Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dallas Labradoodles, disinfectants, heat, and almost 50,000 dead.

Image result for conroa virus images deaths

While a deadly pandemic was heading to the Unites States, the trump administration wanted to fire one of the leading officials at the CDC, because her sounding the alarm about the pandemic was causing the stock market to tank. As it turns out, he did later on force out Dr. Rick Bright, who was a deputy assistant for preparedness and response, because Dr. Bright would not endorse an unproven drug that Mr. trump was peddling to the American people. 

As if all that isn't bad enough, we are now learning about the actions of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, who hired a man whose job it was to....well...I will quote a portion of an article from The Independent here.

"Azar is a Republican lawyer who once clerked for the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and counts current Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a friend. Under George W. Bush, Azar worked for HHS as general counsel and deputy secretary. During the Obama years, he cycled through the private sector as a pharmaceutical company lobbyist and executive for Eli Lilly. After Trump’s first HHS secretary was forced out in a travel corruption scandal, Azar stepped in, in January 2018.

Two years later, at the dawn of the coronavirus crisis, Azar appointed his most trusted aide and chief of staff, Harrison, as HHS’s main coordinator for the government’s response to the virus.
Harrison, 37, was an unusual choice, with no formal education in public health, management, or medicine and with only limited experience in the fields. In 2006, he joined HHS in a one-year stint as a “Confidential Assistant” to Azar, who was then deputy secretary. He also had posts working for Vice President Dick Cheney, the Department of Defense and a Washington public relations company.
Before joining the Trump Administration in January 2018, Harrison’s official HHS biography says, he “ran a small business in Texas.” The biography does not disclose the name or nature of that business, but his personal financial disclosure forms show that from 2012 until 2018 he ran a company called Dallas Labradoodles.

The company sells Australian Labradoodles, a breed that is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. He sold it in April 2018, his financial disclosure form said. HHS emailed Reuters that the sale price was $225,000.

At HHS, Harrison was initially deputy chief of staff before being promoted, in the summer of 2019, to replace Azar’s first chief of staff, Peter Urbanowicz, an experienced hospital executive with decades of experience in public health.

This January, Harrison became a key manager of the HHS virus response. “Everyone had to report up through him,” said one HHS official.

One questionable decision, three sources say, came that month, after the White House announced it was convening a coronavirus task force. The HHS role was to muster resources from key public health agencies: the CDC, FDA, National Institutes of Health, Office of Global Affairs and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. "

This would be funny if almost 50,000 Americans have not already lost their lives. If you have been watching trump's nightly coronavirus briefings you have got to be terrified. Rather than let medical professionals take the lead, Mr. trump has made himself the center of attention, and has told lie after lie while promoting himself and treating each briefing like it was a reelection rally.

Tonight, incredibly, Mr. trump seemed to suggest that we could kill the virus by simply treating it with heat or light, or, just as astonishingly, inject the human body with disinfectant to kill the virus. (Yes, he really did that.)You now have to wonder how many of his not too bright supporters will now start scooping up Clorox bleach and needles to start shooting up themselves. He also brought out one of his sycophants to try to sell the American people on the fact that warm weather will kill the virus.  It was all so bad that when he asked the Scarf Lady to back him, she could not. She had to protect whatever shred of dignity she had left.

It's a sad thing when a megalomaniac's need for loyalty extends to scientists and those who are charged with saving our lives. Sadly, this is where we are with Mr. trump, and this is the last thing that we need right now.

*Image from


  1. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial11:31 PM

    One thing I like about Lumpy is he's single handedly proven that believing, "the pale male has an higher IQ and is therefore better" argument is illogical. I don't doubt he has an high IQ. So if having an high IQ makes one better, why doesn't he get it? Inject disinfectant? Maybe an high IQ alone just doesn't cut the mustard.

    I think we should be concerned about Lumpy's well being. I'm worried that he is not well. (See Paranoid Personality Disorder.) Is he under too much pressure? Are our expectations so low as to accept this type of buffoonery from our chief executive? I would rather have someone in the office with a good grasp on reality and a reasonable amount of common sense.

    I'm just sayin'!

  2. I've known some IV drug users who disinfected their rigs with bleach to avoid getting HIV, but even they were all bright enough to know better than to geeze the disinfectant.

