous shit show is just starting.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Doug is not going to make it, and we have to accept that and Move On.

  28. Anonymous6:01 PM

    CNN commentator says something positive about Trump:


    These are truly the end times.

  29. Anonymous6:04 PM

    “Nope. The latest research out, the paper that got the UK to pull their heads out of their asses, says that mitigation strategies will be ineffective and allow for millions of deaths in the US and at least hundreds of thousands in the UK, so the only hope of not completely overwhelming the medical facilities is full-on suppression, lasting for the entire eighteen or so months”

    The UK had the wacky idea that they could just let COVID-19 run wild thorough the young and healthy population to build “herd immunity” while somehow shielding the vulnerable. The fatal flaws in this plan (literally fatal) are that it’s not really feasible to hermetically seal off the vulnerable while the young are getting sick — inevitably Grandma would catch the virus, too. And even if it were feasible, the minority of young people who got seriously ill with COVID-19 would still be big enough to overwhelm ICUs.

    Boris Johnson seems to have come to his senses and abandoned this plan.

    Still, I am crossing my fingers that either we can get away with a lighter level of suppression once virus cases drop, or else that there is a technological breakthrough that resolves this situation quicker. I don’t think 18 months of “full-on” suppression is sustainable, either socially or economically.

  30. Anymoose @3:38 PM is referencing H1N1 and lying about it again, to boot. Debunked this shit yesterday or day before.

  31. Anonymous6:10 PM

    eight levels of controls by Saul Alinsky to transform a nation through socialism into communism.

    1. Healthcare – control healthcare and you control the people.

    2. Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you provide everything for them to live.

    3. Debt – Increase the debt level to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

    4. Gun control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from government. That way you are able to create a police state.

    5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

    6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control or what children learn in school.

    7. Religion – Remove belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in only the government knowing what is best for the people.

    8. Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class.

  32. Spring starts on Thursday, a couple days ahead of schedule. We're all gonna die because of drumpf.

  33. drumpf claims he always took corona virus seriously. What a fucking liar.

  34. doofus from iowa7:23 PM

    I must compulsively blame Trump for everything. I just can't stop. Help me.

  35. "I don’t think 18 months of “full-on” suppression is sustainable, either socially or economically."

    It will be hard, but as the paper pointed out in more technical terms, the virus doesn't care about our social or economic structures, and if we want to save them, we're gonna have to do something.

    The vaccine is being fast tracked, which means that steps are being skipped. That could get it out there sooner, and it could also fail to identify flawed vaccines until later in the process and thus slow the rollout. Either way we're still looking at a year at the outside before mass availability.

    The antiviral drug research is being funded by the same Chinese billionaire who just shipped a million masks and a half million test kits to the US. That may make us look kinda dumb, but fuck that, we'll take them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. So it was apparently Tucker Carlson who finally got to the president and said "Hey! Fergus! You're gonna lose the election if you don't do something!" which then took a week to sink into the dense, pudding-like recesses of the president's mind.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous8:41 PM

    “It will be hard, but as the paper pointed out in more technical terms, the virus doesn't care about our social or economic structures, and if we want to save them, we're gonna have to do something.”

    “Hard” is the understatement of the year. Possibly unachievable. It’s difficult to see how our economic system could adjust fast enough. And if it doesn’t, there’ll be mass riots from people who can’t work, and therefore can’t eat.

    And then we go back to the British plan of just letting everyone catch the virus and watching the cemeteries fill up.

    We have to hope the scientists come through with a vaccine or an antiviral or some other technological magic bullet before that happens.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:45 PM

    doofus from iowa said...

    I must compulsively blame Trump for everything. I just can't stop. Help me.

    7:23 PM
    Well, Trump is in charge of leading the country. He was informed as far back a late December or early January that the virus was a major threat. He could have taken many steps, such as ordering more respirators and equipment to protect health-care professionals, yet he did nothing. So he is partly to blame for the mess we are in. The buck stops in the Oval Office. Righties blamed Obama for every bad thing that happened during his eight years as president, so the same goes for Trump.

  39. Anonymous10:19 PM

    South Korea’s epidemic now appears to be in retreat, along with China’s. New virus case numbers are going down.

    I hope our public health officials will talk to both countries about what methods worked to stop transmission, but I am particularly interested in South Korea, because they are a democracy like us (or at least like we try to be, on a good day). China got their infection under control by being jack-booted thugs, but it would be nice to know how to do it WITHOUT being jackbooted thugs.

    South Korea’s method involves a ton of testing, but I’m not sure what else they’re doing.

  40. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Granny Peckerwood said...
    "Yet he did nothing"

    You are absurd.

  41. Anonymous10:59 PM

    A reminder, right now, the two remaining Democrat candidates for President believe illegal aliens are entitled to free U.S. Healthcare...

  42. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Actually, having listened to the dialogue, it is probably Spain.

    Which is not as coronafucked as Italy. (Yet.)

  43. Anonymous11:05 PM

    “A reminder, right now, the two remaining Democrat candidates for President believe illegal aliens are entitled to free U.S. Healthcare...”

    Oh no! Whatever will we do? The entire economy will collapse if we don’t let brown people die for the crime of wanting to live here without permission!

    Wait ... hold on ... sorry, I am being told the economy will not, in fact, collapse. Racists will just be mad the brown people didn’t die.

  44. "A reminder, right now, the two remaining Democrat candidates for President believe illegal aliens are entitled to free U.S. Healthcare..."

    As a reminder the current occupant of the White House lies all the time and enabled a pandemic. I'll take free healthcare for others over the orange clown anyday of the week.

