Thursday, April 02, 2020

The blame and distraction game.

Image result for coronavirus crisis images

Imagine being the leader of a country that could possibly have 200,000 of your people die from a pandemic, and in an address to those people you brag about being number one on facebook. 

First, it's a a lie (both former president Obama and soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo have more followers), but it also shows just how much of a narcissist, and ego- driven the individual charged with leading us is. Just watching him up there day after day gives me no confidence that he will be able to handle what we are facing.

We used to be able laugh at trump's buffoonery and his gross incompetence, but given what we are all going through, it's just not funny anymore. Now, more than ever, America needs someone in charge who knows what they are doing. This is trump's first government job, and it shows. The scary thing is that the people around him who might ---and should-- know better are afraid of him, and so they act as sycophants instead of being real advisers.

Sadly, we can't even count on these news conferences to give us information anymore. Yesterday, rather than give us an update on the virus, trump and his political team held a press conference (complete with Bill Barr standing behind him) to tell us what the administration was doing to fight the war on drugs and the Venezuelan President. Yes, that's really what they led with. At this point I am quite sure that must Americans could give a damn about the war on drugs. In fact, quite a few of us are probably saying give us more drugs not less. Lord knows we need something to take us away from this craziness.

Here is the thing, our government is supposed to be protecting us from the scourge drugs, that's kind of their jobs. We need to hear about what's going on with this pandemic that is killing people and making them sick, not the war on drugs. 

But we know why they did it, to create a distraction, because they STILL can't give us any concrete answers about this crisis and how to fight it. It's like Groundhog Day with these people.

Now, predictably, they are blaming everyone else for us being in this predicament but themselves. Yesterday Mike Pence blamed it on the CDC, and Donald trump has blamed the nurses, doctors, the governors, the Chinese, President Obama, and President Bush. 

"The wartime president Harry Truman used to keep a sign on his desk that said: “The buck stops here.” Trump, however, seems eager to wash his hands of the matter, if not actually wash his hands. “Yeah, no, I don’t take responsibility at all, because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time,” he said. “It wasn’t meant for this kind of an event with the kind of numbers that we’re talking about.”'

So much for leadership.




  1. No, Fergus, you said you wanted this job, now fucking do it or resign and let someone else do it.
    Don't sit there and complain that the job isn't what you wanted it to be, reality doesn't care what you want it to be, you have to deal with it as it is, and maybe your lies and propaganda have gotten you this far without having a reckoning, but that reckoning was always going to happen and that's why more than 65 million of us voted for someone who actually knew how to do the damn job.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:47 PM

    Field, I agree with everything you have said here. My mantra is "God help us" because trump and his gangsters won't. I thought the crisis under trump could be world war three. This isn't that bad, but it's still awful.

  3. Last updated: April 02, 2020, 20:10 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  4. From some lawyer friends, "The guilty always blame someone else."

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM










  6. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The wingnut dumbassery just never ends, does it?

    It’s time to get sick and die for Jesus, Floridians. You’d think a state full of elderly retirees would be able to see why the following isn’t a good idea, wouldn’t you?

    Florida Governor Exempts Religious Services From Stay-At-Home Order

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The religions exemption for religious services totally defeats the purpose of trying to curve this NATIONAL pandemic...

    Further proof that the following title is well earned: "The Dumb Americans"

  8. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Doug had a job once. He found it to be too hard, so he decided to scam the government for welfare.

  9. This is what happens when you elect Republicans. It's all fun and games til somebody gets hurt.

  10. Racists gonna racist.

  11. This oughta be interesting.

  12. Last updated: April 03, 2020, 00:10 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  13. Anonymous10:17 PM

    As was originally stated and as stated by infectious disease Dr Weinberg, the virus is spread

    by talking, singing, and addition to sneezing. Fact stands to reason..everyone should be wearing a mask because inevitably you will come in contact with someone (like in supermarket aisles etc. that will walk too close to you).

  14. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Duuuuh. The Chinese figured out the mask part years ago.

    Getting Americans to do social distancing is like "pulling teeth"

  15. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "Racists gonna racist."

    So-called "racists" jump into on-line chat rooms and call people names:

    "OMG, it's THE END OF THE WORLD!  Minorities hardest hit."

    Blacks commit 90% of the white/black inter-racial violent crime in the USA:


    Y'know, maybe if you DIDN'T do things like committing 90% of the white/black violent crime, you wouldn't generate "racists"?

  16. Anonymous11:08 PM

    “Fact stands to reason..everyone should be wearing a mask because inevitably you will come in contact with someone (like in supermarket aisles etc. that will walk too close to you).”

    Great. Too bad there are no masks. Make your own, I guess?

    And masks won’t replace social distancing anyway.

  17. "Blacks commit 90% of the white/black inter-racial violent crime in the USA:"

    Still stuck on that huh? You are aware that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against whites are committed by whites? Seems kind of silly to obsess about negroes knowing that I mean unless of course you're a racist. But hey, you do you boo.

  18. "Y'know, maybe if you DIDN'T do things like committing 90% of the white/black violent crime, you wouldn't generate "racists"?"

    One, I've never committed a violent crime against a white person, two what was the excuse when whites lynched blah people for no reason? Man, racists like you have hated darker people all your lives for any reason you can think of. Do you hate white people for committing violent crimes against fellow whites? Of course not. As you say, crickets.

  19. This is why you don't elect Republicans. Thousands are gonna die because this fucking moron "didn't know" the virus could be transmitted by nonsymptomatic individuals.

  20. "Great. Too bad there are no masks. Make your own, I guess?"

    Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti is issuing guidelines that everyone wear masks when they go out in public, making the distinction between medical grade masks that are in such short supply and simple cloth coverings that would go a long way toward limiting the virus particles you breathe out into the air that others will breathe in.

    As long as we don't have many tools to use to fight this pandemic, it sort of makes sense to use the ones we do have, as imperfect as they may be.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:20 AM

    PilotX said.....