    There actually have been some studies that found sunlight and humidity weakened the novel coronavirus, but attempts to capitalize on that information have so far led to finding out that the use of UV light as a disinfectant for the virus is at best problematic.

    Which doesn't mean it shouldn't be investigated and used if possible, but does mean that you must know what you're doing not to hurt yourself with it.

    Azar has achieved something astonishing: he has one-upped George W. Bush's selection of Michael Brown to run FEMA, with a higher body count to boot.

    And with a somewhat similar animal theme to the idiocy: Perhaps having a dog breeder in charge might explain how they managed to so thoroughly screw the pooch on the response.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Darwin's Tax Returns12:04 AM

    "the pale male has an higher IQ and is therefore better" argument is illogical."

    It's not illogical, it's science.

  4. Meredith12:10 AM

    I don’t understand black people hating white people in America.

    We are not the ones controlling you, taking your jobs, destroying your communities, enslaving you, or removing you from movie posters.

    I think maybe you should Google some stuff.

  5. And THIS is what we had to lose by electing a reality tv star. And to think there's a large percentage of people who will still vote for this orange assclown.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:28 AM

    Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial said...

    "One thing I like about Lumpy is he's single handedly proven that believing, "the pale male has an higher IQ and is therefore better" argument is illogical. I don't doubt he has an high IQ..."

    How come you think Trump has a high IQ? Has anyone seen his IQ Test and verified his score? Or is everyone taking his word for it? The man is a pathological liar who is at least somewhat delusional in addition to his sociopathic and narcissistic personality disorders. So even if Trump really does have a high IQ, the usefulness of it is cancelled out by his many abnormalities.

  7. Anonymous1:39 AM

    More distortions from the Fraud Negro as usual. Be calm Commies, the NAACP...Negro Affirmative Action Convoluted Physicians, will come to the rescue.

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:39 AM

    Meredith said...

    I don’t understand black people hating white people in America.
    Maybe you should hang around and read this blog for a few days and discover the vitriol and hatred toward Blacks posted by white people under the title anonymous. And in my experience I haven't seen Blacks hating all white people in general.

  9. I'm pretty sure that Trump doesn't exactly understand this...

    The weather is warming up. Go outside in the sunlight. Open up your house and clean it. Ride your bike or jog or powerwalk. Walk your dogs. Keep washing your hands and observing distancing. Wear nitrile gloves at the grocery store. Keep a mask or bandana handy. Wash your clothes and your mask. Be polite.

    We can make this go away. The sun is on our side. It's not the fucking plague. It's not carried by fleas or rats or mosquitoes. We can do this.

  10. Anonymous2:49 AM

    ozajh said...

    Regarding Trump's IQ, I did read once that he was told his IQ was just under 100 and assumed that was a Percentile score. Similar to when one of his Wharton lecturers (allegedly) stated that he had never previously had a student of Trump's intelligence in his class, and Trump assumed that implied it was outstandingly high.

    And, from afar, I don't actually think Trump is stupid. He just has average intelligence, allied with narcissism, which is on view in an environment where we normally see very intelligent people.

  11. Derp Derpler5:11 AM

    Feelz I went to one of your links and it does not support your assertion. Why lie? Never mind...

  12. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial6:33 AM

    "It''s science." @12:04 AM

    In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. Now, the wicked seeing the power of the word, created another word and replaced God's word with theirs and put it in a book. They used this word to make laws and to deceive others that they might control them. And they enforced these laws with brute force and evil. And that they then made God in their image, so that they could replace God, too.

    The word? It's science.

    Gambler 2 ASKA White Woman @ 1:28 AM

    "So even if Trump really does have a high IQ, the usefulness of it is cancelled out by his many abnormalities."

    1:28 AM

    My point exactly.

  13. Moar than 50k bodies in drumpf's body count and wingnuts own everyone of them...

    Last updated: April 24, 2020, 11:58 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  14. Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon
    The president's financial dealings with the state-owned bank complicate his attacks on Biden.

  15. Anonymous8:42 AM

    American, French and Australians ALL using Hydroxychloroquine in their treatments in combination with another drug, each country uses a different secondary drug in their treatment, all are reporting good results.

  16. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Again white scientists and doctors will save the world.