  45. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Thunderdome 2020 Begins – Philadelphia Police Will Not Arrest for Burglary or Theft Due to Coronavirus…


  46. https://verysmartbrothas.theroot.com/americas-response-to-the-coronavirus-is-a-natural-conse-1842377080

  47. Anonymous11:49 PM

    So this is where we are. Idiot trump supporter AND she's running for school board. Republicans are kinda dumb.


  48. Looks like Biden stomped Bernie into the dirt tonight. Again.
    So, will Bernie drag it out all the way to the convention (if there is one) even after it's clear that he has no chance to win the nomination?
    And will his butthurt bros stay home in November out of spite, or will they grow the fuck up and do what they can to beat Fergus?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:32 AM

    PilotX said...

    "A reminder, right now, the two remaining Democrat candidates for President believe illegal aliens are entitled to free U.S. Healthcare..."

    As a reminder the current occupant of the White House lies all the time and enabled a pandemic. I'll take free healthcare for others over the orange clown anyday of the week.

    11:06 PM
    I agree with you. Everyone in a society benefits when all members stay healthy.

  50. Andrew Cuomo, last night while calling for the Army Corps of Engineers to immediately build out emergency hospital capacity, pointed out that insufficient hospital capacity for emergencies like this one is the price you pay for privatized healthcare, which is run under a business model and won't develop any capacity it doesn't use and make a profit off of all the time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Anonymous2:34 AM






  52. "COVID-19 has Retrovirus DNA Markers, it is man made.

    Total bollocks.


    Oh, and by the way.....

    18 March 2010. Meters of wall built = 0.

  53. Cali-kriminal Dumbcan Hunter gets 11 months in prison and another unhinged drumpfuck supporter arrested for threatening to kill Adam Schiff.

    And stocks nosedived this morning.

  54. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/03/trump-demands-help-from-democrats-after-republicans-inflicted-massive-suffering-in-an-attempt-to-take-down-obama/

    Accurate reporting of how wingnuts tried to destroy Obama's presidency by refusing to help alleviate dumbass dubya's greater recession. 100% accurate and tells a damning story about traitorous wingnuts pitting their racist attitudes towards a black potus against the welfare of the United States.

  55. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Everyone laughed at Noah!

    ...interestingly, blue states (NOT Red like Georgia) has mandated shut downs...all these black pastors got so much to say about 45, but it's their democratic masters (Uncle Joe) who is shutting down the churches stopping their hustle. Though they berate 45, them black dems -who hate 45- WILL cash that check 45 issues.

  56. drumpf ain't Noah. drumpf couldn't spell ark if his grope toy's life depended on it. Buh bye, Ivanna Junior.

  57. Anonymous11:00 AM


  58. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I agree with you. Everyone in a society benefits when all members stay healthy.

    12:32 AM

    Except Illegal Aliens are not members of American Society.

  59. Gmbler2 ASKA White Woman11:12 AM

    TO Anon 2:34 AM and Anon10:14 AM

    You guys are friggin' crazy. Go away; this is a sane person's blog.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:15 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I agree with you. Everyone in a society benefits when all members stay healthy.

    12:32 AM

    Except Illegal Aliens are not members of American Society.

    11:01 AM
    Oh, but they are part of American society. To deny this fact is to reveal that you live in a fantasy world complete with delusions of superiority.

  61. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Oh, but they are part of American society. To deny this fact is to reveal that you live in a fantasy world complete with delusions of superiority.

    11:15 AM

    They are not American Citizens, who is delusional??? Commie illogic.

  62. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Anonymous Gmbler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    TO Anon 2:34 AM and Anon10:14 AM

    You guys are friggin' crazy. Go away; this is a sane person's blog.

    11:12 AM


  63. Anonymous11:55 AM


  64. Anonymous12:01 PM

    It's quite telling that Doug is isolating himself amongst the Pig People. Don't let your hypocrisy get in the way of your leftist fanaticism Doug.

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh, but they are part of American society. To deny this fact is to reveal that you live in a fantasy world complete with delusions of superiority.

    11:15 AM

    They are not American Citizens, who is delusional??? Commie illogic.
    How stupid are you? They live here,interacting with us, paying taxes, buying goods and services; yet you say they are not part of America society? That's just denying reality. So you want them to be sick, so you can catch whatever they have? Do you not understand that in part your well being depends on the well being of society in general. Germs don't ask for immigration papers or birth certificates before they strike. Duh!
    11:22 AM

  66. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Granny said...

    "No, here's what really happened - Trump hired some scientist to develop the Coronavirus19, sent it to China with the agreement that they would send it back soon. Trump wants more money for his "wall" and plans to kill off many old people, thus saving money in the Social Security Trust fund. Then he can take money from that fund to pay for the wall."

    Of course he did you delusional twit.

  67. Anonymous12:17 PM

    “Except Illegal Aliens are not members of American Society.”

    If they’re here, even if unlawfully, they are a de facto part of our society. Their lives are intertwined with everyone else’s, and their actions affect everyone else. Our governmental policies have to account for that.

    This disease crisis is going to make wingnut ideology look like the nonsense it is. You cannot treat people you don’t like as if they were non-people.

    If you don’t give illegal immigrants healthcare, they will become disease vectors — and infect and kill your grandma. If you don’t give poor people healthcare, they will become disease vectors — and infect and kill your grandma. There is no way to wall off parts of the population and say that what happens to them doesn’t affect me, so who gives a shit about them? It turns out that claim was always a lie.