    Still stuck on that huh? You are aware that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against whites are committed by whites?
    Anonymous isn't aware of much of anything. He/she doesn't need or want facts just like the idiot who pretends to lead our nation.

  22. Anonymous2:19 AM

    “As long as we don't have many tools to use to fight this pandemic, it sort of makes sense to use the ones we do have, as imperfect as they may be.”

    Scarf=better than nothing ... but still pretty bad. Only marginally better than going without a mask.

    Honestly, if CDC announces that everyone needs a mask, they better have a plan to produce and provide them. Otherwise, there’s going to be a disaster with medical personnel even less able to get masks than they already are, as the general public try to buy them up.

  23. Last updated: April 03, 2020, 12:45 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  24. But Ivanna Junior's scarves tend to catch on fire magically and that leads to even moar serious problems like death.


  26. Y'know, maybe if you DIDN'T do things like committing 90% of the white/black violent crime, you wouldn't generate "racists"?

    Just ass backwards. Racist whiteys caused blacks to commit crimes just to attempt to get even for atrocities committed on slaves. Racism has always been there. Whitey whines when the chickens come home to roost.

  27. Well so far, so good, I mean not really good but within the within, time will tell.

    And I've been telling my daughter use a mask at all times, when the media was saying nah, masks not necessary unless, I was saying it's in the droplets carried in the air, wear a mask, wear a mask, wear a mask! So now, the media is finally saying yes, wear a mask at all times, it's airborne in droplets. See, that's why I'm an independent thinker, I use my knowledge and criteria to make my decisions, always.

  28. Oh what a tangled web they weave
    wasicu wingnuts with skullduggery up their sleeves

    Former criminal guv Rick scott redesigned unemployment to make it harder to apply for and so keep unemployment numbers higher during recession.

    Now wingnuts have to deal with hundreds of thousands moar seeking benefits and they have quite the wingnut designed/patented clusterfuck in their bloody hands.

    To stoopid fucking criminal wingnuts, I say.... Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  29. Bill Withers passes at 81.

    How does this work?

    Now drumpf wants immigrant workers to come in when unemployment is the worst it has been since the dirty 30's.

    Majority of Americans disapprove of the way drumpf has bungled virus response.

  30. Last updated: April 03, 2020, 15:41 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    And climbing.

  31. "just like the idiot who pretends to lead our nation."


  32. How is the governor of Georgia still in office?Don't they have a state health office that could advise him?

  33. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Here is a former Obama advisor talking about the upcoming election.

    A partial transcript is as follows:
    DAVE ANTHONY: In a traditional, political scene, would be a killer for an incumbent president to have to try to be re-elected during a terrible economic time. That, on the face, seems to give Joe Biden an advantage. Do you think that’s true?
    DAVID PLOUFFE: Yeah, you look at the economic situation and say, “How can an incumbent win with that?” But no one is blaming Trump for the pandemic, number one. I think if you can lay his crisis response at his feet and connect that to the economy, I do think that’s some headwinds he’s got to run into. But, almost no matter what happens, can Donald Trump win Wisconsin? Can he win Michigan? Can he win Pennsylvania? Can he win Florida?’ Sure, because his base is so solid. And I think he’s going to turn out voters almost at a historical level on his behalf, so that makes him very dangerous if you’re Joe Biden.

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Auburn Calloway said...

    "How is the governor of Georgia still in office?"

    How are you allowed to pilot airplanes?

  35. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thanks for posting the wuflu statistics Misanthrope from Iowa.

    Funny you don't post the numbers that have recovered from it.

    I guess a silver lining for you is that the wuflu is hitting democrat strongholds the hardest. I watched a video of a packed subway in New York city from yesterday. I can see NYC having the wuflu for decades to come.

    And you call me a pig person. LOL

  36. I see no reason to post numbers of recovered. And you certainly gave me no reason(s) to.

    As for yer last lie, I have never called you a pig person. But, who am I to discourage you from wearing the shoe if it fits?

  37. drumpf has me convinced wingnuts are suckers all the time, not just born that way.

  38. The official government webpage for the Strategic National Stockpile was altered Friday to seemingly reflect a controversial description of the emergency repository that White House adviser Jared Kushner offered at a news conference Thursday evening.

    According to a brief online summary on the Department of Health and Human Services website, the stockpile's role "is to supplement state and local supplies during public health emergencies. Many states have products stockpiled, as well."

    But hours earlier, the text characterized the stockpile as the "nation's largest supply of life-saving pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for use in a public health emergency severe enough to cause local supplies to run out."

    The revision comes after Kushner argued at the White House coronavrus task force press briefing Thursday that the stockpile's reserves are exclusively the property of the federal government.

    So now, the national stockpile is exclusive property of the executive branch of government.

  39. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Recently Doug stated that the wuflu is about to hit Trump country hard based on what he heard from liberal news. Well here is the county in Georgia that Doug thinks is a Trump stronghold. If negroes would practice social distancing they might have a chance. But no...that would be a White thing to do.,_Georgia

  40. Anymoose overlooks the fact that Georgia is a red state and voted fro drumpf. Cherry picking stats.

    In my above post, I misstated the stockpile was exclusive property of the executive branch, when I should have said federal government. My bad.

    How many states, besides Florida, made it harder to sign up for unemployment benefits so the numbers don't cost wingnuts elections?

  41. McCTurtlefuckface is still fucking up the judicial system. He is set to approve a protege of Perjurer Kavernmouth to the DC Circuit court even though the ABA rated him unqualified for lack of trial experience.

    And Moscum Mitch vowed to fill a Spotus seat even during a corona virus pandemic if one became available in what hopefully will be the last year we ever hear of the drumpf criminal enterprise.

  42. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "You are aware that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against whites are committed by whites?"

    You are aware that being around the average negro is far more dangerous than being around the average white?