  17. Anonymous9:44 AM

    What counts as a COVID-19 death? Democrats trying to lower their dead negroe crime carnage numbers by changing the cause of death from shooting, stabbing, strangulation etc to Covid-19.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:24 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Again white scientists and doctors will save the world.

    8:43 AM
    So there are no black scientists? No Asian scientists? No Latino scientists?

  19. Will county, Illinois was a wingnut stronghold un til 2016 and is now considered purple.

    One county does not make a consensus for statistical garbage.

  20. Anonymous10:37 AM

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:38 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What counts as a COVID-19 death? Democrats trying to lower their dead negroe crime carnage numbers by changing the cause of death from shooting, stabbing, strangulation etc to Covid-19.

    9:44 AM
    I went to the above website, but I didn't see anything related to you claims. Maybe my eyesight is failing?

  22. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I went to the above website, but I didn't see anything related to you claims. Maybe my eyesight is failing?

    10:38 AM

    Its all there, you are lying again trying to suppress the truth. Its what you and the other leftist tards do.

  23. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Socialism is failure

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:45 AM

    This story is a heart braker.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I went to the above website, but I didn't see anything related to you claims. Maybe my eyesight is failing?

    10:38 AM

    Its all there, you are lying again trying to suppress the truth. Its what you and the other leftist tards do.

    10:44 AM
    If it's there, please tell me where, I couldn't find any article with a title that was related to the topic.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Socialism is failure
    LOL! Sure, tell that to all the socialist countries in the world.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    Never mind, I finally found it.

    "During Gov. JB Pritzker's health briefing on Sunday, Dr. Ngozi Ezike, the Illinois Department of Public Health director, said anyone who had COVID-19 at the time of death, even if the person died of other causes, is counted among the COVID deaths."

    So you are assuming that this includes death from gun shot wounds, Car accidents, etc.? LMAO!

  28. drumpf is kwietly homing in on 51k body count corpses to brag about with his ratings boast....

    Last updated: April 24, 2020, 16:04 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Socialism is failure? Fucking hillary-ous since socialism is the first medicine capitalists demand when free market goes bust.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:12 PM

    Mike from Iowa said.....

    Socialism is failure? Fucking hillary-ous since socialism is the first medicine capitalists demand when free market goes bust.

    12:09 PM
    Yes, Mike, especially the rich; they demand to be bailed out!

  30. Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a "diversity index" and determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."

    Yet another reason our rulers love Diversity. The more disparate and fragmented a society is, the lower the risk of collective action by workers and citizens.

  31. Interesting.

  32. Again white scientists and doctors will save the world. 😂😂

    And white dimwit racists won't but brilliant Blah doctors and scientists will.

  33. Only drumpfuck the dumbfuck can fix this. Remember those famous lies from drumpf?

    14-16% unemployment on the near horizon. drumpf has truly broken America, all by his lonesome. Wonder if covid is still a hoax, now that we have passed 51k bodies for drumpf to copunt and nearly a million cases of the disease.

  34. Anonymous3:22 PM

    If only Hillary were President. All the other countries would be suffering, but not us. She would have used her super-smart Scientists to keep the Kung Flu out of America, and no one would have died or lost their jobs.

    The virus is Trump's fault!

  35. Remember when we kept getting told Northern Italy has amazing super duper modern healthcare and the United States was completely screwed by comparison? Yeah, I remember that.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:57 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Remember when we kept getting told Northern Italy has amazing super duper modern healthcare and the United States was completely screwed by comparison? Yeah, I remember that.

    3:26 PM
    I guess Italy's government failed to prepare for a pandemic, just like the United States. This is a failure of leadership, not of the medical community.


  37. The Rude Pundit @rudepundit

    “President Trump theorized - dangerously, in the view of some experts- about how sticking dynamite up your ass and lighting the fuse will kill the coronavirus.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. drumpf body count continues its precipitous climb...

    Last updated: April 24, 2020, 21:21 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    The virus is Trump's fault! anymoose finally speaks the truth. Alas, even a broken clock is right twice a day. anymoose needs to step up with facts moar often.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Again white scientists and doctors will save the world."
    Well maybe with a little help from some black doctors.....

    As COVID-19 continues to spread, we’ve seen its disproportionate effect on the black community. This has only further motivated a group of black doctors and scientists to work quickly on an effective treatment for the disease.