  68. Bobby "Butter" Jackson12:31 PM

    If you don’t give illegal immigrants healthcare, they will become disease vectors — and infect and kill your grandma."

    Sounds like a hostage situation.

  69. Anonymous12:33 PM

    WTF?! Trump has totally boned our virus response!

    Earlier, we had to accept COVID-19 test kits from a Chinese billionaire. Now, we’re having to ship them in from Italy.

    Italy! Where an absolute coronapocalypse is going down. They can spare extra test kits to give to us, who still somehow can’t make our own, and refused to buy them from the WHO.

    What the hell is going on?!

    Air Force imports 500,000 coronavirus test kits from Italy as Trump CDC struggles to make enough

  70. Anonymous12:37 PM

    “Sounds like a hostage situation.”

    No, sounds like basic morality. You do not get to opt out of giving a shit about the rest of the human race. You are not being oppressed if you are unable to get away with being 100% sociopathically selfish.

  71. Bobby "Butter" Jackson12:41 PM

    "They live here,interacting with us, paying taxes, buying goods and services; yet you say they are not part of America society?"

    Keeping millions of illegal immigrants around so you can get them to do jobs for less than prevailing wages is just Slavery Lite.

    Instead of getting just room and board, they get some pocket change and free healthcare too. It's still the same concept. Slaveholders make more profits because they don't need to pay full wages. Except now the government subsidizes the slaveholders by extracting wealth from the citizens.

    America is a GDP that we all serve.

  72. Anonymous12:56 PM

    It would be a piece of cake to halt the Wuhan Flu in its tracks.  Steve Sailer nailed it a week ago:  everyone wears filter masks in public.  This stops the infected from breathing the virus onto others and blocks the chain of transmission.  Three weeks later, you've pretty much cleared out the problem because almost all the people who are going to get sick have done so and the asymptomatic cases have stopped shedding.

    All it would take is 1 mask/person/day, 10 billion a month.  Or you can disinfect and reuse them a few times.

  73. Anonymous12:57 PM

    18 March 2010. Meters of wall built = 0.

    Uh, yeah, about that....


    You people are insane.

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny said...

    "No, here's what really happened - Trump hired some scientist to develop the Coronavirus19, sent it to China with the agreement that they would send it back soon. Trump wants more money for his "wall" and plans to kill off many old people, thus saving money in the Social Security Trust fund. Then he can take money from that fund to pay for the wall."

    Of course he did you delusional twit.

    12:06 PM
    It was a joke, dummy. If you guys can make up outlandish conspiracy theories, so can I. Try to get a grip.

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:18 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It would be a piece of cake to halt the Wuhan Flu in its tracks. Steve Sailer nailed it a week ago: everyone wears filter masks in public. This stops the infected from breathing the virus onto others and blocks the chain of transmission. Three weeks later, you've pretty much cleared out the problem because almost all the people who are going to get sick have done so and the asymptomatic cases have stopped shedding.

    All it would take is 1 mask/person/day, 10 billion a month. Or you can disinfect and reuse them a few times.

    12:56 PM
    Sounds good, but from where are we going to get 10 billion filter masks effective enough to stop the infected from breathing the virus onto others and blocks the chain of transmission? Any idea?

  76. Anonymous1:27 PM

    “It would be a piece of cake to halt the Wuhan Flu in its tracks. Steve Sailer nailed it a week ago: everyone wears filter masks in public.”

    The sort of masks that effectively block transmission are expensive and in short supply. There aren’t even enough for the doctors and nurses, much less the entire US population.

    You cannot disinfect and reuse them, so this vastly increases the supply problem.

    And even if everyone were wearing them, you could not guarantee everyone would be perfect with their other hygiene practices, so there would still be lots of hand-to-surface-to-hand transmission.

    It would be nice to think we could all just walk around in hazmat suits all day, perfectly safe from germs, but this plan won’t work.

  77. Anonymous1:36 PM

    To be clear, at some point, the general public may be able to produce a lot more of the paper masks and issue them to the general public. These are less effective, but will have some impact on transmission and I’d expect this to happen if the pandemic goes on long enough.

    But this isn’t anything like a complete solution, and right now, even the cheap paper masks are virtually unavailable.

  78. Anonymous1:37 PM

    *the government may be able to produce a lot more of the paper masks

  79. Masks are mostly for those who already have the virus; it blocks them coughing it out. But the main transmission is by surface to hands to face. Therefore the need for hand-washing.

    Washing and social distancing are only mitigation techniques; they slow the rate of transmission, thus flattening the curve. That in itself would prevent overwhelming the hospitals. Schedule your bout for later, folks. Avoid the rush.

    The doctors are testing out several drugs right now, and the vaccine continues development. But it's 18 months to a vaccine, and drug-testing is also necessarily slow.

    I've written the next year and a half off. Blame the virus.

  80. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Illegal Aliens are a cancer.Deportation is the answer.

  81. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "Masks are mostly for those who already have the virus; it blocks them coughing it out. But the main transmission is by surface to hands to face. Therefore the need for hand-washing."

    Masks can help the person who isn't infected, too. Doctors and nurses will be exposed to high levels of virus from infected patients need them to avoid getting sick, as do caregivers for patients being cared for at home.

    They're less useful for just random people on the street, but probably still useful. The government is trying discourage the general public from wanting them, though, because, bluntly, there aren't enough masks, and so the general public can't have them.

    Just understand that when you are reading advice about "you don't need a mask," this is partly just expectations management. It would be nice to have them, but at this point, it's not a real option. Hell, we can't churn out enough freaking hand sanitizer -- or at least prevent assholes from hording it. Whisky distilleries are turning to making their own for donation or sale.