    "Seems kind of silly to obsess about negroes knowing that"

    Whites practice "social distancing" from blacks, which is why the absolute numbers are so low.  If it wasn't illegal, whites would just refuse to let you live, work or travel near them and get the numbers down close to zero.  But that would eliminate the "magic dirt" that allows you to pretend to be civilized.

    "I've never committed a violent crime against a white person"

    Therefore the Knoxville Horror and Wichita Massacre didn't happen?  Antonio Angel Santiago and Autumn Pasquale weren't callously murdered?  Because you personally weren't involved?

    Funny how you go after "racists" who've never harmed a black, while absolving yourself of any obligation to do something about the out-of-control violence from those who look like you.  Pure hypocrisy.

  43. Last updated: April 03, 2020, 17:23 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Yesterday, 1200 Americans bit the dust, the highest single day total of any nation in this pandemic, so far.

  44. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "Racist whiteys caused blacks to commit crimes just to attempt to get even for atrocities committed on slaves."

    Was revenge for acts done by people long dead part of any of the Cibil Rites laws?  They sure wouldn't have passed if it was.

    What gets me is that Psycho from Iowa is probably serious.  Nobody but the "racists" here ever denounces him.  Remember, silence=assent.

  45. Anonymous1:51 PM

    “Funny how you go after ‘racists’ who've never harmed a black ...”

    I feel quite confident you have harmed a black.

    If you have a business and run it in a way that discriminates, either in hiring black employees or in serving black customers, that is harm.

    If you vote for racist politicians and policies (a 100% certainty on this one), that is harm.

    To say nothing of all the hate speech you spew on the Internet and probably in real life.

    You are only counting the fact that you say you have never lynched anyone or committed a hate crime. And as it is, we have to take your word on that.


  47. "You are aware that being around the average negro is far more dangerous than being around the average white?"

    Really? I live with blah people so I'm around them everyday and it's groovy baby.

  48. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Wuhan, China, is down to below 1,000 active COVID-19 cases.

    Italy is finally turning the corner on their epidemic as well, although they’ve unfortunately still got a lot of deaths yet to come.

  49. So let me get this right, you want to blame every blah person for the actions of a few? Wichita Massacre? How about Sandy Hook? How about Charleston? We can play this game all day long but my question and post was about racist assholes interrupting video conferences. What does a UCLA professor conducting a lecture have to do with blah on white crime? So because there are some blah criminals it's ok to troll blah people conducting business on video conferences? That makes sense to you? Why break in on that professor to yell "nigger"? Really? That seriously makes sense to you?

  50. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Russia, on the other hand, has escalating COVID-19 cases. Things may get ugly there soon.

  51. Even more evidence Republicans should NEVER be elected.


  52. Anonymous2:27 PM

    "I feel quite confident you have harmed a black."

    Yes, I took all the Magic Dirt.  Not deliberately, mind you, but by being born.

    "If you have a business and run it in a way that discriminates, either in hiring black employees or in serving black customers, that is harm."

    What on earth do blacks need ME for?  Let them go start and run their own businesses.  Oh, right... Magic Dirt.  Funny how Whitey took it all with him when he got the hell out of Detroit and Saint Louis and Newark.

    "If you vote for racist politicians and policies (a 100% certainty on this one), that is harm."

    A "racist" is someone who doesn't kowtow to blacks or (((the tribe))), and especially those who dare to Notice their doings out loud.

    "To say nothing of all the hate speech you spew on the Internet and probably in real life."

    Truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth.

  53. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "So let me get this right, you want to blame every blah person for the actions of a few?"

    Just how "few" are responsible for the 91 shot and killed so far just this year in your town?

    How much effort have YOU put into demanding they knock it off?  (If I did it, you'd call me a racist.  Oh, wait, you already did that.)

    "Wichita Massacre? How about Sandy Hook? How about Charleston?"

    Chimpcongo has had the equivalent of a Sandy Hook plus a Charleston roughly every month this year.  Why do you give a damn about years-old events when this is happening almost literally on your doorstep?

    Oh, right, you can't blame Whitey for it.  Hypocrite.

  54. Yes,it is just a few responsible for the shootings in Chicago. There are close to 1,000,000 blah people in the Chicago area so do the math. Let's say each of the 91 people shot was shot by a didferent person that means 0.000091% of the blah people in Chicago have nothing to do with any shootings.
    How much effort have I put into demanding they stop shooting? Um, what exactly should I do? You have any answers? You think I can personally stop the shootings?

    Also, if you are so concerned with crimes committed against whites what are YOU doing to stop white on white crime? 90%+ of crimes, violent crime included, are committed by fellow whites. If you're so concerned about crime you need to stop your own people.

  55. "Why do you give a damn about years-old events when this is happening almost literally on your doorstep?"

    You know why? Because if you look at the shootings in Chicago most are gang related and I'm not in a gang so I don't have much to worry about. I live on the southside of Chicago and I have never in my life seen a person shot. Now Charleston happened because a racist white person shot innocent people for just being blah and yes I am blah. So do the math, I am more likely to be shot by a white shooter who shoots indiscriminately than a targeted gang related killing. Look at the Vegas shooter, in 3 minutes he killed more people than in most states in a month. Also per capita whites have greater gun related deaths but since Chicago is the third largest city of course it has a lot of crime. More people more crime. But you still didn't answer my question about interrupting video conferences.

  56. Gun deaths by state. Wyoming doesn't have many blah people ya know right?

  57. I figure that the same anomymoids now trolling us with boring old racist crud, during a pandemic, would be doing the same during a Martian invasion.

    O Nameless Trolls, how much are the Martians paying you? How much is the coronavirus? Or do you spew skin-tint-obsession out of sheer robotic habit? Hello-o, is anyone home?