    NBC News reports that a group of doctors at Meharry Medical College, an HBCU in Nashville, Tenn., are working towards finding an antiviral treatment for COVID-19. Dr. Donald Alcindor has hopes that the treatment will be ready for testing in the next two weeks. A vaccine will be necessary to prevent the spread of the virus, but the antiviral treatment would focus on fighting the virus once a person has contracted it. Alcindor told NBC News the treatment would “intervene at the critical point in the virus’ (attack), eliminating its ability to reproduce viral proteins. The cycle would be terminated.”

  40. "She would have used her super-smart Scientists to keep the Kung Flu out of America, and no one would have died or lost their jobs."

    She definitely would not have disbanded the pandemic response team, kept the CDC at bay, used the pandemic tv coverage as a medium to express petty grievances and pushed untested drugs as a panacea. Leadership does matter and just like Gore would have handled the response to 9-11 better basically any adult living now or in the past or future would have handled this better than the angry orange clown.

  41. “The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

    In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

    A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

  42. An Atlanta police supervisor faces felony charges after being accused of hitting a fellow officer with her car and biting him, authorities said.

    Lt. Sharonne Annette Steed faces four charges after the Friday afternoon incident at a Wells Fargo bank at 3820 Camp Creek Parkway, Atlanta police spokesman Carlos Campos said.

    Steed approached the bank in her private vehicle while Officer Joel Paul Curtis Richardson was working an off-duty job assisting with traffic, Campos said in a news release. Steed is accused of refusing to comply with Richardson’s orders.

    She continued to ignore his orders and ended up hitting him with her car, the release said. Richardson tried to remove Steed from the vehicle, which is when she’s accused of biting his hand.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:05 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "You can take the African out of the jungle..."

    6:59 PM
    What is the point of this post? So two people disagreed and got violent. So what? There's nothing here that is worth posting.

  44. Last updated: April 25, 2020, 00:18 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf body count. Disgusting, innit?

  45. Anonymous8:27 PM

    "As COVID-19 continues to spread, we’ve seen its disproportionate effect on the black community"

    Why is this???

  46. Anonymous8:29 PM

    So you are assuming that this includes death from gun shot wounds, Car accidents, etc.? LMAO!

    12:02 PM

    Not assuming, THEY ARE!!

  47. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Chicago April 2020 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 47
    Shot & Wounded: 153
    Total Shot: 200
    Total Homicides: 50

  48. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Cook County Corona-O-Meter
    Illness Cases Deaths CFR*
    COVID-19 25,811 1142 4.42%
    Hi-Speed Lead 723 137 18.9%
    Thru 4/23/20

  49. "What is the point of this post?"

    Racists gonna racist. What fun would it be to post about Blah kids graduating from college or something, nah let's search the web for the most outrageous things and pretend that somehow represents all of us.


    Uh oh! Smoking Joe has the angry orange on the ropes.

  51. I am predicting by Monday evening drumpf body count will surpass the 58k that were killed in Viet Nam.

  52. Anonymous10:19 PM

    What is the point of this post?

    Did you miss the part where it said "Atlanta police supervisor"?

    So two people disagreed and got violent. So what?

    In what kind of fucked-up country does someone so totally unfit for the position become a police supervisor?  Or even a police officer, like uniformed murderer Mohamed Noor?

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:33 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "In what kind of fucked-up country does someone so totally unfit for the position become a police supervisor? Or even a police officer, like uniformed murderer Mohamed Noor?"

    10:19 PM
    well I guess it happens sometimes all over. For example the man Trummp made Cov19 coordinator is a dog breeder with no government experience. How did he get that position? My guess is that if you pore through the country's local new papers, you will find some examples of bad behavior by supervisors. And some will be white and some will be black.

    The bigger question is how did our once great country get to the point where an incompetent, lying con man who suggests drinking or injecting bleach to kill the COVID 19 virus was elected? president?

  54. Anonymous12:10 AM







  55. "In what kind of fucked-up country does someone so totally unfit for the position become a police supervisor?"


    This country where a totally inept reality tv show host becomes president!

  56. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Another chloroquine study, this time in Brazil, has been abandoned because the drug was killing COVID-19 patients, not curing them.

    That’s okay. Trump has moved on from chloroquine. He’s advising people to drink bleach now.