    "The doctors are testing out several drugs right now, and the vaccine continues development. But it's 18 months to a vaccine, and drug-testing is also necessarily slow."

    Drug testing for new drugs is slow, but we're not necessarily confined to new drugs. News media are saying there are no drugs for COVID-19, but in fact that's ... kind of a lie.

    The reality is that there are no drugs we know will work, but there are existing antiviral drugs that may work, but just haven't been tested and proven to work on COVID-19 because they were developed to treat other diseases. China has already found one antiviral, favipiravir, that is at least somewhat effective against COVID-19.

    Using an existing antiviral is probably our best hope of shortening the duration of the crisis, and avoiding the potential for serious social breakdown. 18 months is an insanely long time to just try and "adapt." (And if it took a full 18 months to get a vaccine approved, under pessimistic estimates of vaccine developement, the crisis would not end in 18 months, because you can't instantaneously produce enough vaccine to inoculate the ~60% of the population needed to achieve herd immunity.)

  82. Market Summary > Dow Jones Industrial Average
    19,185.01 −2,052.37 (9.66%)
    Mar 18, 3:35 PM EDT · Disclaimer

    and we have drumpf running around congratulating hizownself for dramatic decision made all them hours ago.

    Dow is lower than before Obama left office and remember drumpf incessantly trashed (and Lied) about how bad Obama'[s economy was. drumpf will soon be wishing his economy was half as good as what he inherited from the black guy.


  83. Suckretarded of State Pompous Pompeo is threatening In ternational Criminal Court staff and family members over prosecuting Americans for war crimes.;


    Pompous ass Pompeo seems to think Americans are above international laws.

  84. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/03/trumps-delay-in-preparing-for-coronavirus-might-be-the-costliest-presidential-bungle-in-history-conservative-columnist/

    I agree, hands down, drumpfuck the retarded and ill prepared kremlin plant is the worst ever bogus potus.

  85. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Newsom: California Considering Martial Law After 12 Coronavirus Deaths Confirmed in the State

  86. This oughta help people's confidence in their doctors....


  87. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This is some unbelievable stuff. Greedy execs suing to block a coronavirus test being sold, because they want to cash in on a patent. To be clear, they are demanding a fucking injunction to prevent the tests from being sold, rather than merely wanting to be paid royalties.

    An angry mob should show up at the homes of the execs of Labrador Diagnostics and beat the shit out of them until they agree to drop the lawsuit.

    Firm wielding Theranos patents asks judge to block coronavirus test

  88. cretin from iowa4:33 PM


    Well, at least retarded amoral psychopaths are enjoying the global pandemic threatening to kill tens of millions of people.

    So there's that.

  89. So which is it gonna be, Republicans? A trillion dollar stimulus that you think will save the election, or the denial of paid leave for affected workers and their families that will lose it?

    It feels odd reading about the shelter in place orders from this snowed in hillside that I couldn't leave if I wanted to.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. BREAKING: Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Stop Shooting Each Other So Hospital Beds Can Be Use For Coronavirus Patients:


    Come on black people! Do your part!

  91. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Doug said...

    "It feels odd reading about the shelter in place orders from this snowed in hillside that I couldn't leave if I wanted to."

    Quit reading the snowed in hillside doofus.

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Newsom: California Considering Martial Law After 12 Coronavirus Deaths Confirmed in the State

    4:20 PM
    SOURCE, PLEASE. Do you have one?


  93. Well, at least retarded amoral psychopaths are enjoying the global pandemic threatening to kill tens of millions of people.

    If you could read AND comprehend, you would know I was laughing at drumpfuck's inability to get out of his big mouth's way as it pertains to drumpfuck's poorly doing economy.

    Expecting even a modicum of intelligence from wingnuts strains credulity.

  94. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Keep laughing mike.

  95. I laugh at Idaho stoopid fucking wingnuts who, during a pandemic and crashing stock market, go after trans-student athletes with two separate bills and doing nothing about corona virus.

    Priorities, right, stoopid fucking wasicu wastey bastards?

  96. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "Priorities, right, stoopid fucking wasicu wastey bastards?"

    Like shutting down the government for two months right at the time the virus was spreading to pursue a fake impeachment attempt?

  97. Chou Mei5:42 PM

    We all need to be extra careful during these times. Make sure to cook your bats thoroughly before consuming.

  98. a fake impeachment attempt? What part of drumpf being impeached slips past your retarded brain, shit fer brains?

    Make no mistake. drumpf is now and will foerever be known as impeached, impotent potus numero 3.0


  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Like shutting down the government for two months right at the time the virus was spreading to pursue a fake impeachment attempt?

    5:42 PM
    Trump was impeached; there's no such thing as a "fake impeachment attempt." Trump was impeached, but the cowardly, criminal Republicans in the senate refused to find him guilty and remove him from office. Try reading the Constitution before your next post.

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:31 PM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    Expecting even a modicum of intelligence from wingnuts strains credulity.

    5:22 PM
    True. Seems to me wingnuts have no sense of humor, do not recognize sarcasm, and lack intelligence.

  101. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Trump was impeached; there's no such thing as a "fake impeachment attempt." Trump was impeached, but the cowardly, criminal Republicans in the senate refused to find him guilty and remove him from office. Try reading the Constitution before your next post.

    6:27 PM

    Actually there is idiot child. Its beyond your IQ.

  102. Anonymous6:35 PM


  103. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Under pressure from Democrats, Trump has invoked the wartime Defense Production Act to order manufacturers to produce masks, gloves, and other protective equipment for healthcare workers, supplies of which will otherwise quickly be exhausted.

