Saturday, April 25, 2020

Caption Saturday.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    "Why are you putting your life on the line to save Jack Asses like me?"

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    “When you get sick, I’ll be treating you with bleach and a tanning bed, because that’s what your leader recommends.”

  3. Fast food restaurant if trump had his way9:53 PM

    I'll have a chicken embryo, a monkey kidney and a small calf bovine serum to go , please.

  4. Fake bravado vs. real courage.

  5. Beauty and the beast.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. EXCLUSIVE: Source Says FBI Director Christopher Wray Pushed To Withhold Exculpatory Evidence In Mike Flynn Case

    Federal Bureau of Investigations Director Christopher Wray fought to prevent exculpatory evidence from surfacing in the case of President Donald Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, a source with direct knowledge of the situation tells Daily Caller.

    New court documents were filed in Flynn’s case Friday containing the aforementioned exculpatory evidence, commonly referred to as Brady Material. Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, announced the new filing on Twitter. She has repeatedly accused the FBI and Justice Department of hiding evidence in the case.

    #BREAKING The government just provided the #Flynn defense with remarkable new & long withheld BRADY evidence. Letter below just filed. Stay tuned.@realDonaldTrump @Techno_Fog @seanmdav @seanhannity @ProfMJCleveland @BarbaraRedgate @JosephJFlynn1 @lofly727 @GoJackFlynn

    — Sidney Powell (@SidneyPowell1) April 24, 2020

    “This afternoon, the government produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI,” Powell wrote in an additional filing. “The government has deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution—knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn.”

    “Since August 2016 at the latest, partisan FBI and DOJ leaders conspired to destroy Mr. Flynn,” she continued. “These documents show in their own handwriting and emails that they intended either to create an offense they could prosecute or at least get him fired.”

    Powell claimed that more exculpatory evidence in the case will surface in the future.

    An FBI official told The Federalist that FBI general counsel Dana Boente was behind the effort to block the release of the Brady Material, yet Daily Caller’s source explained Boente was acting in coordination with Wray.

    The New York Times additionally reported Friday that U.S. attorney John Durham’s probe into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation asked witnesses about a Washington Post article speculating on potential ties Flynn had to Russia.

    Justice Department code clearly dictates that “government disclosure of material exculpatory and impeachment evidence is part of the constitutional guarantee to a fair trial,” and the FBI does not reserve the right to withhold exculpatory evidence.

    The tweet is real (archive copy).  Looks like all the poisoned fruit of the fake Muller "investigation" is going to be forced down the throats of the DemocRATS between now and November.

    It's going to be glorious to watch.  TRUMPSLIDE 2020!

  7. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial7:21 AM

    Trump family unveils plan for a new reality tv show called ,"The Appendix," starring Ivanka Trump. Watch her try to find patients willing to let her operate! "You're Hired!"

  8. Opening bell in drumpf body count for Sunday....

    Last updated: April 26, 2020, 12:24 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Tucker the phucker Carlson? What a fake noize phony journalist!

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    "Hey nurse, don't worry. I'm not contagious. I drank my bleach and lysol before I came out."

  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I find that SJW's--who claim to be fighting the most against racism, sexism, and misogyny--are possibly the most racist, sexist, and misogynistic people in our society

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Who will you bet your money on in a combat situation????

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Obama.....57 States

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Field Negro Pastor trying to open church doors for Sunday morning service

    Democratic Governors done flipped the script. Now some pastors (not all are crooks) know how it feels to get money taken away in the same manner pastors take it away from church goers every Sunday--- pastors are on parity with panhandler. Only difference; an empty suit.

    Wonder if they still worship God in spirit and truth?

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:44 AM

    Anonymous The coup attempt exposed the plotters and they're going down said...

    "It's going to be glorious to watch. TRUMPSLIDE 2020!"

    2:35 AM


  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I find that SJW's--who claim to be fighting the most against racism, sexism, and misogyny--are possibly the most racist, sexist, and misogynistic people in our society

    11:19 AM
    What are SJW's? Please try to write in English for us old folks.