  58. Anonymous3:06 PM


    I remain concerned that, as virus cases in the blue states wind down, there will be a second “wingnut wave” of the epidemic because red state governors have refused to put sufficient suppression measures in place in their states, complaining that any short-term restrictions on individual behavior are equivalent to Stalinism.


  59. "I figure that the same anomymoids now trolling us with boring old racist crud, during a pandemic, would be doing the same during a Martian invasion."

    Racist trolls are like cockroaches. And they're all the same and say the same old things. How much you wanna bet he's a white male 15-30, non college educated and lives in a red state? It would be nice if once in a while they would pick a screen name but then they'd be responsible for their inane arguments and we can't have that can we?😆

  60. "there will be a second “wingnut wave” of the epidemic because red state governors have refused to put sufficient suppression measures in place in their states"

    Yup, all Republican governors. They are beholden to Fox news viewers and religious nuts who still congregate.

  61. "How is the governor of Georgia still in office?Don't they have a state health office that could advise him?"

    The damn fool works six miles from the CDC, and claims he didn't know about asymptomatic/presymptomatic transmission until the day before yesterday.

    The impenetrable right wing propaganda bubble is once again proving fatal to those who rely on accurate information to keep them alive.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous4:26 PM

    “The damn fool works six miles from the CDC, and claims he didn't know about asymptomatic/presymptomatic transmission until the day before yesterday.”

    It’s clear there are a large number of asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, though there is not a lot of certainty about how much transmission of the disease they actually account for.

    But even if you didn’t know about the possibility of this (and why the hell wouldn’t you know — this has been in the newspapers for weeks and you’re the damn governor?), that’s still not an excuse. The transmission of the disease by the symptomatic patients alone justifies a lockdown.

    The real reason for the delay is that he’s been listening to Trump, not medical experts.

  63. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Democratic leaders have done nothing, Obama Administration drove the country into the ground.

    Trump get elected and tries to make things right and the Obstructionist Democrat-Socialists abuse their authority and put Americans at risk for power gain(COUP).

    NYC did what to prepare for a disaster after 9/11??They are a big target, all Cuomo does is cry piss and moan and blame Trump because his side did nothing and suckles the Federal governments teet.

  64. Last updated: April 03, 2020, 20:30 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  65. Democratic leaders have done nothing, Obama Administration drove the country into the ground.

    Prove either falsehood.

  66. My CNN woman, Brooke Baldwin, has corona virus. She is one of the classiest, sexiest, most intelligent women reporting on television and is light years ahead of the bimbo eruption of bleached blondes at Fake Noize in every metric.

  67. RIP Bill Withers.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous4:56 PM

    "Let's say each of the 91 people shot was shot by a didferent person"

    The count of SHOOTINGS is up to 542.  There have been another 13 non-gun homicides.

    "Um, what exactly should I do? You have any answers?"

    For starters?  Get Tom Dart, Kimberly Foxx and Lori Lightfoot out of office.  Disband COPA.  Cut off the corrupt "connected" law firms which run the system.  You vote in Chicago, this is all in your collective power as voters.

    Recognize that Laquan McDonald was a deadly threat and got what he deserved.  The cops are not after you.  The biggest danger you face is... out-of-control blacks like McDonald.  You're "a good one", so help law enforcement crack down on the bad ones.

    "if you are so concerned with crimes committed against whites what are YOU doing to stop white on white crime?"

    I support putting criminals behind bars, instead of protesting "too many white men in prison".

    "90%+ of crimes, violent crime included, are committed by fellow whites."

    Blacks commit an absolute majority of all armed robberies in the USA and they select white victims more than half the time.

  69. "Democratic leaders have done nothing, Obama Administration drove the country into the ground."

    There were disease outbreaks during the Obama administration and guess what? No nationwide outbreak, no economic disaster, no shutting down the airlines and no 100,000 death projections.

    As far as driving the country into the ground the opposite was true. Economy that was saved from the previous Republican president. Nice try though anon.

  70. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "But you still didn't answer my question about interrupting video conferences."

    You've got people dying, including innocent bystanders hit by stray gunfire.  Aren't videoconferences kind of insignificant compared to that?  Did you ever consider that cracking down on rampant crime would go a long way to make people less "racist"?  It's like you never considered that other people are angry about the crime and parasitism, and when they finally find a way to make themselves heard by the people most involved with committing and defending it you're shocked, SHOCKED that anyone would think such things.

    You live in a little bubble of fantasy surrounded by America, and that bubble is popping right before your eyes.

  71. "Blacks commit an absolute majority of all armed robberies in the USA and they select white victims more than half the time."

    That's just armed robberies though that statistic may be incorrect. How about sexual assault? Those are committed by majority white perpetrators and most of ghe victims are white. Crickets.

    In actuality Tom Dart and Kin Foxx are doing good jobs because they are putting less focus on petty crimes and concentating on more serious crimes so I disagree with that assessment.

    Now if you want to continue our discussion choose a screen name and stick with it as I dislike discoursing with anons. I'm sure you understand.

    And BTW you never answered the question regarding how breaking into video conferences yelling racial epithets helps in any way.

  72. "You've got people dying, including innocent bystanders hit by stray gunfire. Aren't videoconferences kind of insignificant compared to that?"

    People die all the time but yet life goes on. People need to finish degrees and continue their lives and businesses. So the UCLA professor conducting a lecture has to accept being interrupted by ignorant racists because people are shot and killed? So every single blah person in this country has to stop going to work, conducting business and providing for their families because racists believe we're all responsible for the actions of a few people? Really? That makes sense how exactly?

  73. drumpf wannabe and iowa wingnut guv is lecturing Dr Fauci on corona virus. He doesn't have all the facts. This will end well.

  74. The stoopidest moron to ever disgrace the office of potus says the stoopidest things ever uttered by any known human.....

    at least the stock market is still at record highs. We need a Fauci face palm about right here.