  57. Anonymous12:53 AM

    So two obvious niggas are plainly guilty of murder to obtain weed:

    Will any Fooled Negro namefags admit who's responsible for this?  It SAF ain't Whitey.


    Maybe this is why he won't release his tax returns?

  59. Hey anon 12:53. Have fun getting your shit deleted. Take that BS somewhere else, grown folks are trying to communicate here.

  60. "I could tell people to inject bleach but I still wouldn't lose the support of my base."

  61. I knew a junkie who said that he accidentally injected bleach once. Not enough to kill him, but he did taste it right away.

  62. Having grown up in Humboldt county I've known a few people who killed over weed, and all of them were white.
    Got a couple of good friends in shallow graves along the Eel river over it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Hollyweird doesnt care about you:

  64. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Another chloroquine study, this time in Brazil, has been abandoned because the drug was killing COVID-19 patients, not curing them.

    That’s okay. Trump has moved on from chloroquine. He’s advising people to drink bleach now.

    12:42 AM

    More fake news. The left is DESPARTE!!! They lost in 2016 for a reason and they are going to loose in 2020 and 2024+, people are tired of the socialist/communists bullshit.

  65. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "As COVID-19 continues to spread, we’ve seen its disproportionate effect on the black community"

    Why is this???

    8:27 PM

    No takers??? I wonder why!!

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:55 AM

    Anonymous said....

    More fake news. The left is DESPARTE!!! They lost in 2016 for a reason and they are going to loose in 2020 and 2024+, people are tired of the socialist/communists bullshit.

    9:41 AM
    Just what "socialist/communist bullshit are you tired of? Magical thinking will not help you or the Republicans Party. They and you have screwed up the country so bad it will take us Dems eight years to get it back to normal just like we had to after Bush left office.

    The left is not "DESPARTE!!!" The left is poised to sweep both houses of congress and the presidency in November. Most Americans are tired of right-wing policies and behavior especially by Trump and McConnell.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 AM

    Anonymous said....

    No takers??? I wonder why!!

    9:43 AM
    Then I will tell you why. The question you ask is inane. The answer is readily available by Googling the topic. The reasons for high mortality in the Black Community have been discussed repeatedly both on the internet and television. Do your own research.

  68. No takers??? I wonder why!!

    Blacks have less access to local health facilities and have more underlying health problems. Simple as that. Has nothing to do with anymoose's blatant racist views or black lifestyles, either.

  69. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Good afternoon all of you "TRUMPETEERS" Have you drank your Lysol and Bleach today?

  70. Anonymous11:42 AM

    If President Obama stood before a national audience and insinuated that drinking bleach and lysol
    would cure you of would have seen a mob of protestors calling for him to step down.

    ...and that's only the nice part of what would have happened to him. You all know exactly what I'm talking about.

  71. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Re: 10:19 PM

    The bigger question is how did our once great country get to the point where an incompetent, lying con man who suggests drinking or injecting bleach to kill the COVID 19 virus was elected? president?

    1) By encouraging racial discrimination and divisiveness.

    2) By making blue collar people believe that the coal mines would be re-opened
    (which are dangerous, polluting and burning coal is as antiquated as riding in horses and

    3) By taking away Obama care. Simply because a Black man thought to actually put it in place.
    Even though Obama care was actually put in place to keep middle class working class people without insurance from going bankrupt and losing their assets and homes if they incurred medical or hospital bills.

    4) By making people believe that illegal immigrants are taking American jobs.
    When in reality American whites never wanted to do these jobs in the first place.
    That's why they imported slaves from Africa.

  72. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Guys, stop being so hard on poor Trump. Drinking bleach will work! It will kill COVID-19! (It will kill the patient, too, but that’s a minor detail. Why be so picky?)

  73. Anonymous12:10 PM

    12:06 PM

    Good point

  74. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Now this is Classic.

    Now here's one for the American History Books:

    "President OF The United States Of America Encourages Citizens To Ingest Disinfectants Like Bleach And Lysol To Kill The Corona Virus!"

    And this is what you folks voted to put into office?

    If so, then I guess that means that anyone who voted for him will be drinking lysol and bleach if they get Corona Virus.

    The longer you all go on pretending that this is normal...the more vulnerable this country will become.