  16. Cosplay meets commitment.

  17. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I'll bet he won't "just grab em' by their pu$$ies! Women on the front lines, every time.

    Take this lesson men, stand for the good of our country or 'sit down bitch; be humble'.

  18. Gambler2:
    Trolls these days! They aren't even trying any more. Why, when I was a young Social Justice Warrior, the haters would walk uphill for miles, barefoot through snowdrifts, just to scream at a little girl going to school. Now they'll barely rouse themselves to tell last decade's lies. I blame a lack of Character, worsened by incompetent fuhrershiop.

  19. Ugh... that should be "führership". If only we could edit these posts.

  20. Donald Trump visited the Oracle at Delphi. He gave her a dozen dozen gold-plated lead trophies for cheating at golf, two used-up wedding rings, and a twenty-three gigabuck IOU. He then asked her, "Who will win in November?"

    She answered, "If there is a fair election, then there will be a landslide, and a great party will be destroyed."

    Trump left her, smiling, for he had forgotten to ask her which way the landslide.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:54 PM

    To Paradoctor,

    Thank you. Your two posts have made me laugh repeatedly. Yes, I remember those days when grown men would crawl through ground glass just to stop a little black girl from going to school. By comparison, today's white supremacists are cream puffs as they parade around with their guns and tiki torches.

    I too wish for an edit feature for our posts. My eye sight is not good, so I often have trouble seeing my typos until it is too late, even though I review my posts before I hit the send button.

    Have a good day, my friend, and let me know what you think of our chances of taking the senate in November.

  22. Last updated: April 26, 2020, 17:15 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  23. Obama.....57 States...... Got how many people killed? Obama blamed the misstatement on exhaustion from campaigning. Take that up with Obama. He would likely answer any decent inquiry whereas drumpf won't ever admit he misspoke.

  24. Anonymous1:40 PM

    “Ugh... that should be ‘führership’. If only we could edit these posts.”

    The führershop is where Trump fans buy their MAGA hats.

  25. Gambler2:
    _If_ there is a fair election...

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:35 PM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    Obama.....57 States......
    He would likely answer any decent inquiry whereas drumpf won't ever admit he misspoke.
    Mike, the right wingers have been going on about this for at least ten years. To pretend that a brilliant scholar such as Barack Obama didn't know how many states there were is just pathetic. LOL! Compare this one statement to the hundred blunders Trump makes at least every month!

    I think if you asked President Obama about this, he would say he was tired and meant to say 57 primaries/caucuses. As I'm sure you know, there are five U.S. territories, Washington DC, and Americans Abroad who all have a role in nominating the Democratic presidential candidate. These seven and the 50 states make 57.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:35 PM

    Poor Donald. he cut and ran after making monumental mistake on Television and is getting criticized for it. So now he's hiding out behind a series of tweets. The great insulter can dish it out, but he sure can't take it.

  28. When I make a mistake that I don't want to leave in a comment, I copy the comment to my clipboard, delete it from the blog, then paste it back into the comment box where I can change what was wrong with it.
    Not as convenient as the edit feature in, say, the Disqus platform, but it gets the job done, and is better than Wordpress, where you can't even delete anything.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Gambler, right wing nut job conspiracy sites are trying to recycle Covid-19 as a hoax, again. Desperate deplorables demand desperate measures to keep on course to destroy America and capitalism.

    Finally a change in drumpf's body count.....

    Last updated: April 26, 2020, 19:20 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    The number of recovered has finally doubled the body count. 118k vs 55k.

  30. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Oh,she is such a badass...NOT.

  31. This is if Highlights Goofus and Galant came to life.

  32. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I demand my Constitutional Right to have an injection of Lysol Disinfectant in my ass, as Doktor Donald Trump, M.D. suggested!

  33. What Kemp is doing isn't a lark, as explained by a Georgia restaurant owner on Twitter. With the regulations relaxed, none of his employees are eligible for unemployment benefits, whether or not he reopens his dining room, so the state is off of the hook and the small business owners bear the brunt.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Exactly Doug. Georgia painted themselves into a corner the same as Kansas by cutting all taxes and making it necessary to amend the constitution to raise taxes so once again Republicans screw everyone because of rigid ideology. Get ready for a Democrat governor there just like KS and more reasonable legislation. They do ok when nothing bad happens but when something does go wrong they can't handle it at all.

