Saturday, April 04, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for Trump corona virus images 

I need a caption for this picture. 

*Image from


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Its's My uh "My Corona" video went viral

  2. I'm number one on Facebook, yup, yup.


    dr drumpf will ignore this.

  4. The United States is suing China for 20 trillion dollars, as the corona virus is a manufactured biological weapon! It's on!


  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I wonder if perhaps he's thinking of that General killed in Iran. Mmmm.

  7. The lawsuit is unenforceable, and therefore frivolous.

  8. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "The United States is suing China for 20 trillion dollars, as the corona virus is a manufactured biological weapon! It's on!"

    It's not the US. It's wingnut asshole Larry Klayman. He is a "vexatious litigant," who files frivolous lawsuits against people whose politics he disagrees with, or whom he just basically doesn't like. They never have any merit.

    He pursued numerous lawsuits against the Clintons and promoted birtherism against Obama.

    I honestly don't understand why his law license hasn't been yanked.

  9. Anonymous1:24 PM

    ...And the survey says:
    After the US dollar is further devalued who will be the new world leaders over the United States?

    China Russia

    Corporate Giants: "Oh who the hell cares we'll fly out of here and by an island in the FIJI's..let the
    folks left behind suffer the consequences. We made our money off of them.

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    they want to move to cryptocurrency and more American dollar

  11. Last updated: April 04, 2020, 17:29 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    14K + recovered. Three cheers for the moron allegedly in charge. Boo! Boo! Boo!!!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "The United States is suing China for 20 trillion dollars, as the corona virus is a manufactured biological weapon! It's on!"

    It's not the US. It's wingnut asshole Larry Klayman. He is a "vexatious litigant," who files frivolous lawsuits against people whose politics he disagrees with, or whom he just basically doesn't like. They never have any merit.

    He pursued numerous lawsuits against the Clintons and promoted birtherism against Obama.

    I honestly don't understand why his law license hasn't been yanked.

    1:20 PM

    It hasn't been yanked because it's the United States of free America and everybody is entitled to their opinion! I wanna see what the Chinese have to say about this!

  13. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "It hasn't been yanked because it's the United States of free America and everybody is entitled to their opinion! I wanna see what the Chinese have to say about this!"

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone is not entitled to abuse the court system to pursue personal vendettas.

    If you repeatedly file lawsuits that you know in advance have no legal merit, you should be kicked out of court and never allowed in again unless you're a defendant.

    Even if China had created a bioweapon (they haven't, by the way), you still couldn't force them to pay out damages in a civil suit. The real response to such an act would be international sanctions. Or a war.

  14. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "It hasn't been yanked because it's the United States of free America and everybody is entitled to their opinion! I wanna see what the Chinese have to say about this!"

    What the Chinese will have to say about this: Eff off, nutjob!

  15. Here's a picture of some of the testicles of Republican governors and congressmen I've collected over the years. They traded them for some of my time.😆

  16. OK, fine, now can we administer a few more tests? Syphilis? Polygraph? IQ? Cognition? Financial?

    The COVID-19 cryptocurrency is toilet paper, they're calling it buttcoin.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:26 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    Of course "everyone is entitled to their opinion." No one is disputing this. But when the opinion is based upon a conspiracy theory that has no hard facts or scientific basis, supporting it and repeating it to others is quite illogical and dangerous.

  18. Last updated: April 04, 2020, 20:06 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:38 PM

    From today's Political Wire:

    Trump Axed Massive Mask Manufacturing Plan in 2018

    April 4, 2020 at 3:54 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 82 Comments

    “In September 2018, the Trump administration received detailed plans for a new machine designed to churn out millions of protective respirator masks at high speed during a pandemic,” the Washington Post reports.

    “The plans, submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services by medical manufacturer O&M Halyard, were the culmination of a venture unveiled almost three years earlier by the Obama administration.”

    “But HHS did not proceed with making the machine.”


  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:26 PM

    Of course "everyone is entitled to their opinion." No one is disputing this. But when the opinion is based upon a conspiracy theory that has no hard facts or scientific basis, supporting it and repeating it to others is quite illogical and dangerous.