  75. Anonymous12:33 PM

    From Arlo Walker on Twitter:

    “Breaking News:
    President Trump issued a statement saying that he was being sarcastic when he said, ‘I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’”

  76. Anonymous12:47 PM

    First of all the cameras don't lie.......He wasn't being sarcastic at all.

    Second of all the cameras don't lie...He has allowed thousands of Americans die.

    Thirdly of all the cameras don't lie...

    Encouraging opening before it is safe is a slap in the face and an insult to all of the
    first responders police fire and medical staff and now military personal that put their lives on the line to try and save the lives of millions.

    Fourthly of all ...the cameras don't lie...
    So now he has the nerve to say that he was being sarcastic? What a lame lie


  77. drumpf body count opening bid for 4/25/20.....

    Last updated: April 25, 2020, 17:01 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  78. Every disaster movie starts with a scientist being ignored; but only stupid disaster movies have the President recommend injecting disinfectants.

    This year is badly written. I want my time and money back.

  79. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I is no surprise that Covid is hitting Black communities the hardest.

    First of all if Black men wear masks they are immediately suspected of being criminals.

    When Blacks complain of pain or discomfort they are not respected or taken seriously.
    They either have to be nearly dead or already dead to get the medical attention that they deserve.

    Many Blacks lack the education, articulation, money or generational wealth to simply STAY HOME.
    They make up a large part of the essential workers that are stuck in low paying jobs or jobs where they are paid "under the table" and only get paid when they show up. They are not offered insurance or sick leave. They are often exploited and taken advantage of by rich corporations that take advantage of them (and they don't have the backing of a union that will protect them from being EXPLOITED by their employers!!!)

    Even the blacks that are educated, articulate (meaning they speak well), and have private medical insurance through their employers aren't even taken seriously when the call and complain with covid symptoms.

    When Blacks with private health insurance visit their doctors and verified with a fever and covid symptoms they are given perscriptions for antibiotics and sent home. No prescription for testing.

    But when whites call their doctors all they have to say is the THINK they are experiencing COVID symptoms and their doctors initiate a prescription....right over the phone.

    Blacks are so used to being on welfare that they don't even realize that when they get a job that offers w private insurance that they are paying for from their weekly paychecks that they have a RIGHT to demand equal treatment from their private physicians.

    When you receive welfare insurance then you are limited to what the government says what they want you to have (which is usually not much). But when you have private insurance that you are paying for Blacks don't realize that they do have some measure of control over what you can demand or request from your PRIVATE doctor.

    These are just some of the many reasons why COVID hits minority communities the hardest.


  81. "Blacks are so used to being on welfare"

    Ok, you should have stopped writing that bull shit right there.

  82. You would think most people have better things to do with their time🙄

  83. Anonymous2:53 PM

    It’s not hard to figure out why black people are dying at higher rates from COVID-19.

    Black people disproportionately live in major metro areas, where concentrations of the virus are higher.

    Black people disproportionately work “essential” jobs, like grocery store clerk, bus driver, nurse, which expose them more to the virus.

    And if infected, black people are, on average, in worse health than people of other ethnic groups. They are statistically more likely to have pre-existing conditions that make one less able to survive COVID-19.

    Arguably, all of these factors trace back to racism, one way or another.

  84. Drinking bleach will kill the corona virus by killing the moron who drank the bleach.

    Geezing bleach is too stupid to even contemplate, but there was the motherfucking president of the United States on national TV suggesting that it be looked into.

    And dermatologists saw Fergus recommend UV light as a treastment and immediately went shopping on the websites of Mercedes and Maserati.

    Fortunately, according to the latest polling, even most Republicans aren't that stupid.

    More of them are than are Democrats, independents, or one eyed salamanders, but less than half of them want to die because Fergus says for them to die.

    And the other half just don't believe it's true, and won't believe it right up until their dying wheeze, which they will use to somehow blame it on black people and Democrats.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Atlanta teen allegedly killed by stepfather for not sheltering in place, police say
    By Tina Burnside and Leah Asmelash, CNN

    It began as a fight over a stay-at-home directive. By the end, a teenage boy was dead.
    a fire truck parked in front of a car: Atlanta police found 16-year-old De'onte Roberts shot Wednesday evening. © WSB Atlanta police found 16-year-old De'onte Roberts shot Wednesday evening.