  34. Anonymous8:45 PM

    “This is if Highlights Goofus and Galant came to life.“

    If Goofus were an unrepentant racist (probably) and had an arsenal of guns at home that he intended to use to fight the government.

    I’m thinking there would be parents organizing to ban this version of Highlights as inappropriate for children.

  35. "If Goofus were an unrepentant racist (probably) and had an arsenal of guns at home that he intended to use to fight the government."


  36. The lockdown is about love. It's about love for yourself and for your fellow citizens. It is about saying society is real and society matters, and society is better off if we all work together.

    You can see why the far-Right types hate it.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:40 AM

    The Purple 5:01 AM.

    Yes, because the mantra of the right is "It's all about me." That's why they love Trump.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:25 AM

    Call the latest mass shooting what it is: White male terroris

    "So why are white men more likely to commit mass murder? American masculinities scholar Michael Kimmel suggests that social justice efforts aimed at dismantling the social hierarchies that white men sit atop are creating “angry white men” with “aggrieved entitlement.”

    He says: “If you feel entitled and you have not got what you expected, that is a recipe for humiliation.”

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Purple Cow 5:01 and Gambler2 10:40:

    It's worse than selfishness. It's _irrational_ selfishness. If it were rational selfishness, then you could appeal to reason.

    I suspect that part of what we're up against is face-saving. Some, having voted for him for what seemed like good reasons at the time, have been doubling down repeatedly to save their bad investment of face. It's easier to rationalize than reconsider.

    Think 'frog in a slowly-heated saucepan'.

    So what will make froggie jump? Not more heat. Maybe someone saying "Boo!"

  42. drumpf body count midday bell...

    Last updated: April 27, 2020, 17:23 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Maybe drumpfuck can magically restore life to them. That is a trick he has yet to try to keep his base happy.

  43. Why are wingnuts up in atrms that director of FBI may have lied when drumpf lies a hundred tomes a day and they don't bat an eye? Hillary had emails and Obama said you could keep yer doctor. Wah fucking wah!

  44. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Caption.....No Negroes in the pic. Must be Raciss Yo.


    8-1 opinion says congress must pay Obamacare insurance companies millions like they were promised.

    Injustice Asslito lone cry baby against.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:25 PM

    Calling all racists who post here as Anonymous:

    You were wrong when you posted that only POC don't obey the guide lines of behavior during the pandemic. Thousands of white people went to the beach on Saturday in Orange County CA.

    Newport Beach city leaders will hold a special meeting Tuesday to consider shutting down its beaches for the next three weekends after tens of thousands of people flocked to the coast to enjoy the balmy, sunny weather.
    In contrast, beaches in Los Angeles County from Malibu to the South Bay were empty despite the first hot weekend of the year.

  47. As a Californian, I apologize for the behavior of the conservative enclave in the southwest corner of our state. Up here, even the "KAG45" truck driving idiot wears a mask and keeps his distance.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. Passed a million cAses of hoax, today.....

    Last updated: April 27, 2020, 20:12 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  49. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Video of crowded black party said to be in Chicago prompts Gov. Pritzker to warn black social distance violators: ‘You’re putting everyone around you in danger’

  50. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "Newport Beach city leaders will hold a special meeting Tuesday to consider shutting down its beaches for the next three weekends after tens of thousands of people flocked to the coast to enjoy the balmy, sunny weather.
    In contrast, beaches in Los Angeles County from Malibu to the South Bay were empty despite the first hot weekend of the year."

    Hmmm, what could be the critical difference between these two areas?

    Oh yeah, Orange County is full of wingnuts, who have listened to Trump and the various right-wing media idiot bloviators tell them that COVID-19 is no big deal and really just equivalent to the flu. (For anyone who still hasn't seen this Daily Show compilation of staggering wingnut stupidity: Saluting the Heroes of the Pandumbic.)