  75. So it really was wingnuts who prevented Obama from replenishing the National Stockpile with masks, etc.

    Of course, you can't blame wingnuts for Obama be a darkie.

  76. So after Jared fucked the dog and claimed the national stockpile wasn't for the states' use, the website connected to the national stockpile miraculously changed from (wait for it):

    "Strategic National Stockpile is the nation's largest supply of life-saving pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for use in a public health emergency severe enough to cause local supplies to run out. When state, local, tribal, and territorial responders request federal assistance to support their response efforts, the stockpile ensures that the right medicines and supplies get to those who need them most during an emergency. Organized for scalable response to a variety of public health threats, this repository contains enough supplies to respond to multiple large-scale emergencies simultaneously."


    "The Strategic National Stockpile's role is to supplement state and local supplies during public health emergencies. Many states have products stockpiled, as well. The supplies, medicines, and devices for life-saving care contained in the stockpile can be used as a short-term stopgap buffer when the immediate supply of adequate amounts of these materials may not be immediately available."

    Because if Kushykush says something at odds with reality, then reality must be changed to fit the lie.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. "Did you ever consider that cracking down on rampant crime would go a long way to make people less "racist"?"

    Nope, because by definition racists believe certain races are inferior. And don't assume I'm cool with crime or turn a blind eye to it. Pssssssssst, a little secret, I'm also a law enforcement officer and most of my lodge brothers are also. I hang with mostly cops and Cook County Sheriffs so I know and see certain things close up. But once again, if interrupting and antagonizing people of a certain race because SOME people of that same race commit crimes doesn't bother you then you need a history lesson. Most whites turned a blond eye while blah people were brutalized, discriminated against and dehumanized so should I hold ALL white people responsible for that? That would be silly right?


    Blacks can't get Covid 19, eh?

  79. When you wingnuts gonna finally admit drumpf turned Obama's economy around and drove it into a deep ditch, a 1930's deep ditch?


    Wait, I thought it was only 15 cases soonnto be zero.🙄

  81. 701,000 jobs gone this month, back to the dark days of the great recession, except this report only covered two weeks of the crash, so like the weekly unemployment claims, next month is likely to be more than twice as bad.

    The report put the unemployment rate at 4.4% which is likely to be a mirage and by the next report be deep into double digits.

    Which, sadly, is what we want. This isn't a regular recession wherein you try to stimulate demand to get the economy back on track. This is more like a medically induced coma, shutting down most major body functions long enough to give it a chance to heal.

    The recession will come later, borne of the reduced demand and subsequent labor force adjustments. Then we will need stimulus. What we need now is disaster relief.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. What we need now is a competent president.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    You are aware that being around the average negro is far more dangerous than being around the average white?
    What could you possibly know about "the average Negro?" I'd guess - nothing.

    During my long life, I have known and been friends with people of all religious, racial, and nationalities. I have found them to intelligent, kind, and friendly. I and several members of the younger generations in my family have chosen diverse partners. And guess what - no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered!

    You really should reevaluate all of your biases and try to face facts. Stop trying to evaluate people on the basis of race or any other broad category.

  83. "You really should reevaluate all of your biases and try to face facts. Stop trying to evaluate people on the basis of race or any other broad category."

    👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Wise words from a wise woman.

  84. Anonymous7:50 PM





  85. Last updated: April 03, 2020, 23:44 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Recovered was 12.2k.

  86. Anonymous7:59 PM

    There is a Plasma Machine That Shows Promise In Eliminatiing 99.9% Of Airborne Viruses!
    As indicated in the following 2019 article.

    Inactivation of airborne viruses using a packed bed non-thermal plasma reactor

    To cite this article: T Xia et al 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 255201
    View the article online for updates and enhancements.

  87. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Does anyone really think or believe that scientists working in labs directly with viruses and the ability to grow super viruses has absolutely no antidote to kill them off if they get out of control?

    This is a story right out of a 50's science fiction movie.... but then that's why they say "Art Imitates Life"

    or in this case "Life Is Imitating Art."

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:56 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Democratic leaders have done nothing, Obama Administration drove the country into the ground.

    4:34 PM
    Here's just a few things that Obama accomplished:

    1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.

    2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs.

    3. Passed Wall Street Reform: Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (now headed by Richard Cordray) to crack down on abusive lending products and companies.
    4. Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on December 18, 2011.

    5. Eliminated Osama bin laden: In 2011, ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:02 PM

    Here's a few more of Obama's many accomplishments, all of which benefited ordinary Americans:

    6. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry: In 2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.

    7. Recapitalized Banks: In the midst of financial crisis, approved controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a public-private fund to buy their “toxic” assets. Got banks back on their feet at essentially zero cost to the government.

    9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Ended 1990s-era restriction and formalized new policy allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military for the first time.

    10. Told Mubarak to Go: On February 1, 2011, publicly called on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to accept reform or step down, thus weakening the dictator’s position and putting America on the right side of the Arab Spring. Mubarak ended thirty-year rule when overthrown on February 11.

    11. Reversed Bush Torture Policies: Two days after taking office, nullified Bush-era rulings that had allowed detainees in U.S. custody to undergo certain “enhanced” interrogation techniques considered inhumane under the Geneva Conventions. Also released the secret Bush legal rulings supporting the use of these techniques.

    12. Improved America’s Image Abroad: With new policies, diplomacy, and rhetoric, reversed a sharp decline in world opinion toward the U.S. (and the corresponding loss of “soft power”) during the Bush years. From 2008 to 2011, favorable opinion toward the United States rose in ten of fifteen countries surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, with an average increase of 26 percent.

    13.Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending: As part of the 2010 health care reform bill, signed measure ending the wasteful decades-old practice of subsidizing banks to provide college loans. Starting July 2010 all students began getting their federal student loans directly from the federal government. Treasury will save $67 billion over ten years, $36 billion of which will go to expanding Pell Grants to lower-income students.