    So true, and yet it's done all the time isn't it, among other illogical, hearsay, unsupported statements or just plain insults actually.


    Absolutely nails all these lying right wing liars and hangs the albatross of Covid-19 directly around their unwashed necks.



  23. Anonymous7:41 PM

    You know, I know, we all know that if Hillary were President and taken all the exact same actions as President has, you'd be praising her to the heavens for her leadership, foresight, and heroism in responding to Wuhan Flu pandemic.

    It's all so tiresome.

  24. The point is that she would not have fucked up the response like Fergus did, and you know that. Thousands of people will die over his lack of effective action, and you know that also.
    This is why you don't hire an incompetent narcissistic moron to do the hardest job on the planet.
    We told you this would happen.
    Take your tiresome and stick it in your butt.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. you'd be praising her to the heavens for her leadership, foresight, and heroism in responding to Wuhan Flu pandemic.

    You don't know shit about it!

    You guys would have accused her of starting this pandemic so she could be a heroine. And don't forget she had emails.

  26. Last updated: April 05, 2020, 00:41 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:


    Why is this investigation being leaked to a right wing shithole rag?

  28. Fergus the incompetent amateur never fully stood up the government because he didn't see any reason to. Here comes that bad call back to bite him really hard on his ignorant ass:

    Empty Posts Have Treasury Scrambling During Meltdown

    April 4, 2020 at 2:39 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 112 Comments

    Bloomberg: “As it confronts the worst economic disaster since the 2008 financial crisis, the Treasury Department is riddled with vacancies among its political appointments. Of 20 Senate confirmed roles reporting to the secretary, seven aren’t filled, and four are held by acting officials. The domestic finance unit, which should be handling the brunt of the work related to the coronavirus outbreak, is particularly empty. It has no top boss and is missing three assistant secretaries, who are the next level down.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Anonymous10:39 PM

    We do not have any National Strategic Reserves of wheat like we used to. Billy Bob Clinton and Obama got rid of it.

  30. "We do not have any National Strategic Reserves of wheat like we used to. Billy Bob Clinton and Obama got rid of it."

    Um, ok. I'd rather have masks and corona tests.🤔

  31. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Aides back trump claim that, "the pool was cold."

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:29 AM


    Gee, this is even more fun than when I bankrupted those casinos.

  33. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Chickens coming home to roost. Need proof? Here's a picture of the eggs!

  34. I'll wager Kushner's ears are burning just a bit.....

  35. Bad news for drumpfy the humpfy.... the 4.4% unemployment rate did not include the last 2 weeks of March when nearly 10 million workers lost their jobs. The next report will, be brutal Obama's fault.

  36. "Three brain cells found in President's head. Trump holds up MRI scan as proof."

  37. Last updated: April 05, 2020, 16:00 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf death count keeps trucking right along.

  38. Anonymous2:50 PM

    So a SECOND murder monkey (ugly n-word) has been arrested for first-degree murder in the killings of a white couple in the University of Wisconsin arboretum:

    The couple had teens-to-20's daughters and the prime suspect was known to them.  Gee, is this another case of "burn the coal, pay the toll"?  The "Eloi tax"?  That's the thing about "stereotypes", they have this way of being true.

    Had they taught and practiced "social distancing" (which you call "racism") they would all but certainly be alive today.

  39. Last updated: April 05, 2020, 19:34 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf body count just before the explosion happens.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:00 PM

    Anonymous said....

    That's the thing about "stereotypes", they have this way of being true.

    2:50 PM
    No they don't. That's just your poor logic skills speaking.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:03 PM

    From today's Political Wire
    Flashback Quote of the Year

    April 5, 2020 at 3:49 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 22 Comments

    “We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here… and isn’t it refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama.”

    — Trump campaign press secretary Kayleigh McEnamy, on Fox News on February 25, 2020.

  42. Kavernmouth protege the ABA says is not qualified to fuck sheep is nominated for DC circuit court and will likely get approved because he is a partisan wingnut hack with little experience except lying about Dems.

  43. The first of what I hope are trillions of lawsuits against Fake Noize for intentionally disseminating false and misleading corona virus info on broadcasts.