    Better late than never, I guess.

  104. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-disinformation-idUSKBN21518F?utm_source=34553&utm_medium=partner&fbclid=IwAR105lE72rTJRDukqEh6wn1euAkixsT84dfqJaksbnznNkbkH-Tkyq9XO5M

  105. https://www.theroot.com/john-cornyn-blaming-coronavirus-on-chinese-culture-is-o-1842402254


  106. Like shutting down the government for two months right at the time the virus was spreading to pursue a fake impeachment attempt?

    Here is yer do nothing congress, the side that shut down, shit fer brains.


    McCTurtlefuckface said his priority was confirming un qualified judges, not passing bills, especially those by Dems. There are nearly 300 of them waiting in the do nothing right wing nut job controlled sinate.

  107. The Trump Slump continued just as JPMorgan Chase issued a report titled “The day the earth stood still,” which forecast that real annualized U.S. gross domestic product would plummet to -4.0% for the first quarter of 2020, and then to a jaw-dropping -14.0% in the second quarter as a result of coronavirus economic fallout.

    Now would be the time for drumpf to start blaming Obama for this.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/03/gop-senator-suggests-its-no-big-deal-if-coronavirus-kills-11-million-americans/

    He seemed nice for a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut.

  110. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "there's no such thing as a "fake impeachment attempt."

    An impeachment under false pretenses that didn't even allege a crime is a fake impeachment.

  111. shitbucket from iowa7:39 PM


    Drumpf virus made the stock market crash, next billions will die in the MAGAcaust!




  112. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "from where are we going to get 10 billion filter masks effective enough to stop the infected from breathing the virus onto others and blocks the chain of transmission? Any idea?"

    You don't have to stop the virus.  You just have to stop the phlegm droplets carrying the virus.  And you don't have to stop everything, you just have to get the number of new infections per infectee down to well below 1.

    As for where to get the masks, cut off the newsprint supply to worthless lefty rags like the Carlos Slim blog and the Jeff Bezos blog and use the paper pulp to make masks instead.  That's a win/win.

    "You cannot disinfect and reuse them"

    Cloth surgical masks are good enough, and they're washable.  Bandanas are probably good enough.

  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    True. Seems to me wingnuts have no sense of humor, do not recognize sarcasm, and lack intelligence.

    SOURCE, PLEASE. Do you have one?


  114. Anonymous said...
    "there's no such thing as a "fake impeachment attempt."

    An impeachment under false pretenses that didn't even allege a crime is a fake impeachment.

    Fucking liar!


  115. And the orange shitgibbon is still and will always be impeached drumpfuck the criminal dumbfuck.

  116. Peter Buttgigger8:58 PM

    Multiple people who attended LGBT festival in Miami test positive for coronavirus:


    Once again, homosexuals stepping up to the forefront of disease transmission.

  117. Fergus is SO MAD at Jared Kushner for failing to make the pandemic go away and stop fucking up his reelection campaign.
    Jared actually LIED to Fergus about Google and their not yet existent coronavirus website, I mean. the NERVE of that guy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Doug breaks containment in Sugar Pine:


  119. Found on Twitter:

    Mikel Jollett
    I don’t think people have fully digested this shocking fact:

    Coronavirus was discovered in the U.S. on the SAME DAY it was discovered in South Korea.

    They mobilized their entire society and it is now contained.

    Trump called it a hoax and it’s now out of control.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Sheriff of Sugar Pine10:07 PM

    "Trump called it a hoax and it’s now out of control."

    1. Trump never called coronavirus a hoax

    2. It's not out of control in the US.

    3. You are a lying asswipe. Get the fuck out of my town.

  121. Anonymous11:10 PM

    China release virus plague on world, suppressed information early on about how deadly it was, lies about where it came from, and now they are planning how to leverage the crisis to to take over the industries of the future.

    Beijing is planning to use the downturn in Western economies to its benefit. China intends to seek out more foreign direct investment, seize market share in critical industries and try to stop the West from confronting its bad behavior.



    After this is all over we need Nuremberg-like trials for the people that sold our nation out to the third world.

  122. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "2. It's not out of control in the US."

    Wrong. It is out of control in the US.

    This is South Korea's epidemic. Note the curve of COVID cases bending toward the horizontal? That's what it looks like once an epidemic is under control.

    Here is the US. Note the continual upward sweep of the graph? Those are exponentially increasing cases -- an epidemic NOT under control. We're at around 9000 cases now (and probably way more, because Trump has fucked up on providing tests). In two weeks, we'll be at 300,000 cases. This is an Italy situation in which hospitals in some areas get overwhelmed and can't treat patients, just have to let them die.

    After that, if we're lucky, maybe cases will start falling. Maybe. We can only hope.

  123. In Italy, which reported the highest one day death toll today of any country so far in the pandemic (450), a small town called Vo where the first reported death there occurred instituted a program to test every inhabitant, all 3,300 of them.
    They found about 90 positive results, including 6 that were asymptomatic and thus capable of spreading the virus without knowing they were infected.
    They then isolated all 90 for ten days and then tested everyone again.
    They found a handful of infections that time and isolated them.
    Since then there have been no new infections there.
    In Italy, which again, had the highest one day death toll anywhere so far in the pandemic. 450 deaths today, and 300 or more for the past four days in a row.
    So testing and isolation does work. We know that now.
    So where is the testing program here in the US?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Anonymous12:50 AM

    "So testing and isolation does work. We know that now.
    So where is the testing program here in the US?"