    LA County is NOT full of wingnuts.

  51. "Ahhhh, life in paradise, you pay through the fuqn nose and then some..."

    I'm on my way! Some sun would be nice right about now.

  52. Don't be too hard on Donald. He has superlative sources. Wing-nuts know about tons of stuff that we ordinary people never even hear.

    For instance, did you know that you can kill the Covid_19 bug by blowing hot air from your blow dryer into your nostrils? I only heard this because I bumped into an ardent Trump supporter on-line. I never could have guessed. I certainly haven't heard anything from the lamestream media. Hoo-Cooda-Knowed it was this easy to contain the virus?

  53. drumpf's body count with moar stats added......

    Last updated: April 27, 2020, 21:06 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:
    Cases which had an outcome:
    137,591 (71%)
    Recovered / Discharged

    56,527 (29%)

    Pretty deadly hoax for being a hoax.

  54. Some creatures are too batshit crazy for fake noize....

    Fox News Cuts Ties With Diamond & Silk, Unofficial Trump ‘Advisers’ Who Spread Bonkers Coronavirus Claims


  55. By Steve Benen:

    The Irish Times' Fintan O'Toole had a rather brutal column over the weekend on Donald Trump's presidency and its impact on global perceptions of the United States. "Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger," O'Toole wrote. "But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity."

    The award-winning columnist added that it's easy to "feel sorry for Americans" because we're struggling during crisis conditions "with a malignant narcissist who, instead of protecting his people from Covid-19, has amplified its lethality. The country Trump promised to make great again has never in its history seemed so pitiful."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Stoopid fucking magats, are you tired of winning, yet? The rest of us were tired with yer brand of winning the day of the 2016 debacle to got drumpf appointed czarina in the kremlin annex.

  57. PilotX4:55 PM

    I'm on my way! Some sun would be nice right about now.

    :) It's wonderful to visit, it's living here that's a b/+(# !

  58. ":) It's wonderful to visit, it's living here that's a b/+(# !"

    Welp, around February we can trade domiciles. Deal?

  59. "Fox News Cuts Ties With Diamond & Silk, Unofficial Trump ‘Advisers’ Who Spread Bonkers Coronavirus Claims"

    That was their Blah outreach program. How are they gonna spread the conservative message to us now? I'm so upset right about now.

  60. Perhaps some good news?

    Oxford Leaps Ahead on Coronavirus Vaccine

    April 27, 2020 at 3:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 135 Comments

    New York Times: “Most other teams have had to start with small clinical trials of a few hundred participants to demonstrate safety. But scientists at the university’s Jenner Institute had a running start on a vaccine, having proved in previous trials that similar inoculations — including one last year against an earlier coronavirus — were harmless to humans.”

    “That has enabled them to leap ahead and schedule tests of their new coronavirus vaccine involving more than 6,000 people by the end of next month, hoping to show not only that it is safe, but also that it works.”

    “The Oxford scientists now say that with an emergency approval from regulators, the first few million doses of their vaccine could be available by September — at least several months ahead of any of the other announced efforts — if it proves to be effective.”

    Wall Street Journal: The secret group of scientists and billionaires pushing a Manhattan Project for Covid-19.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. Anonymous9:22 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:22 AM

    BIDEN 202!!

    HEY, Anon, Watch out for the blue Tsunami in November!

  63. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I have heard this before from Afro centrics
    Liberals an their follower's claiming that if whites
    didn't come to Africa or Sub Saharan Africa that they
    can,could,would have built their so called utopian societies
    communities,city's but in actuality and reality that is nothing
    more than an excuse because they had all that time meaning
    centuries to do all the things that they claim and set for themselves
    prior to the Europeans arriving discovering the continent which is
    to create an ancient advance or very advanced civilization that looks
    futuristic like wakanda of course the reason why they can't do that
    is because they are born genetically inept,stupid otherwise Detroit
    and Haiti would still be standing today an they will never needed help
    from white people by holding their hands every step of the way to get
    them to be in the same level as white,yellow,brown people.