  44. File this under "life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid".  Black funeral director holds big funeral in the middle of the Covid-19 epidemic, because "social distancing" rules are for non-black people (like all other rules).  The predictable ensues.  Money quote:

    "Izell Williams Jr., the pastor who delivered Mitchell’s eulogy, also fell ill. On March 22, Williams died from the coronavirus. He was 58."

  45. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "File this under 'life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid'. Black funeral director holds big funeral in the middle of the Covid-19 epidemic, because 'social distancing' rules are for non-black people (like all other rules)."

    Social distancing rules must be for NO people, because Georgia's Republican governor refused to impose them until well after this funeral was held.

  46. So in the wake of the financial crash, Florida governor Rick "Medicare fraud" Scott redid the state's unemployment insurance program with the goal of making it so difficult to obtain and so stingy of benefits ($275/week max) that few people would successfully apply for it and thus his state's unemployment numbers would seem artificially low and make him look better than he actually was.
    And he spent $77 million on it, and it still to this day doesn't work.

    Now, governor DeSantis is facing down 25,000 unemployment claims daily with a system that one of his Republican aides described as "a shit sandwich and it was designed that way by Scott" and not making any public moves to improve the situation.

    One can only hope that all of those Floridians hung out to dry by their state government in the middle of the apocalypse will remember who did it to them on election day, if we get to have a fucking election day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Last updated: April 06, 2020, 01:04 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  48. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Social distancing rules must be for NO people, because Georgia's Republican governor refused to impose them

    When there are no rules, rather than doing the smart thing on their own initiative Africans blame the (white) authorities for not making rules.

    When there are rules, Africans call them racist.

  49. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The minute you realize Fox news played you like a rabbit.

  50. "File this under "life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid". Black funeral director holds big funeral in the middle of the Covid-19 epidemic, because "social distancing" rules are for non-black people (like all other rules). The predictable ensues."

    And then there is this:

    Care to guess the race of the pastor?

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:15 PM

    From Talking Points Memo

    Seems the tea-party Republicans are responsible for many of the cuts to our national pandemic preparations.

  52. "Seems the tea-party Republicans are responsible for many of the cuts to our national pandemic preparations."

    That's because Republicans don't believe in the public good only profit.

  53. "When there are rules, Africans call them racist."

    When there are stupid posts we call them ignorant racists.

  54. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "And then there is this:

    Care to guess the race of the pastor?"

    Currently, in Louisiana, social distancing has, in fact, been ordered by the governor. And yet this dude is willing to go to jail in order to praise the Lord and infect his congregation.

    When there are rules, white wingnuts call them communist.

  55. "When there are rules, white wingnuts call them communist."

    Or they just take over property.

  56. Like that moron on OAN who got his hair cut to fight government tyranny?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. "Like that moron on OAN who got his hair cut to fight government tyranny?"

    I must have missed that one.

  58. Yeah, I don't watch OANN either, but John Oliver just ran video of Graham Ledger, a OANN guy, going out to get his hair cut because to fail to do so would turn the country into the Soviet Union.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Here's the best thing you'll see all day. Tik Toc challenge from the Sisters of the Skies! Beautiful Blah women pilots!

  60. Anonymous2:39 AM

    “Yeah, I don't watch OANN either, but John Oliver just ran video of Graham Ledger, a OANN guy, going out to get his hair cut because to fail to do so would turn the country into the Soviet Union.”

    *cough cough*

  61. As long as Grahm suffers alone without hurting anybody else we good.

  62. Anonymous11:58 AM

    In case you were wondering, Georgia's wingnut governor is still a dumbass. He's announced he's going to reopen his state's beaches.

    I hope he is at least planning on having cops patrol the beaches to enforce social distancing there. Although that would probably be too sensible. Or communist.

  63. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I expected the Tik Tok challenge to be this one:

    Because that's what black people are.

  64. Anonymous1:20 PM

    “I expected the Tik Tok challenge to be this one:

    Because that's what black people are.”

    Do I really have to post links to all the white dimwits who hopped out of their moving cars to dance while doing the #InMyFeelingsChallenge? Or to all the white dimwits eating Tide pods?

    The recklessness of youth is not a black thing.