    S. Korea rolled out tests on a huge scale. This worked great for them, but we can't do it because we don't have enough tests. We don't have enough tests because Trump was too busy with rallying and telling his troglodyte followers that COVID-19 was nothing to worry about. I'm sure we'll eventually have enough tests, but a big opportunity to contain the virus has been missed.

  125. Anonymous12:54 AM

    "Trump was too busy with rallying"

    He should have been spending his time in a lab, developing test kits and working on a vaccine.

    Orange mad bad!

  126. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "He should have been spending his time in a lab, developing test kits and working on a vaccine."

    No, he should have been in meetings, planning our disaster response. And two years earlier, he should have kept himself busy NOT firing his pandemic response team.

  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:59 AM

    Captain Coalpoker said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    True. Seems to me wingnuts have no sense of humor, do not recognize sarcasm, and lack intelligence.

    SOURCE, PLEASE. Do you have one?
    My sources are you and all the wingnuts that post here, Captain! You show these qualities in your posts. LOL!

  128. Anonymous2:02 AM

    The US performed about 22,000 COVID-19 tests on Monday.

    In a week, our testing capacity has grown from about 2,500 a day to 22,000 a day.

    US private Industry was given the go-head on March 1 following a Trump administration emergency declaration overriding rules/regs.

    Thermo Fischer CEO said yesterday they were on track to produce 2 million tests this week and 5 million next week.

  129. Whether drumpf called corona virus, itself, a hoax is irrelevant to the fact he fiddle-fucked around until it got out of hand and many people died because of it. drumpf is more worried about being re-elected than people dying in droves. drumpf is unfit, mentally and psychologically, to be even the bogus potus he is.

  130. drumpf body count nears 150 in less than a month. 8700 cases of corona virus. Thanks to drumpf our medical armies were out of bullets. All drumpf's fault. Biden will have to rebuild the medical armed forces when drumpf is driven from the kremlin annex in deep disgrace and doggy doo doo.

  131. basket case from iowa9:46 AM

    Disregard the fact that nearly everything I accuse Trump of is a lie, Orange Man Bad!

  132. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Global virus and global citizen, coincidence? I think not.

  133. Market Summary > Dow Jones Industrial Average
    19,234.21 −664.71 (3.34%)
    Mar 19, 9:44 AM EDT · Disclaimer

    Obama's "failed" economy ended with the Dow at 19,827.00. How do you like Obama now?

  134. nearly everything I accuse Trump of is a lie,

    Prove it, lying shit fer brains. That's right, you can't prove I lied because I speak truth as truth is spoken among men. If you ever get yer manhood you'll understand.

  135. Weakly jobless claims surge to 281k in front of coming massive layoffs due to drumpf's Waterloo.....corona virus.

  136. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "drumpf's Waterloo.....corona virus."

    mike is gleeful over the assumption that Americans when faced with a crisis will respond solely through blame and recrimination, because that's how he thinks.

    The actual response might be something very different.

  137. Dow Jones March 9, 2009 6547
    Dow Jones Obama's last day 19,827 a gain of 149%


  138. Anyfuckingmoose likes to dish it out but his snowflake pastey wwasicu wastey hide can't take it in return.

  139. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Mike from Iowa has acute homicidal psychopathy. There's no cure only lobotomy.

    I've never met anybody that cheers when people are dying. I hope I never do. Mike from Iowa has much more than Trump Derangement Syndrome. There was a time when people like Mike were put in a straight jacket then a rubber room (or lobotomized). I miss those times, maybe when this is over we can look into rounding up all the self identified homicidal psychopaths and lobotomizing them. Of course in a caring and humane way. It would be for your own good Mike. You need serious help and confinement.

  140. U.S. Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina, three weeks ago told a private, exclusive audience just how lethal and devastating coronavirus is, but said nothing to the general public.

    “There’s one thing I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything we have seen in recent history,” Senator Burr says in the secret audio recording (below) obtained by NPR.

    Compared to you and your ilk, anymoose, I am saner than most.

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. Anonymous10:54 AM



  143. Anonymous10:56 AM

    When "certain" areas run out of slim jims, flamin hot cheese puffs and grape soda......what then???

  144. Anonymous10:58 AM

    With the huge homeless population in Southern California the Corona Virus will spread like wild fire and Democrats will be ill-prepared, as usual to handle this.
    Liberal policies get the public killed,they dont care.

  145. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Gov. Gavin Newsom: California Prepared To Enact Martial Law To Combat Coronavirus


  146. Anonymous said...
    When "certain" areas run out of slim jims, flamin hot cheese puffs and grape soda......what then???

    10:56 AM

    Racyst much?

  147. Tulsi Gabbard drops out. Endorses Biden.

  148. Anonymous11:27 AM

    "With the huge homeless population in Southern California the Corona Virus will spread like wild fire and Democrats will be ill-prepared, as usual to handle this.
    Liberal policies get the public killed,they dont care."

    Yeah, obviously the authorities should have executed all the homeless people. What were those clueless lefties thinking, letting those poor people live?

  149. Ivan Beatinov11:35 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Tulsi Gabbard drops out. Endorses Biden."

    Does this mean that Russia now supports Biden?

  150. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "What were those clueless lefties thinking, letting those poor people live?"

    What were those clueless lefties thinking, facilitating mental illness and drug abuse to the point their cities are full of crazy stoned people committing slow-motion suicide while menacing normal people and shitting on the sidewalks?

  151. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:38 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Global virus and global citizen, coincidence? I think not.

    9:47 AM
    Global virus and global jet air craft travel, coincidence? I think not.

  152. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 AM

    Anonymous said...