  90. Anonymous9:19 PM

    No experiments with viruses ever go wrong. Especially in China.

  91. ConductorX9:23 PM

    "How are you allowed to pilot airplanes?"

    He's not.

    They let him sit up front with the white pilots. His job is to watch out for Zeppelins and hit the horn if he sees one.

    Hasn't had to do it yet.

  92. Anonymous9:42 PM

    “The recession will come later, borne of the reduced demand and subsequent labor force adjustments. Then we will need stimulus. What we need now is disaster relief.”

    It’s hard to say what the economy will be like after the initial out-of-control epidemic phase of the disease is over.

    It will depend a lot on how many businesses fail due to the lockdowns. The jobs those businesses provided obviously can’t come back.

    Also, some restrictions will have to remain in place after lockdowns are lifted, because COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere until a vaccine is approved. So the travel, hospitality, and live entertainment industries are going to be screwed for a long time.

  93. Anonymous10:00 PM

    "So every single blah person in this country has to stop going to work, conducting business and providing for their families because racists believe we're all responsible for the actions of a few people?"

    It's because you practice racial solidarity with the criminals, rather than civic solidarity with the law-abiding.  When someone calls for dealing with the criminals, you either call them racist or sit silent.  That is all on you, every last one of you.

    Consider what Dylann Roof probably would have done if he'd had the option of jumping in on video chats to vent.  Your horror of Charleston probably never would have happened, and some "blah" people would have gotten the message that all is not as their victimology paints it and they need to forget "reparations" and instead think about their duties as citizens.

    But you prefer dead bodies because they let you continue your victim narrative, even as you hold a job at a salary that a bunch of better-qualified white guys were pushed out of.  I doubt there's a single Navy pilot who couldn't wax your fanny in a spot-landing competition.

  94. "They let him sit up front with the white pilots. His job is to watch out for Zeppelins and hit the horn if he sees one."

    Sorry to disappoint ya but guess what, I'm an Airbus 320 captain so therefore the white guy does what I tell em to do. I guess if there was a pilot in your trailerpark you'd know that but people like you don't know any professionals.😆

  95. Anonymous10:10 PM

    What could you possibly know about "the average Negro?"

    About 50% of murders with an IDENTIFIED perp are committed by blacks, who are under 13% of the US population (and there are plenty of murders without identified perps, largely in black areas where "no snitching" rules but the perps are 100% certainly black as well).  That figures into the average, Granny Moron.

    I and several members of the younger generations in my family have chosen diverse partners. And guess what - no one has ever been beaten, tortured or murdered!

    And what of all the ones who have, Granny?  Why do you think the term "mudshark sunglasses" became current?  It's because it is really and truly a thing.  Just because it never happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen with scary frequency, just like BusDriverX never murdering anyone doesn't mean that blacks aren't multiples as murderous as whites.

    13.Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending

    Enabling "educational institutions" to keep increasing their tuitions and fees at multiples of the rate of inflation is not a solution.  It is an acceleration of the problem.

  96. Hey anon, do me a fave pick a name bro.

  97. "Why do you think the term "mudshark sunglasses" became current? "

    It hasn't. Only in ignorant racist circles.

  98. "just like BusDriverX never murdering anyone doesn't mean that blacks aren't multiples as murderous as whites."

    Not factual. Whites are actually more violent than us. Check FBI statistics.
    Why are you so afraid of choosing a screen name? Terrified of being defeated by a blah person in a debate? I know I know but man up, you're the superior race how could that ever happen?🤔

  99. mike from iowa said...

    My CNN woman, Brooke Baldwin, has corona virus. She is one of the classiest, sexiest, most intelligent women reporting on television and is light years ahead of the bimbo eruption of bleached blondes at Fake Noize in every metric.

    4:52 PM

    and yet look at how she handled this interview about Trayvon Martin

    Tsk, tsk, tsk...

  100. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "Whites are actually more violent than us. Check FBI statistics."

    There are five-plus times as many whites in the USA as blacks.

    This thing can't understand the concept of "per capita", but we allow it to fly airliners.  This country is doomed.


    "This thing can't understand the concept of "per capita", but we allow it to fly airliners. This country is doomed."

    Sorry my undereducated brethern. You aren't smart enough to pick a screen name so I don't expect you to be able to understand actual statistics. Lemme know what you learn my man. To my old eyes it looks like the most violent demgraphic is poor urban whites.

  102. And keep in mind using FBI crime statistics 99.999864% of blah people have never committed murder so no it's not just me. But hey let's hold everybody responsible for the actions of 0.000136% of a certain population. I know I know, numbers. And that's not even adjusted for "per capita" Ha!

  103. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Looks like corona virus is cutting dodwn people too stupid to practice "social distancing" like grass:

    Getting rid of the black plague.  Thank you, Corona-chan!

  104. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Re: your "Blame And Distraction Game" excerpt:

    "Imagine being the leader of a country that could possibly have 200,000 of your people die from a pandemic, and in an address to those people you brag about being number one on facebook. "

    This speaks more to who Americans are as a people, as to allow themselves to be led to their demise (death) like lost sheep crying out in the wilderness at the hands of a ruthless, sadistic, self serving, narsicisstic, insecure and dangerous entity.

  105. Anonymous11:31 PM

    To all of the jealous people trolling this leaving ignorant inarticulate racist remarks...If you hate blacks so much then why are you here?
    Why do you like getting sun tans.
    Why do you like getting lip injections
    Why do you like getting fake buts
    Why do you like copying black dancing
    Why do you hate it when blacks achieve
    Why do you copy black lingo
    Why do you copy black style
    Why do you copy black music
    Why do you like curly perms
    Why is your favorite word "nigger"
    Why have you stolen everyone else culture and call it your own
    Why have you stolen jazz
    Why have you stolen the blues...
    Why are you afraid to admit that science, medicine, math and geometry came out of Egypt (An African Country) and the Ancient Incas and Aztecs...just to name a few.