  65. Jesse1:29 PM

    They would never admit it, but it’s painfully obvious the media would happily wipe out a million Americans and destroy your finances if it meant getting one over on Trump. Everyone with eyes can see it.

  66. drumpf body count reaches another serious milestone, one wingnuts in power are directly responsible for because of their totasl lack of actions to combat this pandemic before it spread.

    Last updated: April 06, 2020, 17:32 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Still a hoax, fucking retardicans?

  67. drumpf will gladly sacrifice all Americans if it will help get him re-appointed Czarina of Putin's kremlin annex.

  68. Anonymous1:45 PM

    “They would never admit it, but it’s painfully obvious the media would happily wipe out a million Americans and destroy your finances if it meant getting one over on Trump. Everyone with eyes can see it.”

    Ah. I see.

    “China created the coronavirus” is soooo two days ago. Now we’ve gotten bored and moved on to the nect conspiracy theory: “CNN created the coronavirus.”

    Life comes at you fast in wingnut wackadoodle world.

  69. UK's PM Boris Johnson is in intensive care for worsening c-virus symptoms.

    drumpf's inevitable rising bodacious body count....

    Last updated: April 06, 2020, 19:49 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Let's hear it for the boy drumpf.

  70. "Because that's what black people are."

    Logic is not your friend sir. Now go ask mom if it's ok to leave the trailer.

  71. Those were some fine looking pilots, PX, no wonder you like your job, and I hope it works out OK for the airline workers after this pandemic is done.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. "I hope it works out OK for the airline workers after this pandemic is done."

    You and me both.

  73. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Don't worry, they aren't allowed to fire black people.

  74. Chou Mei7:33 PM

    Whoever said one person can’t change the world never ate an undercooked bat.

  75. "Don't worry, they aren't allowed to fire black people."

    Welp too bad for you they're allowed to fire stupid people.


  76. Americans are dropping like flies.... drumpf body count

    Last updated: April 07, 2020, 00:17 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  77. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Party host at AirBnB attracts some unwanted guests, gets shot dead on Facebook Live:

    If you're black, you should be thankful for cops because they prevent things like this.


  78. "Ah. I see.

    “China created the coronavirus” is soooo two days ago. Now we’ve gotten bored and moved on to the nect conspiracy theory: “CNN created the coronavirus.”

    Life comes at you fast in wingnut wackadoodle world."

    You can't make this stuff up. Right-wingnuts are on a whole different level of stupid.

  79. "If you're black, you should be thankful for cops because they prevent things like this."

    They didn't prevent that one.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Don't worry, they aren't allowed to fire black people.

    7:27 PM
    Generally speaking, Blacks are hired much less frequently than whites and are the first to be laid off in tough times because they have the least seniority. Do some research on this topic, please.

  81. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Blacks are hired to fill quotas. Blacks can't be fired, because that would be rayciss.

  82. “China created the coronavirus” is soooo two days ago. Now we’ve gotten bored and moved on to the nect conspiracy theory: “CNN created the coronavirus.”

    Reading comprehension is beyond moronic liberals.

    1. China did create either the coronavirus, either in a lab or by their disgusting wet markets.

    2. The lamestream media, including CNN, is rooting for as many deaths as possible from coronavirus, so they can blame Trump. You know this is true, because you wish for the same thing.

    It's a wonder you cretins remember how to breathe.

  83. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. "Blacks are hired to fill quotas. Blacks can't be fired, because that would be rayciss."

    No, claiming a certain group of people are only hired to fill quotas is racist and ignorant. Then again expecting something intelligent from an anonymous troll is an exercise in futility.

  85. Funny that: I've both hired and fired black people, and nobody ever told me I couldn't do either.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. "I've both hired and fired black people, and nobody ever told me I couldn't do either."

    Facts are not the friend of the racist troll.

  87. Anonymous7:09 AM

    "They didn't prevent that one."

    Remember Baltimore?  Remember Freddy Gray?  They have forced the police to stand down.  They aren't ALLOWED to prevent stuff now, because "rayciss".

    Funny how the train of body bags hasn't made anyone reconsider yet.

  88. "Remember Baltimore? Remember Freddy Gray? They have forced the police to stand down. They aren't ALLOWED to prevent stuff now, because "rayciss".