    With the huge homeless population in Southern California the Corona Virus will spread like wild fire and Democrats will be ill-prepared, as usual to handle this.
    Liberal policies get the public killed,they dont care.

    10:58 AM
    What liberal policy produced the Corona virus? It was Trump who disbanded Obama's pandemic response team. As for Southern California, on Tuesday the number of cases was 19 and it's probably twice that by today, but it doesn't seem to "spread like wild fire."

    And don't even talk about Democrats not being prepared; your party has totally blown preparation for this pandemic. Trump disbanded Obama's pandemic response team and cut funding for the NIH. As far back as December 2019, Trump and his gangsters knew this was coming and they DID NOTHING! SO STFU!

  153. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "What were those clueless lefties thinking, letting those poor people live?"

    What were those clueless lefties thinking, facilitating mental illness and drug abuse to the point their cities are full of crazy stoned people committing slow-motion suicide while menacing normal people and shitting on the sidewalks?

    11:38 AM
    Clearly you live somewhere besides the United States and have no knowledge of what is occurring here. The biggest drug problem we have in this country is the opioid epidemic which has overwhelmed rural areas of the country.

  154. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Granny Misinformation said...
    "It was Trump who disbanded Obama's pandemic response team."

    No, Trump didn't "disband" the pandemic response team. He returned it to the size it was (~100 people) before Obama bloated it to a staff of about 400.

    The functions were dispersed back through the CDC.

  155. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "Clearly you live somewhere besides the United States and have no knowledge of what is occurring here."

    Have you been to Los Angeles or Seattle or Portland or San Francisco lately? I have.

    Clearly you don't get out much.

  156. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:37 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Granny Misinformation said...
    "It was Trump who disbanded Obama's pandemic response team."

    No, Trump didn't "disband" the pandemic response team. He returned it to the size it was (~100 people) before Obama bloated it to a staff of about 400.

    The functions were dispersed back through the CDC.

    12:34 PM
    And just where did you get this nonsense? Got a reliable source?

  157. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Jesus Fucking Christ old lady, learn to Google and stop relying on what MSNBC tells you.

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:43 PM

    To Anon. at 12:34 PM

    Coronavirus: Did Trump's decision to nix pandemic team ...www.usatoday.com › story › news › world › 2020/03/18 › coronavir...
    1 day ago - President Barack Obama created the pandemic preparedness office at the National Security Council in 2016, after his administration was ...

    Obama officials walked Trump aides through global pandemic ...thehill.com › policy › healthcare › 488069-obama-officials-walked-tr...
    2 days ago - The Obama administration walked incoming Trump administration officials ... that a coordinated national response would be “paramount,” according to ... "The Obama team warned Trump's staff about a possible pandemic.

    Before Trump's inauguration, a warning: 'The worst influenza ...www.politico.com › news › 2020/03/16 › trump-inauguration-warnin...
    3 days ago - The Trump team was told it could face specific challenges, such as ... “The advantage we had under Obama was that during the first four years we had ... to press the importance of pandemic preparedness to their successors.

    Trump team got pandemic training in 2017, weren't interested ...www.businessinsider.com › trump-appointees-trained-pandemic-respo...
    2 days ago - In 2017, Obama officials briefed Trump's team on dealing with a pandemic like the coronavirus. One Cabinet member reportedly fell asleep, ...

    America Knew a Pandemic Was Coming - The Atlanticwww.theatlantic.com › pandemic-coronavirus-united-states-trump-cdc
    1 day ago - That same year, it closed a pandemic-response unit that the Obama administration had created after the Ebola outbreak, folding some of the ...

    The Obama Administration's Response to Ebola | The White ...obamawhitehouse.archives.gov › ebola-response
    At home, U.S. medical teams have treated 12 Ebola patients — all but two recovered. Since the start of the outbreak, the United States has sent more than 3,000 ...

    Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praisedapnews.com › ...
    5 days ago - WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus ...

    Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had ...abcnews.go.com › Politics › wireStory › trump-disbanded-nsc-pande...
    5 days ago - Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised ... bio-defense survived the transition from President Barack Obama to Trump in 2017. ... whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, ...

  159. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Sanctuary cities will be hit hard......

  160. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:49 PM


    Secret Recording Exposes Senate Intelligence Chairman Knew The Severity Of COVID-19 Weeks Ago And Remained Silent

    This secret reporting exposes the Trump administration's culpability for not doing anything sooner about the spread of the virus.
    By John Amato

  161. No, Trump didn't "disband" the pandemic response team. He returned it to the size it was (~100 people) before Obama bloated it to a staff of about 400.

    Another faulty claim about Obama. The pandemic response team has grown since Clinton was in office. It not longer exists, the experts were let go and drumpf did it.

  162. Where is the alleged pandemic team now, since it no longer exists and the experts were let go?

    Oh, it is still there you just can't see it because it was cleverly disguised as another program and drumpfy thinskin says he can get money and call experts back when needed. He just didn't want thousands of people hanging around doing nothing. What a pile of bullshit.

  163. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "Where is the alleged pandemic team now"

    Working on the response to the pandemic, as they have been for months now.

    Try getting in touch with reality.

  164. What a fucking crock, anymoose. It does not exist anymore.

    drumpfuck wants the government to take equity in companies that get bail out money. If i remember right, Obama took stock in GM and wingnuts threatened to lynch him, but only because he was black, right?

  165. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Chuck Schumer, February 5, 2020:

    "The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing war against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance on these restrictions."