    You hate them so much but deep down you really love them and are JEALOUS.
    Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  106. Hey Desert! How you hanging in?

  107. So about governor Kemp's assertion that he changed course on a stay at home policy because he just this week learned that asymptomatic/presymptomatic transmissions were occurring:

    A professor at Georgia Tech emailed the governor's office on March second warning them of it.

    So was he lying? Incompetent? Afraid to set any policy that differed from the Fergus administration's lack of one?

    Stacey Abrams for vice president.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. So if the stockpile isn't for the states, Jared, who exactly is it for? The Russians?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  109. It's the end of the world as we know it:

    It's funny / it's funny / it's funny until it isn't / funny anymore

  110. "So about governor Kemp's assertion that he changed course on a stay at home policy because he just this week learned that asymptomatic/presymptomatic transmissions were occurring"

    Doesn't Georgia have a state health advisor? Heads should roll for this. Rpublicans should NEVER be allowed to govern.

  111. Can we just bring the Black guy back? I want to go outside again.😂

  112. Anonymous4:13 AM

    You want to get back to the cotton fields. Understood.

  113. "You want to get back to the cotton fields. Understood."

    Ha, a slavery joke! Your mom likes that role playing too, ya know the whole Mandingo thing.😆 You're funny son.

  114. Anonymous6:14 AM

    You're a microdingo.

    Time to push the beverage cart, boy.

  115. Anonymous6:16 AM

    "Time to push the beverage cart, boy."

    Ha! You are hilarious. Does your mom still do that thing with her tounge?

  116. Good morning class. Today's lesson will start with a group recitation of drumpf's latest body count.

    Last updated: April 04, 2020, 12:28 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  117. Lilacpr @ 10:30 PM

    I watched my woman interview and found nothing out of the ordinary. Tell me what i missed.

  118. Doug and PilotX, doesn't being libeled daily get tiresome?

  119. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Only fools would believe that highly intelligent, highly skilled biologists woking with Corona viruses and other viruses on a daily basis in a biohazard lab anywhere in China would not have the ANTIDOTE.

    After it was over and done with they cried, they buried, they prayed and then they SPRAYED!

    ..OR Whatever else they released into the air to kill the virus.

    China has a very rich, very intelligent, and very advanced history.
    ...And their culture belongs to them. They didn't steal it from others and peddle it as their own.

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:05 AM

    PilotX said....

    Why do you think the term "mudshark sunglasses" became current? "

    It hasn't. Only in ignorant racist circles.

    10:20 PM
    I agree, PilotX. I'd never seen or heard the term "mudshark" before this asshole clown started using it. I don't even know what it means. My black relatives and friends wear all kinds of sunglasses. My husband's were prescription.

    Have a great day, my friend, and remember the sun's gotta shine, dogs gotta bark, and racists gotta spew racist nonsense.

  121. Last updated: April 04, 2020, 15:16 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  122. mike from iowa8:45 AM

    Lilacpr @ 10:30 PM 

    I watched my woman interview and found nothing out of the ordinary. Tell me what i missed.
    How she tried to divert the conversation towards gun control and away from the Trayvon case, how she badgered the congresswoman for not remembering a murdered white woman's name with a withering cynical look on her face as if to say the congresswoman only cares about black murders! Just her general dismissive attitude of the congresswomans complaints about the Trayvon investigation.

  123. I know she was combative, but I did not find it offensive or racist. In the interest of full disclosure ( I am not making excuses for Ms Baldwin) I only discovered her in the past 3-4 years, since I haven't had teevee in at least that long.

  124. "Doug and PilotX, doesn't being libeled daily get tiresome?"

    Nah, it's predictable. Anon says stupid easily disprovable stuff, they get bested in a "debate" then they resort to personal attacks and namecalling. Ya just get used to the whole thing.

  125. "Have a great day, my friend, and remember the sun's gotta shine, dogs gotta bark, and racists gotta spew racist nonsense."


  126. "Doug and PilotX, doesn't being libeled daily get tiresome?"

    It did at first, but then I remembered some advice my dad gave me when I was little: consider the source.

    Honestly, I'd be more troubled by those creeps saying good things about me.

    So the price gouging and profiteering is in full swing; resellers are asking $25 for a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on Amazon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Doug winds up in 8th-from-the-bottom for diversity Tuolumne county:

    And "mike from iowa" lives in an awfully non-diverse place too.  It seems that most of the African-fellators want their diversity... a good safe distance away, where they can tell themselves they're Goodwhites unlike all those "racists" who have to deal with it and dare to speak plainly about it.

  128. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Doug winds up in 8th-from-the-bottom for diversity Tuolumne county:

    And "mike from iowa" lives in an awfully non-diverse place too. It seems that most of the African-fellators want their diversity... a good safe distance away, where they can tell themselves they're Goodwhites unlike all those "racists" who have to deal with it and dare to speak plainly about it.

    4:28 PM
    Don't you have anything better to do than looking up the demographics of where people posting here live? You need to get a life! Jeez!

  129. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Don't you have anything better to do than lob ad-hominem attacks at people who dare to bring up hatefacts (which are facts you hate)?

    You're barely one level up from calling people poopy-heads.

    Nor do you have anything to say to "mike from iowa" when HE spends all his time serial-posting in these threads.  Rather selective outrage.

  130. I'm not in Tuolumne county, I'm in Madera county.

    I'd move back to Oakland in a hot second if I could afford it, but so many people want to live there the rents are ~$3,000 for a one bedroom.

    Still, I have black neighbors here, and Asian and Native American, and those are just the ones I've met so far.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. "unlike all those "racists" who have to deal with it and dare to speak plainly about it."

    And guess what, we don't want to be around asshats like you. Then again I don't have to worry about that because I live in a nice condo while your type lives in awful trailer parks.😆 We stay just as far away from you as you think you stay away from us. Your opinion of yourself is a tad too high.