    Um, no one prevents police officers from doing their jobs. Are you the same anon from before that made comments about Laquon McDonald? (This would be so much easier if you anons would choose names but this is the plan right? So immature).

  89. Anonymous3:18 PM

    no one prevents police officers from doing their jobs.

    Six Baltimore police officers were FIRED and PROSECUTED over Freddie Gray.  They got their jobs back after the attempt to railroad them failed, but nobody is going to do his job if that means being put through hell whenever "the community" gets upset.

    In Chicago, they have a motto:  "stay fetal".  Or as one cop puts it,

    Police like you have no friends.

    Point & laugh.

  90. "Six Baltimore police officers were FIRED and PROSECUTED over Freddie Gray."

    Because they did something illegal.

    "but nobody is going to do his job if that means being put through hell whenever "the community" gets upset."

    You mean people like you? That's actually a good thing. Still no screen name huh? What are you afraid of? A little chat with me scares you too much to have a fake identity? If folks like you aren't even brave enough to have a discussion with a nickname you have no business trying to be a cop.

    Point & laugh.

    And stay anonymous because Look. Point & laugh. Leave. Get Fired. And then I laugh last.

  91. You do know Freddie Gray had a broken spine after being transported by the BPD right? Awwwwwwwwwwww, so you don't think being a cop is a fun job unless you can break a few spines with no repercussions? Yeah, real cop material there.

  92. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Point & laugh.

    3:18 PM

    Brought to you by Area South

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. "Brought to you by Area South"

    Point & laugh.
    Get your ass fired.

    Brought to you by Commander Joshua Wallace

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Blacks are hired to fill quotas. Blacks can't be fired, because that would be rayciss.

    10:08 PM

    If what you say is true, then why has black unemployment historically been so much higher than white unemployment? You really should Google Affirmative Action and quotas, so you can better understand the topic.

    Economic Indicators • By Janelle Jones • October 30, 2018:
    "Black unemployment is at least twice as high as white unemployment at the national level and in 12 states and D.C.

    The highest African American unemployment rate is in the District of Columbia at 12.4 percent, while the highest white unemployment rate is in West Virginia at 5.0 percent"

  96. "If what you say is true"

    We can stop right there, it's not.

  97. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You do know Freddie Gray had a broken spine after being transported by the BPD right?

    There's no evidence that BPD had anything to do with that, and plenty of evidence that Gray injured himself in his own violent freakout.  He played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize.

    It's really ironic for two escapees from Jamaica to go around badmouthing the very people who created the nice country you came to in order to get away from people like yourselves.

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    You do know Freddie Gray had a broken spine after being transported by the BPD right?

    There's no evidence that BPD had anything to do with that, and plenty of evidence that Gray injured himself in his own violent freakout. He played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize.

    It's really ironic for two escapees from Jamaica to go around badmouthing the very people who created the nice country you came to in order to get away from people like yourselves.

    9:55 AM
    OMFG! Has anyone heard of someone breaking their own spine in a "violent freak out?"

  99. "There's no evidence that BPD had anything to do with that, and plenty of evidence that Gray injured himself in his own violent freakout. He played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize."

    Um yeah, people break their own spines all the time. Sounds kind of ridiculous to me but hey we have to find a way he was responsible for his own death right?

    "It's really ironic for two escapees from Jamaica to go around badmouthing the very people who created the nice country you came to in order to get away from people like yourselves."

    Escapee from Jamaica? I've been to Jamaica a few times but I didn't have to escape, I got on a plane and came home. I was born and raised in the Chicago area but I do have plans on buying property on an island or Belize.

  100. "OMFG! Has anyone heard of someone breaking their own spine in a "violent freak out?"

    This is the same crowd that knows for a fact Trayvon was breaking into houses, Emmitt Till was a rapist and Rodney King beat himself. You can learn a lot of stupid "facts" from racist sites like stormfront.


    BPD is at it again.

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:14 PM

    PilotX said...

    "If what you say is true"

    We can stop right there, it's not.

    1:05 AM
    Pilot, I love your wit and dry sense of humor. It reminds me of my husband.

  103. "Pilot, I love your wit and dry sense of humor."

    You're the first. Ha!