  166. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Americans fought for a century to implement OSHA, labor unions, workman's compensation, unemployment, and environmental regulations. Even if you got rid of all of that China will still be cheaper, because they have 4X the workforce to exploit. The only way to permanently reshore industry is through tariffs.

    Free trader economists will always come out and tell us tariffs are bad and inefficient. That argument only holds if you prioritize GDP over your people.

    Trump has been right on China from the start. It's time to put the interests of billionaires and mega corporation aside and put Americans first.

  167. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:45 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sanctuary cities will be hit hard......

    12:45 PM
    How do you know this?

  168. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:50 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Where is the alleged pandemic team now"

    Working on the response to the pandemic, as they have been for months now.
    Then what work have they been doing since nothing got done until about a week ago?

  169. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Then what work have they been doing since nothing got done until about a week ago?

    2:50 PM

    How long is it supposed to take???

  170. Anonymous3:15 PM

    How do you know this?

    2:45 PM

    Street smarts......

  171. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Jesus Fucking Christ old lady, learn to Google and stop relying on what MSNBC tells you.

    12:43 PM

    Its a Russian BOT just like the rest of the lefties here.....

  172. Anonymous3:20 PM

    All those unwashed asses on the streets and alleys of San Francisco will lead to mass disease and pestilence......

  173. Gomer Mow Ron ejaculates, Trump has been right on China from the start. It's time to put the interests of drumpf and mega drumpf aside and put Americans first.

    Fixed it for you, Mow Ron.

  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:23 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Then what work have they been doing since nothing got done until about a week ago?

    2:50 PM

    How long is it supposed to take???

    3:15 PM
    I'd guess about two months - last December and January might have been long enough to acquire some more safety equipment for medical workers and first responders. Time enough to plan for containment with accompanying protocols. Planning for this emergency isn't rocket science - it just requires getting the input from people who know how to manage pandemics and then following their advice into action. Lazy Mr. Trump didn't do anything.

  175. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:31 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Jesus Fucking Christ old lady, learn to Google and stop relying on what MSNBC tells you.

    12:43 PM

    Its a Russian BOT just like the rest of the lefties here.....

    3:17 PM
    What the hell are you talking about, person with no name? I gave you references, none of which were from MSNBC. I guess it was you I posted to. Hard to tell since you and you fellow trolls never use names. You rarely give reliable sources to support you nonsense and mostly you just hurl insults.

  176. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    All those unwashed asses on the streets and alleys of San Francisco will lead to mass disease and pestilence......

    3:20 PM
    You and people who think like you are a pestilence. Your thinking is diseased.

  177. Gambler,we have a long way to go. The right-wingnuts, with their ignorance, are trying hard to destroy us.

  178. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Grabbler2 AKA Mudshark said...

    Anonymous said...

    All those unwashed asses on the streets and alleys of San Francisco will lead to mass disease and pestilence......

    3:20 PM
    You and people who think like you are a pestilence. Your thinking is diseased.
    6:36 PM

    Says the woman who blames "racism" for blacks refusing to even try to learn in school, running around in criminal gangs robbing people and shooting each other.  "Racism" is the 21st century's answer to "witchcraft".  "I dindu nuffins, it was da WITCH made it happen!"  Substitute "racism" and you've got every excuse for black dysfunction and criminality you've ever heard.

    "Racism" is the result of learning what blacks are like.  African saying:  "What's the difference between a tourist and a racist?  About two weeks."

  179. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Fooled Negro chimed in:

    Gambler,we have a long way to go. The right-wingnuts, with their ignorance, are trying hard to destroy us.

    The "right-wingnuts" are the only ones keeping your lights on, your home heated and food on your table.  You barking moonbats wouldn't know a combine from a condenser, but you think you're morally superior.  I hope this is the year that reality comes a-knocking for you.

  180. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:38 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Says the woman who blames "racism" for blacks refusing to even try to learn in school, running around in criminal gangs robbing people and shooting each other. "Racism" is the 21st century's answer to "witchcraft". "I dindu nuffins, it was da WITCH made it happen!" Substitute "racism" and you've got every excuse for black dysfunction and criminality you've ever heard.

    "Racism" is the result of learning what blacks are like. African saying: "What's the difference between a tourist and a racist? About two weeks."

    4:42 PM
    I know a lot of black folks and none of them behave as you have described. You are totally deranged and have no place in a civilized society. You are beyond the Pale.

  181. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:02 PM

    anonymous said...
    Have you been to Los Angeles or Seattle or Portland or San Francisco lately? I have.

    Clearly you don't get out much.

    12:37 PM
    Yes, I have been to one of them lately and all of them in the past. What is your point? Most cities in this country have a problem with human waste because there are few or no public toilets.

  182. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:07 PM

    Anonymous said.

    The "right-wingnuts" are the only ones keeping your lights on, your home heated and food on your table. You barking moonbats wouldn't know a combine from a condenser, but you think you're morally superior. I hope this is the year that reality comes a-knocking for you.

    4:44 PM
    Wrong as usual. Most working people are Democrats, and the food on my table is brought to me by Latino migrant workers the same as yours is brought to you.

  183. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Most working people are Democrats

    Not here.  People post signs and buy bumperstickers for Q Anon.

    the food on my table is brought to me by Latino migrant workers the same as yours is brought to you.

    The food on my table comes largely from local white farmers, white butchers, white stockers, white cooks.  If I see a non-white working in an establishment I leave and don't come back for at least a month.  I am not going to let some modern-day Jesse Jackson spit in my salad.  Non-whites have forfeited any claim to my trust.

    Wrong as usual.

    Yes, you are.

  184. Anonymous9:23 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

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