    Atlanta police say they responded to a call of a person shot just after 8 p.m. Wednesday. When they arrived, they found 16-year-old De'onte Roberts gravely wounded.

    He had been shot in the chest during a domestic dispute with his stepfather, 42-year-old Bernie Hargrove, Atlanta Police Department spokesman Steve Avery told CNN.

    Roberts was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he died from his injuries.

    If you're not out protesting shit like this, can you REALLY claim "Black Lives Matter"?

  87. Anonymous4:32 PM

    “If you're not out protesting shit like this, can you REALLY claim ‘Black Lives Matter’?”

    How would protesting by activists help prevent child abuse? Are black stepdads with anger-control issues afraid of not getting reelected to the job of stepdad? Are they concerned that their stepdadding businesses may face boycotts?

    Oh wait, I forgot: This wasn’t a real suggestion. You’re just being racist again.

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:55 PM

    I suppose this beats killing over the last chicken wing.. said

    "If you're not out protesting shit like this, can you REALLY claim "Black Lives Matter"?

    3:48 PM
    Who made you the judge of anyone? Here are a few incidents that I don't see you protesting. BTW, the killer described in the first reference is a white man. Now go protest his behavior.

    Kentucky College Lecturer Charged With Murder of Missing Wife
    FEARED FOR HER LIFE Republicans in Wisconsin are responsible.

  89. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Black people disproportionately work “essential” jobs, like grocery store clerk, bus driver, nurse, which expose them more to the virus."

    Total bullshit.

  90. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good afternoon all of you "TRUMPETEERS" Have you drank your Lysol and Bleach today?

    11:31 AM

    Of course not, Trump was being sarcastic. Have you consumed your Purple Drank or your Lean???

  91. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Then I will tell you why. The question you ask is inane. The answer is readily available by Googling the topic. The reasons for high mortality in the Black Community have been discussed repeatedly both on the internet and television. Do your own research.

    11:00 AM

    Classic leftist dodging of the truth.

  92. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "As COVID-19 continues to spread, we’ve seen its disproportionate effect on the black community"

    Why is this???

    8:27 PM

    No takers??? I wonder why!!

    9:43 AM

    I'll answer this one. This is due to typical nigger behavior and lifestyle. Niggers do
    not obey laws, regulations, rules, sanitation, hygiene.

    They do not social distance or shelter in place.They do not wash their hands or their asses.The ghetto is basically a self cleaning oven.

  93. Anonymous5:21 PM

    The left is not "DESPARTE!!!" The left is poised to sweep both houses of congress and the presidency in November. Most Americans are tired of right-wing policies and behavior especially by Trump and McConnell.

    10:55 AM

    More DELUSIONAL talk. You were wrong in 2016 and are wrong in 2020. Get used to Trump being in office for the next 4 years and "others" in the future. WE are taking the country back........

  94. anymoose has been nipping the drain cleaner, again, I see. Meanwhile, drumpf's body count surpassed the 54k mark and climbing today. At this rate, 58k will be in drumpf's sights by late tomorrow (Sunday) and he will roar past it Monday as I predicted yesterday.

    Last updated: April 25, 2020, 21:32 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  95. "WE are taking the country back........"

    Nah bro, by all metrics the pendulum is swinging back the other direction. The governorship in Kentucky, the supreme court judge election in Wisconsin, the Democratic senate seat in Alabama (now that was insane) and the governorship in Kansas. There is nothing delusional about people seeing trump's incompetence and rethinking their choice. Of course he has the non-college educated white vote on lock but every other demographic is trending against him.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:10 PM

    Anonymous said....

    More DELUSIONAL talk. You were wrong in 2016 and are wrong in 2020. Get used to Trump being in office for the next 4 years and "others" in the future. WE are taking the country back........

    5:21 PM
    You are the one with delusions. The 2020 election will be nothing like the 2016 election. In that one Trump was able to fool many independent voters and some Democrats who didn't like Hillary Clinton. But now too many American voters are on to Trump. They know he's an incompetent, petty tyrant.

    And by the way, I wasn't wrong in 2016; I doubted Hilary could win from the minute she declared she was running. You need to get some new talking points.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:15 PM

    Anonymous said......

    They do not social distance or shelter in place.They do not wash their hands or their asses.The ghetto is basically a self cleaning oven.