  132. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Don't you have anything better to do than lob ad-hominem attacks at people who dare to bring up hatefacts (which are facts you hate)?

    You're barely one level up from calling people poopy-heads.

    5:54 PM
    If you are talking to me, you didn't answer my question. Instead you launched a typical deflection and ad hominem attack on me, by comparing me to someone who calls people Poopy heads.

    Hate facts? You racists have no facts. You have no reliable sources and no logic. Most of you hide behind the title of anonymous. You really should pick a screen and come out to debate like adults.

  133. "You really should pick a screen and come out to debate like adults."

    And get destroyed? They can't have that. Their egos can't handle that. These losers don't have much but they do have their delusions of superiority.

  134. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "I live in a nice condo while your type lives in awful trailer parks."

    Literally every black save one that I've seen around here in the last several years has been in the vicinity of a trailer park.

    That one exception was doing the whitest of white things:  walking a small dog.  Also doing a very black thing:  chatting up the white wimmenz in this period of "social distancing".  For people who think you're so great, you sure don't like your own women very much.  Then again, nobody else likes your women much either.  Grossly fat and repulsively un-feminine is the norm.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Nor do you have anything to say to "mike from iowa" when HE spends all his time serial-posting in these threads. Rather selective outrage.

    5:54 PM
    Yes, but Mike posts mostly facts that are supported by his sources. He isn't just lecturing us with his opinions, as most of the trolls here do. Yes, he's insulting sometimes, but jeepers, have you ever read the posts of the Nazi trolls? They are beyond insulting. Awhile back one of them even threatened my life. So please calm the hell down about Mike.

  136. "For people who think you're so great, you sure don't like your own women very much."

    Geez, once again an anonymous racist troll shows their ignorance. So, what percentage of Blah men date/marry Blah women? I'll wait for your response. Here's a hint, it's over 90% soooooooooooooo, that seems like we like our women a great deal wouldn't you say? And why not choose a name and stick with it? Not smart or brave enough? If I were as dumb as you guys I probably wouldn't identify myself either. Ha!

  137. "Literally every black save one that I've seen around here in the last several years has been in the vicinity of a trailer park."

    Um, well that's because you live in a trailer park and never leave soooooooooo yeah everybody you see will be in the vicinity of a trailer park. Got a genius here guys.

  138. "By analyzing census data, Toldson and Marks found that 83% of married black men who earned at least $100,000 annually got hitched to black women.

    The same is the case for educated black men of all incomes. Eighty-five percent of black male college graduates married black women. Generally, 88% of married black men (no matter their income or educational background) have black wives."

  139. Oh and the stupid continues. trump did say he loves the uneducated.

  140. Anonymous6:34 PM

    "that's because you live in a trailer park"

    Neighbor a few houses down just built himself a massive new garage to literally park his (boat) trailer in.  Guess that makes this a trailer park.  <snort>

  141. "Neighbor a few houses down just built himself a massive new garage to literally park his (boat) trailer in. Guess that makes this a trailer park. "

    And now the bragging starts. This is the predictable part. I know I know, all racist anons have PhD's in Mechanical, Aerospace and Quantum Engineering, make multi-millions of dollars a year and live in mansions that span several counties. You're all the same, yawn. At least the biggest phony who used to post here had the cojones to stay in character for a few months. Now you cowards are just hit and run artists. Enjoy your neighbor's garage.😂😂

  142. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "And now the bragging starts."

    Says the guy who brags about his "nice condo".  Hypocrisy much?

    "Enjoy your neighbor's garage."

    It makes him happy.  I just wish he'd install dimmer lights on it so he wouldn't cause so damn much light pollution.

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:22 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "Says the guy who brags about his "nice condo". Hypocrisy much?"

    9:15 PM
    PilotX wasn't bragging; he was just stating facts. There's something drastically wrong with you reading comprehension skills.

  144. Says the guy with a screen name who has to answer for his posts and not hide like a coward.

  145. "There's something drastically wrong with you reading comprehension skills."

    Nah, just another way to deflect.

  146. Anonymous12:36 AM

    "PilotX wasn't bragging; he was just stating facts."

    And my neighbor's garage is a fact.  Eat that.

    "There's something drastically wrong with you reading comprehension skills."

    You project like an IMAX, stupid roastie bitch.  It's your failing reading comprehension that's a leading indicator of your imminent move to assisted living, where you will be off the Internet and silenced forever more.

  147. "And my neighbor's garage is a fact."

    Uh ok, kinda strange to be proud of a neighbor's garage but whatever floats your boat.

    "stupid roastie bitch"

    You cannot be a serious adult with that type of language. Any educated and successful individual would not use that type of vernacular to describe a nice lady. If I were as ignorant and abusive towards women I'd probably try to remain anonymous too. And you're the superior race huh? No wonder this nice lady married a brotha if you're an example of white manhood but luckily we have Doug and Mike to show us how honorable gentlemen conduct themselves.

  148. Well this will brighten your day. Beautiful Blah women pilots in that Tic Toc challenge. Enjoy!

  149. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:21 PM

    Anonymous said....

    You project like an IMAX, stupid roastie bitch. It's your failing reading comprehension that's a leading indicator of your imminent move to assisted living, where you will be off the Internet and silenced forever more.

    12:36 AM
    First: Don't you know that name calling is a type of ad hominem attack and is the refuge of the ignorant? What the hell is a roastie bitch anyway?

    Second: As for my moving to assisted living ; that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. I'm probably healthier and biologically stronger that you are.

    Third: I think they have internet access in assisted living facilities if I ever were to go there.

    Fourth: After I die, I"m coming back to haunt all you white supremacists. So forget about silencing me.

    Why don't you consider taking a course in Logic 101? Have a nice day.

  150. "Why don't you consider taking a course in Logic 101?"

    That would involve educating oneself.