    5:19 PM
    All your usual boring bull shit. Why do you bother to post here? You never contribute anything constructive to our conversations.

  98. Worthless bitch of a South Dakota wingnut guv has a personal tv studio installed in Capitol in Pierre so she can get hooked right into Fake Noize channel in new York and have them lavish her with praise for not shutting down Dakota.

    The studio is her private, tax payer funded escape to a fantasy land where no one dares criticize her skanky wasicu ass.

    Dumb bitch signed an executive order to allow large ani,al confinements to ignore EPA reds on water pollution, she claimed would help fight corona virus.

    She's a live wire of a liar.

  99. drumpfuck wants a 1000 cadets returned to West point corona virus hot spot to see him in person deliver graduation address.

  100. final death knell for today's body count....

    Last updated: April 26, 2020, 00:13 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:


    His poll numbers are falling so no surprise here.

  102. LeonT8:20 PM

    final death knell for today's body count....

    Is greater than the death toll in WWI, I believe.

    Heck of a job,Donny!

  103. If you're not out protesting shit like this, can you REALLY claim "Black Lives Matter"?

    Yes I can.

  104. Flashback Quote of the Day

    April 25, 2020 at 1:12 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 78 Comments

    “The fact that there are warnings like ‘Do not drink’ on bottles of bleach makes me realize that Donald Trump can become president.”

    — Ricky Gervais, on Twitter, March 6, 2016.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  105. Anonymous11:22 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:50 AM

    BIDEN:HARRIS!! 2020

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:15 PM

    Although it's still a few months until the 2020 election the political landscape is looking quite good for Democrats to take back the senate. Eight seats could be in play: AZ, CO, GA, IA, KS, KY, ME, MT. Some are longer shots than others, but the Republicans will have to spend a great deal of money to defend them all. And remember the operative word here is "could."

    Taegan has an article up this morning:

    The comment section is buzzing with opinions from around the country and is worth a look. I would greatly appreciate hearing additional opinions. (and if you are a right winger, please skip the insults. They are so tiresome.)

  108. Kentucky is within a few points and Montana is a dead heat. I gotta send those two candidates a few dollars. That's the beauty of living in a solid blue state, we can help other places.


    Guess the party!


    Since "his" economy is shot he's going for the old bigot playbook.

  111. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    BIDEN:HARRIS!! 2020

    11:50 AM

    You were wrong in 2016 you are wrong again in 2020.


  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    BIDEN:HARRIS!! 2020
    11:50 AM

    You were wrong in 2016 you are wrong again in 2020.
    5:52 PM
    Nope, you are wrong as usual. I did not expect Hillary to win in 2016. Too many people disliked her. Most people like Joe, and given the alternative of four more years of childish tantrums and leaderless governance, I think Joe will win it.

  114. "You were wrong in 2016 you are wrong again in 2020."

    You were wrong in 2012 and are wrong again. Romney in a landslide huh? Ha!

  115. "given the alternative of four more years of childish tantrums and leaderless governance"

    And the fact seniors are scared and so are suburban women. He needs them to win and if he loses ANY part of the electorate beyond his base he's in trouble. He won Michigan by 10,000 votes so that can easily swing to Joe who like you stated is more liked than Hillary.

  116. Anonymous6:07 PM

    The left is ALWAYS wrong about Trump.

  117. This is his Katrina. He lost too many people because the Emporer has been shown to be naked.

  118. Well, he has the fat, ignorant, angry vote that binges on tv and fast food sewed up. President Archie Bunker.

  119. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:37 PM

    PilitX said....
    Soooooooooooooooooooooo, are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?

    6:28 PM
    Maybe the Trump supporters are better off, but I'm not. Four years ago I could go to a concert, go dancing, spend my money for things besides food banks to help hungry Americans, and go mask free wherever I wanted to. Also I could fly to see the relatives that I love.

    Now I spend most of my time at home reading and blogging here.

  121. "Now I spend most of my time at home reading and blogging here."

    Well, you can always go to the state capitol with your assault rifle and demand your freedumb.

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  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:42 AM

    PilotX said...

    "Now I spend most of my time at home reading and blogging here."

    Well, you can always go to the state capitol with your assault rifle and demand your freedumb.

    4:13 AM
    LOL! I don't think that would go well here in California. (Thank God).
